Sunday, July 18, 2010

Palin tweets that she is this generation's William Shakespeare. Ungodly spinning heard coming from Holy Trinity Church.

Sarah Palin has decided that she is not simply an uneducated moron who cannot properly speak her native tongue.  No instead she imagines that she is the great Bard himself, born anew and creating a brand new language through mangled syntax and careless mispronunciations.

Tweeted the twit:

"Refudiate," "misunderestimate," "wee-wee'd up." English is a living language. Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it!

Somebody needs to explain to this imbecile that just because she never admits that she is wrong, it does NOT actually mean that she is never wrong.

Of course perhaps in his time Shakespeare experienced and understood creatures like Sarah Palin, for did he not once write the following?

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."


  1. Ratfish2:34 PM

    She gets the new words from the palm of her hand- direct messages from the Lord!

    This is so typical Sarah- just like when she got caught with crib notes on her palm, she will never ever say she created a new word or misspoke, or whatever.

    And if the English is a "living" language, the Constitution is a living document. Just ask Thomas Jefferson.

  2. Ratfish2:35 PM

    Sarah Palin- The Bard of Wasilla.


  3. Anonymous2:36 PM


  4. She definitely has mental issues...

  5. MadCityKaren2:41 PM

    Coining new words ... I'm fine with that. But I do wonder what the definition of "refudiate" is then. (It's like "repudiate" but spelled differently?)

  6. Oh, no she didn't...

  7. Me thinks she doth speak too much!

  8. Me thinks she doth speaks too much!

  9. Anonymous2:54 PM

    This is OT, but it does follow up on a previous thread where the GOP held a 75% approval rating for Palin. Please read this article to restore your sense balance; Palin would end up being a gift to Obama's reelection. She is too polarizing for the GOP to let her run:

  10. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Sarah, Shakespeare was smart, you're not

  11. Anonymous2:59 PM

    If "refudiate" is an example of something that was written on Sarah's hands, then she really has to do something about her palms sweating. That is making the letters run and get all mixed up. Maybe she had stuff written on both hands, and she clapped them together, mixing up refute and repudiate. It happens all the time. It has been happening for ions of time, ever since the mandations of man. With Sarah, it is purely gutteral.

    That, or Trig and Piper have been playing with Sarah's blackberry again.

  12. Anonymous2:59 PM

    It was a bad dosage of meds-day today for Sister Sarah.

  13. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Another sign that the woman couldn't lead. Can't admit a mistake, can't admit a fault. Imagine what she'd do as a President Palin(God forbid) if she referred to Iran President Ahmadinejad as President I'm a dinner jacket? And his staff asked her for an apology? She'd probably turn the blame on them for makin' up such funny names in Ey-ran there.

  14. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I'm anxiously awaiting the day this shrew is tamed.

    Shakespeare = wordsmith

    Palin = word salad

  15. refudiated wee wee3:10 PM

    She so makes me want to send her a big fat check. I guess she showed you librul eleets!

  16. Anonymous3:13 PM

    She is such a fucking retard.

  17. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Agree with Steph. Lee

  18. Julie3:21 PM

    I once attended a science lecture where the professor was being heckled. He looked with kind disdain at the person, sighed, and said "That's so stupid, it isn't even wrong." Then he continued as if nothing had happened.

    My new bumper sticker: Sarah Palin. So stupid, she isn't even wrong!

    I think I'll get some tee shirts printed up too.....

  19. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I'm with Palin. We need to embrace language artisans like Shakespeare, Palin, and...


  20. Pat in MA3:29 PM

    No Sarah, we do NOT have to celebrate stupidity. In fact, the dumbing down of America is a big problem. Ok, so maybe you confused refute and repudiate, but because you NEVER admit any mistake, and try to act as if you know better than anyone else on the planet, it becomes news. Have you NO HUMILITY? And now you are Shakespeare? Someone, anyone, PLEASE stop this insufferable woman!!!

  21. WakeUpAmerica3:41 PM

    Good idea! SARAH, I REFUDIATE YOU (whatever the hell that means) AND WHATNOT!! Furthermore, Sarah, you're an ignoranus.

    You betcha!

  22. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Eye rite good two. Eye genus lik Sarah.

  23. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Stupid is as stupid does and stupid does stupid daily.

  24. My goodness that woman is an idiot!
    Please save the rest of the world from Quittypants...keep her in the US...we don't want her to cross any borders, especially Canada's. (yes, I know she was in Canada but we've done our bit, now she's all yours America!)

  25. Sarah has been taken apart on twitter. After her Shakespeare tweet, twitter lit up and the dominionist was completely torn up for her crazy tweet. She is a joke

  26. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Palin wins again in distraction. Her original "refudiate" tweet is a revolting example of religious hatred, but the tweet-sphere is rocking itself to sleep on the image of Palin as the Bard.

    Palin wants no mosque near Ground Zero in NYC. Presumably, many Muslims live near the proposed new mosque. They, GASP, probably walk by Ground Zero daily. They probably sit around reading ARABIC! After Arizona gets the US supreme court straighten out on the illegal alien thingy, the hate groups with Palin in the forefront can work out a no-Muslim zone for Manhattan.

    Palin will grow in hatred until she is stopped.

  27. Jah man I+I thwittafarian Creation is in the eye of the lord. She must be blessed with the lambs breath.

  28. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I can only say, "This woman is an idiot"

  29. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Steph said "She definitely has mental issues..."

    May I add, she's had them for 'ions'

  30. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Q: Isnt "uneducated moron who cannot properly speak her native tongue" a little over-the-top insulting to a nearly respected former Alaska semi-governor and silver medal winner in the 2008 Vice Presidential candidate?

    A: Nah! If the high heels fit, wear 'em!

  31. Anonymous4:45 PM

    So none of her assistants told her that refudiate isn't a word, they looked the other way when she said it in last weeks Hannity interview? then she uses it today and proudly tells us she made up a new word? clusterfork!

  32. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "Thou cream-faced loon. Where got'st that goose look?"
    "Out, you baggage! You tallow face!"
    -Romeo and Juliet
    " dull as night."
    -The Merchant of Venice
    Major H/T to BlueBanchee for sending me Shakespear Insult magnets in a swap. i owe her the whole hat. Felt it was my duty to post, one more

    "There is not ugly a fiendof hell as thou shalt be..."
    -King John

    peace, love & all the rest

  33. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Hee, hee--she is such a joke, on every level.

    But, seriously, wordsmiths and thinking folks in general coin new words on purpose, for a reason, and for effect; they do NOT misspeak, misuse, nor miswrite (now there's a mostly accepted neologism) out of ignorance, as $P obviously does.

    Here's another "gotcha" example of the "word butcher" at work:

    Hey, Palin: Stop making stuff up...and stop butchering the English language (which we rill 'Murikans rilly rilly value)!

  34. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Stupid ass bitch!

  35. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I decided to look up some of the many new words that Shakespeare invented. Here are some that might be used in a sentence with the words "Sarah Palin."
    bump (sorry, it's not bumpit)

  36. Anonymous5:03 PM

    ...make that BlueBanshee..sorry...
    here's one more of Shakespeare's slap downs..
    "Your breath first kindled the dead coals of wars.."
    ~ King John


  37. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Her Shakespeare tweet pales in comparison to her tweets about a mosque at ground zero:

  38. I think I am going to compile Scarah's tweets into a book using the proceeds to funding education schlorarships.

    Sigh, Palin just dragged Shakespere down to her level demonstrating her true colors again.

    If english is a living language why is Palin driven to murder it?

  39. Anonymous5:18 PM

    She should compare herself to what she really is; A little old lady who lives in a shoe, Who has so many kids she don't know what to do, And she can't take care of a damn one of them.

  40. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I look forward to reading all of the plays that Sarah Palin, playwright, pens. If she's Shakespeare, where are her plays and sonnets? Does she know anything?

  41. Anonymous5:22 PM

    This woman is truly and definitely an idiot.

    What makes that even scarier is that some people scattered around the globe actually believe her!!

  42. Diane5:22 PM

    Ok, I believe Sarah just recently used "refudiate" two times - first, last week on Hannity when she stated that President and First Lady Obama should refudiate the NAACP's claim that the Tea Party is racist and then again in a tweet that was deleted and re-tweeted replacing refudiate with a real word, refute. Am I right? If I am, It seems that she would have had the sense, the "common sense" that she keeps talking about, to not repeat the same idiotic, nonsensical word twice in the same week, month, year, lifetime? The woman clearly is an idiot. Thank you. And if everybody talked and acted like she does, we would not only live in a dog-eat-dog world, our made-up "words" would end communication as we know it.

  43. Anonymous5:23 PM

    It took five colleges for her to create that word.

  44. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Great, now we're going to have to hear her joke (and I use the term loosely) about making up new words ad naseaum just as she did when she was caught writing on her hand.

    I know he's a dolt, but how in the world has Todd been able to stand dealing with her all these years? I guess that explains why he spend so much time on the slope. And when he wasn't on the slope, he was on the roof.

  45. Anonymous5:29 PM

    @ anonymous 4:03 PM

    You're absolutely right that Palin's tweets about the Muslim Center in NYC are an ugly message. In fact, those tweets are a clarion call for divisiveness and bigotry, and are ramped up emotionally by her violent metaphorical visuals of Muslims "stabbing the hearts" of the "heartland" (her group of Real Americans).

    However, I disagree that she wins by distraction on this issue. Yes, her ignorant tweet garnered her more public attention and mocking, but the ugliness of her true message got more attention at the same time.

    The only people she's really fooling are the media (and herself) who haven't quite caught on yet that the majority of people dislike Palin and what she stands for. The media and internet traffic she generates is heavily skewed toward the activity of her critics, not her fans.

    Laugh at her ignorance. Criticize her bigoted intolerance and divisive rhetoric. Both of these actions ultimately work together to discredit this abortion of a politician.

  46. Anonymous5:43 PM

    There are no words.... OMG....she really can't be serious can she????

  47. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Just when you think that people might run out of Sarah Palin jokes, she goes and refudiates that line of thought. Please follow the link to Daily Kos, read the diary and all of the funny comments. Take that, 75% approval rating. That woman is an idiot!

  48. angela6:04 PM

    There's really nothing left to say about this moronic woman that hasn't already been said.
    She's always wrong.
    Always illiterate.
    Always ignorant.
    Always racist.
    Always bullheadedly clueless.
    And most of all she is a curse upon basic intelligence.

  49. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Sarah, please don't "drunk tweet!" Remember, what you put out there, once you hit 'send,' is there FOREVER. I'm actually sending this on my way to Stratford-Upon-Avon. You are a knotty-pated, pernicious, muddy-mettled, clay-brained, hellish, perfidious, foining strumpet - according to my Shakespeare insult generator.

  50. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Ok, she's a pit bull (that wears cosmetics), a grizzly bear, a pink elephant, Ronald Reagan, Shakespeare... did I leave anything out? She suffering from an identity crisis.

    Palinbot @2:35, the POTUS mispronounced "corpsman" he didn't make up the work "Corpseman". There's a difference but you wouldn't know that.

  51. womanwithsardinecan6:52 PM

    She used the word "refute" incorrectly in her "corrected" tweet. Repudiate would have been the correct word for her divisive ignorant tweet. And yes, now she will add refudiate to her hand and her overused and wasn't funny "joke" will just get more annoying.
    For those of you who appreciate the liveliness of the English language but do have standards (unlike the brainless bard), I highly recommend a book called "Origin of the Specious." It's a wonderfully humorous trip through the history of our language. Sarah wouldn't get it.

  52. Linda Arizona6:56 PM

    ...And, from my Shakespeare coffee mug quotes:

    "O gull, O dolt, as ignorant as dirt, false of heart..., highly fed and lowly taught, mountain of mad flesh, not so much brain as ear wax---thou art a boil, a plague sore, a bolting hutch of beastliness, a beetle-headed flap-ear'd knave," and your husband is a "poisonous bunch-back'd toad."

    "I do desire we may be better strangers."

  53. Anonymous7:03 PM

    She is such a pathetic role model. Regarding the proposed mosque, Palin should mind her own damn business. Hasn't she learned Anything since 9/11?
    Muslim does not = terrorist!
    This lifelong NY Jew - who lives one subway ride away from the WTC site - would welcome a mosque at Ground Zero - everyone in this diverse city has the right to practice their religion - Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Christianity, Sikhism, Confucianism, Judaism, Taoism, Wicca - any religion.
    She should stick her racist nose out of our business. Unlike Palin's fantasy world - made up of caucasian mama grizzly's - we pride ourselves on our ability to live side-by-side with people of every race and religion, with little strife.
    Refudiate that Palin. You're a moron.

  54. Hahaha! Well, it does appear that Madam An-Coin-ette has indeed succeeded. A quick Google:

    About 11,400 results (0.18 seconds)

    Of course, 11,398 are lambasting her (not as in "basting lamb") for her buffoonery - but hey!

  55. Anonymous7:09 PM

    An intelligent person would realize their mistake and try not to repeat it. Sarah doubles down on stupid. She will never admit that she is wrong because she believes it will make her look weak. She would prefer to be a powerful idiot.

  56. We need a national mandation to refudiate Sarah.

  57. Anonymous7:25 PM

    What an IDIOT!

  58. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Shakespeare is a POET not a "coiner" of words. In any case, Shakespeare is not known for his neologisms which are--what? Exactly. He is read and remembered for good writing, beauty of language and wit!

  59. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Sarah Palin....Much Ado About Nothing!


  60. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Does the bitch even KNOW who William Shakespeare was? Or what he is remembered for?


    But then there were several wack-jobs in Shakespeare's work...perhaps she REALLY thinks he was WRITING about HER!

  61. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Anyone else remember Levi saying in an interview that the kids would laugh at Stupid because she would say things that didn't make sense?

    Now she gets to share that 'unique' talent with the world.

    Stupid Sarah, still f'in crazy after all these years. Am I alone in feeling like it's been more than two years since she came on the lower 48 scene?

  62. Anonymous7:53 PM

    What an absolute idiot! Coining words? Refudiating? Why does this woman even think she is capable of being POTUS. I bet even her staunchest supporters are saying OY!

    You can't make this stuff up. I know everyone is focusing on the ridiculous Shakespeare reference, but to me the worst part of it all is that is was veiled (thinly) racism. She did this after all the NAACP kerfuffle.

    That woman is an idiot! (Thanks KO!) :)

  63. Snowing in Alaska8:03 PM

    As usual, she's trying to deflect and confuse. She didn't coin any new words (bet she had to look that one up!) - she abused existing words because she's too stupid to have a real vocabulary.

    Snakes aren't really very good with words, it's just not her thing. Now hissing and slithering - that's her thing!

  64. Anonymous8:19 PM

    And there are actually people out there anxious to vote for this numbskull! Unimaginable but true.

    If ever there was a need for a poster child for the "dumbing down of America" she wins in a heartbeat.

  65. Ratfish8:22 PM

    Palin said the other day that there is no racism in the tea perty.


    Tea party leader expelled over slavery letter


    Refudiate that, Palin, if you are not wee-wee'd up, or too busy making sure Bristol and Levi are practicing "abstinency thingy."

    The tweet silence is deafening, after:


    Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn’t it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate

    Er, I mean:

    Peaceful New Yorkers, pls refute the Ground Zero mosque plan if you believe catastrophic pain caused @ Twin Towers site is too raw, too real

    No, no, I really mean this:

    Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing

    And she has a degree (?) in journalism!!

    Doesn't she?

    Read more:

  66. Anonymous8:31 PM

    This woman gets uglier and uglier every day....both inside and out.

    At least folks in the lower 48 are finally getting it. She is not what Alaska wants as a resident and is not what the nation needs.

    I feel so sorry for her kids (not to include Todd - he has known what he has for many years).

    Can you imagine what it must be like to have to claim her as their mother?

  67. Refudiate?

    Refuse to repudiate?


    You miss underestimating and hope it will come back next season?

    We-we'd up?

    Because it's all about *me* but I've moved on to the royal *WE*?

    I think we should start a Palin dictionary.

    And the Folksy pic can be the cover art.

  68. Anonymous8:42 PM

    She is a disgrace to Alaska as well as the United States of America!

  69. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Im assuming from her other Tweets about climbing Denali that Sarah and Todd are busy working on her "reality" show?

  70. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Does this mean that she wants to remove freedom of religion from the Constitution?

  71. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Sarah, I don't hear you refudiating the racist comments made by your beloved Tea Party Express. Where's the outrage???

  72. Anonymous10:18 PM

    She is not well in the head and from what I have found in my investigation, she never was.

  73. Anonymous10:22 PM

    How many times has Sarah Palin visited Ground Zero? The Pentagon or the farm field in Pennsylvania? How many times has she mentioned the people who died on September 11? Sarah never fails to mention our military, but I don't seem to recall her acknowledging the first responders who are never paid enough to keep our streets safe, rush people to the hospital and put out fires. They died bravely trying to save others.

    And while we are on the subject of remembering September 11, Gryphen, you need to put up a picture of the other public figure who abused the English language, George W. Bush. I'm thinking of the picture of him, sitting for 7 minutes with My Pet Goat instead of responding immediately to a crisis.

    In case no one has mentioned it, GWB was on vacation for the full month of August, ignoring the Presidential Daily Briefing that warned of an impending Al Qaeda attack. Oh, I know, it didn't give an exact time or date, but the World Trade Center had been attacked once before. Airport security was lax. Several of the 9/11 terrorists had entered the country legally and overstayed their visas. The FBI did not respond to the warning about a pilot who didn't care to learn about taking off or landing, just flying into something.

    Someone in Sarah's advisory council figured out that Rudy Guiliani kept mentioning 9/11 and it might be a good idea for Sarah to work it into her tweets or face book. I predict that this coming September, Sarah will suddenly remember all of the people that she forgot to remember for the past nine years.

  74. Anonymous11:31 PM


  75. go figure11:47 PM

    8:49 PM
    It is hard to tell what is reality with Palin. She was busy tweeting support for new candidates and she got riled up over the NAACP but was busy, probably scaling mountains for the TV crew.
    By late Saturday July 13th she tweeted that she and Todd were climbing Denali 12:30 AM Jul 14th Sunday
    Monday morning there were two Facebook notes (before climbing?):
    Monday, July 12, 2010 at 9:30am Handel in Georgia
    July 12 at 9:23am ·Ann Marie Buerkle for New York’s 25th District
    She didn't post any more Facebook notes after she posted the Mama Grizzly video on July 7 at 11:00pm until her July 12th posts.
    Todd was back in Wasilla by July 14th when Ben Barber stopped by. July 14, 2010 Barber was in Wasilla with the family (Track and Todd) when they first found out the couple had reunited.

  76. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Okay, I don't get the Wee Wee'd Up word/phrase, what does it mean? bt

  77. Anonymous12:58 AM

    She has got to be the most stupid, immature 46 year old women in America.

  78. Buffalo, NY2:15 AM

    I found out the truth about Sarah's 'boob job' - it was the "Wine Rack" !! (picture at website)


    Nice wine rack.

    Gals who want their cups to runneth over can now sip on the sly, thanks to a sports bra that disguises some whopping jugs.

    A New Jersey company that specializes in wacky gifts is selling the Wine Rack, an assets-enhancing piece of polyurethane that allows thirsty ladies to nurse their drinks.

    "You won't find this at Victoria's Secret," boasted Paul Krasulja of, whose Web site also sells toilet-shaped coffee mugs, a remote control fart machine and edible G-strings.

    Equipped with a drinking tube that's connected to the right cup, the sports bra holds up to 25 ounces of a beverage while giving ladies a plastic surgery-like lift of up to two sizes.

    "It's not like one boob fills up and the other goes flat," Krasulja said. "I made my girlfriend put it on, and she looked good."

    Ranging in size from the petite 32A to the amply endowed 38C, the Wine Rack would be a fit for either the Keira Knightley or Kim Kardashian set.

    Krasulja touted the sports bra as a recession-friendly way to drink, offering women a sneaky method for combating high-priced drinks at sporting events. He said security guards aren't about to get hands-on, even with a well-endowed woman.

    "You grab a woman there, fuggeddaboutit," he said. "But even if you put your hand on it, it would feel like a boob."

    The Wine Bra sells for $29.95.

    "I don't consider it fine lingerie," Krasulja said. "But it is a good-looking piece."

    Read more:

  79. Here's another great quote for Sarah:
    “Give thy thoughts no tongue.”

  80. Anonymous3:51 AM

    I love how one tiny thing spoken from a private citizen (whose twitter and facebook you don't have to read/follow) stirs so much hatred in you all. What, did everyone here have shitty childhoods?

  81. Anon 7:09-You made an excellent point that Palin believes it is a weakness to admit to a mistake. She is incapable of making any corrections, learning and positive change. Palin lacks the trait of humility unable to be human resulting that she humilates and blame shifts to other people her errs and projects to defend her perfection delusional this is power. She has mental health issues.

    Although we knew the frequency of her disregard for truth and habitual making things up, we can now add to the list she makes up words and will boast she is a literary genius.

    She is a weak person, unethical, amoral, unprincipaled, lacks any personal accountability, is revengeful, antagonistic, divisive, falsely alleges she is being "attacked" when held accountable and a habitual liar.

    When found guilty of a mistake or ethics violation Palin uses the media to announce she was found not guilty then projects other people are "making things up". She indeed has a pathalogical personality.

  82. Anonymous5:47 AM

    She really have never heard of a 'mea clupa'.

    She probably thinks that is an STD.

  83. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Andy Borowitz said, "Sarah Palin said refudiate is definately a word. Look it up in the fictionary."

  84. GrainneKathleen6:22 AM

    let's see, what is sarah's favorite shakesperean play?...
    taming of the shrew?
    much ado about nothing?
    the comedy of errors?
    a midsummer night's nightmare?
    levi-eo and bristolette?
    also, too
    or has she ever read any of the bard's work? my bet is no.

  85. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I loved this comment on the Huffington post about this controversy:
    "Palin is the poster child for American dysfunction: narcissistic, ignorant, ill-mannered, mean spirited and hypocritical all balled up into one ugly package"
    Many other descriptive adjectives were added by other bloggers.

  86. Anonymous6:52 AM

    "I love how one tiny thing spoken from a private citizen (whose twitter and facebook you don't have to read/follow) stirs so much hatred in you all. What, did everyone here have shitty childhoods?"

    Since Anonymous YOU "... don't have to read/follow..." IM's blog, I now refudiate YOU.

    If you have any response to my comment, do tell exactly how "tiny" a "thing" you are now, in your refudiated status. Please be specific.

    Lovely life here; and you?


  87. Anonymous7:45 AM

    "I love how one tiny thing spoken from a private citizen (whose twitter and facebook you don't have to read/follow) stirs so much hatred in you all. What, did everyone here have shitty childhoods?

    3:51 AM"

    3:51 AM - I take it you support racism? Reading comprehension not your strong suit? Or are Palin's tweets too long for you?

  88. Anonymous7:55 AM

    six monkeys on six typewriters for six minutes can type a palin speech.

    a bit shakespearean?

  89. I am still constantly amazed at how thin $arah's skin is. Seriously. She needs to STFU. When one responds to tiny things like this, one has lost all sense of reality.

    I am at the point of hoping she does run in the primaries in 2012. She won't have layers of people to block her from media or to clean up her messes. She will be her own political boss, and the meltdowns will be legendary.

    A normal person looking to run for office in the future would get it together, buckle down and study and ignore everything except the massive things that have to be addressed. But $arah is just too narcissistic to do so. She can't help herself. I know 5 year olds with better impulse control than $arah.

    The best thing for America would be for Palin to just disappear (palinbots, I don't mean anything malicious in that; no "threats" are implied there). To have Palin disappear from the political and entertainment realms would be a blessing.

  90. Pat in MA12:09 PM

    @3:51 AM, actually I had quite a good childhood thank you. I was blissfully unaware of the many sacrifices my parents made to make it so until I was much older. One of the biggest things stressed when I was growing up was the importance of EDUCATION. I was raised to be respectful and tolerant with the exceptions of HYPOCRISY and IGNORANCE, which Sarah Palin has an overabundance of. Sure everyone jumps on her mangled words, but the REAL problem is her RACIST remarks.

  91. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Juan Cole's intelligent comments:

  92. Anne In DC4:06 PM

    It's easy to laugh and sneer at the unmitigated stupidity and arrogance of this middle school girl in a 46-year-old body. But the anti-intellectualism, hatred, and bigotry she personifies are no laughing matter.

    First, she calls herself a pit bull in lipstick, then a grizzly mama, next a pink elephant, and now compares herself to Shakespeare of all people. She is not only staggeringly stupid, but she has an apparent identity crisis. But one thing IS consistent. Her victim persona exists right along with these other entities. Shakespeare was a man of verse, while the term word salad was invented to describe Palin's speech pattern.

    Along with her legendary ignorance and maliciousness, she is thin-skinned, lacking in the humility that humanizes all of us, and also lacking in the self-awareness that would induce her to address her many shortcomings.

    If she does decide to run, I want to see her trounced and effectively discredited, so that we don't have to hear about her after 2012.

  93. Anonymous5:01 PM

    What light through yonder window breaks?
    Tis Russia. I can see it from here.

  94. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Maybe someone has said this already (I can't read through 97 comments, sorry), but she not only places herself in the company of Shakespeare, but also in the company of two presidents (GW Bush said "misunderestimate" and Pres. Obama said "wee wee'd up").

  95. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Anne In DC said... well said!!! Fanned!!!

  96. GrainneKathleen6:31 AM

    Come, you patriots and prayer warriors
    That tend on all my thoughts, hypersex me here,
    Also, too fill me from the bumpit to the tips of my naughty monkeys
    Full of direst cruelty! make thick my alskan blood;
    Stop up the access and passage to remorse,
    That no refudiatory visitings of nature
    Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between
    libruls, pajama clad bloggers, Obama and me!
    Come to my pumped up woman's breasts,
    And take my milk for gall (cuz mama grizzlies don't like feedin' no pesky babies),
    you murdering patriots and prayer warriors,
    Wherever in your sightless substances
    You wait on my mischief! Come, thick night, you betcha!
    And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,
    That my keen facebook and/or twitter posts see not the wound they make,
    Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark,
    To cry "Refudiate, refudiate!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.