Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rachel Maddow describes the complicated issue of the Afghanistan war and even weighs in on Sarah Palin.

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I have decided that when I want to really understand an issue I will simply  turn to Rachel Maddow.

Over and over again she has demonstrated herself to be the most trustworthy, and consistently accurate, source of news in this country. 

She was so far ahead of the curve when it came to how the BP oil spill situation would play out that it almost made her seem clairvoyant. When in fact she was just doing her research and telling her audience the information that other, more timid, pundits were too intimidated to share.

And by the way, I have said it before but it bears repeating, I would LOVE to see Rachel interview Sarah Palin.  I have little doubt that it would be the highlight of my month, if not my year!

However as we all know, Palin is much, much too big of a coward to EVER dare set foot in Rachel's studio.

Yes Sarah, I called you a coward.  Go ahead prove me wrong, I dare you.


  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Rachel Maddow for president! She could run on the Republican ticket against Ms. Sarah in the primaries. Now that would be fun. Oh well, me in my fantasy land.

  2. craigtamy12:17 PM

    Oh my goodness, I was just telling my husband the other day how much I would love to see SP on RM!. Would that not be the a** kicking of the century. You are right though, she would never, EVER go on RM. She even has her butt kicked by Bill O, who is half the journalist Rachel is and I'm being very conservative with that analogy.

  3. craigtamy12:18 PM

    Actually, I meant very generous with my analogy of Bill O. OOPS.

  4. Anonymous12:22 PM

    sarah on rachel's show,, what a hoot!

    bill in belize

  5. Anonymous12:43 PM

    SP could not answer Katie Couric question.
    Sarah Palin Can't Name a Newspaper She Reads

    No way SP would go on Rachel Maddow show.
    SP can`t answer the hard question.
    SP talking point will not cut it on Rachel Maddow show.

  6. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Oh heavens! I think a Maddow/Palin interview would be the highlight of a lifetime!

  7. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I agree!! C'mon, Sarah! It's clear that you want to be taken seriously as a real politician, instead of as the opportunistic media attention hog that you've proven yourself to be. In order to do that, you'll have to put your money where your mouth is, and have the guts to face the REAL press. You're never going to go any further without doing so.

  8. Lynne1:09 PM

    Rachel would slaughter Palin and do it with the most charming smile.

  9. emrysa1:22 PM

    yeah, keep dreaming, people.

    the way it looks now I doubt that ANY of the republican candidates would go on rachel's show. she knows infinitely way more than they do and it will show. they'll all end up looking like they didn't get past jr. high.

  10. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I just love Rachel. She is smart, funny and sensible. She would eviscerate Sarah. Every time she mentions the rumors about Trig's birth, she smirks and hesitates just enough that I'm SURE she KNOWS the story is off.

    Rachel KNOWS and so do a LOT of other people. IF Stupid decides to run for President, she will make Mitt Romney look fantastic as an alternative.

  11. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I was so impressed with the comments on the last post. So many people wrote long, thoughtful essays. Gryphen, you really sparked a good discussion.

    I want to add a thought about Sarah's image of the grizzly bear, or any bear for that matter. While our economy is in retreat, bears (who hibernate) are not a good image for recovery. What we need is a charging bull market. But then, Sarah knows as much about the economy as she does on all of the other important topics of the day.

    I would like to add my vote for Rachel. What a smart woman, and she makes the information accessible to her listeners (viewers). Rather than talk down to them, she wants to inform them and bring them into the conversation. I think that we should start a movement on the internet, Sarah Palin is afraid to appear on Rachel Maddow's show. By now she can mention one book that she read, "Going Rogue." Well, she must have read parts of the book, anyway.

  12. krbmjb051:49 PM

    I think Rachel should tell Quitty Queen that SHE will go to Wasilly and meet her at the Wasilla "Whacks" museum and talk to her there!

    We would have to label the smackdown Rachel plants on Quitty "The Thrilla in Wasilla"!!

  13. Actually, Rachael Maddow DID invite Sarah to come on the show.
    RM asked out loud, on her MSNBC show, after SP said some mean, nasty (typical) spew about Rachael.

    Rachael said (paraphrasing):
    "Sarah, it seems to me that instead of talking ABOUT me, it would be better to come on the show and talk directly TO me."

    Then Rachael said "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon......" to the melodic cant of "here kitty kitty kitty...."

  14. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I wouldn't want to soil RM's show by having her entertain the Palin Clown.

  15. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Yes Sarah, go for it. Show us what you are made of — you who "never blinks."

  16. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Inception -- good comments about
    CEO of BP, Cheney and PALIN!!

  17. she's a fraud2:28 PM

    OF COURSE Sarah Palin is a coward!

    Palin couldn't even handle pesky pajama-clad bloggers and ankle-biters and quit as governor as a result.

    Palin was the first VP candidate in modern history to NEVER have a press conference or even do a Sunday morning political chat show.

    Sarah Palin is a COMPLETE FRAUD and COWARD.

  18. Where can I go to call Sarah a coward? Please, oh please, tell me and I'll do it now (By the way, I'm the mother of seven and have a bachelor's in philosophy. Bring it on, Mama Grizzly.)

  19. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I don't like RM using the argument that the GOP is bad for women, esp considering her reasons. (Come on, we are past the 60s). First off, the source of this criticism of Bob McC is a PhD paper from his college days. Whether we believe his ideas remain unchanged doesn't matter: he can reasonably claim that they have. If that's her big ammo, I don't buy it and it makes RM's argument weak.

    The point RM should have made is that Palin is attempting to coopt the real work of real women who have come before her. RM should have driven home the point that Palin is portraying herself as the catalyst for all this woman power. RM should have shown this to be pink elephant magical thinking and demonstrated this by naming all the scores of women who have been running for and/or holding, public office over the last 20 years at least.

    Also, too...Palin makes a complete arse of herself on Billo's show and there's nary a word on the Huffpo.

    I've even forced myself to go to her "big page" and nada.

    Is that weird?

  20. Anonymous3:19 PM

    My highly skeptical spouse has discovered Rachel. Even the skeptic loves her. What an intelligent person!

  21. mommom5:27 PM


    Its the weekend.Im sure thats why the interview was scheduled for Friday,when politicians who have something they have to say,news to break,or what will be a train wreck interview release it so it will be swept under the rug.

    Wait till Monday.

  22. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Said it for sometime, the owner of HP has a thing for miss thang. Will not find truth about her on HP.

  23. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Rachel reads her email, and she pays attention to her tipsters and doesn't write us off as kooks.

  24. I love Rachel. Truly. She is so down-to-earth and manages to make "difficult to wrap your head around" concepts much more understandable.

    I also like that she doesn't ever play the "glamour kitty" role. Her hair and makeup are very understated, no jewelery or fussy clothes. The focus is on her reporting and that's where it should be.

    Love her, would marry her if I were a lesbian and if she would have me (all pretty big "if's" not to mention her partner who probably digs on her a lot more than we do! hehe)

    National treasure is our Rachel.

  25. Anonymous7:24 PM

    LOL Lisa, I have not "chosen" that lesbian lifestyle (according to Palin and her church, it is a choice - and they are all about choices aren't they?) but I have a hetero crush on Rachel also too.

  26. Randall8:59 AM

    LOL "Thrilla in Wasilla" - good one.

    But, Sarah has neither the brains nor the guts to agree to an interview with Rachel.

    Mama grizzly bear my ass - more like a rabid raccoon.

    ...actually, I don' think there's a Republican out there that can hold a candle to Rachel - because stupid and crazy stand zero chance against facts and reason.


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