Friday, July 02, 2010

Teabaggers to Sarah Palin: "We are just not that into you anymore."

From the Tulsa Beacon:

(Editor’s note: This letter was addressed to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her political action committee).

Dear Sarah PAC,

The decision to endorse big-government, bailout-voting Mary Fallin for governor of Oklahoma is a telling one, revealing how the establishment Republican machine works and what the “Sarah Palin” product is really about.

Palin’s role? To secure the “Tea Party/grassroots” support for big-government corporatists in the Republican primaries and to give political cover to the insiders using her.

Oklahomans know that D.C.-insider Mary Fallin has the same attitude toward regular citizens that the BP chairman has toward the people affected by the oil spill - they are “the small people.” The small people live in the wrong zip codes and can be ignored.

Oklahomans know that Mary Fallin is an aloof, slightly dim candidate who doesn’t answer questions or debate issues. Surrounded by elites, Fallin knows she doesn’t have to do anything except follow the dictates of the big-government types who are funding her campaign and remember to say “Constitution” once in a while in her speeches.

Thank you for shedding light on Palin’s real purpose and role in this election: providing cover for the same corrupt establishment that got Americans into the situation we’re now facing.

While it is always better to have the truth revealed, it would have been better for Oklahoma for you to stay out of this election.

Amanda Teegarden

And here I thought I would NEVER find any common ground with the Teabagger crowd.

Mandy darling, you are playing my song!


  1. angela3:28 PM

    Its kind of funny that these people actually thought Sarah was in their corner. There is only one corner in Palinland. Sarah's.
    I always thought of tea baggers as reactionary and selfish and a dim lot--my opinion of them has not changed. But, I mean what else did Sarah have to do to them to make them see they were all just tools? At least they got taken by the biggest tool of all . . . . .

  2. Anonymous3:44 PM

    "... Oklahomans know that Mary Fallin is an aloof, slightly dim candidate who doesn’t answer questions or debate issues...."

    Doesn't that description also fit Palin?

  3. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Another chapter for Joe's book.

  4. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Brilliant revelation on the Sarah brand. This, the Alaskan Immoral Minority already knew before she got into the Governor's mansion.

    Que the pile up on Teegarden in 5, 4, 3, 2,

  5. Amanda Teegarden = the Ironic Woman5:39 PM

    The Teegarden speaks!

    Wake up OK! Is she speaking for all of the Tea Party?

  6. Anonymous5:53 PM

    ...what the “Sarah Palin” product is really about.

    Product of what horrific candidate factory? McCain's, of course.

  7. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Yea Amanda - and I thought I was the only Republican in Oklahoma that was certain Little Ms Sarah was full of baloney!!

  8. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Because we're on the outside looking in, we don't know how badly Palin has damaged her brand with the tea party crowd. She's been making endorsements, not based on any consistent principals, but to advance her own ambitions. They are also not happy with all of the money she's making with the same shtick and no real solutions. She has not been at capacity crowds for awhile. Just because the C4P people defend her no matter what, this represents only a tiny minority of her former followers.

    My radiologist, who is a tea partier, hates Obama and thinks he's not even an American and that health care is a conspiracy to round of conservatives into camps. She told me that "no one is into Sarah Palin anymore". She said Palin's shown she's only in it for herself. The only reason they still tolerate her is because she is so vicious towards Obama and so effective at getting her message out through the media. Palin still has a group of devoted fans but it's shrinking fast.

    The problem is that these Republicans she and her party have radicalized are actually true believers now and will not be controlled or simply used as political pawns. The tea party, inspired by Sarah Palin and Beck, are going to destroy the Republican party from the inside out because, well, they are nuts. It's like a cult. They are unelectable and not accepting of any Republican not exactly like themselves. Even their queen Esther, their Madonna, is no longer pure enough for them.

  9. Anonymous2:50 AM

    It's funny to read the comments of her fans on her facebook page. Either they're super Christians, or else they want something from Palin like $$$.

  10. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Recent poll showed Fallin had a 59-10% lead over her Republican opponent for the primary BEFORE Palin's endorsement.

    Pretty clear what Palin's political motives are in this particular choice: endorse the likely winner to gain a political ally for herself later; and claim that her endorsement was the reason Fallin won (only the dumb P'bots will believe that lie).


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