Thursday, July 29, 2010

With "Going Rogue" setting the bar almost at ground level, how badly written must a Sarah Palin book be to keep it from being published?

Like many of you I have been somewhat confused by the sudden decision of Christian publisher Zondervan to put the Sarah Palin book. "Speaking up", on hold for an indefinite period of time. Thankfully the Slate's Ruth Graham received an advance copy and decided to see just how big of a literaary turd this book really was.

Here is some of what she had to say:

The relentlessly reverential book is not modeled after Kitty Kelley's takedowns but rather on those quickie tween biographies of Justin Bieber and Zac Efron churned out for adoring fans. It is a stronger reputation-burnisher for Sarah Palin than Going Rogue was.

In Washburn's telling, Palin's sore subjects are either not mentioned by name or avoided completely. Katie Couric is called only a "well-known journalist" who "came up with a broadcast that emphasized one viewpoint, and it wasn't a good one." Vanity Fair, which published a critical post-mortem on the McCain campaign, is called a "widely read gossip magazine." Palin's 2002 loss in the race for Alaska lieutenant governor is chalked up to the fact that "during this run for office, her passion was surprisingly thin"—in other words, she never wanted to win that stupid election anyway. Bristol's unexpected pregnancy is not mentioned at all; a Zondervan acquisitions editor told the AP that,"We tried to stay away from the super-heavy stuff."

At one point, within the space of three paragraphs, Palin is compared favorably to Taylor Swift, the apostle Paul, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver—in that order. (It's a rare passage that can make evangelicals, music fans, sports nuts, and policy wonks all cry "blasphemy.")
Since the explanation for Speaking Up's postponement can't be found among its glowing descriptions of Palin, why is publisher Zondervan keeping it off the market?

It's probably not Zondervan's relationship with Palin herself. Zondervan is a division of Going Rogue publisher HarperCollins, so despite the fact that Washburn didn't interview Palin for the book, the publisher presumably had, at least at one time, a positive connection with its subject.

Like Palin herself, the postponement seems to invite conspiracy theories. "It could be something political," mused Carolyn Kellogg, who writes about books and publishing at the L.A. Times. Perhaps Palin is about to announce she's running for office, so that by October, "she won't be just a Fox News commentator," Kellogg speculated. Bethanne Patrick, a consultant who has blogged as "The Book Maven" for AOL and Publisher's Weekly, smells something fishy, too. "This just seems that it had to have been postponed because of Levi and Bristol," she said. "It seems like they wanted it to be held until the 'happy couple' was firmly established with going ahead with the wedding." But the Palin clan's dramas are constantly in flux; it seems unlikely such details could really delay the book.

So was the book put on hold so that it could be quickly rewritten to add Palin's doomed presidential run in 2012?  Or was it really in order to wait until Levi and Bristol's relationship finally stopped looking like an episode of Maury Povich?

By the way if it is the latter than this book may never see the light of day.

You know I have been kind of down on Levi lately, but if HE is the one keeping this brain cell exterminating pile of literary garbage out of the hands of impressionable children then perhaps I will have to give the moron a little grudging credit.  Yeah I know he probably only did it accidentally, but let's face it, he does EVERYTHING accidentally!


  1. Anonymous6:48 AM

    How is Mercede on the comments on her brother?

    How are she and Sherry doing this week?

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Gryphen, you were quoted here:

  3. Anonymous7:04 AM

    If Harper Collins had already put out AREs (advance readers editions) that puppy was ready for sale with some serious money invested in its production, and it is VERY mysterious that they yanked it at this late date. The only reason I can think of is that HRH Sarah read it and didn't like it. Except, from the sounds of things, why wouldn't she like it?

    Why does nothing about this woman make sense?

  4. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Wow. Talk about utter fabrication, spin and out and out LIES this little book directed at KIDS is. Disgusting. And that they got information from the pee-bot's site and were going to publish it as truth??? Really lapping at the edge of criminality.

  5. Won't hurt my feelings if it never gets published. My guess is some sort of financial deal--she wanted money. Surprise!

    Gryphen, do you know what the circumstances were when that "pouting" picture was taken. It's priceless, but I'd love to know context. I assume, since other than the scowl, she looks really good, it's during the 2008 campaign which provided the good make-up and hair styling. It's been kinda downhill in that department ever since...

  6. Facebook Lurker7:23 AM

    Brisol and Levi are over, there will be no wedding...she posted "single!" on Facebook....see comments on last posting

  7. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Meredith P, that pic was taken at one of the first McCain-Palin rallies. It took place in Fairfax, VA on the day that Palin flew back to AK for the Gibson interview, etc. I have always assumed that she was making a face in reaction to something that McCain said about Obama.

  8. Buffalo, NY7:37 AM

    If Bristol and Levi are done, do they have to return the money for the magazine spread where they announced their engagement ?

    And since you mentioned these famous names:

    At one point, within the space of three paragraphs, Palin is compared favorably to Taylor Swift, the apostle Paul, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Eunice Kennedy Shriver—in that order.

    What ever became of that trip to England to meet with Margaret Thatcher ?

    Did that get the kibosh too, like the book ?

  9. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I love how you comment on C4P that they tell outrageous lies and fabrications, yet here, GRyphen has contradicted himself numerous times depending on his alledged sources. Go back and read all his posts since the election. Itll open your eyes to the fact that he is just as lost and confused as the rest of us. He also goes back and forth on whether or not to believe Levi and to believe Sadie.

    as does Sadie herself. If she really gave OK! that interview post tripps birth (which Bristol claims via FB), she contradicts her own words on the birth itself, and what follows. In OK she says Bristol said she wished Levi weren't the father and on your blog, she told us a nice little story about how Tripp was planned blahblahblah. Which no one in their right mind would believe.

    EVeryone's a liar. There is not one single completely honest person in this world. We just have to get over it, and not demand DEMS and REPS act different or the same. People are people.

    I'd rather support a group of people who TRY to correct society even if it means reverting back to 1880 than support a group of people who want EVERYTHING legalized so they may live how they wish at other's expense. THAT is whats wrong with todays youth. They don't realize their actions affect the world.

  10. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Bet the wedding is off because he is the daddy of another Wasilla teen baby....

  11. Anonymous8:12 AM

    My guess in this order:
    1. She wants more money.
    2. Waiting till after wedding. (Ha!)
    3. Waiting till after Nov 2010.
    4. "Going Rogue" numbers finally in,
    and it really was not a money-maker for the publisher. (Due to enormous cash advance to SP and bulk volume sales to right-wing groups.) The publisher now wants a better deal, and SP is not happy.

    Someone in the publishing industry care to comment?

    P.S. Thanks for previous information about Advance Readers Editions. Maybe they are not getting any positive reviews from their readers.

  12. Anonymous8:14 AM

    O/T I keep trying to bring up Mercede's site, and Firefox says "Fedora Testing" and Safari says "Forbidden Page". Anyone else having problems?

  13. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Hmmmmm wouldn't it be the ultimate revenge on Sarah if Levi knew he knocked up Lanesia and got back with Bristol and knocked her up? Or better yet, Bristol is knocked up by someone else? Ohhhh baby. How are Sarah's handlers gonna spin this one?

    I wonder if all this will change Sarah's mind about abortion? Well we already know how she really feels about it since it appears she had one herself. (oh right, it was a miscarriage that was misfiled as an abortion. wink wink)

  14. Anonymous8:32 AM

    To Anonymous 8:01, people change opinions on other people and issues as they learn new facts, gain new insights, and reconsider contexts. Only those with rigid frameworks, afraid to change and unable to admit they were wrong are consistent over time.

    I admire Gryphen's ability to reconsider and readjust his opinions as new facts emerge and as we get a clearer insight into circumstances around an event or person. Gryphen does admit when he was wrong and explains why he feels it necessary to reexamine and re-evaluate. This is a responsible, adult way to interface with the world.

    I am sorry to hear you'd rather vote for people who would " . . .TRY to correct society even if it means reverting back to 1880. . . ." Change is difficult, it is uncomfortable and inconvenient - even frightening at times. However, change is necessary if we are to evolve.

    Please reconsider your rigidity. Please allow Gryphen and the rest of us the grace and right to evolve and respond to new facts and insights while remaining true to our quest for truth. Think about doing so yourself. You might find yourself enjoying living in the 21st century rather the 19th.

  15. Pat in MA8:36 AM

    anon 8:01, what a cheery outlook you have! Ah, yes let's go back to the good old days of 1882, when Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, prohibiting both immigration from China and the naturalization of Chinese immigrants already in the United States for a period of ten years. There were increasing outbreaks of anti-Chinese violence, stirred up by the belief that low-paid Chinese workers are taking jobs away from Americans. Hmm, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Oh and you might want to go back and check out how we were treating the REAL Americans (Native Americans) during this time before you decide to put on your tinfoil hat and step into your little time machine.

  16. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Re: The Pout picture. Yes, from a McCain speech in Fairfax, Virginia. There is only speculation as to what caused the pout.

    My take: this shot is part of a larger picture that shows Cindy McCain standing directly ahead of SP with a serene "Sarah Palin does not even exist for me" look on her face. My guess that Sarah just pulled some stunt to move closer to the microphone and Cindy put her in her place.

  17. Anonymous8:50 AM

    "Everyone lies?"... well, I guess you are right in that no one is perfect, and everyone tries to put their own story in the most positive light.

    As for Gryphen, I think he does the best he can with the information he is given. I think that he only blogs a fraction of the stories he has been told about the doings of the Palin family and their minions.

    I will believe Gryphen's blogs over SP's facebook rants anyday. She has a long and verifiable history of not checking her facts.

  18. I can get on Mercede's blog using Google Crome! Maybe Levi is the father of this other baby, but maybe said Lanesia will do a paternity test, will you for Tripp and the new baby?

  19. Anonymous8:55 AM

    OT: Litbrit has a new post up that was written by "Prup" and "cleaned up" by her. It's linked on Andrew Sullivan this morning. The title: 10 questions for Palin Supporters who are also mothers. It makes Sarah look very bad. What's great is that all the evidence is taken from Sarah's own words as documented from the "Wild Ride". This was published last night. Maybe answers the question why Miss Quittypants is so quiet?

  20. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I worry about Sherry and Sadie. They are well? Isn't that girl a friend to Sadie? Why is the National Enquirer interviewing an ex-girlfriend and not Sadie? Gryph, can you sort through all this and tell us what is going on? What is going on the best you can tell. When can your sources sell their truth and get on with this?

  21. Anonymous9:42 AM

    "EVeryone's a liar. There is not one single completely honest person in this world. We just have to get over it, and not demand DEMS and REPS act different or the same. People are people.

    I'd rather support a group of people who TRY to correct society even if it means reverting back to 1880 than support a group of people who want EVERYTHING legalized so they may live how they wish at other's expense. THAT is whats wrong with todays youth. They don't realize their actions affect the world"

    I'd love to respond to you but I have absolutely no idea what you're saying, or what you might have imbibed before you wrote it.

  22. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I guarantee its for her "roll out" as the candidate for the 2012 GOP ticket. Everything about Palin is brand-managed now. Any person who thinks she's still a "breath of fresh air" that she seemed to personify back in the day, that has all passed. She's sold her sold to the devil and to whatever marketeer will pay the biggest bucks for.

  23. Anonymous10:27 AM

    To Anonymous @ 8:01
    No, "everyone" is not a liar. Those of us who aren't liars don't like people who are. That's why so many people don't like Sarah Palin. I'm one of them.

    You said "I'd rather support a group of people who TRY to correct society even if it means reverting back to 1880 than support a group of people who want EVERYTHING legalized so they may live how they wish at other's expense. THAT is whats wrong with todays youth. They don't realize their actions affect the world."

    Sarah Palin and the teaparties are not trying to correct society. They are trying to demand that everyone in America live according to their narrow-minded, hateful, uninformed rules. They're vicious, uneducated and destructive and dishonest. There was a legal election in 2008 but they can't accept that a black man won. Sarah Palin, as well as Beck, Limbaugh and Fox, are determined to start violence. They won't be happy until people are fighting in the streets. They cherry-pick things in the Bible as well as in the Constitution. Worst of all, they twist the meanings in both the Bible and Constitution. If all else fails, they lie. That is not "correcting" society.

    Seems to me that it's the rightwing who's trying to live they way they want at everyone else's expense. They did it for 8 years and where did it leave the country? Wake up Anon. @ 8:01.

  24. Anonymous10:50 AM

    You mean the Sarah Palin youth indoctrination program has been stalled? She'll need these votes beyond 2012 after all. . .

  25. Anonymous12:17 PM

    First of all, to the going back to the 1880s person--you must be a white male because for the rest us the 1800s kind of sucked...

    Everyone's missing the obvious reason why they shelved the Palin book. It's a pure puff piece by a Christian company owned by her boss, Murdoch. She wouldn't object to it and doesn't have the juice to stop it even if she did. If she is planning to run for president, all the more reason to put the book out as scheduled, or at most move the release date to November, interest would be at an all-time high. As someone mentioned, alot of money went into its production. Think. Murdoch knows something's coming down the pike that's going to totally obliterate Sarah's image by October. As much as I appreciate these blogs working to expose Palin, it's high level establishment Republicans who have the goods on her. Someone gave Murdoch a call, he called the publisher and that was that. I believe we'll see the evidence released soon to pave the way for Romney. I expect that after she's exposed, HarperCollins cancels her own book that supposed to be released in November.

  26. My husband said that picture looks like she just said "And your little dog too"!

    Wicked Witch is a perfect name for the horror.

  27. Anonymous1:04 PM

    THANK YOU, Anonymous 8:14 AM. I've been having the same problems with Mercede's site and asked about it here, but everyone said it was working just fine. It can't be a browser issue because I've tried Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.

    Gryphen, would you ask Mercede to ask her webmaster to see if her site has been blocking some users. The Fedora Test page has a message for webmasters: "To prevent this page from ever being used, follow the instructions in the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf."

  28. Anonymous1:28 PM

    By the way Gryphen, I did try to write a note to Mercede's webmaster myself, but the site doesn't accept the usual default address of ""

  29. Anonymous2:57 PM

    This book was slated for an October publication by Zonderkidz, the juvenile line of Zondervan, a subsidiary of Harper Collins. Zonderkidz bills itself as follows:

    Zonderkidz is the children's group of Zondervan. Focusing on kids ages 15 and under, we publish and promote age-appropriate books, Bibles, gifts, and videos throughout the world. You’ll find us wherever kids and the people who love them are looking for biblically-based products that teach and inspire children to learn and live out their faith!

    The industry trade publication Publishers’ Weekly ran a notice dated July 19 under the book news: religion section that…

    Cheryl Lundberg, Zondervan's director of customer service, told the AP that it was decided that October was not an optimal time for publication, and she had no information about when the title would be rescheduled. Washburn was surprised by the delay, which was announced Friday. [Emphasis mine.]

    I used to be in trade book publishing for a major publishing house in New York City (in both editorial and marketing capacities), and here's my take.

    The fact that the author was surprised, and that this delay is “indefinite” and announced so late in the publishing process—after the manuscript was finished; fact-checked (?); edited; copy edited; typeset; book design probably finalized; advance reader’s copies produced and distributed—indicates that advance sales, or lack thereof, were way off target. The claim about Oct not being optimal is crap: that pub date was initially selected and planned for a reason.

    Also, advance copies are sent out to influential people to generate advance quotes or blurbs (those words of praise you see on the book jacket) and to create publicity and reviews amongst the publishing and wider media. I'm sure those reviews and feedback were unfavorable also.

    Another possibility, though less likely so late in the process, is that a legal issue came up. Perhaps a pesky claim or factoid was challenged by somebody, or circumstances have come to light that could expose untruths?

    In any case, thank goodness we’ve spared our 9-12 year olds this drivel; we should encourage literacy, not lunacy, and there are plenty of truly worthy role models to laud whose biographies do not require fabrication and fiction.

  30. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Anonymous 2:57 PM, thank you for the insight into the publishing business!!!

  31. Anonymous7:32 AM

    testing -- trying to sing up and not too bright about this blogging thing


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