Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jimmy Kimmel mines the deep vein of comedy gold glistening within the Teabagger candidates.

Of course he cannot help but focus on Sarah Palin backed whack-a-doodle Christine O'Donnell the most, because she just makes it so damn easy.

If you listen about halfway through you will hear a reference to Bristol Palin as well.


  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    No masturbation and abstinence-only!
    What a platform!

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    You know Gryphen, you kind of are a little like Hitler and his Nazis. You spew a whole bunch of bullshit and propaganda on your opinion blog to bring down whom you feel is anti your personal beliefs. You try attackoing everything and assassinating Sarahs character left and right. Yet at the end of the day the truly sane and balanced people just ignore your hate and corrupt soul. And this comment comes from someone who gives everyone the benefit of the doubt

  3. Anonymous3:21 PM

    God Bless America-LOL

  4. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Abstinence-only has actually worked for me.

    But only because I masturbate.

  5. Anonymous3:43 PM


    From the Merriam-Webster website:

    The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.


    Christine even makes up words like Sarah Palin.

    So she must be a junior Shakespeare!!

    Resisting the urge to feed the troll that is Anony 3:19...

  6. Hey, you got compared to hitler and nazi's. I don't think you can not get a higher compliment from an idiot.
    Sane and balanced people know you don't have to attack sarahs character, she does that herself. what an easy target, you write like a tree, swinging in the wind.

  7. Anonymous3:47 PM

    How did BP get tagged in this, Gryph? (I think it's hilarious!)

  8. Anonymous3:47 PM

    @3:19 -- Stupid Sarah, is that you projecting again?! I bet it's you because you combined 'ko' and 'attacking' to form this strange compound 'attackoing.'

  9. Dear Gryph:

    I share your views on nearly every article you post.

    I guess that makes me "a little like Hitler and his Nazis", also, too.

    Teabaggers crack me up! They're fake Christians obsessed with anything sexual.

    Sarah is more subtle, Christine is totally blunt, otherwise I see no big differences between the two of 'em.

  10. Anonymous4:11 PM

    So this is all you've got, Daily Show clips and snarky comments about Bristol's weight?

    Guess I can only need to check in here once a week.

  11. linda4:30 PM

    totally OT, but my daughter just snt me this link for really great t-shirts. don't know if anyone has already posted it and i apologize if so.

  12. Anonymous4:30 PM

    This country would have been a lot better off if Chuck and Sally Heath had been masturbating.

  13. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Ok, let's take a look: here are women mired in makeup and hairspray and lipstick, flaunting their sexuality, speaking out against sexuality. Tell me, girls, just who are you thinking about when you ask, "Then where am I in the picture?" Egotism, anyone? Power? Control? Yuck, not my idea of mutual respect in enjoyment.

  14. Anonymous4:55 PM

    God bless humor.

  15. I for one like hearing about how the menfolk feel about their private practices. I think it's great,,,put it in large print in the newspapers and on the blogs. Dang we heard all about Bill Clinton's escapades...why not Christines! I worked at USA Today newspapers at the time and the school teachers requested a six week pause in delivery... bring it on! The kiddies need to know.

  16. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Anony 3:19 "You spew a whole bunch of bullshit and propaganda on your opinion blog to bring down whom you feel is anti your personal beliefs."

    The syntax is classic Palin, tho I'm not sure which one of them. Bristol, is that you? Chuck?? Sarah???

  17. Kimmel is a riot - I love his line from the NRA!

    linda - those t-shirts are too funny - Obama wants the govt to take over social security, that's why I'm voting Tea party...classic!

  18. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Yes, intelligent people can totally see how this brilliant woman is going to shape policies, politics and improve the country's economic conditions....NOT! She couldn't even balance her own budget, has extreme cultural views, and is nothing but a phony just like Palin.

  19. CGinWI5:44 PM

    re: "the syntax is pure Palin"

    I'm guessing Chuck. He's the one I think most likely to attempt to use the word "whom".

  20. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Yeah: the teabaggers are all for smaller government...except for how we'll need a huge bureaucratic force to police the entire population from touching themselves.

    I saw an interview in which a "typical American" claimed to be FOR the extension of tax cuts for the rich, yet is all concerned about the deficit.

    When asked how the heck the deficit can be reduced if no taxes are charged, he actually went into a rant about how we should invade one of the Muslim countries, as they are all terrorists anyway, and how a couple well placed nukes could mean we'd be able to take all their oil, and we'd HAVE no deficit anymore.

    I thought the interviewer was going to bash the guy over the head with his microphone, he was so incensed.

    It never even dawned on this bigoted moron, that he sounded WAY more like a terrorist, than the most radical Muslim.

    Any wonder why the rest of the world thinks Americans have gone insane?

  21. Anonymous5:58 PM

    What awesome power Gryphen has, he barely said anything and it is called "a whole bunch." I wonder whose opinion and personal beliefs they want him to write?

    What happened to Megan McCain? Wasn't she going to teach the GOP about sex? O'Donnell and Palin speak about their beliefs and what nots. We can always learn something new from a good discussion about masturbation. O'Donnell and Palin are a team conceived in heaven. I hope they stay around for a while. Rove is an old poo poo head, the guy has brains but he only uses the fundamentalists to get ahead. I hope O'Donnell and Palin take him out, he is so old school. O'Donnell/Palin are the best ticket the GOP can get and I'd like to see it happen.

  22. I thought Christine was much younger than Sarah, but according to Wikipedia she's 41 years old.

    Seriously? Please...

  23. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Anon @ 3:19. I thank God for truly sane and balanced people. We are the only ones who are going to save us from the mess that is all things Palin. Oh...and the comment about Chuck and Sally is a hoot....

  24. Anonymous6:20 PM

    For Sarah Palin, the ends justify the means. She is the most un-Christian Christian I've ever seen. She is a false prophet.

  25. Anonymous6:40 PM

    O'Donnell is a buffoon but she sure is making Palin look old and haggard.

  26. nswfm6:46 PM

    As the woman who posted the links to Jimmy Kimmel earlier today, I would like to direct you to last night's Colbert Report, where he marries his hand after a comment where he says C O'D would serve out her entire term when compared to $P/Grifter Granny.

    If you don't want to be mocked, don't act like such a psycho and run for office when you are not holier than any of the rest of us.
    You are welcome, troll who can use the word "whom".

  27. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I think we need to give Christine O"Donnell a new theme song...

  28. Anonymous8:04 PM

    O'Donnell is cruel and heartless. After reading this, I want to cry for the people she must have hurt along the way. Now that she has a bigger platform, more people will hear her hateful words.

    Troll @3:19, as your Queen Sarah would say, Bless your heart!

  29. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Naughty, naughty, naughty. Funny, funny, funny.

  30. Anonymous6:45 AM

    "Abstinence-only"...gee, like THAT worked out well for the Virgin Mary...

  31. Anonymous9:33 AM

    3:19, yeah, i can see your goodness from my porch.

  32. Anonymous9:34 AM

    4:11, you are welcome to check in here even less than once a week!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.