Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Our own AKMuckraker has the headline post on Huffington right now!

If you have not read this post earlier today than you have really been missing out, and I urge you to read it now!  Trust me it will make your day!

I guarantee you that Sarah and Todd are calling around to staffers, assistants, and SarahPAC personnel trying desperately to find out who dared to reveal their private e-mails to those "damn Alaska bloggers!"

Joe Miller?  Meet the undercarriage of the Palin bus.  That will teach him to be an ungrateful butt boy!

Sarah Palin does NOT give her precious endorsements out without strings attached.  How could ANYBODY in Alaska not know that?


  1. It's about time Todd came to the light! I am tell you that he is Sarah's Achilles heel...

    Thank you mudflats!

  2. Anonymous5:04 PM

    hurry back from DC, Gryphen. It's your turn for the big scoop.

  3. It is worth noting that the big Veteran's event in San Diego has changed their website.
    Remember - they had featured a banner saying "Governor Sarah Palin, Special Guest" and "Joe Miller, Alaska Senator""

    This was strange to begin with, since sarah is NOT the Governor and Joe Miller is NOT the Senator.

    But NOW, it just shows Miller, and advertises him as CANDIDATE for AK Senator.

  4. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Go AKMuckraker! More about the have-you-seen-Todd dud. We know how blissfully happy that marriage/business partnership is, they make a great team. I would like him to be the one to finish her off (political). That would be a hoot!

    OT: One day Sarah may announce that she is going to run for President but she may be to far beyond repair for even the best of masters to be able to keep her viable. Meanwhile, the Palin dynasty is continuing with the abstinence-only and the sham about Bristol's teen advocacy as if she is helping teens.
    Teen Mom Comes With A Boatload Of Problems

    I've been thinking about Bristol Palin and have many questions.
    Who is advising her? Why did her handlers take her in the DWTS direction? Is it because she is a has been and needs to have another chance at stardom? Did someone set her up to wear those ugly costumes that accentuate her worst flaws and why? If she is serious about a career and earning a lucritive salary she is headed in the wrong direction. Mark Ballas looks like a nice fellow. He has a job to do on DWTS. After that I hope he can give her some advice she needs to hear and help her find a more suitable way to go. Huge Bristol can earn an honest living on TV if she focuses on the right things.

  5. Anonymous5:22 PM

    2:57 PM adn Palin headlines: Leaked e-mail shows Todd Palin anger at Joe Miller
    Published: October 5th, 2010 02:57 PM
    Last Modified: October 5th, 2010 02:58 PM

  6. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I don't see Todds email as suggesting the SP plans to run, only that he (and no doubt SP) were pissed that Miller didn't faun all over her. Kimosabe.

  7. Hooray, AKM! Pass the popcorn!

  8. Anonymous5:37 PM

    hate to tell you but nothing in this story suggests palin is running for anything.
    and trust me she is not.

    palin will never open herself up to things she cant control and the republican party knows how bizarre she is and would never support her.
    i do believe she has the koch brothers in her corner and few others.
    those guys are very powerful it seems and no doubt they are getting their kicks from creating turmoil but you will all see that palin will just become a bigger and bigger joke in the near future...
    keep watching.

  9. Anonymous5:39 PM

    What kind of mentally challenged lazy waste of skin spends *all morning* writing a FB post?!!!?!

    If I knew who BP's stylist & wardrobe people were, I'd walk right up to them and shake their hands. Now let's hope she gets voted off tonight!

  10. Anonymous5:39 PM

    AKM's post is now the top headline on Daily Beast! You Alaska bloggers rock!

  11. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Why does he always refer to her as "Sarah Palin" and not simply, Sarah? He did that at the airport too, when he chased down that poor guy.



    I guess it's better than calling her The Grinch, anyway.

  12. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Woo Hoo! Good on you Gryph for sending her some love.

  13. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Sarah, Todd, and Joe are all dogs rolling around in the mud. Alaska will never be able to wash off all this filth.

  14. dancingthroughlife6:01 PM

    Down to Bristol and Margaret, and they got rid of Margaret. Guess the Palinbots need to make sure they try harder next week.

  15. Read the article on the flats when it first came out today. Now I cant even get on the flats to check out the comments. Big question is how much room is under that bus?

  16. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I can't get to the mudflats, does anyone know who leaked this email to Devon? Amazing.

    Wonder who else might want to talk now?

    If she goes after Joe somehow maybe he will spill on troopergate.

  17. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Politico has it too. Oh, and Gawker.

  18. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:27 PM

    Is it my imagination, or are all the Flea Party heroes and heroines starting to unravel faster and faster as Nov. 2nd approaches? Did Uncle Karl yank the cork out of the teacup, or what?

    And, with li'l Chrissie at the forefront of the news, ya just knew the endless drama that is the Palin clan would have to make a splash sometime this week, right? I hope the latest news of the Grifter Duo and their former pet, ButtBoy, finally makes the MSM, though!

  19. It's a great, two scoop day for AK bloggers!

  20. Anonymous6:30 PM

    The money quote is the "all morning" for a facebook post. Another nail in the coffin of Sarah Palin's intellectual qualifications.

  21. Anonymous6:38 PM

    So happy to see that the great bloggers we love from Alaska are back working together for a common purpose.

    The Palin Circus is on the ropes. I feel like the good guys have the upper hand. Don't anyone let up now.

    And once again, to those of you in Alaska, or former McCain campaign staff, or medical people in Wasilla, former college roommates, disaffected colleagues, or any of the people that Sarah and Todd have stepped on along the way, this is your time.

    Don't be afraid. Stand up to them. Speak out. You can put an end to this madness.

  22. Anonymous6:41 PM

    "Sarah worked all day..."?!? Shouldn't that read, "Sarah worked half the day..."?

  23. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Sarah Palin "worked her butt off all morning?" That made me laugh out loud....Sarah Palin has never worked her butt off doing anything. She is a lazy, vindictive, hateful grifter....and she does it better than anyone.

    Joe Miller....Welcome to the "Under the Big Yellow Bus Club!" It's getting crowded under here! Anyone who has ever spoken a bad word about her, has felt her wrath. There is nothing kind or loving about this person. Her name will go down in the history books like Al Capone's name did. How do you feel about that Toad PALIN? Nice legacy for your family.......

  24. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Todd really could benefit from anger therapy. That e-mail is a little strange as it is TO: Joe and Tim and Van Flein, yet Todd is addressing Tim, and talking about Joe to Tim. Why not send them each an e-mail. Address Tim on one, then address Joe on another.

    It would be like one of us being angry at mom, sending dad and mom an e-mail, asking dad not to send mom a letter, then in the next paragraph dissing mom directly.

    It's late and I'm confused.

  25. SME1316:59 PM

    How much you wanna bet that Van Flea is forced to drop Miller as a client. Sarah would never stand for him defending someone who wouldn't drool all over her.

  26. raven7:17 PM

    I notice that the mudflats website is very slow and timing out. Denial of service attack maybe?

  27. Great Stuff. This is really funny.
    The Palins are truly "The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight!"
    Yeah Todd and Sarah--- Keep "reloading" and making fools of yourselves each time.

    (GRYPHEN- BTW- is this what you meant by SP getting careless lately, or is that about something else?)

    I think it is significant that on camera, Miller would not speak enthusiastically about SP as presidential material. He could have finessed it in so many ways, yet he chose not to...hmm....

    Anyone who is connected to the decision makers in the GOP understands that Palin is a joke. If she runs, she will be used to attract a segment of the right wing electorate. Then SP will be forced to throw her support to one of the more serious candidates.
    SP and her controllers will find a way to make money on the 2012 election, but there is little chance that this insane and inept woman will be allowed to get near the White House.

  28. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Sarah Palin cancelled on the Combat Vets in San Diego, Oct. 9th. Her and Joe Miller were scheduled to speak, now Sarah's name is scrubbed. Is it because of Joe or Jay?

  29. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Can't they scramble and do some stealth damage control? That's what it takes to be a good politician.

    Eerily strange family portrait, take a gander at this dysfunctional group. They are all detached.
    According to TLC:
    In each episode, Sarah is joined by various family members as she shares the state she knows and loves - from salmon fishing in Bristol Bay to hiking along one of our country's most breathtaking glaciers. Along with Alaska's great wilderness, the Palins encounter Alaska's fascinating residents and share what it takes to thrive in the country’s largest state.

    If Sarah wants to restore her image perhaps she will help these guys. At least, she could acknowledge this part of war.

  30. Anonymous7:53 PM

    "Miller’s non-committal response that there were “a number of great candidates out there” for the job fell far short of a Palin endorsement, and seems to have roused the ire of Todd Palin who launched an angry email blasting Miller on behalf of his wife." AKM

    I can't help but wonder if Hillary Clinton did the same protection for Bill pre-Presidential bid? The Republicans had deep disdain for a candidate that was running on a two for one ticket. A vote for Sarah certainly is a vote for Todd. He would have his old shadow job back if she could get elected to dog catcher.

  31. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I think it was Miller's camp that spilled the beans to Devon. Knowing that Palins' support has disappeared, Miller is making sure that everyone knows the reason. Crafty move by an ambitious, arrogant grifter who craves the national spotlight as much as Palin.

  32. Erica from Texas8:30 PM

    I think it is an interesting idea that Joe might have worked the Palins then dropped them when they were no longer needed

  33. Anonymous8:32 PM

    If Miller's camp leaked it with intent to expose the Palin machine, more power to him. Still hope he loses, but anything that exposes the Palin Mafia is good... The last thing we need is a "shadow" president and yes, Toad would be very active in the White House... Somebody has to make the decisions. Sarah just gives the order - take care of it, get in front of it... Toad does the heavy lifting. Keeps her fingers clean...

  34. Just way too funny ! F**k's up the quitter's image and Miller's too. Gotta love it!

  35. TIME Magazine has the story.


  36. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I think this is so amazing! Between the unemployment disaster, the fishing mess, the mortgage loan and now this I just can't stop smiling!

    Lets see what happens tomorrow!

  37. I am dying to know who leaked that email.

  38. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Hey Todd......Tell your bitch wife that I supported her with money and my vote and I expected something back from her too. I expected her to do her job of representing the State of Alaska and it's citizens, not her and your selfish interests. I expected her to finish out her term in a professional manner. I didn't expect her to quit to make a personal fortune writing a fairy tale about her life. I also didn't expect her to use her position of authority to try to settle her personal conflicts. (ie Troopergate, ie Bus Gate, ie House Vandalism Gate) Also I didn't support or vote for you in any way and I didn't expect her to turn over the reins of the State to you you conniving bastard.

    I'll be happy when you two are sent packing and you crawl back into the hole you came out of.

    See, voters can be vindictive too.


  39. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Every endorsement that Sarah Palin has made comes with a "payback"; at this point probably implied... i.e wasn't it Toad who called Nicki Haley to arrange the meeting with Sarah? She has made these endorsements for one purpose and one purpose only - IOU's for her future run for the presidency. She will not hesitate to let everyone who she endorsed know what she expects in return. Her endorsement will cost many big time - especially if they win in Nov... She does not do anything without a payback for her!

  40. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Yeah Sarah - we voted for you - wasa that a one way vote to take you to your next level. We thought you were going to work for the State of Alaska and you quit. It looks like Joe quit too! How many of your other endorsements will also quit? Everyone is supposed to respect you quitting - how about a little respect in return for those quitting on you? I am sure they have many more good reasons than you ever had for quitting the St of Alaska.

  41. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Sarah's ass has yet to be exposed. Let her go on a real news program and that is when her ass will be on the line. It will be a happy dance for me, but not a good thing for her. Hey Sarah....get you ass on the line! Do some interviews and answer some real questions.

  42. Anon 9:03PM. Rick. we hear you. The frickin gaul of some people don't yea think.

  43. Anonymous2:00 AM

    So, Miller threw Twitler under the bus; now it's her turn.

    I just love it when these Teabagger/Republican types do that!

    (And it took Twitler "all morning" to compose a Facebook notation for Miller? No wonder she was never a real practicing "journalist" with that fake degree. Let's just say she can't even manage 140 character correctly, much less a 2,000 word report...

    Phony is as phony does.

  44. Anonymous2:02 AM

    5:39 I wonder the same.
    For a Women who believes she is capable of running the country,advises others how to live,and thinks she is an intelectual,it takes all morning to write a face book page???

  45. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Joe Miller, while being an a$$hole, IS a West Point grad, combat vet, grad degree holder, attorney, and generally seems like a hard working guy. Diametrically opposed to SP. Not saying I like him, but he's in a completely different universe from SP when it comes to intellect and academic creds.

    In fact, Joe is probably someone that SP should point to her dirtbag son and say, "Look Track, Joe is a Combat decorated Army Officer ... you should aspire to be like him"

  46. Anonymous3:29 AM

    One of the top stories on CBS Early Show. Lots of chuckling. The comments at Wonkette are hysterical:

  47. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Money Quote: "Sarah worked her butt off all morning on a face book post"

    If that doesn't make you laugh out loud at the ridiculous, then I don't know what will! Sarah and Tawd are the gifts that keep on giving. Thinking that a facebook post is "hard work" is just so fitting isn't it?

  48. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Anon's @ 9:03pm & 9:42pm

    Your responses are so right on! Excellent retort to Todd's whining.

    Gryphen, these 2 responses deserve their own write-up on how Sarah failed the voters who endorsed her.

    After all Sarah, isn't an endorsement by voters a two-way street?

    And by the way Todd, since you seem to think that endorsements are not to be one-sided, why don't you go after Sarah for her failure to support the voters "who put their ass on the line for Sarah"?

  49. Anonymous5:58 AM

    The "Failin'" camp is delusional. People are using the popularity of the Failins. Win or lose no one she endorses have any intention of backing her for anything once the elections are over.

  50. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Instead of calling her Sarah Palin, Todd should just call her Paycheck.

  51. majii6:24 AM

    It seems to me that Palin and Toad like making those "backroom deals" she condemns so vociferously in public. Both Palin and Angle have been exposed this week engaging in the same backroom deals that they tell their supporters they hate soooo much. I guess they only hate backroom deals as long as the public doesn't know they're making them.

    Liars and hypocrites, oh, my!

  52. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I just fell in love with Rick, Anon 5:42! Yeah for Rick!

    It was my belief that Palin's agenda was to position people so they would owe her in endorsements in key states. Quitting the governorship for money, a hidden agenda to line people up, play the field positioning people and have two extra years to destroy Obama was not the "servant's heart" claimed.

    For someone who dismisses she has any intention or ambitions to run, Todd's email enraged spills the beans. It reveals Palin's endorsement of Miller was only for what she would extract from it and not "serving the people" as a "private citizen".

    Such drama about Sarah's "ass" referenced and her putting herself on the line as if she got nothing out of it! lol I can't stop laughing a FB post is "busting ass" for someone!!?? Then Palin, Todd witholds from Miller oblivious to shooting themselves in the foot or blowing their cover, revealing their hidden agenda and Palin cancels in San Diego.

    Strap in folks for the mama grizzly protects her cubs and family from the media reality show featuring the Palin clan with papa Heath. Why don't other politicians, movie stars pitch a show to put their kids on display while insanely demanding their privacy and crazily enraged if people noticse them or comment on them.

    If this does not wake people up that the Palin's are whack jobs, complete BS'ers, fake then there is no hope for this country.

    We need a "lamestream media" moratorium of Palin if she runs. Then shrug, upholding Palin dismisses and dislikes the media so no one is going to give her any coverage..just to respect her beliefs. Then cover all other candidates. Let her be limited to those who depend of FB and twitter.

    She won't be allowed to be on Fox (damn lamestream media) and get what she deserves and claims.

    To restore sanity it may be imperative to beseige media outlets to boycott Palin.

    Is Todd like the wizard of Oz..the little man pulling levers, pushing buttons, the one in charge?

    This family is the lowest of low.

  53. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I love Todd's email address: toad1982@gmail.com. I think toad1982 should become your standard reference for the former first (1/2th?) dude, like Wonkette's "Snowbilly grifter" for St. $arah.

  54. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Is anyone else not able to get to Mudflats? Have the palinbots sabotaged her site or is it just overwhelmed with hits because of the Huffington Post article?


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