Saturday, November 06, 2010

Anderson Cooper talks about Sarah Palin's "accidental" favoriting of racist picture and her chances in a head to head contest against Obama in 2012.

I enjoyed, and agreed, with most of this segment, but I have to disagree with the idea that the numbers actually place Sister Sarah that close to Obama in a 2012 match up.

What I think people need to keep in mind is that she has pissed off a whole ton of Republicans who are going to be gunning for her with information they helped to keep hidden in 2008.  Add to that fact the knowledge that MOST Americans consider her a joke and that leads me to believe that if she WERE capable of surviving the nomination process (And I would bet my house that she couldn't), she would emerge with her numbers in the low twenties.

In other words President Obama would just have to gingerly step around her rotting political corpse on the way to an easy victory.

Don't forget when thinking about Palin's rabid fan base that, regardless of how many voices they may be hearing inside of their heads, even schizophrenic people only get to vote once.


  1. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The Twitter, Quitter Queen not know a function of Twitter?
    Surely you jest!
    She knew and she got caught.
    Lies are nothing to her, it is the truth that frightens her.
    And it is the truth that will prevail and hopefully send Sarah palin back to Alaska(sorry) or Hollywood where she can mix with all the other vain narcissistic

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    OT - Excellent NY Times Op-Ed piece today by Gail Collins: "The Grizzly Manifesto"

  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Iḿ beginning to believe you Democrats are propping Sarah up. Not a single Republican/Conservative I know likes the woman.

    Also, too, I am still deliciously giddy over Mister Joe McGinniss telling Sarah to sit down and STFU.

  4. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I was disappointed at Anderson inferring that Palin had not called Obama a Muslim or words to that effect.
    She in fact has dozens if not hundreds of times called him Barak Hussein Obama and other similar statements.
    I just hit "plain" and "hussein" on google and there are more than 21 pages. Many of course are duplicate reports on the same speech.
    But to claim that she has not stated and inferred Muslim, Arab, anti-American comments about Obama is wildly inaccurate from Anderson and his guest.

  5. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Gryph -- the bottom line is that any Republican candidate will be able to count on getting 40-45 percent of the vote. Even Sarah Palin. That's just the way numbers go.

  6. I hope you are right, Gryphen, but I think you underestimate The Wolf Pack that ALWAYS hunts together. If the Christian Mafia, the GOP, and the Republican and Independent voters think she has a better chance at winning the nomination than anyone else, then they will stick behind her, no matter how loony or incompetent she may be. Take another look at that big red map. I have not changed my personal opinion since 2008: she has an 80% chance at the nomination and a 40% chance at The White House. The big reason for this is that the job market has only a 2% chance of serious recovery by November 2012, leaving Obama with only a 20% chance of re-election. This is just my humble opinion, but I am sticking to it. Believe me when I say I truly wish it were otherwise!

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Without the Latino and African-American votes, her hopes of getting into the WH are dead. Sarah has already painted herself as a racist, I do hope she runs,it will be fun to see her getting torn to shreds. She lacks the capacity for a presidential run,but her narcissistic personality can't be out of the spotlight for a minute.

  8. BAustin7:23 AM

    Vote for Bristol - who doesn't vote on election day!

    That Girl is an idiot!
    (I miss Keith already!)

  9. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Joe McGinniss: ¨Jump!¨
    Todd Palin: ¨How high, sir?¨

  10. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Joe McGinniss: ¨Sit down and shut up.¨
    Sarah Palin: ¨Yes, Daddy.¨

  11. Let's not forget the Alaskan Native Indians........"Artic Arab". I wish we could find a direct quote of Sarah uttering that term.

  12. Anonymous7:34 AM

    this is pathetic stuff talking about jokes and giving coulter the benefit of the doubt and then also palin.
    its ovbvious someone working for palin put this on the page because it appeals to the people who like palin.
    so this is all lame and dangerous media propaganda.
    and while i have said all along palin would not be the republican nominee i also believe that atr this point obama has a ZERO 0! chance at re-election.
    and finally to those who care republicans do NOT need black or any minoritie votes(they get 5-8% no matter what) to win the white house.
    this is still a white country.
    for now.

  13. I think that when she doesn't get the Republican nomination, she'll do a Murkowski and make a third-party run. Then she won't have to play by the rules and do debates and interviews - she can just run on Facebook and get all the attention she craves.

  14. In the god awful event that Joe Miller sneaks past LM for the senate- He can be recalled...

    Here is a link to tuck away if things start to look ominous.

    It would require signatures in the amount of 25% of the votes cast in the last election for the official being recalled.

    I think there is no question that enough Alaskans would rise to the occassion in order to prevent opportunistic scum such as Joe Miller to slip in through the back door.

  15. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I get a sick stomach thinking about her
    being in any office, much less being president.
    She is so corrupt, and stupid, and arrogant. He created such chaos/divide,
    ruined our country, and seemed to get a kick
    out of it. She'd be worse. She is like a Jerry
    Springer guest throwing a chair at the world.
    She'll show us! She ain't no trash, yall'er the trash! Shes gunna be pressinant some day!

  16. Anonymous8:00 AM

    What I find most amazing is that Cooper gave her a complete pass on the ridiculous, unbelievable lie that it was an "accident". That is just laughable.

  17. Anonymous8:05 AM

    After seeing how closely a true moron like Sharron Angle got to winning, I believe you are wrong about 2012. I believe if Palin is on the ballot, she stands a chance of winning. It won't be a rout by Obama. Anything could happen and she might win. This idea that it would "fun" to see Palin run against Obama is the same thinking that may get you Joe Miller as a Senator. I think you and your fellow Alaskan bloggers need to look at elections with a more mature eye. National elections are not sport and when someone's name is on the ballot, they could win.

  18. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Gryphen... bet your house?
    Be careful with your predictions, Please! I do not want to see you lose that wager.
    The puppeteers in the shadows are tirelessly pulling her strings and as long as they play that dual game of privately satisfying her ego and publicly sowing doubts about her viability they only strengthen the resolve of her hypnotized sheeple.z

  19. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Floyd Orr: I think you're right about the jobless #'s not being much better. Maybe he can hope for a 7% unemployment? Which means that if he asks Reagan's question: Are you better off than you were four years ago, the answer won't be a resounding, Hell, yeah.

    However, you're wrong about O's chances, imo. Unemployment is high, people feel like the economy is poop, we're in two wars, and he has failed to appease two major constituencies -- gays and Latinos. And STILL his approval rating is 44%. That's pretty solid. We can assume, then that, barring some horrible travesty happening to turn the public against him, this 44 percent are solid Obama voters.

    That means Republicans have to win over 90 percent of the people who don't approve of Obama, or, basically, be flawless in their pitch to those who are unimpressed with Obama and get them to the polls. That's not as likely as people think. You have to assume, for example, that some of those people don't approve because they're further to the left. Those people might support a more liberal third party candidate or stay home, but I doubt they'll support a Republican. If they stay home, then you lower the amount of votes O. needs to win a plurality. If there's a left-leaning third party candidate, that might bleed support, but I suspect that if this group of people see that it'll be close and Sarah Palin or Rand Paul or Huckabee might win, they'll hold their noses and vote Obama.

    B. You have to remember that O. will get a chance to sell himself, and I know, I know, the conservs say that's all he's been doing, but voters might pay attention to his accomplishments until late 2012. So some people might approve of Obama and just not be aware of the fact that they do.

    C. The "We're Going to Take Obama Down Because He Has Less Than 50 percent Approval Crowd" are assuming that the GOP candidate will have better favorables. Um, that's a giant, giant assumption that's pretty faulty. No one on the national stage has better numbers than he has right now. Certainly not Sarah Palin. Congress doesn't, either. The other person people bandy about as a possible candidate because of his hotness and youth is Thune. His resume is thin. Most people don't even know him, and his approval will be about that Congress' approval is (Plus he voted for TARP so I'm thinking he won't win the primary.) And Obama beats Cognress, that's what polls say.

    Sadly, elections often come down to who you disapprove of less. And I think, because of this, Obama will eke out a re-election.

    Plus, don't even get me started on the electoral college. Clearly he has the advantage there and any Republican will have an uphill battle in that category. States that went red for Senate or Governor can't be assumed to go red for president. The fact is our people just didn't come out this time. But they will in 2012.

    So, relax everyone! Sarah Palin will NOT be president. I'm willing to pretend she has a chance though.

    Oh, and to the conservative who says everyone hates her: The field for the GOP is going to be very crowded. If there are 7-10 candidates -- which is certainly likely -- you'll only need 20 percent to win, at least until the numbers thin. The way the GOP system is structured, those early victories mean a lot, and can easily propel a candidate -- even a candidate everyone hates -- forward. Hi, a lot of GOPers hated McCain and it didn't stop him. And Sarah has some solid, vocal, devoted support that can tip her towards 20 percent.

    I wonder though, because everyone from the WH and GOP pundits on down are saying she won't run. Maybe they know something we don't? Either way, you can probably replace SP with "Generic Tea Party affiliate" and get the same thing.

  20. Chenagrrl8:39 AM

    Annoying that Coulter makes her tweet seem as though she took the pic. That could be expected of her.

    But, my sense that Sarah or her seconds, didn't get the joke is strong. But even if they did get the joke, it is definitely the Wasilla Thrilla's style to tap into those who don't get such jokes.

  21. Scary thought the Queen any where near an election. The corporatist,fascist,Repuglican,machine could probably put miss piggy and big bird in office if the wanted.
    I know i'm a bit extreme here but really. Look whats with this whole Olberman thing and Comcast and net neutrality,sane America is losing it's voice.Where is the push for campaign reform. Who owns Diebold again? My thought the sooner she goes down the better.

  22. Anonymous9:21 AM

    FINALLY the MSM is starting to stop and think about who this pseuso-political celebrity really is. Peggy Noonan has a a great column up too, also:

  23. Virginia Voter9:22 AM

    I am with it or not, Sarah Palin is the most visible face of the Republican Party. Like it or not, she is their de facto leader.Who else is more visible?

    I wasn't so convinced she was going to run for President because of all her skeletons and paranoia. On the other hand, she has been in a self absorbed bubble for so long, that she really can be that deluded that she will run. That TLC clip proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt. So I say, Run, Mama Grizzly, Run.The Republican cannabalism will be fun to watch!

  24. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I have two words for you: Rand Paul

    And if the Republicans put up a 3rd party candidate who takes away enough votes from the Dems, then yes, any republican, including Palin, could very well lead us all to hell.

    The only reason the Dems did well in 2006 & 2008 is because Dean ran the DNC. They now hate Dean, and look at the pitiful campaign that the Dems ran this time. Local! When there IS no local, there is national and global.

    Oh, we could so easily have Palin as president, it isn't funny.

  25. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I wish people would stop this nonsense about hoping Palin will run for president because she'll be "so easy to beat". What just happened in Alaska? Democrats helped Joe Miller to get on the ticket because he would be "easy to beat". Then, when Lisa Murkowski insisted on running anyway, Democrats panicked and supported her instead of McAdams because "we can't let Joe Miller win". For God's sake, if you must interfere with the other party's nominating process, pick the most decent person you can find. No matter how smart you think you are, you still might get stuck with that candidate. Saying you can "always recall them" is stupid. Apart from all that, if Sarah Palin runs for President, forget any intelligent discussion of any important issue. It will be a three-ring circus, 24-7. Alaskans unleashed this pestilence upon the world, and Alaskans need to do anything necessary to keep her off the ticket. This joke stopped being funny a long time ago.

  26. Anonymous9:42 AM

    HOly Shit!! Even Dumbya (aka George W Bush, aka worst and dumbest Prez evah) thinks she's unqualified for Prez and the reason McCain lost.

  27. FEDUP!!!9:51 AM

    Haven't watched the video.
    That said: do not take $arah lightly! I never thought people would vote for the scum they voted for this November 2nd, so don't 'misunderestimate' $arah and her rabid vapid followers!
    Add to that, that many people are upset with our President for promising the sky in '08 and not being able to deliver it, and you might have a disaster in the making!

  28. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Amen @9:39. Forget intelligent discourse, the country would be floating aimlessly on the USS High Drama with Sarahvita Peron at the helm.

  29. London Bridges9:52 AM

    Money and False Advertising now wins elections. This is one of the headlines from yesterday's Democracy Now:
    Wall Street Moguls Funded Pro-GOP Rove Group

    As President Obama adjusts to Democrats’ reduced legislative standing, new details have emerged on the privately funded effort to elect Republican candidates. NBC News reports the bulk of funding for the Karl Rove-founded group Crossroads GPS "came from a small circle of extremely wealthy Wall Street hedge fund and private equity moguls." Rove helped coordinate Crossroads’ spending on attack ads against vulnerable Democrats along with other right-wing groups. Both Crossroads and sister group American Crossroads spent $38 million on attack ads and mailings targeting Democratic candidates. According to NBC, Republican candidates won nine of the 12 Senate races and 14 of 22 House races where Rove’s groups spent money.

  30. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Excellent, 8:26, excellent.

    President Obama is sitting at a firm 46% approval rating. A bump in the economy will bump President Obama´s rating over 50%. So will a draw down in either of the two wars. All is not gloomy. Now he has a Republican House to rail against in 2012.

    HA! You know if Sarah is the nominee the campaign will shift from the issues to the dingbat!

  31. SME13110:19 AM

    Anderson is clearly ignoring the fact that IF Sarah re posted it as a joke as Ann "supposedly" had then she would have just said it was a joke and suggested people ask Ann. She didn't do that. She re tweeted and favorited the tweet because she does agree with the sign.

  32. Anonymous10:38 AM

    amazing how the rightwing always gets away with the "mistake" or "accident" excuse.

    MSNBC defends Joe Scarborough's donations to Rethug candidates as a "mistake" that Joe's wife's name was not listed as the donor.

    TLC defends as "mistake" their showing unauthorized footage of Joe the Author sitting on his private patio.


    I am so fed up with the Double Standard and False Equivalency BS! The more I think about it, the more angry I get that Jon Stewart is playing into that meme.

    I actually really hope he openly apologizes to Keith on air this coming week.



  33. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I agree with the posters here who don't think it's a good idea to let Palin anywhere near a presidential candidacy.

    I also have two words: Weimar Republic. Many Germans and others outside Germany gravely underestimated the danger posed by the Nazi party and its brownshirts in the 1920s. Books have been written.

    Times of turmoil and economic hardship when society is in flux are the times when unscrupulous power-mongers will make their deals. The Republicans are proven masters of cash and dirty tricks. Palin is an unstable fundamentalist with a racist and poorly-educated following spouting violent rhetoric and proud of being armed with assault weapons.
    Al this indicates to me that staying far from Palin and her followers and backers and not playing with fire is the wisest course for our country and for continuation of a civil society here.

  34. forever um, GOP, um, Sarah10:50 AM

    Sarah "um" Palin, AIP, is the Republican Party. Move over Rove, no one listens to Bush. Um, Sarah is the woman incarnation of Ronny and thier is nothin, um, Nancy can do bout it. Mt Rushmoore will have her, um, face one day. She is more mavrick than, um, McCain, more rouge, more jobs for China and better than Viagra. Wendi Deng and Palin will rule, um, China, too. The Murdock way. The fix is in, they can't turn back now. PALIN IS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. No wonder they can't live without her. Um, Sarah, GO, reload, um, she is the, um, GOP. The face of everthing, um, Republican. Peg Noonam get a life. Um, Sarah is the face of Ronnie, um, Reagan, more Ronny than Ronny. Wait until she, um, speaks to the, um, Nation. Um.... thurd party will, um, werk to.

  35. I was just thinking about Mr. Obama's last two years, this election, and the next two. I idly wondered how many times that last few years Mr. Obama was very tempted to just give it up. Now he has to figure out how to deal with the next Congress. Just how long do you think Sarah would have lasted?

  36. Anonymous11:15 AM

    George W. Bush has come fwd to states that he does not believe Palin to be qualified for the presidency, and he thinks that she “lost the election for McCain”

    I assume his comments are at the behest of Rove, who is smart enough to know Sarah's weaknesses.

    We all know Sarah ALWAYS takes the bait. She cannot resist.

    Won’t be long now before she blames W for HER lost 08 election, and then she can be at war with even more Establishment Rethugs.

    BTW, I think the recent trial balloon being floated about GWB having higher approval ratings than Obama is the GOP testing the waters for using Bush in '12 campaigns.

    There won't be so much an effort to push back the Teaparty as there will be to take control and paint some more corporate candidates as "Teaparty friendly"

    We’re gonna need more popcorn, ya’ll.

    - kellygrrrl

  37. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Stop it!

    The Republican Party despises Sarah as much as you do!

    She has hurt us more than any of you.

    Good grief, people, we are all Americans.

    Also, too, a big fat thank you to Joe McGinniss for getting Sarah to STFU.

  38. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I disagree with those who say her strength is her high visibility.
    The smart candidate lays low these past two years, way low, and allows the buffoonish GOP congress and the Teaparty play the role of Angry Ignorant Mob -- then suddenly emerges in early 2011 with a GOP House in place and looks and sounds fresh and presidential.

    (see Mitt Romney and/or Jeb Bush)

    unfortunately, I do agree with Fred Orr. There is little chance of the unemployment number looking much better, even with significant improvements in the economy.
    I'm afraid once again we've allowed the Rethugs to control the narrative, and they've already planted the message to the electorate that the one and only factor they should consider is the unemployment figures.

    also too, with the GLBT and youth and progressive communities backing Obama and building energy ... ugh!

    - kellygrrrl

  39. Anonymous11:36 AM

    please join

  40. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Here's Palin's track record:

    -Polls showed that people's negative feelings toward Palin caused McCain's failed election bid.

    -Palin is being blamed by the GOP for not getting the majority in the Senate due to her support of Tea Party Mama Grizzlies; Angle, O'Donnell & Fiorina.

    -Recent articles have been written about the GOP's disdain for Palin and their fear of losing 2012 if she runs, so it's doubtful she'll get the majority's backing.

    -The hype about "the year of women candidates" did not play out in the election and now there are equal to less then the total # of women in power.

    -First female president? I'd think the only chance of this would be Hillary or someone equally well respected and I can't imagine many men in the GOP agreeing to support Palin as the candidate, there are too many who've positioned themselves to run.

    -All recent polls show Palin as second or third choice for GOP leader and very few GOP members can even lie & say Palin is qualified to be president.

    After the GOP successfully bought the election, they don't need to throw out a desperate pick for president. They have the model in place to buy another election but still need a strong candidate and won't be willing to risk another loss on her.

  41. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I agree with those who say not to dismiss the possibility of Sarah winning the Presidency if she is nominated. Her participation in the primaries would be bad enough, but she might well win the election.

    Comments at 9:52 and 10:40 together describe the situation.

    The Weimar Republic experience is what may be repeated. Keep in mind that the opposition to the Democratic nominee has the ability to make things worse for the average citizen (unemployment, reduction in income, increase in taxes the list is endless). This can be done by passing new laws at the state and federal levels, cutting spending, and also just literally screwing up government- even causing government shutdowns.
    This was done in 1995 at the federal level.

    Republicans and Tea Party candidates and winners have already promised to continue what they have already been doing as a minority the last two years.

    The House will probably attempt to impeach the Kenyan born Muslim within the next 18 months.

    The other thing that will be done is lie to the public through the newly allowed campaign financing methods. Faux news expanded and replicated in different forms.

    The US Chamber of Commerce is already involved in funding its own media outlets.

    2012 will not be good- but Palin in the mix will make it worse. She could be elected.

    Even if Peggy Noonan calls her a "nincompoop" for twisting and attempting to steal the Reagan legacy for herself. Peggy Noonan was a Reagan speechwriter.

  42. Elizabeth, I have wondered the same thing. Palin assumed that if she was ever elected, she would just have a grand old time of it. She has proven time and time again that she cannot handle ANY sort of criticism without completely overreacting to it. How would she handle world leaders who treat her like the idiot she is? How would she handle the electorate and their anger at the things she's doing or not doing- the fact that she'd likely hole herself up in the WH and never let anyone talk to her? There is no way she could handle such a thing. If she did handle it, it would be the wrong way and it would put our country in dire danger.

  43. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Anonymous said... :14 AM
    I was disappointed at Anderson inferring that Palin had not called Obama a Muslim or words to that effect.

    During the runoff between Obama and Clinton Sarah said, "Sambo beat the bitch!" Proving that she is a classless racist! She just seems to hate everyone who isn't her.

  44. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:10 PM

    My fear is that nothing will stick to the Teflon Quitter Queen--barring anything extremely heinous. No matter what's revealed about SP's past, the Neocons will spin it and her rabid cult followers will find a way to excuse it. Some Palinbots that I've spoken to truly believe she is here to "save" the world, and will be sitting at the right hand of God in Heaven, helping Him to judge people should the End Times occur. I wish I was kidding, but I'm deadly serious. These are the same followers who believe that our President is the Anti-Christ (when pressed, they admitted that their PASTORS have told them this in private--I suspect to avoid tax exempt investigation). I've tried to reason with them and point out what a fraud she is, but it's almost as if she's been programmed to mesmerize the mindless in fulfilling the RW's agenda. I know this all sounds extreme, but take a gander at the last election. Rand Paul? Joe Miller? Chrissie? And the other nimrods who, 20 years ago, would never have been considered candidates for a home owners association garbage committee?

    We MUST have a voice and we MUST have Keith Olbermann, Rachel and other rational, intelligent, highly visible people on our side--that includes bloggers like Gryph. Otherwise, another election will be auctioned, and Queenie will most likely be elected (read: "appointed") to the most powerful position on the planet. She's the perfect actress/puppet for the RW regime--even when she publicly melts down and gets to trot out the victim card, a part she loves to play.

    A friend who isn't into politics once told me that it would be a "hoot" if Mama Grisly runs and wins; the WH would be "so much fun" to watch at that point with SP bumbling around. He was miffed when I explained that the Government was no reality show. The least we'd have is sock puppet leadership with an eardrum-bending screech driving us into the ground; the worst would be a terrified nation living under a constant nuclear threat with Raptureena at the helm. So much easier to rule the masses that way...

  45. Although I do not agree with Peggy Noonan’s politics, I love her word-smithing, ESPECIALLY when she chastises $arah…….here is part of her recent essay…..enjoy:

    Americans Vote for Maturity
    Obama gets a rebuke, but so do Republicans who seem unqualified.

    Conservatives talked a lot about Ronald Reagan this year, but they have to take him more to heart, because his example here is a guide.

    All this seemed lost last week on Sarah Palin, who called him, on Fox, “an actor.” She was defending her form of political celebrity—reality show, “Dancing With the Stars,” etc.

    This is how she did it: “Wasn’t Ronald Reagan an actor? Wasn’t he in ‘Bedtime for Bonzo,’ Bozo, something? Ronald Reagan was an actor.”

    Excuse me, but this was ignorant even for Mrs. Palin.

    Reagan people quietly flipped their lids, but I’ll voice their consternation to make a larger point.

    Ronald Reagan was an artist who willed himself into leadership as president of a major American labor union (Screen Actors Guild, seven terms, 1947-59.)

    He led that union successfully through major upheavals (the Hollywood communist wars, labor-management struggles);

    discovered and honed his ability to speak persuasively by talking to workers on the line at General Electric for eight years;

    was elected to and completed~~~ two full terms~~ as governor of California;

    challenged and almost unseated an incumbent president of his own party;

    and went on to popularize modern conservative political philosophy without the help of a conservative infrastructure. Then he was elected president.

    The point is not “He was a great man and you are a nincompoop,” though that is true.

    The point is that Reagan’s career is a guide, not only for the tea party but for all in politics.

    He brought his fully mature, fully seasoned self into politics with him. He wasn’t in search of a life when he ran for office, and he wasn’t in search of fame; he’d already lived a life, he was already well known, he’d accomplished things in the world.

    Here is an old tradition badly in need of return:

    You have to earn your way into politics. You should go have a life, build a string of accomplishments, then enter public service. And you need actual talent: You have to be able to bring people in and along.

    You can’t just bully them, you can’t just assert and taunt, you have to be able to persuade.

    Americans don’t want, as their representatives, people who seem empty or crazy. They’ll vote no on that.

    It’s not just the message, it’s the messenger.

  46. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Can anyone explain to me how someone who is too stupid to manage a Twitter account is somehow qualified to be the leader of the free world?

  47. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Teutonic13: If he is recalled, doesn't the Gov appoint a new senator? If so, what stops him from appointing Scarah?

  48. I am thinking all it would take is to find where palin said she had a favorite tweet or had favorited a tweet to prove her lie. Such a lame excuse should be debunked.

  49. Anonymous2:17 PM

    HOLY CRAP! Please see the Peggy Noonen piece (just posted on Huff Post) about Palin's attempt to invoke Reagen. She actually calls her a 'nincompoop.'

  50. Anonymous2:18 PM

    O/T Bristol Baby Bump at 0:05

  51. Anonymous2:30 PM


    Sarah Palin you are no Ronald Reagan…. You are… let me get this right…

    "He was a great man and you are a nincompoop”
    - Peggy Noonan, (Reagan speech writer)

  52. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Everybody needs to send John McCain a special note and thank him for giving us his legacy who's name is Sarah Palin. There will be a special place in hell for him. He sold his sole to the devil when he named her his vp choice.

  53. Anonymous2:54 PM

    How come the main stream media does not report that the house next to the Palins was a half way house for drug addicts? Why didn't they put up a fence then?

  54. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Anderson Cooper needs viewers or his show is cancelled for bad ratings. That is the ONLY thing important to Anderson Cooper. The safety and security of the USA is TOTALLY unimportant. He'd say Mitt Romney has a chance if it would get him a few more viewers. But Anderson Cooper thinks Sarah Palin has enough sex appeal to keep viewers coming back so he's pushing the Palin fantasy this week.

    Anderson Cooper is as good at faking being a pundit/reporter as Sarah Palin is a faking pregnancy with the child known as Trig.

  55. Anonymous3:50 PM

    *** The Republican Party despises Sarah as much as you do! ***

    McCain wanted Lieberman but needed some juice, viagra or better medication. The Repubs can despise and a few will grumble but they need her as much as McCain thought he did. They may get a little testy but party loyalty rules. If she can do another party the Repubs might do something. Why bother? Only a few would be serious about exposing her and they won't prevail. They would all have to admit they have egg on their face if any truth comes out. Taking her down would expose what idiots they are. They are stuck with a little whine and no real take down. My pity goes to Nancy Reagan if she is still coherant and knows about how Palin uses Reagan. Magnify what Noonan is thinking a billion times and you get how a conscious Nancy would feel and think. Sarah will attract attention and make noise and the Repubs need that. No such thing as bad press for someone like Republican Palin. Ron reagan may write a book years after his mother has passed on and reveal how Nancy took to supporting McCain, a man she detested. And what she really thinks and feels about the NEW RONALD REAGAN in her FU boots.

    Sarah could win the highest office because of her financial backers and how our system works. They know how to work it and they have no scruples.

  56. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Anyone else seen this?

    Best quote about Palin:The point is not "He was a great man and you are a nincompoop," though that is true.

  57. deebee5:01 PM

    Palin will throw her bumpit into the pres election ring, the Repugs will have a moderate candidate garnering 35%, she will 3rd party shepherd the TPer's 16% via facebook & twitter, pocket campaign funds, with her endgame to drop out steering her sheeple voters to the Repugs in exchange for an appointment as Secretary of the Interior. Final vote tally R-51% D-49%. Certified by Diebold. America Adieu!

  58. teutonic13 @ 7:48 AM,

    If Joe Miller wins, God forbid, he can't be recalled by Alaska voters. A US Senator is not a "state official." A Senator represents a state, but the office is created by the US Constitution. Note that none of the examples given at the website you linked were US Senators or Representatives.

  59. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I believe the Lame Stream Media are purposely propping this woman up. Just like they did with Sharron Angle in Nevada. The other two Republican candidates could have beat Reid, but not crazy Sharron. So it's no wonder to me that crazy Sarah is being touted as the next GOP candidate. The Democrats are encouraging this, and the Republicans are being made to look like fools.

  60. Teutonic - the site you linked is for recalling state officials, but US Senate is a federal, not state, position.

    The Alaska Legislative Affairs Agency's Alaska's Constitution: A Citizen's Guide has the Constitution's recall section with some commentary.

    Section 8. Recall
    All elected public officials in the State, except judicial officers, are subject to recall by the voters of the State or political subdivision from which elected. Procedures and grounds for recall shall be prescribed by the legislature.

    This section makes the governor, lieutenant governor, and legislators subject to popular recall—that is, subject to removal from office by a vote of the electorate. Legislators can be recalled only by the voters of the district that elected them. Procedures for use of the recall are specified in AS 15.45.470- 720. These include the grounds for recall, which are lack of fitness, incompetence, neglect of duties, or corruption. The legislature has also authorized the recall of elected municipal officials in the state municipal code (AS 29.26.240-350). Recall campaigns at the local level take place from time to time, some successfully.
    In 1993 a recall campaign was mounted against Governor Hickel and Lieutenant Governor Coghill, and petitions were circulated for signatures. Eventually the director of the division of elections decertified the petitions and the effort died.

    That doesn't preclude someone from arguing that the courts to say the language includes US Senators as well.

  61. aj weishar9:12 PM

    Speaking of accidents, you may have missed a few over the past ten years. Down here in the lower 48, we have a problem. People who fall out of favor with the powers that be seem to commit suicide or die when their plane crashes due to mechanical failure. Palin is definitely no favorite of the people behind the scenes in D.C. She is constantly flying somewhere on a private jet. I wish her no ill will, but her handlers need to wake up and get her in line before something bad happens.

  62. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Sarah's deranged fan base won't be able to vote for her repeatedly the way they have for Bristol the "flatfooted pistol" on DWTS.

    Sorry, only one vote!


  63. Anne In DC4:15 AM

    Ever since the presidential campaign of 2008, Palin has made many remarks badmouthing Obama by saying he's not "one of us." So, whether she "retweeted" Coulter's nonsense or "favorited" it, this reflects her true feelings toward him.

    Her hatred of him is fueled partly by her egomania which gives her a sense of entitlement. It also stems from the fact that this black man is where she thinks she should be, and her feelings about blacks as well. She has not only alienated Hispanics and Blacks, but also Muslims, because these groups don't fit her idea of
    "ril 'Merikans." I see that a number of white conservative Republicans are equally disenchanted with her, judging from at least one comment on this blog, and others on other blogs.

    I also don't like the idea of promoting her to be nominated, simply because she already has puppetmasters behind her, trying to make her palatable as president. I agree with the poster who said voting for Joe Miller in the primary was a bad idea, because he shouldn't be even as close as he is in the votes so far.
    I feel that the same would apply to a Palin bid for the presidency. No one anywhere should encourage that.

  64. Anonymous3:21 AM

    It's too risky to assume that Sarah can't win. The only way to guarantee she doesn't win is to make sure her name is not on the ballot. She needs to be taken out of the running now before it's too late. And someone out there has the information to make her disappear from the political scene.


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