Monday, November 29, 2010

Last night's "Sarah Palin sees Alaska for the very first time" was more phony than Sister Sarah's boobs at the Belmont Stakes.

Last night's episode focused on beefing up the Grizzled Mama's credibility as a true Alaskan, a great example of a working mother, and the antithesis of a diva.

And in case you were not picking up on the subtleties of the message you had the omnipresent screechy narration of Sarah herself to drive those points home.  In fact Sarah maintains such tight control over her message that hardly anybody else in the family got the chance say much of anything, unless it was a carefully scripted diary segment which unfortunately revealed that Bristol is not the only one in the family with no acting ability.

Speaking of Bristol she is MIA during this episode.  A situation which might be explained by the fact that this seems to have been filmed in late June and early July (They are shown celebrating the Fourth of July and Willow's July seventh birthday), which was just about the time that Levi and Bristol were rekindling their lust for each other which, in about a week, would result in an ostentatious announcement in US Weekly on July fourteenth.

This episode was just chock full of "firsts."  The first time that Willow has seen SO many fish (But remember Willow you HAVE worked on a fishing boat before, wink wink.), the first time  that Track has captained his Dad's boat (Don't worry that he fucked up your trailer Todd, TLC will pay for it!), the first time that Sarah and Piper have met their little Down syndrome cousin Matthew (And for that matter it seems like the first time in a long time that Sarah has interacted with Todd's side of the family at all.  I guess she did not feel she needed them until now.), and perhaps the first time in a long time that Track has had to celebrate July Fourth without his rowdy friends. (Sorry guys I can't get hammered with you this time, my mom wants me to help her with her shitty reality show. Well yeah, of course I get paid!)

Some of the segments in the show were so clumsy and obvious that it took me right out of the fantasy that Palin was trying to create. 

I mean I am not saying that Todd's grandmother DOESN'T use the customary Eskimo Ulu to cut the heads off of fish, I am just saying that it felt a lot like product placement to these old Alaskan eyes.

However the contrived segment of Track getting his first crack at being the captain of Todd's boat (What a coincidence that such an important chapter in the young man's life is captured for the world to see by a TLC camera crew!), was so phony that it almost played out like a water downed and mumbled version of the phony cat fights on VH1's "Rock of Love." (Now THAT'S an entertaining "reality" show!)

The same can be said for the "celebration" of Willow's birthday without her sister Bristol anywhere in sight. After we all witnessed how they seamlessly worked in tandem to humiliate and shame a boy on Facebook do we REALLY think that Willow would celebrate her 16th birthday without her big sister?  Uh, no.

However since Willow got paid to push her ass kissing little sister's face in the a birthday cake perhaps she did not mind having a fake party for the cameras and another real one with her big sis and her more camera shy friends later.

The other obviously scripted portions are the ones attempting to show Sarah comfortably interacting with Trig.  She is shown holding him quite a bit, much like she does for her book signings, but there seems to be a lack of connectivity between the two of them.  In fact it seems that Trig is much more comfortable with Willow, Piper, Tripp, or Todd,  than he is with the woman he is supposed to call "Mommy."  Just an observation.

Perhaps the show would not have been so difficult to swallow if everything that "happened" had not been accompanied by the Grizzled Mama's annoying narration, and the crappy mood music playing in the background. Here see for yourself.

See what I mean?  The whole freaking show was like that!

Perhaps the most difficult part to accept was Sister Sarah's crocodile tears while talking about Cousin Matthew and how that gives her hope for Trig's future.  Of all of the contrived segments THAT one was the hardest to swallow.

I am not sure who in this country turns on a reality show expecting to see "reality," but if anybody was looking for it here they came away very disappointed.  Nor can I imagine how this helps Sister Sarah appear any more prepared to sit in the Oval office, but as I said yesterday, I have a chronic case of critical thinking, so I am clearly not part of this program's identified demographic.

P.S. For those confused by my Belmont Stakes reference in the headline, does THIS jog your memory?


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Why haven't her advisors suggested elocution lessons? Her voice is shrill and unappealing and she speaks rapid fire. And the mispronunciation?
    Real - rill
    Deal - dill
    Perhaps Nicole Wallace had the nerve to broach this subject.

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Good freaking grief - phony from the get-go. I would have given some points for her family values if I hadn't seen her dragging Trig around without shoes, socks and appropriate clothes on her book tour last year. Todd looks far more comfortable with the kids overall and with Trig in particular than Sarah ever does.

    BTW - just have to say, their house looks like a big trailer and the entrance side looks rather barren. The inside portions I've seen in clips also have a barren feel to them. Couldn't they afford to hire a landscaper or an interior decorator to give their lives a bit of beauty?

  3. Lynne8:15 AM

    When do we learn how much more her viewer numbers dropped?

  4. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I agree with 8:11. Sarah should spend some of her ill-gotten gains on voice and diction lessons. Even some of her fans get turned off by her voice. Maybe that's why she tries to use FB and twitter so much - hearing her is actually painful.

  5. I can't get over the scene that has Willow shoving Piper's head into the birthday cake. The Palin's might find it newsworthy and hilarious if Willow body slammed Piper into the white house gingerbread house destroying it or f'ing up a state dinner taking the heads off the flowers in the arrangements.

    I can't grasp that Sarah and Todd are so self absorbed attempting to impress people they are super parents by making their eldest son into an apparent screw up. If Track is lazy and irresponsible that is best kept a private matter and dealt with.

    It seems their is an enormous reality gap between what Sarah feeds people and what people are seeing and hearing on this show. I predict a ratings drop of 20% for a total of 60% to date.

  6. The only hope for the show is if TLC gets wise and replaces Sarah Palin with Tina Fey.
    Do you know if she got a real entertainment lawyer for the contract with TLC? Because if not they might not notice if a replacement clause was stuck in.

  7. Anonymous8:26 AM

    It will be interesting to see how the ratings went this week.

  8. Anonymous8:33 AM

    To 8:11. that's not mispronunication. It's how a portion of people in the country speak. Think crick instead of creek

    I think people who criticize the show just think too much. It's supposed to be a fun show, not analytical. It is on TLC. BTW I watched part of Kate plus 8. I'm surprised that woman isn't in an institution because her show is one chaotic minute after another. It doesn't shock me that Sarah or her family hasn't visited distant relatives over there other than the Dillingham crew (whom they visit frequently) I found that to be the most real thing about the last episode.
    It made me feel a little guilty at not having seen my parents since last christmas or some extended relatives in a couple years (who live 4 hours from me). Life is busy as we all know.

    I'm not convinced Willow would "party" with Bristol. Bristol acts like her older sister much of the time and seems to relish that. Much like Track acts like B's older brother. Willow doesn't have many (if any) mututal friends). Though they are both close to their cousins (Alex, Lauden, Kandice)

    I've always wondered where Sarah and family gets "Trigby" from as a nickname. Bristol called him that in the Todd Esquire interview and Sarah called him that in the Oprah at home video.

    I enjoyed seeing a father/son relationship on the water. Working together usually makes for trying times. They seem to have similar personalities and we already knew Todd is a tough boss on the water. I am shocked a 21 yr old agreed to the show. I'm not sure I would have as a teen or young adult.

    I have to disagree with her interactions with Trig. I see no real difference in comfort level (other than with Todd). Actually if you recall the youtube video that captures Sarah visiting BRistol at DWTS (with Tripp and Trig) he appears to be most comfortable with Sarah, even pulling away from Bristol.He's 2. They're tempermental. But, Trig is Todd's little buddy. Todd adores him. I still find it remarkable that Piper and Trig STRONGLY resemble each other.

  9. Anonymous8:36 AM

    That picture of her sitting back with her boobs jutting out is the epitome of how I regard Palin. She is looking around with the nasty, smug face trying to find someone/something, to bitch about. She reminds me of the semi-pretty girl in high-school who thinks she has a chance with the best looking guy, when she should settle for the OK looking guy and in the end, loses them both. By trying to become president, she will lose the one thing she has going for her, and that is her ability to rile up her base and get them to empty their pockets. She will eventually alienate them too.

    If the p-bots would ever take off the rose-colored glasses they would see that she will never hob-nob with them. She used to be one of them and now she has money and doesn't need 'em. I wonder how many bots have had dinner at her house, rode around with her in her jet, got invited over when it wasn't a photo-op?

    What a waste of celebrity. She could have used her fame for so much good, but she uses it to lash out at everyone who disagrees with her. Can you imagine how much money could be raised for DS kids by just one of her tweets/facebook pleas for donations, or gifts for the families of the troops for Xmas?

    I am starting to feel sorry for her. She must have such a depressing life. Hate breeds hate. You can't escape it when you wallow in it. For every nasty thing she says about someone else, it comes back to her twofold.

  10. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I have comment on the hearing aids. When I used to babysit kids with Downs, I discovered only a small percentage actually need them. a tad more need glasses and that numbers still only slightly over 50% of all cases. We only know of one surgery he's had and I'm guessing that was related to his ears. In the family picture tweeted Sunday, he doesn't appear different from before the surgery. He also doesn't visibly squint or show discomfort when looking at books.

    Just from observation, Sarah seems to be someone who adapts to different situations (special needs kid) more slowly. Piper is taken with Trig and MAtthew, Willow adores both the babies, Todd is essentially father to both Tripp and Trig, and the extended family loves them as well.

    I fear people too often manipulate their ability to objectively perceive people they form personal opinions on, which is common for all politicians and people in general. Everyone has bias. Reps look at Obama as uncaring, stoic, and distant due to his stiffness and put-on demeanor. People see Hillary as a robot due to her speech pattern. People only see Bill Clinton as a womanizer who they do not wish to see near the white house ever again (sad times that pett scandals end a brilliant leader's career). People assume Todd is a roustabout, without any critical thinking ability.

  11. I can't stand her voice. Watching that clip was torture.

  12. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Track is what? 21 or 22, this family has had a "commercial fishing business, blah, blah forever!" but THAT show was the first time a kid in his 20's had driven the boat? Water-rats / river-rats learn to drive boats before they learn to drive cars. Bristol had her "first" experience skeet or trap shooting, now more firsts this week.

    For an "active, out-doors all the time family", the kids haven't experienced much. If I didn't know better, I'd guess that those kids never did much ... besides party. :)

  13. Anonymous8:50 AM

    That is NOT Trig giggling, but a voice over.

  14. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Where are TriG's glases and hearing aids Mommie Dearest?

    I am so glad that you put up the Mean Girl in Falsiess photo. It seems to have vanished from Google images along with the second shot of Piper filpping the bird.

    Did TLC point out that Sarah was pregnant when she seduced the Dud into becoming the free medical care father of some other man's child?

    I'll ask again. If Todd has not legally adopted Track and Track is getting indigenous free health care, the Palin's are defrauding the government and stealing limited funds from helping the people those funds are intended to help.

  15. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Trig helps them 'focus' and get in there and do what needs to be done to be a family?

    Like taking speaking gigs halfway across the country when you are in your third (wink, wink) trimester? Launching a rigorous three month Hail Mary vice presidential campaign when he's an infant? Doing unending coast to coast and even international speeches? Livefeed Fox News contributions? Calling in to radio programs? Fundraisers? Political events and (ghost-writing) two book and pimping it out on two national tours? And let us not forget her hours and hours dedicated per day in 20 hours cycles of texting, Tweeting, Facebook hating and prayer warrior shielding?

    I love Trig. He's the only Palin I care for. He's adorable and I wish him a lifetime of health and happiness.

    But just what time does poor Trig get from the moms and daddy? If this is her idea of focusing on family, no wonder he's DS (for lack of family planning at her age and Gubernatorial duties) Bristol was a pregnant teen, Track and Willow are juvenile delinquents and Piper never goes to school.

    She wants to bring that kind of focus on the country? No thanks. Bringing on The Rapture is a lazy way to take care of our nation's problems Sarah.

  16. Anonymous 8:50 you absolutely right. I caught that too.

    When Trig stops and Todd picks him up he starts to squall. I don't believe that throwing him in the air calmed him down one bit, so they added cute baby laughter to cover the continued fussiness which would have ruined that "sweet" father and son time.

  17. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Physical violence is never funny and it is even less funny when the victim is weaker than the attacker.

    I hope the twitterverse is alive with criticism of a 16 year old bullying and laughing at a 7 or 8 year child who is already neglected.

    On the other hand it is reinforcement of the bulling and twitter harassment and insults by Birstol and Willow. This appears to be normal accepted behavior in the Palin household.
    And fits in nicely with Sarah's passion for none stop 24/7/365 verbal assaults, and insults.

  18. Anonymous9:08 AM

    @8:11 am: Agree with Anonymous at 8:33. I am from rural North Dakota and Sarah Palin and I have nearly identical accents (though mine is a bit less pronounced, and far less shrill). In fact, my liberal friends loved calling me "Sarah" all throughout the election because they knew I hated it.

    Plus, it adds to her "Rill American" image.

    As far as the glasses go, I have a young cousin who needs glasses to correct a problem with his eye muscles (can't remember which one at the moment), but he doesn't wear them out in public because he is likely to throw them off, break them, etc. Maybe this is why Trig is never wearing them in public.

  19. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Remember, Piper was asking Willow to shove her face in the cake. Willow says "im not doing that piper" and piper has her face right by it.

  20. Anonymous9:18 AM

    The Palin house is very barren and chilly, more like a rented furnished apartment than a home. Cold, cold cold. It also brings to mind the saying "They have more money than taste." Or the question "do sociopaths decorate?"

  21. Anonymous9:18 AM

    The sentimental music soundtrack was completely manipulative. It was so aggravating to watch the show because I knew I was being played.

    I was hoping those who know the ins and outs of fishing, life up in Alaska, all those details, would weigh in on this. Those of us down here just don't know what seems realistic and what doesn't.

  22. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I dont think thats a voiceove for trigs giggling. look at his face and go back and look at the still frame

  23. Anonymous9:20 AM

    8:33 Anonymous says "I think people who criticize the show just think too much."

    RIGHT!!!! Critical thinking MUST be turned off or the viewer doesn't make it past the first 3 minutes.

    Sarah Palin NEEDS non-thinking people to support her narcissism. Anyone with a shred of critical thinking skills gets tossed under the bus.

    Of course, the other problem is that anyone with critical thinking skills above say, 2nd grade level, does not even turn on the TV to watch Sarah crap up a beautiful state. So, the people that can stop Sarah's drive to dominance via a presidential campaign don't even get a good idea of how big a problem Sarah is.

    Sarah's own disgusting stupidity is her best weapon because she can deepen the delusion of her fans without attracting the interest of the thinking portion of the electorate.

    Sarah Palin is evil.

  24. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I never watched TLC's "geek show" shows,
    so when Alaska's Sarah Palin started, I
    went ahead & removed TLC from my
    channel line up (I also have Fox removed).
    I know when her show is on, but I'm
    never compelled to watch. I'll gossip
    about her, but I have no interest in
    seeing her or hearing her speak. I'll
    never add TLC to my channels again,
    not that I know it is a Tea Bag channel.

    I know some DS children are abusive
    to their siblings & parents, and I'm
    wondering if that is why they won't
    make Trig wear his glasses. Maybe Sarah
    thinks if he can't see her, he can't bop her?

  25. Anonymous9:23 AM

    So, you're watching this crap and AKM is reading the stinking book. You both are really taking one for the team. I don't know how you do it. The whole thing is a pile of garbage. Phony-baloney garbage.

  26. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Gryphen, you have been much too kind. No insult is intended towards Trig, but judging from the sounds that he was making on the short You Tube clip, he isn't calling anyone "Mommy," "Daddy," or much of anything else. What I can see is that he hasn't received very much therapy because his brief appearance is so heavily managed that it clear that he can't do very much. Even when he headed in the wrong direction, Todd picked him up to carry him off.

    As for Trig helping everyone to focus in on raising their family, Sarah has shown us what a wonderful job she and Todd have done so far. Track and Willow have gotten into trouble regarding vandalism, which should have been punished by the law. Bristol got into a different kind of trouble, and the Palins prevented her from marrying the father of at least one of her children.

    Some time ago, Sarah got in trouble for fishing without a license. Fishing licenses are public record, so it would be interesting to see if the entire family who participated in the fishing scenes hold actual licenses. If not, then they will have to admit that the show is staged and fake, and no actual fishing took place except by licensed fishermen.

  27. Anonymous9:26 AM

    The voice over of Trig giggling isn't even a very good match for his movements and expressions.

    The production quality of Sarah Palin's Alaska is very telling. The real cash went into her monsterous paycheck.

  28. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Anon 8:36
    "What a waste of celebrity. She could have used her fame for so much good, but she uses it to lash out at everyone who disagrees with her. Can you imagine how much money could be raised for DS kids by just one of her tweets..."

    You are totally correct but Sarah is blind to that. It simply does not exist in her world that helping others less fortunate is a good thing to do.

    Look at what Olberman has raised, look at what the Alaskan bloggers raise two winters ago, just by asking, not for their own sakes, much less for 100K smackers, but because they have a bully pulpit and choose to use it to help.

    Most politicians and celebs realize that, at least to the extent that is it good PR for their own sakes.

    For Sarah it simply does not exist.
    She has done a couple of money raisers that would have been great PR but she had to get paid up front and the PR value is gone.

    It is always about Sarah first, last and in between.

  29. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I have a little 3 year old girl with Down syndrome.

    Watching Todd with Trig was great. That is my life - and it is a great one!

    I think it is absurd for people to speculate about Trig's care, whether he should wear glasses or hearing aids, whether he is getting appropriate therapy, and particularly whether Sarah or Todd seems to love him enough.

    As if we could really tell these things from our vantage point.

    Some of this empty speculation gives great ammunition to the Sarah fans, by allowing them to have genuine moral outrage. Why give them a freebie? Why not stick to Sarah's positions, instead of her family or her voice or the landscaping at her house?

  30. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Anon at 8:33:

    No, it is not supposed to just be a 'fun show.' Sarah herself has said it's an opportunity for her to make political statements. Ideology and fun don't mix.

    The Palin kids are mean-spirited and nasty because their parental models are mean-spirited and nasty. Had one of my kids shoved another one's face into a cake, it certainly would not have made it passed editing to be displayed for all the world to see. I would have considered it embarrassing that one of my children was so ill-bred they didn't know better than that and the 'pusher' would be facing some serious consequences--not the laughter of other family members and the opportunity to proudly display their nastiness on TV. These people are tacky and totally lack basic standards for appropriate behavior--not to mention the slightest hint of self-awareness.

  31. Back2Track9:32 AM

    Dillingham is a unique place. It may be more unique than Wasilla. Is anyone going to reveal what the area is really like? You have to be in the Dillingham Program to survive there at all. It is grim if you are not an insider. No one tells their secrets or they get booted out. I would like to know more about the thugs that run the area and who gets the primo locations that score the best catch.

    Back2Track..."I think the $20,000 was what they offered recruits at the time." Does anyone know about the $20,000?

  32. Yep, I have to agree with some of the commenters here that the Palins, by virtue of certain characteristics; the way they speak and act, the blue collar careers, the undisciplined teens, are a very fine example of an American family of a very specific type. Salt of the Earth, my father calls these types of families.

    These families form the base upon which this nation is built. However, they do not ever end up in the White House. I'm glad that Sarah and family have taken the time to document on film just what they are and where they are headed, rather than leave us in the dark.

    Presidential? No! Average Joes? You Betcha!

  33. laprofesora9:44 AM

    "I think people who criticize the show just think too much."

    You are so right, I mean, my gawd we wouldn't want to think too much! Then we might recognize their lies, hypocrisy, and inconsistencies and we wouldn't be able to swallow all the Paylin's garbage! Instead of thinking at all we should just let the Paylins tell us what is true. It would save us so much time from all that awful thinking, and keep our little brains from hurting.

    It is really sad, you don't see the truth that is staring you in the face, which is exactly what the Paylins count on. They know you won't think too much so they can completely manipulate you into believing their garbage.

  34. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I don't really understand why people are saying Willow rolled her eyes during the prayer. She looked up and around at everyone as teenagers do. Heck, I still do that and I don't question my faith. What I found interesting is how everyone camps out in the living room - there are at least 3 recliners, 2 couches. fishing is a family business on all coasts of the country. You can so tell from this episode

  35. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Willow's birthday is not the 4th of July, so this was a fake birthday party. Reminds me of the fake birthday party they gave Tripp for some tabloid spread they got paid for. Everything on this "reality" TV program is fake, fake, fake.

    We might roll our eyes, but I heard a woman caller on a local radio show gushing about the Sarah she sees portrayed in this program. I think it's working it's magic on more people than you might think.


  36. Anonymous9:55 AM

    What about the Colts-Chargers game last night- what a trouncing!

  37. Anonymous9:59 AM

    haha in the waking scene, Track looks just like Todd

  38. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Sarah's showing off that journalism degree again in this morning's twisted tweet: apparently she has no clue that the prior restraint issues regarding publication of leaked government documents is just a teensy bit different from her book's fair use issues. Sigh.

    And Watergate happened in her lifetime... in fact, the affirmative Supreme Court decision would have been included in the core curriculum of ANY journalism major, and she attended her many colleges within 10-15 years after this watershed chapter in American journalism!

    Also, glad to see she's not wasting any time with remedial civics lessons. Geez.

    This nutcase is RELENTLESS in her stupidity!

  39. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I'm not sure how I feel about Todds moms house being designed like my parent's, with the deeply-inclined roof. thats country livin for ya

  40. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Bald-faced lie alert!
    I didn't watch it, so I don't know this myself. I'm told that the whole scene meeting Matthew takes place at Ekuk, a place that Sarah says she goes to every summer.
    If she said that, baloney. Full-on lie.
    It's reported that there's also a 20-year-old cousin that she hasn't seen since she was a baby. If she goes to Ekuk every summer, then how would she not have seen the kid in 20 years? Probably, she's never seen the kid before in her life!

    From the trailer. Skiff scene, Sarah and two young men pulling in the net. Three people don't pull a net in. Sometimes you have a third in the middle that assists by pulling on web-tangled fish. (On a boat, not a set-net skiff.)
    The scene shows Sarah "pulling" the lead line with another guy also pulling the lead line. That's NOT how it happens and it doesn't work to do it that way. Obviously, Sarah isn't strong enough to pull it herself. The other guy is pulling it into the boat, while Sarah is positioned to look like she is.

  41. Anonymous10:06 AM

    why isn't wikileaks treated like a terrorist org and why isnt the president/bossman behind bars

  42. Anonymous10:14 AM

    There is nothing genuine about this fact, breast implants would be the most authentic part about her.

  43. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Example of Sarah's family values in action:
    Oct 29, 2010, Trig had surgery. Oct 30, 2010, Sarah was in W. Virginia campaigning for a teabagger.
    Oct 31, 2010, Sarah was in a luxury box in New York watching the Jets game.
    Loving parents cannot be dragged by wild horses from their 2 year old childrens' sides when their children are recovering from surgery.
    Sarah Palin travels to the other side of the continent and watches a Jets game when her 2 year old is recovering from surgery.

  44. Anonymous10:16 AM

    8:33 - I agree about Todd and Trig's relationship. Todd always appear to be delighted to see Trig.

  45. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I'm missing something. This is obviously not about Alaska, but about Sarah Palin and her image. Nothing illegal there. Given that, I would assume that TLC was supportive of her - why else agree to what is purported to be a documentary but is essentially a show about SP.
    But if they agreed to a show about SP, why put in things like:
    Willow smashing Piper into the cake.
    Piper reacting like it's fun to have your face smashed into a case (I'm guessing she's the butt of a lot of jokes?)
    Showcasing Track's weaknesses.
    Willow making faced during grace.

    I'm not so bothered by sending Piper down to the boy's rooms. Presumably the crew was down there and set up so that Piper wouldn't see anything that wasn't appropriate.

    Actually, if it's supposed to be a documentary about Alaska the above is even more difficult to explain.


  46. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Well that should at least put an end to your stupid fucking ear shape bullshit now that you can see the ears fro different directions on the same kid.

  47. Anonymous10:26 AM


    If the Palin's were average regular people, everyone of those kids except Piper and Trig would know how to run that fishing boat. In the average Bristol Bay fishing family, it is a family business and everyone works at it.

    As for Mrs. Palin's accent: that is as phony as the boobs. Perhaps Gryphen can find some audio of her back when she was just a regular pro-choice woman from Wassilla running for office in her push-up bra.

  48. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I see a number of bot-trolls have paid a visit. Off with you, bot-trolls! Somebody hold up a large clove of garlic!

    Sharon TN

  49. Anonymous10:28 AM

    You're right--it's dubbed in Trig giggling. Probably a grown up pretending to be a baby giggling.

    That is so pathetic.

  50. After watching the clip from last night show, I saw the clip from her interview when she had Trig at work 3 days after birth! It's amazing the difference in her voice. It's also easy in just listening to her voice to pick up on the hesitation and the lies that follow. She was talking about her trip to Texas and the details involved in coming home and the story has so many different details than some of the other "birth stories" she has told. It's those details that get her caught in all the lies.

    As in last night her saying that they see Todd's relatives on a regular basis. Later in the show, she talked to his 20 yr. old cousin and said she hadn't seen her since she was a baby. I guess to some people, or at least people like Sarah, to visit with relatives every 20 yrs. is on a regular basis.

    This show really depicted that wall that is there between many of the Palin family as individuals when it comes to Sarah. Her kids really do not appear to like their mother. They may love her but they don't necessarily like or admire her.

  51. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Gryphen... you sure do attract the trolls now..

    What happened?

  52. Anonymous11:02 AM

    For all the pumping of the show that the Palins do, I find it very interesting that Mark Burnett appears to have gone into hibernation!!

  53. Anonymous11:12 AM

    They repeatedly showed a map naming the mouth of the Nushagak "BRISTOL BAY". They kept saying that Todd had the best site in bristol bay. They said he got first crack at the fish even though the graphic showed his site to be farthest upriver (maybe they meant the ebb fish?)
    They acted like they didn't know when the fish would hit, even though everyone knows when the run will hit.
    They didn't show anything about setnet fishing that would educate someone-- selling the fish, etc. They didn't say a thing about the quality or value of wild salmon. Its just about the Palins.

  54. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Anon @ 8:33.

    AnnfromCa? Sounds like the same lipsmacking I read on HP.

  55. Anonymous11:17 AM

    For those who are not familiar with salmon fishing in Bristol Bay, Alaska a few observations--- I popped in and out on the show but am a BB fishermen, but in a different area of the bay.

    Todd owns a 'set net' permit and site. To say that they have never seen the 3000# or so of fish that they claimed on the one 'set' seems pretty bleak. That is not that unusual. When your net is sunk and/or you have basically every hole in the net filled with fish, THAT is a good 'set' or haul. Three thousand pounds is good, but not a huge haul or that unusual.

    To claim that Track is just now getting a chance to run his dad's boat, seems VERY odd. Most kids of set net fishermen, which tends to be more of a family affair that drift fishing for many families, are in the boat at a VERY young age. My spouse talks of learning to 'pick fish', taking them out of the net, when five years old. I see that age, all the time, in my village in a boat and learning. Driving the boat is another skill you teach young, usually before the age of driving. Part of the reason you teach these skills is also safety in case they need to 'help' at a moments notice.

    Another thing, and REALLY pisses me off, is the total lack of skill this group of fishermen show in how they take care of their fish. Bristol Bay has been working damn hard to educate their fishermen to learn how better to take care of their fish like many other areas of Alaska do. It is something that someone like Todd HAD TO HAVE been exposed to and learned years ago!!

    I doubt very seriously if this is much more than a hobby for Todd as there is none of the equipment many set net fishermen have invested in over the years. They mar their fish up pulling them over the edge of the boat, versus using hydraulic 'rollers'. This causes bruises and most times the fish are worth MUCH less and is wasteful.

    They are not picking directly into a brailer and 'slush' bag filled with ice and water. The need to get the fish cooled down and not resting on each otheR as quickly as possible. It is another way to maintain a high quality of fish.

    To see the kids stepping and throwing fish is just unacceptable. Yes, some of it was in fun, but this would be like a kid spitting in the batter when their dad was baking a cake for a commercial bakery!
    It shows the world an absolutely LOUSY example of how we care about what we get to the consumer.

    This fishery is the largest Sockeye fishery in the world and it was a chance to show a family that really worked together, as they so claimed all the time here in Alaska, and how we as fishermen CARE about what we do and the product we get to the consumer. Another way that SP has let Alaskans down still more.

  56. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Did you notice the ring Track wears on his left middle finger?

  57. Anonymous11:45 AM

    @Anonymous 11:17am

    Thanks for the very insightful post, and I completely agree. There are so many better ways this show could have been taped to highlight the great things about Alaska. Take last night, for example, sure, spend some time with the Palins, but they could have introduced the viewer to other longtime fisherman in Bristol Bay to show they "family" connection. What a wasted opportunity...

  58. Thanks BB fisherman - Your comment was very interesting.

  59. Anonymous12:18 PM

    The whole set up about Todd's cousin and DS child is an amazing piece of misdirection.

    In one fell swoop, it shows that Trig is Todd's son, an item that some blogs have written about. He is Todd's son, because, you are to think, there is another DS child in the family.

    Of course, there are a few factual problems with this soft-peddled underlying concept.

    It is very rare for DS to be inherited.

    There is the mother's age that causes 95% of the malformation of the gene.

    In 2% of DS cases, the problem happens in the gene when there is a defective cellular division.

    Lastly, and more rare, is an inherited DS through a family carrier. In this one, if the male is the carrier a DS child being born is one chance in twenty or more. If it is the mother that is the carrier the chance is one in five.

    Trig seems happy when he is with Todd.

    But to my way of thinking this part of the episode was promoting a underlying "logic".

    There is a DS child in Todd's family,
    Trig is a DS child,
    Trig is Todd's son.

    For all I know he could be Todd's son. But I don't think Palin really wants people to know about DS being caused 95% of the time by the mother's age. And this way shows that it is not HER fault.

  60. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Anon @ 11:17 AM: Thank you for that insight. It helps to hear how it really is from REAL outdoorsmen/women.

  61. Anonymous12:56 PM


    "Everyone has bias."

    $arah Palin dragged Trig Palin around during her first book tour out in the cold, late at night, without him wearing pants, socks or shoes. That is not "bias." It is what it is.

  62. ABUSE ALERT1:05 PM

    ***Willow smashing Piper into the cake.
    Piper reacting like it's fun to have your face smashed into a case (I'm guessing she's the butt of a lot of jokes?)***

    That is what you can expect from a child that is accustomed to abuse. It is all she knows and she adores the attention. No one in the family appears to have a clue.

  63. Anonymous1:09 PM


    No one is "speculating" when we SEE $arah Palin having Trigg Palin out in freezing weather, without him wearing pants, socks, or shoes. If $arah Palin would stop using her family as political props, then we would stop talking about them. It's her fault. Not ours.

  64. Anonymous1:20 PM


    People like the Palins think anyone who is not like them, is not a "real" American. The Palin's aren't "blue-collar" nothing! They are not "average joes." They are "celebritites" and millionaires. I don't hunt, or fish, (and I don't want to hunt and fish) but I am a real, hard-working American, and I know I work harder than they do! They are phony. Fuck them.

  65. Anonymous1:30 PM


    It's not working. If it was working, the show's ratings wouldn't have dropped 40% after only one episode. The woman was probably of the same mostly older, white, tea-bagger demographic that still watches the show. Plus, her new book isn't doing nearly as well as the first one, not to mention the dwindling crowd sizes during her current book tour.

  66. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Media Insider here--

    LA talent agencies are putting out internal casting calls for a new "boyfriend" or "showfriend" for Bristol. The idea is to create a fake romance between her and an upstanding young fella and have them do a limited run reality show together. This man will not pretend to be the new babydaddy, but he will step into the role of helping Bristol "raise" Tripp (plus the newest baby.)

    The figure being thrown out there is $50,000 for the guy per year for a minimum three year contract. They want a COMPLETE unknown for the job. Preferably someone "rural." Agents are saying this amount is too low but they are going ahead with preliminary casting calls in LA as we speak. The new babydaddy has his own lucrative deal going on (at least one book deal, maybe some other media deals.) The Paylins have been advised to get out in front of the story before it breaks about who the new babydaddy is and craft a storyline about Bristol yet AGAIN falling in love, yet AGAIN being betrayed by a loser guy, but now she's found "TRUE LOVE" with her (paid) boyfriend. How she "danced bravely through her tears" on DWTS, barf, barf.

    Hopefully the new babydaddy is smart enough to fight back with publicity of his own. I am hearing that he has some VERY interesting video, texts, and phone messages from Bristol showing her flipping out at him and acting psycho (counter-acting the lie about him "betraying her.")

    It will all come down to a war between publicists, basically.

    Be on the lookout for Bristol's new (paid for) boyfriend who should turn up within the next couple of months. They want to get him in place and signed to a deal before she gives birth again.

  67. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Anon 10:06a.m.,

    Why isn't the Tea Party treated like a terrorist organization? Why hasn't $arah Palin been hauled away in a straight-jacket, yet?

  68. Anonymous2:00 PM

    8:33, It doesn't matter how country people speak, the point is that Sarah didn't speak this way until it became expedient to do so.

    Palin has said she didn't know anyone with DS before Trig, but suddenly Mathew is cast as a character in the Palin drama. Between that and her carelessness with Trig, it is no wonder Sarah the caring mom comes off as phony.

  69. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Good gravy, is that AnnfromCA at 8:33? G, you are making waves if the Huffpo trolls are descending upon you.

  70. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Thanks for all the fishing information everybody! I think all of that can be integrated into a good post.

    I agree with those who say this is no "salt of the earth" family. They want to make everyone think they are, of course, but they are anything but. This is a political/celebrity family. Todd was an advisor to BP, someone said; I am not sure honestly how blue collar that is, even.

    Salt of the earth families that I know are good, honest, hard working people. For all of Sarah's obsessing about "hard work" on this program, this family sure has made a lot of money for doing not much of anything! It looks like this fishing is mostly as a hobby or sport, one that brings in a little fun money, though Sarah claims it helped them pay the bills and she has been heavily involved in it all of her life. She said she left Track at a few months old to be out on the water fishing - is that even true? I think she meant in the day, and likely it was just for a few weeks.

  71. Anonymous2:21 PM

    11:14, I just saw your comment. How hilarious we both had the same thought!

  72. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I can always tell the Palinbots!! They write as if they know the Palins intimately when it's obvious they don't.

    To the woman who "babysat" Downs children, how do you know if they needed hearing aids or not? That is impossible to tell in casual interaction like babysitting! No offense, this isnt a bias!! I'm an Audiologist who has tested and worked with hundreds of kids including Downs syndrome. Kids aren't fit with hearing aids if their hearing is normal. They aren't fit with glasses either. Any amount of hearing loss or vision loss is detrimental. No offense but you are biased and your observations arent based on science or real professional experience.

    I agree with the poster who wrote that depriving a child of auditory visual input and therapy is child abuse.
    Parents have had kids taken away from them for this.
    It's neglectful and irresponsible.

  73. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Anon 8:33, do you know the Palins personally? How do you know Todd and Trig are "little buddies" and that the kids are close to their cousins???

  74. newmom3:05 PM

    I found this clip with Todd and Trig to be very warm and touching. There is no doubt in my mind about Todd's love for the kids and especially Trig. Todd really is Super Dad.

    Unlike most every other clip I've seen, Sarah's voice here is less screechy than normal, probably because she isn't spewing hate and also because she really is telling the truth in this case. Both she and Todd probably do pitch in to do what has to be done to manage the household. I just suspect that Todd's share is pretty near 75%. Considering that Sarah didn't get much of the state's business done while she was governor (remember the Where's Sarah? buttons?), I don't see that she's had the excuse of being a working woman. Plus, as she has said, she isn't a very nurturing person. (No kidding.)

    I won't fault her on having a very sparsely decorated house. I'm not very good at decorating and my house has a minimalist look. If you look at her wardrobe before the campaign, she really wasn't a very snappy dresser. Her house is the same. On this level, I really do relate to her.

  75. Anonymous3:07 PM

    11:17, I think your insight into the fishing business should be crafted into a post (Hey G!) and/or posted everywhere.

  76. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Thanks for some great insight @11:17.

    As far as being licensed, my understanding is that ANYONE on a commercial operation has to have a commercial crew license.
    I'm willing to bet that there's a few on that show who don't(didn't).
    Any thoughts 11:17?


  77. Anonymous3:35 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    why isn't wikileaks treated like a terrorist org and why isnt the president/bossman behind bars
    10:06 AM "
    Um, because the "president/bossman" of Wikileaks is not an American citizen and Wikileaks is not an American organization and therefore the US courts do not have jurisdiction over what Wikileaks does? If the US does have legal recourse through international courts, it will undoubtedly take time for the possible legal issues to work their way through the international legal system.

    Why are you asking this on this thread anyway?

  78. @12:18

    DS is not caused "90% of the time by the mother's age."

    80% of DS children are born to women UNDER 35.

    You are confusing two different things. While it is true that if you are an older mother, your chances of having a DS baby are significantly increased, your chances of getting pregnant in the first place ar significantly decreased. (Particularly where, as here, the alleged father (Todd) sleeps in a recliner.) (And there is, to date, no convincing evidence that Sarah Palin was pregnant at age 44.)

    If you see a DS child, such as Trig, and don't know who the parents are, it is much more more likely that his mother is a younger woman, not a 44 year old as Sarah Palin was when she claimed to have given birth to Trig.

    As to Trig's hearing loss or need for glasses: Sarah Palin has publicly stated that Trig is hearing impaired. She has also displayed Trig wearing his glasses when it suited her (See, for example, the Runner's World photo shoot). Just as troubling as Trig's being deprived of his hearing aids and glasses (which he should be wearing constantly, not as a sometime accessory) is the fact that Trig is now at least 2 years and 7 months old (based on his claimed birthdate of 4/18/08 and still does not eat solid food. This can negatively impact, from what I've read, Trig's ability to speak.

  79. Anonymous3:36 PM

    So where is the baby bump hiding now?

  80. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Look at her smug mouth close up in this photo. How can anyone think she is attractive. The first time I saw this flat lipped smirk was at the RNC. It's not attractive.

  81. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Yuck, that's their house?

    I watched the clip with the sound off so as to not be overwhelmed by sentimental music or the horrible screechy voice of SP. Does it just get worse and worse, her voice? Whoever thought she was ready for television missed a GLARING drawback.

    Just seems too appropriate to have Todd be the one to be interacting with Trig (who is adorable), and Sarah is shown in a totally separate, posed scene. Says volumes about who does the parenting around there!

  82. Anonymous4:16 PM

    "Todd really is Super Dad."

    A super dad teaches his children to respect other people. Todd? not so much.

  83. bump watch4:16 PM

    I just saw some very questionable photos of Ivy Frye with the Palin girls. Can anyone explain why she would be allowed to baby sit anyone? No wonder Bristol and Willow troll with boyfriends to bully others, a baby sitter like Frye can't control them. Frye is immature and irresponsible. Isn't she the one that told someone to stop blogging or something like that? Who has a link to the collection of Ivy Frye photos? I wish I'd saved some from the past but her name didn't seem that important. Speaking of photos why is there not one photo of Team Sarah member Rebecca Mansour. Is there anyone that could identify her? She was a screen writer without a photo? How can someone that is now on famous talk radio programs absent a profile photo?

    More Bristol Palin Coming Your Way!
    "Bristol made over $345,000 from being on the show and currently is getting $35,000 for each speaking gig she does Yet, all that is going to feel like pocket change if one or two of the big deals she's currently working on actually happens. None of this should come as a surprise. This year's 'Dancing' was up over 23 percent thanks to Bristol. Love her or hate her, you just can't turn away. This is what makes her so valuable. Now is her time to make a lot of money and she knows it."

    I guess whatever they are doing is working.

  84. Anonymous4:21 PM

    "There are three types of DS. The first form is trisomy 21 due to 'nondisjunction' and accounts for about 95% of all cases of DS. In this case the extra chromosome is present in the sperm or in the egg, or in the first cellular division and, as a consequence, each cell that forms will have three chromosomes in the couple 21. This form is strictly linked to maternal age not to hereditary genetic factors."

    This is from the site "Siblings: Brother and Sister of People With Disabilities" Emphasis is mine.

  85. @4:21 PM
    The summary information at your site is incomplete. Trisomy 21 is the cause of approimately 95% of observed 88% coming from nondisjunction in the maternal gamete and 8% coming from nondisjunction in the paternal gamete. So, 95% of DS cases are caused by nondisjunction in the maternal gamete. This in itself says nothing about maternal age, although the probability of having this nondisjunction increases with maternal age.

    Thus, the fact remains that 80% of Down syndrome babies are born to YOUNGER mothers:

    "Maternal age influences the chances of conceiving a baby with Down syndrome. At maternal age 20 to 24, the probability is one in 1562; at age 35 to 39 the probability is one in 214, and above age 45 the probability is one in 19.[72] Although the probability increases with maternal age, 80% of children with Down syndrome are born to women under the age of 35,[73] reflecting the overall fertility of that age group. (Wikipedia)

  86. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Liz 1: I looked at the data again and you are correct in saying that there is a higher percentage of DS children are born to younger women because they are more fertile.

    It is also true that women over the age of 35 are more likely to have DS child than a younger woman.

    This does not take away from my first argument of the misdirection of that piece of the program.

  87. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Assuming for the sake of argument that Track is not Todd's biological son, if he was born after Todd and Sarah's marriage and Todd accepted him, legally he is Todd's and no adoption would be married.

  88. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Anon @ 2:31 PM:

    I teach kids with hearing loss and one of the most frustrating things I deal with is their language delays.

    Sometimes it is a function of the severity of the hearing loss, but often it is caused by a delayed diagnosis, lack of consistency regarding hearing aids and a lack of focused attention on language development. A child with a diagnosed hearing loss should ALWAYS wear their hearing aids since the bulk of a child's language acquisition comes from their environment long before they ever get to school.

    He should also be wearing his glasses all the time because being able to recognize and identify things and people around him is critical to language development and learning in general.

    I sincerely hope he is getting the speech/language, OT and PT services he needs. It would be a great public service to have one of the episodes feature his therapy and what types of services are available to kids with DS and other special needs. But, of course, since that takes the spotlight away from Sarah, that will never happen.

  89. @5;04 I totally agree with you about the misdirection of the program! I marvel, actually at the multiple misdirections, although this IS the Palin way.

  90. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Hey Anon@ 8:11 - can I have some of what you're smoking?

    While some people do indeed "speak that way." Most who aspire to office or professional positions that require public speaking (esp. someone in communications, like journalists - ahem - learn to also speak standard English to use in professional environments.

  91. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Hey 8:43 - get a mirror you fool. I think bias is tattooed on your forhead. "Everyone has bias. Reps look at Obama as uncaring, stoic, and distant due to his stiffness and put-on demeanor."

  92. newmom7:48 PM

    4:16, can't disagree with you. By Super Dad I mean the dad doing all the parenting. With his and Sarah's entitlement issues, though, neither are in any position to teach their children respect for others.

  93. The thing about $P's "rill dill" accent is that is not how she spoke in her early governor days - I never heard her speak in that strange accent prior to September 2008.

    Even her Alaska PSA announcements sounded plain, like West Coast USA - a lot like the teevee newscasters.

    No twang or shrill or strange pronounciations.

    No, all that is for her tea-bagger base.

  94. I've looked several times today - but - just can't seem to find any information regarding the ratings for the 11/28/2010 SPA.

    I simply have to assume it tanked.

    I'm so sorry *snort*

  95. aj weishar9:48 PM

    Such a loving mom. She didn't want her son to be embarrassed by the schoolyard bullies. She removed his glasses and hearing aid. Or was mom too vain to be seen with a special need child who also needs help seeing and hearing?

  96. hauksdottir1:39 AM

    There is a woman voice coach who specializes in removing accents. She'd fit right in with Sister Sarah's mission.

    She was last seen on videotape calling a black postman filthy names and hitting him in the face with a fistful of mail.

    I'm absolutely certain that she could help Sarah develop that educated, modulated, professional tone and expression we desire in a world leader.


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