Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Murkowski announces victory!

Unbelievably Murkowski has beaten Sarah Palin backed Republican candidate Joe Miller.

She is making her announcement right now.

I will have more updates, as well as pictures and video later.

The important take away from this is the rejection of the Tea Party, and of Sarah Palin, by the voters of Alaska.  That should send a chill up the spines of EVERY Palin supporter in the lower forty-eight.

Update: Here is ADN's write up.

Speaking to supporters at an Anchorage union hall, Murkowski said, “Today, I think it’s safe to say Alaskans have chosen the path of unity, the deliberative path, the common sense path. And I think they’ve shown that through this write-in process. Can you imagine, over a hundred thousand people who wrote in the same name.”

And here is the Daily Dispatch report:

"Together we, as Alaskans, made history," Murkowski told a room of about 200 cheering supporters. "The campaign is over. Let's go to work." Murkowski is the first person elected to the U.S. Senate through a write-in campaign since South Carolina's Strom Thurmond in 1954.

"We will look back on this and say, 'What a great trip this has been, what a summer this was,'' Murkowski said. "The energy, the enthusiasm, and the excitement that radiated through this campaign was just amazing.''

Here was my favorite quote so far about this result:
Murkowski's run caused a rift, and state GOP chair Randy Ruedrich -- whom Miller once tried to oust -- said the party "stands ready to embrace Lisa Murkowski as Alaska's only Republican U.S. senator. ... We call on Joe Miller to respect the will of the voters and end his campaign in a dignified manner.

So local news station KTUU had Miller on to interview him.  Do you think he "respected the will of the people and ended his campaign in a dignified manner?"

Really?  What, are you new here?

No, he refused, and then claimed that he was worried about the "process' and that he wanted to protect it for future elections. Uh huh.

If you believe THAT, then I have a "Bridge to Nowhere" I might be willing to sell you.

P.S. Just to clear up any misconceptions, I am NOT happy that Lisa Murkowski is still my Senator.  I think she long ago stopped working for Alaskans and started working for the big energy lobbyists.  However she is much, much better than Joe Miller, and sadly once again Alaskans have chosen between the lesser of two evils. If my fellow Alaskans had used their brains even a little they would have all voted for Scott McAdams and we would have a Senator that we could actually be proud of for a change.

Any jubilation I feel is in the fact that both the Teabaggers and Sarah Palin were DENIED!  That part does give me the warm and fuzzies.


  1. laprofesora6:24 PM

    Suck it, Scarah!

  2. Baustin6:28 PM

    I say good for Lisa....I know alaskans have their opinion of her...but I think it's great that she took on the tea party, and even better that she beat out the idiot mller, and pissed off palin all in one fell swoop. Heenene

    Let's hope she leads the way to others speaking out about palin and her pile of crazy!

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Gryphen, it was too close for the former governor to be humiliated. How Miller got as many votes as he did is a bad sign.

  4. EX CAT6:38 PM

    Don't underestimate the idiocy of those palin supporters that have never had a clue in their entire lives and the only goal for them is to touch notoriaty. She could be filmed eating human babies and they would still bow down to the phony, god fearing, anti Obama great endorsey hope for America.she must be stopped.

  5. Anonymous6:49 PM

    There won't be any chills up a Palinbot spine on this loss. They discount Alaskans the same way Sarah has since the day she quit.

    Congratulations Lisa Murkowski.

  6. Miller was just on Cavuto (FAUZ NOISE) - he is NOT conceding.
    He also wants a HAND COUNT of ALL ballots!
    When will it REALLY be over? Who CERTIFIES the election in AK, the Lt. Gov?
    AP and Murkowski announcing the Lisa win, but does that mean it is official?
    MAKE JOE GO AWAY! I do not like Lisa M. one bit, but militia man Joe is unthinkable.

  7. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Gryph, I'm not sure you had a chance to see the interview that Lisa did with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, but Lisa came across as a arrogant, everything revolves around me republican bitch !!

    She almost sounded worse than the Swag-Hag..It was ABSOLUTELY awful..

    Lisa said she did NOT want the Dream Act to come up during the lame-duck session; she does NOT want to discuss during the lame duck anything to do on DADT until sometime after next year even though it's attached to the Military appropriations bill. The list just went on and on and on...

    Given she wasn't in DC today, she also would have voted with ALL her republican colleagues AGAINST the equal pay for women act today.. It failed because ALL REPUBLICANS VOTED AGAINST IT..

    These people are scum!

  8. Anonymous7:12 PM

    OT. Watch The Daily Show and see Jon Stewart rip the Palins. It's a thing of beauty. Instead of Alaska, they do a travelogue of Bayonne, NJ.

  9. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Miller is part of the Palin brand. Suck it, Sarah.

  10. Ex Cat7:35 PM

    She must be stopped!!!

  11. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Gryphen, to add to you pleasure this evening, watch The Daily Show. A good opening segment on Palin & family!!!

    Also Joy Behar did a segment (HLN) including a panel person from InTough magazine. If not for the big payments for interviews, they'd be under the bus for rattling Mama Grizzlie's cage!!!

  12. emrysa7:37 PM

    bwaahahahaa that's how much alaska values your opinion, sarah!

    poor joe, in debt up to his ears with no job. he was sooo counting on that senator salary. no sympathy for this loser.

  13. Sally Feeyild7:52 PM

    Someone beat me to the punch, bringing up how the Republicans can still do shit like vote that working women are unimportant and nothing more than flies to shoo away...and yet MILLIONS of such women beat a path to the polling stations to keep voting Republican, year after year.

    I think it has mostly to do with how this bashing of the American working woman, as seen today, will NOT make the list of news items the Fox Channel will reveal.

    If there was some way it could have been blamed on OBAMA, it would have been their lead story.

    A one sentence mention on Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, or O'Reilly? When HELL freezes over.

    Wake UP, ladies!

  14. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Is or will Miller be on unemployment?

  15. Anonymous7:56 PM

    And Sarah tells Barbara that she thinks she could beat Obama in a Presidential run.

    I'd like to see her try and beat Obama on a physical run and on the court.

    She'd lose and cry sexism.

  16. I'm peeing my pants laughing (mainly, because I'm trying hard not to think what it really means) at all--and there are many--"conservatives" who are furious at Murkowski's victory, and insist that Murkowski is just another liberal "like Nancy Pelosi."

  17. Anonymous8:25 PM

    As long as Joe has money to pay the attorneys, this will continue.

    This will continue until
    either an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court or until every ballot has been hand counted. Possibly both before it is over.

    If discrepancies turn up- (Diebold+other known things= likely IMO) then it will be a knockdown dragout. This is just getting started. People may go to prison before this is done.

    He has nothing to loose by continuing to question whether the election and ballot process has been subverted.

    The fact that Palin Parnell appointees are in the appointed offices, and they replaced Frank Murkowski appointees- this may get interesting.

    The other possibility if Miller claims the irregularities either had to do with the hired security (should have used D.Z.!), or occurred only in certain rural areas where Murkowski had 'official support'.

    The lawyers leaving just means that they are doing the work in their offices where it is more convenient.

    Joe Miller will possibly know where to look if he has been paying attention and listening all these years. Much more so than Todd and Sarah would. He will be good at this.

    Previous inquiries and attempts to clean this up don't seem to have worked very well.All but the write in ballots have been counted by Diebold machines. DIEBOLD???

    for a post on Alaska and DIEBOLD
    machines which is new today.

  18. Anonymous8:28 PM

    All you pussy democrats that voted for Lisa have no right to call yourselves Democrats anymore. You are as pathetic as Liberman

  19. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Me thinks Jon Stewart will be a great show on Thursday too if this article is any indication.

    Faux Chief Roger Ailes just took Jon on!!!

  20. Anonymous8:59 PM

    @6:34 p.m.

    It's not a bad sign. Palin could only get Joe Miller across the finish line in the primaries, but she couldn't get him across the finish line in the general election in her home state. And Alaska is a pretty red state. Same pattern in Delaware, (O'Donnell) and in swing states Nevada,(Angle) and Colorado,(Buck).

  21. While I truly wanted McAdams as Senator, and thought that just maybe a Dem could get the seat this time, I have to admit feeling relief that Miller isn't going to Washington for Alaska.

    I have been addicted to this election. As a psychologist, Miller both fascinates and frightens me. Alaska came too close to that fire. 6 years of Miller would have destroyed the state while creating Palin 2.0.

    Miller is nutz. I was really hoping that he would settle down, have a rational moment and concede. I now know that Miller will never concede. He will claim that he won this election to his death. He will claim that the evil elections officers gathered with Murkowski to cheat him out of the seat.

    I am glad that Murkowski didn't put up with Miller's crap and declared victory.

    I would encourage writing letters (in a few weeks) to the state asking them to request that Miller pay the state's legal expenses.

    If anyone is interested, I wrote a bit about the legal aspects of this case here:

    I am funnyhaha71 over at ADN.

  22. Anonymous9:09 PM

    @EX CAT,

    If $P decides to run, the republians will rip her a new one in the primaries. Republicnas are vicious. And if Palin has something to hide, it will come out in the primaries. It will be ugly. Because that's how they roll.

  23. Anonymous9:11 PM

    She's pissed off, I can tell by her tone, and she's going to be a loose cannon for the republicans now. Not that she isn't as stupid politically as ever but she's been snubbed and she knows nothing else but rightist revenge and loathing for her new enemies. It's the way they're built.

  24. Anonymous9:45 PM

    O/T Did anybody catch the George Lopez show tonight? It was one zinger after another about Bri$tol.
    He even mentioned the rumor about her being pregnant again and that maybe she's eating for two...

    Carrie Ann (DWTS judge) was on the show and had some interesting comments about Bri$tol as well.

  25. Technically, she is not a Republican in the Senate. She is an independent, and I hope she now will vote on bills that will affect people positively in your state. For the past two years, she has been carrying water for the Party of No, they rejected her, and now she should caucus with Democrats.

    (Wishful thinking...I did like her Katie Couric interview, though)

  26. OT - After reading Mercedes recent blog post - I am now almost 100% certain that Bristol is NOT Trig's birth mother (I've read this before - even here - so I was pretty sure before she wasn't).

    That doesn't mean that Quitter Palin is the birth mother. However, even if the "truth" comes out - no matter what Quitter Palin will be a hero (adoptgin a Down's baby can and will still make her a hero in the eyes of her worshippers - probably even more so).

    I want the truth about her out in the open and hope that it happens sooner rather then later - but focusing so much on the Trig issue (as my husband constantly points out to me) is really just adding to Quitter Palin's status and discrediting any truths that may come out later. It's playing right into her hands.

    The only way to bring this woman down is getting the truth out about governing and money issues - there is enough there I'm sure for criminal charges (though I'm sure she will never face actual justice - she is too well funded and connected) - but actual criminal and unethical FACTS can keep her out of the White House. It will never get her out of the public lime light though - look at how many criminals and unethical people the Repubs keep around because they are "sorry" or the followers don't believe the facts in front of them.

    The whole situation is such a mess and unbelievable how much influence she has.

  27. Anonymous4:11 AM

    What is SHOCKING is that Alaskans can spell.

    Who knew?

  28. Anonymous4:13 AM

    OT But have to comment on Mercede's long awaited blog about what she knows about Trig... it's like a little bomb sitting over on the left of the screen, on your site's sidebar. Hard to digest. Troubling on so many levels. Sigh. Just more questions...

  29. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Gryphen, do you think Joe McGuinness will sue the Tundra Turd's sorry ass and TLC for their slanderous remarks about him since they completely disregarded the warning from his attorney?

  30. Randall5:00 AM


    I guess congratulations, Alaska.

    But it seems to me (to stretch a metaphor a bit) that - to spite Stalin - you elected Mussolini instead of Hitler -- but you could have elected Churchill.


  31. Anonymous5:06 AM

    "Miller is nutz" seconded.

    I think one of the reasons he will continue to be "The Walking Dead" candidate is because he can continue to solicit for MONEY for a recount and investigation, and why would he want to dry up this money stream?

    Like his mentor, Quitty, he will piss and whine and play the victim for the rest of his sorry life.

  32. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I'm sorry that McAdams didn't win and that you still have the corporate whore as your senator but it must be a sweet victory to see that the Wild Alaskan Dingbat No Nothing Teahadist Party in Alaska was thumped and properly embarrassed. SP must be pissed off. Children should learn a lesson from this. Don't count your chickens before they have hatched. Miller was an arrogant little shit taking a victory lap before voting even started. I guess he doesn't have to worry about buying new furniture and looking for a place in DC. Ha


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