Monday, November 29, 2010

She's back!

From Popeater:

"Bristol made over $345,000 from being on the show and currently is getting $35,000 for each speaking gig she does," an insider reveals to me. "Yet, all that is going to feel like pocket change if one or two of the big deals she's currently working on actually happens."

Palin family friends tell me there is a major deal in the works for Bristol to be the spokesperson for a middle American fashion brand, as well as a book deal and a multi-million offer to appear on another reality show.

"None of this should come as a surprise," one industry source tells me. "This year's 'Dancing' was up over 23 percent thanks to Bristol. Love her or hate her, you just can't turn away. This is what makes her so valuable. Now is her time to make a lot of money and she knows it."

Do you remember back when Sarah and Bristol ridiculed Levi for chasing fame?

So NOW who's the "fame whore?"

I wonder if the Palin hypocrisy gene is recessive or dominant?  I really worry for little Tripp sometimes.

Just based on these pictures I am guessing that any Bristol reality show will have to wait at least three or four months before they start filming.  Of course there is at least ONE reality program that she could be a part of right now.


  1. Olivia5:20 PM

    Middle American fashion brand...lemme guess, Motherhood Maternity????

  2. Anonymous5:23 PM

    My BS detector just went into overdrive when I read this.

    The source for this is "palin family friends" ?

    Who might that be ? RAM ?

    I can't believe there is an ounce of truth to any of this - who in their right mind would offer this bimbo anything ?

    A book ? A reality show ?

    Why her ? She holds no title !

  3. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Ok Wasilla have you had enough of this shit. When are you going to out theses two skanks for who they really are. They are using and abusing Alaska and Wasilla and don't give a shit about you.

  4. laprofesora5:28 PM

    "Love her or hate her, you just can't turn away."

    Watch me.

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I was just wondering where she was! Any sightings??

    Anyone in AK or AZ( or where ever) see her?

  6. Anonymous5:35 PM

    You know, I wouldn't even care if Bristol raked in tons of money if only she would use it to get away from her toxic family.

  7. SME1315:36 PM

    I hope to fuck someone teaches the girl how to speak before giving her any more money. Not to mention someone needs to teach her how to dress before naming a clothing line after her. What are they going to call it....Hicks R Us?

    It really makes me ill to think of all the young kids today that actually do make a difference and they get nothing. This twit gets knocked up and plays victim and gets the world handed to her.

    It's disgusting.

  8. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Dallas photographer recounts Sarah palin's Dallas booksigning
    She signed 250 books and no waiting line
    Tlc only ones allowed in

  9. Anonymous5:37 PM

    You have to add this!!
    Bristol made Keith O's show tonight!!!

    Keith's email box will be full soon!

  10. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Note in the interview role reversal, Bristol's opening -

    Intelligence of a gnat
    Verbal skills of a gnat
    Therefore - Bristol is the equal of a gnat!

  11. torgo5:44 PM

    Does Levi still have to pay that tramp child support when he has no visitation and she is pulling in that much money? I hope Levi regrets even touching someone like her.

  12. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Unwed motherhood for fun and profit is the ticket out of Wasilla for a high-school dropout. If Bristol is smart about the finance management, she might only "work" 1 more year and be set for life. This is really better than marrying a fish-picker.

    Of course, the TV wasteland will degrade even more when graced by the prescence of Bristol (and her media crazed mother), but they are oblivious to their deficiencies, so I'll just give them both "a great big middle finger" in advance.

    The pics of Bristol pregnant in 2007-2008 with the baby that came before the child we call Tripp are getting less and less valuable by the minute. Wasilla-ites that want a piece of action need to get in gear and PUBLISH now.

  13. When was the picture taken of her in the white top? If that isn't a pregnancy belly, I don't know what is. Maybe Media Insider is right after all. Lord help us all. Looks like Sarah Palin's Alaska didn't fare too well in the ratings for Sunday night. Not even mentioned.

  14. Reading your post tempts me to break my promise with my kids not to write about the Palin kids. Oh, wait, I made that promise when Track and Bristol were kids. They're adults now.

    Great catch on the reality show most appropriate for Bristol, Gryph. Another immaculate conception....

  15. Anonymous5:55 PM

    This sounds like agents and handlers trying to keep the buzz going about Bristol Palin before the DWTS afterglow fades completely. I don't know, it seems people have already forgotten about DWTS. I think a lot of people tuned in for the train wreck, not because they have strong opinions about Bristol Palin. She was there because of her mother, not because she is a draw in herself--She just doesn't have a strong enough personality or presence to pull off a show, in my opinion. Even if she is going for some kind of Kardashian- (spelling?) type career, again, she just doesn't seem that interesting. Time will tell.

  16. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Sin pays well in the country that Palin insists is Christ driven and chosen of God.

  17. Well it's like this: Bristol is Sarah's daughter so she is more qualified to be a fame whore than Levi.

    Levi was only making a guest appearance in Sarah's altered reality.

    How is Bristol going to explain this baby? Especially given that she gets paid to be a spokes person for abstinence. Immaculate conception maybe? Tis the season...

  18. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I can't believe she raked in over $300K for the stomping! And to add insult to injury, Levi still has to pay her almost $2,000/month...


  19. Anonymous6:19 PM

    With the TLC ratings tanking and Palin's book tour getting low turnouts, the media needs to see that the majority of Americans are on Palin burnout! People may have tuned into DWTS to watch this trainwreck who got larger each week and had no dancing ability, but that doesn't mean we want the maddness to continue.

    She has no personality and no charisma so don't think this money maker for 1 crazy DWTS season is going to be successful. What teenager wants clothes with her name on them, she's a nobody!

  20. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Crystal Sage 5:46

    The pic is from interview November 15th with Giuliana Rancic, on

    They played a role reversal as Bristol said she'd like to host a show. The role play - Bristol's opening was "Haaaaayyyyy!"

    Immature, lack of intelligence, lack of ability, etc., etc.

  21. 10catsinMD6:27 PM

    You know, I can and did turn away. I watched dancing to see Jennifer Grey and others and was very disappointed that the main feature was a pregnant fraud who clod-hoppered around the floor.

    I used to want to visit Alaska, but not any more. Too much palinitis in it.

    I more than get my fill reading others recaps of the Palin horror show and the (literal) guts and grossness of what she puts out.

    The snowbilly sasquatch family has more than had their 15 minutes of fame. It's like a horror show loop, with screeching voices, jealous and bratty kids kicking and pinching behind for any kind of attention.

    Will the dancing clod be a pokes person (my typo, but I left it in!) for maternity clothes?

    I do believe in karma, sometimes its longer to kick in.

    I read your blog Gryphen and others not just for the Wasilla hillbillies, but for the other comments. I am waiting for the iceberg to bring her down. I hope others up there will get some drive to tell it all. If the Palins can make that kind of money, so can they.

    The best tell all would come from Toad himself. If he told it right, he could make waaay more than any current offerings.

    BTW, did you every find any more about the comment from Carrie Ann that she has "girl crush" on Momma medici? I am naive on this, but is that a gay thing?

  22. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Olbermann's gonna have a field day with Bristol once it officually comes out that she's knocked up...again. BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!!

    Ya hear that "Mamma Grizzly?!?" BAHAAHHAHHAHHA!!!

  23. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Chuck.. can Bristol afford to buy diapers now?

    Or should she take deadbeat Levi back to court for more child support?


  24. Anonymous6:45 PM

    So Bristol got the big bucks for DWTS, the realy question is how much child support is she going to get for this one? Hopefully it is enough to pay for the people that raise her kids and pay the rest to keep their mouths shot.

  25. Carol6:46 PM

    My sons & his friends all say Bristol is pregnant but telling them about abstinence they all say she should practice what she preach. My son spent time in Juneau so he knows about the winters in Alaska & says she is going to disappear into the Alaskan winter then come back in the summer all skinny like they are stupid.

  26. Anonymous6:57 PM

    That pic got a great big "Whoa!" outta me.

    Bristol might get a gig, but she won't keep it. She has neither the charisma nor the talent to hold an audience's attention over timespan exceeding 10 minutes.

    When will someone come out with info that will finally convince the media and the American masses that Queen Esther has no clothes?

  27. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Muffin-Tops are big in middle America. Bristol does have a niche.

  28. Anonymous7:00 PM

    The claimed new deals, worth millions for Bristol, could simply be the groundwork for her to go into hiding for a few months and reappear after the baby is born. In other words, Bristol is in hiding writing her book.

    Better yet...Could a Jennie Craig endorsement be in the works? This would also provide cover for her weight gain.

  29. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Well, Willow certainly has plenty of reason to be "acting out" because her share of the grift is peanuts compared to the moola her older sister (the baby factory) is raking in.

    Willow is entitled to cause a huge stink, like leaking the details of her mother's faked pregnancy.

    Cone on, Willow. You show the whole tribe what a REAL "just jealous" hater can stir up.

  30. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Where the F is Levi's attorney? He should be filing for a support hearing and get Bristol's earnings confirmed.

    There is no reason for Levi to be paying that fame whore for support she does not need. The hypocrisy of the Palin family surpasses all imaging.

    If there are any real Christians in Wasilla who know the real facts behind many of the Palin's escapades, they must come forward or be deemed to be in collusion with them.

    Real Christians would not allow these people to continue using the faith to hide their sins and profit from them.

    No small wonder is it that many of us are turning away from the faith that the Palins proclaim? They shame it and those who allow them to do it are shameful as well.

    No matter to me, the faithful of Wasilla will have to answer to their God for their silence. I hope they can live with that knowledge.

  31. newmom7:14 PM

    Simply amazing. Who is it who "just can't turn away?" From what, I ask?

    No disrespect to Bristol, but really, who in their right mind finds Bristol fascinating? She's unremarkable, with nothing interesting to say and no accomplishments of note. The interest in Bristol, sadly, is merely an extension of the interest in her mother.

    Just as Palin recognizes a population of ready dolts to be fleeced, marketing managers across the country don't want to miss out on picking those same silly pockets.

    Wretched fools. It is hard to feel sorry for them.

    Levi was more appealing. And that ain't saying much.

  32. newmom7:16 PM

    PS - A book deal? Really?

    What could she possibly have to say about Levi that her mother hasn't already said?

    Again, not to be unkind to the poor girl, but this is just too much to be believed.

  33. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Middle American fashion brand = her own line of maternity clothes for teens at Walmart

  34. It must be a middle American fashion brand that specializes in pregnancy scarves, much like the beautiful eggplant model that Bristol is sporting.

  35. newmom7:22 PM

    I live in the heart of conservative Dixie and I NEVER hear the Palin name mentioned positively. My conservative friends said they either didn't watch any or didn't watch much of that "boring Palin show" and most of them didn't even watch DWTS.

    Someone is trying really hard to convince America that she loves her some Sarah.

    I wonder why.

  36. AKRNC7:28 PM

    I can't see Bristol carrying a reality show by herself, not unless she finds a personality somewhere. She's unable to speak in public properly.

    Their popularity is fading, just look at Palin's new bk, not on the NYT bestseller list, not even in the top 35. It's been dropping steadily on Amazon from #8 on Thursday to #21 today.

    Bristol's credibility as the spokesperson for abstinence has also been put in jeopardy by her being on DWTS. The types of organizations that would want her to speak are offended by shows like that. I don't see anything wrong with it in the least, but some of these Christian organizations consider dancing as "foreplay".

    WTF is she going to write a book about? Are they going to do what $arah did, big print on the pages to extend the # of pages? She's 20 years old, there's no life story to tell. She's not married, she got pregnant, had a baby and earned some money because of it and we're supposed to feel sorry for her?? Not gonna happen-ever!

  37. I agree that this smells of Palin-created buzz to generate interest though I wouldn't be surprised if a misguided media mogul hires her for something.

    Tripp doesn't have a chance in hell to escape either the hypocrisy or the lying gene since Levi gave up the possibility of having a 50% influence.

    Margaret Cho's source says Sarah shamed Bristol into going on DWTS. I've believed this all along and also that Bristol was forced into the abstinence spokesperson role. Is it too much to hope she'll one day understand that she's been abused and get some help?

  38. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I'd say her "how to get rich as a knocked up unmarried mother" gig is overriding her Candies "abstinence is the way to get ahead in life" message.

    I predict a surge in the unmarried teenage pregnancy rate and it can all be linked to the Palins.


  39. Anonymous7:39 PM

    My G-d...that sure looks like a preggo belly to me!

  40. Hey 10CatsinMD, you still should visit AK because you have to know from reading the blogs that I see you comment in, that there is definitely NOT too much Palinitis in Alaska. In fact, remember, there was only one person last quarter from AK that donated to Sarah Pac, 1 person. Her buttboy Joe Miller lost to a write-in candidate, for only the second time in political history!

    There is a dearth of support for that cretin and her family here in AK. She's much better at touching the Far South and the Heartland, as there are many more uninformed folks living there that lack intellectual curiosity. Up here, except for her rapidly shrinking "inner circle", there's no one that wants to be associated with the Palin phenomenon.

    It is one of the most awe-inspiring beautiful places on the planet and those that can afford to come here and enjoy it to the fullest are few and far between. If you are one of those people that has the desire and the means, please don't deny yourself experiences that will stick with you forever. It's the scenery and the Real Alaskan hospitality that will keep you coming here until you feel that you've seen it all. I still cry sometimes when I am amongst the wilderness here and some of it is only 10 miles from my home. I've been here 20 years, a refugee from Virginia, and this place moves me in ways I can't explain. Never have I been at the top of Alyeska ready to make a run down this giant and forbidding mountain and thought about the Palins. Never have I gazed upon Knik Glacier, or the Mat Glacier, or the beauty of the Kenai River in all it's eery blue glacial glory and thought about the Palins. It's NOT Sarah Palin's Alaska, as much as she would like to think it is.

    Sorry so long, but geez, if Sarah Palin was from MD I'd still want to visit Baltimore's Inner Harbor and Annapolis and Ocean City where, when I was a young child, my family spent a few lovely summer vacations. I'd never miss the trip on the Bay Bridges and Tunnel. I'd not let her ruin your fair state for me if you were unfortunate enough to have her as an inhabitant.

  41. Did anyone read this?

    In it, Margaret Cho says: Why did Bristol do Dancing with the Stars? I heard from someone who really should know (really should seriously know the dirt really really) that the only reason Bristol was on the show was because Sarah Palin forced her to do it. Sarah supposedly blames Bristol harshly and openly (in the circles that I heard it from) for not winning the election, and so she told Bristol she “owed” it to her to do DWTS so that “America would fall in love with her again” and make it possible for Sarah Palin to run in 2012 with America behind her all the way.

  42. newmom8:01 PM

    Beautifully put, AKPetMom. One day I hope to see Alaska for myself and I doubt I'll be thinking of the Palins either.

    Sarah Palin may be from Wasilla, but, as her show reveals, she ain't Alaskan. I'll be sure to skip Wasilla.

  43. emrysa8:04 PM

    anon @ 5:55 pm sez:

    "This sounds like agents and handlers trying to keep the buzz going about Bristol Palin before the DWTS afterglow fades completely."

    I agree. what clothing line would want to be associated with a big middle finger?

    man that picture is really something... hope the paps are on the case.

  44. newmom8:09 PM

    Crystal Sage, that actually makes me feel really sorry for Bristol. What a horrible thing for her mother to do to her. Sort of explains the transformation from shy girl to resentful young adult with a HUGE chip on her shoulder.

    I don't remember one person being negative toward Bristol on any blog at any time during the election. Many mentioned her pregnancy as a matter of fact, but usually only in terms of her situation being exploited by Sarah. At that time Bristol was still the nice, quiet girl in Sarah's shadow.

    The only person who lost the election for McCAIN was Sarah. When Sarah made the decision to go ugly, she threw away a golden opportunity. Had she been a warm, strong woman along the lines of a Laura Bush, but with the Alaska mystique and the Gov/Mayor creds, she might have been unstoppable.

  45. Wouldn't it be something if Sarah ends up known only as "the mother of Bristol Palin"? Something tells me Sarah would do anything, including sabotaging Bristol's career, to try to keep that from happening.

  46. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Agree that Bristol simply doesn't have the personality to carry a reality show.

    If that account from Margaret Cho is correct, I am absolutely speechless. If Sarah Palin heaps abuse on to abuse and has blamed her daughter's pregnancy for losing the election....that is despicable. And so not true. She and McCain got beat by someone who had something to offer, and Sarah was a total failure as a candidate. I don't really think Bristol's pregnancy even factored in.

    Can't say the same for this time around, however - I do think it will matter very much - so it's almost eerie if Sarah has been holding that against her for '08.

  47. I'm down with me some Bristol. She is one hot mama! No one shame the Pistol.

  48. SME1318:30 PM

    For all of you asking about Levi's child support. It makes no difference how rich she gets. Child support is NOT based on her needs or income level. It is based on HIS income level. A minimum of 20% of his earnings must go to child support.

    However, if he was smart he would request that the judge allow him to put the monthly checks into a trust for Tripp rather than give it to BP.

  49. Anonymous8:38 PM

    That "news leak" from Palin friends was created to create buzz. I can't imagine Bristol with her own reality series. We have seen her "act." We have seen her "dance." And we seen her "personality." There's nothing there.

    Bristol will not be endorsing a middle America line of clothing unless it is a big set of baggy farmer overalls, bulky outdoor wear suitable for posing in Alaska reality series and all weather fishing gear which covers up unsightly bulges. I am sorry to criticize the appearance of a young 20 year girl (whose mother has thrust her into the national spotlight), but Bristol is not a model, she is not trim, and she is not cute.

    We have seen Bristol's nasty personality on the air, giving the middle finger to the people who hate her and her mother, mouthing off at a teacher in Homer, and in general looking like another spoiled brat. Yes, people like that are in demand for million dollar shows.

    Bristol did not lose the election for Sarah. Sarah managed to do that all by herself, and if she is blaming Bristol, then Sarah is a very sick woman. Everything that comes out of Sarah's mouth is stupid; that is what lost the election. No one wanted to see her one heart beat away from a 72 year old guy with a repeated history of cancer.

    If Bristol really wants to have her own life and be her own person, by now she has enough money to relocate someplace and raise her son. I wish that she would include Tripp's father in his life. I wish that Levi would take a DNA test with Tripp. I wish that Sarah would just evaporate, but I've used up my wishes for the night.

  50. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Will Levi take Bristol back to court to get his child and support from her? Seems like he has a case: claim to be the lesser of two evils.

    CO almost Native

  51. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I didn't watch DWTS after the first
    episode. I watched the announcement
    of the winners, and that was it. Bristol
    is someone you make fun of, she isn't
    endearing. She isn't someone you
    root for. She isn't nice. She isn't sweet.
    She isn't sexy. She is someone you make
    fun of because she is a phony, and a
    dope. GTF off the my TV, you skank!
    I want my country back! I'm sick of
    reality TV trash acting like they have
    talent or something to offer. Damn you,
    freaking MTV's Real World! Damn you,
    John McCain!

  52. Anonymous9:08 PM

    “America would fall in love with her again”

    WTF? When did America love Sarah Palin?
    I don't remember a time when the majority
    thought highly of her.

  53. Anonymous9:41 PM

    This sounds like a set up to me w/Cho. Sarah would be on her like hotcats if it were not true.

    These Palins will stop at nothing to enhance their financial situation. The American public is at fault for keeping such close include me...but, I'm going to stop. Can you imagine making $345,000 on DWTS when you have no personality, cannot dance, don't look like you work hard at all and are either PG or overweight? We are screwed up folks!

  54. scarlet/oregon9:45 PM

    I still wonder if Bristol and Levi are pulling the wool over everyone's eyes by using their 5 minutes of fame for profit & stockpiling money for their future together?

    Why else would Levi remain so quiet and not fight for his rights by suing the Palins for slander and Bristol for custody?

    Neither are keen on getting an education or working normal jobs so it stands to reason they are on the money trail just like $carah.

  55. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I wonder if Bristol Plain still gets FREE NATIVE INDIAN HEALTHCARE for her kid, Tripp, while make big bucks, while others in AK, can't get the required medical help they need? Seriously? Where is the LSM is asking this question. The Palins have made millions and get free healthcare for Tripp?

  56. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Free health care for Tripp and Mom (Bristol) and all of the Palin kids. Funny how when she is on an Obamacare rant, she has never once mentioned the free "government" health care her family receives - for life.

  57. Anonymous10:44 PM

    I don't know. In one of her and mark's post show interviews, the woman asked what she had going next. Bristol came up blank, like she wished she could say something fun and exciting but there was nothing. Then Mark saved her by making a joke about a mambo competition

  58. Anonymous10:44 PM

    She spent Thxgiving with her immed family and grand parents, then headed back to AK. Sarah, Willow and Piper will be home Saturday

  59. Gasman10:45 PM

    Pray tell, what will all the Palin sycophants do when Bristol swells up beyond the point of denial with her next unwed pregnancy?

    It amazes me how these feckless clods will accept anything if it comes from Snowdrift Snooki or one of her moronic progeny.

    The Palin clan is like the Clampetts on meth. Jesus Christ, I spent 12 years in college and this brainless goober AND her idiot rutting offspring get millions for BEING STUPID ASSHATS!?!?!?

    Something is very, very wrong in this country. Come on, you guys MUST have a spare ice floe up there that would hold this pack of buffoons!

  60. If she's making this much money, how does she have the nerve to demand money from Levi to support Tripp? She's obviously making much more money than Levi and has better prospects.

    I think he should go back to court and have his child support reduced accordingly. After all, he's paying and he's not even getting to see his kid.

  61. Anonymous10:48 PM

    to 5:44, child support has nothing to do with visitation rights. But both parent's earnings should be factored in. I'd like to know how Levi is living right now. Rex obviously comtrols his money (same account) but he hasn't worked (even grifting) in awhile. His lifestyle and having no current job don't add up well. Also, how does Sadie afford designer crap and all the goodies for her car? Didn't someone say she buys Tripp armani labels and presents for Levi all the time?

  62. So will it be spokesperson for hoodies at Walmart or Target?

  63. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Levi's support payments were reduced from the 1800ish from before. Aren't they now based on a 70k salary?

  64. angela10:51 PM

    Why is Sarah Palin and her no talent spawn continually being shoved down our throats?

    And, no, we don't have to watch. I never do.
    No DWTS and no Sarah Palin's Vanity Show.

  65. Anonymous11:05 PM

    bristol's not "shy". She's an inhibited performer. Most actors go through intense personal conflict when learning their art. Acting classes are generally psych classes. BRistol was learning the roughest way in terms of becoming a performer. I don't think there's credence to Sarah making Bristol do dwts. She may have contacted ABC initially but I doubt it. Thats not really how casting works. And I completely believe Todd was asked in 2008 to do the show. PRoducers would have to be stupid not to realize the Palin name brings in the dough. AND Bristol's name was already in the tabs all summer long. WE know from fb BRistol was in LA in June ("for work"). We also know shes always been interested in creating a lucrative lifestyle for Tripp (through photoshoots etc) since he was born. Any mother would be stupid to not take up tab offers for that much money. It's setting your kid up for life. EVerything from the beginning has been Bristol's idea, her mother's name has just paved more way for her. It was she who initially ditched Levi, it was she who was livid that her almost inlaws started their PR stunt. Bristol's nothing if not a girl whos loyal to her family. She hates to see her family attacked as any kid would. She hates when people "lie about them" Shes said this over and over.

    Sarah knows why they lost the election. She's said it millions of times. ECONONY. Why do you think she continues to bring up this admin's failed policies etc? She's keeping things vague until she needs to be more specific.

  66. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Just who would Margaret talk to who knows the Palins I wonder? That smells fishy. Bristol's not stupid. Shes not going to do a live, hard dance show if she didn't want to. hmmm. She was in LA for work before the engagement announcement and a couple times after. Sarah was way too busy to be THAT involved in B's life and career this summer. "Secret Life" contacted Bristol separately. I think the entertainment industry views mother and daughter as separate entities.

  67. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Exactly!!! There's no story to tell that different from any other teen mother in America. I don't know what Levi (if he was) was planning to document in his book but all he knows about the Palins wouldn't fill ONE CHAPTER. Books require substance. Neither Bristol nor Levi nor Mercede has any. People who aren't aged icons feel they should document their lives for all the world to read about, when in reality, even the biggest personality in the world would make a shitty autobiography.

  68. hauksdottir1:14 AM

    Middle American fashion brand... Penney's? Sears? K-Mart? Is Wards still alive?

    How about Target? With a family of hunters, militia/secessionists, and Sarah's scattering crosshairs on politicians, perhaps Bristol could promote gun-owner chic.

    If she goes head-to-head with Meghan McCain's clothing line, it will be interesting.

    In a just world, it would be a maternity line with camouflage pattern all over the belly!

  69. Anonymous2:59 AM

    People will forgive one pregnancy as an accident.
    But 2? That's a trend.

    palin sees her as providing guidance for other unwed teenage mothers, teenage girls will see a baby as a way to get rich quick.
    She does no hard work and has been rewarded for her 'sin'.

    How many of us would have offered our daughters and baby a home and support so they could go to college and get a good job to support themselves and provide for their future?

    Education is not highly rated in the palin family.

  70. Anonymous3:05 AM

    345K for clodding around a stage. Wow. These people really are whores. No shame. No self worth.
    I'd believe "Biggest Loser" could be her next gig as she IS actually in training for it right now.
    Her ghost written book would be a joke.
    Go get a good edumacation with thst dough Bristle. There are REAL hard working amerukin kids working their Real ASSES off to pay for their own skoolin. You got a huge chunk o change handed to you....go to skool and learn sumthin.

  71. Anonymous3:25 AM

    After promoting abstinence, there is NO WAY that Sarah will allow a pregnacy announcement concerning Bristol's current condition. She knows the ridicule would be enormous.

    Bristol will disappear over the winter months, just like Mommy did while recovering from her facelift. She will come back all slim and trim, ready to start her reality show.

    I really can't see Bristol wanting to pay a nanny to raise another child for her. And because this pregnancy is suppose to be a secret, the baby will be given up for adoption, or given to a relative to raise.

  72. Anonymous3:25 AM

    I totally believe what Margaret Cho said. If Bristle got pregnant Twice in quick sucession, the second time to get back the baby Sarah comandeered away from Bristle, then of course Mama Grizzled is totally pissed off at Bristle. Sarah is a mentally ill woman. That's how she rolls. Bristle's gonna PAy. Sadly, rather than getting the girl some counseling , education and Birth Control, she manipulates her. Bristle needs to forgive herself for the poor choices she may have made, get help,get some self esteem, get some education and SCREW mama to the wall!!!!
    Bristol, if you are reading: Be your OWN person. Your mom is very very ill. You need some profesional mental health workers to help you break free.

  73. TNbluedot3:54 AM

    From the Popeater article:
    "... She is currently back in Alaska after driving her truck the five-day journey home, sans mirror ball trophy."

    So, she was in NYC on Wednesday - must have flown right back to LA to load the truck, hit the road and skip any Thanksgiving celebration to arrive home by Monday afternoon. Is this crazy? Real?

  74. Anonymous3:56 AM

    I suppose she could start a line for Walmart called Trailer Trash Togs. Maybe even a baby clothes line since she might need some more in the near future.

  75. Facebook Lurker3:59 AM

    Palin family friends=Ivy Frye, Bristol's PR rep and handler. This story is a plant to try to get her gigs, so her mother can stay in the public eye.

    With book signing crowds numbering in the 250-500 range, and a dwindling, graying audience watching TLC, Sarah's star is fading. She is desperately trying to get her chubby, middle finger givin' daughter to pull in an audience for her?? Ha, Ha, ha. Sarah will become a permanent resident of Grasper Island with her boy Joe Miller before too long.

    The American public is not buying the Palin mooseshit the media is trying so desperately to sell us.

    And Media Insider? Total bullshit

  76. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Palin only had 250 show up in Dallas. Guess her plan to "have America fall in love with her again" because her snotty daughter was on DWTS was a big fail.

    Hey Sarah, America was NEVER in love with you. Remember, they voted against you in droves.

    What's interesting from the Salon story is that TLC was there filming. Shouldn't they be done filming her series? Does she have another deal for a follow up heart...goes on tour? GAG. They may regret that decision based on low turnout. ha!

  77. Anonymous4:09 AM

    A clothing line? Oh gag. I doubt teens are dying to emulate the fashion sense of a professed redneck

  78. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Middle America fashion brand? I think we can rule out "5-7-9" and "Petite Sophisticate". Perhaps, "Lane Bryant" or "the Avenue".

  79. Anonymous4:29 AM

    I have a feeling Bristol will be making some real cha ching pretty soon. Some magazine will pay big bucks for the picture rights to Bristol's new little bastard.

  80. 10catsinMD4:32 AM

    Thanks AKPETMOM. You make my heart seem lighter when I think of Alaska. From here in Md, and probably the other lower 48, Palin is a representation of Alaska. That needs to be broken.

    My brother did a cruise a few years back and love it.

    Been all over MD that you mention and still enjoy every part of it.

    Hope to get to AK soon.

    I enjoy reading the other Alaska blogs, especially Bill Hess and his daily entries. It's almost a different world to me.

  81. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Sadly, you only have to go as far as the TV guide to see that Bristol actually does have a shot at a reality TV show. She has absolutely no talent or personality but we could say the same for several cast members of Jersey Shore...The Real Housewives...Sister Wives...SP's Alaska...there is a plethora of "nothing to offer" TV shows on the airwaves at the moment. It is a sad reality.

    I agree that Levi is too quiet. Something is up and it has dollar signs attached to it. Just look at all of the people attached to the Palins. There are a lot of shiny new vehicles in Wasilla, aren't there?

    Wonder if SP's PAC will hurry up and buy a ton of books just to see that NYT's Bestseller placement?

  82. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Anon, YES, Bristol does get free native health care for Tripp, it is confirmed in the custody/support docs.

  83. Anonymous4:39 AM

    I just have to wonder if Tripp really is Levi's sometimes.

    OR it is just so awful dealing with the Palins that he can't fight for more time etc...

  84. Anonymous5:23 AM

    If Margaret Cho's account is accurate it is sad Sarah would also lay false guilt and blame on her daughter for Palin losing the election with John McCain. This is consistent with Palin's irrational thinking that she is perfect, the best and smartest therefore everyone else is to be blamed for what she lacks and her defects. It is still a national joke how Sarah claimed foreign policy experience using proximity to two countries as "proof" she has experience. Her fabrications and irrational statements are her undoing while she wins adulation from a minority as a persecuted and attacked victim to explain away her compulsive lying and grandiose distortions.

    Bristol made statements she was not for seeking the limelight and wanted to be a regular family. Suddenly Levi is out of the picture, and Bristol gives up her life in anchorage, her home, independence for DWTS. A red flag to me is Sarah taking Tripp to AK.
    I suspect Sarah cons Bristol people "hate" her and her daughters now share her twisted reality and act out as Sarah tells them to. Then Sarah obviously turns reality around, goes rogue (pathalogic lying) her duaghters were "attacked". Reality is Sarah is smearing and constantly attacking the teens that Willow and Bristol verbally abused.

    Lesson for worshippers: Familial dysfunction, using and abusing people, toxic character attacks, blame shifting are not average and regular family. Nor is chronic disrespect of people or entitlement.

  85. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I believe M. Cho's sources. SP blames everyone but herself for her failures, and would use this as a way to manipulate B. into making a fool of herself on DWTS.

    B. may have made some cash, but I bet she is scorned in L.A. as a no-talent cheater.

  86. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Hicks-R-Us--Good One!!!Thanks for the chuckle. Heard through the grapevine that Bristol's inspiration for her clothing line is "People of Walmart" she just loves the looks she sees there. I was not buying the pregnancy thing, but that pic sure does show something is up. Still don't think she is, and I would bet that she sometimes stuffs her belly just to keep us going. That is how sick this family is. She and her mommy just love to take their digs whenever they can, which just confirms how "wee wee" up we get them going. They will soon find out that money does not fix crazy. Yeah, sure wish someone in MSM would pick up the custody story and ask that question--Levi having to pay child support while not be allow to use his son for fame whoring, but she can and is raking in the cash. Always both ways for the paylins.

  87. I don't know what to believe with Bristol at times. Is she brazen enough to actually be pregnant while preaching abstinence? If not how did she gain weight while dancing? I don't think she is terribly fat but is not in very good shape. I saw a picture of her with Ivy (Tripp's nanny?)Bristol had a huge bag of McDonald's food with large soda. That would put on the pounds for sure.

  88. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I stopped clicking on any Palin story on HuffPo and every other site except this one. Hopefully, if the numbers go down, the media will stop giving her the attention she craves and thinks she deserves.

    inside the beltway

  89. Anonymous6:16 AM

    the maternity line at Walmart?

  90. Anonymous6:25 AM

    I have a question .... what sort of legal ramifications would Bristol face with the Candies Foundation should it finally be proved that she is indeed pregnant? Would she be in violation of contract by getting pregnant? And stating the obvious therefore proving she was not abstinent and even better did not practice safe sex at that.You know they do not want to give that money back.

  91. Anonymous6:27 AM

    My idea for Bristol's reality show would be called "Bristol the Pistol, 3(?) babies and counting".(No offense to the Duggars, who have 19 or 20)

    Synopsis-Bristol shows her work ethic to America by designing a line of dancewear for pregnant teen moms while she works full time at a doctors office and cares for the babies while pregnant. In her spare time, she gives speeches extolling the virtues of abstinence.
    Sound ridiculous enough for ya, Sarah?

  92. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Facebook Lurker,

    You might want to revise your book tour crowd size range down to 150- 500 because 150 is all she got in Phoenix.

    The Salon article on Palin's Dallas book signing almost apologized for the low turnout (250) by highlighting that it was a Dallas event and Dallas is Dem Country. The author supposedly lives in the area, so it is a big surprise to me how ignorant he is about the area. URBAN Dallas, ie, the small area that is actually Dallas city limits may include a higher percentage of Dems/liberals/progressives, but PLANO, where the book signing was held, is in a very RED northern suburb. I know some of those people, and indeed, Plano is Palin country. Or used to be, LOL. Trivia: Plano used to be called the Great White North back in the 1980s.

  93. Anonymous7:16 AM

    11:05, Sarah lost the election because America just wasn't that into her. And now, they're even less into her. The ECONOMY only made the prospect of Palin near the WH even more terrifying.

    Sarah goes after the POTUS as a way of keeping her own name in the news. She's riding on HIS title, cause she don't need no stinkin titles.

    As for the rest, as with everything else Palin, it's a mixture of half-truths and distortion.

  94. BAustin7:21 AM

    Gryph - can you please post a link to the video where you grabbed the screen shot of Bristol, the tight white shirt, and the big firm belly?


    P.S. Very sad for Bristol to be so manipulated by her crazy-ass mother. I kinda hope she does get her own reality show: Bristol and Levi reunite, and prepare for the birth of their second baby, and plan their wedding, and maybe a bit of trash talking about the brides family. Now THAT would get high ratings :-) Sarah's head would EXPLODE!

  95. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Bristol's new FU eyeglasses, the start of her Middle American fashions AKA THE BIG MIDDLE FINGER FOR AMERICANS?

  96. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Anon @ 7:07. Sunday's book signing in Dallas was really in Dallas, right across from upscale North Park Mall, right on the border of the high-income Park Cities and North Dallas.

    While Dallas County as a whole has been electing Democrats county-wide for a few years, this is a voting area that the county Democratic Chair once said wouldn't elect a Democrat even if the party ran Jesus Christ. They have money and they want to keep it. Their idea of charity is Baptist mission work among the poor, sort of like Sarah's cookies for the starving Alaskans.

    Sarah was signing her book in Republican territory, but not many were buying. It's a pretty highly educated populace. Perhaps they can stomach voting for her but not trying to read her word salad. Or maybe everyone was burned out by shopping all weekend and needed to prepare to return to work the next morning. -B

  97. Anonymous8:40 AM

    SME131 "Hicks R Us" Now that, is a good one.

  98. Anonymous9:14 AM

    8:25, You are right. I went back and reread the Salon article and realized that while the author mentions Plano, he was referring to the first book tour. For some reason, it stuck in my head that the 2010 event, like the 2009 event, was in Plano.

    That said, with SMU and the Park Cities nearby, the 2010 Dallas location is hardly blue territory. The Lincoln Park B&N is near where George Bush lives for goodness sake! I still stand by my comment that Salon's Barry Doyle doesn't know Dallas. (Now, maybe if they'd held it in the Lakewood area... ).

    Although there is no Plano/Frisco event, it doesn't appear that all the former Palin faithful thought it worthwhile to jump in their Lexus SUVs and head down the Dallas North Tollway to buy that crappy book.

  99. Erica from Dallas11:21 AM

    8:25 is right.The book signing was in a very Republican area of North Dallas.
    I was wondering why the Dallas Morning News(very conservative)had a tiny article about Sarah's event buried inside the paper the day after her signing.No details or pictures of long lines!
    I must say,lots of the old folks around around here still love her!
    Dallas is still very Republican/Tea Party except for small groups of strong voting neighborhoods.Sometimes I feel like one of the only Democrats in town

  100. Kelli M11:24 AM

    ----- Just who would Margaret talk to who knows the Palins I wonder?

    We know Ivy Frye and another lady were baby sitting. There were numerous cousins, security, others and friends. Ivy or Bristol would know everyone that was on the scene. It may have been an opinion from an insider, it may have been a plant, it may have been solid truth. There is something to what Margaret said. The industry can view mother and daughter as separate. It makes sense they would go for Tom Delay and Sarah Palin. If Palin wasn't showing an interest in being a has been that wanted another start up they would possibly go for Todd. In the process it went to Bristol. The leave her kids alone meme is big with Palin and why would an executive bring up one of her child victims? I'm certain the Palins brought Bristol up for reasons like Margaret mentions. Team Sarah began to rebrand Bristol long ago. They failed when she outed her Anchorage apartment and the second Levi engagement bombed. It stands to reason they were a little desperate and went for the mirror ball, symbol of rebranding the forgotten or scorned.

    Bristol Palin in 2006 has everyone asking questions. Yet these were happier times. Self assured and satisfied. What happened with the Levi situation? Why is Bristol showing us the most ugly side of her being and a poor example in the world when it comes to her son, Tripp? A young child needs the love and nurturing from their whole family. Tripp will see and understand the demonizing one day. If he learns to hate the intensity of that will go back to those who are teaching him now.

  101. Anonymous1:47 PM

    So is the show the biggest loser?

  102. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Pregnant like we said.

  103. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Has Sarah been looking for a breeder for Willow? Theres money to be made for the Palin girls and their biological clock is ticking away, or is it their 401K clock ticking away?

  104. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Where do they hide these babies?!

    Bristol is working on three kids here and only acknowledging two so where are these other babies going?


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