Sunday, November 14, 2010

Somebody needs to stick a fork in Joe Miller, because he is DONE!

From the New York Times:

That is perhaps the surest sign that Joe Miller’s chances of becoming the next senator from Alaska are evaporating. With each passing day that election workers here in the state capital manually count write-in votes cast for Senator Lisa Murkowski, it appears increasingly likely that Alaskans spell too well for Mr. Miller’s math to work.

“The numbers are all on our side,” said Kevin Sweeney, Ms. Murkowski’s campaign manager.

Ben Ginsberg, a Republican lawyer who worked on the Florida recount in the 2000 presidential campaign and was brought to Juneau to work for Ms. Murkowski, flew out on Friday night. At least three of the seven lawyers that the National Republican Senatorial Committee hired to help Mr. Miller will have left by Saturday.

If the NRSC is not willing to continue paying lawyers to stay up here to help Miller that is a pretty fair indication that they are recognizing a lost cause. And of course Murkowski would not be sending away HER legal counsel if she felt that she was facing a challenging court battle.

It also appears that Miller himself realizes that the writing is on the wall.

Mr. Miller told ABC News on Thursday that, “if the numbers of the challenged ballots don’t add up, we aren’t going to sit back and continue to contest this.”

However, in a move that must make Sarah Palin very proud, Miller is STILL soliciting money from the low hanging fruit who cannot easily digest facts that do not support their belief system.

While some lawyers paid for by the senatorial committee were leaving, Mr. Miller sent an email to potential supporters seeking donations to keep up the fight. In the letter he reiterated claims his campaign has made this week, from allegations of voter fraud to the withholding of public records by the state. He also said that Ms. Murkowski, by running as a write-in after she lost to Mr. Miller in the Republican primary in August, “single-handedly sentenced the state to a divisive and expensive election.”

Gee I am surprised he did not also ask them to pray for him, because at this point divine intervention is Butt-boy's only hope.

What a pathetic and classless little man.


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Joe Miller will be back. He's the political equivalent of herpes.

  2. Anonymous7:12 AM

    LOL...if I were Murkowski I would remember this. All the repub lawyers went down to help miller, and the guy from the Florida recount as well. I think Murkowski is in the catbird seat now as an independent, and she can threaten to caucus with the democrats if she doesn't get what she wants from the GOP. Frankly, I'm sure she's pissed at the GOP for fighting so hard in Miller's corner to contest this election, and she's gonna make them PAY, baby.

  3. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Yeah, he is a puny excuse for a man, especially a man whose military education and service make you expect honorable behavior from him. But when the soul is black, like his mentor Palin's, you just can't etch things like honor onto it. He evinces not the slightest tone of regret or responsibility for the tar pit his campaign turned into. Not the slightest humility to the people of AK for even considering his sorry, amoral ass for a position of great influence. Not a peep of gratitude. Not a man. Melly

  4. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Joe, it's quittin' time.

  5. WakeUpAmerica7:37 AM

    Herpes. ROFLMAO

  6. Anonymous7:47 AM

    The writing is on the wall- spelled very clearly!

    Expensive election? Would it be cheaper if there were no vote count?

  7. pacos_gal7:58 AM

    I think someone should call BP and tell them they have another oil slick up in Alaska and it's all over Joe Millers head.

  8. Anonymous8:02 AM

    would have been a lot better if you pussy democrats would have voted for McAdams.

  9. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I was waiting for him to say to abc or his donors that he will not sit down and shut up.

    That's what Alaska's most famous losers, quitters and hackers are known for - especially when the voters aren't interested in hearing from their lying, flapping lips.

  10. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I happened to hear on NPR just now an introduction to someone in the audience at "Lake Wobegon", starting with his volunteering to join the Air Force during WWI, flying 35 missions over enemy territory, being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for saving his crew by landing a burning fighter plane on a tiny island, going on the become a Methodist minister, followed by earning a PhD in history, and then "going on"... the man introduced was Senator George McGovern. I was struck by how far we have fallen in the caliber of the people who run for election to our Congress, and how out of fashion "service" to our nation seems to have fallen as well

  11. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "Single-handedly (with 40% of the Alaska voting population) sentenced this state to..." democracy.

    Joe Miller is an idiot. Case closed.

  12. Anonymous8:37 AM

    "What a pathetic and classless little man." - He was endorsed by Sarah Palin, after all.

  13. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Yeah, melly.

    "Yeah, he is a puny excuse for a man, especially a man whose military education and service make you expect honorable behavior from him. But when the soul is black, like his mentor Palin's, you just can't etch things like honor onto it."

    Anyone with any sense of honor would NEVER EVER EVER have clandestinely gone on other people's computers to try to rig a poll. It would never even enter their mind.

    Great he finally came out and admitted it, but it reveals his character, i.e., flawed and weak, not honorable and virtuous.


  14. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Herpes, spot on! And $arah would be what? A commercial for a mental ward?

  15. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Come grifters, one and all, to $arah Paylin's Alaska! Where she of the facebook realm made millions on a wink and a special needs kid and a man named Miller of tea-bagging glory, hold court on their wads of cash, all while pimping the meme of "real america!" doing "real american" things! LOL

  16. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Best comment seen on adn yesterday was "Murkowski will make a better pres candidate than Palin could ever dream of being" and I just knew Paylin, reading a comment like that, would make her throw a fit that even the most ardent fan would be afraid of!

  17. Anne In DC9:21 AM

    I get a perverse pleasure out of seeing this lunatic going down to the defeat he has done so much to earn. No matter what the outcome was, the fact that he was even in the game at all reflects poorly on his endorser. He is an ill-mannered, ignorant buffoon who doesn't think people should ask him questions about anything, just like Palin. When I read that he viewed the following as "unconstitutional," I could not for the life of me understand why anyone would even vote him dogcatcher. They are:

    (1) Social Security
    (2) Medicare/Medicaid
    (3) Federal Minimum Wage
    (4) Unemployment Benefits

    In addition to his stated desire to end the federal funding Alaska currently receives, the above make it clear that he is not for the good people of Alaska. Just as the country dodged a bullet when McCain-Palin lost in 2008, it looks a lot like Alaska will dodge a hairsute one in 2010.

    On another forum, a Palinbot actually claimed that this election will not serve as a referendum on Palin. I asked her if she was as dense as she seems to be since Miller's fate will always be linked to Palin. If she runs in 2012, this will be yet another albatross around her neck.
    If she doesn't have influence in her own state, that doesn't bode well for her presidential ambitions.

  18. Anonymous9:28 AM

    "Herpes, spot on! And $arah would be what? A commercial for a mental ward?"

    A MRSA or flesh eating bacteria would be my two votes for what Palin is.

  19. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Nothing will change for Alaskans from the way it was before when Lisa Murkowski had an R after her name,7:12. She in is it for herself, she was a corporate whore then and she'll continue to be a corporate whore.

  20. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Anyone who thinks Murkowski would caucus with the democrats is a fool. The women has stated more than once she is a republican and will caucus with them. It does not get more understandable than that.

  21. Anonymous10:27 AM

    How is sarah going to react to the "Defense Fund" that Joe Miller has set up for himself ?

    Her little minions can only afford so much out of their welfare checks, and if they start sending money to Miller, sarah is going to start to see her coffers dwindle.

    I love it !!

  22. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Jury's Out on Sarah Palin's Alaska

    TLC to draw ratings with Palin series; will ads follow?

  23. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Yes, he might be trying to hide the fact he's lost the election, but he still needs to collect more campaign funds, even though its illegal, inorder to feed his family and to pay his bills. Afterall, Joe wouldn't even think about taking money from the government, because that's socialism, and not something the government should be doing. He also has to be worrying about finding a new job now that he is unemployed, but since he has burned so many bridges in Alaska.......wait!, is that Kansas calling for you Joe. Take the call Joe, take the call, and then head on down to Kansas and try your luck. Maybe they won't know as much about you as we Alaskans do, but I doubt they won't soon. So you had better hurry! If not, then maybe a small deserted island somewhere hasn't heard about you yet. You better first try your luck in Kansas and hope they haven't heard about your reputation, but I seriously doubt it. So go Joe go, before they learn anymore about you, and we won't miss you.

  24. Anonymous12:39 PM

    My question is how did Miller come from behind to win the primary and then apparently is going to lose badly running against the same person he defeated just weeks ago.

    Anybody else get the feeling that the primary vote was cooked?

    The polls in this election appear to be pretty accurate.
    So why were they seemingly so inaccurate in the primary?

    It's the same voters.

  25. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I believe the FL recount lawyer was on Murkowski's team, 7:12. The Willie Horton ad guy was on Miller's, and several lawyers sent by the RNC.

  26. Anonymous12:54 PM

    to anon @10:15am.

    to say that lisa will never caucus with the dem's probably WAS correct..

    that was, of course, BEFORE the republican party threw every lawyer they had at her to keep from winning this election.

    she certainly is in a position, and have every right, to do whatever the hell she decides.

    so your point is not valid. try again.

  27. Gasman12:58 PM

    Miller is an odious little turd.

  28. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Love the comments on that AdWeek article - thanks.

  29. Anonymous2:54 PM

    not to get personal...

    but here i go...

    joe miller is evil. that much is true.

    but that wife of his looks like a panic attack waiting to happen. id rather not have her anywhere near foreign leaders, or even girl scouts for that matter.

    it aint miller time!!!!!!

  30. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Done or not, somebody should put a fork in him.

  31. Anonymous10:52 PM

    On the News tonight-bad news for Joe.
    Even Fox news is skeptical. Geraldo is not buying your sales pitch. LMFAO watching that. 'Judge Joe Miller' and not 'Senator Elect Joe Miller' or Senator Joe Miller' even Fox News can see who has won.

    Bye Bye Joe.

    But don't forget there might be that little disbarment thing coming up. Maybe Geraldo can analyze that with you when the time comes.

    Because good lawyers don't lie do they? Or is it the deleting the taxpayer paid for public records that honest government employees do not do? Records required for court proceedings? But that was an accident too?

    Anything else you'd like to admit to in advance of it being disclosed? Camera's will be rolling for your concession speech- so just answer the questions, come clean, and the reporters will ask the follow up questions.

    Here is one outstanding question that does need an answer.
    Was Tony's 'arrest' by your security team arranged in advance?

    You weren't paying attention to what was being said about you that day by Fred. What was the distraction?

    That's kind of a WTF moment there.


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