Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Somebody went to the trouble of making a Sarah Palin's enemies list. Well of course I'm on it!

The list was put together by a Tina Dupuy who describers herself as follows:

Tina is a nationally syndicated op-ed columnist, investigative journalist, award-winning writer, stand-up comic, on-air commentator and wedge issue fan.

Wow!  That does sound impressive! (I need to think about updating MY information.)

Here is her picture:

I know, right? 

Not at all hard on the peepers is she?

Well anyhow Ms. Dupuy has put together a fairly comprehensive list of Sarah Palin's enemies. Apparently they are based on actual feuds that Palin has engaged in with various people, including the incident where Dennis and I were ejected from the Wasilla book signing for "Going Rogue."

I am guessing the order is kind of random since I am way down at number 46, below both Al Gore and the American Idol contestants, and no way is THAT accurate.

I should be, at the minimum, in the top fifteen.  Don't you think?

Well anyhow it is a fun read so go ahead and click the link to take a look.  After all it looks like she put a lot of time and effort into it.

Update:  Here is the Huffington Post piece that Tina Dupuy wrote which seems to have been the inspiration for the list.  Which, by the way, contains this great observation as the last line in the article:

I've watched enough nature shows to know that if a real Mama Grizzly fought this much of the time -- we'd have to assume the beast was rabid.

I may have a new favorite Huffington Post contributor.


  1. Congratulations! Paul Newman said his proudest accomplishment was making Nixon's list. I'm sure you're in good company.

  2. Janet in Texas5:12 PM

    You'll be Number ONE enemy on Palin's list right after her complete downfall. And I for one can't wait.

  3. Anonymous5:13 PM

    One of my all-time favorite quotes about Palin comes from Tina Dupuy:

    "And candidly, fact-checking Palin is like critiquing a squirrel on his algebra."


  4. Sarah Palin forgets that she too is a blogger.

  5. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Here is Ms. Duprey's recent article on Sarah Palin that hit the Huffington Post today. She is not pulling any punches when it comes to calling out the Wasilla Witch. FINALLY.

    ...Besides viciously accusing men with whom she disagrees as somehow being sex perverts, while at the same time granting a pass for indiscretions to men with whom she agrees (Limbaugh), Palin's main accusation is that people are lying. They are "making stuff up." Yes, according to the trumpeter of the "death panel" canard, everyone else is a liar. It's just a coincidence everyone Palin encounters isn't truthful. Poor, Barracuda.


  6. Lynne5:24 PM

    That's okay, Gryphen, we're proud of you anyway, and we know you'll improve on that ranking now that you know what you're aiming for. Shoot for the stars!!

  7. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Ha, ha, Gryphen has a crush! Can't blame him, she's a knockout!

  8. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Wow...it must be time for me to go to bed. I read through the post quickly and thought that "wedge issue fan" said WEDGIE issue fan.

    Now THAT'S a title I hope to never acquire!

  9. Anonymous5:32 PM


    I’ve finally had the time to finish “The Rogue Room,” Robert Draper‘s cover article from the November 21 Sunday edition of the New York Times. It is an inside look at Mayor Palin’s “inner circle” of advisers who the former Alaska Governor thinks she can “trust.” (Normally the Liberal Ironist uses the honorific to refer to our public figures, in acknowledgment of past contributions and experience; however Palin’s considerable limitations on these counts makes the application of the “Governor” honorific arguably unearned. While I understand some will find this petty, in Palin’s case I consider it just desserts: She has styled herself in contrast to a professional politician–a strange tactic when considering a run for the most powerful office in the World.

  10. Anonymous5:32 PM

    AWWW, Gryph, I'm so sorry you didn't make top of the list - at least you MADE the list, considering the smack talkin' about Snowball Snooki in the last couple of days! But, Ms Dupuy is on my "admiration list" - she's done her research, has a great blog AND she's a commentator for Young Turks!

  11. Anonymous5:33 PM


  12. Anonymous5:33 PM

    "I've watched enough nature shows to know that if a real Mama Grizzly fought this much of the time -- we'd have to assume the beast was rabid."

    LOL! That's a perfect description of Palin, Rabid Grizzly!!

  13. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Tina Dupuy is my new hero!

  14. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Awesome that she listed the link!

  15. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Well. Aren't you special?

    I really didn't need anybody to tell me that you were on the hater's hatin' list. As a long time reader of this blog I am DE.....lighted to see you there. It reassures me that you are, in fact, riddled with integrity. I know you won't retreat and you'll never have to reload.

    Kinda scary to see how many folks she hates. I can't think of a single soul that I hate. Even sarah, bless her heart.

  16. I see the momentum gather Griffin! Just what I like too: a beautiful, SMART and well-worded woman to attack Saracuda and put her in her place. Rabid indeed!

  17. angela5:50 PM

    I'm sure in Palin's lizard brain that list is really about triple the size of Dupuy's.

  18. Anonymous5:54 PM

    She hates the haters, which is anyone who dares to disagree with her or who has a different point of view or who mentions palins lack of depth or insight.

  19. slipstream5:57 PM

    I think we should invite Tina Dupuy to come to Alaska and meet some of the folks on that list! An evening at the Taproot would be fun!

  20. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Why is Kate Gosselin on it? Sarah had no problem with HER. Kate was the one reportedly pulling her usual diva attitude. Other than that, I'd agree that this compilation is accurate.

    Oh - btw - I confirmed for myself that Bristol did indeed live in Anchorage during part of the spring semester of 08. The family was not in Juneau during the previous fall and Bristol took part in family events in 07. SO, Mercede is accurate. The family was in Wasilla fall 07. Track is at bootcamp. Todd works on slope. Sarah, Willow, and Piper head to Juneau in Jan. Bristol heads to Anch in Jan. Bristol pulls ultimate rebellious teen and follows other teens examples of getting pregnant.

    The only questionable part of this story for me is: what were the circumstances surrounding the Johnstons visiting Trig? And why did BRistol begin her hate campaign of Mercede soon after? Bristol still accompanied the family to Philly, she took part in photo ops, she went to the fair with them, she chose to go to Ohio instead of chilling at the gparents house. I'm truly starting to wonder if that anger in Levi in May 08 wasn't the start of he and Bristol's forthcoming problems. They never appeared happy in public. Remember the firsthand account of them at a school gym. They didn't speak. and once the show was over, Levi walked away. Bristol was on the campaign trail at least one week leading up to her birthday, including attending the philly hockey game. That didnt leave much time to be home in Alaska.

    My guess: Bristol used Levi so she could have a baby to keep up with her friends. She frequently posts on facebook that she plans on Tripp marrying a friend's baby girl. (obviously half kidding, but this is how idealistic youth think)This is the same friend she begged to move to Arizona with her.

  21. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Sorry, I am her number one enemy and no one knows me and I do nothing but vent here, but my loathing of her is so deep I probably should see a doctor. Fight ya for the first place, Gryphen.

  22. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Expected turnout from 3 news reports:
    Sarah Palin will be in Little Rock at Sam's Club on West Bowman to promote her newest book, America By Heart, on Tuesday November 30th. Little Rock is one stop on her book signing tour and the signing is limited to only 1,000 people.

    Any of you 1,000 Palin fans with wristbands want to ask Palin about this tonight?

    The store will open at 7 a.m. Starting at 10 a.m., employees will hand out numbered wristbands to up to 1,000 members who show their valid membership card.

    Even though 500 people were guaranteed to get their book signed, not that many showed up.

  23. Anonymous6:12 PM


    Here's a video that shows her belly

  24. Anonymous6:13 PM

    don't fret, G. You'll be Time's Person of the Year in 2011.

  25. Lisabeth606:19 PM

    I've been following on twitter for awhile now. She's funny!!
    And yes, you should be up near the top, perhaps in the top 5 under Pres Obama, Lisa M and Patrick Palingates! Lol!

  26. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Congratulations, Gryphen!

    You know the list is random when both Michelle and President Obama are at slots #23 and #24, respectively because, in reality, since the election, they are the driving force.

    I think the list is a little short, though. There are all those people in Alaska over whom Sarah's bus has well and truly rolled. Some are there, but others are sadly missing.

    Of course, the one that truly belongs in the list is Sarah herself. She is full of self-loathing. Just as you cannot truly love until you love yourself; you cannot truly hate others unless you hate yourself first.

  27. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Hell I think she could add another 50 to that list. What about Walt Monegan

  28. icstraights6:23 PM

    Now YOU need to make the enemies list pre-veep nom in ALASKA!!! Then contact her and have her post it...
    Yes, she hot!

  29. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I'm jealous, but you deserve your position of honor. Congratulations!

  30. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Not sure what the criteria for ranking....you still could be her number one. :D

  31. What a fun project! If they were in order, I think Katie Couric would rate number one but you would be close behind. Letterman was the longest and most public feud but I believe it was fabricated.

    I hope we'll find out one day if you were responsible for Todd's aborted IronDog race last year and Meg's termination with SarahPac. That could move you to the top and, of course, there's still much work to do.

  32. Anonymous6:54 PM

    SarahPAC spent $64,000 buying her new books to boost sales..


  33. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Let's complete the $P enemy list...

    What about Linda Kellen Biegel?

    Or Andree McLeod?
    This is the same Andree McLeod that follows us around at public events and camps herself out in our waiting area and hounds us for a job, asking us if there's a way she can go around Workplace Alaska and not have to go through the system to get a job with this administration," Palin said.
    McLeod, now in her mid-50s and who is of Armenian descent by way of Lebanon, is referred to as the "falafel lady" repeatedly by Palin throughout her book.

    John Bitney anyone? "The fact that his shirt was buttoned one button off and his shirt tail was poking through his open fly didn't exactly inspire confidence."

    Remember Alaska's State Senate president, Lyda Green?

    Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan
    Andrew Halcro

  34. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I hope you are careful aware of your surroundings and your mechanic when u have to fly small planes in Alaska. People that know secrets about the queen usually get silenced. America needs you safe!! -E

  35. Anonymous7:22 PM

    So, when can we expect to see you in front of a senate sub-committee on un-American activities? ;-)

  36. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Labor Chief Richard Trumka/union thugs


    Palin Blasts Labor Leader, Calls Conservatism a Better Fit for Union Workers

  37. Anonymous7:31 PM

    What about Anonymous?

    Did Anonymous make Palin's top 10 enemy list?

  38. $arah must also hate Beverly Wooley.

    Remember her?

    Ms. Wooley was the high-ranking health department official who resigned whilst stating that Palin was the reason.

  39. Anonymous7:37 PM

    How the fuck is conservatism a better fit for union workers. Good Christ I wish she would walk off a cliff.

  40. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Hey, can that list be voluntary? I'd consider it an honor and a privilege, not to mention affirmation of my sanity to be on that list. Heck, I'd even use my real name.

  41. nswfm7:49 PM

    How long until her rabid-grizzly psycho bots start saying she's jealous? And all their other stupid excuses for their dip-shit leader?

    Congratulations, hero! Stay safe, but don't retreat! Reload!

  42. Anonymous8:02 PM

    6:02, don't you remember that during the camping trip, Katie, rightly, was angry that her kids got crap food (Lunchables, I think( while the Palins feasted on hamburgers, or something obviously better than lunch meat. And then the deal with sleeping in the tents. I don't remember Kate being too happy with Sarah trying to make herself look good at Kate's expense.

  43. Anonymous8:12 PM

    6:55, Tina says to send her an email if anyone is left off the list:

    Did I miss some? Send me an email.

    Hyperlink goes to


  44. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Congrats, Gryphen! I think you should have made at LEAST the top 20.

    In any case, I think we should send you a quiche of the month or something in celebration of the honor.

  45. Anonymous8:13 PM

    dmoreno56... your comment is intriguing.

  46. Sue Woodward from Winona MN8:22 PM

    Congratulations Gryphen! I think Sarah is the new Richard Nixon

  47. Anonymous8:29 PM

    As much as I appreciate Ms Dupuy's list... And her purdy face... And her assessment of rabid behavior... I've a suggestion... Separate the list by year. And note which spat is strictly Alaskan.

    One will see that Sowah, the self proclaimed mama griz is a dumpster diver, always looking to trash someone. Cause a fight...

  48. Gryphen, Here's a link to a new enemy of Sarah. I loved it when called her "the former Governess of Alaska". I'm gonna steal it!!!



  49. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I hope she keeps this list posted and adds updates. There are so many from her past that should be on the list and I think President Obama is probably number on her list with Katie Couric, number two and Gryphen you are working your way to number three. Considering who is in front of you, third is great! Keep up the good work!!!!!!

  50. Anonymous9:07 PM

    I keep thinking if Gryph blows her out of the water what ever will I do with my time I spend here everyday!! Time to let the cat out of the bag Gryph!!!

  51. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Frank Murkowski, Randy Ruedrich, Andrew Halcro, Walt Monegan, Hollis French, Beth Kerttula, The Town of Juneau, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Polar Bears, Wolves, Joe McGinnis. The list goes on and on........


  52. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Linda Kellen Beigel is on there, too! GO LINDA!

  53. Anonymous9:45 PM

    If Sarah is really thinking of running for President, she needs friends. She already has enough enemies. (The crazy palinbots who voted 100 times for Bristol make up as small percentage of the voting population. What Sarah needs are enough friends to win the majority of electoral votes. Right.)

  54. GrainneKathleen9:57 PM

    cograts gryh! i contacted tina to giver her at least 6 to 10 names that she had missed, including the cabby on the way to belmont stakes. and andree macleod, of course- she deserves her rightful place. there are so many we know about - can you imagine how many feuds she has going on below the radar?

  55. scarlet/oregon10:23 PM

    And from the Russians she sees from her concrete slab patio comes this scathing review of $carah..


  56. She said that the list was in no particular order.

    Someone here posted a link to a video that shows Bristol's belly. Yes, it does and she does not look pregnant at all. In other videos she does. I am still unsure.

  57. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Back when Nixon's enemies list came out, a close friend and former classmate was on it. I felt admiration, tinged with jealousy that she managed to make the list and I did not. I feel the same way seeing your name Gryphen. However, like I hope the outcome is similar to what happened to Nixon - long before Sarah has a chance to become president.

  58. honestyinGov11:50 PM

    Gryphen, Glad to see you found the story. I got busy and distracted with something and didn't get a comment posted. Somebody Tweeted the story about noon, I read it and sent a few names her way and I guess I sort of became your Sponsor.( My comment and Gina's reply
    "You included Shannyn Moore from AK but Jesse Griffin (from Immoral Minority) and Dennis Zaki were actually put on that " Banned List " ( along with Shannyn) and they were physically removed from the Wasilla book signing last year."
    ( Gina's reply)"Dennis and Jesse I'll put on."

    She was kind enough to add Ashli & Alicia of infamous "CSU AKA Dumpster Diver " fame as well. Looks like the rest of the additions added came right off these posters.I thought Kathleen from Homer-WGE fame deserved a shot... didn't make the cut I guess. In her reply to me she said she will continue to add to the List. Keep sending them in.

  59. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Way off-topic. Don't know where else to put it.

    National Geographic Magazine
    Alaska's Choice: Salmon or Gold

    "Whether it's the Bouker family with a setnet on the beach at Ekuk, targeting salmon headed for the Nushagak drainage, or Everett Thompson and his drift boat outside the mouth of the Egegik River, the commercial fishers of Bristol Bay can fish only during "openings," announced over the radio by state officials. Openings usually last six or more hours and can occur once or twice a day, or not at all for days at a time. They are periods of frenzied labor and, for those who are adept—and lucky—jubilation.

    "It's like Christmas morning!" exclaims a radiant Ina Bouker, as she watches heads and tails splashing along the top of her net, held up by small buoys that stretch out into the spangled water. If so many fish are entangled near the surface, many more must be caught below. Indeed, as the incoming tide slackens, the net is so heavy with sockeye that Ina's husband, John, hitches it to a four-wheel-drive truck and drags it onto the shore. During this six-hour opening, Ina and John and their six children will harvest 18,000 pounds of fish from two nets. Across the bay Everett Thompson and his drift-net crew are well on the way to a 220,000-pound season, their best ever. "I love fishing," Thompson says. "Sometimes it feels like work."

    Thompson and Ina Bouker have been netting salmon since they were kids, and although they're rooted in the subsistence tradition, they're mainly commercial fishers. During the sockeye season, Thompson earns enough money to support himself and his daughter; during the off-season, he hunts moose, caribou, and other wild game to supplement their diet. The Boukers own an air-taxi service and a construction company, but they use some of the income from fishing for their children's college fund."


    Beautiful photographs. Ina is #3. Keep going to see photos of both setnetting and boat fishing.


  60. honestyinGov12:32 AM

    Update Gryphen: About this story. Gina Dupuy just Tweeted.
    Looks like WGE will not be thumbing her nose at Gawker tomorrow.love it.
    Ok @Gawker has linked to my Palin feuds list. It's now The Blob: A never-ending oozing constantly adding list taking over my site/night.

  61. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Sarah could learn herself a thing or two from Ina Bouker, about elegance, grace, dignity and the value of being well-spoken.

  62. Congrats on making the list - I've retweeted the link to it. Folks have emailing and more names keep getting added (as the author requested) - I'm sure it will be over 100 soon. (List is no particular order - I think the names are listed as they added, not ranked in any way)

    Any chance a list of the "truths" that are in the works that have the potential to be revealed about Palin? I think all of us here totally understand that some things can not be "verified" at this point and identity of sources have to be protected and that there is no guarantee that all of the facts will be revealed - but it would be heartening to have a "program" of sorts for the "show" -- for example - who built Palin's house? tax evasion?

    A companion list of facts and issues that have no chance or little chance of making it to day light too would be nice too so we can stop holding our breath on those issues.

    I guess I just need a pick me up and a positive focus - it is a bit encouraging to see the GOP have given the order to their front line warriors to begin taking her down - but there is a lot more that is discouragning too

  63. Anonymous2:02 AM

    The rules were very strict to get in to Sam's Club to see Sarah Palin. No purses, cell phones or coats were allowed. Also, fans had to have a Sam's Club membership, or purchase one to get inside.


    Jesus Christ sarah, why don't you just have them strip naked. What a putz.

  64. Anonymous3:48 AM

    The Pravda article on The Daily Dish is a must read!

  65. Anonymous4:46 AM

    It's clear to me that the reason Sarah hates you as she does, and she's made that evident, is that she is truly afraid you're going to unearth some shit she thought long buried. Keep up the good work, friend. We're pretty much counting on you.

  66. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Scarlet/Oregon: Moscow

    Thanks for the info on the article. I recommend you all read it. I travel a bit out of the country and always ask what foreigners think of the wicked witch and her flying monkeys, and they just laugh and say they feel for us.

  67. Anonymous5:00 AM


    Hope you all caught Lawrence O'D interviewing Jennifer Grey last night. Great job exposing the truth behind the voting........I am sure Gryphen will post it later.

  68. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Nicolle Wallace's take on Palin on Morning Joe:


  69. Anonymous8:10 AM

    The list gets longer by the day... they're lining up.

  70. Anonymous8:26 AM

    The author is beautiful, smart and accomplished. All the things Palin isn't and that must bite. LOL

    The Palinbots can't argue that she's jealous of Palin because of her beauty. Love it.

  71. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Couldn't somebody just introduce Grandma Palin to UseNet? As I remember, the sole point for UseNet's existence was/is petty flame wars with anyone who dare posts anything you disagree with.

  72. Nice article.

    And she does state it is in no particular order. My personal feeling is the order would have to be revised weekly if not daily due to the polarity of Bible Spice's Bi.

    You should feel honored. While everyone else was lumped in with "bloggers" you, Dennis, Mudflats and Celtic Diva all got special mention.

  73. Anonymous1:17 PM

    The quote is so priceless and so true.

    Real critters only fight when they have to, it is just too dangerous and more "common sense."

  74. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Ya'll know she just jealous of Sarah cause Sarah so pretty! LMAO! That's what the P -Bots would say.

  75. I think Tina should send the list to Palin and ask her to put them in order. Then report the results. (Of the request. She'll never get Palin to order the list.)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.