Friday, January 21, 2011

Keith Olbermann has left MSNBC! Update!

I don't know whose fucked up idea this was to let Olbermann leave the network, but they have made a huge mistake.

Olbermann pulled MSNBC out of the fog of obscurity and made it a must see for thousands of people who were angered and scared sleepless by the Bush administration, and has been a beacon of honesty and journalistic integrity ever since.

Personally I will follow Keith to wherever he may go, and he can always count on my viewership.

For MSNBC I make no such promise.

Update: Here is the statement from MSNBC:

"MSNBC and Keith Olbermann have ended their contract. The last broadcast of "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" will be this evening. MSNBC thanks Keith for his integral role in MSNBC's success and we wish him well in his future endeavors," NBC Universal said in a statement.

Well that is pretty fucking weak.

As somebody else mentioned, Rachel Maddow is on Bill Maher tonight.  I cannot imagine that this topic will not come up, so perhaps we will learn more then.

Jesus, I think I am in shock!


  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I'm boycotting MSNBC.

  2. Sari7375:24 PM

    Keith's show is what made me start watching MSNBC in the first place....I have no words right now. Best Wishes to you Keith!!!

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Wonder if the Comcast merger had anything to do with this?

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Comcast/NBC merger is responsible for this.

  5. Anonymous5:29 PM

    We will all follow Keith wherever he goes! I am confident he has a plan.

    They blew it with him.

  6. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Is Rachel next?

  7. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I bet you guys are absolutely right about the Comcast thing.

  8. Anonymous5:30 PM

    This is massively disappointing. It looks like it was a surprise. His tweets gave no indication at all until an hour before the show.

    Where's Rachel? If she's next I really don't know what I'm going to do.

  9. Anonymous5:31 PM

    O'Reilly won.

  10. Anonymous5:35 PM

    The link to express your opinion about this is:

  11. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Was he fired or did he leave under his own power?

  12. Anonymous5:37 PM

    It's called Comcast. Olbermann was very critical of the merger. Msnbc will not be the same.

  13. @andersoncooper tweets:
    Comcast deal is approved. Jeff Zucker leaves. #keitholbermann gets fired. Coincidence? Find out #ac360 at 10p
    10 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
    Retweeted by 100+ people

  14. Anonymous5:40 PM

    This is so fucked up.

  15. Anonymous5:43 PM

    andersoncooper tweet:

    Comcast deal is approved. Jeff Zucker leaves. #keitholbermann gets fired. Coincidence? Find out #ac360 at 10p

  16. help the children5:43 PM

    O'Reilly is a fighter

    Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, will be in Bryan on Jan. 22 for the first major charity event sponsored by the Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance.

  17. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Chris Hayes tweeted that Rachel is on Maher's show and that he is hosting Rachel's show tonight.

    That's where I got the info.

  18. Anonymous5:45 PM

    The comments are SCREAMING through the moderators at HuffPo, over 200 at a pop, plus they didn't even moderate me.

    Comcast bought them on what, Wednesday?

    Do not give in to fascism.


  19. This tweet from @pourmecoffee cracked me up.
    Do not want "Countdown with Harold Ford."

    Comcast would not be foolish enough to ax @maddow. She's such a consummate investigative reporter, would be another network's gain.

  20. honeybabe5:51 PM

    there will be sooooo many people who will follow keith olbermann. me too.

  21. pacos_gal5:51 PM

    There was speculation awhile ago that if Comcast merger was approved, Keith would be let go.
    I think the viewers will follow Keith, as it is the personalities, not MSNBC that they are loyal to.

  22. laprofesora5:55 PM

    MSNBC is dead to me, I swear to god. I have the internet I don't need them. Bastards.

  23. FEDUP!!!5:56 PM

    The writing was on the wall when they suspended him for the political contributions. Hope he finds a good place.
    Also, too, I wonder what the ramifications are for terminating him like this - early, and w'o warning?

  24. Anonymous5:58 PM

    MSNBC and Keith Olbermann have ended their contract. The last broadcast of "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" will be this evening. MSNBC thanks Keith for his integral role in MSNBC's success and we wish him well in his future ende...avors.
    For more information contact:

    Jeremy Gaines

    copied HP I think that means e-mail J. Gaines, who is some executive contact at the parent company.


  25. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I've always been shocked that his ratings are way higher than Rachel's but half of bill 'blowhard' oreillys.

    I can take or leave Keith, but if Rachel leaves, I will be pissed

  26. FUCK MSNBC!! Don't read the conservative hate blogs tonight!!!

  27. FEDUP!!!6:03 PM

    This doesn't sound like he voluntarily left - he got one hour's notice of being fired. I hope he sues Comcast for all its worth for breaking his contract!

  28. Anonymous6:03 PM

    You know, we switched from Comcast to Verizon because when the digital upgrade happened Comcast removed MSNBC from our cable package. I was so angry and after calling to complain and see if they would make a deal I left them and haven't looked back. And now, we lose Keith again and once again it's because of Comcast. I truly hate that corporation. If I can find a way to boycott them I will. The Supreme court sold America to the corporations in that case where they decided corporations were citizens.

  29. @FedUp!!! 5:56 pm

    I doubt there will be any legal ramifications for Comcast/NBC terminating Keith's contract.

    The contract probably has a clause for terminating without cause at the will of employer.

  30. Anonymous6:04 PM

    wow. Does he realize he won't get a job anywhere else?

    maybe radio

  31. Help the children at 5:43pm:

    Do you really think that this organization is really going to "help the children"? As we've seen recently most of the money from these types of operations do nothing but line the pockets of those that run them. Why pay Bristol Palin to speak when that money could actually go to helping these "orphans" that said organization says they support.

    Scam, scam, scam.

  32. Anonymous6:07 PM

    If they're trying to move Right, that may backfire

    I have no real opinion on this.

    I only wish MTV would be catapulted off the earth. THATS the network thats ruining the country.

  33. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I agree that O'Reilly won.

  34. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Best wishes to Keith. For all his big head and pontificating, I really like him. He's a damn good liberal, generous, open-hearted. He'll do fine. The guy is rich and we will follow him. Maybe he'll hook up with Oprah's network.

  35. FEDUP!!!6:09 PM

    His last comments:

  36. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I am stunned. I feel like I need to avoid MSNBC (even though I watch all the afternoon/evening programs) out of loyalty to Keith.

  37. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck6:14 PM

    i impatiently await Keith's new home which i assume will be some fabulously smart news organization??

    do they even exist anymore?

    this is a truly sad sad day.

  38. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Wow! That is all I can say.

    I too started watching MSNBC because of Olberman.

    Does this mean I don't have to pay extra to get MSNBC anymore?

  39. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Bad news:

    Mr. Olbermann did not discuss any future plans, but NBC executives said one term of his settlement will keep him from moving to another network for an extended period of time.


  40. Anonymous6:21 PM

    What The Hell Was That About?

    I was just on in the opening segment of Olbermann tonight. And I get home and get this press release from NBC saying this was the last episode of Countdown. At first I figured it had to be a spoof email because, jeez, I was on and I didn't have any sense that any other than a regular Friday evening show was on. But sure enough I pulled up the recording and now I'm watching his final sign off.

    I doubt I would have had any heads up or known anything was happening if Olbermann was going to go off the air. But I was a bit more stunned than I might otherwise have been because I was just over there. And I did not have any sense that there was anything any different than normal going on. Everything seemed calm and pretty sedate. I didn't sense anything different in Keith's manner or affect (though it's not like we're tight and I would have been the person to notice.) There were a few more people than I'm used to seeing in the studio -- maybe two or three, seated, who seemed to be there to watch. (Something I don't remember seeing before.) But nothing that made me think twice that anything odd was going on.

    I'm sure we'll be hearing soon enough what on earth happened here. But color me stunned. And really disappointed.

  41. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Olbermann, Stewart, and Colbert kept me
    sane during the Bush years. They were ports
    in a storm...

  42. Here's what Howard Kurtz has to say about Keith's departure. I can't quite figure out what "the cable giant was informed when it received final federal approval for the purchase that Olbermann would be leaving the cable channel" means. I guess it means that the decision was made by Comcast, not NBC.

    Olbermann thanked his audience—"my gratitude to you is boundless"—and a list of people who have worked with him, notably excluding MSNBC President Phil Griffin, whom he has known for three decades.

    A knowledgeable official said the move had nothing to do with Comcast taking control of NBC next week, although the cable giant was informed when it received final federal approval for the purchase that Olbermann would be leaving the cable channel. This official described the dramatic divorce as mutual.

    Olbermann, who quit MSNBC once before—in 1998—as well as ESPN, almost single-handedly revived the network by leading it on a leftward march and aggressively attacking the rival operation he called Fox Noise. But his relations with top NBC and MSNBC executives sharply deteriorated when he was suspended for making donations to Democratic candidates, and they began to talk about how the channel was now on solid enough footing to survive without him. At one point, Griffin told Olbermann's chief negotiator, "We are at war."

  43. Anonymous6:27 PM

    The departure will probably not allow Keith on air for probably a year. That is very common when someone leaves. He had two years left on his contract. His contract will probably still be paid out to him.

    I suspect he will be able to do radio

  44. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Suck You, MSNBC. I'm over you.

  45. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Dont worry Gryfen...wherever he goes he will draw his audience. He likely got a nice little buy out too, like Conan. Besides...who left who? Maybe Keith left MSNBC?

  46. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Good night, and god bless.

    Thank-you for all you have done, Keith.

    May your voice continue....

  47. Anonymous6:42 PM

    "Remember that cryptic message "Trig was Tripp before he was Trig"?

    Well, I think the riddle has been solved!"

    posted by Baileys Mom at Huff Po

  48. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Wherever he goes I'm excited, my cable package does not include MSNBC so therefore I'm feeling really good about Keith heading to another network that I can finally view! Fuck MSNBC!

  49. Anonymous6:49 PM

    (sorry wrong thread for the T/T note)

  50. WakeUpAmerica6:53 PM

    Anon@6:04, bless your heart! You're so cute!

  51. Comcast has Bush family ties. They planned to axe Olberman all along as retaliation, it's the Republican way. You see they constantly talk about the Constitution and democracy, but have no idea what any of it means. They believe they are the only ones who have rights. Bush friends also own TV media in Venezuela and broadcasted negative about Chavez constantly. The internet is in grave danger. They are trying to control the media so we get blasted with nothing but propaganda from the oligarchy. Our democracy is just about dead.

  52. Someone on CNN said there will be a period of time while Keith can't do a TV show on another network. He'll be paid the remainder of his contract, due to expire in 2012. He perhaps can do radio, and for sure can write more books, in the meantime. Won't be on NBC football coverage any more, though.

    Angry as I am at MSNBC, I hate to see so many of you stop watching Rachel. Her show is one of the lasting gifts Keith gave us, with her understatement, humor, brains, and relentless belief in facts. Boycotting MSNBC might be cutting off a nose to spite a face. Please reconsider for Rachel's sake.

  53. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Yikes! I love Olbermann and his rants! Now what? I hope MSNBC hires him back quick, with a hefty raise. Next to Rachel, I trusted him to research a topic with some intelligence.

    This makes me really mad, because he was one of the few, very few broadcast personalities to commit to a civil dialog.

  54. SME1317:03 PM

    I am urging everyone to send notes to MSNBC. Getting rid of KO was beyond foolish. Rachel will also lose viewers as many of us will not patronize MSNBC at all now.

    KO and RM were the only reasons many of us bothered with that network at all.

    Please keep us posted if you hear where he goes G.


  55. Who's next at MSNBC? Rachel Maddow... Ed Schultz?
    Boy is their management stupid!
    The corporate fascists win yet again.
    God help us!

  56. @Bailey's mom at HuffPo. Still O/T. Commenter long ago should have said Trig was A Tripp before he was Trig.

  57. SME1317:04 PM

    Oh and here are his final words. Clearly he had NO idea this was coming.

  58. This is unbelievable news! Keith was one of the only voices of reason left on TV. He will be missed!

  59. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Hey Gryph - did you see the above? The Aussies, at least, get the Palin incites violence link.

  60. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Well, its not QUITE as bad as I feared: I thought Comcast was the name of the holding company that also owns FOX.

    (And therefore felt like we were just about to enter the Soviet Union phase of the American Dream/Nightmare)

    Wikipedia divulges that its a giant corporation, alright, but that so far its politics seem to have a balance between liberal and conservative causes.

    However, ALL big corporations have a tendency to lean toward the Repubican push to create an oligarchy out of what used to be a strong middle class there's no real sigh of relief coming from MY direction, over this knowledge.

  61. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Makes me sad....wonder what happened.

  62. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Wow - MSNBC fucked up royally.

  63. pacos_gal7:10 PM

    Keith will be kept off air through 2012, but can do radio, per David Shuster on CNN now. “Money’s not an issue for him…. I can’t believe he’ll be quiet about it. He’s an outspoken guy.”

  64. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I wonder if he even knew it was coming.

    MSNBC and Comcast will regret this.

    If they even try to take off Rachel, there will be widespread trouble for their network. It will be over Big Time.

    I am so tired of these big corporations making decisions against the interest of their audience and the public good.

  65. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Wow - there are some awful comments against Keith and liberals at HuffPo. Imagine that.

    Keith had it all: intelligence, class, perceptive insights, and the guts to tell the truth.

    I've worked in several corporations and there several things that firms like Comcast don't like: truth, courage, honor, integrity, and the ability to think independently.

    I was once told - after someone told my manager that I was taking a creative writing class - that I was not to do anything in the evenings that could possibly take my focus off from and drain my energy from the corporation. I was told I owed them to simply rest in the evenings so I could give them my best.

    You can pretty well guess how I and others responded to that.

    Fascism is here folks - government and corporations melded together. They begin the takeover by silencing opponents.

    Here's hoping Keith returns in another venue because we will all follow him.

    I hope Rachel doesn't tamp down her show to suit her new masters.

  66. And, on a happier note, isn't TV news really dead? Isn't TV rather done for? Raise your hands if you actually watch the television and see a full program there. Crickets?

    There is a certain segment of the population that actually watches programs on the "television set" when the program airs. Most now stream movies, DVR television and watch only the best portions of their favorite news programs or shows.

    TV is dying and Olbermann is lucky to get out of it while it is still relevant.

  67. Anonymous7:30 PM

  68. Anonymous7:31 PM

    We'd better watch how the GOP starts to move on the internet. You know that they will. They cannot afford independent voices. They cannot risk truth.

    Start fighting for net neutrality. It's already endangered. Quick, write, demand that we keep the corporations from controlling it all!

  69. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Please, do not boycott. If you do, Rachel's numbers will go down and they will dump her as well. Is that what you want?

  70. Anonymous7:33 PM

    This is why we all need to support Wikileaks folks!! People need to know the corrupt behaviour going on within these organizations, whether it be govt., banks, media...

    The rich pay so many organizations off to keep their mouths shut while they leech off of the larger public, meaning the average person.

    I hope wikileaks can get ahold of these bastards that do this and squash them!

  71. Anonymous7:35 PM

    The Right only won a battle. They have not won the war. They can never silence Truth.

    Listen, folks, if you care, you are going to have to drop Comcast and boycott anything to do with them.

    I fear the only real voice of truth will be on the internet. I hope Keith runs his own blog and get his voice out to us that way.

    Of course, we have to fight to keep the internet open and accessible.

    This is not going to be easy or pretty, but if we really care, we can reverse this right-wing madness.

  72. laprofesora said...
    MSNBC is dead to me, I swear to god. I have the internet I don't need them. Bastards.

    5:55 PM

    Tru dat

  73. Anonymous7:40 PM

    A big part of the problem were the regulators who gave this merger the green light.

    Lots of people were warning us that it meant trouble, but did we write, call or email - apparently not or not enough.

    Look to see who was on the committee who said this merger was fine. I wish we could subpoena their bank records and see if the regulators got a big pay off or if they will soon leave to get juicy (but short-term jogs) with Comcast or its affiliates.

    This whole deal smells and has from the get-go. It is never, ever a good idea to allow media to get concentrated in a few hands. Just look at NewsCorps and the vile Murdoch and his Fox News clowns.

    People, we can no longer just sit back and bitch. We have to demand answers and to actively protest this kind of shit or we won't have anything worthwhile left.

    End of rant, but the end of dismay.

  74. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Please G, I beg you, take the pledge.

  75. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Shannyn tweet:

    FLASHBACK: Comcast fired reporter after Fox complained abt criticism of O'Reilly:

  76. Lawrence O'Donnell will take over the Countdown slot. I will continue to watch both he and Rachel. If they are axed, then I'm done. I will miss Keith on MSNBC, but he'll be around - in some fashion. He did not look upset in his farewell speech. He looked almost relieved. Better things are ahead for Keith. And for some superior snark, I would suggest going to HuffPo and reading the remarks about the Todd Affair. My favourite: Todd should sign up for the IDIDAHOOKER race.

  77. Anonymous7:43 PM

    My cable package costs just jumped over twenty dollars!

    I am canceling HBO (sorry Bill M) and I wish could cancel MSNBC.

    Mind you, I am with Time-Warner, but I am not convinced they are any better than Comcast.

    Thank goodness I know how to read. Books are always there. I look forward to a doozie from Keith in the near future.

  78. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Money talks people, Olbermann is good, and I am quite sure he was left with a nice little package. I have a feeling he isn't really feeling sorry for himself tonight, NOT, rather celebrating that he is free of the network that has been trying to mute him.

    Sounds like they did the same to Keith as they did to Conan as far as getting rid of them.

    No worries....As the Arnold says "I'll be boch"
    Re-energized and ready to take on a new battle.

  79. I am physically sick over this. One of the few voices I trust on TV is gone. I will not be watching msnbc.

  80. I am sick over this, a voice for regular Americans is gone. Too few have earned my trust as Keith had. I will be watching a lot less msnbc.

  81. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I hope Ed and Rachel start looking for new broadcast homes because they are probably next.

    Keith - we love you! You had integrity and a heart as big as the sun. You put your money where your ideals were and helped countless people. Thank you for everything you have done.

    Rachel - please don't let this go by unattended. We want you on the air, but Keith really helped get you there. How can you turn your back on him?

    Ed - you are an important voice as well.

    MSNBC - I will try to watch Rachel and Ed, but otherwise you are dead to me (that's a common phrase tonight, isn't it?)

    Comcast - your executives had better enjoy their severance packages when the time comes because your stock is going down if this is the kind of game you play.

  82. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Gryphen, this makes your blog all the more important. The internet is quickly becoming the go-to source for truth and freedom of expression.

    I fear that the internet is next on their list, though. Murdoch has long been trying to find a way to control it, and now that Comcast has bigger muscles to flex, he may have found it.

    We all need to support blogs such as Gryphen if we want independent voices, voices to stand up to the lie machines the corporations are gearing up.

  83. Anonymous8:00 PM

    All the bullshit posts about boycotting MSNBC -- grow up.

    You boycott MSNBC and kiss Rachel goodbye & Lawrence.

    Stop and think before you spew.

    Add the fact - no one knows the truth to the story yet so quit getting your knickers in a knot.

  84. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Anyone who thinks that FOX or O'Reilly somehow "won" is sadly deluded. I mean, how fucking tough is it play a corporate lackey and keep your job by towing the company line for a asshole like Roger Ailes?

    If anything, I believe that ill-planned maneuvers like this will further galvanize the left and make them even more vigilant. We have no choice now and perhaps, that is the one "silver lining" that we could (should) extract from this idiotic escapade.

  85. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Gryphen, thanks for allowing us to vent our frustration and sorrow.

    It is as if a good friend or family member died. At least we have a chance that Keith will be resurrected and with more power behind him.

    Your blog is a true gift, and I hope we all remember to support your efforts in a tangible way when we can. We need you and others like you.

    This has become one of the first true media battles of the cultural wars.

    I am sure that all the fundamentalists are celebrating tonight. I hope they enjoy their little victory because their hateful, spiteful, and narrow-minded philosophies are not going to last. The darkness never lasts whether in nature of in the mind. It cannot survive without its twin, the light.

    Truth will survive. We will ensure that it does.

    More power to Gryphen and all bloggers who fight to get the truth out and to make people think!

  86. He has integrity. That is why he is gone.

  87. Anonymous8:08 PM

    When the dust settles (and it will), people will watch Rachel and Ed and Comcast will think it won.

    It will be a false confidence though.

    Ditching Keith will cost them more than they know. It will make his fans more loyal and more intent upon paying attention to the wrongs that are being perpetrated, the deals being made, and the garbage that will be dished out as news or truth.

    Comcast has made a serious error in judgment. It will time some time, but it will be become painfully clear to them as more people react to this type of disgusting deal turn their money towards more enlightened media sources.

    What an opportunity for someone to step up and fill the void for liberal voices!

  88. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Interesting explanation of the nature of 'terminating a contract' in regard to K.O.:

  89. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Bullshit on Rachel's story about this. She must have been told follow the company line or you are next.

    She says it was mutual.

    Keith said right at the beginning of this video. "anybody in my business who has ever been told what I was told, that this is going to be the last edition of your show"

    Keith was forced out, he didn't quit.

  90. 10catsinMD8:34 PM

    This is so disappointing. I will follow Keith wherever. Forget MSNBC.

  91. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I just got back from watching Real Time with Bill Maher and Rachel was incredible. Everyone in the audience was shocked no one knew anything about this. They took all of our cellphones away before we entered the building. They really didn't talk about it much. I am devastated by the news. Rachel was amazing tonight. Must watch tv.

  92. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Olbermann wouldn't do what he was told. It was obvious when they suspended him for a phony reason. Maddow is just a talking head whose job is more important to her than a stand for what's right. And O'Donnell is a waffler so he won't get too controversial. This is peanuts when you consider that your supreme court has been totally corrupted by the right. It's the new fascist America folks.
    Luv from Canada.

  93. Molly8:48 PM


  94. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Whay Gryphen said.
    Me also too.

    There goes 50% of the internet reruns I watch on MINBC.
    I don't even do cable, too expensive.

  95. Anonymous9:16 PM

    MSNBC says that starting Monday,
    “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” will move to 8 PM,
    Ed Schultz moving to 10 PM.
    Rachel Maddow will remain at 9 Cenk Uyger will be filling in as the host of the 6 PM hour.

    I like Cenk - in doses - not daily doses.

  96. Anonymous9:23 PM

    FYI - Maddow fans

    Rachel Maddow's whole show is available as a podcast on iTunes. Bill Mahre's Real Time also. Hope that Lawrence and Ed will be podcasted soon - it's a great way to hear and support them without going through Comcast or MSNBC.

  97. Gasman9:23 PM

    I'll wait and learn a few more details, but I am prepared to boycott ALL NBC programming. Yeah, the administration of the separate arms are independent of one another, but the board of directors and the shareholders are not. If their actions merit such a response, no NBC programming will never again appear on my TV or my computer.

    Olbermann is one of the few news critters on TV that had a spine. When most print and TV reporters had their noses jammed up Dick Cheney's ass, Olbermann was a voice in the wilderness who spoke truth to power. When media historians look back on his time on the air, his reporting and commentary will be praised for doing what journalists are supposed to: TELL THE DAMN TRUTH! This nation owes Olbermann a debt of gratitude. If I could, I'd buy him a case of whatever it is he drinks. He is one of the good guys.

    As I said, I'll let a day or two pass before I pass final judgement, but I might just start getting my supplies ready to start making my "FUCK NBC" t-shirts.

  98. Anonymous9:28 PM

    I wonder if OWN (Oprah's network) would take Keith.

    Wouldn't that be something if she could pull Keith and Rachel there? I'd follow, there is no doubt.

    I noticed over the past week that Rachel seemed off to me...couldn't put my finger on it...seemed thinner....wonder if she really did know what was coming down?

  99. Enjay in E MT9:35 PM

    Over 13K comments on Huff Po
    Sign the petition - and make your comments known to MSNBC & Comcast

  100. I am stunned...and angry! I'm skeptical that the other MSNBC shows can fill the void but will give Rachel and Lawrence a chance. Whatever Keith does next, I'm hopeful that he'll have a wider audience and even bigger impact.

  101. Anonymous10:13 PM

    That is just soooo Fucked Up!

    I'll continue to watch Rachel, Ed and Lawrence, but other than that, NO MSNBC for me!

    Hope Keith will be on somewhere, a way that I can access, maybe radio with a stream online?

  102. OT - Bristol...talking mostly about the name-change rumor on Bob & Mark show today and confirms that the custody agreement isn't final. Loose translation: "Gosh, why won't Levi give up his parental rights? He'll still be Tripp's dad and can see him whenever he wants." Typical Palin -- she makes no sense.

    She's also looking into the the radio job in Phoenix. My take-away is that at least one of her parents is moving, or has already moved, to AZ.

  103. Sarah H10:24 PM

    My heart hurts right now.

  104. I think this was inevitable, just a matter of timing.

    Remember when Olbermann was suspended? They couldn't fire him then, although I'm sure that's what the had of MSNBC wanted.

    So they waited a bit, then made it look like it was a mutual decision, no hard feelings, etc.

    Personally, if I was Olbermann, I would have been looking to move on during those three days because I don't take crap like that.

    It's not about the money. It's about working conditions. It's about respect and being treated as a professional.

    I hope he finds another place soon. I'm sure he'll have no trouble. He'll probably have his pick, plus a raise. And he deserves it.

  105. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Great comment Gasman!

  106. Had Obama agreed to appear on Olbermann's show next week, instead of on O'Reilly's, Keith would still have a job.

  107. Shocked doesn't even begin to descdribe what I'm feeling right now.

    I immediately went and signed a petition of support for Keith

    hopefully he will be back on the air (perhaps an HBO show) - we need his voice of sanity!

  108. Imagine giving Beck and Limbaugh all that ammo. There's big bucks behind this...

  109. Anonymous3:17 AM

    I watched the Maher & Rachel clip and was disappointed in Rachel's rather "clinical" non-commital remarks.

    She didn't even express a personal remark, such as "I'll miss him". Odd, since Keith was instrumental in her even having a show.

    But I guess that's "show biz" for ya.

  110. carol from Minnesota3:38 AM

    I can't find a petition to protest this outrage of losing Keith. Can anyone post a link? or start one.

  111. Has a new Press secretary been announced? Just a thought. Sure would liven up press briefings...

  112. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Who cares? He never should have left ESPN!

  113. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I am confused. What is it that Comcast wanted Keith to do that he didn't want to do??? Here is my take. I have been watching, and loving Keith for about two years now and he would always attack, rightly so, idiot glenda/bilbo all the time. My fear was that Keith was lowering himself to their level and engaging in childish pranks--sometimes it didn't look so good. Once, serious and credible, Lawrence came on; the contrast, especially with Maddow, was fairly obvious. Maybe they wanted to take the shows up a notch to further distance themselves from the scum of faux news, so Keith had to go???? Anyone???? I don't know anything about the new execs with Comcast. Maybe Murdock/Ailes got to them?? It would be interesting to see if they continue with the criticizing of faux news and who will do it. SOMEONE HAS TO. AM Radio could sure use some competition against the Right. Keith could give rushbo a run for his money.

  114. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I read that Keith doesn't have a money "problem" as he was paid his contract that went to 2012. Under his contract, he can't sign up on other television programs. He can do radio? He can write articles?

  115. Anonymous6:30 AM

    None of you guessed it. The Comcast merger was approved Wed. On his Wed. show, Keith Olbermann called Joe Lieberman a despicable liar several times. Joe Lieberman is a powerful Jew. The Roberts family who started Comcast, with Brian Roberts current CEO, are powerful, connected Jews. Roberts fired Keith for his Lieberman comments.

  116. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Over 24,000 comments on Huffpo. I think this may create problems for MSNBC. I've never seen that many comments on any article.

  117. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Did they really just fire the guy who they recently disciplined for donating to Gabby's campaign. Wow, corporate greed at new heights!

  118. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I like Rachel to. but if you continue to watch then you wont really send comcast a message?
    I will not watch for 1 month for sure veiwers are revenue so punish comcast for this. Best wishes KO!

  119. Maybe this will answer some of the questions.

  120. Anonymous3:06 PM

    MSNBC folks...
    Money talks and it pays people. Rachel will most likely give into MSNBC to keep her job and keep her mouth shut.
    It's all about the money! the shit that comes out about these networks. Pay attention folks :-)


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