Friday, January 21, 2011

Michelle Obama is trying to kill our children!

Apparently there are some who believe that we should not encourage our children to get out and exercise more in order to protect them from becoming road kill!  No I am NOT joking!

According to Mail Online:

The First Lady initiated a campaign called 'Let's Move!' designed to encourage more youngsters to walk to school, in a bid to help tackle the country's obesity problem.

But critics have said the scheme has back-fired after the figures for road deaths in the first six months of 2010 were revealed.

In the period between January and June last year there were 1,891 road related deaths, which - while being only seven more than during the same period the previous year - bucked a trend that had been going down for four years.

It was a 0.4 per cent increase and in 18 states there was an increase in the numbers, according to a study on Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by state.

This caused a stir and Governors Highway Safety Association Director Barbara Harsha blamed Mrs Obama and was quoted as saying in the Washington Examiner: 'There's an emphasis these days to getting fit, and I think people doing that are more exposed to risk [of getting hit by a vehicle].'

You know I was not even aware that Sarah Palin worked for the Governors Highway Safety Association!

I was all prepared to write up some long and scathing rebuttal, but then it dawned on me that this is literally too stupid to deserve a response.

In other news, in a realm where sanity reigns supreme, Mrs. Obama's message is being welcomed with open, and soon to be well toned, arms.

From the Washington Post:

First lady Michelle Obama joined Wal-Mart executives at a Southeast Washington community center Thursday morning to announce a campaign by the low-priced retail giant to offer more healthful foods and push its suppliers to do the same.

"When I see a company like Wal-Mart launch an initiative like this, I feel more hopeful than ever before," said Obama, who has made fighting childhood obesity and increasing nutritious food options in poor neighborhoods a top priority. "We can improve how we make and sell food in this country."

Now as somebody who has seen the devastating results of childhood obesity first hand, I have to say that I am especially proud of our smart and compassionate First Lady.  She is a real gift to this country, and her program will undoubtedly save numerous young lives.

I also appreciate that she does not take cheap shots at people.  No, no I don't necessarily have anybody in mind, I am just saying.


  1. This has got to be THE dumbest thing I've read here. Yes, Michelle Obama is directly responsible for more "road-kill". Always looking for someone to blame....

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I had read somewhere that there was a retraction and explanation on the comment. Some right wingers out there trying to spin it, fer sure!

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    What is so pathetic about this story is that it's probably the TPers' way of payback for those who dared to link SP to Tucson. The stupidity of these people astounds me.

  4. Anonymous9:49 AM

    We are so lucky to have Michelle Obama as our First Lady. She is a classy, intelligent and compassionate.

    We've been blessed with other great First Ladies in the recent past such as Roslyn Carter and Betty Ford (whose worth became evident as she turned a personal problem into solutions for others).

    However, Michelle has a special charisma that enables her to reach more people. Her love of children is truly evident and they respond to her like never before.

    Her calm confidence and joy for life is so inspiring.

  5. Anonymous9:52 AM

    OT - but important nonetheless:

    Maybe Candies should look elsewhere for a spokeman. See this article and take a look at the poll.

    Bristol better clean up her act or she will be out of a job.

    Kim does it better. Who would have thought? No preaching, just straight talk.

  6. Anonymous9:52 AM

    This attack on Michelle Obama is so bizarre that it has to be nothing but racism, clean and clear. If any white Democratic First Lady were behind a movement to promote health in our children, the attackers wouldn't even try to make a case.

  7. Anonymous9:53 AM

    These racists enjoy slamming our President, but nothing makes them happier or more jazzed than going after a strong Black woman. They have it out for them most of all.

    This is the lowest of the low. If they are retracting it, too late. It will haunt them like so many other things.

    I hope she runs someday. She could win.

  8. Anonymous9:59 AM

    American children are clearly too fat and out of shape to get out of the way of oncoming traffic.

    A common sense Conservative solution would be to, literally, let really obese children fall by the wayside-Arizona's tax cutting Gov. Brewer would certainly agree!

  9. Anonymous10:04 AM

    UPDATE: Governors Highway Safety Association Director Barbara Harsha says she was misquoted in a story alleging she blames a rise in pedestrian deaths on Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity program, according to the Atlantic.

    “I was misquoted, said Harsha. “We in no way oppose Ms. Obama’s program.” She said she was trying to make a broader point about pedestrian awareness and safety. If Obama’s program is getting more people to walk, “they need to be aware of their surroundings and do so in a safe manner.”

    Read more:

  10. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I have just started running again, and it felt so good. I was told by one trainer a few years ago that I shouldn't run anymore, so I'm running intervals for now. WALK & RUN, AMERICA! Michelle is right. Push away from the keyboard now and set an example for your kids.

  11. Enjay in E MT10:08 AM

    Good Grief!

    Also - excellent piece at Politicususa (Sarah Jones) on the non-existent $500M pipeline (and a lot of other SP myths)

    snip] nothing can stop her from her addiction to self-aggrandizing myth building about the Palin brand. [end snip

  12. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Check out the article on Graham and Palin about Haiti. Very long and very depressing. The crooks really know how to sniff out the money.

  13. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Well then, by this logic Sarah Palin WAS directly responsible for the shooting of Gabby Giffords, the wounding of 14 others, and the death of six unfortunate souls.

    Fucking right-wingers: always getting it wrong, and never tiring of it.

  14. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Wow, 7 more road deaths? Did anybody think to check the stats and see if they are kids or maybe just people Sarah ran over with her bus?


  15. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Ed Morrissey Defends Michelle Obama and Daughters Against Unfair Pedestrian Attacks

  16. Chenagrrl10:20 AM

    This reveals more about the ugly attitudes of Ms Obama's critics.

    I am dubious that the quote from Harsha is correct. She's been with the org since 1988 and seems even keel.

    The report is sketchy enough that it doesn't report whether there was an uptick in the number of pedestrians, which could explain it. (People who can no longer afford cars an gas?) Maybe we should compare to stats from the 1930s.

    Not one anecdote in the stat mashup of people getting exercise getting hit, although there probably were.

  17. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Somehow, Fox Rejected A Super Bowl Ad

  18. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Alaskan Legislators Seek to Repudiate Sarah Palin’s Failed Pipeline

    Alaskan state legislators want to repeal Palin’s failed Alaska Gasline Inducement Act project, the very gas pipeline she touted as proof of her energy experience in 2008 while running for Vice President. In fact, when Palin referred to AGIA, she used words that insinuated it was a done deal, when in reality, it had not even began yet.

    Sarah Palin, 2008 Vice-Presidential debate: “We’re building a nearly $40 billion natural gas pipeline — which is North America’s largest and most expensive infrastructure project ever — to flow those sources of energy into hungry markets.”

    Of course, there is no pipeline. There never was. What Palin was referring to was the license the state awarded Trans-Canada to build the pipeline under Palin’s largest claim to fame, AGIA, a project that provides up to $500 million in state reimbursement for TransCanada’s costs and in fact guarantees the oil company a profit. Profit will be subsidized by the state, so the burden of risk is being handed down to the taxpayers.

  19. Anonymous10:26 AM

    She has an AWESOME husband, also too.

    President Obama on the 50th Anniversary of JFK's Inauguration

  20. Anonymous10:32 AM

    The Power of Obama Optimism Triumphs Over Sarah Palin’s Blood Libel

    The gap between President Obama and Sarah Palin has never been quantified more clearly than when respondents were asked to register their approval or disapproval of Obama and Palin’s responses to the Tucson shootings. The overall approval of Obama’s response was 78%, and 51% of this group strongly approved of Obama’s response. On the other hand only 30% approved of Sarah Palin’s blood libel video, and within those who approved only 14% strongly approved. Only 12% disapproved of Obama’s response compared to 46% for Palin. Interestingly, Palin had more than twice as many people disapprove of her response than she had strongly approve (32%-14%).

  21. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Sarah Jones hit's another one out of the ball park!

  22. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Fractured Fox Fantasy: Palin is the GOP 2012 Front Runner

    This morning on Fox News Radio’s Kilmeade & Friends, the Fox hosts agreed that their colleague Sarah Palin will run for President. Brian Kilmeade, Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum were talking about Newt Gingrich’s criticism of Sarah Palin’s blood libel response and they all agreed that not only is she running for President, but she is the star and the front-runner of the GOP.

    Talk about tone deaf.

  23. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Michelle Obama-- all women should want to be like her. She is a cool lady, a wonderful mother, and superior role model!

    She's a ray of sunshine!

  24. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I find the "Beat up Michelle Obama for keeping our kids healthy" campaign absolutely bizarre. I remember being in school as a 7 year-old in 1962 and there was a great push to encourage physical fitness. Nobody in their right mind made ridiculous statements against such a goal! What is going on here? Has our populace become so demented as to believe we need to work against the health of our children? The other night it really occurred to me that indeed there is a segment of our population that will work against every positive effort (advancing the economy, solving the health care issue, etc.) simply because they have been riled up by the sick extreme right wing. It is astonishing. I am not giving up though, there are reasonable positive people out there!

  25. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Jealousy is a terrible thing! Michelle Obama's motives are pure in her pursuit of a healthier future population. She is one classy, intelligent woman working to guide the youngsters in our country to a better life. Give her credit for being smart enough to know where there is room to influence for good. All those obese adults walking around like their "fat foods" and are not likely open to change. Put your effort where there is a possibility for success.

    If the jealous, uneducated citizenry would delve into expenditures our government incurs for obesity, and poor dietary habits, they would know that dialysis for patients with kidney failure are one of the ongoing highest costs for health care. The culprit - adult onset obesity which is now occurring as early as in overweight pre-teens!

    The government gets involved with correcting situations when $ costs skyrocket. That is what prompted citations on skilled nursing facilities when "bedsores" reach a certain percentage of the facilities' populations the facility is closed if it does not come into compliance by healing existing ones and keeping other bedsores from developing.

    That law and follow up (every year before the license can be re-issued for the upcoming year)is because of $Money! The government accounting can tell you what it actually costs to cure one bed sore of a certain size - thousands of $.

    Michelle Obama is on a route to curtail the costs of health loss for future generations which is the one thing that could bankrupt this nation in the not too distant future. Michelle Obama's health campaign is at the grass roots level - isn't that how we got our wonderful, intelligent president?

    Go Michelle Obama! Did you see that smashing red dress? She never disappoints!

  26. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Check out the look on their faces!

  27. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Yeah, now THIS is how it's done. Suck it Mr. and Mrs. Palin.

  28. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I’m Grateful

  29. You're so right, Gryphen. She is a gift! Smart, funny, compassionate and beautiful inside and out! When you think about her and another person similar in age who's in the news...well, there's no comparison.

    I'll bet that lady really did get quoted out of context and the RWingers spun it. I feel sorry for her.

  30. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Jamie Oliver is trying to do the same thing - help prevent childhood obesity.

    Read the following to see the same kind of resistance to the news. At least Michelle is able to get through some of the barriers to reach even Republican-supporting Wal-Mart.

    Why Americans talk so much about family values and loving kids, but are reluctant to actually do anything constructive about it is tragic. Attacking people such as Michelle and Jaime for pointing out solutions that are simple and that work is foolish indeed.

  31. Anonymous11:11 AM

    One of the most important quotes in the article about Jamie Oliver's attempts to help children eat better is this: "To get access. I'm finding it really hard to tell the truth in this country."

    Isn't it the same for those who know Palin? Telling the truth and getting the media to pay attention is difficult when corporate interests and ignorance weigh in against you.

    I'm hoping Michelle's meeting with Wal-Mart and its promise to start promoting healthier foods for kids gets the ball rolling. Corporations can still make money with good foods, but their paradigm must shift first.

    Jaime Oliver should team up with Michelle Obama. What a great team they'd make!

  32. Anonymous11:15 AM

    A Palin-Free February?

    And what is their proposal now? To stop even the pretense of seriously scrutinizing someone who is still one of the most popular figures on the right. Well, I guess most of us won't miss much. But if news breaks in February that further exposes this person's haplessness, narcissism and endless odd lies, the Dish will be there. And, I suspect, the National Enquirer.

    No surrender.

  33. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I agree - Mrs. Obama's plan is good and the negative in print about her is idiotic and doesn't even suggest being repeated.

    We couldn't have a better First Lady! She's first class and smart!

  34. I think Michelle has done a fine job as first lady!

  35. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Todd Palin’s Rumored Affair: What Does It Mean For Sarah?

    But I’d venture a guess that the opposite would happen. While I promise to follow the unfolding drama of Todd Palin’s extra-marital affairs and report back, I’ll also make this prediction: should the rumors prove true, and Todd’s affair with Shailey Tripp become public, rather than lose political ground, I’d say Sarah will gain it. Her Grizzly suporters have stood behind her through much worse offenses than marrying a local yokel.

    I’ll go one step further: in the Palin-built political arena of 2011, Todd Palin’s affair might be the just the ticket Sarah needs to be the first single mother in the Oval Office.

  36. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Perhaps she didn’t get the memo. Then again she’s not much of a reader. And as recent public pronouncements demonstrate, nuance, subtly and empathy are not her strong suit. Of course, I’m speaking of 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin.

    Despite calls from across the political spectrum to “tone down” the vitriol in the wake of the Tucson shootings, Palin keeps right on doing what she does best: manufacturing controversy in an effort to dominate the news cycle. Whether she’s releasing statements via Facebook or making the rounds on Fox News Channel, Palin is tone deaf to pleas -- even from within her own ranks -- to take a break from the partisan rancor and political gainsaying.

  37. Anonymous11:34 AM

    in case anyone might have missed this, it's a keeper.

  38. Anonymous11:36 AM

  39. Anonymous11:48 AM

    crosshairs on political candidates is harmless, going for a walk not so much LOL...these People are idiots!!

  40. Anonymous11:49 AM

    They may want to look at the number of deaths due to diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. caused by unhealthy lifestyles and lack of exercise!

  41. Anonymous11:50 AM

    PPP Poll: Palin Barely Edging Obama -- In Texas!

  42. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Of course c4p is whining about to m not picking up the obama affair in may , which by the way they retracted. And mow they are running with the ridiculous Todd hooker story. Do will palin have another video playing the victim again or will she whine to one of the fox hosts? Seem like they should get a letter fr se lawyer calling
    Them baby molesters by now. Can't wait for ram's screenplay when palin throws her under the bus.

  43. Anonymous12:15 PM

    While no one disputes that any pedestrian deaths are tragic, particularly if they are your family members, the number of lives that this campaign could ultimately save is tremendous.

    As someone who works with low-income city children every day, I see what a negative impact obesity can have on a child. Anyone who claims that the First Lady's campaign to help children become healthier is a bad thing should line up behind Dick Cheney for a heart transplant!

  44. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Maybe it is because the repubs lost so many jobs for people under the bush administration people can't afford gas and r walking instead.

  45. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Govt needs to take a good long look at what has NOT worked for a long time, because America has gotten less fit every decade since the Great Depression.

    From wiki

    President Kennedy addressed the issue of physical fitness frequently in his public pronouncements and assigned new projects to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, an organization established by Kennedy's predecessor Eisenhower on July 16, 1956.

  46. Anonymous12:36 PM

    9:53, wouldn't that just frost the Teabaggers asses! !

    Barack wins again in 2012; then Michele runs for President and wins in 2016 and 2020!

  47. But Obama's "Cash for Clunkers" program got a percentage of the driving public out of old death-trap cars, and into modern cars with higher crash-test success rates.

    Provided these people, in their newer, safer cars are not the ones running over people, I think we have a win here!

    Someone needs to do a study.

  48. Anonymous12:43 PM

    hey lookie thoughtful and original of our founding fathers to look out for needed healthcare.

    "There you have it. Our founding principles were to care for the sick through taxation of private industry. Now I am sure there will be those on the right proclaiming that not EVERYONE was covered under this law.
    This may be true, but the trade and shipping industry was a critical part of our nation’s economy in 1798. If many sailors got sick or injured the Captain of the ship couldn’t make money, thus cripple our economy due to lack of trade.

    The real point is, did our founders believe in a federal government mandate to insure the sailors. Yes!

    Did the federal government collectively take care of the sick through taxation? YES!
    Let’s push for single payer in this Country, and stick to our FOUNDING PRINCIPLES!"

  49. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I was a little girl in the 1960s. During the summer, we stayed outside all day, playing baseball, dodgeball, riding our bikes. You never walked anywhere: everyone ran. We'd stop for lunch and then back outside to "rip and run" as my mother called it. At nightfall, you'd hear a chorus of moms calling us to come home. And of course we ran home.

    Luckily, my children were in that last generation of children, raised in the 1990s, who also played outside, competed on the soccer team, played basketball, rode bikes, and ran track. We had no video games, and computer time and TV watching were restricted.

    Like Mrs. Obama, I happen to be African American. It sickens me that the racist right are willing to lie and misquote people to denigrate the first lady.

    Everyone knows the stats: our children are headed for obesity and diabetes. Does the right actually think that exercise and healthy eating are anti-American? The seething hatred that infects these folks is quite extraordinary.

  50. Look to corporations for the origin of this comment. This goes along with the mentality in oil states like Texas and Alaska. They do everything they can to discourage walking and public transportation. People who use public transportation are healthier than people who drive cars because they at least have to walk to the bus stop or train station, they also suffer less stress because they aren't driving in rush hour traffic. The sidewalks in Alaska were designed like the ones in Texas to discourage pedestrians. The food industry sells unhealthy food so people get sick, then the health care industry makes more money. We need to design our systems to promote health, rather than destroy it. The only way that will ever happen is if more people educate themselves and demand changes by not buying unhealthy food and demanding pedestrians get more rights. The problem is there are so many uneducated dolts in this country that believe crazy crap like this now.

  51. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Love the Let's Move! campaign; can't stand Wal-Mart. I wish Mrs. Obama would not give that company a chance to improve it's PR image, given how big a role it plays in distributing the foreign products, produced in sweat shops and often with child labor, that have effectively replaced those made in America.

  52. The White House has been promoting physical fitness for youth since Eisenhower's tenure. My kids earned Presidential Fitness Awards during Reagan's presidency and were very proud of receiving the award for reaching specific levels in five areas of proficiency: sit-ups; pull-ups, push-ups, or flexed-arm hang to measure upper body strength; a one-mile walk/run; a V-sit reach; and the shuttle run.

    Mrs. Obama is continuing a tradition that is over half a century old - and is doing it with class and compassion. Never have there been so many overweight children in America, and it is not likely to improve with the number in the poverty level increasing. Thus, it is important for schools to take the lead here. Unfortunately, many school boards are taking out PE and recess, the two times where kids are encouraged to move and get exercise.

  53. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Kids are so much safer when they're 100 pounds over weight, sitting on a sofa, watching TV and getting insulin injections. Everyone knows that!

  54. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Yep. It's all about personal responsibility, just like Governor Palin said, right? So it's those people's own fault they got hit by a car. Except for the ones that were listening to the President's wife; then that's her fault. Right?
    And the ones that were doing both? Well, that's all about hungry markets and job creation, right?

    That's frightening that the top administrative person for Highway Safety is an idiot and thinks this. That's not good.
    No chance that the slight increase is due to the expected annual population increase, a few more cars on the road because we're all crazed auto consumers, and the obvious evident decrease of general civility in our society?
    Naw, too easy.


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