Saturday, January 08, 2011

The shooter's name is Jared Loughner and this is his good-bye message before he decided to "reload and not retreat" and then shot 18 people. Updated!

The message is a little confusing, but what comes through pretty clear is his distrust of the government.

Now who do we know who is constantly talking about our government destroying America?

Here is more on him from the local CBS affiliate in St. Louis:

We still have no idea if this shooting was related to Sarah Palin or Rep. Gifford's vote on the health care bill.

However here is a video of her discussing some of the things that DID happen to her office due to the hate filled rhetoric that came from the Teabaggers.

Here is a better graphic to illustrate how Sarah Palin "inspires" people to think about those who voted to pass health care reform.

Update: Palin's Facebook bots are scrubbing like crazy to keep negative comments from coming through on her last post expressing her "sincere condolences" but they seem to be unable to keep up with the negative remarks coming through on the post that started all of this.

Here are some examples of remarks that would NEVER have made it through before:


This is the sick power you have, Sarah - and this is why you would make a frightening president. Let's hope your followers stop taking your advice before others die.

It is exactly this kind of spun up hatred that got Gifford's shot. Shame on you, Palin. Your "prayers" are the height of hypocrisy.

Palin, I hope you and Beck and all your Fox friends feel shame and remorse today for the kind of language you've used you fucking awful excuse for an American.

Congratulations Sarah. You must be thrilled that one has been shot. Now get started on getting the rest of them shot. You know you can do it. Kill anyone who disagrees with you.

Take back the 20, one bullet at a time. Yep. Congratulations on your first "kill".

How does it feel to have blood on your hands?

There are defenders of course, but they are wildly out numbered, and all they can do is to call names and deny Sarah's culpability.

shut up Tara you pig

Looks like the low-IQ types are out in force... blaming you or the Tea Party or the Easter Bunny for Gabrielle Giffords' injuries. What a bunch of morons.....

she isn't dead, you hate monger trolls , back of Sarah!! you are all POS !

You blaming Sarah Palin over one or two idiots actions is pathetic beyond reason . JUST STFU you all sound retarded !!

Are some people so ignorant that they have to blame Palin for everything? Get a life!!

You know in many ways these comments tell us all we need to know about what kind of supporters Sarah Palin attracts, and how they respond to anybody who dares tell the truth about the Grizzled Mama.

Update 2: By the way, for all of the Palin-bots who are trying to say that the bullseye's on Palin's Let's Take Back the 20 map are really surveyor sights, might want to pay more attention to your queen's tweets.

Remember months ago "bullseye" icon used 2 target the 20 Obamacare-lovin' incumbent seats? We won 18 out of 20 (90% success rate;T'aint bad)
4 Nov via Twitter for BlackBerry®

(Hat tip to Robert.)


  1. I wonder if his name is pronounced like "Loner". smyre

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I bet SP is breathing a sigh of relief that he sounds more like a mentally unbalanced libertarian sort than a tea partier. She's still to blame along with all the other bat-sh*t spinners out there.

  3. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Distrust of government has been prevalent for decades. It's only now that the people are seeing how evil the govt really is and how selfish DC has become. People are no longer passive and that is a good thing, despite this recent tragedy

  4. betsy smith2:28 PM

    This is a phony youtube--the name is spelled wrong.

  5. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Sir, I don't think you can blame the actions of a sick and deranged man on anyone but that man. The US has gutted its ability to cope with mental illness. That is where we should start finding fault instead of playing partisan blame games.

  6. Independent2:29 PM

    Dude, whoever trusts President Obama is an imbecile of epic proportions and obviously doesn't know how to conduct necessary research on both sides of the coin.

  7. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Didn't Gerald Posner hold Palin responsible if something like this happened? Does anyone remember what all that was about? It seems he wrote her a letter that she ignored.

  8. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The first thing I thought of was that he was one of Palin's panty sniffers. She is responsible for this, with all of her ugly rhetoric and hatrid. But, she wears blood like fingernail polish.

  9. Sarah Palin should be facing a criminal investigation for this.

  10. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Why dont you take your Queen's Rachol Maddow, twitter advice and stop speculating without facts. It's not worth it

  11. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Did everyone see this

  12. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Can we please stop the pious high mindedness that says that this tea bagger BS is just part of the discourse? It's not, and John Adams and all of the other founding fathers they allegedly revere would slap them in prison, or worse, for the kinds of seditious acts that inspired todays violence. Sarah Palin is the one that put Gabby Giffords in the gun's crosshairs of this heinous assassin.

    The news world is exploding right now at the news of the tragedy in Arizona. Rep. Giffords was shot in the head, dozens of others injured, and a judge and a 9 year old child, among others killed. All by an armed maniac in a state that is so aggressive about the right to bear arms that they enacted a law that allows people to carry concealed weapons without a permit. Under the auspices of allowing people to protect themselves from criminals.

    It's strange, I thought that's why we had a police force.

    Certainly there couldn't possibly be any link to all of this passionate defense of a single amendment of the constitution and gun ownership and today's shooting though, right? No link at all.

    That image up there is from SarahPac's "Take back the 20" website, a PAC for reality tv star/tea party darling and most definitely NOT a presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. Good luck trying to find it though, almost immediately after the shooting the website was scrubbed and removed, even from the Wayback Machine and Allegedly in the interests of good taste, which would be a rare instance of empathy from a person/organization that has shown little of that, ever. But also a way to mitagate culpability too. It certainly raises some scary questions as well.

    The disclosure here is that since it's a PAC, Sarah Palin does not control it, but the thing is... the tea parties leaders, or defacto leaders need to be held accountable for this kind of thing and they aren't. How can somebody with that kind of national prominence again and again urge her followers to "reload and aim at Democrats" in fundraising messages and get away with it?

    Sarah Palin, and every figurehead in the Tea Party movement put a gun's crosshairs on Gabby Giffords, as well as anybody else that is perceived to be in the way.

  13. London Bridges2:36 PM

    Obsession with the constitution - reading it in congress mindlessness

  14. Anonymous2:38 PM

    What's interesting is, he cannot be easily pinned as a tea partier or liberal. He's just severely disturbed.

  15. Anonymous2:39 PM

  16. Anonymous2:46 PM

    If you don't have television like me (by choice) - follow this link for updates, they really move fast!

  17. Anonymous2:47 PM

    CBS Nightly News just had the target as well as her lame-ass response. This is not going away, especially since a Fed judge got killed.

  18. Anonymous2:48 PM

    If you check the list of targetees you will find that almost all of them either were voted out or retired. The only two who survived the teabag attack at the polls were Giffords and Rep Rahall from WV. And the map was still up long after the election. The invisible reality is that the map was up with just two targets left..... Sarah is the revenge queen.

  19. Anonymous2:49 PM

    MSNBC just reported that he ranted about illiterate people in his area. I'm assuming he means Hispanics who don't speak English. In addition his rants about the government are similar to the things Beck rants about. One of his favorite books is Mein Kampf. He sounds like an unbalanced racist to put it mildly.

    Sorry to the person from Tucson, I do blame the far right. We have all been warned that things like this would come from the far right. So I do point a finger as is my right. I'm sick of Palin , Beck, Limbaugh et al and their hateful rhetoric. Its negative, it isnt helpful to our country, and it can push an unstable person like this over the edge. They talk like this to get a rise in ratings, to stir the pot, to keep their names out there. That makes it even more despicable.

  20. Anonymous2:50 PM

    In a world where we have absolute control over our choice of words, many of those words we use can still be misunderstood. That is simply a fact.

    When understanding can be impeded by age, maturity, disability or any of hundreds of impediments, it simply means that we must be more clear, more concise, more careful of what we say.

    This, friends, is where Sarah Palin, Fox News, Limbaugh and so many others bear guilt. They cannot control who hears their words and they cannot control their hearers’ understanding. Therefore it becomes imperative that the words used, even in jest, even as an aside, even in off-handed remarks, it is vital that the words be chosen wisely. This is where the “inciters” are culpable and bear guilt.

    That’s why we don’t even joke about such things. John McCain may be familiar with the jargon of tough elections which uses military or somewhat violent references, but MOST of the populace is not.

    Since we already know that Ms Palin is not terribly linguistically proficient, it begs the question why she would employ a ghostwriter for her books but not to curb her snide and incendiary remarks, her chosen rhetoric, if you will?

    Can she be so patently ignorant that she does not know that the casual comment of Henry II–”Will no one rid me of this man?”–resulted in murder? If she missed it in history class, she could have encountered it in English class or seen the movie, or read the play. It is almost a world standard in being careful of what you say!

    I will not demean the power of prayer and I will hope Ms Palin is sincere in offering hers, but I still maintain that the proverbial ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.

    I send hope for no further victim deaths and fear for our electoral process that has been subverted and perverted and cheapened by 140 character tweets, soundbites and snark.

  21. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Anon 2:38, that just isn't true. Anyone whose favorite book is Mein Kampf is a racist period. And his target was a Democrat so give me a break.

  22. Anonymous2:52 PM

    But, Sarah is disturbed too. Recall what Michelle Obama said during the campaign about the crowds around Palin--"why do they hate us?"

  23. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Hi Gryphen,
    You sure are overrun with defensive minded RWNJ types. Yuck. Could this be the beginning of the end??!!!

  24. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Anon 2:29, please study the English language. Your moronic comment is not grammatically correct so you don't make your point very well at all. We can tell you hate the President though, lol. You clearly don't really have a clear, unbiased view of his accomplishments.

  25. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Gifford's own words will be played and played against Palin....

    No matter what this nuts motivation was/is he has buried Palin.

  26. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I think his name is pronounced "Luffner". Thats how it reads, but I like how you think dsmyre

  27. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:15 PM

    I'm sure Ms. Wonderful is fully medicated and rocking in a corner somewhere right now, but her backer$$$ are already trying to spin this away from her. Only 300-some-odd mostly negative comments on the Palin post on HuffPo--with over 2000 comments pending(!); MSNBC at first speculating that the gunman was going for the judge and not Congresswoman Giffords (wrong! Judge Roll had just stopped by to shake Ms. Gifford's hand and was not on the bill for the event); news anchors saying that Jared didn't have a political reason for the shootings (why would a 22-year-old kid target a Congresswoman's meet and greet? Strange).

    However, the SARAHPAC target map is everywhere now, including HuffPo, and there's a very telling interview from last year in which Ms. Giffords mentions extreme RW threats being made against her, and talks about Sarah's sweet little map. The graphic has been up on the SARAHPAC site for almost a year--of course SP was aware of it and approved it! Why did her clean-up minions remove it today?

    Now five innocent people are dead (including a 9-year-old girl), and one pretty amazing woman's life has changed forever.

    The fact that the trolls are out in force on this blog IMO, means that 1. They're being paid quite well tonight to deflect, or 2. They know that their Saint may finally be facing more than a caribou on the tundra. Try the FBI.

    PS--HuffPo finally let comments through, after several hours. Who was scrubbing them?

  28. Anonymous3:16 PM

    @2:227 you are a complete maroon and a dipshit. This isn't the time or place to advocate violent rhetoric or violent behavior.

  29. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Lock this hateful bitch up.She needs 20 years in jail doing hard time for her dangerous and devisive rhetoric.Somebody grow a set and arrest this pig.

  30. erica from dallas3:24 PM

    Thank you for having a place for us to be together and grieve on this very sad and painful day.
    I am mad and broken hearted for all those that died and wounded and their

  31. Anonymous3:24 PM

  32. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Sarah Palin is the most pathetic human being walking in this country. Far worse than bin laden and his followers.

    Sarah Palin is a sick and demented lady that needs to be behind bars and nowhere in the public.

    After reading about the massage therapist in jail for prostitution. Because of Toad.

    That was a set up and Toad probably threatened her to have sex and the turned on her.

    The Palin's are one whack fuck family that do not deserve one more second of air time.

    They should ALL be behind bars, Chuck, Toad, Sarah, Bristol, Willow and Track.

    Sarah I will do my best to make sure you go nowhere near the White House and end up in jail.

  33. Anonymous3:26 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Why dont you take your Queen's Rachol Maddow, twitter advice and stop speculating without facts. It's not worth it

    2:33 PM"

    Sarah, is that you? Fuck off!

  34. lwtjb3:28 PM

    What in the world is WRONG with Arizona? Are we going to revisit all the assassinations of the 1960s? I was there. I have no desire to go back. This is horrendous.

  35. Anonymous3:29 PM

    "Distrust of government has been prevalent for decades. It's only now that the people are seeing how evil the govt really is and how selfish DC has become. People are no longer passive and that is a good thing, despite this recent tragedy"

    Sick fuck get lost.

  36. Anonymous3:33 PM

    And to think that just a few days ago, a random retweet about checking under beds was the biggest worry in the Palin universe.

    Palin, you reap what you sow.

  37. Thanks, Gryphen, for including Palin's crosshair graphic, the interview of Griffords, and Loughner video.

    I'm skeptical of the meaning of Sarah Palin's 'prayer' since she failed to condemn violence in her statement. Isn't violence one of the means to 'peace and justice' according to the far right?

    My Tucson family member, who is not a far right conservative, reacted to the early news that Congresswoman Giffords was killed with, 'Well, that's one less Democrat!" I can only imagine what Sarah's true thoughts are about the shooting. It would be in keeping with her beliefs to see the event as God's will fulfilling her wish for removing Democrats from office.

    It's interesting that just yesterday Sarah used 'lack of trust' language about Pres. Obama whom she believes is 'seeking to destroy our country'.

    Also, the crosshairs graphic is still up at Sarah's facebook page.

  38. laprofesora3:36 PM

    Hey, 'bots:

    Your Queen is OVER and DONE. There is NO WAY she or any of you can spin this. A nine year old girl is DEAD because of the hateful, violent rhetoric that your sick, twisted leader has promoted. Take note: January 11, 2011, The End of Sarah Palin as a Public Figure. Deal with it.

  39. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Comments from $P's Facebook:
    You have blood on your hands. I hope you NEVER can sleep at night again.

    Gary Filiaggi Boy you libs don't waste a second in blaming Sarah Palin for this because she put a "target" on her for an election. Of course you really believe that Sarah Palin wanted this woman DEAD because that's how all of you think.

    Mark Adams Unfortunately , the left is trying to politicize this terrible murder.
    Governor Palin spoke many times against violence.

    Stephanie Jahn Can we all quit the partisan BS, this was a lone gunman no one but the gunman is responsible! The partisan viseral blame is uncalled for at anytime but especially when it is about people's lives hanging in the balance! Have a conscious and pray for the victims. If you don't pray then at least provide positive thoughts.

    Gary Mathis Sarah, you are a wonderful person. What these malicious Democrates are trying to do is shake you up. You didnt pull the trigger, so therefore you are innocent, so keep them roots firmly planted and overlook their political distractions.

    Karen Chavez Instead of playing the blame game why don't people stop and take a minute to pray her and her family. Blaming Sarah Palin in just plain STUPID! If she were President things would be better altogether.

    Jay Allen How hilarious it is to watch liberal fruitcakes hate on Sarah! She can't even pray for the well being of the victims of this tragedy without being persecuted.

    Deb Petersen thank you Sarah, Todd and Pailn family; I pray for you and each person in today's painful tragedy. Thankful that God is loving and merciful.

    This is on your head. I hope you finally see that the hate you spew has consequences. Can you live with this one Sarah?

    Megan Hedlund Liberals can throw the first stone when they can make sure everyone aligned with them has never called for violence against their opposition. Sorry, libs, making this political is lower than low, especially with your own hypocrisy.

  40. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Sarah Palin has hurt many people through her career climb- her brother-in-law, Commissioner Monegan, to name two high profile "cases"... Even if, Loughner isn't one of her "followers", his mental condition is stirred up by the likes of her and her media cohorts. Why else would they suddenly take down the cross-hairs graphic?

  41. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Keith Olbermann special at 8:00 EST on MSNBC.

  42. Anonymous3:40 PM

    @2:16 p.m.,

    I can't see much of a difference between tea-baggers and libertarians.

  43. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Wow, I clicked on her page and you're right, the comments are a flood, and they're not bothering to scrub them.

    Here's one:

    "YOU PHONY BITCH You Put Congress People ON A hit LIST AND NOW YOU TRY TO SHOW Compassion when one of them is shot as well as Others and the Family's.. Palin HAS BLOOD ON HER HANDS SHE INSPIRED THIS THERE SHOULD BE A INVESTIGATION."

    I honestly agree, because thuggish behavior and thuggish words result in people getting hurt. And that's not anything new, so this woman should have known better. That's what happens when you don't listen to advisers and you go "rogue." This is what rogue is. And it's borderline criminal.

  44. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Nevermind WHAT WAS said on Palin's page...

    the mere fact that posts are being DELETED..... SPEAKS VOLUMES.

    she refuses to adhere to REALITY.

    YO !!! BITCH.

    This belongs to YOU!!!!

    this is YOUR shit YOU asked for!

  45. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Remember when they killed Bhutto? Another extremist over in Pakistan did it again and killed a governor, a liberal democratic ally of Bhutto.

    Don't think that can't happen here. It's happening now.

  46. Anonymous3:43 PM

    More from Facebook:

    Tom Williams This shows how stupid and irrational the left wing of our country has degenerated.

    Bob Webb Put a fence up, Obumma & the dems should stay the hell out of Arizona's bussiness. These people are somemore casualties of Obomacrats plain & simple.

    Patricia M. Hazell To those who are busily pointing at Sarah Palin in the wake of today's shooting in AZ, just remember, while you're pointing your finger at her, there are 3 people pointing their fingers at YOU.

    Anna Quist Sarah Keep your head up. This liberal idiots will say what they may. We don't know yet who or what kind of person did this. Pray for her & her family. May God keep you & yours safe. This was a shame no matter what.

    Andrea Fike Johnson I'm 100% behind you Sarah Palin! If you don't like Sarah why you wasting your time following her on Facebook? Sarah they are just jealous of a strong, beautiful, successful woman. I'm behind you for president also! I hope you run!

    Ryan Murphy forget about these hateful clowns who have the need to try pick fights over this tragic incident ..they are obviously lonely , spiteful and hateful. they feed off dividing the nation. they don't need our attention...the victims families do! prayers for the victims and families is what's needed!

    Jamie Everett Stuckey Wow! Wonder how you foolish individuals felt on 9/11? The shooter is to blame. Concentrate on the matter at hand. People are fighting for there lives and families are weeping for there loss. Stop! Stop! STOP!!!!! Do you not understand that this type of ignorance and hate is what leads to these types of actions. God we are a desperate nation in desperate need of YOU! Mrs. Palin must chose better verbage next time. You know that ppl & the media don't need much to twist and turn to use against you. Focus on restoration.

    Mark Barbuto You can lead liberals to logic, but you can't make make them think as evidenced by some of the most moronic comments ever made.... How stupid are you people? Seriously....get a grip.

    Carolyn Prochnow I knew there was a reason I love you Sarah, you jumped right on this case and we haven't even heard from our Progressive Liberal Democrat so called Commander in Chief yet..

    Sandy Jevens Burgus Al Franken, Bill Maher and the like just spread nothng but tolerance and love...right? I have seen more hateful, cynical, personal and violent language on liberal sites than anywhere else. You go around with old (loser candidate) bumber stickers on your car, you protest and spread lies before a person can even enter his first days in office (i.e. Gov Scott Walker-WI). Calling the kettle black I am afraid.

    How are you feeling now Sarah! Any little voices talking in your head that you might have had hand in this, with your ad's, target maps, crosshair campaign.......While you are praying for the victims add a pray for are going to need all the prayers you can get...

    Palin and Angle are two DESPICABLE Republicans!

    Josh Thompson You haters make ashamed to be an American. There are people dead and dying as a result of this and you losers are using it further your liberal agenda. Spreading lies and misinformation while you accuse the right of the very same thing.

    Heather Berry If it were someone else shot it would be someone else being blamed. Stop blaming people EXCEPT the person who did it. Those blaming Sarah on her page are the ones who look like idiots.And I dont blame those who flag post's of those people. Get a life!!!!

    Glenda Gaye Reyes Sarah Palin represents all that is good in this nation. For those of you who want to outlaw guns, feel free to give yours up. To in any way blame her for this tragedy shows unbelievable ignorance and hatefulness. You probably also want the rich to be taxed more than everyone else, feel free to pay all you want in taxes, if you pay any at all which most likely you don't.

  47. Anonymous3:44 PM

    In reacting to today's shooting, Jane Fonda, a well-known liberal, pointed the finger at Palin on Twitter. "Progressive Arizona Rep Gabrielle Giffords is shot. In her ads, Sarah Palin had her targeted in a gun site. Inciting to violence," she said

  48. Anonymous3:45 PM

    God damn the bitch...the entire family needs to burn in hell.

  49. Anonymous3:47 PM


    Josh Thompson You haters make ashamed to be an American. There are people dead and dying as a result of this and you losers are using it further your liberal agenda. Spreading lies and misinformation while you accuse the right of the very same thing.

    Heather Berry If it were someone else shot it would be someone else being blamed. Stop blaming people EXCEPT the person who did it. Those blaming Sarah on her page are the ones who look like idiots.And I dont blame those who flag post's of those people. Get a life!!!!

    Glenda Gaye Reyes Sarah Palin represents all that is good in this nation. For those of you who want to outlaw guns, feel free to give yours up. To in any way blame her for this tragedy shows unbelievable ignorance and hatefulness. You probably also want the rich to be taxed more than everyone else, feel free to pay all you want in taxes, if you pay any at all which most likely you don't.

    Reload Sarah, you redneck, shitkicker!

    Tammy Jo Burgess Only someone with a demented mind would take Sarah's political ad in the context of meaning to really kill someone....what does that say about those of you on here who thinks that is what she really meant...

    So Sarah, who's next?

    Mike Feeley The libs already have it pinned on Sarah Palin. Can't people just let the chips fall before they use this tragedy as ammo against conservatives with no proof...again? Shameful while people fight for their lives!

    Bill Ferrin The use of "target" or "cross-hairs" to explain your focus is not a novel approach and has been used by MSNBC since. The haters are just blaiming Palin because she speaks her mind and is a conservative woman.

    John Dlugosz I'll say it again, I'm hopeful Sarah will reiterate that we need to care for each other regardless of our differences. The tone on both sides need to be repaired. The language and imagery on her own site is NOT responsible for this tragedy


  50. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I think it is time for the Republicans to show Sarah to the door and also close down her PACs. She attacks both republicans and democrats and fleeces the poor. What good is she? It is time for the Republicans to turn their backs on her. Heck, everyone paid $$ for her endorsements--they didnt come free. She would have endorsed a Democrat for the right amount of cash. She is just a parasite.

  51. Anonymous3:48 PM

    People are saying his real FB page was scrubbed quicly because he listed Sarah Palin as a person he admired.

  52. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Despite all the threats, Congresswoman Giffords, bravely went on. She really is an inspiration. My heart goes out to everyone affected by this atrocious act of violence today. I am hoping that our elected leaders will rally around this incident to end all the defamatory and mean-spirited politics that Sarah Palin has fueled. For the sake of the country, put Sarah Palin in her place... wherever that is... we know it isn't any kind of political or leadership position. After this incident, she would be hard pressed to find a television show. From recent gossip about her husband, perhaps, she will finally get a divorce. She can go on, and find a job at Taco Bell. (I bet she is in debt, despite the millions.)

  53. Anonymous3:49 PM



    Ilene Rose Burwick Brandi---how come when people like Palin make a statement about voting, you idiot socialists demonize and inaccurately comdemn. You sufferfrom liberal, enabled syndrome. Go get educated you narrow minded moonbat.

    Evan Comella I am shocked and saddened both by these tragic shootings and the mindless verbal attacks on Sarah Palin. What a very sad day for our country. I hope the moderator will continue to remove the vicious and vulgar statements being made by some of the posters today.

    Dan Bower Liberals, where were you whining when Senator Manchin SHOT cap and trade legislation in his ad? Surely that will provoke liberals to take up arms! Give me a break you low lives.


    Sarah Palin you are a horrible monster, a fucking little parasite of a human being and this is as much your fault as it is the bastard who did this. You put targets on states and one of those targets was for Rep. Giffords. Way to go, bitch.

  54. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I'm watching Fox news, and they just showed a clip of the vigil in AZ, and there was a guy crouched down holding a candle saying something like 'why do these things have to happen' then he said 'and I say to you, Sarah Palin' and then Fox News quickly went to a commercial. It was pretty funny.

  55. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Fox news was covering the vigil for Gabrielle Giffords in Phoenix. A speaker was saying "We have to ask ourselves why we want power. Not that we want power but WHY we want power. I ask you, Sarah Palin..." then Fox cut away to a commercial.

  56. I have read all the comments and am glad everyone has had their views aired. As I watched the nightly news I was struck by the fact that this is a very high profile investigation, especially with Mueller jetting to scene per President Obama's orders.

    My heart goes out to all the people who were injured and especially for the families of the dead.

    And many thanks for finding the targeted reps....a visual is just so chilling.

  57. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Fox news was covering the vigil for Gabrielle Giffords in Phoenix. A speaker was saying "We have to ask ourselves why we want power. Not that we want power but WHY we want power. I ask you, Sarah Palin..." then Fox cut away to a commercial.

  58. BanditBasheert3:54 PM

    A perfect example of why WORDS have consequences. The unfettered stoking of violent rhetoric and incitement of violence from Palin does put her right on the front page with this.

    She targeted Giffords on her little hit list - and now her little map (which her morons attempted to SCRUB today) is everywhere inc. Kouric and MSNBC.

    Sarah did herself NO favors. She has been and will continue to be blamed for inciting violence against politicians.

    This was an attempted assassination by a Domestic Terrorist. Regardless - Palin will pay the price for her violent rhetoric - she will be blamed.

  59. Anonymous3:54 PM

    More from facebook:

    Did you get your wish?

    Gail Moller Hanson We all pray for Rep. Giffords, her family, her staff and other victims. Stay safe, Sarah!

    Jennifer Cook Towe wow. can not believe the hate that people spew! All I can say is that other then going and flagging the hateful posts. I can only pray that your hearts be cleansed and wiped of such horrible hate and evil.


    Thanks for taking down your target map.

    Adrian Engelberth The leftists play politics. This is a tragic event and the haters come out in force to make hay. For someone to actually kill another person you can't be sane, because if you are sane then you are quite evil. I have Facebook friends who are Sarah haters and it is sick what is being written. Nearly as bad as the killing act itself.

    Joshua Smith fuck all you liberal scum who say Palin had something to do with this


    Everyone should write the Learning Channel and REFUSE to watch if they are going to have this murdering BITCH on their channel...You are the epitome of ignorance, you twit!!

    Steve Schaper She was a conservative congresswoman. Democrats are going giddy with declaiming and asking for the arrest of conservative leaders, pretending they can't understand metaphors, and demanding the suppression of all conservatives, giving themselves total power. The unconfirmed report is that she was shot for not supporting Nancy Pelosi in the vote for the new congress' speaker. These are the 'democrats' who do not believe in Democracy or a free country, and we should take them seriously. They are very dangerous.

  60. Anonymous3:56 PM

    For the first time in months, I just checked out Faux News to see how they were covering the tragedy in Arizona and wanting to see the apologies they were surely making for the responsibility they bore for this shooting. One segment was just ending and they went (I think live)to an event outside the Arizona Capital Building. It began with a young man with a candle on his knees. The first thing I could really hear was something like "And for Sarah Palin I have this to say". Then it went to an advertisement so the segment was about three seconds long and never came back. I guess they didn't want anyone to have anything bad to say about Sister Sarah.

  61. Anonymous3:56 PM

    @2:17 p.m.,

    Gabrielle Giffords, is not evil, FYI. The asshole shooter also shot innocent people who are not apart of the "evil" govenment, including a 9 year old child! Did you forget that? It's interesting that no republican congress people were shot during the last republican presidency. People were mad back then, too. A lot of these anti-govenment idiots are getting, and enjoying their "evil" government Medicare, and their "evil" government social security. These thugs who think they can take out their anger on anyone, and everyone, beacause they are mad at the government are evil. Fuck you, knuckle-dragger!

  62. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Loughner stated on his MySpace page that he is inspired by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. Need more be said?

  63. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Hey Gryphen

    Who sent all the asshats over here. You should feel good that you are reaching so many people & are effective enough that they feel a need to be so foolishly defensive & threatened. Ding Dong the Witch is Toast.

  64. Kimosabe4:00 PM

    This creep sounds more Lyndon Larouche-y than tea party, what with all the gold standard crap. He sounds very much like the virginia tech shooter, a deranged loser loner who latched onto a weird political agenda. And, of course, was obsessed with guns.

  65. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Gryphen, I applaud your courage and your perseverance. Keep up the great work. There are at least thousands of us out here who rarely comment or get involved but know that Sarah Palin and her cronies and followers are seditious, dangerous fascist pigs.

  66. Anonymous4:10 PM

    @2:27 p.m.,

    Everything you said is bullshit. The governemt is not evil. It's the people running that are the problem. A lot of people, including the tea-party benefit a great deal, from govermnent programs, that they don't want other people to have. And, domestic terrorism is not O.K. These anti-government assholes didn't make a peep when George W. Bush and his creeps ran up the deficit, and caused economic collapse. They even cheered when he pulled the plug on Teri Shiavo. If that wasn't government overreach, I don't know what is. These morons didn't care when D.C. was "selfish," and the government was "evil," when republicans were in charge. You are so transparent. You think the shooter is a hero. Obviously, you think killing innocent people is O.K. too, because the government is "evil?" The shooter is evil, and so are you.

  67. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Hmmm, why aren't the Palin defenders pointing to all of Palin's speeches and opinion pieces that urge calm, lawful pursuit of conservative goals. Where are her golden worlds that inspire thoughful dialog?



  68. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Anon 2:34 PM's comment smells like concocted spin from a palin troll.

  69. Anonymous4:17 PM

    @2:28 p.m.,

    Let's see: the far-right ($arah Palin included) has been inciting violence, stirring up hatred, and anti-government paranoia for two years, and a democratic congresswoman, on $arah Palin's target map, including others, are shot. Possbily by an anti-goverment whack-job. That isn't a partisan blame-game. Those are facts, 'sir."

  70. Even the Sheriff who is now speaking on CNN about how "vitriol" can sway people, like the alleged shooter, who have mental health issues. The comments on HuffPost and other places are blaming Palin,Beck and their ilk for inciting the violence today. Also, there may be another suspect.

  71. Anonymous4:22 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    But, Sarah is disturbed too. Recall what Michelle Obama said during the campaign about the crowds around Palin--"why do they hate us?"

    2:52 PM"

    What Sarah Palin did to the Obamas--God, if
    Palin cured cancer, poverty, and war, I'd still
    hate her. Palin is dirt.

  72. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Sickening! Really! It's time to stop these Palin's in there tracks. Does she realize she put a 9 year old in her crosshairs? Is money worth more than life to these people. Discusting lot the Palin's are. Live with it Sarah you basturd.
    Bob from Wisconsin

  73. Anonymous4:26 PM

    @2:33 p.m.,

    I see we have hit a sore spot with the trolls. Maybe if people like you would stop listening to $arah Palin's lies, and hateful rhetoric about "death panels," and a black president who is "hellbent on destroying America," then maybe stuff like this wouldn't happen.

  74. Anonymous4:30 PM

    @2:38 p.m.,

    He is mentally disturbed, and has anti-government paranoia. Same as the tea-baggers. He is both. $arah Palin is also a mentally disturned tea-bagger.

  75. Linda Arizona4:32 PM

    One local TV news station keeps reading SP's facebook comment.

    They have now linked her with Obama: "Obama, Palin react to Giffords shooting"

    If anyone would like to let them know how despicable this is, here is the link to comment: "Obama, Palin..." This adds even more pain to this situation.

  76. Anonymous4:34 PM

    You can indict a ham sandwich but there is no way to get SarahPac into a court room?

  77. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Watching Keith O and the Sheriff in AZ is blaming the Rhetoric in the media.

  78. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I just watched the press conference of the Pima County Sheriff's office. I thought he was the sheriff who was so rabid on the immigration issue, but he can't be the same one. He talked around 6 times about the irresponsible vitriolic hate being spewed on TV and Radio and the role it may have played in influencing what was likely an unstable person. Bet that doesn’t get covered on Faux news.

  79. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Jared Loughner has much in common with the Palins. He likes to read but he is a high school drop out.

    The police are looking for an accomplice. I guess he isn't that much of a lone nut.

    One news outlet is finally saying assassination attempt.

  80. Anthony Weiner, 3/26/10: "When Sarah Palin uses gun analogies and gun imagery when she makes her political point, she may believe that she's engaging in metaphor. But there are too many people who have twisted minds who might think that she's being literal," Weiner told CBS. "What might seem as an obvious metaphor for some people may seem like an invitation for someone else."

  81. Anonymous4:46 PM

    On behalf of peace and justice, we all pray that the victimizers, Sarah Palin and her family, are stopped before any more tragedies occur.

  82. Anonymous4:49 PM

    A second suspect. WOW. Someone may have been feeding his brain. The one they caught ain't talking. Just like he would be trained to keep his mouth shut.

  83. Anonymous4:50 PM

    That Pima Co. sheriff sure seems like a good man.

  84. Anonymous4:52 PM

    The link to comment to the radio station on the "Obama/Palin respond" doesn't seem to work.

  85. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Does she realize she put a 9 year old in her crosshairs?
    4:22 PM"

    She doesn't care. Plain and simple. She doesn't
    care. Look what she does to animals. She is an
    unfeeling, cruel person. She doesn't care who or
    what she hurts as long as she gets her way and
    her $$$$$.

  86. cause and effect4:57 PM

    The Pima County Sheriff said the political climate could cause an unstable person to commit an act like this. I would like to know if the person of interest is also just another unstable and crazy person with a gun.

  87. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Todd and MY family huh... Todd is sure in the dog house

  88. Anonymous5:00 PM


    I'm getting reports from techies all over the Northeast that the scrubbing extends to all her websites and all references to the Congresswoman----for months.

  89. Anonymous5:02 PM

    A 9 year old victim of Sarah's cross hairs. Sleep well Sarah.

  90. Anonymous5:02 PM

    You know in many ways these comments tell us all we need to know about what kind of supporters Sarah Palin attracts


    I think both sides of the aisle have sufficiently proven each have wackos and will do anything to get their way. It's still outrageous for these fools to automatically blame Sarah for another's actions. She did not start the anti govt rhetoric and is by far not the only extreme partisan figure.

    Assuming does indeed make asses out of everyone. I think just by that fake facebook page that tried to tie Sarah directly to this just proves libs play extremely dirty, no?

  91. Anonymous5:03 PM

    2:16, many tea partiers are libertarians. the tea party welcomes all anti-guberminters.

  92. Anonymous5:03 PM

    and just to confirm from before, Bristol is indeed living in Maricopa. It was confirmed by her friend visiting her presently

  93. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The Pima County Sheriff said the political climate could cause an unstable person to commit an act like this. I would like to know if the person of interest is also just another unstable and crazy person with a gun.


    Look at the past assassins. If you don't believe they were being mentally controlled somehow, then this occurrence is not new nor is the motive easily to determine. People don't decide to kill based upon one sole person. Thats common sense. Look at what hate has done to you all.

  94. Anonymous5:05 PM

    2:34, so what? The Liberal BoyBlue in the DailyKos diary is NOT Jared Loughner. Have you even bothered to READ it? This is an older guy, gay, and divorced who's recently shot himself in a suicide attempt.

    The rest is sheer speculation.

  95. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Each assassination from history has long and complicated motive and back stories. We know nothing of this one yet and probably never will. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

    I want to see someone investigate the daily kos commenter from 2 days ago

  96. Anonymous5:09 PM

    This woman was intensely hated all over the state for different reasons. Arizona has been a hotbed for craziness for awhile now. Sad that it escalated to this but sadder than people are blaming it all on Sarah.

    If rhetoric makes people kill, then violent movies would make more people kill. People are ridiculous.

  97. Anonymous5:09 PM

    The Tea Party isn't just for Right Wingers, remember? Don't they always tell us that it's for all who think the gubermint is driving the USA off a cliff?

    Anyone spewing violent anti-government sentiments is to blame for this. Right, left, or center.

    Sarah Palin, step right up as the poster girl for the Anti-Gubermint Party!

  98. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Anon @4:26.

    I second that!

    The righties are working overtime saying this POS was a liberal. BS. Sounds more like a KKK wannabe. Who else would list Hilter's bible as a favorite?? That's Palin's other group of fans.


  99. teutonic135:11 PM

    I know nothing about the man who shot Gabby, and what was going through his mind when he did this. But I will tell you this - if he shot Gabby out of hatred, then it wasn't Gabby he was shooting, but rather some cartoon version of her, drawn by her political opposition. Because there is no way - NO WAY - that anyone who really knows Gabby could hate her or hurt her. She is a kind, gentle soul.

  100. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Wow, I clicked on her page and you're right, the comments are a flood, and they're not bothering to scrub them.

    I hope they were warned not to destroy evidence.

  101. I put a poll out there-

    Gryph- if you could front it to your article.

    See what you think...

    Click here for results:

  102. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Can't the FBI get information about what was on Jared's MySpace and Facebook before they were scrubbed?

  103. Anonymous5:18 PM

    In 2009, Sarah did address violence (I believe it was in June and about the 2 murders). She has stated violence is not the answer. She has never advocated violence of any kind, only that those 20 people should be fired.

    Calling all tea partiers racist violent beasts is like calling all democrats idiotic, lazy minions of satan

    Just because of the marginalized souls from these blogs feel justified in automatically blaming all problems on one person doesn't mean every other liberal is as stupid.

  104. Quote from Huffpo article:

    Grijalva said that Tea Party leader Sarah Palin should reflect on the rhetoric that she has employed. "She -- as I mentioned, people contributing to this toxic climate -- Ms. Palin needs to look at her own behavior, and if she wants to help the public discourse, the best thing she could do is to keep quiet."

    REMEMBER PALIN ENJOYS "getting people we wee'd up". She intentionally incites people. Palin has no conscience to care aout the consequences to others. Her focus is self absorbed to gratify her self she wee wee'd people up.

    During to 2008 campaign I called the FBI to file a complinat about Palin's rhetoric that incited "kill him" referring to Obama. The FBI said it is not unlawful until someone gets hurt. Let's see what the FBI does now.

    Joe McGinnis experienced 5,000 attacks and death threats as others have.

    I'll add Boehner and Bachman in with Palin for their lies about health care reform also. They incite visceral reactions that people act out on without stopping to check out the facts.

  105. Anonymous5:19 PM

    4:00 p.m.,

    Wrong. According to the guy on Keith O. show who is an expert on right-wing hate groups, said the shooter's YouTube videos sound like things people of the far-right believe in. The tea party is far-right. The tea party are mentally disturbed too, by the way.

  106. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Okay everybody, I have a question for you?

    How long will it be before Palin calls John McCain and the FBI and says people are after her?

    Remember, she has to be a victim too in her little mind.

    Waiting for the news that she thinks someone is after her.................

  107. Anonymous5:21 PM

    No, its Todd and his wandering penis...and the rest of the family

    Like these people cared about anyone but themselves... SP is probably crapping herself because she is receiving so much attention--any attention is good attention.

    How is she going to be a victim now?

    Sarah, how can you compete with a federal judge, a nine-year old child, and a near-death woman?

  108. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Tammy Bruce podcast with Rebecca Mansour spewing their fake tears and defending the right over the left's blaming them for the vitriolic rhetoric responsible for this tragedy.

    They said the left is attacking while the right is praying. Oy vey.

    They are pathetic. mansour's trying to explain why the 'take down the 20' graphic was down - oh yeah, they just called this morning and asked if they should take it down. Oh, yeah, we should take it down. How ironic. oh, it's not gunshots, its a surveyors symbol.

    Hopefully this tragedy was not in vain. maybe it will be the end of these crazy people.

  109. Anonymous5:25 PM

    You really think that person was saying the shooter is the hero because he/she said Govt is evil? Wow, now if that doesn't illustrate how a liberal thinks I don't know what does. Yes, I'm sure there are tea partiers who have or do currently reap govt asst. We also don't know the reasoning.

    What most tea partiers complain about is the long term promotion of govt reliance. Most people I know have too much pride to EVER take govt money etc. But millions obviously have no problems with it. Continuing to extend unempl when there are jobs out there is a problem; wanting to pass the infernal DREAM ACT is a problem. Yes, the country runs on illegal labor, but we as citizens are not responsible for them. They chose to leave lesser circumstances where they had less. Most are curently working toward citizenship morally.

    It's not an act of stinginess to say no to these people if they come to an ER. Like people here have said, natural born Americans come first and desperately need to feel like life is worth living.

  110. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Well upon reading your comments, I would assume one of you at any moment would have no problem shooting Sarah

    THATS the image you put out to the world through these nasty blogs.

  111. Anonymous5:29 PM

    yes I did read it and if that person wrote that based on those reasons, then another person's outrageous actions shouldn't come as a shock

    Nothing shocks me anymore, not since 7th grade history class and thats the sad part

  112. Anonymous5:29 PM

    My heart grieves for the innocent lives lost today...including those of a child.

    Is this the senseless violence promised by that woman Angle if the Tea party lost races? Is this the violence that woman from Alaska was talking about when she issued targets - "cross-hairs"?

    May God forgive you all.

    God help this country.

  113. Anonymous5:30 PM

    4:32 p.m.,

    Why are those jerks linking Palin to Obama? She is not the president. The only reason they shoud bring her up is because of her cross-hairs map.

  114. Anonymous5:32 PM

    pima county sheriff is a great guy. DDaughter lives in that county and is never stopped for "driving while brown" there. The officer strolling the "dang fence" with McNasty was the *pinal* county sheriff--a joe arpaio wannabe. can understand how folks not familiar with the geography of AZ can get confused.

    Isn't it amazing how all the cards are about to come tumbling down? Where's that astrologer who posted about Caribou Barbie's not so great New Year? We want more details!!!

  115. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, speaking about Arizona:

    "When you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. The anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous. And, unfortunately, Arizona I think has become sort of the capital. We have become the Mecca for prejudice and bigotry.

    "It's not unusual for all public officials to get threats constantly, myself included. And that's the sad thing of what's going on in America. Pretty soon, we're not going to be able to find reasonable, decent people who are willing to subject themselves to serve in public office.

  116. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Trolls: You seem to have no boundaries like your queen, Sarah.

    People are holding Palin accountable for what she has said, written and done. Balanced people do not play the "blame game" that only one person is all at fault.
    The shooter pulled the trigger.Palin is guilty of what is about Palin and the shooter for what he did.

    I understand in Palin land people play blame games, play the victim and shift blame. You do not recognizze the difference of personal accountability.

    Suck it up that people with boundaries hold people individually accoutable for the part they played in any situation

  117. Anonymous5:43 PM

    STFU 5:02 p.m.,

    Both sides DO have "whackos" but 99% of violence and vitriol has been coming from the RIGHT. When was the last time the Left shot an abortion doctor, a security guard at a museum, a republican politician, or blew up a federal building,etc.? Since when has the Left attened political rallies with guns?

    $arah Palin, and people like her are to blame. Because there are people out here, that are fucked up enough to take them seriously. Yet, $P, and other keep stirring the pot, anyway. That is something you fools can't get through your stupid heads.

  118. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Isn't it interesting that so many people (outside of IM)thought about Sarah Palin right off the bat? Not about right or left, but about a subculture of hate. Some of the comments here show this culture-of-hate's true ugly colors. Most don't want to admit that there is a connection between the hate-rhetoric and the actions it inspires. The rest know there is one and are glad for it. I don't buy that the likes of Sarah, Rush, Glenn, Sean, Bill, Ann, or Michael are simply raising awareness, or entertainers, or whatever it is that they say they are. They realize that they can make a lot of $ by creating and fanning hatred. They can not wash their hands of the parts they play. What do they think their angry, hate-spewing will spawn? Thoughtful discourse? There is no justification for what they do. They should be ashamed and do some soul-searching about choosing a path that best serves others and not themselves (although, ultimately, serving others ends up serving yourself).

  119. Anonymous5:47 PM

    5:05 p.m.,

    You are the one who is filled with hate. You come here defending a killer, and shit stirers, like Palin.

    Look what hate has done to US all? Fuck you! I doubt most of the posters here have killed anyone, unlike your hero killer.

  120. Anonymous5:48 PM

    So when the cross-hairs are removed from Gabby Giffords does that mean mission accomplished?

    Looks like evidence to me.

  121. Anonymous5:49 PM

    The bots are out in droves...defending the queen, but I must say some of them sound surprised.

    What the hell did you think was going on?

  122. Anonymous5:50 PM

    In the course of reading one of the discussion threads on SP Facebook, she managed to delete almost all of the threads that had anything negative to say. What I wonder is this -- in order to post in a discussion thread you have to be a friend, right? So the majority of the posters are ripping her. Does that mean the majority of her 2.5 million facebook friends are anti-Palin? I'd love to know how many "friends" she un-friends because of this.

  123. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Some people talk about a conspiracy meme... SarahPAC and all of her social media being run by larger powers, and Sarah as the "figurehead"... I can see her doing it for the money. So, if true, she will be set up to take the fall.

  124. Anonymous5:52 PM

    5:07 p.m.,

    You need to get over the Dailykos poster. He didn't threaten Gabrielle Giffords, and then shoot her. Unlike that Jared kid who did make threats before the shooting. I would like $arah Palin investigated. Piss off.

  125. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Sarah has the right to say what she wants and she can delude herself that only sane and stable people will hear her inflammatory rhetoric. She now has to face the truth that regardless of what motivated this clearly ill person to harm and kill innocent people--she put the cross hairs on the woman who was shot in the head at point blank range. Sarah also signed it so that she could claim ownership of her target map.

  126. Anonymous6:00 PM

    5:09 p.m.,

    You are wasting your time, troll. Palin is to blame. Movies are make believe, you idiot. $arah Palin is a real person, in the real world, telling crazy people in the real world to "lock and re-load," and telling people the president in real life wants to kill them with death panels.

  127. Anonymous6:05 PM

    5:09 p.m.,

    You are trying to justify Ms. Giffords being shot because people all over the state hate her? You are sick. I don't care if Gabrielle Giffords was hated all over the state. A nine year child, and other innocent people were also shot. Did you forget? People all over the country/world hate $arah Palin. Do you think someone has the right to shoot Palin, then? Crickets...

  128. Anonymous6:13 PM

    What a "TAINT" indeed.

  129. Anonymous6:15 PM

    5:18 p.m.,

    Wah! You mean libs! Stop blaming $arah!

    Big fucking deal. Palin addressed violence ONE time. And, it was in 2009! It's 2011, now. Good grief. She's been silent, with all that has happened since then. It was disengenuous. More importantly, she didn't speak out against the violence, TODAY. She spends more time inciting violence, then she does speaking out against it. How are conservatives any less stupid? Palin and her marginalized flying monkies blame all the world's problems on Barack Obama.

  130. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Does she realize she put a 9 year old in her crosshairs?
    4:22 PM"

    "Anonymous responded:
    She doesn't care. Plain and simple. She doesn't
    care. Look what she does to animals."

    And look what she does to her own 9-year-old and her (allegedly) own toddler with DS!

  131. Anonymous6:26 PM


    Yes, the person sounded like they thought the person did a good thing. They are the same type of person who later on this board implied the shooting was justified because Gabrielle Giffords is "hated" all over Arizona. And, defending domestic terrorism, sounds like something a conservative would do. "Second amendment" remedies, indeed. "People who are mad at the government go out shoot people, including 9 years olds! You rock!" (Sarcasm of course) The rest of your idiot post is too long, and I'm not going to bother to read it, because I'm sure it's just another right-wing, apologist rant.


    Fuck you.

  132. Anonymous6:36 PM

    5:27 p.m.,

    STFU. You trolls are just coming out of the woodwork. No one here has incited any violence toward Palin, and you know it! We are calling her out, and expressing disgust, without any suggestions of any kind of violence. You just don't get it. Have you noticed that despite all of the "mean" things that have been posted here about Palin, that none of us has physically harmed her her? But, one of Palin's targets DID get hurt, along with others. Don't look at us! Palin and her bots always got to play the victim. Poor, poor, $arah!

  133. Anonymous6:38 PM

    5:27 p.m..

    $arah Palin is nasty. That's part of the reason why people got hurt/killed, today.

  134. Anonymous6:39 PM


    Nice try with your logic however most of us here don't own guns and even if we thought it would be nice to have SP silenced we maintain our civility by keeping ourselves in check. Move along please.

  135. Anonymous6:40 PM

    5:29 p.m.,

    Are you still talking about the post at the Dailykos? What actions? The Dailykos blogger didn't hurt Gabrielle Giffords.

  136. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Remember months ago "bullseye" icon used 2 target the 20 Obamacare-lovin' incumbent seats? We won 18 out of 20 (90% success rate;T'aint bad)
    4 Nov via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    Classy and Presidential as always Sarah. You only would have done yourself a favor if you SDSU since your spanking in 2008. But nooooo, you had to take that heady Tea Party high and take it all the way. Do a show, have Bristol do a show, go on Fox and make these speeches, FB Posts, Guest Columns and Tweets.

    We got you, but only because you painted the target on yourself.

  137. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Anon 5:09 you are a very sick person! Gabby is NOT hated by anyone in this state (Arizona). She simply wasn't!
    God you Palinbots are so brainwashed and stupid, it's frightening! Please go back to your sea of pea.
    Sarah is responsible for HER WORDs! Words have consequences.

    The Palinbots seem as souless as Sarah.

  138. Anonymous7:56 PM

    One of the commenters over at Democratic Underground is monitoring Sarah's FB page for posts and deletions. (Who does Sarah think she is kidding by scrubbing her site. It proves how delusional she is, she has to see 100% adoration.)
    They suggest deluging Sarah's site with comments about the murders.

    The more negative hits she gets and the longer she, personally (not her ghost twits) runs away from condemning this act, the more respect she will loose in the general public and with persons of true faith. And the less she looks like a leader and a descent human being.

    Here's wishing you haunted dreams, Sarah, and your gun loving hate loving political allies, of dead humans, and elks and blazing guns and the blood and death they cause.

    And of a mother who will never again see her little girl's smile of hear her laughter, because of the hate and violence you and people like you preach.

  139. Anonymous7:59 PM

    5:21 I so applaud you for being able to listen to this...I can only take it in in small bites, because of the lies...I keep stopping to go factcheck Tammy Bruce...I am still on her introduction


  140. 10catsinMD8:01 PM

    This is the responsibility of the hate spewing B##st##ds like palin and her ilke. This will not go away.

    Hate creates hate and the unstable feed off it. Let the investigation begin. Start with the Palins.

    I am so glad the Congresswoman survived, but there will be hell to pay for the Fed judge. So sad about the little girl and the others. My heart goes out to their families.

  141. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Palin: what if the shoe was on the other foot? I wonder what you, RAM, and all your fanatical followers would say if there was a map showing cross-hairs on your(Palin's) home, RAM's home and the homes of each one of your followers.

    Would you say that the producer of the map is blameless if something tragic happened to you or to one of the other people targeted on this map?

    Or, Palin, would you lay any blame on the producer of the cross-hairs map, for the tragedy to you or your followers?

  142. Gasman8:34 PM

    Palin, if you or any of your peawit posse are reading this, know that nobody believes your latest bullshit lies about "surveyor sights." Besides, if these are "surveyor sights" WTF does "don't retreat, reload" mean? How the fuck do you "load" surveyor's sights? And how come we are just hearing of this NOW? It is a pathetic attempt to evade your responsibility in stoking the incendiary anti Democratic rhetoric for the last two years. Rep. Giffords had even spoken out about your targeting her with the crosshairs. If these were "surveyor sights" why didn't you mention it then? I'll tell you why: because you or one of imbecilic sycophants just thought of it today.

    You've engaged in the basest sort of fear and hate mongering for two years and look what it has done for this nation. You have blood on your hands. Rest assured, there are thousands of people that will work tirelessly to see that your actions in this tragedy are not forgotten.

    Unless you plan on apologizing, just STFU! Haven't you done enough damage already?

  143. Gasman8:40 PM

    Hey, Independent. You speak of "imbecile[s] of epic proportions" and use THIS forum to take your pissy little shot at President Obama? YOU are the imbecile AND a heartless bastard who has no sense of decency, propriety, or humanity.

    Why don't you just go away and SFTU in perpetuity? You clearly are not part of the human race.

  144. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I'm curious how Sarah decides to react to this further. This has the potential to finish her.

    Now lie in it, Sarah. You're among the sickest of the sick people to walk this planet. I'm not sure what I think about the afterlife, but if there is a hell, it's suited for people just like you.

  145. Anonymous9:52 PM

    I wonder if Sarah is currently trying to influence her political contacts in Arizona to effect the outcome of the police investigation, as in, "There shall be NO association between Jared Loughner and Sarah Palin, no matter what."

    Sarah abused her power as Alaska Governor to cover her ass regarding scandalous personal matters. It wouldn't be surprising for her to try the same shenanigans in Arizona.

  146. Anonymous10:09 PM

    “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

    Palin bots on Scarah's Facebook are trying to compare Barack Obama's comments to today's violence. Trying to make it sound like Palin's 'crosshairs' ad really wasn't that bad.

    Pathetic. They'll try anything to shift the focus off their Queen.

  147. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Tammy and Rebecca are just making it look worse for Palin, she is paying them to destroy her. Don't they have a clue how much worse they are making the whole thing?

  148. Pursang10:57 PM

    What is truly troubling is that the press continues with the false equivalencies (both sides have nuts at the fringes). Sure but the nuts on the fringes of the left aren't shooting people nor are the Democrats running around putting up ads with sniper scopes on peoples districts and adding their names. Nor are they having campaign events where you can shoot an automatic weapon with the candidate.

    The media is also trying their level best to paint this as a single troubled individual who acted alone and without political reasons, like he lived in a bubble. But the more that comes out paints him as someone very likely to be influenced by the Tea Party rhetoric as well as being influenced by the hate filled comments of people like Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, etc..

    In light of all of this it is amazing how much traction this Palin ad is getting and how it seems to be sticking more and more to her. Perhaps the Teflon Queen is finally going to see something stick to her, that her words of hate and violence are actually going to affect her and her followers.

    It will be interesting to see how this event shapes the future of political discourse in this country. Will it bring people to their senses, to their senses for just a short period of time, or in the worst possible scenario lead to an increase as the right sees that it works that it gets attention to their cause.

    At the very least many are no longer seeing Palin's words as being harmless, that her words do influence the less stable to act. Ever since she was picked to be McCain's attack dog running mate she has reveled in hate and promoted violence. It's time she is held accountable but unfortunately it took something like this tragedy to finally wake some people up.

  149. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Hey Bristol how much you selling your house for in Arizona? Maybe Alaska is a better place for the Palins?

  150. Anonymous11:04 PM

    If you look back at the presidential campaign, people knew somebody was going to get hurt and even killed due to Sarah Palin's speeches and when she spoke it looked like she took pride in what she was saying.

  151. Anonymous11:36 PM

    From Twitter:


    We just helped furnish Bristol Palin's new house. She was an absolute delight. We are fans. 7:29 PM Jan 7th via Facebook

    * Reply
    * Retweet

  152. My congressman was on that list -- Gohn Boccieri (D-Ohio) -- and he and his family and staffers received death threats re: the health care bill. Sadly, he was defeated by a Teabagger in November.

    I am ashamed of any American who supported/supports Sarah Palin and her sick rhetoric. And I am boycotting Fox News and urging others to do the same.

    These people are sick, sick, sick.

  153. Anonymous1:53 AM

    SP will show up in Tuscon soon for her official photo-op, at funerals and/or candle vigils. Her hair and nails will be perfect.

    She won't contribute one dime to the families of the shooter's victims.

    Just like that ridiculous trip to Haiti, and everything else she does.

  154. Anonymous6:10 AM

    She won't contribute one dime to the families of the shooter's victims.

    Yes she will Anom 1:53. After the lawsuits settle she will donate her entire fortune to the family's/victims. Everything. Where it will hurt her the most. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  155. Anonymous7:50 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    From Twitter:


    We just helped furnish Bristol Palin's new house. She was an absolute delight. We are fans. 7:29 PM Jan 7th via Facebook

    * Reply
    * Retweet

    11:36 PM"

    Piss poor star fuckers--they only have 4 followers,
    even after bragging about outfitting a SUPERSTAR
    like Bristle!

    They are following the foul mouthed, and allegedly
    fake, Hmmm.
    maybe it isn't a fake?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.