Thursday, January 06, 2011

When the Republicans take to the House floor and read from the Constitution, they may find that they had absolutely NO idea what the darn thing said before.

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Of course the Republicans will NEVER take the word of a professor with a name like Akhil Reed Aman.

And unless their comprehension has improved they may not understand it even after they embarrass themselves by reading out loud how wrong they were about the founders of this country.


  1. Pat in MA4:58 AM

    Reading the constitution, a vote to repeal health care that is only symbolic because it will die in the Senate, wow, they really know how to get things done, huh?

  2. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Sarah Palin proves lying can be very effective

    ...Amusingly, however, the very same Times article that's being widely cited by conservatives today also contains a delicate reminder that Palin's "death panel" formulation, which was echoed by conservatives and Republicans for months, is a flat out lie:

  3. Anonymous5:07 AM

    How well do you know Sarah Palin? A quiz.

  4. Anonymous5:14 AM

    The Republicans who do understand the Constitution, will never admit their version is wrong & will continue to spout the TP talking points about what is Constitutional & what isn't.

    The goober LOD interviewed is a prime example.

  5. Anonymous5:24 AM

    This is such an insulting and infantile show the Neocons are putting on. As if the Congress has never been "The People's" house?

    During the Gingrich reign, did we see improvements in governing? That philandering back-woods yokel wouldn't be elected sherif anywhere now - he's busy selling 'awards' to businesses with his name on it.

    As if we've EVER forgotten the Constitution - articles for which the ones the Bush/Cheney Administration tread on time and time again for nearly a decade. Who do these jackaholes think they are kidding?

    Again, where was the outrage when Bush erased the Clinton surplus, created more government and monitored our personal conversations, imprisoned hundreds of people without due process, and not only ignored the taxation clause and cut it not ONE, not TWO but THREE times? When did it become a RIGHT not to be a contributing member of the U.S. society? Government is here for our well being, and creating a free-for-all Free Market isn't more noble than Government (Massey, BP, those corporate farms responsible for massive e-Coli outbreaks. . .)

    They are putting on a show to repeal the American mandate we gave Obama, their grandstanding is embarrassing and dismissive of the real will of "The People."

  6. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Report: House GOP's Constitution Reading Could Cost Over $1 Million

    Now this is a laugh. As Vanity Fair reports, the House GOP leadership's symbolic gesture of reading the Constitution on the House floor today -- in an effort to please their Tea Party base who decry virtually all of the Obama administration's policies as both a monumental waste of money and, more importantly, an affront to our founding document -- could also itself cost a lot of money.

    The magazine asked an expert on government waste, and he said in part:

    The amount I get is nearly $1.1 million. $1,071,872.87, to be exact,

  7. Anonymous5:50 AM

    ...What bothers me is the barely-disguised claim of the House Republican leadership to a special and infallible knowledge of the Constitution's meaning. For Speaker Boehner and his new Tea Party friends, to simply read the words of the Constitution is to transport us into the minds of the Framers (and into the collective consciousness of the founding generation) where the unconstitutionality of vast swaths of the U.S. Code immediately becomes clear.

    ...A second, and even more fundamental, problem is that originalism, in practice, has been manipulated by the right to mask its own plainly ideological approach to determining the values enforced by the Constitution.

  8. Anonymous7:10 AM

    According to the news report, they won't actually read the original constitution that was written by our founding fathers. They will leave out the ugly stuff such as African slaves were counted as three fifths of a person (and certainly didn't vote).

  9. Anonymous7:43 AM

    So - Taxpayers are on the hook for over a million dollars so someone can read the Constitution in Boehner's presence?

    Remember November 2009 when Boehner spoke at a TeaParty event? He pulled the "Constitution" from his pocket and commenced reading...Oh that's the Declaration of Independence you are quoting tan man.

    No problem, maybe he won't recognize what he hears when they read the Constitution because does he realize the Constitution was composed and completed by the progressives?

    Are the TP'ers and the Rethugs in for a shock when they hear what is actually in the Constitution? Like all that stuff for women and blacks that affords them equal rights?

    Prepping before promising might be a good warning to those wanting "change" without knowing what the he!! they are quoting or citing or talking about!!

  10. I just hope they really listen to what is being read. Its going to be a real eye-opener for some of them. They don't have a clue whats in the Constitution.

  11. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Attendance wasn't exactly strong among House Republicans during their reading of Constitution-lite:

  12. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Their congenital need to lie is never more obvious than in their NOT reading the Constitution in its entirety.

    Truly pathetic.
    Any truly patriotic conservative should be outraged at this political insult to one of the world's great documents.

  13. Randall6:22 AM

    " affront to our founding document..."

    Excuse me, but wasn't "our founding document" the Articles of Confederation?

    The Constitution wasn't written until some 12 or 13 years later. (Because the Articles were such a miserable failure.)

    I may be wrong, I guess, since that's just what I recall from high-school government class 40-some years ago... but if I am right - then isn't it silly for these buffoons to parade their ignorance?

    Or are they going to next read aloud the Articles of Confederation? (And if so, why are they doing it out-of-order?)

    And then follow that up with a reading the Federalist Papers?

    And then follow that up with an explanation of why it is the combination and the history of these documents (and others) that make the interpretation of The Constitution NOT a simple common-sense matter to be understood by simple people? (Which is why we have a Supreme Court.)

    And finally - why didn't they fucking learn this stuff in high school???

    ---oh, that's right - they want the ten commandments taught instead.



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