Thursday, February 17, 2011

First reports from Long Island illustrate that the Grizzled Mama is still baring her claws and showing America how unfit she is for any type of leadership position. Update!

From Politico:

After saying she's still considering it but doesn't have an answer, Palin told a gathering of Long Island business officials that no one immediately comes to mind for who she would back if she doesn't run.

“I don’t have a name to give you right now, but what I would look for in character is someone who’s been on the front lines understanding how to administer and how to lead a team. ... Gosh, nobody’s more qualified [for the] mujltitaksing than a woman, a mom… who’s administered locally, state, with energy isues, so maybe a mayor, a governor maybe.

(Even a wife  whose husband is paying a prostitute for  sex, a mother who never has time for her children, a mayor who left her little town 20 million dollars in debt, and a Governor who walked away from her job half way through? Are those the type of "qualities" she means?)

During her appearance before the Long Island Association, a rare, free-wheeling public appearance for the former Alaska governor, Palin stood by her support for the "freedoms" in gun-buying that exist today. She said she prays for the "full recovery" of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords but that her would-be assassin was "an evil sick person" who was intent on "fulfilling his mission."

(Yes I agree that there are a lot of "evil sick" people in the world.)

Palin also used the opportunity to blast President Barack Obama over government debt and mocked First Lady Michelle Obama over pushing breast-feeding today a packed crowd at a Long Island business group, saying the White House is keeping the country on the "wrong road" in the wake of the new budget rollout.

“ I think that’s an overstatement to even say that we are even making a dent” in the national debt,” Palin said. “It’s not even really a dent…(it’s) a little thumbprint there.”

As for breast-feeding, she waded into the discussion about the first lady's promotion of breast-feeding babies, saying, "No wonder Michelle Obama's telling everybody, 'you'd better breastfeed your baby.' Yeah, you'd better, because the price of milk is so high right now!"

You know a REAL mother would know that breast milk is nutritionally the very best thing for babies to ingest to help them to develop into healthy children, and NOT simply a substitute for regular cow milk, or to help save money.

Let's face it THIS is who Sarah Palin is, and no matter how much preparation she has or time to study the questions she is always going to come off as a hateful thin skinned shrew to those who are not Right Wing kooks.

And let's also  face it that these people did not pay to HEAR Sarah Palin.  They paid to SEE this:

One has to wonder how many times she crossed her legs in order to distract the audience form noticing how ignorant she sounded?

Update: It looks like Snowdrift Snooki is still clinging to the false assumption that all she has to do to garner more support for her 2012 campaign is to let the American people see the REAL Sarah Palin.

From CBS News

Palin, whose rare public appearance was tightly controlled to the media, reiterated her distaste for the national press - and attributed poor poll numbers to the claim that the media "reports things that have really misrepresented my record."

The numbers "are what they are," she said. "How else does the public know me though, than through the press?"

"I look at those poll numbers and I say, if I'm going to do this then obviously I have to get out there," Palin continued. "I can't rely on a liberal leaning press to do that for you. That's why social media is going to be so important."

This may be the single most delusional person on the planet!  How can she not know that the reason for her plummeting popularity rating is because the  American people HAVE gotten to know her better, not because she is still a mystery to them.

Literally every time this woman opens her big mouth she loses just a little more support from potential voters, and yet she still believes it has to do with a media bias and nothing to do with her lack of intelligence, mean girl vindictiveness, and penchant for telling lies.  She is simply unbelievable.

Here are a couple of clips of of her Q & A from CBS.

Uh oh, it looks like in this next one Palin manages to lose one of her more fanatical demographics, the Birthers.

Yep a couple more appearances and the only person still supporting Sarah will be....Sarah.

P.S. Isn't it kind of interesting that the one radical right wing idea that Palin WON'T endorse is the one that demands showing a birth certificate? Gee I wonder why?


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    and the damage control trig story by RAM keeps going. No mention of Tripp and Twad scandle.

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Wow! What an ass. I mean that sincerely! She lost some points with the evangelicals after the breastfeeding comment. Breastfeeding is a high priority to evangelical mothers.

    Since when was fighting obesity & promoting breastfeeding a bad thing?

    Could that woman be any dumber?

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:26 AM

    Damn!!! Had I known this a few days ahead of time, I would have stationed myself outside in my car with a few choice signs hanging from it!

    A good portion of LI (when I lived there) was heavily Republican--back in the day when conservatives were not yet co-opted by the Neocon dingbats. Wonder how Queenie was accepted by the LI business crowd today? Beyond getting a gander at her gams, that is.

  4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:29 AM

    Anon @ 10:24am--

    Could that woman be any dumber?

    Missy Palin and her Twitterin'- Facebookin' staff are a bottomless pit of dumbnitude, so the sky's the limit.

  5. Read in the NY Times, Bristol was also at the event with her mother.

  6. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Wow what a vicious, vindictive snarly bitch. I'm about as liberal left on most things as they come, but have always found that something like breastfeeding and even vegetable gardening and homecooked food where where left and right could have great moments of sincere agreement. Leave it to $carah to fuck even that up. Go shove a Twnikie up you nose, Wicked Witch of Wasilla.

  7. Anonymous10:31 AM

    The longer Mama Grifter dicks around- in a very soft, limp, and impotent way- about maybe running, the more she ruins the GOP brand. But that's her business!

    Back to being an energy expert?

  8. Anonymous10:35 AM

    maybe her lack of media posts during the past couple of weeks was due to preparing for her cameras-allowed questions-allowed. she has probably had a lot of questions and answers to memorize.

  9. Forgot to add, she also said the if she ran for president, it would be a grass roots campaign. She rather talk to voters face to face in the diner. It certainly would be alot easier than engaging in debate with some of the other Republican candidates who are waiting to crush her in the primaries.
    She also was paid for her appearance. Don't see her as a presidential candidate, rather, I see her a money grubbing publicity whore.

  10. California Dreamin'10:38 AM

    Just when I think she's said the dumbest thing she could ever say, she says something even dumber!

    Sarah, what does breastfeeding your baby have to do with milk being expensive? You don't give babies cows' milk until they are at least a year old! By then, most mothers have already weaned their babies off of breast milk anyway. I would think that you would know that having had Trig, right? Oh...that's right.....

  11. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I thought that was a joke on the previous post when the breast milk comments were reported.


    I guess with a father that taught science there is no interest or belief in the scientifically supported reasons to breast feed.

    'Science has a well known liberal slant'.


  12. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I thought that was a joke on the previous post when the breast milk comments were reported.


    I guess with a father that taught science there is no interest or belief in the scientifically supported reasons to breast feed.

    'Science has a well known liberal slant'.


  13. Anonymous10:40 AM

    alaskans4palin has nothing to do with RAM and is not directly backed by Sarah.

    I think Sarah could write a page turner if she chronicled every milestone in her life, even the little things. Something had to have happened. Her personality didn't just do a 180 randomly one day.

  14. Anonymous10:41 AM

    maybe her lack of media posts during the past couple of weeks was due to preparing for her cameras-allowed questions-allowed. she has probably had a lot of questions and answers to memorize.

  15. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I am from Long Island and I can tell you that the group that she spoke to is a die-hard republican, right wing Glenn Beck following bunch. Long Island has long been run by republicans and crooked politicians. Despite being close to NYC, the area does not represent the liberal thinking of the city, which is why she probably agreed to speak there. And I'm sure they threw softball questions.

  16. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Man Says He Legally Owns Sarah Palin’s Face

  17. she also lost the la leche league re: the breatfeeding. in my experience most of them are very conservative, bordering on right wing.

  18. Here are the tweets that posted during her appearance - sounds like she read from her notes:

    Palin now giving out long list of rising costs across the country

    Palin: European socialized policies are being pushed down our throat.

    Palin: I am sick of playing games with the budget and they need to end

    Palin: I usually write notes on my hand, but this time they are on paper.

    Palin: We don’t have to reinvent any wills to get the economy back to what it was.

    Palin: There are so many independent… constitution loving Americans involved in the Tea Party.

    Palin: I can’t get my husband to register as a Republican because of the games

    Palin: Union members are not selfish people

    Palin: Union bosses are the selfish ones…

    Palin: As mayor I cut a lot of taxes… Businesses, we want you in town

    Palin: There needs to be reform in our current health system… but it needs to be market oriented

    Palin: Why can’t government just listen to us. We can tell them how money can be spent and saved

    Palin: The whole ObamaCare process has disillusioned people

    Palin: I think ObamaCare needs to be repealed and redone

    Palin: It needs to be “Drill, Baby, Drill”. If we have the reserves, we need to keep our money here

    Palin: Cap and Trade = Cap and Tax

    Palin: I had to sue the Federal govt (the Bush Admin) over the listing of polar bears as endangered species… they were flourishing

    Palin: The bad guys aren’t going to follow the laws of today or the new ones that will be made

    Palin: in Tucson, the shooter was a sick, evil person

    Palin: lack of clarity in who the US supported… do we support Mubarak, do we not? Who’s side are we on?

    Palin: Obama pushed out an allied regime in Egypt… but didn’t push out an enemy regime in Iran during their uprising

    Palin: We have to make sure that the Muslim Brotherhood is not invited to take over in Egypt

    Palin: I haven’t made up my mind… hired a chief of staff because Todd was getting tired of doing the political stuff.

    Dennis J. Foley tweets: Law to Palin: Do you question Obama’s faith, etc?Palin: Let’s stick with what really matters: the economy

    Palin: “it won’t be russia that will bury us, it will be America”

    Interesting tweet:
    benpolitico Ben Smith
    Palin “had a congressman come up to alaska a few days ago”. Unclear who.

  19. Anonymous10:46 AM

    check out this story about the flap of FOX airing footage of Ron Paul being booed.

    Now maybe it wasn't Romney they were trying to help, but their own Sarah Palin.


  20. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Ha. The ol' short skirt ploy.

    While she was campaigning in 2008 for the VP slot, I thought maybe she was not aware of how much thigh her skirts showed when she sat down.

    She knows. Stay klassy, Mrs. Todd Palin.

  21. Anonymous10:48 AM

    yes, yes she can. Dosent seem like many are paying attention. She kept recrossing her legs hopping she could catch him taking a look, but he probally got a wiff a decided not to.

  22. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I keep saying this - the woman is an idiot and makes me sick to my stomach.

  23. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Yeah, I thought the breastfeeding comment was really stupid. I breastfeed and it had nothing to do with the price of milk. It had everything to do with raising and nurturing a healthy, happy child. Something she knows little about.

    This interview had everything to do with money for $arah. She's making no attempt to be more moderate and expand her support base. Her current followers will continue to love her, everyone else will continue to scratch their heads.

  24. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Waiting to hear if she got a "Brazilian" before showing up at interview.

    All About You had a special on them last week.

  25. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Palin is so stupid.

    The breastfeeding comment will obscure anything else she said.

  26. It gets to the point where I can only say, "Did she REALLY say that? Beyond that I'm speechless (well, sort of.) Damn!

  27. Anonymous10:57 AM

    This blathering idiot has no clue about anything except telling lies, taking people's money, evading taxes and kissing RAM's ass.

    She made a total fool of herself by throwing off on Mrs. Obama about breast feeding. Our daughter who is a RN and has a Manager's job in a large hospital breast-fed her 2 kids and the doctor recommended it. Sarah is clueless and a total ass to even say such tiresome stupid things.

    Our next-door neighbor who has a great job at the Courthouse also breast-fed her child, her husband has a great job also in the State Police and they did not do it because of money. Their doctor also highly recommended it.

    Sarah and RAM are both ignorant about such matters and they should just shut the hell up as they show how insecure they both have become.

    Sarah is so jealous of Mrs. Obama and should be placed on a watch list for her hateful rheotric. I have felt that Sarah is becoming more mentally unstable and could be the cause of more violence.

  28. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Wow, stupidity at work again. Lots of religious people breast fed their kids and it is better for the child't health in most cases. Poor old Sarah, she can never get it right.

  29. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Sarah trying to flirt with the men and let them see up her skirt, how totally disgusting. She is no professional.

  30. she says she cut taxes but no mention of the sports shrine debt?

  31. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Breat feeding is a bad thing now? Guess if u support fat out of shape unhealthy disbetic cookie eatin' kids, it make sence to start them out with bottle full of coke and koolaid. Or fuck it, just give em lard.

  32. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Sarah Palin: I'm "Still Thinking About" Running for President

    Palin, whose rare public appearance was tightly controlled to the media, reiterated her distaste for the national press - and attributed poor poll numbers to the claim that the media "reports things that have really misrepresented my record."

    The numbers "are what they are," she said. "How else does the public know me though, than through the press?"

    "I look at those poll numbers and I say, if I'm going to do this then obviously I have to get out there," Palin continued. "I can't rely on a liberal leaning press to do that for you. That's why social media is going to be so important."

  33. Can you imagine this cold bitch letting any of her children suckle her for nourishment? I'm pretty sure it was bottle time from day one for every member of that brain damaged brood of hers, although didn't she talk about breastfeeding Trig? I thought only "wet nurses" breastfed babies that they did not give birth to. Guess thats another thing Palin can add to her resume!

  34. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Uh oh, she's gonna lose her 'birther base' with this comment.

    ***Zeleny wrote in a tweet, "Palin says that when she 'talked about death panels' regarding the new health care law, she was doing so 'in quotation marks.'" In a second tweet he said, "@SarahPalinUSA says questions about Obama citizenship unneeded. 'It's distracting. It gets annoying. Let's stick with what really matters.'"

  35. Anonymous11:10 AM

    The woman is how old now and doesn't know how to dress when she knows she will be sitting on a raised platform in a chair, open to all eyes to want to look. This woman was born with no class, was not taught how to act and dress like a lady and has not nor will she ever learn.

  36. Anonymous11:11 AM

    OMG, STILL hasn't learned to not wear short skirts while sitting in a chair on a raised platform -- then again, bet it's totally on purpose. She's so inappropriate.

  37. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Sarah Palin does not have one original thought in her head.

    The breast feeding comments just mean she has joined the Michelle Bachmann jihad on this issue.

    Bachmann spoke on Laura Ingraham’s radio show, claiming that the new IRS ruling (that makes breast pump tax deductible) constituted a “nanny state” and that it was part of First Lady Michelle Obama's “hard left agenda."

    “I think this is very consistent with where the hard left is coming from. For them government is the answer to every problem. Clearly they are wrong because more spending won’t do it,” said Bachmann. “I’ve given birth to five babies and I breastfed every single one of these babies. To think that government has to go out and buy my breast pump for my babies. You wanna talk about the nanny state? I think we just got the new definition of a nanny," she continued.

    So either they share the same consultants- or they just share the same stupid.

  38. The R fell off the sign in the background.

  39. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Wow, what a hard hitting "interview." Note to Palin: A 'mainstream' interview is not one that involves an interviewer who has paid you and given you prescreened questions in advance.

    Even with that home court advantage, she still manages to mangle the English language and gives nothing more than meaningless sound bites for answers.

    The people who support her run for president are dumber than she is.

  40. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Wow, just when I thought I couldn't dislike her more.

    When are the new photos from the spouses' luncheon coming out? This is getting beyond old.

  41. Anonymous11:26 AM

    When asked why her approval rating had fallen in public opinion surveys, she said, “In a lot of those polls, yeah, I get my butt kicked.”

    And as she talked about the escalating price of gas and groceries, she said, “It’s no wonder Michelle Obama is telling everybody you better breast-feed your baby – yeah, you better – because the price of milk is so high right now!”

    As the crowd broke into laughter, she added, “And may that not be the takeaway, please, of this speech.”

    THIS a mother of how many kids compares breastfeeding with Cow's MILK. Any mother knows that you go from breastfeeding to FORMULA, not straight up milk. What an idiot. Looking for soundbites while dissing motherhood. And further, she completely negates the value and health benefits for the baby's start in life from the nutrients that are found in mama's milk. Cow's milk is not even part of a baby's diet. Again, IDIOT.

  42. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Who does Sarah actually like...besides those with the Heath or Palin surname?

    She eviscerates men (Sarah, dear, that means you are just down-right mean to them) and now she's ticking off women by knocking breast-feeding to the "you'll have to resort to that because Obama is forcing milk prices to sky-rocket I tell ya".

    She can't name anyone she'll support for President because that job is for HER.

    Just watchin' the crazy train....

  43. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I wonder why she didn't wear a somewhat longer skirt. She obviously feels that people in general are distractable, gullible fools.

  44. This has to be where Sarah got her "birther" talking point from - Rove just recently said that the GOP leadership needs to step up:

    "Within our party, we've got to be very careful about allowing these people who are the birthers and the 9/11-deniers to get too high a profile and say too much without setting the record straight,"

    If they'd step forward and say "Look, we've got better things to talk about, then to fall into this trap that the White House has laid for us", this issue will start to go away.

    Still NOT coming out and saying it isn't true - so they are trying to keep those who they convinced Obama isn't a US citizen to be quiet (but still part of the GOP and angry) but just quiet so it doesn't turn off the rest of the saner voters

    There has to be a way to beat these idiots with their own insanity...for instance
    instead of saying Obama is a U.S. citizen (which they won't believe) - we should start yelling that McCain, Palin, the Secret Service, every single Republican big wig etc. etc. are all behind the lie of the century covering up for Obama - get them mad at their own people

    Same thing with Palin - instead of trying to prove she did not give birth to Trig - we need to shout it from the roof tops how she endangered the life of an unborn child (in her own words she put that child at risk - if she was pregnant - which is far worse then adopting a child)

    This approach can be taken on a lot of the issues - take what the right claims as fact, and present those facts under a bright light of sanity and their own "facts" can't hold up.

  45. Virginia Voter11:32 AM

    Sarah was for breastfeeding before she was against it:,,20222685,00.html

    Interview w People mag right after her VP announce:

    "What does Governor Palin need to know about working with your dad?
    MEGHAN: He likes to get up early in the morning and go. Seems like she likes to do that too. I guess with a baby...
    JOHN MCCAIN: ... she has to be. (Laughter)
    SARAH PALIN: Morning person. Yup. We don't sleep much. Too much to do. What I've had to do, though, is in the middle of the night, put down the BlackBerries and pick up the breast pump. Do a couple of things different and still get it all done. "

  46. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Looking baaaaaaaad!

  47. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Um, Doofus? Women, especially women who work outside the home, have not been fighting and fighting for adequate breast feeding facilities at their workplace because they know the value of nursing their babies, not because of the price of milk. I guess you'd know that if you'd actually nursed Trig. Yeah, you talked about doing it, but that ain't the same thing.

    Seems our Sarah lived down to our expectations, again.

  48. deebee11:34 AM

    Her speaking events remind me of elevator music. Mood without substance.
    Fuzzy broadness.

  49. Anonymous11:35 AM

    What mother in her right mind would offer cow's milk to an infant? It lacks the full array of nutrients a developing body and mind need.

    If a woman choses not to breastfeed or cannot do so (there are several legitimate medical reasons, BTW, it's not just about convenience), formula would be the proper route. It is not as good as human milk, but it so vastly superior and safer for the infant than cow's milk.

    Doesn't Sarah even know about milk allergies? Good gawd, that woman's willful ignorance has no limits.

    Guess Keith said it best: "That woman is an idiot."

    Oh - and yes, I believe she wore an inappropriate short skirt for a reason. When your sex appeal is all you've got going for you, you have to sell it as much as you can. Gee, she sure doesn't have much room to criticize Shailey, does she? At least Shailey was licensed and certified to give massages. All Sarah is is certifiable.

  50. Anonymous11:38 AM

    So far, I can't find a photo of her at this event where her ears are showing. Earpiece, you betcha!

  51. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I left a little present for Alaskans4palin .. it won't escape moderation, but felt good writing it.

    "While I realize this comment will be deleted shortly after its posted, it never hurts to spread the truth.

    God may have delivered that young boy into their arms, but Sarah Palin did not deliver him from her uterus. You have seen what you thought was a pregnant Sarah Palin, but you merely saw a middle-aged woman wearing a fancy pillow under her jackets and scarves. Wake up ... Sarah Palin is a grifter, and not fit to be President of the USA."

  52. Anonymous11:43 AM

    The banner and podium should read L I A R. They for got the *R* in honor of Palin's appearance.

  53. First, Mrs. Palin, store bought cow's milk is NOT a substitute for breast milk. You cannot give cow's milk to an infant until they are around six months old or more.

    I am curious about how this child nutrition "expert" got the gig speaking to these folks on L.I.-- This organization has a huge and diverse membership-- but probably only a few folks actually control it. It's not like her last few speaking engagements to fundie groups or special interest clubs. Perhaps someone called in a favor.

  54. Janet in Texas11:44 AM

    I would love to know what this dimwitted, white trash bitch got paid to say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. She is a blithering idiot and has nothing to offer anybody. Expensive jack-off material for the old farts in the audience.

    This bitch began slamming President Obama the first time she stepped on stage because that's all she knew. Two and a half years later, that's still all she knows. How damned stupid an these people be who continue paying her big money to "speak" to them when she has nothing to say?

  55. AKPetMom@11.07a - not all mothers who choose to bottle feed are bad mothers. My sons are 31 and 29 and I chose not to breastfeed - one of the few mothers in the hospital both times who chose not to breast feed - and my boys turned out just fine! Very smart and very healthy and good Democrats, both.

    I am all for breastfeeding but I just didn't feel like I would be comfortable doing it, so I chose to bottlefeed from the beginning. It was the right choice for me.

  56. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Anon @ 10:23: Funny, too, that RAM offers no proof or explanation of the discrepancies.

    "I can personally vouch that I saw her pregnant [empathy belly] and I also had the privilege of seeing [one of the] Trig[s or Tripp] a few short weeks [months] after his birth in the arms of his proud {adoptive?] parents."

    No one is disputing the fact that SP *appeared* pregnant at one point late in her "pregnancy," or that she produced an infant for public view. This is like saying "the world is flat because I can see that it's not round."

  57. Anonymous11:48 AM

    God, that woman is a BITCH. I cannot come up with a SINGLE, SOLITARY redeeming quality. All I can come up with are:

    Snide, snarky, snippy, sociopathic. Prideful, pandering, pathetic, pointless. Dim, deficient, dippy, dangerous. Mean, meandering, malicious, moronic. Vicious, vile, and vulgar.

    There. That scratches the surface. But there really aren't enough synonyms of "bitch" to quite cover it all.

  58. Anonymous11:50 AM

    What the hell is wrong with her hair? Is she going to a 1970's prom afterward?

  59. Anonymous11:51 AM

    She sounds like she thinks she is the best candidate. Well, I got news for her, she is so uneducated that it is getting more pathetic as time goes on.

  60. Kittykat5211:51 AM

    As for breast-feeding, she waded into the discussion about the first lady's promotion of breast-feeding babies, saying, "No wonder Michelle Obama's telling everybody, 'you'd better breastfeed your baby.' Yeah, you'd better, because the price of milk is so high right now!"

    *facepalm* Does she not realize how many women of ALL political stripes are strong breastfeeding advocates?!?

    I swear, if the First Lady came out and said that ingesting mercury was a bad thing, I think Sarah Palin would show up on Fearmongering News and eat a big ol' bowl of mercury on live TV.

  61. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Anon at 11:08: The stubborn queen is finally backpedaling on some of her asinine statements? Careful folks, it may actually be freezing over down there.

  62. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Nope,no change... still a moron.
    Same holding pattern for the last 2 years. How many tries do people give her, thinking some day she will surprise us and say something thoughtful and meaningful?

    (What was the reason for bringing up the shooter. Everyone else has moved on.)

    She did reinforce why I think Michele Obama is a great woman. We share many of the same priorities.

  63. Don't cha think a mom with a 2+ year old would remember that you don't feed an infant milk?
    Breast is best and then there is formula.

    Child hood obesity is an incredible problem with potential devastating medical problems and huge costs in health care.

    republicans are never pro active. They run the deficit up after being given a surplus by Clinton.
    They don't want to hear what Michelle Obama is saying because she IS RIGHT.
    palin should know this, if she was paying attention when mayor and governor.
    As Gov. she should have been appraised of the childhood obesity problem. but ya know, maybe she wasn't paying attention that day.

  64. Anonymous12:03 PM

    $P tries (impotently) to win over women by saying a multitasking mom would be best for the job, but she is too heartless and fake to realize she fucked it up with the breastfeeding comment. Every mom I know who breastfeeds does it primarily out of love. It is not easy to stick with breastfeeding sometimes, but moms do it because it is best for their babies. Some moms really go to a lot of trouble to pump milk at their jobs so their babies can have the best nutrition possible. For Queen Icebitch to mock such an important message and suggest in such a snarky, bitchy way that it should be done to save money is a slap in the face to these dedicated, loving parents.

  65. laprofesora12:06 PM

    "Gosh, nobody’s more qualified [for the] mujltitaksing than a woman, a mom… who’s administered locally, state, with energy isues, so maybe a mayor, a governor maybe."

    Gosh, Scarah, you are so sly! You are setting us up, putting these qualifications out there so you can say, "Well, hey, that's me! I'm the only one qualified!" Yeah, for the loony bin.

  66. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Stick a pin in her already... P L E A S E !
    This is getting old and so is she.

  67. Anonymous12:09 PM

    she wore her big USA flag beaded bracelet, who does she think she is, Wonder Woman with that thing?

  68. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Skin over substance is the right choice for this drug damaged stupid woman. The sociopath seems undaunted.

  69. Anonymous12:09 PM

    She is such a fucktard. Listen, Sayruh, I didn't
    vote for you, and it definitely wasn't because
    you are a woman, it was because you are an
    idiot. You have tried to bring this country down,
    divide us, destroy us. You are a liar, and a cheat,
    and a dimwit. You are snarky, a bitch, a racist,
    and a famewhore, in addition to being a bad
    mother (your children are TRASH! What does
    that say about YOU?).

  70. Anonymous12:10 PM

    This is her story of why Todd is no longer her 'chief of staff'. Hahahah.

    “I am still thinking about it [a presidential run], certainly haven’t made up my mind. Hired a chief of staff because, to tell you the truth, Todd’s getting kind of tired of doing it all for me,” Palin answered. “Just in the past couple of weeks we’ve been so doggone busy, that Todd has finally said look, I do have a few things I need to do . . . so we hired a chief of staff for practical, logistical reasons.”

  71. laprofesora12:10 PM

    "That's why social media is going to be so important."

    Translation: she's going to run as the Twitter candidate.

  72. Anonymous12:10 PM

    If I wasn't already deeply offended by Sarah Palin, as a proud breastfeeding mom, I would be now.

  73. Anonymous12:10 PM

    aw, I'm disappointed. I was hoping to see Palin's crushed velvet purple boots stiffening up the males of the audience.

  74. Anonymous12:11 PM

    You know, even fiscal conservatives ought to back breastfeeding.

    Our taxes pay for WIC, which includes formula. Formula is very expensive.

    If you go to a daycare that has a lot of low income members, usually it is the low income moms who use formula. If asked, some of them will come right out and tell you that breastfeeding is for "poor people," not seeing the irony that it is only poor people who get free/reduced priced formula.

    Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. But even the Duggers (who are sooo into breastfeeding), usually move to formula after 3 months.

    You notice that the higher the income, the more likely the mother will breastfeed.

    Also, the current US recommendations are for breastfeeding till AT LEAST one year. The World Health Organization recommends up to two years.

  75. imnofred12:12 PM

    Wow!! She really went out of her comfort zone here. Instead of answering pre-screened and pre-approved questions on Fox, she decides to do it in front of a live audience. I'll be a little more impressed when she answers live questions from journalists that are not Fox affiliates.

    That being said, the more she puts herself out there in public, the more her ignorance and hatred is on display for all to see.

  76. laprofesora12:13 PM

    "...the price of milk is so high right now!"

    Maybe she can help lower prices by giving some advice on how to run a dairy. Can you say, "Dairygate"?

  77. FEDUP!!!12:13 PM

    Besides the fact that breast milk IS best for ANY baby, her statement shows that she has NO idea on raising an infant: Infants under 1 year of age are NOT supposed to be given cows milk! (That's why we have formula nowadays!)

  78. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Looks like the questions were pre-screened. She couldn't answer off the cuff ??'s cause her brain would catch fire.

  79. Anonymous12:22 PM

    paylin sux

  80. Anonymous12:23 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Stick a pin in her already... P L E A S E !
    This is getting old and so is she.

    12:09 PM"

    She does not look like a happy camper.
    Why so sad?

  81. padoreva12:26 PM

    Ya know, her legs are not that great-looking. I think the only thing she's got going is whether or not she's going to give up a "Basic Instinct" shot.

  82. Anonymous12:27 PM

    My child got along with breastmilk (for the only liquid) until after 1 year of age. It was very, very difficult for this stressed, working mom, but I am so proud that I did that for my child.

    He refused breastmilk from a bottle/sippy cup after 1. He finally weaned himself totally from little snacks at the breast at 18 months. Right on scheudle, with no fighting or tantrums.

    We are soo proud of this; very few ear infections and very few health problems while breastfeeding. All my friends who formula fed tehir children had to get tubes in the ears at an early age.

    It's not for everybody, but it was our choice and we are happy with it.

    We give him milk now, and that is expensive, but not as much as formula.

    She would know the whole milk/formula/breastfeeding thing if she had a flipping clue.

  83. Anonymous12:27 PM

    My child got along with breastmilk (for the only liquid) until after 1 year of age. It was very, very difficult for this stressed, working mom, but I am so proud that I did that for my child.

    He refused breastmilk from a bottle/sippy cup after 1. He finally weaned himself totally from little snacks at the breast at 18 months. Right on scheudle, with no fighting or tantrums.

    We are soo proud of this; very few ear infections and very few health problems while breastfeeding. All my friends who formula fed tehir children had to get tubes in the ears at an early age.

    It's not for everybody, but it was our choice and we are happy with it.

    We give him milk now, and that is expensive, but not as much as formula.

    She would know the whole milk/formula/breastfeeding thing if she had a flipping clue.

  84. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Can anybody name any woman that had general respect that wore skirts like that in a forum such as that?


    Lady Diana - nope
    Queen Elizabeth - nope
    Lady Bird Johnson - nope
    Jackie Kennedy - nope
    Hillary Clinton - nope
    Nancy Regan - nope
    Barbara Bush - nope
    Margaret Thatcher - nope
    Larua Bush - Nope
    Ann Richards - Nope

    And so on..... NONE of them would have worn a skirt like that on stage.

  85. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "And may that not be the takeaway, please, of this speech.” <--- Yeah, I love being told what to do and I'm sure the press does, too. That's going to work.

    "... I have to get out there ... That's why social media is going to be so important." (for what?) <-- News Flash, the only people who are going to read your ghostwritten posts are people who are going to vote for you anyway. Good luck w/ that. You and your team got any other bright ideas about how to keep you from looking like you have no idea what you're doing? I hope you didn't pay for that advice.

  86. Anonymous12:44 PM

    What a bunch of maroons. Palin is the mother of 5 kids, I would think she knows a bit about breast feeding.

  87. Anonymous12:44 PM

    In order to produce good quality milk one has to eat well and since good food is not free one does not really save money.

  88. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Waiting for the upskirts to hit the web...

  89. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Next, she'll be saying that Michelle Obama doesn't want parents to smoke around children or pregnant women to smoke at all. TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT - NANNY STATE!!!

  90. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Politico headline from today is the same one that could be used after any of her appearances.

    "Sarah hints at WH run, slams Obamas"

    At least it saves on writing expenses.

  91. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Palin echoed the words of former President Ronald Reagan while repeatedly lashing out at the Obama administration: "President Obama thinks big government is the answer, and I think big government is the problem."

    She lashed out at the president's current $3 trillion-plus budget proposal, saying that it lacked true Presidential leadership, because it did not tackle entitlement reform.

    When asked what she would have proposed, she said that the government needs to tell people that things are going to change, "certainly with Medicaid and Social Security."

    She touched on the threat of a government shutdown if the debt ceiling isn't raised by praising lawmakers who refuse to rubber-stamp the president's proposals.

    "The people of America are saying enough is enough. Tone-deaf politicians are going to be fired if they don't listen. That's what going rogue is all about. People want our government establishment to be shaken up. No more pre-ordained candidates. I think it will be an unconventional political cycle."

    She said the Obama administration offered no clarity during the Egyptian Revolution.

    "We now need to trust but verify that the Egyptian protestors want democracy."

    Palin said, "The U.S. government needs to be wary of the Muslim Brotherhood and we need to make sure that our interests like Israel and our energy supply are protected."

    She reiterated her stance that the current healthcare law needs to be repealed. But when asked, she refused to say if there were any parts of the bill worth saving.

    Palin stuck by her slogan made famous during the 2008 campaign, "Drill, baby, drill," when asked if her opinions on energy had changed because of the catastrophic BP oil spill. She said the United States domestic oil supply is not being tapped properly, creating a potential security risk.

    She also accused the Obama administration of using "snake oil science" as it deals with potential climate change.

    "I live in Alaska. I don't want to mess up the environment. But we don't have to tax energy to get there."

    Palin said she has never received as much criticism as she has during the last month because of the Tucson massacre. Her listeners, who spent $300 a plate to hear her, applauded when she said the massacre has not changed her stance on gun control.

    "There are already on the books gun control legislation that I support. I don't support hurting the good guys. The bad guys aren't going to follow the laws on the books today or new laws."

    She said adding new gun control legislation would not have stopped accused gunman Jared Loughner.

    During the question-and-answer session, Palin's use of Twitter repeatedly came up. She responded by pointing out how social media during the Egyptian uprising was another example of private enterprise doing a better job than the federal government.

    Palin said the government's fiscal policy is dangerous. "This administration supports America being on the road to ruin."

    Palin's sharpest comments were reserved for President Obama and his wife.

    "No wonder Michelle Obama is saying you better breastfeed your baby. I say yeah, you better, because the cost of milk has gotten so high."

  92. Anonymous12:51 PM

    She has a very, very, very bad memory.

    Palin, whilst she was governor, declared October, 2007 "Breastfeeding Awareness Month".

    I am not making that up.

    From the declaration: "WHEREAS, throughout their lives, breastfeeding can offer children protection against serious health conditions, including OBESITY, diabetes, and high blood pressure."

    Who's your nanny, now?

  93. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I don't know which pic is worse from this event...the one from Reuters

    or the LA Times,0,4763475.story

    She's looking haggard! Big time.

  94. Anonymous12:55 PM

    With that logic, Octomom would make the best President due to intense multitasking!

  95. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Even aside from the fact that she's a total phony, all of her criticisms just come across as childish and petty. I'm sure her stupid base laps it up, but her stupid base isn't America.

  96. Anonymous12:58 PM

    1:47 p.m. — "I’m gonna let people know who I am what I stand for and what my record is. ... [You] can’t rely on the liberal-leaning press to do that for you.”

    1:45 p.m. — "I’m not blaming that incident for my poor poll numbers. ... They are what they are."

    1:40 p.m. —"I don’t think that I’ve ever gone through more negative press than I did right after Tucson. ... I think the media really jumped the gun trying to lay blame..."

    1:25 p.m. — "Time on the ground is very important. ... I know when I ran for VP I had exactly four days to prepare… [for] being on a national stage. Four days isn’t a whole lot of time to prepare. It’s not even enough time to pack a bag."

    1:24 p.m. — "As for potentially an unconventional run and an unconventional cycle, that’s what going rogue is all about."

    1:23 p.m. — "I am still thinking about [the presidency]. I certainly haven’t made up my mind. ... I hired a chief of staff because to tell you the truth Todd’s getting kinda tired of doing it all for me".

    1:20 p.m. — "We have to make sure that a group like the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t invited in to take over because that certainly would defeat all the purposes of those protesters."

    1:09 p.m. — "Certainly our hearts go out to the victims and pray for the full recovery of Gabby Giffords. ... The criminal he was an evil sick person. And adding another law to the book would not, I believe, have prohibited him from somehow, some way fulfilling his mission and the mission he was on was to harm fellow human beings."

    1:08 p.m. — "I don’t support taking away even more freedoms from the good guys. … The bad guys aren’t gonna follow the laws that are on the books today. They’re not gonna follow any new laws that are put on the books either."

    1:06 p.m. — "There are already on the books many gun control measures and I do support those gun [laws]."

    1:02 p.m. — "Who are these faceless bureaucrats on a panel who will decide?"

    1:00 p.m. — "Obviously what I meant in there, death panels was in quotation marks … and now there’s this admittance…well yeah we’re gonna have to ration health care."

    12:59: p.m. — "It was literally crammed down our throats. … We can’t afford it and we didn’t want it to start with. We wanted practical reforms."

    12:57 p.m. — "I disagree with the premise there that I used rhetoric when I talked on my Facebook about health care reform."

    12:53 p.m. — "I’m encouraged to hear about your governor, who seems to be open to the tradesmen who are on the front lines, the private sector bosses... and not just unions. He's gonna have to live within his means, that means cutting the budget."

    12:52 p.m. — "I can’t even convince my own husband to register in the Republican Party."

    12:50 p.m. — "I think the games have to end, the road has to change, we’ve got to get on more commonsense grounds and apply those principles that have worked in the past."

    12:48 p.m. — “Tone deaf politicians are gonna be fired and be replaced.”

    12:44 p.m. - "The media would try scare tactics to make you believe it has to result in a government shut down if we weren’t to raise the debt limit."

    12:41 p.m. — "I am so thankful for these strong congressmen and women who are saying no we’re not gonna vote for the debt ceiling to be raised. ... All that’s going to do is create this allowance for more big spenders.”

    12:37 p.m. — "His spending plan does add to the national debt. ... That is the wrong road to be on. That is not what’s going to cure the economic ills in our country."

    12:30 p.m. — "It amazed me the other day watching the president... tell the American public, and the press is letting him get away with saying, his new [plan]… doesn’t add to the national debt.”"

    Read more:

  97. ManxMamma12:59 PM

    Did she really wear a leather jacket? WTF?

  98. hiked up skirt and leopard high heels - yep, even the National Review knows what is IMPORTANT to the right wing fools:

    "Wearing a black jacket and skirt, a prominent flag bracelet, and leopard-print heels, Palin initially appeared stressed, delivering rapid-fire answers crammed with statistics."

  99. Anonymous12:59 PM


    The reuters is just awful. Shows all the nect wrinkles. Maybe she ought to borrow some of Bristol's scarves.

  100. Anonymous1:03 PM

    "I don’t have a name to give you right now, but what I would look for in character is someone who’s been on the front lines understanding how to administer and how to lead a team. ... Gosh, nobody’s more qualified [for the] mujltitaksing than a woman, a mom… who’s administered locally, state, with energy isues, so maybe a mayor, a governor maybe."

    Hey $arah, nice little way of saying that the only one who's getting your endorsement is your precious little humble self. It's always 'all about you' ;) isn't it?

  101. Punkinbugg1:04 PM

    All this talk of nursing and skirts make me think of the lyrics to "Dance 10, Looks 3". (Look it up)

    She sets the Women's Movement back 10 years every time she opens her mouth.

  102. Anonymous1:05 PM


    Spit take!

  103. Anonymous1:08 PM

    @12:52 thanks for posting the articles. Yes, Sarah looks especially "haggard"-- when you get older, you really need your beauty sleep. She must not be sleeping well... The LA Times had this to say:

    Palin's daughter Bristol accompanied her to the event.
    It was her first public event since hiring a new top political advisor, Michael Glassner, who has been brought aboard to run SarahPAC, her political action committee, in advance of a potential 2012 presidential campaign. Palin has said she is considering a run but won’t reveal her plans until “the time is ready to announce, and that will be the right time.”

  104. Anonymous1:08 PM


    "paylin sux"

    The question are, what and whom?

  105. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Anon 12:51 Thanks.
    "Palin, whilst she was governor, declared October, 2007 "Breastfeeding Awareness Month"."

    is that not so typical of this idiot? Does she really think people won't call her on these things are does she really not remember them herself?

    Also, I don't think any of the GOP hopefuls are going to take any swings at Sarah. With her poll numbers the way they are, she currently poses no risk and there is no reason for them have the handful of her supporters turn on them.

  106. Chenagrrl1:09 PM

    Gryphen, despite "free-wheeling speech" reports, she answered questions from LIA prez Kevin Law and then spun on them.

    I just came from my mop-up job and the comments on the story in the local paper are no different than the ones you get. I found that gratifying.

  107. Anonymous1:12 PM

    not only do babies NOT drink cow's milk - but the price of milk has gone down...not up.

  108. Anonymous1:13 PM


    She SAID she breadfed Trig, but, she LIES. He has never been seen without a bottle. Maybe Bristol breastfed him.

  109. Anonymous1:13 PM

    She's the Dunce of Haggard!

  110. London Bridges1:14 PM

    How soon do we forget during the 2008 campaign, Sarah talked about being up all hours of the night with a breast pump!

    Lady Gag-Us is one sick puppy!

  111. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Palin, seated in an armchair on a small stage, was interviewed by the head of the Long Island Assn. at the group’s annual luncheon. Kevin S. Law, a former utility company executive, said beforehand he had no interest in posing “gotcha-style” questions to the former Republican vice presidential candidate.,0,4763475.story

  112. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, you should have listened about using the tanning bed too frequently. Now your neck is looking really crepey. When are you going to find time to schedule a procedure prior to the campaign trail?

  113. Anonymous1:19 PM

    LMAO you have got to check out the reader comments at the bottom of the article, $carah must be fuming, doesn't look like any bots were there to comment LMAO!!!!

  114. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Sarah can't help herself. She will continue to attack President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama because.....well, let's face it...she hates those black people. And that hate is getting to be palpable. Watch for it to get worse as the primaries heat up and she realizes that NO one will back her.

  115. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Sarah Palin Takes Ill-Advised Swipes At Michelle Obama, Mental Illness

    When news broke that Sarah Palin would allow mainstream media, rather than just Fox News, into a speech before the Long Island Association this morning, I thought the former governor may be prepping the press and public for a more amiable persona and eventual presidential announcement. How wrong I was.

    Well, this morning Palin delivered remarks before the Long Island Association, a business group, and actually allowed mainstream media to report on the event. Could this be her first step in thawing relations, I wondered?

    True to form, however, Palin used her speech as a platform to assail media outlets for making her look bad: media, she said, “reports things that have really misrepresented my record” and make it impossible for the public to get a true view of her politics.

    “I can’t rely on a liberal leaning press to do that for you,” Palin explained. “That’s why social media is going to be so important.”

    But the liberal media wasn’t Palin’s only target: she also blasted President Obama’s budget, which she insists “doesn’t make a dent” in the deficit, and also joined in on the growing conservative outcry over Michelle Obama’s breastfeeding initiative: “It’s no wonder Michelle Obama is telling everybody you need to breast feed your babies. The price of milk is so high!”

    Like Michele Bachmann, Mrs. Palin, a mother of five, puts politics above children’s health.

    Speaking of health, Palin also continued her demonization of Jared Loughner, the mentally ill man accused of trying to assassinate Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

    “The criminal, he was an evil sick person,” asserted Palin, before trying to explain why more gun restrictions wouldn’t have stopped the rampage in Arizona. “Adding another law to the book would not I believe have prohibited him from somehow some way fulfilling his mission and the mission he was on was to harm fellow human beings.”

    Despite a national discussion on the difference between mental illness and “evil,” Palin still thinks it’s best to inject her subjective moral beliefs into a medical debate.

    If Palin wants to get ahead in 2012, she’ll tone it down a bit, or at least avoid smearing breastfeeding mothers and the mentally ill.

  116. Anonymous1:26 PM

    "There are already on the books gun control legislation that I support. I don't support hurting the good guys. The bad guys aren't going to follow the laws on the books today or new laws."

    Perhaps Yoda she thinks she is.

  117. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I am not sure what she knows about multi-tasking except watching others do it. She always has somebody else "doing" for her. She wouldn't know how to do more than one thing at time. She is still struggling to master "one" thing at a time.

  118. Anonymous1:29 PM

    The puppetmasters are still unable to overcome Palin's personality disorders to get her appropriately clad. Sarah Palin's arrested development drives her to expose her body although even she must comprehend how ludicrous her clothes are.

    She must be hell to live with.

  119. Anonymous1:30 PM

    miller said...
    Read in the NY Times, Bristol was also at the event with her mother.

    10:30 AM

    I wonder if SarahPac paid for Sarah and Bristol sideshow to go to New York? That's the only way they travel is if they can get someone else to pay for it. If SarahPac paid for Bristol how did they justify her attendance? How can we find out if SarahPac did pay for Bristol? If yes, then I betcha SarahPac paid for a nanny for Tripp and I'm not talking about Shailey. This how Sarah is laundering money fom SarahPac, she is getting a bill from Bristol's LLC.

  120. Anonymous1:31 PM,0,4763475.story

    aging biker babe with tongue lolling

  121. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I don't know which pic is worse from this event...the one from Reuters

    or the LA Times,0,4763475.story

    She's looking haggard! Big time.
    12:52 PM

    I vote for the LA Times picture. Her hair looks gray, her neck looks old, and neither of those things are what the 'Viagra voters' want from her.

  122. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Anonymous 12:51 PM - all bullshit

  123. Anonymous1:36 PM

    "Palin: I can’t get my husband to register as a Republican because of the games..."

    WTF? Sarah can't even get Tawd to show her some lovin. Don't worry about registering as a Repug. Sarah should worry about who her husband is knockin boots with while she is in New York.

  124. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Anonymous 12:44 PM said...
    What a bunch of maroons. Palin is the mother of 5 kids, I would think she knows a bit about breast feeding.
    Palin birthed 4 children and had 2 miscarriages(white outs). There is zero evidence that she birthed a fifth child.

    Palin quite probably DOES know the many benefits of breastfeeding, which makes her remark today even more STUPID.

  125. ArmchairJane1:37 PM

    From 12:10 pm:

    This is her story of why Todd is no longer her 'chief of staff'. Hahahah.

    “I am still thinking about it [a presidential run], certainly haven’t made up my mind. Hired a chief of staff because, to tell you the truth, Todd’s getting kind of tired of doing it all for me,” Palin answered. “Just in the past couple of weeks we’ve been so doggone busy, that Todd has finally said look, I do have a few things I need to do . . . so we hired a chief of staff for practical, logistical reasons.”

    12:10 PM

    (end quote - emphasis added)

    So in other words, Todd "does it all", which means his duties may consist of any or all of the following important tasks:

    - the intimidation of Palin clan "enemies", sometimes using tactics noted to be used by Scientologists

    - the giving of press releases mentioning "bloggers" to Dave Parker at the APD so he can issue them as quasi-official statements

    - hassling people on blog comment threads (Willow may provide backup)

    - making sure all the proper google alerts are set up so he knows what people are saying about Sarah and can accomplish the above tasks as needed.

    Sarah's job is to do "the rest": appear at "for pay" speaking engagements, where the unspoken agreement is that she will be wearing a short skirt while sitting on a squatty legged "thone chair" on an elevated stage, knees facing the audience, while she hurls insults at pretty much everyone, other than herself and the people who are currently giving her their money...

  126. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Wow! She looks awful. Disheveled, dirty, ragged, old.

  127. Anonymous1:39 PM

    "Palin: lack of clarity in who the US supported… do we support Mubarak, do we not? Who’s side are we on?"lllllllllllllllllllll

    Who’s side are we on Sarah asked?

    Ummm North Korea according to Sarah.

  128. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Listening to that video, I'm reminded that she's an idiot.

  129. Anonymous1:41 PM

    " she still believes it has to do with a media bias and nothing to do with her lack of intelligence"

    That pretty much sums it up.

  130. Anonymous1:44 PM

    "Palin: I haven’t made up my mind… hired a chief of staff because Todd was getting tired of doing the political stuff."

    I call Bull Shit on this one. Tawd was busy taking the money teabaggers gave Sarah and enjoyed the company of Ms. Tripp.

    Sarah was paying Tawd as her way of laundering her SarahPac money. Gryp how much did Tawd make off of SarahPac?

    Now that Sarah took Tawd off of SarahPac payroll, all she did was add Bristol to SarahPac's payroll to keep the money laundering scheme going.

  131. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Looks like she is in her thigh stroking position again.

    Her increasing obsession with the apolitical, child oriented First Lady is not going to get her any votes or money. If she keeps it up it will eventually dawn on people who do care about children that Sarah is being extremely offensive to a person who is not making policy is not trying to influence politics, has no power to force anything on anybody, but is simply trying to do some good in the world.

    Of course she is obsessive about the Obamas in a very childish way, and she allows it to show her as being petulant, envious and infantile.

    That Sarah doesn't not realize how infantile her attack on the Obamas and particularly Michelle is says volumes about what type of a leader she would be.

    It also allows Michelle to win every comparison with out having to even repond to Palin's existence.

  132. Anonymous1:44 PM

    She's disgusting. I only got through her first quote and had to pour a glass of wine. She's just putrid. Does she think she's being coy? And really - has there ever (EVER??) been a speech, opportunity, interview that she hasn't blasted Obama? And on MO for breastfeeding? I thought she was a grizzly mama - don't they bf? Dumb fucking bitch. GRRRR!


  133. SME1311:45 PM

    Notice in the video how her hair is covering one ear. That's the ear with the earpiece for giving her answers. The only problem is whoever is feeding her this bullshit is no smarter than she is.

  134. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Wonder woman - hilarious! I think blunder woman is more accurate.

  135. laprofesora1:48 PM

    Okay, I made the mistake of watching the video. I am so f**king sick and tired of this stupid bitch acting like it would be so damned easy to fix the economy. According to her, all the President needs to do is apply "common sense solutions" and bingo! the economy is all better. She implies that he WON'T do that because he wants to ruin the country. No,Scarah, YOU are the evil one who would ruin the country in the name of your own vanity. Sometimes I wish she could be president for just one day, so it would be on the record what a train wreck she is.

    Oh, and nice bags under the eyes, there, Scarah. Too bad staying up all night cramming didn't do you any good. Hateful witch.

  136. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin Demonize Michelle Obama’s Breast Feeding Campaign

    Both of these women are likely to run for the 2012 Republican nomination, but only one of them sounded like a presidential candidate. Michele Bachmann made it clear that she wasn’t opposed to breast feeding, and then used her personal bio to change the question into one about the tax code. On the other hand, Sarah Palin was content to deliver a snarky jab about the price of milk.

    Both Bachmann and Palin were opposed to Michelle Obama’s campaign, but for different reasons. Bachmann considers it social engineering to reclassify breast pumps as medical purchases that can be deducted as a medical expense. Sarah Palin hates the Obamas, so anything that they propose must be a bad idea that is going to ruin America.

    Michelle Bachmann’s argument about breast pumps being social engineering sounded way out of the American mainstream, but Sarah Palin came off as a half-wit who couldn’t even be bothered to encourage breast feeding.

    Essentially what we have here is the right wing criticizing two things that used to be popular with everyone, healthy children and tax breaks. The First Lady isn’t campaigning for anything radical. Breast feeding can help protect a baby from all kinds of illnesses. It may also boost a baby’s intelligence, lower the risk of SIDS, and protect from obesity. The First Lady is focused on preventing obesity, but there are numerous reasons why encouraging women to breast feed is a very healthy initiative. This shouldn’t be up for political debate.

    The opposition of Palin and Bachmann illustrates that Republicans have moved beyond their Party of No status into a pathological hatred of Barack and Michelle Obama. This obsessive anger has radicalized the GOP to the point where even things that everyone used to agree on must be demonized because the Obamas are associated with it.

  137. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    and the damage control trig story by RAM keeps going. No mention of Tripp and Twad scandle.
    10:23 AM

    Interesting that the writer of that comment claims to have seen Sarah pregnant when so many who saw her, particularly on her way back to Alaska to deliver, saw a not pregnant woman.
    Wonder exactly where and when she saw an obviously pregnant Sarah.

  138. Anonymous1:50 PM

    What's up with her neck in those pics? She got some serious lizard neck happening.

  139. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Anonymous 12:51 PM. It is sad to me that it takes a journalist with a degree and command of the English language slaving over a computer to take out bits and pieces of information memorized by the Twittler to come up with a somewhat coherent interview. But Twittler is not fooling anyone. The 17 comments on that page are 100% negative. I don't know what is sadder, that she got an A+ in stupidity, or only 17 people cared. SEVENTEEN?!!!!!!

  140. Anonymous1:53 PM

    12:51 - you deserve a great big virtual hug! You nailed her on this!

    Gryphen, be sure to make that a huge point. Throw her own words right at her. She is her own worst enemy!

    Thanks 12:51 - woohoo! Doing a little happy dance.

  141. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Sarah is dreaming if she thinks the polls are a reflection of what the media reports about her.

    The polls are a reflection of her own unfiltered appearances on FOX, her own unfiltered Facebook notes, and her own unfiltered tweets.

    That's okay though, if she wants to play that game. It won't change the fact that her polls will continue to slide with each unfiltered appearance, with or without media reporting.

  142. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Got enough flags in the room? Jeez!
    Why do I hate this woman so much?

  143. Anonymous1:54 PM

    It's really amazing how her hair grows so fast!

    Extensions. So Presidential.

    What an ass.

  144. Anonymous1:55 PM

    3+ million hits for "Sarah Palin breastfeed"

    arrival of spin from the Palin camp in 3.. 2... 1....

  145. Anonymous1:57 PM

    It is high time the media actually did some researching and reporting on Palin's mayoral and gubernatorial records. And I mean really dig deep, not just lamely reporting on whether or not she was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it.

  146. The short skirt goes with the push-up bra. Sarah knows. We just haven't gotten used to have that kind of person running for office. She is setting women's progress back decades, maybe even centuries.

  147. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Back in the 60's-80's the pro breast feeders were the antifeminists.

    Which just go to prove that Sarah really is an anti family values feminist.

    Or that she tends to say whatever is contrary to what is said by the person she is hating that day, whether what she says is consistent, or makes sense, or not.

    She reacts like my brother's orange cat, regardless of who is trying to pet her or walk past her or even feed her, her response is to hiss.

  148. Anonymous2:06 PM

    12:52. Unbelievable. She looks like an aging witch in the LA Times photo. I was shocked when I opened it. She could hide things in her neck crevices in the first photo.

  149. Anonymous2:06 PM

    This stuff is getting old, let's ---- or get off the pot, bring her down, the sooner the better...

  150. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Sarah cannot answer questions that come unscripted from reporters. It was a real leap for her to answer questions posed by a friendly questioner in front of the media. She let people know a long time ago what was important and what would be forgotten.

    During her debate for governor, she marveled that Andrew Halcro could spout facts and figures. Sarah said that in the end, that's not what people will remember.

    She knew then that a cute remark, a wink and a you-betcha canceled out facts and figures. Sarah has nothing to say, so her best tactic is to sit, facing the audience, with her skirt hiked up as far as possible. I hope that she remembered to stroke her thighs and lick her lips. Sarah has a real instinct when it comes to working a crowd. As far as today's speech, no one will remember what slogans she spouted (although attacking Michelle Obama's health initiative regarding breast feeding was a dumb idea). No, the businessmen will be fooled as easily as that cruise ship of neocons were when they visited Alaska.

  151. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Oh no, The only reason Palin is trying to distance herself from the birthers, is because she knows, the same is about to be asked to her to show Trig's birth certificate.

    and she is afraid to face GOP opponents in the primary, so she wants to run as Independent so she can dodge debates.Ha ha ha ha.
    Actually its not the left who are burying Sarah, The GOP and Sarah herself is digging her own ice.
    Quity pants, has it all figured to discredit Sherley Tripp s massage story about her fake pregnancy.

    Sarah, please show us Trig's record of birth..and different picturs of you pregnancy, not the one you staged with pillows.

    DNA and birth certificate please..

  152. Anonymous2:08 PM

    What's that fish smell???

  153. Everyone needs to ready their 3 - 2 - 1 meters. The Obamas have accepted an invitation to Buckingham Palace in May. Bet Mrs. Rill America will be unable to stop herself from tweetereacting.

  154. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Gawd I so wish the IRS would zoom in and just put this POS outta her misery

  155. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Sarah while Governor in October 2007 declared it Breastfeeding Awareness Month and issued a proclamation ---- see Media Matters on IM left of page.

    Stupid Sarah is again joining Fox and RAM in making an ass of herself again. Sarah is nothing but ASS anymore, that woman is an idiot.

    Is Bristol back home after having her baby, is that why Sarah's hair looked like shit cause Bristol was not there to pin it up?

  156. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I think deep down, Sarah just brought up the whole breastfeeding thing so that she could tap into the Oedipus Complex of her admirers. She did have work done and probably hasn't gotten the attention she felt she deserved for the new additions.

  157. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Sarah is against breastfeeding because Todd stopped nursing from Sarah's nasty, sagging, rotten outdated powder dry chi-chi's and went on and got some fresh stuff. Don't be a hater Sarah cuz you can't keep your man interested in your old stuff. Is that why you stuffed your bra at the Belmont horse races and wore a tight white t-shirt?

  158. Anonymous2:26 PM

    anon @1:37....agreed, she looks like hell, obviously rotting from the inside out.....CNN's current Political Ticker pic of her is another example.....looks aside though, there just flat out ain't nothin' "there", never has been never will be, totally brain dead...

  159. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Remember how after the campaign, Sarah blamed McCain's people for keeping her isolated and said that was such a mistake, that if she'd have been in control she'd have really gotten out there and let people see her and really get to know her? Remember how so many pundits agreed with her, because they said she's such a people person, dontcha know?

    The truth is that soon as the McCain people saw she couldn't handle even a fluff like Katie Couric, they did isolate Sarah and saved her from making a further fool of herself. But what we have seen since then is that Sarah herself learned the same lesson (see, Sarah can learn some things!). Ever since, rather than really letting people see her, she has controlled access to her royal self in ways never before seen. Yet all the while she talks about gettin' out there and meetin' people, because ya know shakin' their hands as they come through the line to buy your book is kinda like meeting them (only it doesn't give them a chance to really talk to her, or ask her questions, and it doesn't give her a chance to make a idiot of herself).

    This is Sarah running for president. She's not going to go thru that ole librul lamestream media who just distort things and make her look bad. She might meet people on an individual level, but she won't go anywhere she doesn't have complete control. She won't put herself in a position where her appalling ignorance could be exposed by a journalist or an interviewer asking her the most basic of questions. If she debates, she will insist on a format like the one they contrived for Biden, where she could just get up and read off her talking points.

    Everything Sarah says is a lie, the complete opposite of the the truth. She never ceases to take my breath away.

  160. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Anonymous said...
    What's up with her neck in those pics? She got some serious lizard neck happening.

    1:50 PM

    Be thankful you are not Todd. You think Sarah's neck is bad, what do you think Todd sees below Sarah's beltline? Whatever he seen made him run off to Shailey for 2 years.

  161. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Breastfeeding - gate

    Palin quote from People magazine:

    SARAH PALIN: Morning person. Yup. We don't sleep much. Too much to do. What I've had to do, though, is in the middle of the night, put down the BlackBerries and pick up the breast pump. Do a couple of things different and still get it all done.,,20222

  162. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I told you and told you people over a year ago that you needed to take to the streets or do everything it takes to destroy this stupid bitch. Now she has the repub feel good talking points down pat and you're going to see a big resurgence in her ratings. Enough to do it for her? I don't know now but it's looking pretty grim for America.

    luv from Canada.

  163. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Is it just me or as she ages the quantity of makeup on her face goes up exponentially? Her blush and eye makeup is caked on. EEK

    It's a minor thing but when I see pictures of her, I just wonder what exactly she sees in the mirror cause she's looking like a woman desperately trying to maintain her once youthful glow.

  164. Anonymous2:35 PM

    "Oh no, The only reason Palin is trying to distance herself from the birthers, is because she knows, the same is about to be asked to her to show Trig's birth certificate.

    back in September 2008, SP's grandparents stated that she was born in Canada. THAT is the reason she is quiet about BC's in addition to the fact that she borrowed Trig. I wonder if she even adopted him. don't think so.

  165. Anonymous2:38 PM

    OMG ! I am at a loss for words . I really would like to think that folks are booking her as a satire ,strickly for the entertainment value and sexual attraction . Surely not for any serious intellect .Right ? Do we really think this Long Island group and anyone else that pays money for her dog and pony show take her serious? I mean, besides her ardent loyal uninformed racist and hate filled, followers .

  166. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I looked at Palin's picture in New York and I hate to say it, but her neck's extra flaps looks like an old flabby labia.,0,4763475.story

  167. Anonymous2:42 PM

    nothing says tacky like a leather jacket, mini skirt, leopard shoes and poufy hair combined with overdone false eyelashes.....

    presidential???? buwahahahaha

  168. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I dont think it was a jab at breast feeding. Sarah knows thats personal and im sure she did it herself. It was no doubt a chance to jab michelle again AND pay lip service to rising food costs.

    Sarah is not a literal person. What she says is not what she means

  169. Anonymous2:45 PM

    1:51pm, I'll have you know that at 5:45 pm Texas time, 24, yeah, that's right, TWENTY-FOUR people care enough about our dear Twitler to drop a line.

  170. Anonymous2:50 PM

    2:07, I said the same think when I read that Palin was nixing the Birthers. She only wants to squelch ANY talk of birth certificates!

    2:15, yeah, we haven't heard anything lately about Palin's photo-op with the sadly declining Thatcher, now have we? Perhaps the Obamas can deliver warm regards from Palin vis a vis the Queen.

  171. Anonymous2:50 PM

    After watching the two clips posted I think she's finally getting that she has to tone it down...she's never prefaced her comments about the Presidents policies with respect to the office and she's never defended in any fashion Pres. Obama's faith or citizenship. Having said that I noticed she couldn't resist adding "let others talk about that". I think she's trying to rehabilitate her image/poll numbers starting with this event. I think it's too late but we shall see.

    She still has no definitive policy suggestions other than a few talking points...but neither do any of the other Republicans.

  172. Anonymous2:51 PM

    She sat there and tried to get those men to look up her skirt, she is a bad evil nasty trailer trash person. She would do anything for attention and is a total disgrace to women everywhere.

  173. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Bristol is on SarahPac's payroll, get used to seeing Bristol at Sarah's events.

    Sarah is getting closer to accepting she will never be POTUS and wants to build a following for Brisket. So it is what it is. Sarah is training Brisket to be a grifter politician like her.

  174. Anonymous2:52 PM

    The men behind her all look so bored. She is soooo boring.

  175. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Was this a joke a bunch of silly questions so she can whine about the media and bash the obamas?

  176. Anonymous2:53 PM

    2:45, yeah we know Sarah and we know she'll use anything, including dear Baby Jesus, to take a cheap shot. During the campaign it was fruit flies (although there, I think ignorance played a big part), today it's breast feeding. What's new? *yawn*

  177. Anonymous2:56 PM

    We really shouldn't criticize Palin's physical appearance, the saggy neck, etc. It makes us look stupid and cheap and petty. Let's keep the criticisms focused on her words and actions.

  178. Anonymous2:56 PM

    In the first video clip Palin's hairstyle covers her right ear but not the left. Now take a close look at the second video clip where she has (unconsciously?) pulled her hair back and exposed her right ear. Could that be a small white earpiece near the back edge of her right ear?

  179. Anonymous2:57 PM

    2:33 PM,

    Please tell me you are not serious. Palin just did what she has been doing for two years. Nothing new. Same old crap. It's getting old. There will not be a "resurgence" in her poll numbers.

  180. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Did you see those wrinkly bags under Sarah's eyes? I hope she calls Bristol's plastic surgeon. It would look funny to see big ass chins under Sarah's eyes.

  181. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Isn't it funny? Before the media had ANY chance to report one single word about her, I knew she was a bitch. It happened at the Republican Convention in 2008. She opened her mouth and did a put-down of "community organizers" (code for African-Americans, in that case) and I wanted to smash her in the face. are a a mean, bigoted, woman.

  182. KatieAnnieOakley3:03 PM

    FLASHBACK: Gov Palin proclaims Oct 2007 "Breastfeeding Awareness Month." Yes, she did. Then she knocked it @ LIA today!/KatieAnnieOakly/status/38368901792268288

  183. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Nope,no change... still a moron
    What was the reason for bringing up the shooter. Everyone else has moved on.)
    11:53 AM

    My thoughts also, too, why bring it up when it only reminds us of her complicity in it.
    Why say at this late date she is praying. Most people probably haven't noticed her lack of public Christina sympathy for the victims and now she has pointed the finger at herself.

    Egads, she is stupid.

    I am one of the ones mentioning her lack of supportive comments about Giffords, during the last couple of weeks, on the assumption if a couple of hundred people asked that question on sites like the Alaska blogs or Huff Post, she would feel compelled to address the question. By doing so she has brought attention to her lack of sympathetic attitude up till now.

  184. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Holy smokes, she is really looking bad and old. You know, Michelle Obama is one fine looking lady and she don't have fake cheeks and chin lifts and such. Michelle is really classy and very pretty and doesn't have all those sags that Sarah has. No wonder Sarah is so jealous.

  185. Anonymous3:12 PM

    It is documented - when Palin governor before she quit - she came out in favor of breastfeeding and indicated its benefits. I'm writing from Alaska - her statement pro breastfeeding was read over the airwaves today.

  186. Anonymous3:14 PM

    *** back in September 2008, SP's grandparents stated that she was born in Canada ***

    Do you realize how goofy you folks sound?

    Sarah's grandparents are dead. Sarah's parents have said she was born in Idaho. Her brother got treated in a Canadian hospital because it was better equipped to handle emergencies than the small clinic in Skagway where Chuck Heath had his first teaching job in Alaska.

    Get out a map, find Skagway and then find the Canadian border. Think.

  187. Randall3:17 PM

    ROFL Patrick

  188. Palin knocks breastfeeding initiative

    Sarah Palin, who has made a frequent target of First Lady Michelle Obama, poked fun at her attempts to encourage breastfeeding in her Long Island appearance today.

    "No wonder Michelle Obama is telling everybody 'you'd better breastfeed your baby,'" Palin said, after suggesting that increases in prices for commodities and gasoline since 2009 are the consequence of her husband's policies. "Yeah, you'd better, because the price of milk is so high right now."

    Obama supported including breast pumps under a tax exemption that covers medical equipment. Rep. Michele Bachmann has also criticized the push as a feature of the "nanny state."

    From a 2007 news release (via nexis):

    Gov. Sarah Palin, R-Alaska, has issued the following proclamation:

    WHEREAS, breastfeeding is recognized as an unequalled means of providing food for infants.

    WHEREAS, throughout their lives, breastfeeding can offer children protection against serious health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Breastfeeding also saves lives by reducing the incidence of life-threatening cancers in women and preventing premature death in infants.

    WHEREAS, breastfeeding forms the most basic bond between mother and baby and is a foundation for lifelong health and wellness.

    WHEREAS, government and community organizations have a vested interest in protecting and promoting breastfeeding as a means of preventing infant malnutrition, morbidity, and mortality.

    WHEREAS, during October, organizations throughout our state will promote the importance of breastfeeding. This year, in conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week - October 1 through October 7 - the State of Alaska will support networks that encourage and promote breastfeeding in all communities.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, Sarah Palin, Governor of the State of Alaska, do hereby proclaim October 2007 as:

    Breastfeeding Awareness Month

    in Alaska, and encourage all residents to recognize and support the important contributions breastfeeding makes in improving the quality of life for all Alaskans.

  189. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Our constitution is based on democracy not capitalism and we all know that the "trickle down" rhetoric doesn't work!

    I like how no one mentions that two wars put us into debt. The first thing every politican seems to want to cut is entitlements for the less fortunate not corporate subsides (aka welfare for the rich)....

  190. Anonymous3:23 PM

    @3:14 - ooh, must be something to the Canadian Sarah meme. The troll has started threatening that we "look goofy." Look in the mirror, Sarah supporter! Go work at Disney World!

  191. The breastfeeding comment was a lame attempt at humor and an opportunity to swipe at Mrs. Obama. Sarah has made a big deal about breatfeeding her kids. She even claimed to nurse TriG despite wearing thin blouses rather than nursing clothes like pullover sweaters that hide leaks and can be raised. But if fosters a new LAP--LaLeche Against Palin--so be it (as Boehner would say).

  192. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Hey Gryphem, in the Politico article she mentioned she hired the Chief of Staff "because Todd was getting tired of doing it"

    Are her and Todd still together?

  193. WOW -- she seemed to get in most of her 'talking points' just in that first(2 min.)clip -- and ALL in ONE SENTENCE!!

    At least that is what it sounded like to me, and I do not want to go back to listen again, to make sure. LOL

    Thanks for everything, Gryph. Appreciate all you do, and appreciate you also (too, besides, as well). :o)

  194. Anonymous3:28 PM

    12:51 PM
    "She touched on the threat of a government shutdown if the debt ceiling isn't raised by praising lawmakers who refuse to rubber-stamp the president's proposals."

    I wonder if the Republicans realize that if they close down government, and or fire government employees that will make 2M+ disgruntled Civil Servants free to do things like join protests in Wi?

  195. Anonymous3:28 PM

    She makes it sound as if all she has to do is decide to be president and it'll be. What a megalomaniac, and bizarre sense of entitlement she has. I hope she runs and is made mincemeat of long before Obama has to be the one to do so. Either way I look forward to the day when she's no longer around.

    And WTH is up with her leatherwear? Does she really think looking like a phony Botoced librarian dominatrix really appeal to that broad of an audience? Sarah, if you or your evil spawn are reading this, you look "hard." And not in a good way.

  196. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Am I mistaken or didn't she claim to be breastfeeding Trig? Even had a breast pump and everything?

    And breast pumps are available for free through WIC programs. Of course, they're usually a piece of crap.

  197. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I'm sick of $arah Palin blaming the "liberal media" for people not liking her. She is so arrogant and delusional. We've seen the real Palin. We know the real $arah Palin through her ignorant twittering, her ghost-written books, and hateful Facebook rants, her live appearances on Faux News, and of course her ridicuous t.v. show. After all that, America still doesn't like you, bitch!

  198. Anonymous3:39 PM

    2:50 PM,

    Yes, it is too late to repair her image, and her sagging poll numbers. But, she will never tone it down. Ms. "Blood Libel" can't help herself. Just wait until the primaries.

  199. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "... who she would back if she doesn't run."

    “I don’t have a name to give you right now, but what I would look for in character is someone who’s been on the front lines understanding how to administer and how to lead a team...."

    1) "... I don’t have a name to give you right now..." WTF? Is Palin telling America that no one in the GOP or not one Teabagger is qualified to be president? This may be the first time I agree with Palin.

    "... I don’t have a name to give you right now..."
    Oh shit, Palin went against Ronald Reagan's beliefs and is talking bad about Republicans.

    2)"...I would look for in character is someone who’s been on the front lines understanding how to administer and how to lead a team....". Okay, I guess Sarah Palin just ruled herself out of the POTUS race. Anybody who would pick Todd Palin to be in charge of SarahPac is ignorant and not qualified to be POTUS. What Sarah is telling America is that she does not know what it takes to run a team - an organization if she thinks a 14 ft fence builder is qualied to run SarahPac. Todd was on SarahPac's payroll to launder money those dumbass teabaggers gave to SarahPac and now Sarah has Bristol in on the action. Next year we will probably see Willow getting a check from SarahPac.


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