Friday, February 25, 2011

Move over Sarah Palin because the "King of the Birthers" has just thrown his hat into the ring for 2012.

Wow!  I had no idea that Orly Taitz had a sex change.

This guy was a batshit crazy Obama hating racist back when being a batshit crazy Obama hating racist was still cool.  You know before all the GOP kids started doing it.

Check out this article from 2008 courtesy of the New York Times:

Though he is not a lawyer, Mr. Martin went on to become a prodigious filer of lawsuits, and he made unsuccessful attempts to win public office for both parties in three states, as well as for president at least twice, in 1988 and 2000. Based in Chicago, he now identifies himself as a writer who focuses on his anti-Obama Web site and press releases.

Mr. Martin, in a series of interviews, did not dispute his influence in Obama rumors.

“Everybody uses my research as a takeoff point,” Mr. Martin said, adding, however, that some take his writings “and exaggerate them to suit their own fantasies.”

As for his background, he said: “I’m a colorful person. There’s always somebody who has a legitimate cause in their mind to be angry with me.”

You know now that I think about it this guy pretty much encompasses the modern day GOP in one one crazy ass little nutshell.  If the Republicans were really honest with the American voters THIS would absolutely be their nominee in 2012.


  1. Anonymous4:35 AM

    The GOP always has crazy people running and I am pretty sure the Dems have no one as crazy as Alan Keyes or this guy.

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Are you bitter because no matter how hard you try, your efforts will never destroy the palin family? Sarah may not have a political career (does she even want one?) but her family is not weak. So stop with the cruel, unnecessary rumors. It only makes you look like Hitler.

  3. "Though he's not a lawyer" Yeah Well the reason he's NOT a lawyer is because he was REFUSED a license in IL. Refused because he was unstable. But that never kept Andy out of the courtrooms in Chicago. He was know for screaming at judges. Particularly known for screaming anti-Semitic garbage at judges. He was also kicked out of courtrooms. Andy was considered a vexatious litigant<-- an idiot that files crap lawsuits and annoys the court.

    He doesn't know Obama. In fact he knows nothing. He's an unbalanced lunatic on the same level as Sarah Palin. The difference is NO ONE here in IL was foolish enough to elect him to anything. AK can't say that.

    Ignore him. He's nothing but a clown act that will be gone soon.

  4. Anonymous5:06 AM

    So here's my qualification: I don't think the Prez is a citizen? That's it? My 8 year old nephew must be qualified too, since he's being indoctrinated to hate democrats, non-christians, and health care providers. I'd like to adopt him, but unfortunately his biological contributors take precedence in spite of neglect, abuse, and utter ignorance

  5. He is a Republican as Fred Phelps is to Christianity.

  6. nancy5:31 AM

    To anon: 4:35

    The only one who resembles Hitler in deed, is your Queen TeaBagger Palin who singlehandedly started the teabagger revolution with her "Obama's not like us...he's pallin around with terrorists" hate rallies that made it mainstream acceptable to be openly hostile against Obama. As far as her family not being 'weak', we've all seen them in action. In all their trailer park glory. If you're paid to sing her undeserved praises to anyone who will listen, you're not making enough.

  7. Dear Anonymous (@ 4:35 am) I'd be interested in you listing out her strengths. I have a few to start you out with:
    1) Uneducated.
    2) Quitter.
    3) Liar.
    4) Bat shit crazy.

    Feel free to add to the list.

  8. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Why do republicans fear INTELLIGENT people? They certainly attract the nuts. Maybe it is because the democratic voters recognize mediocrity and stupidity and will not tolerate it in their politicians? Think of who speaks for the repubs. Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, O'Rielly all windbags who can not hold a candle to the President's intellect.

  9. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Did you see this on eGryph?

  10. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Anon at 4:35 Nobody is trying to destoy the Palin family. This dysfunctional crew are doing that themselves. Unwed mothers, vandalizing kids, hooker-visiting father, absentee mother. They do not need ANY help from us. They are trailer trash with money. In fact, I have known people who lived in trailer parks who had more CLASS than the Palins, plus more pride in themselves and their children.

  11. angela6:00 AM

    Anon 4:35
    Her family is still strong?!!? OMG . . . funny!

    Todd finds warmth under women he has to pay, Track had to destroy school buses to tell mommy how much he hated her, Bristol got knocked up at sixteen, Willow loves a little vandalism and homophobia. Poor Piper was used as a shield so much she almost morphed into a physical mirror of Sarah. And I won't even go there with that poor baby
    who has been used as a prop more than anyone.

    The only thing strong about them is their hold on Granny Grifter as long as she's pulling in the money
    and helps them get some for themselves. As long as Sarah gets paid they'll go through ANY humiliation with her.

  12. Anonymous6:24 AM

    4:35 am - posted by Mansewer or Bristol Palin

    Bitter tea maybe? Sara just like Hitler, you betcha.

  13. Anonymous6:28 AM

    The Palins have been prostituting themselves on tv and everywhere, no one has to try to ruin them; they are all doing it on their own.

  14. Anonymous6:30 AM

    By the way, I saw a picture of Todd's iron dog machine. It has a banner painted on it that says "stud boy". Is he advertising or what?

  15. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Looney Tunes should be the name of the republican party now.

  16. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Anonymous said...

    By the way, I saw a picture of Todd's iron dog machine. It has a banner painted on it that says "stud boy". Is he advertising or what?

    6:30 AM

    SP stop giving Todd money.
    Todd trying to get freebies.

  17. scarlet/oregon7:50 AM

    Sean Hannity pals around with Andy Martin and Jerome Corsi..2 really lowlifes who were welcome on Hannity's show during the election. Wonder if Hannity will choose his 'friend' Martin over his dreamgirl $arah?

  18. Anonymous8:30 AM

    So the dude launches his campaign and the first thing he can say is "where is the president's birth certificate"?

    That's some message!

  19. I've always said Orly Taitz was a guy anyway; just look at him/her!

  20. Anonymous9:33 AM

    What in the hell is going on with these horrible people on the right? They are batshit crazy. I'm sure the protection for President Obama and family has been increased...I so worry for the first family.

    Some of these awful people have a place waiting for them in hell! Sorry, my commentary sounds tough, but I'm sick this stuff is allowed in the U.S. - even though we have free press - enough is enough.

    Between Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly...the person who yelled "When is Obama going to be shot?" - Boehner, and on and on and on.

    This rehetoric is increasing and I have great fear for what could be in our future.

  21. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Anon4:35am: Godwins Law fail.

    swwnbn's worst enemy is herself; Gryphen just reports the facts and comments humorously on her trashy ways.

    Sometimes he does not even have to comment.

    A picture is often worth a thousand words, and her spoiled three-year self, running around in a 47 year old body is revealed to all to see.

  22. Gasman11:25 AM

    Martin: "Everybody uses my research as a takeoff point.”

    RESEARCH!? Batshit crazy conspiracy theories pulled from his ass do not constitute "research." He is simply an ignorant racist whose worst nightmare came true when the country elected a black POTUS. His febrile fantasies are but manifestations of his fetid, pus filled tiny little soul.

    Martin: “I’m a colorful person."

    What color might Martin be? Offhand, I'd say he's some revolting shade of turd.

  23. Anonymous1:28 PM

    This race is going to be interesting...the GOPers will be trying to top each other for the most insane claim about the President, to prove that they really, really, no REALLY would do a good job running the country that the previous GOP admin ran nearly into the ground. Yes, after what the new GOP governors are doing to end the middle class, it will take some real insanity for any Republican to be elected in 2012.
    That said, and off topic, can you imagine someone from another country coming over here to give a speech entitled, "My Vision for Hungary?" or "My Vision for Iran?"
    What media would cover that? Fox wouldn't.

  24. Anonymous1:42 PM

    4:35 #2, and your references to Hitler only make you look more stupid.

    Any way you look at it, the Palins have become the laughing stock of the country.

  25. Anonymous5:21 PM

    THat may be the explanation for $carah's supposed India trip, 1:42 p.m.

    She's run out of audiences here who won't laugh. IN Indian, some of her stupid could be attributed to "translation error."


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