Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Rachel Maddow continues to shine the light on how domestic terrorism is being used to further the cause of the pro-life movement.
You know I am also against the taking of a human life. I think if you asked almost every American they would say the same.
And I am especially protective of the life of a child, or infant. And once again I am confident that most of us share that same impulse to protect those who are so small and defenseless from harm. I would say it is a very human quality, but in fact there is evidence to suggest it is one that we share with many of this planet's creatures. It is a very primitive instinct to protect our young, and even to protect the offspring of others.
However it is only in the last few decades that a fetus, still completely unable to survive outside of its mother's body, has been considered to have the same right to life that those of us who have successfully emerged from the birth canal have enjoyed. And this relatively new concept is certainly not backed up by scientific evidence. Nope only emotion and the apparent belief that babies are planted directly into the mother's womb by the hand of God.
In fact some of these pro-life zealots are now advocating that since they believe a life begins at conception that even taking the "morning after" pill would constitute committing murder.
Can you imagine?
They equate the termination of a small bundle of cells to be on par with killing a fully functioning human being.
Which made me reflect on today's horrible story of the brutal rape and beating inflicted on CBS News Correspondent Lara Logan by an out of control mob while she was covering the liberation of Egypt. This brave young woman was brutalized by a group of animals for no other reason than the fact that they could.
As Ms. Logan is treated for her injuries, and provided counseling, one of the treatments she will be offered will be some version of the "morning after pill." I doubt that too many among us would fault this woman for quickly taking that preventative measure and sparing herself the agony of finding that she was carrying the child of one of her attackers. However if the rabid pro-life movement had their way, this option would no longer be available in the United States.
It is time that we started educating people concerning the difference between "potential" life and "actual" life. Lara Logan, like many women who are raped each year, is a living breathing human being whose life, and quality of life, should be in her hands, and not something to be decided by those who believe that a potential life takes precedent over the life and emotional well being of its mother . Especially if that life was placed there through an act of degradation and violence.
Lara Logan,
Rachel Maddow
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Thank you for the comment on Rachel. I have been a fan of hers since she started at MSNBC as a fill-in for the other commentators.
ReplyDeleteAs for Lara - I have tears in my eyes right now just thinking about what happened to that lovely lady. I am grateful for those who rescued her.
Amen to that, Gryphen. And if I may, a word to those Christian zealots.
ReplyDeleteYou are driving people away from Christianity in droves. You are not convincing people that Christ is the light and the way. Your twisted hatred is anything but Christ-like. I say this as a devout Christian. We were given free choice for a reason. Abortion is between a woman and God not between a woman and government. Furthermore, regarding the legislation pending in South Dakota, killing in the name of Christ? Seriously? It is the new anti-Christianity. Check yourselves for the "Mark of the Beast."
I've been sitting here trying to write something, but this whole culture war thing just makes me so mad I could spit. When I see these nasty, self-righteous people trying to take away my legal right to control my own body, I just start mumbling to myself, "bobbittate, bobbittate..."
ReplyDeleteI read about that CBS correspondent's brutal attack yesterday. It is horrifying and must illustrate the beauty of a free society, that women and children can walk among the public freely without fear of subjugation.
ReplyDeleteWe must be able to pursue life, liberty and happiness the way Sarah's kind portends to value this section in the Declaration of Independence. These Foot Washers are just as black and white and narrowly defined by the Bible as they are with the Constitution.
When a collective group organizes to threaten the safety of law abiding (or even otherwise) citizens of this country, they are simply terrorists - an enemy of the State as much as the boogeyman of color from somewhere else.
The pro-life, anti-abortion movement was concocted by some zealous American evangelists. Namely, Frank Shaeffer. He admits to this in his book Crazy for God. This group started to politicize abortion mainly to advance evangelical Christianity for money.
ReplyDeleteFYI. I believe that the most recent news update said that the assault wasn't "rape". Not that it wasn't horrific, but my understanding is that she wouldn't need any "morning after" pill. Just a heads up in case people start to argue the point.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, let me correct you on one point:
ReplyDeleteThe "morning after" pill is contraception, not abortion. Ejaculation does not equal conception.
Unlike many so called "conservatives", I think that abortions should be safe, legal, and rare. And thankfully Lara Logan has the option to get the "morning after" pill, and health insurance too.
ReplyDeleteThere have been few more radical and nasty views in the news on this topic than Sharron Angle, who would even force raped children of 11 or 12 years old to bring the baby to term.
Let us not forget that the Sarah Palins and Sharron Angles of the world would turn the USA into a theocracy if they could. It is the open secret behind much of what they do.
What I really dread is seeing the very far right politicians conflate their religion with politics, and advocate dominionism and Christian supremacy by fiat in the US congress
I am sure many of the IM readers are Christian, and I don't mean any offend to anyone. My reading of the Christ's encounter with Mary Magdalene would never lead me to believe she was being condemned, or judged harshly, or denigrated as so many in the Pro-life movement have done to others with differing viewpoints.
There is a reason that courts (So far) have interpreted the 1st amendment to the constitution to include separation of church and state.
I agree. Well said - except for calling the woman whose womb might have those very cells after a rape, "the mother." That plays right into the domestic terrorists' vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteA woman is not really a mother until she has given birth. Until then, we always say she is an expectant mother -- someone who is expecting being a mother. It is not a done deal until after the birth has successfully occurred. Just saying.
4:11 - well said!
ReplyDeleteGreat post Gryphen.
ReplyDeleteIts interesting how the unborn tend to be more important to many--not all-- of these nuts than the poor women and children suffering in this country. An inordinate amount of pro-lifers don't believe in social programs and want to cut poor women and their children off of aid. Many of them don't believe in birth control.
It seems their zealotry stops at birth. Hungry, uneducated children with no good health care is usually of no concern to them.
I not Amazed it's the norm it seems, in every state -everywhere. They (the TeaPublicans) seek to divide ALL Political Parties, all to add strength to their own. And Republicans aren't the only ones getting suckered in. Were their plan to material, they could pull it off. We need to organize now not later
ReplyDeleteNot that we needs anything new to add to the list of their racist acts. Now they seek to do to us what "Clearnce Thomas' once accused Dems of doing to him.
Yeap! Its 'highTech' lynching time!
...but this time they will simply use political office & influence to go back to the 'so called time' when our country, this country was 'discovered. Or even before that...Back to the time of Jesus. You know - except he lives in this country - then the founding fathers met with Jesus for the last supper, and then they wrote all the legal documents that connect us & our rights
They think that they discovered America, (believe it) No wonder they want to re-tell history. Oh, and they want to leave out mentions of All the Nations of people already living and carying for/in this country/land...anything prior to their arrival is discounted.
The only way to combat this is to remain or get active locally- for eSample - attend area school board meetings. You don't have to be a parent. And get this, this very thing is what they are doing to gain influence on society on all levels. They are counting on us/everyone else to take our future for granted. We can't afford that...Now is the time!
Religion is brutal. Religion kills, because it convinces people that what they are reading is the truth and absolute fact.
ReplyDeleteThe book "The God Delusion" explains through out history Religion kills and destroys people in the name of God or some person.
And it is ok. In the book there is a chapter on how these Godly saviors of the fetus don't care what happens to the baby when it is born. Just want it to be born.
These same people think killing in war is ok you just cannot kill a fetus. And what pisses me off the most is MEN telling women what they can and cannot do.
Theses people are whacked individuals that are basing their choices on words from a book. Do they believe in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny?
Why? Because someone told them they were true! So just bacause there are people all over the world reading books about Jesus and Allah and God how do you know those are TRUTH?????
I'm a twenty something woman, and recently I needed to take the morning after pill. I did not think of it as anything close to murder or wrong. I do NOT use it as my first means of contraception and nor does ANY woman, unlike what the conservatives will have you believe - that woman use the morning after pill and actual ABORTION as birth control! Of course, these are disgusting lies.
ReplyDeleteIt is also a disgusting lie on the part of the conservatives that liberals are 'pro abortion' and 'hate babies' etc. This disgusting hate speech is becoming more and more common. Liberals, or indeed anyone, are NOT pro abortion. No one is. But they know sometimes women NEED them, and if they are not given access to safe and legal abortions, they will be forced to turn to illegal, unsafe ones, and perhaps die as a result, or likely rendered infertile.
No one likes the idea of abortion. It really shocks me that my choice, made a few months ago to use the morning after pill, is considered murder to some hateful people. In fact, at the time I was doing the responsible thing. Abortions are legal and safe and easily available where I live so I could've saved the money and taken the gamble and, if I found I was pregnant later, had an abortion. But I did the RESPONSIBLE thing.
THis is how we know these people are not about saving fetuses, but rather about taking away womens rights! If they were REALLY trying to reduce the number of aborted fetuses, they would ENCOURAGE contraception like the morning after pill! Which is (I think) simply preventing the implantation of a fertilised egg. Instead these people want more unwanted pregnancies, more suffering, more abortions so they can bleat about the high stats and have more ammo to take away MORE RIGHTS!!!
THanks Gryphen!
She really freaked me out last night when she did the big intro about John Boehner not doing his job: "I'm going to talk about something that no one else is talking about, and I can't figure it out. We've worked to disprove it, and we can't.." etc. etc. I yelled out, scaring my dog, "OMG, it's going to be Palin!!" Sigh.
ReplyDeleteThe way I read it, it was reported as a "brutal and sustained sexual assault." Now, maybe they didn't use the word "rape," but I don't even want to know what the difference between "rape" and "brutal and sustained sexual assault" could possibly be. And if it was so traumatic that it required a hospital stay to recover, it was pretty horrific. (Other "rape" victims are usually seen, exams done, "stabilized," and sent home.)
ReplyDeleteBut, if the Republican whack jobs change the language, as they propose to in this "abortion bill"--would this horrible experience qualify as "forcible" rape? Will the description by police or reporters be used to qualify which type of "rape" it was--or will doctors be the ones to decide? Or will it matter at all?
I am decidedly pro-life--it may be a "bundle of cells," but that bundle of cells doesn't have the potential to turn into anything but a human person (can't become a turtle). But I'm also a believer that abortion CANNOT be illegal. It is beyond cruel to force a girl/woman to carry a child resulting from an abusive encounter--"forcible" or not. (What the hell does that mean??? These people are frickin' nuts!)
These whack job morons claim to believe in God--a higher all-knowing power in charge of everything. But then they try to take His job. If I were God, I'd be a little pissed about that.
They're not pro-life, they're anti-abortion. Every time we use the term pro-life we're giving greater legitimacy to their cause. Until they're ready to renounce capital punishment and war, they're definitely NOT pro-life.
ReplyDeleteThe Human Resources subcommittee of the Iowa Legislature this week introduced legislation that sets the beginning of life at the moment of conception. Needless to say, I've emailed both my state rep and the chair of that subcommittee.
ReplyDeleteSadly, many states are now trying to circumvent the law of the land, or at the very least, make abortions nearly impossible to get.
I haven't figured out how the small government Republicans are going to possibly monitor each and every time two Iowans "do the nasty", to see if a conception occurs, and then to continue to monitor that pregnancy, to insure that a living child results. My, my, my, they're going to be busy, aren't they? Probably won't have time to create jobs.
@5:52 Forcible rape includes oral, anal, and/or vaginal penetration.
ReplyDeleteYou said: "However if the rabid pro-life movement had their way, this option would no longer be available in the United States."
ReplyDeleteOf course it will be available in the United States. Sadly, only to women who have the financial means to afford them.
Don't you just wish you could be a fly on the wall of all these extremist politicians? I have no doubt that at least some of them have at some time in their lives found themselves in the very situation they're trying to abolish.
I'm forever baffled that ANY woman could support political candidates who desire to shackle our freedoms and lead us back to the stone age.
Folks, they are not pro life, they are anti women. They'd rather the woman die than save her life by an abortion.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as the kid is born, they wash their collective hands of it until it might reach 18. Then they send it off to kill other people in other countries. If if makes a huge mistake and kills someone else (not an abortion doctor as that's okay), they might want to kill it via the death penalty.
No way are they pro life in any sense.
Anonymous @5:52 AM
ReplyDeleteActually, based on the definition you just gave, you're pro-choice.
Being pro-choice means you believe that women should have the choice to either end a pregnancy or keep a pregnancy.
"Pro-life" is a misnomer, as is the conservative epithet "Pro-abortion". Very few people are actually pro-abortion, just as very few people are actually NOT pro-life.
Almost no woman WANTS to have an abortion. It's not a goal to reach for. It's a tough, painful, agonizing decision.
Being pro-choice means that you respect the ability of a woman to make that decision, whatever decision she comes to.
So welcome to the pro-choice club.
Did anyone see Lawrence O'Donnell's interview with Lisa Eisenstein from "House?" They showed an ad that Lisa starred in for the pro-choice movement. Very telling. Lisa's reason for appearing in the ad: "I'm a woman and I want to retain my choice."
ReplyDeleteAnd Rachel's piece on the "pro-life" movement was excellent. Problem is: the people who should be watching it were all tuned into Fox or some other lame-brained piece of nonsense served up at 9:00 p.m. EST.
So can these "life is at conception" people contemplate arresting God? He kills more embryos than anyone. Doctors say that over half of all fertilized embryos (Babies!!) are naturally aborted for many reasons and sometimes, no reason is found.
ReplyDeleteDoctors tell women not to tell anyone about the pregnancy until they reach the 13th week because so many end in miscarriage before that.
So, this god....sure kills a lot of babies.
If Lara Logan were impregnated by a rapist(s) seed, you can fucking believe that the rabid right would be clamoring to find a "white out" for her, and quick! These laws are identical to the laws passed in Hitler's Germany. It was all about "mother's virtue" to have as many babies as possible. Abortion was outlawed for germans, but advanced for jews and "others". Their agendas are eerily similar.
ReplyDeleteI just called my Congressman at his D.C. office to say "No" to the GOP effort to strip Planned Parenthood of funding. All of you who care about women being able to be tested for HIV & STDs, plan for families, and other reproduction issues should call your representative NOW - TODAY and express your support for funding Planned Parenthood!
ReplyDeletea well deserved thanks Gyph. for giving a victims perspective in this article..
ReplyDeleteThank you for bringing attention to vitally important issue. I wish more people would highlight this.
ReplyDeleteI've never met a pro-choice person who thought it was a good choice.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about legislating morality for the anti-choice crowd.
Excellent comments.
ReplyDeleteI want to point out that many "pro-lifers" believe life begins at fertilization and therefore consider the morning after pill, plus normal birth control pills to be (Chemical Abortion) abortifacient. Since these drugs do not PREVENT the fertilization from occurring, it only keeps cells from attaching to the uterus.
I believe state legislatures which are attempting to re-define "life" to "conception" are laying groundwork for not only outlawing Roe v Wade - but ANY method of birth control other than barrier or abstinance.
So for me, at least, they are attempting to deny women not only the right to choose - but the right to decide "if & when" in the first place! Then redefine "rape"
- women become incubators and warped visions of "The Handmaidens Tale"
Very important critical distinction about the "morning-after pill." This is not a question of semantics or definition - this is real.
ReplyDeleteThe morning-after pill is nothing more than the hormones in regular monthly birth-control pills. It does nothing to a "cluster of cells" or a beginning embryo. Here's how it works.
When a large dose is taken one time, the hormones affect the lining of the uterus, which makes it less likely that a cluster of cells (if there is one) will implant.
That's all. It's not an abortifacient, and it doesn't always work.
When I can opt to transfer over a pregnancy to the man responsible, I'll give him a say in what happens to me.
Here's the bottom line:
If men were pregnant, or accountable physically and financially, restricted in their activities, goals, education, needed babysitters and car seats, abortion wouldn't even be a question.
Make no mistake - men DO CHOOSE.
And when they CHOOSE to parent an unplanned pregnancy, they are _heroes_! Given all kinds of credit - MORE opportunity, not less. Their CHOICE makes them men of character and they are rewarded with better jobs and advancement, training programs, top of the list for daycare programs and assistance all over the place.
When a man writes on his resume "Single parent of two lovely daughters...", he's a Rockstar, it gets him hired!
If a woman puts that on a resume, they wonder if she can handle the long hours, travel and absence that would be required.
Hey! GOP! the jobs you are looking for are not in my womb.
ReplyDeleteTypical fundamentalist religious zealotry! As Nobel laureate physicist Steven Weinberg said, “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil—that takes religion.”
ReplyDeleteGood comments.
ReplyDeleteHere's three words that sum it up for me: Every pregnancy wanted.
Intentional or unplanned, single or married. Adopting out to a deserving couple. Doesn't matter.
I'm committed to PRO-LIFE. I'm equally fiercely PRO-CHOICE.
Finding yourself unintentionally pregnant means making _choices_. Becoming a parent or having a baby and giving it up for adoption. Weighing out what happens next.
Women who do not wish to continue pregnancies seek abortions. The reasons don't matter and are of no consequence to anyone else; it's personal.
The act of producing a living human child is much more serious than the act of having an abortion. One has to DO something with this living breathing baby. You can't just stick it in the corner while you figure it out.
But that's exactly what half of this country does. Babies that cannot be provided for, unwanted children living in difficult circumstances, sky-rocketing child abuse and neglect rates across America. Children left in cars and locked in closets. Babies untended. Good Christians, there are not enough adoptive and foster homes and institutions to provide for all these children. We're turning into another Romania.
Every pregnancy wanted.
How do we do that?
1. Reasonable adequate accessible birth-control and family planning.
2. Real information about reproductive responsibility to teens before they're sexually active.
3. Accessible, affordable, safe abortion services.
Each man and woman decides for themselves what their personal philosophy is on life, conception, birth control, and abortion.
I don't tell you what to think and you don't tell me what to think.
It's kind of like global warming. It'll take time to see subtle changes, but I'm convinced there would ultimately be positive change and greater responsibility, indeed increased abstinence, less sexual predation and child abuse.