Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fourth search warrant released in case against Peacemaker's militia members reveals new, and chilling, details about murder plot.

From Alaska Dispatch:

The fourth federal search warrant to be unsealed in connection with weapons and murder plot charges levied earlier this month in federal court against a handful of Fairbanks-based militia members reveals new details about how Lonnie and Karen Vernon of Salcha allegedly planned to kill a federal judge and his family members. The new documents also show that the Vernons were betrayed by someone they knew. One of the informants the government used to build its case was not only a member of the Alaska Peacekeeper Militia, a group Vernon and others charged in the case belong to, but was also a coworker of Lonnie Vernon's on a recent construction job.

Now I have had some fun at the expense these militia idiots, pointing out how disorganized they were, how crazily conspiratorial their thinking was, and how easily they were manipulated by the FBI. But make no mistake these guys were definitely dangerous.

Especially this Lonnie Vernon guy who decided that it was better to murder multiple innocent people rather than be forced to pay his taxes.

As militia members discussed the situation, including a member who was secretly working for government investigators and who was also a construction co-worker of Lonnie Vernon's, Lonnie Vernon said no matter what happened, he would win, according to Westerhaus's version of events. And, a new silencer Vernon had ordered would come in handy in waging his battle.

"Vernon said that every day of his life the judge would be looking for that silencer to hit him in the back of his head," Westerhaus wrote in his affidavit to the court. "Vernon also said the judge is trying to play God over his family."

Vernon also threatened to kill members of the judge's family, the receptionist at the IRS office and an IRS agent, authorities say.

The informant had also reported that the Vernons had "numerous handguns, shotguns and assault rifles that were strategically placed at doors and windows," and that Vernon had said "he has designed his house as an ambush site and added that if 'the feds' show up he would do harm to them."

"Lonnie Vernon described his plan to kill all of Judge Beistline's family on one coordinated operation," begins Westerhaus's narrative of the events that day. "Vernon said that he would need (the confidential source's) and Coleman Barney's assistance to strike three residences at once."

The Vernons' plan called for Karen Vernon to drop her husband off near a dark area close to the home of one of Beistline's relatives, where two children also lived. Lonnie Vernon would then break into the house, "shoot everyone in the head with his new silencer" and burn the house down using glass jars filled with gasoline.

Authorities also say Vernon then tasked Barney and the informant with killing two other family members of the judge, who lived in separate houses. Lonnie Vernon handed the informant a piece of paper with addresses and descriptions of the people who lived there, and Karen gave directions to the locations, according to the affidavit in support of the search warrant.

I would hope that there is a very definite line that MOST anti-government wingnuts recognize between wanting the Federal and local government to leave them alone, and the decision to MAKE them leave them alone by murdering their children.

I have heard these "2nd Amendment Task Force" guys, and Teabaggers talk about using their second amendment rights to stand up to government intrusion into their lives, but the idea that meant murdering judges in their homes and slaughtering their children never really occurred to me.

So far there has been a deafening silence coming from local militia members and members of the 2nd Amendment Task Force concerning these arrests.  However I would like to have it clarified if THIS kind of aggression directed toward law enforcement officials is something they condone or something they abhor like the rest of the American citizens?

America awaits your reply gentlemen.


  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    these types of people make decent and mature tea party members and republicans look horrible. but there are wingnuts in every group

  2. Anonymous8:40 AM

    This kind of story makes me understand a little bit more about why so many Alaskans are afraid of the Palins and why they won't tell the world what criminals they are. I live in a small town and I know that if you speak out, you will pay a price. Very chilling.

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Thanks for keeping those of us who are outside Alaska informed about this truly frightening case. If they had been Muslims this story would have dominated the news.Instead, we got endless Charlie Sheen coverage. I wonder if Fox would call them "Christian terrorist plotters"?

  4. Anonymous8:43 AM

    "Vernon also said the judge is trying to play God over his family."

    You see what it comes down to - those of us who are of the "Immoral Minority?"

    According to people like Sarah Palin (and don't accuse me of putting words in her mouth or misinterpreting what she's been shoving down our throats for the last two years) WE are the godless ones, the ones who aren't American enough, faithful enough, patriotic enough or good enough via Christian principles to be a part of their America.

    Last time I checked, I didn't just not fantasize about cold killing members of Law & Order, I didn't map it out on a greasy napkin from Denny's.

    These jingoist, xenophobic, racist and rhetorically or physically violent jackaholes like Wasilla Bible Church member Wes Keller, Palmer Representative Carl Gatto and Bob Lynn, Johansen and Millet who are clearly NOT ADULTS should not be representing Alaskans in Juneau.

    But unlike these 'sovereigns' my actions aren't violent, they are vocal, financial and will be dealt with by my vote.

  5. Bear Woman8:48 AM

    Bravo Gryph! Time these supporters of militias and the 2nd Amendment Task Force be called out and asked that question. Ladies & gentlemen, do you believe in the rhetoric you spout or are you just another mouthy wanna-be?

    Hope if any of them run for public office of any sort, that the media and anyone attending a meeting ask if they stand by their statements regarding "2nd amendment remedies."

  6. angela8:54 AM

    This is pretty ugly. These people were willing to kill children and whole families.

    I live in Ohio so this doesn't shock me. We had some of the Hutaree militia in the state and a whole lot more militia creeps. I remember when their mugshots and their compound was shown, everyone laughed. They all looked inbred and their "compound" was a rural slum-But they were dangerous as hell.

    Losers, but dangerous, because they were losers.

  7. Olivia9:00 AM

    I will never understand why these imbeciles never get to the part in their thinking that would tell them that if they kill someone, people still won't leave them alone. When on earth has it ever happened in Alaska or anywhere in the US that someone commits mass murder and everyone in authority is intimidated and goes away quietly? Are they all brain damaged?

  8. jeez. Yeah, I would like to know what the other militia types think too. If teabaggers can go around demanding that "moderate" members of the Muslim community need to speak out against extremists in their midst, then let's see the same expectation here. Can't have it both ways. If you militia types don't speak out against this crap, then YOU are also part of the extremists. Isn't that how your logic works? According to all of these so-called "patriots" around the country, you have to stand up and say whether you are on the right side or not.

  9. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Appears the jail sentence is getting longer and longer with each piece of information released.

    These guys deserve every year in prison they get.

  10. Anonymous9:59 AM

    "decent and mature tea party members"

    Now there's an oxymoron - accent on MORON.

  11. These supposed "Christians"! Where did Jesus ever say that it was ok to kill people if they didn't agree with you?

  12. Anonymous10:26 AM

    How many of these people are typically members of the Alaskan Independence Party? Just curious (and you can imagine why!)

  13. Does it occur to them that the roads they drive on are paid for with tax dollars?

  14. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Anon 8:37: "these types of people make decent and mature tea party members and republicans look horrible. but there are wingnuts in every group"

    Most tea party members and republicans are gun fanatics who despise government. This isn't a conservative "wingnut" platform, it IS the conservative platform.

  15. Anonymous10:31 AM

    This is the underbelly of the rightwing that they half-heartedly try to hide...but not that much. Except when the government puts out a report on the very real dangers of these psychopaths; then the rightwing comes out in droves to clamor in protest.

  16. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Just a thought regarding "...and burn the house down using glass jars filled with gasoline."

    What were the causes of that fire at Palin's church and also, the house fire which killed Darlene "Dar" Miller, the hospice nurse who died in a Wasilla house fire on January 6, 2009?

    I know this may be a reach, but if bottles of gasoline were involved....ding ding ding...

  17. A J BIllings11:47 AM

    hi Gryphen

    I'm concerned that you may become a target for one of these 2nd amendment nutcases who think that guns are the best tool for any dispute. (like Sharron Angle)

    Maybe stop covering this story now?

    Alaska grape vine could leak your articles back to some sympathetic crazies who weren't arrested.

    They could target you. If they were very clever and VERY patient, I can think of several ways they could cause much serious harm to you and your family.

    Criticizing Palins and RAM for the political failures they are is one thing, but these types are dangerous, irrational, and fanatics.

    FYI, I am *not* sympathetic to their cause, and am not one of the nutcases being coy.
    Simply pointing out the potential

    thanks for such a great blog, and all the work and research

  18. Let's see how tough and brave these guys will be without their guns and buddies behind bars when some guy makes them his bitch.

    As for the guy's wife, from what I understand, women can be even more brutal on incoming newbies.


  19. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Just saw a bumper sticker over at the "Liberal Store" I may order:

    "Freedom is not Free - so quit whining and pay your taxes!"

  20. majii1:48 PM

    I know some of these extremist militia types have children and other family members, but it seems as if they are afterthoughts, replaced by their anger at the government, the way their lives turned out, or SOMETHING. They seem to be some of the most selfish people on the planet. They don't think about the effect(s) their actions may have on their children, their parents, their siblings, or other family members. Maybe it's because I was raised to never behave in a way that could embarrass the family that explains why I don't understand these folks. Now that they're facing long prison sentences, if convicted, they'll have plenty of time to reflect on the foolishness of their thinking and actions.

  21. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Sorry to double post.
    Not sure how it happened.

  22. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Anonymous at 8:43 AM said:

    *But unlike these 'sovereigns' my actions aren't violent, they are vocal, financial and will be dealt with by my vote.*

    Which would be OK if the voting machines hadn't already been subverted. Diebold promised and delivered more than one election to teabagger wannabes and the machines are just as hackable but not verifiable today as they were then.

  23. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Your closing line of your writing Gryphen, "America awaits your reply gentlemen.", appears to be wrong in that they've jumped the shark of just being the male gender.

    How many more wives and girlfriends have joined a la 'Karen Vernon'.

  24. Ripley3:36 PM

    Not sure if this is in the comments yet, but "Construction Job"???? Could these be Todd's "buddies" who helped build his house????

  25. LOL! I misread "decent and mature tea party members" as "decent and MANURE tea party members."

    Well, tea baggers are truly full of manure.

    On a more sober note: what is wrong with these people that they don't understand that they are committing sedition and treason? We can not take up arms against our own government. These people are no better than the Walker family, Jonathan Pollard, John Walker Lind...the list goes on & on.

  26. Anonymous4:12 PM

    What is most scary is that the Dominionists are creeping into every facet our our daily lives and governance because we as an electorate are falling asleep. Parnell is trying to get Haase appointed to the AK Judicial Council, Kenneth Kirk to APOC, we have Sullivan trying to pack the assembly and school board with Prevo and Changepoint candidates, we already have Kathleen Miller on the AK Judicial Council. We have to wake up, or it isn't going to be Sharia law you have to worry about.

  27. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Good thought Ripley.

    Construction at the Compound???

  28. TruthSeeker4:39 PM

    Two worthwhile thoughts worth looking further into:

    1.) Anonymous @ 11:43 AM
    Just a thought regarding "...and burn the house down using glass jars filled with gasoline."

    What were the causes of that fire at Palin's church and also, the house fire which killed Darlene "Dar" Miller, the hospice nurse who died in a Wasilla house fire on January 6, 2009?

    2.) Ripley @ 3:36 pm
    Not sure if this is in the comments yet, but "Construction Job"???? Could these be Todd's "buddies" who helped build his house????

  29. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Just saying these events reinforce the point it is unacceptable to spew violent rhetoric to take up arms, be dangerous, reload etc and put gun sights on people.

    Gryphen, when you are threatened by bots or when Joe McGinnis's grandchildren were targeted, what is so different with this militia group from Palin supporters?

    The information about this militia group has me thinking who Beck's and Palin's followers are. Also Todd Palin's associates with AIP.

  30. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Why isn't this story in the news?

  31. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Gryphen, your link to the Alaskan Citizens Militia sure has nothing to say about Cox and his cohorts. On their forum, they just point to an ADN article. That's all, no comments whatsoever. Funny that, guess they're not too interested in being outed as not so damn peaceful at all. For some group from Kenai supposedly with hundreds of members, seems the numbers are rather inflated.

    This 'commander', Norm Olson states he's a pastor! WTF?
    Weird ass that.

    It's one thing being able to survive in the bush, but this lot appear to be overly paranoid and jittery.
    Ease up on the coke and meth, friends of pastor Olson.

    I think Ripley's band of construction workers working on the grifters compound idea probably closer to truth than fiction.



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