Friday, March 18, 2011

This is a gay person. This is a gay person in a military uniform. Get used to it.

From the Huffington Post:

The Army has released its marching orders to train soldiers on how military life will look after the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy banning openly gay service members.

In a 30-page PowerPoint presentation obtained by HuffPost, the Army will enumerate for its troops -- from the front lines in Afghanistan to those sitting behind a desk back home -- the basics of how repeal will work, while underscoring that its purpose is "NOT to change beliefs."

Below is the PowerPoint presentation referenced above.

DADT Slideshow -

You know you have to admire the kind of no nonsense way the military handles changes to its policies.  Though it also makes me a little sad to realize how easy this would have been to implement twenty years ago.

Now if we can just repeal DOMA this will turn out to be the gayest Presidency in history.

Of course I mean that in a good way.


  1. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I just made the rounds on different blog comments. I love how anti palinites use and abuse others who merely voice an opinion. It doesn't matter if a person has personal experience, is completely objective or even just pointing out a documented fact. If there's is ANYTHING remotely objective or seemingly positive said about Sarah et al on a blog, these people WILL attack viciously and report the person for some unknown reason. THAT behavior or more like terrorism than what you've described here. No wonder certain people feel the need to defend themselves. It's not hard to find the real name behind the alias and believe me, their activity will not be forgotten.

  2. Anonymous5:36 AM


    "It's not hard to find the real name behind the alias and believe me, their activity will not be forgotten."

    Sound like a threat to me.

  3. Anonymous5:45 AM

    before DADT, there were gays and lesbians in the service. It's merely a return to normal. We recognized them, but there was no ostracism to speak of. I have no problem with anyone volunteering to serve.

  4. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I can't believe it is 2011 and we are still dealing with ignorant people who can't keep their nosy minds out of other people's personal lives. The faster we clean up nonsense such as DADT and DOMA, the faster we can move on to real issues. Unfortunately, it has to be done or we don't really have a Democracy.

  5. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Well, well, well - the US is finally catching up to the rest of the world. My goodness next thing ya know, you'll be using the metric system. Is American Exceptionalism code for Backwardness?

  6. Julie6:21 AM

    To 4:48 AM---

    Your post is frightening. Gryphen, have you reported this person to the proper authorities?

  7. Anonymous6:26 AM

    If the true intent had been there, this policy could have been changed with the stroke of a pen. The President gets a grudging nod for doing the right thing (too little, too late, and too reluctantly) but his reputation is forever tarnished in my eyes.
    And I'm a straight veteran who served proudly with both gays and lesbians who wanted nothing more than to serve the country that denigrated them and wanted the legal right to treat them as 'less than citizens.'
    The fact that the President chose not to follow Truman's lead tells me what his real feelings are. Can't fake that. Another poseur in the White House talking about equality and trading on exceptionalism.

  8. Sarah H6:52 AM

    It makes me sad that same sex significant others won't be able to live on base with their partners. I am SO ready for DOMA to be repealed. But I guess this is at least a step in the right direction.

  9. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Gee, 4:48, let's see: "It's not hard to find the real name behind the alias and believe me, their activity will not be forgotten" - do you even realize what you just said?

    1. You made a threat.
    2. If it is so easy to find the "real name," your name will be discovered and your activity will not be forgotten - by the police.
    3. Threats are illegal and punishable. So, get ready, baby, you just set yourself up if you really believe what you are saying.

    Why threaten people for voicing their opinions? You obviously do not like it when others disagree with you and you feel attacked.

    I suspect you need to chill out a bit and get some perspective. When people criticize Sarah Palin, they are criticizing her, not you. It's not personal to you. You have a right to your opinion.

    What you do not have, however, is a right to bully or threaten people - even people you perceive may have offended you or Sarah or even reported you. Do not become them, 4:48. Keep yourself above the fray and be a shining example of civility so those "other" people can learn from you and perhaps think better of people who like and support Sarah Palin. Rise above, don't go after others. It is unbecoming to you and to Sarah.

  10. Anonymous8:27 AM

    More foot dragging from the Military who are breaking the law by still implementing DADT and still keeping it as active policy.

    They cheated the law when DADT was the law by asking,and investigating and snooping and hacking.
    Now they cheat the law when DADT is against the law.

    Where is the CIC and Chief Executive?

    This was a policy that the militory should have war gamed 50 years, half a century, ago when being openly gay was becoming less ad less of a social issue, andwith full knowledge that gays were in the military.
    There is not excuse for them to have had moths and months of bureaucratic BS stalling their obeying the law.

    Small wonder they can't win wars, they are not well prepared,and are slow as sludge in responding to foreseeable changes,.

  11. Anonymous8:30 AM

    no. the hateful comments on this blog are frightening, as well as the complete denial of sinister behavior within the current admin

  12. Anonymous8:37 AM

    to 6:21, maybe next time Gryphen will think twice about sending a "friend" to spy on and take pictures of someone's home in AZ. Stalking is stalking. I am not a threat but there are tons of haters on twitter and blogs who definitely are. However, it is interesting getting to know the person behind blog aliases

  13. Anonymous8:41 AM

    @4:48 - Are you saying that because Sea of Pee now uses Disqus?

  14. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Threatening trolls have arrived. I guess pro-gay threads really get to Sarah Palin's few remaining people.

  15. honeybabe9:07 AM

    finally! we are not one brand or another of human....we are all human! what a great concept.

  16. Anonymous9:34 AM

    @4:48 - You can't make the rounds on all the anti-Palin blogs in one sitting. You should punch the term into Google, for example. There are 3,820,000 results given in 15 seconds. Good luck!

  17. Anonymous10:46 AM

    RE: Anonymous 6:26 A.M.: "If the true intent had been there, this policy could have been changed with the stroke of a pen."

    DADT was handled the right way. I (and most other Americans) don't want the POTUS to make these kind of changes with the "stroke of a pen."

    When the next POTUS changes policy with a "stroke of the pen," and you don't agree with that policy, I suspect that you will be screaming your freaking head off at his/her unilateral overreach.

  18. hauksdottir2:37 PM

    4:48 AM
    8:30 AM
    8:37 AM

    WOW: anonymous and menacing and vague nobodies flapping their toothless gums have lurched into the blogosphere.

    :ooooooh, shudder:

    So, we should shiver alone in silent fear. Isn't THAT the purpose of terrorism? To terrify a populace into silence and obedience?

    Well, guess what? While you (whether one person or a half-dozen inside the same braincase) huddle anonymously behind a proxy account and cup of coffee at an internet cafe, we are going about our lives and voicing our opinions. Freely. This is America.

  19. Beldar2:37 PM

    On the other hand: putative Great American Heroe(sic?) Gramps McCain says DADT works really, really, really, amazingly awesomely fantastically well and shouldn't be repealed (as it's being repealed....). Given his extraordinary experience crashing expensive military aircraft, shouldn't we be restoring and improving DADT in an angrier, more gay-hostile, more effective format? Maybe if our real American common-sense conservative troops didnt have to worry about catching the gay in foxholes, we could actually WIN that war in Afghanistan!!! (also, too....)

  20. Anonymous3:12 PM

    And, of course, the gay guy who is the new social director at the WH. They will no doubt have simply FAB.U.LOUS parties....and I mean that in a good fun way....:-)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.