Monday, April 11, 2011

Sarah Palin's transparent turnaround on the Birther issue catches the notice of ABC.

From ABC News:

In February, Palin said the "birther" issue was a "distraction" from the important issues.

"It's distracting. It gets annoying. Let's stick with what really matters," Palin said at an appearance at the Long Island Association.

Although she said she believes Obama was born in Hawaii, Palin seems to be reverting to her old position that it is fair game to ask the president for his birth certificate.

Maybe it has to do with Trump's surge in Republican polls, who is flying past her by most measurements.

Yeah I think it is as clear as can be that Palin is simply trying to tap into Trump's strange Birther inspired mojo.

However I don't think that Palin is really aware of WHY Trump has moved so far ahead in the polls.

You see the talking heads on the various news programs have it wrong.

It is NOT because he has gone full "Birther" that he is enjoying this surge in the polls.

It is because of the hair.

So if Palin REALLY wants to pull ahead of Donald Trump, I think she knows what she has to do.

Oh! Well okay then. You know she usually does not respond to one of my challenges so quickly.


  1. Olivia5:21 PM

    That looks way better and more current than her normal hairstyle. I'll bet Trump would look good in a bumpit.

  2. Anonymous5:33 PM

    She sure does flip flop alot. She wasn't a "birther" but now she is. She's trying to imply that President Obama has something to maybe his religion is Muslim..that's what the Donald said and where does she come up with 2 million dollars? Is that the amount she's paying to hide the fake pregnancy?

  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Nothing says Presidential like a shiny black denim top or flyaway WTF hair.

  4. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Sarah is the last person who should be discussing birth certificates.

  5. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Okay everyone: once and for all, do a little research. Hawaii birth certificates at the time of the predident's birth did not ask for religion. So the Muslim stuff is all bunk.

  6. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I'm telling you, Palin has horns. That is why her hair is always in a bumpit.

  7. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Thanks for the giggle!

  8. Anonymous5:51 PM

    So if Palin REALLY wants to pull ahead of Donald Trump, I think she knows what she has to do.

    What are you saying?
    Sarah is going to pull Donald's head? Give him head? What?

  9. that can't be a recent picture of Sarah. She looks kind of normal, as in less cheekbone, less makeup, etc.

  10. Anonymous6:02 PM

    The Donald's hair is hillarious, but that shot of the Scarah affirms that she really is not very attractive - only my opinion.

  11. Anonymous6:08 PM

    That is hilarious !

  12. Anonymous6:14 PM

    A birther conspiracy a la Palin:

  13. Anonymous6:15 PM

    The certification that the campaign received back – which shows that Obama was born in Honolulu at 7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961 – was based on the content of the original document in state files, Fukino said.

    “What he got, everybody got. He put out exactly what everybody gets when they ask for a birth certificate.”

    Hawaiian officials say that the certification is, in fact, only one piece of abundant evidence of Obama’s birth in Hawaii. Joshua Wisch, a spokesman for the Hawaii attorney general’s office, noted that a public index of vital records, available for inspection in a bound volume at the Health Department’s Office of Health Status Monitoring, lists a male child named “Obama II, Barack Hussein” as having been born in the state.

  14. Dinty6:18 PM

    The $2M figure is from World Net Daily who took the total amount spent by the Obama Campaign for legal in 2008 and claimed that it had all been spent fighting birther attempts to view his birth certificate.

    I don't know how familiar any of you are with national campaigns, but there are many, many legal issues that have to be reviewed, and that's now always free.

    If the entire $2M was spent fighting birth certificate requests we'd be on this blog bitching about President McCain and his bubble-headed VP.

  15. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Here’s a hilarious Will Ferrell spoof of a Mitt Romney campaign announcement. No wait, it’s the actual announcement:

  16. Anonymous6:29 PM

    The clown is on the front page!

  17. Anonymous6:36 PM

    "So if Palin REALLY wants to pull ahead of Donald Trump, I think she knows what she has to do."

    Sarah should know about pullin' head. That's a family tradition practiced as recently as Bristol to Sarah to Sally Heath and no telling how far that blood line has been pulling head.

    With Todd pimping out Shailey to his friends, Track vandalizing school buses and Willow vandalizing houses, they too might continue the family tradition of pullin' head in an Alaskan prison if they are not careful.

  18. Dinty6:40 PM

    "I don't know how familiar any of you are with national campaigns, but there are many, many legal issues that have to be reviewed, and that's now always free."

    NOT always free, NOT. I wish we could edit these things...

  19. Anonymous6:47 PM

    The simple fact is, there are enough people who are still interested in Obami's place of birth to make it a popular issue with Donald Trump. That doesn't mean that I support it any more than I didn't supported it before.

  20. Anonymous6:48 PM

    No matter how much you leftists hate my picture, that doesn't change that I look pretty. That's what bothers you leftists socialists.

  21. Anonymous6:55 PM

    The Donald needs to hire a talented stylist expert in coloring and stay on a schedule for touching up his roots.

    He is also experiencing a common problem with dyed hair: the ends are porous and dry thereby sucking up too much colorant. He is also being too cheap or too busy to keep his roots touched-up. That's why you see white roots, pale blond, and dark blond almost brown on the ends.

    His comb-over is really,really badly done, but his colorist is failing him big time. Poor Donald has fallen into the old lady trap - not enough attention to details.

  22. Anonymous6:57 PM

    To be a presidential contender for the GOP and Teabaggers is not based on your politics, beliefs or platform. The front runner seems to be whoever can prove the black president was born in another country.

    So that's telling me the GOP/ Teabaggers gave up on beating Obama on issues and are relying on disqualifying him to gain office.

  23. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I guess Donald's eyesight is going or his ego is masking how bad his hair looks - too long (because the wind lifts it to show untouched roots) and a bad coloring job.

    Donald - you have to spend time in the chair on a regular basis and give decent tips to get it done well.

  24. Anonymous6:58 PM

    2nd 5:38 - the horns and bumpit connection,that was funny! Thanks.

  25. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Gee, Sarah, President Obama has more proof of his birth than you do of Trig's.

    If you think you have more, put up or shut up.

    Grow a pair, Sarah, prove Trig is yours. It's not any more of an insult to you than what you are saying about our President.

  26. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Don't be suckered in people. Gryphen and the media has got this wrong!!

    She WAS A BIRTHER before she was against it before she was for it again.

    Just a quick search brough up a Dec 2009 radio interview on youtube. At 6:45 when asked about the birth certificate, she says "the public is 'RIGHTFULLY' making it an issue. I don't have a problem with that. I don't know if I would have to bother making it an issue because member of the electorate still want answers."

    Do you think it's a fair question to be looking at?

    "I think it's a fair question just like past associations and past voting record.... All of that is fair game"

    This is also the interview whee she states she had produced Trig's birth certificate as making her and her kids fair game. The comes around the 8:00 mark. (at 6:45)

    I found this quickly on google search as I recalled she's talked about the birth certificate on more than one occasion, whether it be made out like a joke in one of her 'paid speeches'.

    Sorry Gryphen - you bought into the MSM saying she was against it before she was for it. You didn't do your homework before posting.

  27. Anonymous7:34 PM

    He just keeps keepin' on, doing the best he can for us against the massive opposition, with that gorgeous smile!

    Americans Deem Obama The Winner Of The Shutdown Standoff

    Obama personally received a 54% approval rating for his handling of the budget negotiations. The Republicans were given a 54% disapproval rating for their handling of negotiations.

    Given that 76% of respondents said that Obama didn’t give up too much to get the deal, and 67% also believed that Republicans did not give up too much, it is safe to say that a majority of Americans view this as a fair deal.

    The degree to which Speaker John Boehner saved his party from disaster can measured by the fact that 65% of those polled supported federal funding for Planned Parenthood, and 71% opposed taking funding the way from the EPA, which would have limited their ability to enforce environmental regulations. It is also turns out that Obamacare is pretty popular too, as 58% of respondents supported continued federal government provision of healthcare reform funds. The Tea Party and social conservatives were on the wrong side of every issue.

  28. Anon@7:18, I remember that now that you posted it. It just means that she flipped, flopped, and is flippin'. Sounds like a salmon with a hook in its mouth.

  29. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I hope this brings more mainstream focus to BabyGate..lets not be fooled..This is all about his skin color..Trump is a racist, and that makes Palin one too..Birds of a feather..

  30. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Her eyes are so googly in her head they look like a gumball machine. I don't know if she really needs glasses or if the glasses are a disguise for her googly eyes.

  31. Gasman8:37 PM

    I think if you unraveled that Trump combover it would be about 2-3 feet long. His hair is longer than Palin's!

    Trump's idiocy is calculated to boost his ratings. Palin has never really calculated anything. She shoots from the hip. She's not really aiming at anything, she just thinks that if the birther crap can work for Trump it can work for her.

    No shit, I could never vote for anyone delusional enough to believe that a combover thing that bad is fooling anybody. He has more money than God. He could afford a million dollar hairpiece or buy the damn Hair Club if he wanted. I can understand being vain enough to try and hide his baldness, but damn, I could do better than that!

    As for Palin, she has merely confirmed that she is an ignorant buffoon who is also a fame whore, and she's gettin' all panicky 'cause she ain't in the limelight enough.

    I hope those lamestream media types are especially lame - by Palin's standards - and ask her to explain her total 180 degree about face from 2 months ago regarding the birther bullshit.

    It's REALLY starting to suck to be Palin.

  32. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Does anyone remember how much Hillary and Bill wanted the nomination. I have no doubt that they played tough and they played to win and they would have left no stone unturned if it meant they could knock Obama out of the nomination. If they had any suspicion that Obama was not a citizen, they would have used it openly or privately to win the spot. Ditto for McCain. The governor of Hawaii was a republican and would have found a way to expose anything that was not as it should be.

  33. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Now that she has jumped on the "birther" train I thoroughly convinced she is NOT planning on running for POTUS. No way, no how. She just jumped into the kiddie pool with her arm floats on. Why her bots think this is a good thing for her to do is beyond me. I bet some of them are saying wtf.

    All the pundits I listened to today all said this is crazy and she must not be running. She is just desperately reaching out for more attention. I loved that they all pointed out her contradicting her ownself!

    Hey Sarah....where's that bc that you have that so many Americans are interested in that might have something on there that you don't want to be seen? I know you are reading....

    Something comes to mind houses... flip flop pancakes... lunacy

  34. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Enjoy Mr Trump as the entertainment that he is. He's is just feeding his ego. He only cares about his name being mentioned and probably does not give a flip about politics. This shtick he is doing is getting him on TeeVee. That and people saying/writing his name is the only thing he cares about.

  35. Dinty8:55 PM

    Anonymous @ 8:37

    Hillary did use it. She didn't use it directly, it was leaked to a third party.

    The issue surfaced during the primaries, and she found what everyone else did, he was born in the US.

  36. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Sarah reminds me of those female characters in soap operas who evolve from good to evil, evil to good, and on and on in a circle they go.

    She stands on nothing. I think she's envious of her idol Ivana and all the Donald exes, and she's trying to flirt by agreeing and buttering his ego, so he'll invite her to one of his parties, get all her kids good jobs working in Vegas, Florida. One can imagine them as a couple walking arm in arm, her with her big red wide collared satin jacket, bumpit, flag pin, short skirt, those red cork-heeled sandals, and Donald, suit and his yellow-pigmented combover, and Todd carrying her purse.

  37. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Money can't buy intelligence, common sense, decency, integrity...or good hair styles.

    palin and trump are freaks with no class whatsoever...'cept low to no class.

    palin's wonky eye looks a tad crazy as it wanders around aimlessly by itself.

    both exhibit hairdo's from hell... they just don't have any style for godsake.

  38. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Nothing screams prezidentuhl like a bad comb over or a black bra and new boobies under a white t-shirt! Don and Sarah 4-evR!!!!

  39. Anonymous9:19 PM

    well it looks like FL really is fed up with both parties. It being my home state, I could've told you they wouldnt have voted for Sarah for President, despite generally liking her as a person, at least people in my town. But FL HATES Obama. Quite possibly more than Alaska if thts possible.

  40. Anonymous9:27 PM

    If Palin says the birther thing is really a distraction then I have ocean front property in Kansas to sell you.

  41. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Trump is enjoying all of the attention and publicity. He will never release his financial reports. He won't run. Palin is out of the main Republican loop. She is stuck with the crazies at the Tea Bagger end of the pool. Her switch back to Birther appeals to the religious right wing who were falling in love with Bachmann, Paul, and the other extreme members of the GOP. Palin may run for a little while to attract attention. (It's her life blood. She can't breathe if she isn't being noticed). She wants the donations, the publicity and maybe a little influence. But, she hasn't a chance.

    The funny thing about Sarah running for president is that it was Sarah herself who made people realize that she isn't qualified. The lamestreammedia can find Trig's real birth certificate, the guys who helped build the Palin house on weekends and all of the other stories that the Palins have been trying to keep quiet, and it won't make any difference. Her fans will still love her, and everyone else has gotten tired of her. I would like to suggest that Palin jumped the shark with that reality program, and she sealed the deal with her response to the Arizona shootings.

    Yup, Sarah needs to become a Birther again to get some attention.

  42. Anonymous9:37 PM

    SNL should do a skit where the Tribble on Trump's head and Palin's Bumpit get into a fight over which of them is the biggest famewhore.

  43. wakeUpAmerica9:40 PM

    I see that stray tom cat has been humping her head again.

  44. onething9:51 PM

    Very few visages creep me out like Donald Trump's.

  45. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Sarah's gone full retard.

  46. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Lots of senior citizens in florida. Most are still getting their news from cable. They have no idea how inaccurate and untrustworthy it has become. Kind of reminds me of when you had to convince the old folks that those nice telemarketers were lying to them. They came up when news people still had integrity. Younger folks who generally don't do polls know better.

  47. Anonymous10:32 PM

    at 8:35

    What I meant was there was nothing for her to use. And she would have taken him out of the race if she had found a way to do it with information about him.

    I would bet this issue was investigated and not just ignored during the primaries and the campaign.

    To believe that he is not a citizen is to believe that EVERYONE with a interest in beating him in the election just ignored the issue. Does that made any sense?

  48. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Someone had a close up look at the Donald's weave. It showed how he has a bottom layer of hair combed across the top of his head. The top layer is hair from the back or the crown that is combed from back to front. You can actually see the "weave" crisscross look in close-ups.

  49. Perhaps she should go Oompa Loompa orange, too? I would really enjoy that tremendously!

  50. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Most polls are also conducted via land line phones. Most college students and young to middle aged professionals do not use land lines. We have to as we live in a small valley with spotty cell coverage. I never trust any polls now a days as they usually reach only a thin slice of what type of people the USA is composed of.

  51. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Sarah needs to get that mess cut and styled. She looks like crap most of the time now.

  52. Anonymous3:45 AM

    How is Sarah enjoying being a grandma yet again?

  53. Anonymous4:26 AM

    In that black-and-white photo you posted, I'm not sure if her eyes betray the craziness or the emptiness of what is inside her.

  54. Anonymous4:55 AM

    No matter how much you leftists hate my picture, that doesn't change that I look pretty. That's what bothers you leftists socialists.

    as in "I'll get you, my pretty". hahaha - she looks more like the witch than Dorothy.

  55. emrysa8:08 AM

    @ womanwithsardinecan: yep that's an old pic. pre-cheek implants, pre-teeth veneers, pre-fake pregnancy.

  56. The Donald's hair is über-ridiculous, some kind of weird mutant reverse-ducktail. He would have fit right in with A Flock of Seagulls.

    When/if it's ever all combed back, dude's got to have an epic skullet.

  57. Dear Sarah, I just finished talking to God. He still loves you, but he really wants you to just STFU!


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