Monday, April 11, 2011

SNL does their version of Fox and Friends.


  1. Anonymous3:40 AM

    And they were dead on. I remember when Gretchen Carlson was on the CBS morning show and was constantly amazed at how stupid she was. Just didn't know the most basic things.

    Now I realize part of the presenter's job is to act as the audience, i.e. ask questions so that even the newest viewer might understand what the guest is talking about. Most are able to do this without being condescending or looking foolish, but the utter astonishment she displayed underlined how some of these bits of common knowledge really were brand new to her.

    So when she went to Faux, it seemed a perfect fit.

  2. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Log onto Dependable Renegade, there is a REAL clip of Palin and above her head is a banner streaming "National Nightmare" It is REALLY from Fox!!! I wonder if they will renew her contract??

  3. this was hilarious. i love helen mirren as the anchor baby lady. (i love helen mirren anyway!) and those three comedians on the couch were acting even less dumb than their intended targets. is it true that gretchen (blondie in the middle) was a rhodes scholar? i can't explain it if so.

  4. Anonymous5:43 AM

    The only thing that will be sad if all the lunatics go away is that a lot of good comedy material would go with them!! There is some great talent out there doing a wonderful job poking fun at these people.

  5. Anonymous5:57 AM

    That was funny, but go ask a Native American what an anchor baby is. ;-)

  6. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Anon @5:29--More like a Lonesome Rhoades scholar.

    Rachel Maddow is the Rhodes Scholar; Fetchin' Gretchen was Miss America--blond and vacuous. 'Nuff said.

  7. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I was bothered by how little laughter they were getting from the audience, to what was some great satirical if the audience didn't GET them.

    Which brings a note of sadness to the piece. When I see clips of those three idiots spewing forth absurdities, it seems as though the producers are laughing up their sleeves at how far it can go, yet the Fox audience eats it up--not realizing its comedy, but taking it all seriously.

    I can picture those show runners, giggling and whispering to themselves, "Boy, Americans are even dumber than everyone says."

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    @9:17 - no one laughed because young people don't watch Fox News. It's not a sad sign; it's a positive! Hell, I'm "old" & I've never watched Fox News either.

  9. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Considering she's only famous for being on SNL, will they ever take on Victoria Jackson? That woman's racing Sarah Palin for the rubber room.


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