Sunday, May 29, 2011

The ADN weighs in on the impact that the mythology of "The Undefeated" will have VS the reality of the state released Palin e-mails.

Courtesy of Paul Jenkins of the ADN:

The emails are going to be -- if released in readable form after passing through lawyers' hands and being scrubbed by the governor's office -- delicious. There likely will be little good news in them for her. Having read only snippets of emails in Palin staffer Frank Bailey's book, "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin," or "Hey, I Got Emails Nobody Else Can Get and I Can Make Some Dough," the venom, bullying, intimidation, absolute paranoia and craziness of the Palin administration spins off the pages.

One can only imagine what nastiness the state's boxcar-loads of emails will show. Her penchant for payback, retribution and vilification aimed at the news media, government officials, talk shows, even regular folks and business people will cause a stir. Nobody will be immune. That is, of course, if any of the emails make sense after the redacting process.

Compare all that to Conroy's depiction of the film: "Bannon dramatizes the theme of Palin's persecution at the hands of her enemies in the media and both political parties, a notion the former governor has long embraced. Images of lions killing a zebra and a dead medieval soldier with an arrow sticking in his back dramatize the ethics complaints filed by obscure Alaskan citizens, which Palin has cited as the primary reason for her sudden resignation in July of 2009."

Persecution? Lions killing a zebra? A medieval soldier with an arrow in his back? Really? That is the lovely Sarah P. we know. A paranoid, bitter, unrepentant nut job with followers who really should know better.

The movie, it should be noted, shies away from Troopergate or anything else messy in her abbreviated term. It is to be released in two versions: one, a PG-13 film and the other, unrated, containing obscenities and invective from Palin critics.

The movie likely will cause a huge stir as the media pick it apart. It may affect her political future. It likely will change few minds. Thinking people will see it for what it is.

But the emails -- the emails may prove devastating. No filters. No trick camera shots. No editing. Just Sarah -- the real Sarah.

Not a pretty picture.

I like this article because it really expresses the weariness that Alaskans feel at the subject of Sarah Palin, and her constant attempts to portray her self as some paragon of virtue, and political Joan of Arc.

As Jenkins points out, IF these e-mails are not reduced to some giant black smear by the Parnell administration's Sharpie wielding redaction elves, they will definitely paint a much harsher image of a petty, thin skinned, political neophyte who spent far more time worrying about her image than she did getting things done for the people of Alaska.

And when you add those to the numerous tell all books coming out about Snowdrift Snooki this summer, and into the fall, even Cecil B Demille would have no hope of effectively remaking her image.

Of course it must be mentioned that if the Alaska media had been doing their jobs in the first place, Palin would never have been able to fool so many people for so long. But hey, better late than never!


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    David Gregory just said the half term governor will be addressing the crowd at Rolling Thunder. Disgusting.


  2. Anonymous5:34 AM

    I think the emails were delayed again - by her lapdog Parnell - to give her this last hurrah bus tour. Her last chance to fleece the biggest morons in this country (her fans). Pathetic.

  3. Anonymous5:39 AM

    I have a feeling that there's some n-word or other yucky racist invectives tossed around in those emails and she's waiting to see if they're redacted before she decides. I think even SP is smart enough to know that if she said anything racist about Barack Obama, if she referred to him as sambo in an email, she is toast. And I think she wants to run. I don't get these people who think she's not going to run because she can make more money as an "analyst." They're failing to think like a grifter. Running for president means a whole year of traveling on a private jet and staying in first-class hotels -- neither of which you have to pay for. Plus -- PLUS -- running for president is a guarantee that she will sell more books, which will pad her wallet nicely. She could probably poop out another book and collect even more money. Think of a presidential run as a really high-class book tour and you could see her incentives.

    And let us not forget that she got away with having the RNC buy her a new wardrobe...

    One more thing: Re: Fox...Probably, because she is such a psychopath and liar, she is telling Fox that she's not going to run so that she can continue to collect her paychecks for her "analysis" but secretly she's getting her ducks in a row and preparing to bilk America.

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    While devouring Geoffrey Dunn's excellent new book, "The Lies of Sarah Palin," it hit me like a bolt out of the blue, "Good grief, what if she does not run in 2012? What if she is satisfied to carp from the cheap seats? What will happen to those of us who patiently have waited for the gaffes, the faux pax, the Palinisms?"

    Read more:

  5. Anonymous5:55 AM

    •Great article, Mr. Jenkins: You nailed it. "The real Sarah" and "A paranoid, bitter, unrepentant nut job with followers who really should know better", seem to go hand in hand: the true reality of Sarah Palin.

    My hat's off to Frank Bailey and his book, "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin", that already shows firsthand--inner circle--actual, factual Sarah Palin emails that are "clear and unvarnished".

    No one should underestimate Sarah Palin or sell her short; her vengeance knows no bounds; she is quite capable of easily manipulating the minds of her followers by exploiting their confidence in her, and leading them to believe things that are not true--whether she's twittering, facebooking, or speaking on the Republican propaganda cable television news network-Fox News-with illusions, delusions, and outright fabrications--an opportunist, enamored with her own self-image and her own publicity.

    While her nonsensical, petty, off-the-wall, shoot-from-the-hip, ludicrous remarks provide great news and comedic fodder, the reality is, it's no laughing matter when serious debate is distorted by the uneducated wild information she feeds to fuel the fire of her equally uninformed, uneducated and increasingly crazy base.

    Sarah has no grasp of issues, isn't profoundly deep in her thinking--qualities needed in a political leader. She loves the spotlight, speaks out on anything, even though she doesn't know what she's talking about, and doesn't care; the frightening part is her religiously-strong believers don't care either: "followers who really should know better". (Sad to see the dumbing down of America seems to be alive and well in this group).

    During the past two years, Sarah has effectively alienated just about every race/creed/color and intelligence of people different from her, plus everyone else who disagrees with her.

    On an almost daily basis, she unbelievably proves herself to be inarticulate, unable to handle the demands of public office, lacking in sensitivity, who puts herself first, looking out for her own fame, fortune, and glory; she has unconsciously--but effectively to discerning people--proven herself to be the truest definition of solipsism, that one's own mind is all that exists.

    Can't wait to read the emails: "No filters. No trick camera shots. No editing. Just Sarah--the real Sarah".

    Makes me wonder, when President Bush was busying himself looking at Iraq for the weapons of mass destruction, perhaps he made a mistake: maybe he should have been looking at Wasilla, Alaska.

    Read more:

  6. Anonymous6:01 AM

    O/T - Another book title nomination - SARAH PALIN'S STD: Sexually Transmitted Deception

  7. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Numerous books this summer? I count 2. and 1 in the fall. I discount Levi because hes a joke.

  8. Anonymous6:04 AM

    If Sarah doesnt run, there will be a lot of people (anti and pro) who will no longer have lives and will sink into their couches in despair upon realization that they have nothing left to live for.

    Truth hurts doesnt it?

  9. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I am patiently waiting for those emails to appear, but think that the movie by itself will be more considered more laughable and pitiful than anything else. It's the larger, more Hollywood version of Palin writing all those letters to the editor praising herself. It makes her look pathetic, and no one who's not already a Palinbot will go to see it. And you can't position yourself as both the grizzly mama and the wounded zebra. Her victim act is getting old, really old, and just points out her as a spineless, weak coward.

  10. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I find all these rumors about her hard to believe. I sat next to Sarah and Bristol on a flight from Phoenix to Anch in feb and they were lovely. When I get a moment Ill post the picture I took of them (with their permission)

  11. Anonymous6:11 AM

    When will the "Bitch Bus Tour" start?

  12. Anonymous6:14 AM

    you should see how the c4p folks feel about rah-rah not running for president. they would never ever forgive her if she didn't run. they are apologists for her, but their tolerance is limited.

  13. Anonymous6:14 AM

    MSM is jumping on the bus tour like flies on a fresh turd...

    The smell of a Palin story is just too much for them to ignore..

  14. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Per Bill info: If Sarah Palin tries to speak today I hope the (200,000 + ?) crowd boos her ass off the stage for using the people who have sacrificed for all of us as a political prop.
    If the state emails are sharpied out to incoherence (Ha, funny to think Sarah=coherent to begin with), I hope Frank Bailey gets a clue and releases all of his. I find it amazing that he is still protecting her and holding information back - what the hell, is he not concerned about what she is doing to this country? Was the minimal just to redeem himself? Or was there some other influence behind not releasing "fodder for gossip"? I don't think J. Devon or Frank Bailey would have been taken less seriously if they had released it all. In fact, I think just the opposite - I find it insulting that they protect Sarah and assume we aren't smart enough to understand that they aren't spreading gossip, just printing the truth. Too bad.

  15. Anonymous6:19 AM

    What are the odds that the emails will never be released? Even the Bush administration had to release their emails, whats so fucking special about Sarah Palin? Be gone already!

  16. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I find it mystifying that you are desperate enough to put a million dollar spin on an abbreviated, quitting term.

    "The movie likely will cause a huge stir as the media pick it apart. It may affect her political future. It likely will change few minds. Thinking people will see it for what it is."

    Not likely, they didn't tear apart Going Rogue.

  17. Anonymous6:25 AM

    @6:06 - do you have their permission to post the picture on the Internet? You'd better ask them as they have trademarked their entertainment brand.

  18. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Anon 6:06

    So your opinion gained sitting next to the half term governor and The Chin on a flight should out weigh all they have said and done?

    Is your photo pre or post chin?


  19. Anonymous6:31 AM

    They should have named the movie, The Münchausen Candidate.

    You really are going to run on a platform of victimhood Sarah? You who drives the biggest bus in the country?

    You are telling the World that if we pesky Alaskan constituents would only have left you alone to govern without holding you accountable or transparent, you could have been a true contender for POTUS?

    Nothing, no matter how blockbuster a movie budget with a fictitious story-line, no amount of redacting, no amount of flying monkeys and life choosing is going to gloss over your glaring deficiencies as a leader Sarah Palin.

    M in BET

  20. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Anon @ 6:14 a.m.

    No, the C4P will excuse it away as they've been forced to with every disastrous interview, comment, post, tweet and whatnot since day one.

    She has done NOTHING to earn their trust and respect, yet they dish it out to fill her insatiable need for acceptance and notoriety.

    What losers following the biggest loser in the great history of this country.

  21. Anonymous6:54 AM

    6:06 AM:

    Hmmm...So, Sarah shared an armrest with you and listened to you talk about how awesome she she must be innocent of all of the many, many, many ethics charges lobbed against her. Sarah Palin, despite all photographic evidence to the contrary, didn't fake a pregnancy because she's polite to strangers - occasionally. Sarah Palin's house wasn't built with materials used for the disaster sports arena of Wasilly and she isn't a tax cheat and she didn't illegally and unethically take money for her Legal Defense Fund even though the ethics commission found otherwise and she didn't fire the head of the state police out of a personal vendetta and she didn't illegally buy clothing with campaign funds in 2008 and she's not a cuckoo Christian who believes in witchcraft even though she was photographed getting the witchery out of her...because she can hold a conversation. Gotcha.

    Just a question though...You saw Bristol and Sarah...but where were their magical babies? Were these two spectacular mothers traveling without their toddlers? Well, we know Sarah MUST be a wonderful mother because she didn't shun the person who sat next to her on the plane. Is that how it works?

    You know...Ted Bundy was very popular and was engaged to be married for a loooong time...just saying...

  22. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Ignorance, lies, and racism all wrapped up in the flag, yep that's Sarah Palin all right.

  23. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Going back to yesterday's thread on Frank's pending book on Babygate on readers reluctance to involving the Palin kids in challenging our ethics challenged former half-term quitting Governor:

    Not only did Sarah drag her kids around house to house chumming for votes for City Council and Mayor, she invented reasons for them to attend State functions as officiants and constantly kept them around for meetings they had no business attending.

    She used them as shields to keep people from critiquing her or calling her to the mat for her behavior and actions.

    In the case where someone does have the opportunity to confront the coward inevitably in front of her kids, they just as viciously and distastefully defend their Mama Grizzly as their 20, 30, 40 year senior counterparts do at the C4P.

    While I am satisfied just going after Sarah and Todd's behavior and M.O. - unfortunately, they weave their children into anything and everything that's been put in front of them over the years.

  24. Anonymous6:59 AM

    A thought just occurred to me:

    6:06 came here after sitting next to Sarah on a plane...We know from Wendy Waitress that Sarah was talking about The Immoral Minority over lunch...which is how she found this blog...6:06 came here after talking to Sarah, and seems to have been ignorant of it beforehand...

    Gryphen, do you think Sarah's started to talk to STRANGERS about you and your blog? Is it possible that she's REALLY that obsessed with you?

    Holy cow, she must have faked the pregnancy. Why else would she be so obsessed with this blog?

  25. Anon 6:06: Baileys book is not rumors. He has HER emails that SHE wrote, detailing her actions, which are FACTS, not rumors.

  26. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Anon @ 6:06 a.m.

    Okay, fine. Lovely and nice in the semi-privacy of a flight. How nice for you.

    Now juxtapose that superficial encounter over their very known and public persona of viscous, nasty, backstabbing and below-the-belt behavior and you think that gives them license to freeload off other peoples hard earned dollars and be in control of our households and nation's destiny?

    I don't think so.

    Believe us, private encounters would be so more preferable to their public-whoring any day.

  27. Anonymous7:03 AM

    6:04: The truth? Nah, doesn't hurt one bit. If she doesn't run, I'll be glad to know I don't have to spend any more of my time keeping tabs on this bully, who is tearing down our country in front of our eyes. But right now, I care too much about my country to ignore her.

  28. Paisley7:09 AM

    Girls/women like Sarah Palin can be charming when it suits their purposes..but watch out when the worm turns! The kid gloves are replaced by brass knuckles. Any threat to their power or influence and it's a no-holds barred race for payback.

    This personality type is bad enough in private life when their influence is limited...but in public is devastating. This is demonstrated clearly in Dunn's book. Would any of us want to be one of her targets?

    SP is (to borrow a phrase) "in it to win it"...we just don't know exactly what she wants to win yet.
    Power and fortune can be made without being President.

  29. Anonymous7:12 AM

    As an outsider (Canadian), I have been thinking for well over two years that Palin wouldn't run. Making money is far more important to her and she has enough rubes to market to that she can be a voice with a platform, but will will never actually have to face the responsibility of being POTUS.

    Part of me would like to see her run and fail because I'd like to see how the media, especially FOX, would treat a two time presidential campaign loser on their network.

    Lincoln summed up the Moneybag Moose pretty well....

    " Of the Palin, by the Palin, for the Palin."

    Now there's a book title.

  30. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Just like Sarah to inject herself for the glory after all the hard work is done....first she wasn't invited then she was invited by someone from Alaska,then she rsvp too early on.....and on One has to wonder who is pulling the strings to get her to address the crowd.Bet the media will be all giddy over this.makes you sick!

  31. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The ADN article is spot on. The intention of the movie is to drive home the narrative of pathology it is everyone else guilty of Palin's behavior and guilty of crimes she actually committed alone and with her recruits she engaged with her lies manipulating them to do her bidding.

    I will follow up with a Voltaire quote depicting the power of convincing people of untruths that even decent people will commit atrocities.

    The choice to lie to instill fear to terror in others is done to weaken them and their ability to process information.

    There shall remain a minority who are also People of the Lie, had baseline ignorance are vulnerable to manipulative praise and validation labeled "good people" or patriots , real Americans who will blindly believe up is down.

    I speak from personal experience, years of research, documentation of a parallel experience that altered lives, people so relentless and severe due to the same MO's.

    The movie is Palin's preemptive strike, her consistent MO to demonize, fictionalize and project her depraved personality and behaviors onto everyone while she fictionalizes her self as the opposite (for life and Obama wants to murder even born living babies or family is first for her and Obama seeks to murder babies, parents and grandparents). These fear inducing, polarizing confabulated positions consistently are factually the opposite of reality.

    On common terms Palin is a Jekyll Hyde who has no conscience.

    I predict this 'educational' tour is a means to her end with the movie to destroy the credibility of everyone who is not in her thrall. I predict this is going to be much worse, shocking beyond what anyone could conceive.

  32. Anonymous7:17 AM

    One thing's for sure about today's Palin appearance --

    She'll have "helmet hair" even if she doesn't wear one!

  33. Anonymous7:18 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    David Gregory just said the half term governor will be addressing the crowd at Rolling Thunder. Disgusting.


    5:33 AM"

    Do they take donations? If I were a donor, God knows I'd stop donating if they allowed her to use the organization as a tool to spew her hatred & love of violence. $P is not someone I take lightly, nor forgive. She can't be overlooked, she is a vicious, dangerous person.

  34. Anonymous7:22 AM

    McCain sucking up to Faux Snooze says Palin can beat Obama; he is a senile old man and has no cojones.

  35. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I sat next to Sarah and Bristol on a flight from Phoenix to Anch in feb

    6:06 AM


    Was she leaking amniotic fluid ?

    (Either/both of them)

  36. Anonymous7:27 AM

    What makes us think the emails will EVER be released?

    How many delays so far?

  37. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I wipe my arse with the Palins. Once used, they´re flushed down the toilet. Then I buy a fresh roll.

    You´re on the wrong blog. This is not c4p.

  38. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Even a two-hour movie trying to glorify Palin will not be able to eliminate all the baggage she has. She may try to run for the presidency, but she can't hide from her past. Too many people already know what she is REALLY like.

  39. Anonymous7:29 AM

    6:06 AM - Was sarah flying in first Class or Coach ?

    I thought she only took private jets ?

    Oh, that's right, she only takes private jets when SOMEONE ELSE is paying for it !

  40. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Bill 6:27. You posed a fair and objective question to 6:06.

    A chance encounter ought not outweigh delete or edit all other personal and professional behavior. Ted Bundy was nice voted Man of the Year by the Jaycees.

  41. Anonymous7:34 AM

    This should give Julia O'Malley a chance to interview the people who saw Granny Quitter with her pregnant belly at the gym and print their names.

  42. Anonymous7:35 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    If Sarah doesnt run, there will be a lot of people (anti and pro) who will no longer have lives and will sink into their couches in despair upon realization that they have nothing left to live for.

    Truth hurts doesnt it?

    6:04 AM"

    I'm looking forward to the day she is gone. I call her Bloody Panties Britney--she is a spectacle, a mess, a joke. I'll be so happy when she is tossed on the forgotten bimbo pile. Yea, I like to smirk at how stupid she is, and her trashy tabloid life & family, she is more fun to mock than W. Even picking his nose in public, W showed more class than Sarah Palin. He was also less destructive to the country & our morale. She has done nothing but harp-bitch-nag EVERYTHING for almost 3 years. We are giving hell back to her. She won't rest on our watch. F-u and the Sarah Palin you rode in on.

  43. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Anon 6:06 if you are doubtful you can do your own research to investigate what is true, untrue or maybe true.
    I recommend starting with the AIP, verifying Todd Palin being a member Palin as governor speaking to the group.

    Doubt is a good thing. You deserve to seek truth or fact from fiction. Another simple search are records of earmarks requested and granted annually by states. Note tables are broken down to dollars per resident state by state.

  44. Anonymous7:37 AM

    She was not invited to Rolling Thunder. I hope she is booed.

    606. Just so you know? We know your are a Palinista who will lie for the queen sarah. You were not on a plane, sitting 'next to her'. She does not fly with us commoners anymore. She uses private aircraft now that she's a celeb!

  45. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Bill 6:27. You posed a fair and objective question to 6:06.

    A chance encounter ought not outweigh delete or edit all other personal and professional behavior. Ted Bundy was nice voted Man of the Year by the Jaycees.

  46. Sweet anny7:43 AM

    Keep reminding folks about the Cafferty clip the other day. I think you should keep it right on top until the sarastorm is over. Soon, my friends.... soon.

  47. abbafan7:45 AM

    How dare she upstage the Rolling Thunder event to make it look like it's all about her? How dare she insult the memory of those souls who sacrificed their lives for freedom? Every time she opens her trap, vile puke spews out. What will it take for her to keep that filthy trap of hers shut? I really hope that the attendees at Rolling Thunder boo her the hell out of town, and she slinks back to AZ with her tail between her legs. By the way, I firmly believe that Mr. Bailey has a good chunk of those e-mails in a safe place for future reference; an ace or two up his sleeve.

  48. Anonymous7:46 AM

    6:06. Do tell us if Sarah shared with you about "rumors" and this blog. It is helpful when people are forthcoming. Thanks

  49. laprofesora7:52 AM

    I wonder of the GOP is putting any pressure on the Parnell administration to leave the emails as is. That would surely help them finish her off.

  50. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Good God, she looks like a trashy biker bitch. Not the least bit presidential...

  51. Anonymous7:58 AM

    An article in the UK Guardian says that the film doesn't use any original footage of Palin herself - all footage is stock and stills. Also, no original voice-over - there are just clips from the audio books of hr "books."

    Talk about cheap and without content! There's nothing new here!

    Does Palin really think focusing on her victim hood is going to be good for her image? Elevating citizen complaints to the level of flesh-tearing predators? Does she really think that reminding the public she's a quitter is going to help her?

  52. Anonymous7:58 AM

    6:04-I can assure you, if Sarah Palin were to disappear tomorrow, all people, including her fans, would happily move on to the next big thing and Sarah would soon be forgotten. Now that's the truth that hurts. Why do you think Sarah is so desperate to remain in the spotlight?

  53. Anonymous7:59 AM

    The McCain camp told sarah at least four times she would not speak after his concession speech. So what? She tried to sneak on the stage afterwards, anyway, claiming her loyalty was to her family and not McCain. McCain staffers had to turn the lights off and pull the plug on her.

    Rolling Thunder has made it clear to America that they do not want sarah speaking. So what? sarah will give the big middle finger to Rolling Thunder, anyway.

    You are correct. sarah is a ¨redneck¨ and damn proud of it. The Bristol and Massey brothers show is preemptive damage control.

  54. Anonymous8:06 AM

    6:06, a few hours on a plane with two practiced grifters is somehow more compelling than actual facts? Ignore the record, emails, her own words, accounts of hundreds who worked with her... ignore everything because they were nice to you for a few hours? I bet my picture of a flat-stomached, allegedly pregnant Palin tells a truer tale than your grinning grifters.

  55. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I hear Jim Jones was a lovely religious person.


  56. Anonymous8:22 AM

    The New Hampshire Republican Party found out Sarah Palin would be coming to town by hearing about it in the news.

    Where would she be stopping? They didn’t know. Palin’s staff wouldn’t even return their calls, leaving them to ask reporters for more answers.

    And they’re not alone: With hours to go before Palin’s bus tour is supposed to begin, it’s still unclear what she’ll be doing when she gets to the first stop. It’s even more of a mystery what her second stop will be.

    Or when.

  57. OT but interesting - from Politico;

    Palin rehired advance aides Doug McMarlin and Jason Recher to plan the tour. They’re now part of an increasingly small Palin circle, made even smaller since spokeswoman Rebecca Mansour was sidelined from talking to the press after tweets criticizing Palin’s daughter were posted by the Daily Caller last week. SarahPAC Treasurer Tim Crawford, a longtime Washington hand and campaign finance expert with deep ties to the Republican establishment, has been filling Mansour’s role on press. Palin also has a policy researcher, and former Bob Dole aide Michael Glasner is serving as her chief of staff.

    Along with her husband, Todd, and Palin herself, that’s the extent of the inner circle. And convinced she’s her own best spokesman and advocate, Palin calls all the shots directly.

  58. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Calm down, folks. 6:06 is RAM, desperately trying to cling to her job. She's also 6:02 and 6:04b.

    She purposely doesn't use punctuation to try and distance herself from her normally grammar/punctuation appropriate writing.

    She could barely TEAR herself away from the babygate threads to post here...havin' fun yet, Beckster? Wishin' you'd hitched your wagon to a slightly less psychopathic donkey?

    Sarah is not at ALL happy with BigMouthBecky... and Sarah has given her explicit instructions to piss all over both Bailey and Dunn books, plus find out as much as possible about this Baby Gate book.

    I'd say RAM barely has a claw, I mean toe, hold on her job these days.

  59. I hope the emails and the books complete the job of eliminating Sarah Palin from the public discourse. She has poisoned a gullible segment of the population and they desperately need an antidote.

    Sadly, there's no shortage of naive people like 6:06 who buy the facade Palin has marketed. Comments on Fox blogs yesterday about Palin and Rolling Thunder rang out with praise for Palin's patriotism, loyal support of veterans, selfless love of country, and so on, ad nauseam.

    Large numbers of people who are functionally illiterate point to Palin's outstanding record as mayor of Wasilla and Governor of Alaska. They still believe that she quit only because of "frivolous" ethics charges filed by Democrats (and orchestrated by Obama minions) and that she has NEVER been found culpable of any wrong-doing.

    Today CNN's ticker quoted McCain as saying that Palin could beat Obama if she ran for President. Instead of bowing his head in remorse, he's trying to empower Palin to inflict even more harm to the country.

    Here's hoping that the emils, the upcoming Babygate book, and that of Joe McGinniss, can help put the final nails in Palin's political aspirations, whatever they may be. It can't happen soon enough for me.

  60. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Why does Palin need a "Chief of Staff" when she has no staff?

  61. Anonymous9:53 AM


    Piper, I christen thee, Douchbag, Jr!

  62. I'm confused about the emails. Who requested them and do we know if they will definitely release them all to the public like MSNBC did with the previous batch? It sounds like the state is turning over hard copies so it could be awhile before they're in a form available for public access. Isn't the FOIA request just for emails from the official state government account and won't all yahoo emails -- with the juicy stuff -- be excluded?

  63. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Uh oh--Bristol @ the 0:52 mark:

    Implants, just bloated, or pregnant again?

  64. Anonymous10:23 AM


    Is that her hair, or is it a bulge on her jaw?

  65. attention whore10:31 AM

    “I’m very not appreciative of the way she came in here,” Ted Shpak, Rolling Thunder’s national legislative director, said of Palin’s arrival. The former governor came in the front of the Pentagon’s north parking lot, where event staff and press were assembled. “If she wanted to come on the ride, she should have come in the back.”

  66. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I find it rather delicious that Sarah is likely to be finally unraveled as a person to take seriously for any leadership position by emails to Bailey and others that often relate to state business, and which should properly have been sent in state email communications.

    Because as formal state communications they would be subject to the state’s legal protections and redactions. But as private communications they are only protected to the extent that the sending or receiving party(s) who is/are not Sarah or Todd is willing to keep those emails private.

    I suspect that with Bailey's email realizations and the state's redactions, which Sarah will spin like crazy, that more people who had communications will be willing to share their more accurate versions of how Sarah spoke, thought and acted while she was an employee of the state.

    So her efforts to hide her “official” communications, which would be subject to the FOIA and its protections, are instead leaving those communications wide open to public view if any other party involved in the communication decides to release the emails.

    Atta girl Sarah. A brilliant Strategy. If you expect to have other people cover you back, just remember, they can’t do that from under the bus.

  67. Anonymous2:20 PM

    She just HAD to get in that bit about "being invited"...

    I'm going to have to split this up in two comments to tell the Willow story as I know it- sorry.

    As for what Willow did...this is pretty much oft-gossiped-about public knowledge here so I will dispense with the usual discretion-

    For starters, the question should be "what DIDN'T Willow do?" She has been a brat supreme since she clawed her way out of Sarah's apparently titanium womb. But once they got back from the campaign, it became exponentially worse. And then Track moved, and Willow felt like she lost her only family member she could confide in. The truth is, as soon as Bristol started making six figures for tabloid covers and going on Oprah...Willow went from jealous little sis to enraged, sullen, F the world pissed. And stayed that way.

    Sarah bribed her to "behave" during the TLC taping...she got a new $600 phone and a MacBook. When the show started airing, Willow was SO angry...she said Sarah gave her the spoiled princess edit on purpose AND did not show as much of her as she did of Bristol and Piper. Which I don't think is true but I can't say for sure as I couldn't sit through that mess of a political ad.

    Back to Willow's being asked to leave school. She was allowed SO many more chances than other kids because the top admins love her mother. God knows why. Anyway, she was already drastically behind in skill level...she never caught up after the campaign but they didn't even consider holding her back. So she started behind the curve the next year and basically the same thing happened- she reacted to the work being too difficult by acting out. By the beginning of this year, she sat down in class, pulled out her phone, and wouldn't even try to hide the fact that she didn't do the work. I mean NONE of the work. In fact her first referral for this school year was dumping her books in the garbage minutes after they were handed out.

    So she's already FAR behind academically and starting to be absent so often she's losing her circle of friends as well. After a few times of being out of school for filming re-shoots and the vignette commentary, she abandoned all pretense of trying to fool Sarah and Todd about her status at school...which wasn't hard. When Willow's first six weeks grades came up this year, she had only Incompletes and Fs. Sarah had been left numerous messages by the teachers and guidance counselor but she gives out a number to all the "little people" and then doesn't even take that phone with her when she travels.

    See next comment...

  68. Anonymous2:21 PM

    See previous comment...

    Finally someone got ahold of Todd, though. He tried to give her an honest talk about how they could afford tutors and would be committed to getting her back on track. He said she'd have to have consequences for willfully throwing her academics so badly, so he told her to go get her cell phone and he would take it away for the weekend. Way to crack the whip there, Toddy. So Willow goes and gets her phone and says she just needs to make one call first...Todd says to who...Willow says...People magazine. They are going to be SO interested in what I have to say!

    At this point Todd recognizes that as per the usual, his grapes are in a vice. He calls Sarah and tells her to "deal with her daughter". Sarah does nothing. The next Monday when Willow doesn't bring back her signed report as she is supposed to, the teacher says "Willow, you MUST get that signed and bring it back". And Willow snidely says "ehhh, I don't think so. But if you have a problem with that, feel free to call my mother."
    This started what can only be described as systematic abuse of all her teachers...she was HORRID to everyone, even teachers she didn't have. She ran into an elective teacher in the hallway and yelled right in her face "Watch where you're going FAT ASS".

    The kicker came when a school administrator tried talking to her one on one. He brought her into a room which had a large moose painted on the wall. He told her he's going to be right back, just has to get her file. When he comes back, the moose has a very large cartoon like...appendage...and a thought bubble which reads "oh no mr ******, let me **** your **** this time".

    And that was pretty much the end of Willow's time at Colony.

    I have heard much the same as Gryphen regarding the homeschool tutors and teachers they've gone through. She refuses to work, period. I have also heard she's actively trying to get pregnant. I pray and hope it's not true/doesn't happen.

    As much as I would love to smack her and say you little witch, you're just like your mother! ...I know in reality that Willow is a victim here. I mean she definitely DOES know better than to pull all these stunts, but I have to believe Willow's school of thought runs toward "well that didn't work...but maybe if I do will HAVE to come home and deal with me".

    Let me close this by saying some of this I observed myself, and some of it was told to me by a co-worker. The conversation between Willow and Todd was relayed to me by a Palin family member, definitely someone I consider trustworthy. (obviously not one of the Palin nuclear family)

    Although I have dropped the occasional benign tidbit of information, I've never spilled it like this. My reasons for doing so are twofold- first, there are dozens and dozens of people within the MatSu district who know of Willow's horrible behavior and antics. Certainly enough so that I'm not worried it will "come back to me" if you will.

    But the main reason for taking all this time AND more than a little liberty with what I consider to be my personal closed-mouth policy regarding because I know Sarah reads this blog and I also know how she wants everyone to believe she is this great, protective parent. Maybe if she sees some of her parental inadequacies come to light, she will realize she has to actually BE a parent to Willow...or she will lose her.

    If she hasn't already.

  69. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Crapola, Gryphen...I just sent thru the longest comment I've ever typed anywhere and I just realized I did it on the wrong farking thread! You can re-post for me if you want, of course I did not think to save it. DAMN. Sorry Gryphen.

  70. Anonymous3:23 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Crapola, Gryphen...I just sent thru the longest comment I've ever typed anywhere and I just realized I did it on the wrong farking thread! You can re-post for me if you want, of course I did not think to save it. DAMN. Sorry Gryphen.

    2:23 PM"

    Don't worry about it. Thanks for posting--what a mother that Sarah is! What does she think she is accomplishing by abandoning her family?

  71. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Sounds like Sarah has abandoned her children. There is no other term for it.

    I feel sorry for all of them, they didn't choose to have her for a mother.

  72. Anonymous9:13 PM

    "When you add those to the numerous tell all books coming out about Snowdrift Snooki this summer, and into the fall, even Cecil B Demille would have no hope of effectively remaking her image."

    "This is the biggest fool thing we have ever done. The bomb will never go off, and I speak as an expert in explosives.” — Admiral William Leahy, U.S. Atomic Bomb Project, 1944

    "When you add those to the numerous tell all books coming out about Snowdrift Snooki this summer, and into the fall, even Cecil B Demille would have no hope of effectively remaking her image."

    Gryphen, May 29th,2011

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.


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