Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Affluent intelligent Republicans support Mitt Romney, while poor stupid ones are drawn to Sarah Palin. I guess I could have sugar coated this, but why bother?

Courtesy of Gallup:

I doubt this comes as much of a surprise to anybody who has been paying attention to exactly which demographic the Grizzled Mama has been pimping herself to since her days on the 2008 campaign trail. Still it IS nice to see our observations confirmed with a poll.

So now when you tell your family and friends that "Only an idiot would support Sarah Palin!" you will have this nifty poll to use as back up.


  1. Olivia10:03 AM

    This explains why she likes the idea of destroying the middle class and making rich people richer. More poor stupid people to support her.

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    What is so sad about our society at this time, is that we are SO shallow about how we pick the people we wish to have leading us.

    If Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann were as smart as Hillary Clinton, but also LOOKED something like her, NO ONE would have a clue as to who they were.

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Off topic but was Shailey Tripp paid off by the Palins? She has been absent from blogging.

  4. Anonymous10:38 AM


  5. Anonymous10:39 AM

    You're right Gryphen, I don't think anyone needed a poll to know this information, but it's nice to have the science behind us.

  6. grammy9710:59 AM

    For anonymous @10:10 am: yes, there's a widespread feeling that we generally vote for less than decent people. But is that accurate? In 2008 we saw a brilliant, eloquent young man offered as a presidential candidate, and we voted for him in overwhelming numbers. Even the Diebold voting machine slant couldn't stop the public choice. Maybe we're not so shallow after all. Maybe the two political parties need to be purged.

  7. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I wonder what "Carlton West" falls under? He trolls EVERY site that talks about the Palin's and he tries to lasso you in with preposterous poems about how beautiful, intelligent and influential Sarah Palin is.

    What about the anonymous that post on here that Bristol runs circles around you? Got news for you Troll, Bristol can't physically run and her mother can't run for another office EVER because of all the baggage she's weighted down with.

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    10:10 I happen to think Hillary Clinton is a good looking woman. Pretty eyes, nice hair plus SMART, with a sense of humor. She could make mince meat out of the two repub. dullards with their screechy voices and low intelligence. If Palin thought Katie Couric slimed her, she would not know what the HELL hit her if Hillary took a stab at her.

  9. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Hillary Clinton is very attractive!! Palin will not look so attractive when she is that age, plus she has nothing in the brains department.

  10. Anonymous11:20 AM

    SP - Less than $24,00 get 22%

    Do these people really believe that SP. Will do something to help them?

  11. All you have to do is read comments on some of the blogs to know that uneducated morons are the ones that support Sarah. The comments have lots of mispellings, wrong word usage and the comments do not make sense.

    One ignorant comment that comes to mind is the same one about "Bristol running circles around someone's ass". Ignorant, you betcha!

  12. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Anon @11:01 AM

    Carltonwest may be Rick Patel. Owner/CEO of Sejwad hotels in Southern Carolina. He is also fond of Haley. He loves to fawningly alliterate about the Palins. What category does he fall under? How about kook.

  13. Anonymous11:41 AM

    10:10, your point is so right on.

  14. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The poll actually says nothing about intelligence. Many very smart people never graduate from college, for a variety of reasons. Conversely, you don't really have to be all thst smart to get a college degree. IMO, the very fact that someone supports Sarah Palin is a good indicator of their level of intelligence.

  15. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I just finished watching our President's speech on immigration reform and couldn't be prouder of him than now. Not only is he brave but brilliant as well. Obama has brought respect back to our country in the world's eyes. He is a true constitutionalist and that's why the corporate rethugs hate him and do everything they can to make him/America fail. Palin is the buzzing gnat and racist cheerleader.

    God Bless President Obama!

  16. Anonymous12:10 PM

    "Intelligent Republicans" is an oxymoron!

    They are all stupid!

  17. Too bad that high school drop-outs weren't included in the poll. SP would have received 100%. (Unless it was a written poll.)

  18. Agreed 10:10. To go a bit farther - if they looked like Hillary and were as (un)intelligent as they currently are - what would the reaction be to Palin and Bachmann then? If they were male?

    The saying "you can't judge a book by it's cover" has been around so long, when will people ever learn?

  19. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Chester The Molester aka carltonwest can't stop slobbering over "beautiful, buxom Bristol". Bet he can't wait till Willow & Piper come of age.

  20. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I'm not American but how much more un-american can this guy be and why don't people call him out on it?


    If I wanted my PM to fail, that woulod mean I want my country to fail.

  21. Anonymous1:09 PM

    guy's whats in the book. Anything juicy yet. I see it's slow today. Pls give me something about snowdrift snookie

  22. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Well, this poll really shows a woman who had to go to 6 universities to complete a shit degree in communication and has only an audience of her level of people. Birds of the same feather flock together.....

  23. Anonymous1:26 PM

    We had eight years of George W. Bush, who is supposed to have gone to Yale and Harvard, even getting an MBA. He does prove the rule that just because you went to college doesn't mean that any of it rubbed off on you. When Bush bragged that he read three "Shakespeares" one summer, it sounded stupid. When Bush did not have a speech to read, he sounded stupid.

    When I was in grade school, our teacher tried to make a point during a civics lesson, saying that anyone in our class could grow up and be president. I think that when we really think about it, not every in the class can be president. We should want someone who is smarter than we are and able to make studied decisions, someone with a background in history, politics, sociology, economics and the ability to integrate all of that knowledge.

    John McCain made hasty decisions, based on his gut, hence his choice in VP running mate. Sarah may have been chosen to attract the Religious Right, because she was a novelty, and she was supposed to attract the unhappy Hillary voters. However, Sarah has not gotten to where she is because she is smart. When she speaks, it is garbled. Her thoughts race through her head, and she can't sort them out in a coherent way. Intelligent people can spot her limitations in a second. Even Peggy Noonan, a former speech writer for Reagan said "We are so screwed" the first time that she heard Sarah Palin speak. Sarah's demographics from her reality show were the hard core red states. Her appeal is limited.

  24. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The Donald's poll numbers and his ridiculous TV show's numbers have plummeted as well.

  25. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Sorry OT. Everyone Must read this -

    The Tragedy of Sarah Palin, in the Atlantic


  26. Anonymous1:42 PM

    10.24 AM I am also suspicious about the same.She went mute the same week, Todd started to show his face again in public.

    Time will tell.I think you nailed it about Shailey Tripp and Todd.

  27. Anonymous1:57 PM


    Palin's "real" Americans are poor and stupid? WTF!

  28. Anonymous1:59 PM

    We don't need to see a poll result to have a pretty good idea of the what kind of people are SP fans.

    Some posters at TeamSarah even spell her name wrong sometimes: "Sara". Poor spelling, poor punctuation, incoherent sentence structure and very simple concepts repeated over and over.

    It is a polished, professionally run website, with all sorts of sub-threads and chat functions.

    I wonder if sometimes the site admins look at all their work and try to think why there are 77,000+ members and only 15 people that comment regularly, at nearly a third-grade level of response.

    P.S. Of course, there are many smart people who never completed collage, and dumb people who have a degree, but being able to clearly express a point of view separates the wheat from the chaff pretty quickly.

    P.P.S. Alas! My naturally frugal nature caused me to opt for FREE shipping from Amazon books, and so I will have to wait (impatiently) till next week to have a copy of Dunn's book in my hands.

    I was in a Barnes & Noble bookstore earlier today, and if I had seen a copy displayed, would have bought it there and then donated it to the library.

  29. Anonymous2:11 PM

    What always comes to mind when I am reading about Sarah Palin is :Sarah Palin is a peice of shit.

  30. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Jon Huntsman nominee.

  31. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Intelligent/Stupid 2012!

  32. Anne In DC3:23 PM

    There are people who are dumb whether they are wealthy or poor. Those are the folks most likely to support Simple Sarah. On the other hand, people who are even remotely intelligent would not support such a "nincompoop," as Peggy Noonan has referred to Palin.

  33. London Bridges4:02 PM

    The Hillary campaign started the birther movement.

    I watch Hillary give speeches almost every day on Democracy Now. Hillary never makes eye contact and can only say 3-4 words maximum at a time before having to read her written notes on the podium.

    Half the time she looks like she hasn't washed her hair in days.

  34. Dinty4:17 PM

    This makes perfect sense.

    While, yes, you don't have to be intelligent to complete college (but it really helps!) and there are many intelligent people who never attended, a college degree is an indicator of intelligence and the ability to finish things.

    The reason it makes so much sense is that in college one of the key tools you are given is that of critical thinking.

    Ever read the comments at C4P? There's obviously not alot of that going on there.

  35. Anonymous4:30 PM

    London Bridges said

    Not true, none of what you wrote! Learn, read, become educated. Is this Bekki Mansour?

  36. She can't get a rise out of the President so she keeps lobbing her spitballs at our beautiful and classy First Lady in the hopes that he will finally toss some attention her way.

    You're just working yourself up to another sad day in the girl's gym when you found out the guy you wanted preferred someone else.

  37. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Poor London Bridges having to live in a world where Hillary Clinton is the Secretary of State and his queen qualifies only as Secretary of Spite.

  38. Anonymous6:16 PM

    The poll didn't go far enough. I'm sure the poor, uneducated Sarah supporters are also evangelical racist white people. With the millions Sarah continues to grift, she just doesn't fit in with her demographic anymore.

  39. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Lou Sarah, how ya gonna get smart folks to support ya?

  40. Anonymous6:38 PM

    For Anon @ 1:09, I'm only on page 189, but I laughed out loud at a word salad quote. She said she was not going to "reinvent any wheelbarrows". That woman is an idiot!

  41. Gasman9:40 PM

    Palin's new slogan:

    Sarah Palin - the candidate for fucking morons.

  42. Lawrence O'Donnell has a segment today that extols what a great person Sarah Palin was before the Republican establishment got hold of her. He interviews Joshua Green, a senior editor of the Atlantic magazine on his article "The Tragedy of Sarah Palin". The theme of this segment is what a fine reformer and advocate of the public visa vis big oil Sarah was as governor of Alaska. Mr. O'Donnell went so far as to say what a misservice has been done to her good name.


  43. Shawn's MOM7:21 AM

    Stupid is as stupid does...Sarah is so stupid when asked in court on Monday when she was Governor, she couldn't remember! Guess it wasn't really that important to her


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