Monday, May 23, 2011

Tim Pawlenty creates ad to announce his candidacy. Next he will try to create a pill that makes people give a shit.

Okay here is the first problem I see.  In the ad Pawlenty is a black and white character telling us that he can offer solutions to problems in a Technicolor world.  I don't buy it.

After all the way he is filmed makes it look like he is in a bad horror film, and that HE is one of the undead.  Somehow I do not think that one of the most boring politicians in recent memory should try to appear any LESS animated.

The second problem is that Pawlenty claims that he is going to "just tell you the truth."  Now perhaps Pawlenty has not been getting the memos, or has not had his television tuned to Fox News for he last four years, but "truth" is NOT one of the platforms in the Republican party. Lies, deceptions, and misinformation, are the tools of the trade for the GOP, and if Pawlenty is going to have ANY hope of getting this nomination he better learn to lie his ass off! (All he has to do is watch one Sarah Palin interview. The woman was born to lie!)

The third problem is that he brings up the fact his mother died when he was a teenager.  That is a blatant rip off of Obamas' life story.  Pawlenty cannot just up and hijack the "my mother died," and that made me a more compassionate leader back story from our President.  Obama OWNS that!

Now if Pawlenty wants to to have a similar story to make himself seem more human and accessible, perhaps he could talk about a dog that was run over, or goldfish that was eaten by a cat, or maybe he could just push one of his elderly aunts down a flight of stairs and have something fresh to use for that sympathy vote.

You know it does not make any difference, Pawlenty's chances of getting his party's nomination are about the same as John McCain finally apologizing to the country for the dangerous creature he unleashed in 2008, in his desperate attempt to win the presidency.


  1. Anonymous5:15 AM

    did you just say Obama owns a dead mother meme? You have now become insane. Tim P is a good guy. You've been indirectly saying for years now that America needs boring and needs more seriousness in politics. Tim P is that. The recognition is his problem area and brilliant, intelligent Herman Cain will be competition. That wasn't a distasteful ad.

    And did you just accuse ONLY republicans of having a platform of lies? REALLY? Obama spews contradiction, vague thoughts and pure lies his whole campaign and you still ONLY attack the GOP. That is sad. At least pretend to be fair about revealing immorality, as your blog seeks to do. Both parties are corrupt up to their scalp. Both build careers on fibs and fantasy. Both have strong leaders whom we know nothing about.

    I hope you AT LEAST see that. You don't have to report on it. But reporting on both sides' lies would help your blog gain credibility. I liked this blog best when you only focused on politics and policy, not onesided reports of petty personal stories and endless lies that cant be proven.

  2. Olivia5:15 AM

    I can tell you that Pawlenty is in complete accord with the Republican idea of "truth". He already is lying his ass off. He tells people he balanced the budget but he doesn't say that he did it by not paying the bills. When he became gov, we had a large surplus, when he left we were 6 billion in the hole. He worked for 2 terms to turn us into a bible belt state.
    He is chameleon man. Whatever you want to hear, he will tell it to you. We can't wait to see if he hangs on to that southern accent he has so recently acquired. If he becomes a candidate, he won't win his own state. What a putz!

  3. Many problems here for T-Paw!

    all we need is footage of the I-35 bridge collapse, and the slogan:

    Your Small Government at Work. OR
    Your Tax Cuts at Work.

    Next candidate?

  4. London Bridges5:25 AM

    Why is it that Scott Walker, Paul Ryan & Tim Pawlenty ALL have that "look" which leads me to believe that the cumalative sum of their IQ's would not break 100 on a good day?

  5. Does Pawlenty think he can run a campaign on Youtube with his dumb movie trailers trying to make him not appear so boring?

    Miss Wasilla: FB and Twitter
    Pawlenty: Youtube

    too bad Huckabee dropped out, he could campaign on iTunes with his banjo.

  6. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I live in MN and I will tell you Pawlenty is a piece of shit. He pardoned a sex offender only to have the offender re-offend, he flip-flopped on the Twins Stadium issue, refused to fire his Lt. Gov when it was found she was neglecting her duties as head of MNDOT, which had led to the Minneapolis bridge collapse, raised fees on everything which hurt the lower classes more than the upper class but refused to raise taxes on his rich friends.

  7. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Let's see. We could have a choice of looking at a President with a 1000-megawatt smile and a look of pleasant calmness on his face, OR...that??? Pawlenty's face signals despair, and no matter the words coming out of his mouth, he makes me feel fearful.

  8. BAustin5:54 AM

    yawn...the only person with less charisma than Mitt Romney is Tim Pawlenty.

  9. Okay people, obviously my argument that Obama owns the "my mother died, so please like me" back story was tongue in cheek. However I am dead serious that Pawlenty mentions it solely in order to stir up some sympathetic support from the Republican voters.

    I actually feel that for Obama, his mother's life and death WERE a huge part of why he decided to go into public service.

    I do NOT believe that is true of Pawlenty, who seems to be throwing everything he can think of into that ad in order to attract support.

    Did anybody else notice him playing hockey? I mean please!

  10. Anonymous6:12 AM

    "Most infamously, an interstate freeway bridge collapsed on his (Pawlenty) watch, after years of budget cuts and politicization of the transportation department."

    "Pawlenty applied a highly restrictive interpretation of the state's open record law -- declaring that only the final decisions by his government needed to be made public, not any of the memos, emails or white papers used in developing that final decision. Since the government inevitably announces its final decisions to the press anyway, this decision essentially made everything in state government secret, suddenly."

    More at:

  11. It's pretty sad when the backround music in the ad drowns out what you're saying. Unless that was on purpose...

    Mr. Pawlenty needs to come up with a new "concerned" look, because the one he has is a bit of a downer.

    Anon at 5:15.....apparently you don't appreciate wry humor (ie "dead mother meme")

  12. London Bridges6:23 AM

    Pawlenty's pardoning of the guy who raped and impregnated a minor child, then later married her so that she could open a day care center wouldn't have been so bad if at the time of the pardoning, the rapist hadn't been already raping his daughter who was the result of his first known raping.

    The Condi, "who could have known?" defense does not cut it here as there was no reason to pardon this guy to permit him to be affiliated with a day care center, other than corrupt politics.

    Read this it is worse than any horror story!

  13. OMG! He made the rounds of the morning shows. Every time I change the channel, there he is spouting the same ole' Republican talking points: "We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem." "I have the courage to tell the truth that we have to cut entitlements." I can't take the campaigning so soon and will avoid any and all candidates except for debates if it means keeping my tv turned off.

  14. Anonymous6:28 AM

    5:15, are you seriously here with your patently wrong "Obama lies" meme (the refuge of racists who can't accept this intelligent, educated, rational, and competent person of color as PRESIDENT) expecting anybody to take you seriously?

    Go away and take that absurd "both parties are bad" equivalence with you. Neither party is perfect, but the Right is just plain BAD with its fake concern for "the little guy" while all the time giving the farm away to big business.

    You never liked this blog. If you did, your comment would have reflected a measure of respect. As it is, you ooze hatred. You people are so easy to spot.

  15. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Karen, Huckster on a banjo! LOL!

  16. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Gryphen, honestly, if anybody took offense to your dead mamma meme, they officially lack a sense of humor. Jeez.

    This isn't a think tank people (although, the content may feel sufficiently elite-y), it's a blog. Let's all unclench.

  17. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Trump must not be impressed with Pawlenty either.Trump said something really stupid today on Fox.

    "The billionaire business mogul phoned into Fox News' "Fox & Friends" this morning to lament the state of the Republican field. He took issue with Mike Huckabee exiting the race, saying he's sure Huckabee could win and he's still sure he could have won. "

    Asked if there's any chance he'll jump in later in the race, Trump replied, "I can't rule out anything ... [It's] vital that we choose the right person, and at this moment, I don't see that person."

  18. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Who cares what the republicants offer up. Nothing is going to beat Obama. It is a shame he is going to waste all that campaign money running against the joke that filters to the top. The sheer fact they are actually talking about Michelle Braindead Bachman as a serious consideration--gosh do I even need to finish that sentence. I don't even care about the election anymore, it is a done deal in my book. The repugs are so far in a hole, Jesus Christ himself could run and it would not make a difference.

  19. angela7:00 AM

    Anon 5:15

    The GOP is now nothing BUT a platform of lies and right wing nut fuckery half of them don't even believe— but are scared shitless to say anything about. After the behavior of the GOP and its tea bagging morons and the like there is no way you can equate Democrats with the pus bowl the GOP has become. False equivalency.

    AND Gryphen can say what he wants on his blog and I doubt you'll keep him awake with your disappointment.

    Oh yeah—Herman Cain is brilliant? The man who told FAUX he wouldn't tell anyone what he would do about Afghanistan until they elect him? Yeah, he's a real brain trust.

  20. Anonymous7:16 AM

    This utterly revolting story will sink him for good, forever:

  21. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Tpaw: It's what's for dinner. Next!

  22. Anonymous7:40 AM

    TPaw did nothing for the state of MN except raise fees on virtually everything in order to generate revenue.

  23. Cracklin' Charlie7:45 AM

    Title cracks me up!

  24. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Gryphen and follow posters,
    In regards to Timmy boy you may want to google Jeremy Geifer, the child sex offender he PARDONED so a home daycare could be opened at his residence.

  25. Anonymous7:50 AM

    For him to say that Obama does not have courage is completely disconnected from reality.

    What lacks courage is that the republicans play kiss ass to the religious right. To express anything less than compassionate understanding about certain segments of our population because it is not acceptable to the religious extremists is cowardly.

    I guess this ad works best for people who have not been paying attention.

  26. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Do you think Huntsman will come to regret this speech?

    Here is Jon Huntsman's nomination speech for Sarah Palin at the 2008 GOP convention.

    "We are looking for Sarah..."

  27. Hannah7:55 AM

    Fiscal conservative my heiny!!! This man spent 8 YEARS destroying the great quality of life in Minnesota, and he says he can run the country better??? NO way!! He is a snake oil salesman, and not even a very good one. And yes, these young republican men all seem to be carbon copies of some mold, don't they? At first, I though Pawlenty was Scott Walker, who sucks just as bad!

  28. Beldar "B-Cone" Conehead8:06 AM

    What?? Now you're mocking T-Paw?? Gryphen, if you're going to ridicule every pathetic conservative egomaniac who fancies him/herself leader of the free world, you're "going to need a bigger boat"! Afterall, there are only 24 hours in the day. Can any one human really do justice to the conceited inadequacy of Michele Bachmann, Rick "santorum" Santorum, Newt "Fig Newton" Gingrich, Buddy "call me Buddy" Roemer, Screechy "Lulu" Wretch, Bobby Jindal, et al? I THINK NOT!!!

    (but thanks for trying...)

  29. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Anonymous said...

    This utterly revolting story will sink him for good, forever:

    7:16 AM

    That's not the only thing in his closet. BTW his molester pardon was in the comments here at IM months ago!

    One of the links at that comment was to this-at CityPages- one of the local blogs that exposed the story when the MSM in the state was still in Pawlenty love mode.
    Tim Pawlenty is in full ostrich mode.

    Tuesday we learned that Jeremy Giefer, the sex offender Pawlenty voted to pardon in 2008, has been allegedly raping his own daughter for the past nine years.

    Today we learned that Giefer told the Board of Pardons he wanted his record wiped to clear the way for a childcare facility in his home.

    So what does the governor have to say about it? Not much.

    ​Today Pawlenty sent a letter to the Blue Earth and Ramsey County attorneys expressing his shock that Giefer might have lied when he told the Board of Pardon's he'd been good, and asking them to look into charging Giefer with perjury.

    "I am very troubled by the prospect that a pardon applicant may have been committing serious crimes while representing to the Board of Pardons that he was law-abiding," Pawlenty wrote.

    WTF? A convicted felon might LIE? Who would ever guess that might happen?

  30. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Being from MN the thought of having tpaw anywhere near the white house is frightening. The man oversaw the ruination of the state during his tenure and the rise of the religious crazies. What was once a bastion of liberal MN nice has become a mean spirited mass of hatred and intolerance. People like him whipped them into a frenzy, aided by MB and even the occasional Saree visit. Remember it was the little old lady in Apple Valley MN who stunned McCain when she called Obama a Muslim during a live Q&A in the election process. I think that was when McCain realized he'd unleashed a monster in Saree. With tpaw gone, he failed to pay the bills or plan for any declines in employment and revenues - he left us down 6 billion and as the mind numbing trolls who rode into office deal with the only major issue they cared about; putting up an amendment outlawing anything but man/woman marriage - we are not looking at a government shut down. The legislative session ends tonight and instead of working to resolve the budget these christian nazi's decided the only burning issue was more social engineering. This fool wants to run for POTUS? He'll get wiped out in his home state. Everyone hates him here. The 35W bridge catastrophe was his Waterloo. His Lt Governor completely dropped the ball on having it inspected and for those of us who were on the bridge that day - my trip was ten minutes before it went down - it was obvious to the observant that the bridge was horribly overloaded. What a FUBAR

  31. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I was listening to right wing AM radio this morning (just shoot me now, right?) and the host went on at great length about how there was nobody on the right who could take down Obama. Perhaps he just wanted to get his listeners riled up, but I didn't stick around to find out.

  32. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Mr Hee Haw Ho Hum Pawlenty has so many issues to deal with, the problem is that people fall asleep while watching him.
    President Obama's gonna have a field day with this guy!

    Popcorn anyone?

  33. Anonymous9:31 AM

    TPaw thought he was on the fast track to be McCain's VP candidate by spending a couple years (while governor of MN) involved with McCain's campaign. McCain choose Sarah as his running mate since TPaw is so mind-numbingly boring. He will say anything to try to be popular. In his campaign ads during his last gov campaign, he sounded and looked like he had a lobotomy. TPaw will not compromise on anything except for changing his MN/Fargo accent to sound southern since that's where the religious votes are. The guy is a total dork. There is nothing nice about him.

  34. London Bridges10:38 AM

    Let's cut to the chase on the pardon issue and rapist guy. The guy has enough money to post $350K bail, so he probably had enough money to make a pawlenty sizeable campaign to ol' Timmie!

    And Pawlenty disregarded a disorderly conduct conviction when giving Giefer his pardon!

  35. London Bridges10:41 AM

    Pawlenty's GOP predecessor notes that Pawlenty destroyed the state.

  36. Hannah10:50 AM

    So, Timmy, let's get your opinion on the MN Senator that LIED on her twitter about statements another senator made, and got CAUGHT red-handed. How do you feel that represents MN politics and the GOP?

  37. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Additional names associated with Tim Pawlenty to google:

    Frank Vennes, Tom Petters, Bradlee Dean, just to start.

    Or just get started here:

    Frank Vennes Jr., friend and fat-cat donor of Bachmann and Pawlenty, indicted on fraud and money-laundering charges.

    Did convicted money launderer and alleged Petters Ponzi pal try to buy a presidential pardon from Minnesota pols?

    By Karl Bremer

    Convicted money launderer and cocaine/gun runner Frank Vennes Jr., a close personal friend and major campaign contributor of Minnesota presidential candidates Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty, has been indicted on federal fraud and money-laundering charges for his alleged role in the $3.5 billion Tom Petters Ponzi scheme.

    Vennes became implicated in the Petters Ponzi in 2008. Millions of dollars worth of his assets have been seized and are being liquidated to pay back some of the victims of the multibillion-dollar scam—the largest in Minnesota history. But until now, Vennes had not been charged with a crime for his involvement in the Ponzi scheme, which sent Petters to the U.S. Penitentiary at Leavenworth Federal Prison for 50 years.

  38. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Why are all Tea Partiers beady cross eyed? Are they having some sort of plastic surgery to enhance the crazy look a la $carah?

  39. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Hey, just checked out some of Pawlie's bio. He could use this as a campaign slogan:

    "Dentistry was too tough for me, so I decided to pursue an easier job, President of the United States."

  40. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Uh oh, looks like we can have lots of fun pointing out who Pawlie has been pallin' around with, can't we?

  41. onething10:26 PM

    I thought he was appealing enough. The one who looked like a freak, I mean who emotionally scared me, was McCain.

    But some of the things people are saying about him - wow. Another nogoodnik.

    It looks like he will be a scapegoat for the rich. He will tell us that we have to accept a miserable life because we are poor, while the rich get richer.

    But I guess if he wraps it all up in the Bible, we can swallow it.


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