Monday, June 27, 2011

Bristol Palin is so "strong" and "independent" that she needs her mommy to sign books with her.

Photo courtesy of USA Today
 From the Associated Press:

Sarah Palin will be stopping by for the start of her daughter's book tour.

The former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential candidate will appear with Bristol Palin on Wednesday in Bloomington, Minn., at the Barnes & Noble in the Mall of America.

HarperCollins Publishers announced Monday that the two will sign copies of their latest books.

Sarah Palin says in a statement that she is "so proud" of her daughter and " thrilled to be joining her to kick off her book tour."

So what do we think here?

Are Bristol Palin's book sales so pathetic that she cried to her mommy until she agreed to help pimp out her book of lies?


Did Sarah Palin see this as the perfect opportunity to unload a few hundred copies of her OWN crappy second book because it bombed so badly during HER last book tour?


Is Bristol Palin simply incapable of doing ANYTHING for herself without her mother telling her what to talk about, and what NEVER to talk about?

Well no matter which one is the most accurate, the whole damn thing is just pathetic.

BTW I wrote this whole blog post with no help whatsoever from my mother.

(H/T to Joe McGinniss.)


  1. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Sarah is there to set up the parimeters. Sarah will make sure no one asks Bristol any question. With Sarah along signing her books, Sarah Pac can pay for all their expenses, hotel, meals, air, etc. You can betcha.

  2. Anonymous10:40 PM

    this girl has some serious body dismorphic stuff going on.

    and i dont just mean her 'mother-appendage'.

  3. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Her face just looks...wrong in that photo.

    Contrast her waistline in this photo to the belly she was sporting on DWTS. How come she's clearly lost weight now that she ISN'T supposedly on a rigorous exercise program? Bots? I mean, if this is Bristol visibly not pregnant, then how do you explain the DWTS look?

  4. Anonymous10:50 PM

    FINALLY the Palins are seeing the lights dim on their day in the spotlight...with "Crazy-eyes" Bachmann pushing them aside, we may not have to hear about every stinking thing they do, anymore.

    Bachmann is much more likely to say or do something explosively insane, so reporters will be turning their heads from the now boring Palins, to the new media darling.

  5. Anonymous10:50 PM

    But how can Sarah be on the book tour when she has jury duty?

  6. Anonymous10:53 PM

    She looks nothing like her book cover. And Mom has to come along because she thinks Bristol will spill the truth about the #s of babies (3?) that she's really had--you know, since she's "not afraid of dick." Bristol looks 40 now.

  7. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Those dark hair extensions are not her friend.

  8. slowhand10:59 PM

    Iowa on Tuesday, Minnesota on Wednesday.

    That jury duty is SO demanding.

  9. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Is it my imagination or is she morphing intoba Snookie /Octomom lookalike?

  10. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Two zombies for the price of one...with Sarah along they would have a good excuse to beef up security to deter all the protesters planned....after all they do read these blogs.

  11. Anonymous11:06 PM

    The pathetic duo!!!!

  12. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Bristol really screwed up w/that facial surgery. Her nose looks huge - look at that photo.

    She was much more attractive before going under the knife. What an idiot - so like her mother.

  13. Anonymous11:11 PM

    The last time Palin was at MOA tomatoes were thrown at her.

    It would be a shame if that were to happen again, a real shame.

  14. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Sarah is going with Bristol because somebody has to chaperon that canvas tent screwing drunk whore who can't remember who she did.

  15. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Sarah is not going to a mall in Bachmann land.

    Sarah said she is going to jury duty and I believe her.

  16. Anonymous11:26 PM

    She looks more Snookie than ever in that photo.

  17. Dis Gusted11:33 PM

    a truly horrible picture of Bristol there. It looks like Snookie's face sitting on top of the arms of a 55 year old. Wow....flab everywhere.

    When you lie, it's not just the nose that grows (for Palins anyway).

  18. Anonymous11:34 PM

    OK, so when I saw this picture of Bristol, I thought it was Shailey Tripp. How can she possibly look THAT different and keep denying she's had multiple plastic surgeries? And I'm not even gonna GO into the ramifications of coming out of it all looking like a clone of her Daddy's masseuse/prostitute.

  19. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Her face is freaky. Over pronounced Chin coupled with pudgy cheeks and bloated bottom lip slathered in lip gloss. Then, she's crossing her arms (which look hefty) over her protruding belly.

    I love her comment on Hannity basically whining about Megan McCain's "privledge" elite status and how she's "worked" since she was very young. She also insinuated (we know how those Palins are masters at that) Megan is where she is ONLY because of Daddy.

    I think the reason so many people HATE the Palins is the GALL to assume we don't understand the utter hypocrisy of their constant lies & fabrications that they can actually say with a straight face (or in Bristol's face, sharp, right-angle face).

  20. Anonymous11:49 PM

    That faux chin, it's monstrous. It's like they used an old rugby ball.

  21. Tyroanee12:07 AM

    Just wondering if there will be one or two ghost signers?

    Gosh Sarah you weren't available in the tent with Levi and Bristol when she was being force fed wine coolers... but hey throw a pen in your hand and you jump at the chance to make some $change$ like the local bitch in heat.

    SNL's skit "Lowered Expectation's" comes to mind here.

  22. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Serious lack of muscle tone in the arms. Look like hanging bags of jello. Could be helped by repeated push-aways from the dessert table.
    Whatever it is she's wearing must have been in the underwear bin at a convent yard sale.
    Gothic grunge.

  23. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Since the fairy tale troll hasn't put in an appearance yet, I want to take a stab! Um, okay, here goes:

    You h8ers. Your just jealous that their so close. Bristol is a strong, independant girl who haves the support of her famly and don't care what no one else thinks. She loves her son and everythng she does is for him! I know cuz I read about it on Facebook! And then I saw the whole family at Wal-Mart and they looked SOOO hapy. U dont know them, so u just go makin stuff up. And Mercede is jealous of Bristol because even though they both got plastic surgery Mercede was the only one who got a Playboy gig, she only wishes she could be as acomplished as Bristol who wrote a whole book! So there. Take that, h8ers and limp, impotent pedafiles.

    How'd I do?

  24. Anonymous12:29 AM

    I'm sure a stipulation in the book contract was that Sarah had to make some appearances with her. The book publishers know who gets all of the attention.

    This is a move that entitled Bristol to more money in her contract, in my opinion.

  25. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Since these two are so damn close, makes you wonder if Sarah wasn't in the tent, chugging on a few wine coolers with Bristol.

  26. Am I the only person who thinks Bristol looks like Snooki?

  27. Anonymous1:18 AM


    Who the hell is the photo of for this article? She looks native and has gained a lot of weight if that is Bristol Palin. Look at those big arms, tell me that this is not Bristol.


  28. Anonymous1:19 AM

    So Bristol has had the dwts baby? Was it a boy or girl and what did she name it?

  29. Anonymous1:22 AM

    I don't know if it's Bristol who needs her mommie or if it's mommie that needs Bristol to further mommie's career. Look at the evidence:

    Sarah taking over Bristol's baby Trig to pander to the rightwing

    Sarah making Bristol's Tripp pregnancy/fairy tale wedding a part of Sarah's fake VP narrative

    Sarah making Bristol publicly support abstinence to keep Sarah in the news (even though "abstinence is not realistic at all")

    Sarah invading Bristol's DWTS gig so Sarah could be fawned over and photographed

    Sarah invading Arizona to get closer to Bristol and Bristol's baby sitting skills

    Sarah horning in on Bristol's book signing to sell Sarah's books

    Hummm... Ya think there'll be plenty o' Sarah in Bristol's new reality show? Will Sarah edit it?

    So sad. In an attempt to lead her own life, Bristol was getting far away from mommie dearest... but Bristol quit... just like mommie.

  30. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Bristol can't do anything without her Mommy beside her to tell her what to say or have security run off people that makes her uncomfortable.

    So Sarah Palin is trying to hawk her last book and be in charge of Bristol's book signing tour.

    Sarah is there because no one will show up for Bristol. Is Koch Brothers going to bus in a nursing home or school in order for there to be a crowd?

  31. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Bristol is controlled by her mother and this just validates that point yet again.

    Sarah says see Me, Me, Me and don't look at Bristol, she's not important.

    Sarah says Bristol would not have a book if it wasn't for me and my name.

  32. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Tell us that isn't Bristol the Pistol in that photo. She is unrecognizable and looks so much older than she should.

  33. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Will Chuck, the grandfather, be at the signing to intimidate people and stare at the women's behinds and boobs?

  34. Anonymous1:33 AM

    By looking at her picture, Brisket is unable to push herself away from the trough.

  35. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Sarah is on her campaign tour and is doing this to tell Fox News that she can do whatever she wants.

    She will get her bots to come out and give her more money.

    Wonder is Todd Palin will make an appearance? Those in the know feel sure they are divorced now.

  36. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Thought $arah Paylin was on jury duty. Just another one of her lies as usual. Bet Greta, the girlfriend will be there too.

  37. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Bristol does look strong with her new face and big arms. She will be the next Jenny Craig paid person, you heard it here first.

  38. Anonymous1:46 AM

    And now, a person of real character:

  39. 1. It's all about Sarah.

    2. Noone is interested in Bristol's book.

    3. No interest, no sales.

    4. Bristol looks & feels foolish.

    5. Sarah rescues the Palin brand name.

    6. Sarah can now control what questions may be asked.

    7. Sarah looks like a loving mother.

    8. No one asks (or allowed to ask) who is caring for the other Palin children.

    9. Sarah get free public exposure.

    10. It's all about Sarah & the Palin brand.

  40. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Count the ways PAC funds are being misappropriated for this little family reunion.

    I am guessing Bristol thinks with mommy and her mother's goon squad real question still will not be asked by real American;s wanting to know where Trig is.

    Making a fan though buy two books to get thisclose is really proving their greedy whoring ways though.

  41. Virginia Voter2:23 AM

    Maybe a few dozen people would show up if Sarah wasn't there....she's doing it to make her little mini me look good. First of all who does a weekday book signing ? If ypubwant people to come, it should be on a Friday evening , Saturday, or Sunday. Sarahs bots are the ONLY ones who would buy this book anyway....I asked some neighborhood teenage girls if they wanted to read Bristol's book, and they had never heard of the book, a few of them even forgot who she was.

    And yikes, that picture is absolutely hideous. What is wrong with her left eye/eyebrow? Did she Bristol get a brow lift or just a bad wax job. Ugh, Bristol looks like a 40 year old Real Housewife who's trying to look 20...she's like a bad parody of herself.

    Bristol might as well reclaim her virginity at this point, cause no guy will touch her with a ten foot pole, the plastic surgery and her book have taken care of that.

  42. melissa2:29 AM

    It's so sad to see her in that photo! She went from a very pretty girl to someone with a destroyed face. Anyway I'm sure her mother is coming with her so that they can milk that Sarah Pac money!

  43. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Bristol looks like Shailey Tripp in that photo, much more native Alaskan.

  44. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Great article on Joe McG's blog also today and great comments too with some links to photos of the grifter.

  45. angela2:50 AM

    You can't buy one book without the other.
    And both of them are crap.

    Indeed, Sarah is trying to off load some more of her ghostwritten tripe by super gluing herself to her pitiful daughter.


  46. MC30312:54 AM

    Mama wants to horn in on the spotlight (as usual) and make sure Bristle doesn't step out of line.

    Also too: I still cannot get over what she did to her face. That chin is just awful. Such a pretty girl and then this. Just so sad to see.

  47. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Mommy Dearest is coming to make sure Bristle stays on point and to try and sell some of hher own crappy books. i hope the people of Minnesota avoid them like the plague, except for the ones from the anti Palin blogs who show up and ask about Tri-G, and prostitution rings, and Why the last two babies born in to that family are named after Down Syndrome and a lady who says she gave Sarah and Toad massages, and what was your degree in again Sarah?
    By the way, Bristle looks awful in that picture. She used to look very sweet and natural, she did have a receding chin like her grandaddy, but now she just looks generic. And it doesn't look like she has gone to the gym all that much also too.

  48. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Note to girls and women with chunky arms doing publicity photos:
    Don't cross your arms unless you have arms like Michelle Obama.

  49. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Bristol is on Fox and Friends this morning...

  50. Anonymous3:16 AM

    She looks like a young Cher, plus a few (or a lot of) pounds.

  51. Anonymous3:18 AM

    So proud of her potty mouth daughter when she dishes the McCains and accuses Levi of date proud........How old is brissdull, BTW???? With those arms, and that face, she looks like a 45 year old women. I hate to attack her looks, well, not really, but does this child every move? I am 50 years old, have not worked out in 10 years, and my body looks younger than hers; and let me tell ya, I shudder when I catch myself in the mirror............!! Mommy on the book tour, hell, why not, everything suspect in the World of Paylin. Scara is just trying to get a few last photo ops and heavy breathing moments until the light go out forever.

  52. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Bristol's nose looks long in that photo, she must of had more plastic surgery on her face. One must be very unhappy to do a total redo of one's face, Bristol is no longer recognizable. What a sad thing, she really is a very unhappy woman. She also has moved back home with Mama, is Mommy's house large enough for her 3 kids?

    Bristol needs to get a life of her own and a father for her kids.

  53. Anonymous3:22 AM

    She looks like Octomom now, in fact she could be her double.

  54. Anonymous3:27 AM


  55. Anonymous3:30 AM

    All of the above. But I get the feeling this is more Sarah's thing than Bristol's.

    And I *WISH* I had my parents here to talk to. Today would have been my dad's 83rd birthday; he's been gone nearly as long as he was alive. Mom's gone, too, and although I'm perfectly capable of life on my own, I miss them every day. Just not in a pathological way.

  56. Anonymous3:31 AM

    So Mother Sarah has to do everything for her favorite daughter now, like hold her hand at book signings. How weird is that and how very childish.

    Lets see now, the book signing is at an enormous mall because Sarah knows there will be lots of shoppers there and she will pretend the crowd is all hers just like she did with Rolling Thunder.

    Sarah wants everyone to assume that the crowd there is because of her and Bristol. These two women are such fakes; one can know already what their next move is because they are so transparent.


  57. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Those looking for Bristol will think she didn't show up because she doesn't look like Bristol with the new face and chin implant.

    That long stringy dyed black hair looks like the woman with all those welfare kids, Octomom or whatever.

  58. London Bridges3:35 AM

    This is a same as tying a pork chop around your kid's neck so the dog will play with it, or like George H.W. Bush tying an oil well around W's neck so Jeb and his friends would play with little W.

  59. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Poor Bristol, she never stood a chance with her controlling Mother. Everything is Sarah's way or no way. Sarah is needy and has passed off that trait to Bristol also too.

    Sarah gives out orders to her kids at the breakfast table from what I have heard.

  60. Anonymous3:39 AM

    From what I've read elsewhere, you have to purchase Bi$tle's book to get in line AND if you want a signature from $carah, you have to buy her latest bird cage lining tome also too you betcha.
    Grifting again, gals?

  61. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Sarah, what happened to jury duty?

  62. Anonymous3:50 AM

    I thought that Sarah had jury duty.

  63. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Considering Mommy probably helped "write" that book, I guess it makes sense that's she's at the book signings.

  64. London Bridges3:54 AM

    Sara wrore the book? She was in the tent with Levi and Bristol!!!!

  65. Judging from that picture having all those babies has caught up with her. Not even 21 and already matronly.

  66. Anonymous4:01 AM

    No. Mommy is going with her because when Bristol hit's the bar scene - she can't remember who she had sex with afterwards. Mom needs to be there go provide names for the next book.

  67. Anonymous4:02 AM

    That photo is so, so awful. As a mother of a teen daughter, it chills me to the bone to think of the possible issues that would cause a young woman to do that to herself. My daughter also had to correct her bite. The option presented was two years of orthodontia, never face deforming surgery. The results for my daughter were just what she needed and you'd never know she ever had an issue. Bristol? Not so much. She. Looks. Terrible. Therapy would have been the better route. A loving and responsible parent would have steered her in that direction.

  68. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Bristle's arms are HUGE. Does she have to wrestle guys into her bed these days? What a family, completely devoid of any "values" whatsoever.

  69. Anonymous4:09 AM

    From the "rules" regarding the booksigning on the MOA website:

    4. You must have a copy of “Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far” in order to purchase a copy of “America by
    Heart” and/or “Going Rogue” signed by Sarah Palin. Limit 4 books per guest.


  70. Anonymous4:11 AM

    She may have lost weight around her middle, but those arms are the fat arms of a 40 year old, not a 20 year old. This girl is destined to be a fatty and if she's had numerous lipos, the fat's going to get stored in places she is going to seriously regret, like her back. Just because you have fat cells removed doesn't mean your body isn't going to find places to store fat. Bristol's problem is she is an emotional over-eater. Put the fork down, porko.

  71. Anonymous4:12 AM

    What the heck did she do to herself, she looks so bad. I would have never recognized her on the street. She could now hide in plain sight.

    Many news sites are using other pictures of her and it's just like 2 different women. What is she now, around 22 years old and looks about 35? She sure has put the mileage on her body, having all those kids has not been kind to her face or body.

  72. Anonymous4:13 AM

    This book reads like an 8th grader wrote it and is just a trashy romance novel. It's a work of fiction.

  73. OverMountainMan4:34 AM

    But, But ?? I thought she had Jury duty ??????????????

  74. Anonymous4:35 AM

    The draw to meet a future President may have waned. The marketing strategy to offer two for one celebs. Palin is not presidential material starting a trumpeted history tour/vacation, lying about jury duty, showing up in Iowa then going to sign books.

    Palin did get attention she might run. Her family bailed, her daughters bad mouthed the media baited to pursue the RV and she screwed up speaking of historical sights.

  75. Olivia4:39 AM

    Geez, her lower jaw now looks like she has a bad lower denture plate. I was watching a small clip of her talking and her mouth moves like when old people can't get dentures to fit right. Is she going to start tongue thrusting and sucking now to keep her teeth in?

  76. Anonymous4:43 AM

    So, in order to see mommy dearest, you are forced to buy one of Bristol's books.....hmm mm.....

  77. Is that photo new? She looks obese. Her arm fat is out of control.

    The way she gains weight seems very unhealthy to me. Bet she has an eating disorder and I know from where I speak.

  78. Anonymous5:05 AM

    As long as someone else is "babysitting their children" they're happy.

  79. Anonymous5:19 AM


  80. Anonymous5:19 AM

    She cancelled Sudan to go to Iowa and Minnesota. They actually moved the movie date up and added a bbq. The only thing these two places have in common is Michele Bachmann, R-Minnesota.

  81. Sorry, this is a little like Palin porn. The kid is 20 years old, give her a break, so she wants her mother with her at a book signing.

  82. Those arms. She isn't anywhere near 40, or even 30. I see part of the mommy problem; daughter isn't anywhere near as physically attractive as mother, but is probably gifted with a better intellect. That would provoke some serious smack-down time over the past 20 years.

    Anyone whose heart isn't broken over the plight of the Palin children isn't really looking.

  83. Anonymous5:24 AM

    This family continues to think that whatever they say, people will believe... ie; Bristol saying she is independent should be enough to convince people that she is. Bu when you spend more time at your parent's house than your own, you are still pretty much dependent on them.

  84. Anonymous5:27 AM

    OMG! Bristol was on Hannity last night! WTF! Poor Hannity has been reduced to interviewing the bottom of the barrel...oh, wait, he's on FOX news, he's been scraping the bottom for years now! Anyway, it was awkward from what I saw, watching Hannity ask Bristol about her sex life with Levi. Talk about weird. Fucking freaks, the whole lot of them!

  85. Anonymous5:28 AM

    While I would not completely dismiss this stunt as just more of $arah's narcissistic need for attention plus mean-girl treatment of her own daughter to *remind* Bristol that she's entirely dependent on Mommy Dearest for these paychecks she's getting, I think this is most likely a call from Harper Collins to save the event. HC has the early book sales and they know they're a disaster, so they're trying to save face (for themselves & Bristol) by having $arah appear with her (hence the requirement to buy "Not Afraid of Lies" for whomever wants Granny Grifter to sign her own books, otherwise it would just be a few bots there to have their Queen sign books and Bristol would be completely ignored at her own book signing).

  86. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Bristol moved back home with Mammy and has put her Arizona digs up for rent. Mammy dearest has to tell little Bristol what to say and do.

  87. Anonymous5:33 AM

    damn, now I might have to go and get a double blind eye looking at the two grifters. Shoot, the weather is actually going ot be nice out too, hmmm, pull weeds or pull my hair out after the visual of the two of them grifting?
    #1-whos the baby's daddies?
    #2- who are you actually, I mean it said bristol palin was gonna be here?
    #3-where is trig-trip triple -t any of 'em all of 'em?
    or I'll just get roughed up by Tawd-ry if he is there, or piper can beat me up!
    crap, yeah, I guess I'll go across the border, but I have to traverse through bachmann country.....that could be dangerous!

  88. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Link from a commenter on Joe McGinniss' blog that explains things a bit. Seems you can't purchase a SP book, without first purchasing Brisdull's book.

    So it's really a two-fer, isn't it...Momma gets exposure & sells some books, and Brisdull sells some books. I'm sure momma doesn't want to have to waste her PAC money on buying up Brisdull's book (like she did her own). A win-win for the mother/daughter grifting tag team.

  89. Anonymous5:45 AM

    12:29 am says like a fairy tale troll

    Damn, you are good at being a troll; you have it down just about perfect. LMAO

  90. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Bristol does look strong with her new face and big arms. She will be the next Jenny Craig paid person, you heard it here first.

    1:38 AM

    No actually many of us have said this for quite some time now.

  91. Anonymous5:48 AM

    12:53 am Wolfbitch says

    Hey Snooki has lost a ton of weight. I say a new photo of her this morning coming out of a gym and she is small now, I believe it was a link to People Mag. at CNN.

  92. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Notice, she has to have her hair down and around her face--has to hide the tell-tell plastic surgery markings.

  93. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Neither one of them know how to put their "big girl panties" on, always needing someone to be a shield and hold their hand when they appear in public.

  94. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Sarah is trying to stuff SarahPAC with as much money as possible. And sell a couple of books which no one bought last time around. And keep an eye on Bristol (a little late for that one). Sarah can't resist the spotlight, even when it's focused on someone else. Did I mention that she really needs more donations?

  95. Anonymous5:51 AM

    1:31 said:

    "Will Chuck, the grandfather, be at the signing to intimidate people and stare at the women's behinds and boobs?"

    Sure thing that Todd won't be there to push people around--he might get a can thrown at him by Sawah.

  96. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Gryphen, I think someone should be sending Bristol a shake weight! Just sayin'.

  97. Anonymous5:58 AM

    This photo is proof positive of the following fact:
    When you have liposuction but do not improve your eating or exercising habits, the fat will get stored in another area wherein the body has fat cells. This photo should be at every plastic surgeons office to show people that while you may get temporary results like a thinner neck, abdomen or inner thighs, if you continue to pork and vegetate, you will end up with huge hamhock arms and serious back this person here in this photo. They just need to black out her eyes and it is a teaching tool at the plastic surgeons office!!

  98. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Karen at 5:01 said

    "Is that photo new? She looks obese. Her arm fat is out of control.

    The way she gains weight seems very unhealthy to me. Bet she has an eating disorder and I know from where I speak."


    She might very well have an eating disorder, but I don't feel sorry for her. I have an eating disorder, but I can't aford the $180 an hour treatment for it and insurance won't pay. Plus, I work for a living an actually raise my own child and take care of a house, husband, and dog.

    She has plenty of money and plenty of time. She can afford plastic surgery, nanny's, a house, probably housekeepers, etc. She can certainly find time for a personal trainer and a doctor to help her with any issues that might be causing the eating disorder.

    But, oh yeah, that would take work. Nevermind.

  99. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Mommy Bully must go help Baby Bully to cover up her low self-esteem and keep her sense of entitlement intact. Mommy Bully must hold her hand and tell her what to say, do and think. If you learn how to act and speak just like Mommy Bully you will grow up to be as successful of a grifter as she is and all kinds of idiots will worship you!

  100. Anonymous6:05 AM

    All of the above, Gryph, and don't cha know $arah is a book signing expert?

  101. Anonymous6:09 AM

    And Brisket tries to claim she's all grown up and makes her own decisions. ROFL!!!!!

  102. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Isn't body guard Diaper Piper going with them? Looks like Brisket got her face pumped up with a tire pump to match her arms that she's using to hide some fat. No wonder she's so jealous of Meghan McCain - Brisket is afraid of being not as pretty and that Meghan will lose weight before she does.

  103. Anonymous6:16 AM

    pic looks like Bill Maher in drag

  104. palinwho?6:22 AM

    Remember THIS?

    Written by Sarah Jones in Politicusus April30, 2010?

    “Bristol Palin said she was distressed to find pictures of her newborn son in the public eye after her mother’s e-mail was hacked. Defense attorneys argued Kernall, the son of a Democratic state lawmaker, was just committing a college prank.”

    Bristol’s baby Trip wasn’t born until late December of 2008, and the email hacking occurred during the campaign in September of 2008, just months after Trig was born.

    Wonder if THAT'S in the ~book~


  105. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Bristol is Shailey Tripp's twin.

  106. Anonymous6:40 AM

    12:32: Since these two are so damn close, makes you wonder if Sarah wasn't in the tent, chugging on a few wine coolers with Bristol.


    ROFLMAO!!! Really! (ie, Rilly!)

  107. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Ha ha! The palin-bots were trying to convince themselves that Bristol was a black sheep who Palin couldn't control...that every family had one...and that Sarah probably didn't approve of the book, but what could she do?

    Once again, these fools will have to do a hasty 180! What will it take for them to see the Palins are all about getting rich...and they've figured out the victimization formula pays big, big bucks?

  108. Anonymous6:47 AM

    For all of you making fun of Briskets out she may start swinging that forearm fat at you!

  109. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Brisket better stay off any California beaches when she moves out there. If she lays down, Green Peace may start to tow her back out to sea.

  110. Anonymous7:03 AM

    OMG! I just watched her Hannity and Fox and Friends interview. What a stupid piece of trailer trash. What is she thinking???

  111. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Everyone should boo everytime they appear in public. They want to lie and play games with others lives. Truth will one day win out.

  112. ibwilliamsi7:20 AM

    After all, Bristol might say something "off the cuff" and "truthful" like "abstinence isn't really very practical for teenagers" and Mommy might have to step in and say "What she means to say is..." You just can't go makin' stuff up, ya know!

  113. The more I read and see of what is going on with Bristol, the more I see a really bad self-destruct in her future. It's a shame she was caught up in the Palin freak show. Too bad she hasn't had a normal life. Things could have been very different. I shudder to think what the future holds for the other kids too...including the next generation.

  114. nogravity8:10 AM

    Minnesota is on the verge of a government shutdown due to the short sighted Republican leadership of Tim Pawlenty so I guess it's entirely appropriate to kick off the book signing at the Mall of America.

  115. emrysa8:12 AM

    brisdull looks like snooki now - there is no denying.

  116. Anonymous8:24 AM

    There are rumors here in MN that the projected turnout for Brisket was so dismal and threatened with protesters that Mama may have tried to come to the rescue. She's here to save the day for her grifter in training. And force people to buy more of her books. That's her life now, extracting the last possible dollar from her chumps. She clearly has no shame and probably figures she can write the whole thing off as a business expense

  117. Anonymous8:25 AM

    6:48 am Greenpeace might tow her back out to sea -


  118. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Yeah, remember Chelsea Clinton, helping her mom campaign all by herself, speaking at colleges and universities, with great eloquence and grace I might add.?
    Bristol can't fart without her mothers help, she's devoid of character, ill mannered, poorly educated, and needs all the help she can get.

    And remember, Bristol runs a consulting firm, she should have what it takes to stand on her own merit, but she's woven in the coccoon of Sarah's lies, and she'll never succeed at anything on her own merit.

  119. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Remember the photo of Bristol when she did that early Candies Foundation panel with Hayden Panettiere (sp?) Bristol was thin and absolutely gorgeous even though she wasn't really "done up" with any makeup. All the girl needed was some coaching in dress, finding her personal style, and hair/makeup to really become a knockout.

    Weight issues aside, she's always had a natural beauty. The sad thing is that it looks like nobody has ever TOLD her that and she's never really felt that way. Hence the horrific self-mutilation via plastic surgery. Someone needs to go back in a time machine and let that earlier Bristol know that EVERYBODY has their little "flaws" (most celebrities benefit from generous camera angles and careful makup and clothing to minimize "problem areas"). You learn to maximize your gorgeous parts and minimize your problem areas if you're going to be in the spotlight. You don't have a freakin' full face transplant or frontal lobotomy or both!

  120. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Well, either way, BOTH of them get to sell a few more books than they would have sold if only one of them had been there...

  121. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Bristol Palin - not afraid of life...I take it on the chin.

  122. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Come on, where is our fairy tale troll?! Seriously falling down on the job.

  123. Anonymous9:27 AM

    No can can deny that Bristol has distorted and disfigured her face.
    It is shameful that her mother encouraged 20 year old Bristol to purposefully mangle
    her face this way .
    Maybe Sarah was jealous of Bristol ?
    It's distinctly possible that we will be
    seeing a book in 10 or 15 years
    from Bristol
    lamenting her ruined face and childhood at the hands of her manipulative
    and deceitful mother.
    Ala Mommie Dearest by Christina Crawford.
    Bristol has just embarked on a lifetime of facial plastic surgery because her surgically
    enhanced facial features
    will inevitably become
    unnaturally displaced and misshapen.
    Which will require more tweaking and surgery.
    A normal mother would be aghast and heartbroken
    at what Bristol has done to herself
    and what she has
    written about herself.
    It's a testament to the spiraling Palin pathology
    that Sarah exhibits none
    of the healthy attributes
    of a typical mother.
    Instead , she celebrates and profits from
    her daughter's disgrace.

  124. Can't it be all three?

  125. Sarah + horning in on Bristol's booksigning = Stage Mother

    Sarah + Trig at Mat-Su = Staged Mother

  126. Anonymous10:08 AM

    If Bristol's "corrective surgery" was in fact a medical procedure and she receives FREE GOVT PAID healthcare, than did my tax dollars pay for her face?

  127. I dislike the Palins as much as the next person, but this piling on about Bristol's appearance is unseemly. People, she is a child, have some mercy, how would you want your own child to be treated.

  128. Anonymous12:11 PM

    brooklyn13 said...

    I dislike the Palins as much as the next person, but this piling on about Bristol's appearance is unseemly. People, she is a child, have some mercy, how would you want your own child to be treated.

    10:33 AM
    She is 20 yr old adult woman. When my children were 20 I treated them as adults and expected them to act like adults. Brisket disfigured her face, if she didn't think people would notice all the work than she is an idiot. It looks awful and she should consult a good surgeon to see if any of it can be fixed.

  129. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Bristol Palin’s Story Doesn’t Add Up

  130. Anonymous7:53 PM

    According to Bristol's recollection, when she appeared on Leno's show a while back, she did miss her prom BECAUSE SHE WAS PREGNANT so maybe getting all dolled up for a book signing is sort of like a coming out party and Sarah will be able to take her shopping at the mall for a cute outfit before the big event.

    BTW- Maybe someone from up your way can comment about how things are done up there, but around here proms are for JUNIORS in SPRING. Bristol would have been a junior 4 years ago? Hmmm, makes those tanned, sun-bleached hair pictures of Levi more interesting.....

  131. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Scan Palin emails for Britta Hanson, you will see how she emails the gov for a job and gets one in a couple of weeks.
    Britta Hanson also used to receive some emails to her account--which she would print out for the "others". Search for all mails using Britta Hanson. She is now her daughter in law and was dating Track in 2008.

    If you look for emails with TA's you will see how she takes extra caution in "getting dates around Trig's birth right." She was techinically off-duty on the April the 18th, yet claimed TAs because she did some State business..?

    She once told some audience about how she named Trig after the Trigger she pulls. You will see emails where she contradicts herself about the origin of Trig (Trignometry, or Norse Gods). You will also find an email from a namesake named Trig, and how he was given the nickname Trigger.

    Please search emails using these terms.

  132. Anonymous12:30 PM

    WOW! Bristol has gained weight in that picture! Remember how huge her head was in comparison to her dancing partner, Mark Ballas. Now her head looks small because she has gained about 100 pounds. Porky needs liposuction--maybe that jaw surgery allows her to chew more food.

  133. Anonymous12:36 PM

    You can't really claim to have grown up and learned from your mistakes, when you can't do a book signing event unless your Mommy is there to hold your hand. The book is bombing and the 15 minutes in the limelight looks like it is over. Cha ching! Cha ching! Cha ching!

  134. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Levi is good looking. What in the world would he see in this chunky monkey? He got the last laugh at her when she named the baby Trapped and he named the other baby Bentley. Bristol is writing her book and claiming rape because that is the trailer trashy family she comes from.

  135. Anonymous4:03 PM

    The old lady not only went there as a sideshow attraction (to draw people to buy the kid's book), she DEMANDED people buy a copy of Bristol's book if they wanted Sarah to sign either of her own books... that's pretty sad. Next we'll see SarahPAC giving a free copy with contributions of $5 or more. They can manipulate/prop up sales a bit, but this book will not sell. Palins are overexposed, Bachmann's taken Sarah's place, and few care much about the kid.

  136. Anonymous1:37 AM

    When one of the posters criticized the criticisms, she wrote: Your just jealous. It is You're. Meaning "you are" As for Bristol, she said her mom wanted to focus on education. So . . . on which campus has she moved from tent to dorm room?


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