Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:
Johnston attorney Rex Butler disagreed with the part of the story that has Bristol so drunk she didn't know what was happening.
"That's obviously not true,'' he said.
Bristol's book clearly paints her as being "unaware that a sexual act'' was being committed on the night she lost her virginity.
As she tells the story, the last thing she remembers is sitting by a campfire laughing with friends after consuming a lot of wine coolers. The next thing she remembers is waking up in a tent with Levi's empty sleeping bag next to hers and the sound of friends "outside the tent laughing,'' according to the book. She then texts a female friend, who comes to Bristol's tent to inform her she is no longer a virgin.
Butler, one of Alaska's better known criminal attorneys, admitted that if true the story sounds a lot like rape, but he said the story isn't true. And he seemed a little perplexed that Bristol, who had a child with Johnston, would be telling it.
"That's not a good thing for her son to digest on down the road,'' Butler said.
"I don't think anyone would buy that,'' Butler said. The legal bar there is a high one. To prove Bristol's statement malicious, Butler would have to demonstrate she is telling a story she knows to be false. All Bristol would need to demonstrate is that she is telling a story that is true to the best of her recollection.
On the other, if her story is documentable -- if there are witnesses who can support the story as her book indicates -- Johnston could find himself the subject of a rape investigation.
Let me get this straight. Levi's attorney for these last two years is PERPLEXED that Bristol would lie about Levi? Has he been unconscious during most of this time?
I KNOW he has sat across from her during depositions. Didn't he pick up on the fact that there was little she would NOT do to hurt Levi and his family when her attorney was trying to make Merecede cry and telling her to never speak to me again or risk never seeing her nephew again?
Do you know what perplexes me? Why in the hell it took three days for Levi's legal counsel to finally put out a statement to defend his client against these allegations? He should have sent out a message on DAY ONE telling the media that this was absolute bullshit and threatening legal action against both her and her publisher.
Levi for God's sake, get yourself a REAL attorney who knows what in the hell he is doing, and start fighting back before this family leaves your bleached bones in the middle of a tundra somewhere!
"That's not a good thing for her son to digest on down the road,'' Butler said.
Notice he said HER son, not THEIR son?
Good lord, what's wrong with this kid? Even from a purely grifter/loser perspective, there's a potential goldmine for him here if he can prove defamation, not to mention she's accusing him of rape and that should bother him more than a little bit. Butler has to be the most pathologically passive attorney on the face of the planet.
ReplyDeleteYou owe it to your child to protect yourself. He may need you desperately someday. There is probably a large boneyard somewhere, maybe you have even seen it.
The truth will set you free. Could it really be any worse that what you are going through now?
Something is weird about this entire set up with Levi, the Palin clan and Levi's attorney. We've been watching this scenario play out for three years.
ReplyDeleteThe fact Levi's sister is quiet too? Something assuredly stinks! What have the Palins got on the Johnstons? Probably not a damned thing!
Wouldn't it be something if they were all in this together and doing nothing more than playing us ALL for suckers and just filling their pockets? (w/the books, TV special and now the movie) It wouldn't surprise me one damned bit!
Surely there is a lawyer out there that can help this guy. There were witnesses to all this, they need to come forward, one way or another. I'm sure it will be Levi's version that will be verified. The Palin family is truly disgusting and that people stand by and let them continue their lies is even more disgusting.
ReplyDeleteI'm very confused, this is Levi's attorney essentially saying if Brisket's story is true his client could go for a rape charge? Did i read that right?
ReplyDeleteLevi, if this is your attorney telling the world you might have raped her then you have really been set up.
Get a good lawyer and get this story settled out. You are going to have to call her out or you might go down pal
They must have some serious shit on you if you are just going to sit there and let her walk all over you once again
Rex Butler, now that's a joke and anyone who hires this idiot as an attorney is mentally stupid.
ReplyDeleteRex is probably on the Palin's payroll. Levi, get yourself a decent lawyer and not a fool such as Rex.
Rex Butler is on the palin payroll.
ReplyDeletesarah has lost her hair and her mind.
Bristol is so boring she has to open her legs to get boys to pay attention to her. The boys find out Bristol is so boring in bed she isnĀ“t worth their time, so she accuses them of rape so they will look at her again.
I agree, Levi. You can do so much better (for the kind of lawyering you need) than Rex Butler.
ReplyDeleteLegally Brsket's book had to be put on he market before Lei could speak.
obviously a good legal st5rategy.
Brisket is fucked, leaally speaking, ....sororry Brisket you aren't gettin; any more cock.
Hey Levi's "attorney," what about the way Bristol is publicly badmouthing the father of her child. Isn't there something in the custody agreement about that? Levi doesn't look like a concerned dad.
ReplyDeleteThat dumbass lawyer may as well have said "Liar liar pants on fire"! It's just as convincing as "That's obviously not true". Not that I need convincing, but there are more than enough people who do.
ReplyDeleteGet a clue Levi! Your lawyer sucks!
ReplyDeleteRex Butler should not be representing a pissant and Tripp is not Levi's kid.
ReplyDeleteYou can't rape the willing.
ReplyDeleteSince when does your attorney make the case for the other side?????
ReplyDeleteHis "argument" about defamation makes little sense from his client's side. This is fishy.
Is this guy Bristol's attorney or Levi's ??
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to tell .
Usually , attorneys will ferociously
defend their clients.
This guy sounds like he could care less.
A guy who got a mail order law degree might be a better rep for Levi than this tool.
I'm also surprised that the legal department of Simon and Schuster/ Touchstone is passively allowing
one of their authors
to be labeled a rapist before his book is published.
This has to hurt potential sales.
Levi, if you're reading this, take everybody's advice and get yourself a real attorney. Reading Butler's response, it goes through my mind that the man just did a heckuva job for the Palins. Change attorneys.
ReplyDeleteRe-posted from Dunne book thread where I posted it before I knew Gryph was posting this one-
ReplyDeleteTHAT is Levi's denial??? That IF true it would be damaging but it's not true, sooo...*shrug*
I hate Rex. Rex, you are a dolt. Where is Levi behind a podium saying "maybe our first time wasn't the stuff of romance novels but we loved each other and it was special. I would NEVER have taken advantage of Bristol. I am shocked she would make up something so horrible simply to sell books. I shudder to think of our son's reaction when he realizes the depth of deception and vindictiveness his mother showed in a futile attempt to rewrite history. As sad as I am, I will not stoop to Bristol's level, in accordance with the judge's mandate in our custody case...which *I* have always observed".
Where the eff is THAT, REX???
And an added note- many people have said "the person who breaks babygate will win a Pulitzer."
What I'm not sure many realize is the amount of money a Pulitzer endows the winner. We're talking hundreds of thousands. Alaskans who KNOW about baby swapping and two-bulls...go to a reporter from Juneau or Fairbanks or anywhere other than Anchorage...and tell them you have the goods and for 25% of the Pulitzer winnings, you will serve up the goods. Have a legally notarized contract.
The time has come for this ridiculous farce to end.
Rex Butler is a media hound, as anyone who lives in Anchorage should be able to figure out by the high profile "gansta" cases he loves to take. Anything to get in front of a camera.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't seem like such a good lawyer does he. Maybe that because he is a not a lawyer for custody. I'm can't figure out how any of this has gone on. How did he let her move out of the state, without contesting it. He should be making a big deal about her shaking up with all these different guys. the child being in a reality show. That child is old enough to go on weekend visitation to his father's. MY dau's lawyer told her "A lawyer is only as good as his client" Levi needs to be pro active and push his laywer. They are just letting Bristol walk all over him . He has to to be 2 steps ahead of her on things, not wait and react. Maybe he just doesn't care, or with Levi it's just to much effort. This is exactly why teenagers don't need to be parents, they lack good judgement, noted from both of them. I'm sorry but I don't think she's a good mother either, too many men in and out of her life, =mixed up kid. Moving around too much ,different houses all the time, children need consistency.
ReplyDeleteRex appears to be stoned on wine coolers also too.
ReplyDeleteLevi was not the first, I am not sure he was even the second lover.
ReplyDeleteThe kid who delivers my paper could give Levi better legal advice. Butler is definitely being paid by Palin.
ReplyDeleteWhat educational institution turned out an attorney who writes "...digest on...""
ReplyDeleteThe criticism of an attorney for failing to jump is wrong.
ReplyDeleteHypothetically speaking- suppose someone is telling untruths about a former associate.
Let the book be published and distributed. Let the interviews on network TV happen.
Then there are damages. Then action can be taken. Did the publisher know the book contained untruths? Who cares? There is no prior restraint in the U.S. Did the author know these were untruths? That is for the courts.
Why engage in editing and approving the content of the book in advance of publication?
Was Rex Butler Sherry Johnston's attorney? The attorney whose client got JAIL TIME for a FIRST OFFENSE in selling some of her own prescription pills?
ReplyDeleteLevi....please get a gag order going so your son won't see anything else. You need to sue her for character assassination and protect your son. Geez...what a mess!
ReplyDeleteLevi: get Anchorage attny MaryAnne Foley. The old battle axe is twice as uh, purty as RAM, but she will get you fair visitation. No glitz, no glam, but she'll spike anyone who tries to accuse you of anything.
ReplyDeleteIt's gonna be like watching the Wicked Witch of the East fight Medussa if you hire her! (My ex husband got her. I'd curse her, but when she gets the good client first, she is worth her weight in gold!)
IMHO the Palin brood is paying Rex and Tank more than Levi is and their loyalty belongs to the highest bidder.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read what his sister has to say. And I find it extremely ironic that this is the law team that "kicked her off" "Team Levi." I can't imagine she will have a lukewarm response like this one. I hope she has a lot of specific detail to support what she says, too.
ReplyDeleteI'm with 7:29. Something's rotten in Denmark.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 7:38 PM said: "I'm very confused, this is Levi's attorney essentially saying if Brisket's story is true his client could go for a rape charge? Did i read that right?"
ReplyDeleteNo, that's the reporter, Craig Medred, speculating.
I have to admit, though, Rex Butler didn't give out much information, merely saying "That's obviously not true," about Bristol's hints of rape.
Perhaps there's more information he's privy to, and it's in Levi's best interests if it's not made public?
Rex was busy finding out if he and Tank could make money from it
ReplyDeleteLevi got smart. He did a little DNA test on Tripp and, as Maury says, "Levi! You are NOT the father!!" Ho, hum. What to do? Wow, Bristol that just makes you look a lot more like the big slut that you are - had so many partners don't even know who the father is. Better go on the Maury Povich show to find out who's the daddy. I wonder how much they pay? If all your other speaking engagements fail that may be how you'll get your next meal ticket.
ReplyDeleteOf course, it took three days. Rex had to ask Sarah if it was OK to say something if he promised not to file a lawsuit.
ReplyDeleteIf Levi had decent a decent attorney from the start, he would have his son, he would be wealthy, and the Palins would leave him alone. Levi's choice. I can't excuse the dumb another day.
I agree with 7:29. Something really doesn't smell right.
ReplyDeleteHey Rex, et al - I double dare you to show "us" your bank statements from the last three know, in good faith and all...
ReplyDeleteCould someone please grab Levi and send him to deprogramming?
Gryphen, you had an illegal who was working in the cop department for years before it was finally discovered.
ReplyDeleteI seriously think it should be investigated about Butler being a lawyer as it appears he has been practicing under fake credentials.
He's not your kid, is he Levi? You were paid for this whole charade, and now you have handlers to make sure you fall in line. Is that it, Levi?
ReplyDeleteA Review of
by Bristol Palin
Rating: One Star out of Five Stars
(minimum available on
Sentences were short and reading level is probably around the target-market of 6th grade-level reading. Unfortunately, the content of this book isn't nearly as inspiring as I hoped it would be for girls and young ladies facing the same decisions that Ms Bristol Palin handled so very poorly. In a time when we are trying to teach our kids to be both responsible in their actions and to be accountable for their decisions, Ms.Palin chooses quite the opposite. Not only does she make terrible decisions, but also she chooses to give the disgusting details as though her faulty decisions are always someone else's fault.
Does anyone care that she drank so much that she blacked out when she was 15 yrs old? Maybe her parents would have, had they been active in parenting their child. Bristol also describes losing her virginity as a type of date-rape scene which seems very far-fetched--- again, she is apparently trying to conveniently dodge the responsibility for her actions. Then she continues having sex, time and again, in which she strongly implies that she did only because her boyfriend had "needs".
Ms Palin obviously has not matured to the point where she can reveal the truth to herself or her ghostwriter in order to tell a story that is cohesive in following a consistent narrative.
I would hate to be a family member, knowing that I'd have to hide this collection of BS from her son in which she consistently talks down the sex partner she alleges to be the child's father.
Ms Palin's parents no doubt would defend her to the hilt, as I would if she were my daughter. But I would be ashamed that I had done such a poor job of preparing my child by failing to discuss contraception as well as to fail to be an active parent who was in touch enough to recognize the tell-tale signs of a sexually active adolescent. They're quite obvious, but only to those parents who care enough to pay attention.
Bristol, if your parents have yet to give you any frank advice, I will do it here. I care not whether you are insulted when reading this right now. But I hope that you will care for your son throughout his life from this point forward in a way that he will be proud without you and others feeling the need to filter the details of your behavior.
Commit yourself to growing up, being responsible, and telling the truth. That way, maybe in 20 or 30 years, you might have enough positive experience to produce some memoirs that someone can actually learn from.
Unfortunately, the drivel that is contained in this PR-person produced "book" amounts to what is obviously half damage-control and half-retribution for those whom you wish to "get-back" for the perceived slights to this point in your short life.
Teenage brains are not developed enough to have good judgment about moderation. This is why so many teenagers end up with substance abuse problems. In most places people can not legally drink until they are 21 which is about the time the brain is fully developed. Some people are genetically disposed to blackouts and can have them without drinking much alcohol. In a blackout the brain does not form memories or only forms fragmented memories because of being anesthetized. The person in this state appears to be totally conscious, but the next day is asking people what happened the night before. In this state the normal ability to make judgments about behavior is gone. Judgment, morals and your real personality are gone. Alcohol can transform a very good person and cause them to make very bad decisions. That is why people drive drunk, get in fights, or wake up the next morning in bed wondering who the hell the person next to them is when they drink. They are shocked, ashamed and embarrassed that they behaved the way they did because it is not who they really are. Both of these kids were drinking and went camping intending to get drunk, clearly. Even pretty good kids might pull some scheme on their parents to do something they aren't supposed to. This is why parents of teenagers who tell them they are spending the night at some one's house call the other parents and verify. If there were people who stayed conscious they would be the best witnesses and if the story was relayed to others right after the incident it is more likely to be closer to the truth than Bristolās book. Remember the Palin oligarchic and dominionist backers are trying to transform Palin into the darling of America by rewriting her history. This book by Bristol may be a propaganda piece they talked her into writing to push that agenda. The rape scenario seems to be a new theme for Bristol as she was engaged to Levi at least two times. Since she does not remember what happened and it is clear she is easily influenced and manipulated by her mother I really question the origins of this BS. The Palins also go after and destroy people, certainly this is very clear in the case of the Johnstons and with Levi certainly. They know what is potentially in Leviās upcoming book and could be seeking to use a rape claim to discredit him. Sarah Palin and her crew will do anything, without conscience, to get what she and they want, including destroy someone to hide the truth. you better believe it.
ReplyDeleteMany of you are advising Levi to get another attny. Does he need one? He obviously in't either Trig or Tripp's dad.
ReplyDeleteLevi needs a real lawyer, as the one he has must be working for the Palins.....
ReplyDeleteThat statement isn't much of a defense. He pretty much invites the Palins to have Levi arrested for rape. Maybe it's another not so subtle threat to control him, seeing as he has a book coming out soon too.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't he?
I sad Levi should have fired butler's ass a long time ago. Tank is pretty useless too. The only thing either of them are good for is sucking up all of the money Levi used to have and may have in the future. That's the only reason they're hanging on.
Either Tripp is not his son and he's being paid to keep his mouth shut because it would make Bristol look like the little slut or Levi has something bad in his past and he has to walk on egg shells and not rock the boat.
ReplyDelete"her son" I think that tells us something??
ReplyDeleteWhat is the statue of limitations for rape in AK?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm also w/ 7:29. This all reeks.
ReplyDeleteAlso, 8:33, I'm thinking Levi is not the daddy too, and that's why he always has that cat ate the canary grin when he talks about Sarah Palin and how he knows things. How could they possibly retract who they named as the biological father was? That would be awful. I know it doesn't sit well in my town to be a pregnant teen, let alone one who isn't sure who the father of her child is. Trashy.
HER child/ not THEIR child.
ReplyDeleteFreudian slip? or Incompetence?
I agree. Something is damn fishy about this whole thing.
ReplyDeleteOT.. I just saw the video of "Todd Palin's aggressive encounter with a citizen at Valdez airport"..
ReplyDeleteposted at Palingates on Aug 23,2010.
Actually Todd's threatening behavior made me nervous.. just watching on the computer :(
Watch your back Levi.. they are quite a couple.. Ma and Pa Grizzly.
O/T Sarah, I'm posting this because I know that you obsessively read Immoral Minority so I know you'll read this. I'm watching a re-run of tonight's TheEdShow and just saw that you have a 57% UNfavorable rating. Do you understand what that means? No? Okay, I'll help you out. Out of 120,000,000 million potential voters in the United States, 68,000,000 can't stand you. That's probably a conservative number. You are an embarrassment - even my RWNJ friends and family are denying that they ever "really" liked you. I feel sorry for your kids. You should be institutionalized - jail, mental institution, whatever. Just get out of the public eye.
OMG u allow all kinds of negative comments yet you delete my comments about Levi's dad possibly hooking up with slut bristol and fathering her child, trig. It's possible and you know it.
ReplyDeleteI agree Rex is probably on the Palin's payroll. Why is Levi quite about all of this??
ReplyDeleteRemember that "someone" claiming to be from the McCain campaign went to the Johnston house and examined and wiped their computers. Dollars to donuts, they found and copied incriminating evidence.
ReplyDeleteOf what? How does an uneducated 16-year-old hockey player in smalltown Alaska get thousands of dollars to buy expensive gifts for his girlfriend?
If he had that kind of money, surely he'd have helped his mother with her expenses?
The Palins have something on him, or a member of his family.
This is so ridiculous and smells to high heaven. Wasilla is definitely this millenium's Twin Peaks. Nobody is who they say they are.
ReplyDeleteDon't feel sorry for the Johnston's at all at this point. Can't help or support people that are not willing to help themselves. They just need to go away. They have NO credibility anymore.
There are a number of things wrong with Bristol's story.
ReplyDelete1. Bristol made MySpace comments in spring 2007 that her mother thought that she was pregnant, that Track called her a stoner, and she claimed that she was such a slut.
2. Bristol is trying to blame someone for taking advantage of her when she got drunk (underage) and passed out. No one forced the drinks down Bristol's throat; she got drunk all by herself.
3. It hasn't been stated but I'll suggest that alcohol plus other substances is what makes people pass out. (Those substances tend to be illegal).
4. Bristol continued to date Levi and sleep with him. He tattooed her name on his ring finger. He stayed in the Palin house. His name is on Tripp's birth certifcate. Where was the outrage, then?
5. No one can file rape charges because there was underage drinking and perhaps the use of other substances. Trying to prove one crime will be admitting another.
6. Bristol has a very convienent memory now. She gave those over-paid abstinence speeches and failed to mention that she got drunk which led to sex. Her message from the beginning should have been, "Kids, don't drink, this is what could happen to you." Instead, her message was, "Do as I say, not as I did." If alcohol and Levi are now getting blamed, she never mentioned them before.
The biggest shame about Bristol's book is that one day Tripp will be able to read it. That's not a nice legacy for her to leave her son.
ReplyDeleteWe don't know if Levi is really Tripp's father or not, or if the Palins paid him off or are using him. But, Bristol claims to be the mother, and she is not doing her son any favors by insulting the father of her child, making a sexy fool of herself on DWTS, agreeing to live wieth two guys who aren't Tripp's father for the sake of more money in another fake reality show.
Bristol is setting the worst possible example of a single mother raising a child. She is nothing more than a child herself, commercializing her pregnancy and selling herself at every opportunity. What Tripp really deserves is a loving, protective, private life, instead of being used by Bristol as a little money maker. On the other hand, Bristol and her siblings were used the same way by Sarah, so she really doesn't know any better.
The comments here should be directed towards the terrible parenting that is going on in the Palin family. One day Tripp will read that garbage, and it won't be a good thing for him.
Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart said...
ReplyDeleteWhat is the statue of limitations for rape in AK?
9:05 PM
I don't know. What is it Todd?
Readers need to differentiate between what the lawyer said and what the reporter wrote. The attorney was very brief, which is appropriate. The rest was a reporter's speculation.
ReplyDeletePalins won't put Levi in jail because then Bristol wouldn't get child $upport.
ReplyDelete" She then texts a female friend, who comes to Bristol's tent to inform her she is no longer a virgin."
ReplyDeleteWhy would someone have to inform Bristol that she is no longer a virgin? I mean, wouldn't that be self evident? Or is Bristol truly that dim?
I have always felt that Keith is the father, Levis dad.
ReplyDeleteRemember what we've been saying all along about how silly it makes Palin look when she reacts to everything that comes her way?
ReplyDeleteI would argue the same for this flash in the pan story. The less that people including Johnston, react to this supermarket tabloid hysteria, the better.
The Bristol narrative, from start to finish is nothing but b-s and not worth the effort.
Who cares?
Levi, TELL the truth about Babygate, make a few million, and let the chips fall where they may.Do you really think a secret that involves children will be any easier on them when they get older? You have been called a rapist, what do you have to loose? Get your share of the $$$, tell the truth about owe it to the child and we must stop Sarah once and for all.
ReplyDeleteRex needs to convince his client not to lie himself first.
ReplyDelete"That's not a good thing for her son to digest on down the road,'' Butler said.
Notice he said HER son, not THEIR son?"
I did not notice that until you pointed it out. But obviously, it's been a big suspicion on the part of a lot of us that Levi is not the father. It sure would explain his disinterest after initially being very excited about being a father, the weird visitation agreement, the fact that she dropped his child support obligation (I think), and her complete disdain for Levi.
As far as why the lawyer isn't saying any more...well, maybe it's in his book, and they want people to buy the book.
Has anyone raised the possibility that Levi"s "big secret" might be related to Shailey Tripp's claims?In other words, was Levi a male prostitute for Todd? jUST SAYIN...
ReplyDeleteThere's something I'd like to bring up, I was thinking about it all week, and nobody's discussed it yet. I feel Bristol's book just continues the ignorance pertaining to women's sexuality and what virginity even means. I think some people believe it's an open door/shut door kind of thing. That being a virgin means you have some kind of barrier covering your body and after deflowering, it's gone. That's obviously not true, otherwise girls couldn't use tampons. The hymen is something all women have, most of their lives, and even after childbirth there is still some hymen. All it is is tissue surrounding the opening, and the day AFTER Bristol lost her virginity was probably not all that much different, physically, than the day before. She still had a hymen, she still had the same vagina, and on that particular campout (assuming Levi used a condom) she didn't even have semen inside her. In other words, she was pretty much physically the same, other than some soreness and possible bleeding from all the activity.
ReplyDeleteSo when Bristol tells girls who are reading her book, all her hopes and dreams were gone, and she was changed forever, and now she HAS to marry sounds almost medieval to me. It sounds like she's "lost" something, when in reality, as women, we don't "lose" ANYTHING on that very special day.
So please everyone, let's think of the girls out there and I'm certainly not trying to give a biology or morality lesson, but it's important for them to know how much Bristol's bullshit is messing with their minds.
On the her son / their son wording. I don't think it's that weird in this context. It sounds to me like he's saying what I've been focused on -- AS A MOTHER, how can she write this, knowing that someday her child will read it. How can she speak about his father and their relationship this way? Regardless of how she feels about his father, this is HER son -- to me, one of the biggest criticisms of her writing this book is that it shows incredible selfishness wrt HER child!!!
ReplyDeleteNot defending the lawyer in general, just that I don't think we can make too much of this particular detail.
"Notice he said HER son, not THEIR son?"
ReplyDeletefirst thing that jumped out at me too.
Gryphen, I usually don't bitch about anything you do here on your own blog roll but what the "HELL" are you letting The Secret Diary of Sarah Palin have a blog here on your own site.
ReplyDeleteAre you paying attention because it says Levi raped Bristol? Why are you letting this shit be posted here. I also do not agree with you letting all the Bots comments stay; you are essentially letting the Palins have their own way with your blog. Why?
I have supported you and sent you contributions but I am feeling like I am in Palin land and it is bothering me some. Please explain without jumping down my throat.
The statement, "HER child/ not THEIR child".
ReplyDeleteMaybe it is true Levi sold his parental rights away to Brsitol. Sarah probably pulled a Christie Brinkley on Levi using Rex to seal the deal.
Mercede has said on a few occasions that they will wait until Tripp is older and he will come to them on his own.
Levi should have got an attorney who was not a famewhore like his mommy-in-law.
I wonder if Levi was passed out on wine coolers the first time Rex screwed him over.
ReplyDelete"That's not a good thing for her son to digest on down the road,'' Butler said.
Really Rex? and your client trashing Bristol's son's grandmother is going to be easily digestible? Dumbass.
Admit it. We're dealing with pathological liars on both sides. So is Levi going to be honest and keep with HIS story that he never expected to become a father but loves his son? Is he going to sugarcoat his delinquency in the past?
btw, kids, when grown, don't care about their parents pasts. As long as they are loved, it doesn't matter. And Tripp is the most loved little boy in the world.
I'm REALLY effing glad the President just basically blew off NY and its gay rights bill. Ever the politician. Now we know he was lying about changing his mind on the issue. What else is new though.
ReplyDeleteMr butlers statements are, objectively, fairly accurate about the evidentiary standards of both libel and rape. But not stated in a way that benefits his client.
ReplyDeleteI probably shouldn't post this, but What the Hell:
ReplyDeleteBristol's story about "tent rape" is so hilarious. It reminds me of a joke from my high school days. You pick a victim (boy or girl) and you say, "If you woke up in a tent on all fours with a condom hanging out of your bottom, would you tell anybody?"
The victim of course says no.
"Wanna go camping?"
Wanna go camping, Bristol? Heheeeeeeeeeee........
Hey Gryph, over yonder there is a calming of the warriors by posting Sarah could be out for up to 90 days for this jury thingy.
ReplyDeleteRoad trip. Go to Palmer and get an official document or statement that says how long a person has to be available for duty in Wasilla.
I call bs on it being 30 days to 90 days. Maybe out in the middle of nowhere in a village where people do not travel but there is no way in Hell out in Wasilla where there are doctors, lawyers, fishermen and summer is a resident shackled for three months to their backyard.
You can check here for all court cases, updated every morning. If Palin is still not on her busy toury thingy then she should be here....if she is not lying again.
People keep saying "The Palins must really have something on Levi to get him to keep silent." I rather doubt that, now that Bristol has gone and accused him of rape, what could possibly be worse? Murder? Doubt it.
ReplyDeleteBut...maybe they have something on another member of his family. You saw what happened with Sherry--locked up for a first-time offense; they tried to muzzle Mercede and shut her blog down with threats of never seeing Tripp again and wh knows what else. She is eerily silent now.
But what about Levi's dad? He is never mentioned in all this. Lots of silence coming from his corner. Am I getting warm?
"Wouldn't it be something if they were all in this together and doing nothing more than playing us ALL for suckers and just filling their pockets?"
It's looking more and more like Levi is not Tripp's dad. I don't remember if there are child support payments being made but maybe those are part of the scam. Levi's hospital band was probably another scam so Bristol had someone to play the part of Trig's dad at the hospital. Maybe paternity tests have been done but the results have not been made public, yet.
ReplyDelete"Deer in the headlights" is probably a good description of his experiences with the Palin family but whether we get the whole explanation of why remains to be seen. Until then, people will continue to look for clues and form hypotheses as to what really happened.
none of it's true because Levi is not the father of Bree's babies.
ReplyDeleteI just assumed the rill reasom the Screechy Wretch quit the One Nutter bus tour was to return to Alaska and dill with pressing rape charges against The Gnat, also, too.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this blackout/rape story is Bristol's alibi for if it comes out that Levi is not the father of any of her kids...who were the other boys there that night? Was that Dylan guy there? What about the Johnny one or any of the others that she was hooked up with?
ReplyDeleteSomething is wrong with this picture. What criminal attorney behaves and speaks on the record in this way about his client and alleged criminal acts?
ReplyDeleteWhat would explain this? I have no idea.
Twin Peaks, white trash Alaska season, dumbass episode
I don't think a person can get quite that drunk on wine coolers.
ReplyDeleteThis just goes to show for me that Levi is probably not Tripp's bio dad. Levi is a stooopid fool who agreed somehow to get suckered into being the fall guy for $$$$$. There are probably secrets galore that the families have on each other. I mean really, the first thing a lawyer should be demanding is DNA on Barstools babies, any of them ,all of them. None of the responses of Levis lawyers have ever ever made a damn bit of sense, nor have they helped Levi IMO. How much money did you sell your soul for Levi??
ReplyDeleteOT.. I just saw the video of "Todd Palin's aggressive encounter with a citizen at Valdez airport"..
ReplyDeleteposted at Palingates on Aug 23,2010.
Actually Todd's threatening behavior made me nervous.. just watching on the computer :(
Watch your back Levi.. they are quite a couple.. Ma and Pa Grizzly.
9:48 PM
Oh oooga boooga.
Big bad scary tood palin gonna put water in someones gas tank again? Time for the people of wasilla to break free of the Tri-g mafia.
My hope is Levi is not the father of Tripp and is biding his time.
But really, i think they are ALL in this vaudeville troup together, making money off each other, like a band of Roma gypsies fleecing the nation.
I'm all in with the commenter who says these are all just a band of Roma gypsies in cahoots busily fleecing the nation.Makes no sense otherwise.
ReplyDeleteOut for "30 to 90 days" for JURY DUTY? Sounds suspicious, although I'd be happy to be corrected by someone with knowledge of How They Do Things in Alaska. Did Sarah get some "work done" in Scottsdale and needs to be away from cameras for a while? Seriously, I think that's the only thing that would keep her away.
ReplyDeleteHere's a thought. Levi is the father of TRIG, but not of Tripp. The Palins are keeping him in line by threatening to expose him as the father and he will spend a lifetime paying for a handicapped child's care. Tripp will be on his own at 18, college is out of the question for Palins. Trig, however, will be a lifetime burden financially. The lawyer should demand DNA tests on ALL Bristol's kids. Chances are they all have different fathers.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Tripp is Levi's son. Hell, I'm going to go one step further and say he is not even Bristol's son. When Audrey began to wonder about Bristol's pregnancy, she was shut down. I'm beginning to think Bristol's pregnancy (the second one) was dreamt up by Sarah to cover for her faking for Bristol's first pregnancy. Levi was the go to guy who was willing to pretend to be the devoted boyfriend and father. He either did this for money or to cover up for his father. Sherry's time in jail was a warning to the whole family to shut the fuck up.
ReplyDeleteTripp probably belongs to someone in the extended clan (he is a ringer for Chuckie)and they just borrow him from time to time.
OMG, what a clusterfuck.
ReplyDeleteI would hope that maybe Rex is a littel bit smarter than he seems, and this is an attempt to call Bristol's bluff.
I would never purchase this book, but I got the free sample on amazon and the first champter free on iBooks. Bristol is still 100% obsessed with Levi, like Fatal Attraction level. She dogs everyone who does not have the last name of Heath or Palin. EVERYONE.
Just a warning to any guys who are even thinking about hittin that...Bristol is the Venus flytrap of women...once she "snatches" you, she never lets go emotionally.
Other than that, I'm in on the gypsy theory.
I've always said, Rex is an incompetent attorney and Levi should have fired him long ago.
ReplyDeleteTo resolve this, all Levi has to do is get a paternity test, because Tripp is not his.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteOut for "30 to 90 days" for JURY DUTY? Sounds suspicious, although I'd be happy to be corrected by someone with knowledge of How They Do Things in Alaska. Did Sarah get some "work done" in Scottsdale and needs to be away from cameras for a while? Seriously, I think that's the only thing that would keep her away.
5:34 AM
GOOD THINKING, never thought about that. Is Sarah getting her teeth aligned and plan on loosing 5 lb like Bristol did?
If it were true, how pathetic that BP would then date the guy for years after being raped. her story is hgwash - and by the way, wine coolers don't make people black out. She can't even tell the truth about what she was drinking at such a young age.
ReplyDeleteAnon. 9:01. If Levi have something bad in his past, it can sully the Palins as well. Afterall, they created him.
ReplyDeleteIn this days of their lives episode #37, what is the next scene going to be about? Is it going to be Bristol and Levi kissing and making up and finally getting married with a lavish wedding and a People magazine spread again?
ReplyDeleteWill they get their own trashy reality show just like Jon & Kate but will be called "Levi & Bris and her 3 little bambinos" and be cancelled after the 2nd show?
Will the next remake feature Sarah and Levi gropping and mugging for the camera? Will Todd play a part as the closet is unlocked and he finally comes out?
Will Ram appear in the show and announce that she is an FBI informant?
What is next for this band of grifters and does America really have the stomach to see and hear these idiots anymore?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteMaybe this blackout/rape story is Bristol's alibi for if it comes out that Levi is not the father of any of her kids...who were the other boys there that night? Was that Dylan guy there? What about the Johnny one or any of the others that she was hooked up with?
4:43 AM
Man... you are on the ball!
Never thought about it, this could be Bristol's explanation why Trip is not Levi's kid.
Aaaaaannnnnndddd guess what?
Bristol can still make Levi the fall guy! She can say Levi got her drunk and caused the gang rape that took away her virginity.
MAURY! We need you in Wasilla ASAP!
Bring all the DNA test kits you can carry..... it is going to be a long night!
Todd don't go any where, we are starting with you followed by Chuckie Heath.
I went to bed last night wondering if there was a strategy to the statement by Levi's lawyer. We'll see but I am curious about the timing of it, making the statement immediately in front of the release date for the book, meaning many small stores might have already shipped it last night. So, did he need the book OUT, actual cash transactions completed before he made his comments? Strikes me odd he's wait unless there was a potential payout. Once the books ship if he can prove defamation, etc then he can take royalties from her. It also is interesting that the book used a term "unaware" to describe the sexual encounter that meets statutes for rape in AK. As I read somewhere last night, AK is trying to be more proactive about prosecuting rape so perhaps they would be forced to take action against him. That would get Brisket on the stand and possibly get her under oath? What might come from that? Trig is Levi/Bristol? Tripp is Bristol/?. Would they be able to get Sara. Maybe the attorney is trying to unfurl the whole banner and his mission isn't just to protect Levi, but to take down B and S at the same time. Just a thought
ReplyDeleteRight from the get-go I have been thinking that Levi has been horribly ill-served by his attorney. Everyone on this blog has repeatedly told him to get e new atty but he has not done so. My question is, Why not? I wonder if Levi signed some contract with Rex believes he cannot get out of or if there is some intimidation going on. Is it possible that Levi thinks that Rex is doing a good job? Has Rex convinced him that no one could do more for him? Yes, something is amiss.
ReplyDeleteI think both families are retarded.
ReplyDeleteI am a lawyer and really bothered by the people who are so quick to claim that Rex Butler is being paid by the Palins. You have no way on earth to know that. And it is exceedingly unlikely, even for the Palins. It would mean the loss of his license and relatively few lawyers would risk that regardless of the amount of money involved--and you have zero basis to conclude that Butler is one of them.
ReplyDeleteYou may view Butler as not doing a great or even good job. But you don't know what his client has directed him to do and the old saying is "lawyers make recommendaitons, clients make decisions." There may be things at play here, in fact it is likely there are, that are causing him to do what he's done. He may or may not be very good--I don't know him. But this is nonsense.
So when Bristol tells girls who are reading her book, all her hopes and dreams were gone, and she was changed forever, and now she HAS to marry sounds almost medieval to me. It sounds like she's "lost" something, when in reality, as women, we don't "lose" ANYTHING on that very special day.
important enough to repeat^
Bristol was most likely spewing her grandmother's advice. Who raised these children anyway?
Something has been bothering me about the whole Bristle waking up in the tent alone and texting a friend to find out if she lost her virginity story, and I just realized what it is. As someone who actually experienced what Bristle claims to have happened (minus the "black-out" cover) to her, I can tell you that there would have been NO DOUBT whatsoever upon waking up that she was no longer a virgin. She would not have had to ask someone because her body would have told her everything she needed to know. There is pain involved the first time, especially when you are young and small, like Bristle, like me.
ReplyDeleteI do not buy the wine cooler story either. Come on, really? Maybe she had a few of those, but they did not create blackout. IF she blacked out, and I really doubt that, there was more to the story than wine coolers. She was either consuming some major hard stuff or there were drugs. Anyone who has ever partied knows this.
I've always had the sneaking suspicion that Levi's attorney is being paid by Sarah.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 4:12a.m.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. There is much more to the Johnston side of the story than we've heard, Track Palin too.
But IMO there's something about Keith Johnston that screams out "somethin ain't right here!"
I would like to know how she could text in the middle of nowhere in AK. Are the satellites really that good over the wilderness there?
ReplyDeleteFor someone who had something so tragic happen in the wild, why did she want camo tux's at her wedding?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if rex told levi to keep quiet and put his official rebuttal to brisdull IN HIS BOOK to increase his book sales.
ReplyDeleteCelia Harrison@8:45pm - I cannot agree with your statements about people not knowing what they did the night before or who they woke up with the next morning.
ReplyDeleteThese make good stories but it takes a little effort to get erect and it is such a copout for nutty drunks to say they don't recall or don't know. They may hav thrown caution to the wind and followed some secret desire to pull a crappy behavior, but.... not remember? Unless drugs incapacitated them, not likely.
Further, what did Bristleballs have on when she was in the tent? I'd like to know if she was undressed and "at the ready" or if she was so sick on alcohol she was puking (not exactly an inviting sexual encounter) or so floppy in an inebriated state it would be difficult to find the "target" for an entrance.
As an ER nurse of some years I cannot accept any crazy "I don't remember" or "I was too drunk" to know. Even staggering drunkeness doesn't necessarily confer amnesia, just calls for well constructed lies.
The interesting/telling statement is that she was only 15. So, did it take so long (VP podium) to impregnate her with many male visitors using her depository? There are also numerous stories about her invitation to any dick to hop on when she was partying with "friends."
This all reminds me of an actual incident where a young woman asked the doctor - as we delivered her newborn - "Was it the guy on Tuesday night or Thursday night that got me pregnant?" The doctor asked her what difference it made even if he could go back all those months ago and figure it out. She replied, "The guy on Tuesday nights has a job." Go figure!
Good God, yes. Levi, fire Rex Butler and get yourself a real lawyer.
ReplyDeleteHey Big Juicy,
ReplyDeleteAre you at the spa again? Come out, come out where ever you are (sorry about the dangling participle).
DisGusted 6:50amā¦..Thank you. Because itās the most disturbing part of her story, imo. Why do the Palins have to bring shame into sex? Why do they bring shame into losing your virginity? Itās a horrible message for young girls to read.
ReplyDeleteAnon 7:42: ā¦.I totally agree.
If Levi chooses Rex as a lawyer, it's his decision to make. I wouldn't hire him to represent my dog who jumped the fence and got the neighbor's dog pregnant, obviously, there must be something Levi and Rex know that we don't, the devil's in the details.
ReplyDeleteBristol's revised story of her "first time" screamed bullcrap when she used the term "wine coolers", it's a term that makes alcohol sound like something innocent or more acceptable than, say, beer, hard liquor, harvey wall bangers, marijuana, cocaine, meth, speed, and other types of "alcohol" a 15 year old in Wasilla would have access to.
When was the last time anyone heard of "wine cooler pong"?
The entire blackout story, while plausable, seems highly unlikely as well. She's repackaging what happened to be construed as rape. She claims she doesn't feel she lost her virginity, she feels her virginity was taken from her. We know they weren't totally alone (and quite possibly shared the tent with another couple of teen fornicators), she claims she heard levi bragging about what he had done the night before through the thin veil of canvas that seperated the dazed and confused Bristol, so why on earth would she have to learn from a text from a female friend?
Something doesn't quite add up. She willingly went to the woods, knowing there would be "alcohol", she shared the tent with Levi.... even at fifteen, the brain is developed enough to know it's not a good idea.
She also states she was on birth control pills (ahem medically necessary, of course) for cramps. If she told Levi she was on birth control, then the same argument against handing out condoms in school would apply, "you're condoneing bad behavior".
I'm a mother of three children, I did some things in my past I'm not proud of today, I do things with my husband that are private and would never ever be discussed nor disclosed to my children in any way.
I taught my son and daughters, from a very early age, about sex and the possible consequences.
"pause before you play" is NOTHING to them, because sex isn't a game, they respect their bodies, have good self esteem, and take responsiblilty for their decisions and actions.
As a former rape cousellor, Bristol's immaturity, ambiguity, refusal to take responsibility for her part and implying this as rape is highly offensive to me. Rape having sex with someone against their will, and is more often than not a crime of violence than the act of having sex.
I'm sorry for venting, but it just galls me to no end. I've seen first hand, the total destruction of both men and women, boys and girls who've been raped, I've seen their injuries, physical, emotional, and spritual. I've seen the indignity they endure by further medical and legal intrusion on their person and their privacy.
It's not pretty, folks, and if she does accuse him of rape in this book, she'll destroy any credibility and hurt the innocent(s) and her decision to "Choose life" will have consequences beyond what she thinks she's "suffered"
Gryphen, someone upthread was questioning your allowing the bots to reply to your posts.
ReplyDeleteI applaud you for defending their freedom of speech, a right we don't have on the peezoo site. Censorship destroys the basic priciple of democracy. Unless they're threatening violence, using foul language, promoting other sites or attacking someone ad hominem for their opinions)
We have the right to ignore them, exercise it.