Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

When I woke up this morning my radio alarm was going off. I usually wake up well before my alarm, but this morning I was greeted by the lovely voice of Stevie Nicks, singing "Landslide" which is perhaps one of my all time favorite songs.

Not a bad way to start the morning in my opinion.

Still I had almost forgotten that today was Father's Day. That is until I walked into my office.

This is what I found covering the floor. Apparently my daughter did NOT forget it was Father's Day.

But what do you get the Dad who has everything.


Yes folks, my daughter does indeed share my somewhat twisted sense of humor.

Just in case you are not familiar with the Shake Weight, you can learn more about it here.

Now you might have thought that was enough for my jokester of a daughter, but you would be wrong.

So yes, apparently my daughter thought it would be very humorous to combine the phallic nature of the Shake Weight with a video of scantily clad women exercising. (Gee you know that DOES sound like a good combination!)

Ha, ha!  Very funny.

But you know sometimes a Dad might want to receive something that is not a joke and let's him know that he is appre.....oh!

Uh..I got a little something in my Father's Day everyone. I have to go hug my little girl now.


  1. Happy Father's Day to all the Dads!

  2. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I love your daughter!


  3. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Very sweet and you are a lucky man. Your daughter is very cool also.

  4. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Wonderful!!! Thank you so much for sharing this.

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Funny, cute and sweet, Gryph. Happy Father's Day to you and all Poppas out there.

  6. I just love the little tidbits you share that show the love between you and your daughter, Gryphen. Happy Father's Day to you! *snuffle*

  7. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Happy Father's Day Gryph. Your's is the first blog I read each day.

  8. Anonymous7:35 AM

    BTW, Gryphen, last we heard about your daughter's dog, he was decorating your prize-winning lawn with yellow spots. What's the latest with him?

  9. Mrs. M7:41 AM

    Happy Father's Day, Gryphen! It's obvious that you are a wonderful father and your daughter loves you to pieces.

  10. Anonymous7:45 AM

    My son greeted me this morning with a half eaten monster cinnamon roll ("It was a long drive over and I knew you wouldn't want all of it"), and two of my favorite movies on Blue Ray (he's converting me to Blue Ray but I do wonder if that's because he has a Blue Ray player now - note to self, search the backpack before he leaves).

    Now getting past that, we made home made pizza bread last night and watched Big Fish together. That may be my favorite movie ever. At least when I watch it with my son.

  11. FEDUP!!!7:51 AM

    HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, Gryphen (and all the other dads here)!
    You definitely did something right there to have your daughter do what she did for you today! (Hugs)

  12. Tyroanee7:54 AM

    Happy lovely fathers day, to a Dad that actually is being a father.... Jesse could you send the shake weight down to Oregon when your finished with it?
    * Smirk*

  13. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Happy Fathers Day to you, Gryphen. Kiss that cute daughter of yours!

  14. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Hey, some of us a little over the hill and a little over the weight limit could use those weights.

  15. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Ohh very sweet, Gryph!

    Happy Fathers Day to you!!

    I hope you have a fabulous day.

  16. sweet! I want to know what movie is in the Netflix envelope, just curious. Happy Dad's Day to you!

  17. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I remember the picture of Governor Palin returning to her office shortly after giving birth to Trig, or I should really say, when Sarah claimed to have given birth. She was dressed in a slim black skirt (impossible to squeeze into a day or two after giving birth), wearing a smart suit, greeted in her office with a lot of blue balloons, all strewn about on the floor. One might have landed on her desk.

    My question is: Don't you people have helium up there in Alaska? Those things are supposed to float. Other than that, keep up the good work, Gryphen, and Happy Fathers Day. Those last two posts about Sarah and Michele were great! But seriously, just rub the balloon against the wall, and it will stick due to static electricity. You do have that in Alaska, don't you?

  18. honeybabe8:23 AM

    yup, daughters really, really love their dads. we have 3 daughters and it works for us too.

  19. Really sweet. Your daughter sounds awesome.

    Happy Father's Day to you, Gryph, and all the amazing dads out there!

  20. Such a wonder child for such a sonderful dad!

  21. Anonymous8:43 AM

    2emptynest said. . .
    I second that 2.
    Happy Father's Day, Gryphen and thanks for all that you do. This past week was one for the ages!

  22. Happy Father's Day Gryphen! I love your daughter's sense of humor! Thank you for the smiles.

  23. nogravity8:52 AM


    Scroll down and read the tags:

    McGinniss' book on Amazon

    Have a happy father's day.

  24. It's a relief to know you've got something to help you buff up...finally! (hehehe)

    Happy Father's Day!

  25. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Awww, oh sweet!
    Just love your gifts. Funny girl ya got there.

    Landslide has been my motto song since, well since it first hit the radio way back when I was just a teen.
    Shoot forward a few decades later.
    On my 51st B-day, my oldest son had an Indie Music show on Internet radio, and he played it that day with a dedication to me so I know that feeling very well.

    Happy Dad's Day to you Gyph.


  26. Thanks for all of the feedback, folks. This is gonna be a good day.

    TossinTheSand, the movie in the Netflix envelope is called "Blue Valentine" with Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling.

    It is about a relationship ending, and I found it pretty hard to watch.

  27. Anonymous8:59 AM

    AWWWWW! Happy Father's Day Gryphen and Happy Father's Day to the rest of the Dad's!

    Your daughter is a treasure. So happy that she has a Dad who is a treasure too!

    Love you guys!

  28. Anonymous9:02 AM

    How funny AND how sweet. Happy Father's Day Gryphen.


  29. Anonymous9:14 AM

    your daughter is sooo creative!!

  30. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Gryphen, yeah...Blue Valentine broke my heart,
    but I thought it was worth getting through it.

    Thanks for sharing with us what a great relationship you seem to have w/your daughter.

    Happy Father's Day to Gryphen & all the papa bears
    in the house !!!


  31. Sweet anny9:35 AM

    Happy day to all! The children are a blessing (to most of us), and a true gift of Grace.

    Lest we forget, amidst all the celebration of fatherhood, that we would not be who we are if we had never had them.

    Call the day what you want...but celebrate the children who make us what we are, for most of us, it's the best we can be.

    Today and every day, I am thankful for the children. I do not know who I'd be w/o them, don't want to know.

    We have done our best, most of us, and it's nice to have a day. But now, and at my age long past raising them, I am thinking of who gave it to me.

    Long days and pleasant nights to all.

  32. [TossinTheSand, the movie in the Netflix envelope is called "Blue Valentine" with Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling.

    It is about a relationship ending, and I found it pretty hard to watch.]

    TOSSintheSand? LOL! I forgive you, just because it's F-Day. :)
    I just watched that SAME movie this week...and yes, it's a Kleenex movie. Enjoy your day kid.

  33. ManxMamma10:17 AM

    What a great little girl you have Gryphen! Have a wonderful day!

  34. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Happy Father's Day Gryph! And also, too, all the rest of the Dads out there. Your daughter's unique sense of humor comes directly from you, honors and humbles you both. Yay for kids! Let us know how well the shake weight works; I've been wondering if it's worth it.

  35. Anonymous11:23 AM

    That made me misty-eyed too.

    I wish I still had my dad.

    Thanks for sharing, Gryphen.

  36. Thank you for sharing your daughter's excellent Father's Day card. That's one way of knowing that you've done very well in the world.

  37. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Happy Father's Day Gryphen and all here.

    I think your daughter wants you to look all extra buff for those future national interviews you'll be doing on MSNBC, FOX, and CNN when they finally open their eyes about the grifter.

  38. Have a great Father's Day, Gryph. Thank you for all you do. Your daughter is a lucky girl to have a father like you.

  39. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I've seen you write about your daughter SO many times. How blessed you are to have each other!

    Equal rights for ALL...this made my day.

  40. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I wonder if Track visits his Dad's grave?

    I wonder how much Track's dad and grandfather compensated the Palins' For not making him marry Sarah?

    I wonder if Track had sex with his "sisters"? Maybe that is Trig's real Dad?

  41. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Happy dad day, Jessie.

    In truth, that damn ShakeWeight DOES work.

    Happy day to you and your offspring!

  42. Anonymous2:41 PM

    How sweet! Happy Father's Day to all the dads!

  43. Gryph,

    It's great that you and your daughter share the same sense of humor. Based on what you've told us, I think the future has some big things in store for her.

    Looks like it's raining up there now, but when the weather clears, hope you and your daughter get in a good hike to enjoy the "midnight sun."

    In honor of Father's Day, check out this 30-second video of POTUS and First Lady:

    courtesy of Melissa Harris-Perry:
    Did you see POTUS' magic daddy video? This cracks me up.
    about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck
    Retweeted by 47 people

  44. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Attnetion New Yorker's! Team Sarah is trying to unload - er 'distribute' the tickets for the upcoming screenings in NYC! Kick in the pants if only anti-palin's show up. (hint hint). I plan on going to the Nevada screenings, if it's in Las Vegas. Get your tickets here!

    Take one for the team.

  45. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Happy father's day, G!

    Your daughter should guest post one of these days, let us know what it's like to be the progeny of greatness!

    Or, you know, just for a total change of pace...we can hear about a young woman who ISN'T a serially pregnant conniving media whore. Wouldn't THAT be a breath of fresh air!

  46. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Hey Gryphen,

    Be careful and hold on tight to that shaker thing. I just read another excerpt from Bristol's bio-book, and she's quoted as saying that using those things can easily chip a tooth and cause your chin to grow.

    Piper, please read the directions to your your oldest sister.


  47. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Happy Father's Day to All the Fathers in the world. Gryphen, your post made my eyeballs sweat a little, you've raised a great daughter who understands you and your sense of humor. She's lucky to have you in her life, and her card shows she cherishes that!

  48. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Ummm Gryph, I really think you should delete that last comment.

    There's satire...and then there's just plain wrong. If she hadn't been fifteen during "the camping incident" it would be totally different. But that's the kind of thing that gives the bots ammunition. I mean you can just HEAR one of them screeching "how many times do they need to mention male genitalia when talking about one of Governor's children?! WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDRUUUN??!!"

    G dawg, you're about to hit the national stage in a big bad way...gotta keep our noses clean.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.