Thursday, July 14, 2011

The director of Sarah Palin's film "The Undefeated" studied Nazi and Soviet propaganda filmmakers. Ahh, now it all makes sense!

Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal:

People have said I’m like Leni Riefenstahl. I’ve studied documentarians extensively to come up with my own in-house style. I’m a student of Michael Moore’s films, of Eisenstein, Riefenstahl. Leave the politics aside, you have to learn from those past masters on how they were trying to communicate their ideas.

Leni Reifenstahl was Adolph Hitler's favorite filmmaker, while Sergei Eisenstein made numerous propaganda films in Soviet Russia and his film "Ivan the Terrible, Part 1" made him a national hero of the USSR, and won him favor from Joseph Stalin himself.

So let me see if I have this straight.  The guy who made the documentary designed to sell the REAL Sarah Palin to the American people, admittedly received his inspiration from studying propaganda filmmakers from both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

Have I got that right?

You just can't make this stuff up folks.


  1. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Yep, that's what we've been saying.

    That poster reflects the Social Realism propaganda that came out of the USSR, Germany, and China/North Korea.

    Not coincidental, as this new information about the filmmaker confirms.

    Can you imagine any other political aspirant attending an opening of a similar film, by this type of hack, in this day and age?

    Only our Sarah would be stupid enough to do that.

  2. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Who discovered him - $carah or RAM? sounds like a man after their own hearts, "family values" and all. He can't be too good, the movie is being panned as amateurish and fake. Certainly it does not reveal the true record of Palin. Maybe he meant it to be a comedy?

  3. Anonymous5:54 AM

    What I found confusing is that he mentioned first "I'm a student of Michael Moore's films" and then takes a sharp right turn right into a tree!! SCHMACK!!! (Maybe Palin can advise him which plastic surgeon he should go see!!)

    He studied Michael Moore's films?? Really?? I call his statement BS.

    That's his attempt thinking he can toss this out and pander to the left. Problem - he's devoid of a brain to know that's a huge FAIL.

  4. WakeUpAmerica6:04 AM

    As for Michael Moore, he isn't too objective either. His propaganda film on the Canadian (and others) health care system was anything but truthful. Unfortunately, because of that over-whelming bias, his film hurt the fight for healthcare reform in the US instead of helping.

    None of this is surprising, is it? The Tundra Turd has been leading the charge of the Christo-Nazis for some time.

  5. Lisab25956:07 AM

    Michael Moore produces propaganda. His films are absolutely crafted to put forth a single POV. He's not interested in the Truth, only in saying what he wants to say, and who cares if it's not factual or complete?

    Of course, he's been on my shit list ever since he stole the title for Fahrenheit 9/11 without even asking Ray Bradbury. You don't steal one of the most iconic titles in science fiction from a Grand Master and not ask.

  6. Anonymous6:10 AM

    I doubt if he watched any of Michael Moore's films through to the end! Where I live we're getting ready for the seventh annual Traverse City Film Festival, organized by MIchael Moore. It's a fantastic event with huge local support and we hope it continues every year forever. The theme each year is "just great movies" and Mother Nature provides a gorgeous background. "The Undefeated" is NOT one of the films being shown!

  7. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Sarah was stoned again on Hannity last night. When will she submit to a hair follicle drug test? Does FOX News not drug test their employees?

  8. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Next: Sarah grows a mustache

  9. Anonymous6:12 AM

    "Leni Riefenstahl"!!?? No one in their RIGHT MIND would compare themselves to Riefenstahl!!!
    She was an evil woman just like the man she worked for.

    And if you listen to the Tundra Tart's own words, you can hear those words just drip with FASCISM.

    I'm almost finished with Frank Bailey's book and if I thought that woman was deplorable before, you don't want to hear my thoughts on not only disgusting Sarah, but Bailey too.


  10. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Sarah needs gestapo-like support to make it past quitting.

  11. Why am I not surprised? And that poster is fugly too!

  12. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Do any other large scale movie theater outfits show million dollar films anymore? Unless they are indie houses, I just don't understand AMC's exercise in futility.

    By the way, I'm no longer patronizing my local AMC.

  13. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Well, summer ends Sep. 21 so she only has a couple months left.

    Gryphen, why don't you start a countdown clock on your site.

  14. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Bottomfeeding bagger thinks he's being clever casually comparing Michael Moore to Reifehnstal.

    Michael Moore is a national hero that strikes fear in the heart of every corrupt plutocrat. Just ask Wendell Potter.

    This assclown and his joke of a movie, like Palin herself, are international laughing stocks.

  15. Jeanabella6:31 AM

    Delusional people like Palin fit right in with the people who admire Hitler and there are a lot of them in the GOP & extreme right wing.
    The more she is out there, the more ridicule she gets.
    She and her foolish daughter are "not afraid" of lying and making fools of themselves, but still can't believe people don't like them and will critique them.
    Each time they come out with what they think is so great, another FAIL!
    They are so over exposed and not in a good way, that most people around the world see them as a joke!

  16. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Wasn't that a poor public relations move on his part (disclosing his film mentors)? Doesn't the movie open tomorrow? He probably thought it would help, but its disgusting to me.

  17. Anonymous said...
    What I found confusing is that he mentioned first "I'm a student of Michael Moore's films" and then takes a sharp right turn right into a tree!! SCHMACK!!! (Maybe Palin can advise him which plastic surgeon he should go see!!)

    He studied Michael Moore's films?? Really?? I call his statement BS.

    That's his attempt thinking he can toss this out and pander to the left. Problem - he's devoid of a brain to know that's a huge FAIL.
    5:54 AM
    I don't think he was pandering to the left. I think he was pandering to the right, showing them how he realizes Michael Moore's films are like Nazi/communist propaganda.

    And that he had to study these techniques in getting a message across to in order to overcome all that lamestream media bias to get the correct message across regarding Palin.

  18. GhostbusterTX6:42 AM

    Oh, come on.

    I can't imagine any film-maker who hasn't studied Eisenstein - you know, the guy who pretty much invented montage. Go watch the Odessa Steps scene from Battleship Potemkin (I'm sure it's all over youTube). If you are insinuating that there is something unseemly about a film-maker studying the seminal works in his field, you are going to have to tar most if not all of your favorite directors with that same brush.

    Bannon's trying to buff his credentials here - he didn't go to film school but he self-studied the curriculum.

    What seems clear from the interview is that the product he is most interested in selling is not Sarah Palin, but himself.

  19. Olivia6:51 AM

    Interesting that he chose to use the Nazi and Soviet methods instead of those of Michael Moore.

  20. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I came across this

    I am starting to doubt there are multiple babies.

  21. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Explains the poster...also thought it was extremely tacky and kitschy. Can't say anything about the movie, pretty sure i will never watch .

  22. Anonymous6:58 AM

    OT: Emmy Nominations were announced this morning and Princess Dumbass didn't make the cut for Best Reality Show. I didn't expect Sarah Palin's Alaska to get nominated, but Kathy Griffith: My Life on the D List was nominated. HA!

  23. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I for one like Micheal Moore's films. The right can't stand ppl to know that we are so far behind other countries in healthcare and in social services for the ppl. Anther thing I always thought they act just like Nazi's. What was the first thing they did get rid of labor unions. Take over everything restrict voting rights. Do we as a nation realy want these nits taking over and leaving us nothing?????? Everyonme always said how did Germany let Hitler take them over and act like sombies well the same here. ppl voting against their own best interests. She is too dumb to govern so it's ppl behind her that would govern, she only the diversion.

  24. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Also, Sarah Palin works for Murdoch; now who in the hell thinks that is a good thing to have on one's resume? He is dirty and is responsible for hacking victims of 9-11, murder victims, dead soldiers and many others.

    Sarah Palin is a paid puppet, she will say and do anything for money; remember Arizona shootings with the crosshairs on Gabby and those who died and Sarah's blood libel.

  25. Anonymous7:12 AM

    On Hannity, she actually said that President Obama "only wants to spend other people's money."

    Ohhhhhh, the IRONY!!!!!! Project much, BITCH???

  26. Anonymous7:19 AM

    "I didn't go to film school."

    Yes, and it shows.

  27. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I swear she looks stoned whenever she goes on FOX. Eyes are always glazed and the eyelids drooping. I cannot be the only one who sees that.
    And her darn wigs - why doesn't she just take a shower and wash her own hair then she won't have to wear those cheesy dime store wigs.
    Pat Padrnos

  28. Anonymous7:23 AM

    I wonder what Leni Riefenstah would say...

  29. Holy shit! Did you guys see this???

    Either that's her real hair or her wig took a dump. She looks baaad...

  30. Ghostbuster: I can't imagine any film-maker who hasn't studied Eisenstein.

    You are absolutely correct. Eisentein is a PILLAR of film studies.

    Riefenstahl also was a topic for the day in one of my classes. I remember my teacher explaining that um, yeah, b!tch worked for one of the most ruthless killers in history...

    but as crazy as that was, what was crazier is that she was OBSESSED with HER OWN MOVIE.

    The story was a writer/reporter went to visit her sometime in her late, late years.

    In her home, she was RE-EDITING "Triump of the Will"!!!

    This was like, 30 YEARS after WWII!

    This woman considered herself such a "filmmaker", that she was still tweaking her "masterpiece" WELL AFTER the entire subject had been universally demonized.

    The level of delusion is not limited to the subjects of these "filmmakers".

    And. The clear difference between PROPAGANDA FILMMAKERS and ANY OTHER FILMMAKER should be apparent to all, and their "objectivity" should be considered accordingly.

  31. PollyinAK7:30 AM

    Has anyone read this review yet?

  32. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Propaganda film, eh?

    I thought sarah was supposed to revolutionize politics with social media.

    Next she´ll be instilling ¨fear¨ into the real candidates by dropping leaflets from hot air balloons.

  33. Anonymous7:41 AM

    The Emmy nominations came out today and Sarah Palin's Alaska wasn't nominated. I imagine she's having a meltdown right about now.

  34. Don't forget. He admits Michael Moors is a master filmmaker. Although I'm not so sure that's a compliment, given the company he is named within.

  35. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Don't you just love how he throws Michael Moore's name in there along with two monsters? Michael Moore, who is more of a Christian than Bannon and the fraud Palin will ever be, and he dares to try and paint his work as evil by associating him with Nazi propagandists.

  36. Sally in MI7:54 AM

    Anon would be hard to do a hair follicle test on that cheezy wig she was wearing..but she did look and sound stoned.

  37. Anonymous8:02 AM

    On the Hannity rant, Sarah's cheeks are so sunken. She is beginning to look like a Dachau survivor.

  38. Anonymous8:02 AM

    People need to knock off the false equivalence between Michael Moore's work and this right wing/fascist stuff.

    Michael Moore is a social justice Catholic who walks the talk. He is a far left Progressive (who ticks me off sometimes by ignoring practical realities). That doesn't make him a propagandist.

    Manipulative Rovian framing tactics are not honest, you'd think we'd have learned that by now.

  39. hedgewytch8:18 AM

    And they're proud of it!

    Which speaks volumes when it considers what their approach to the "truth" is.

  40. Anonymous8:23 AM

    GhostbusterTX has a valid point. In the interview Bannon is trying to sell himself - not sarah.

    Think about it.

    Explains why Bannon put himself on the poster wearing makeup and a wig.

  41. Anonymous8:28 AM

    7:22 AM. No you are not the only one who thinks she is stoned when she goes on FOX. If she is back in her old stomping ground, she knows exactly where to get the "good stuff". And Faux does need to test her before she is allowed any air time.

  42. Anonymous8:41 AM


    Went to the link and read it along with watching the video...ugh. This poor guy having to sit through 2 hours of that. What I did note was in the portion where the male narrator refers to her as "a 42 year old LAWYER." Someone PLEASE tell me I heard that wrong!

  43. KevinNYC8:43 AM

    Every film student studies Eisenstein and Riefenstahl.

    George Lucas sure did. Is he a Nazi? Are fans of Star Wars Nazis?

  44. GhostbusterTX8:54 AM

    Sarah vs. Sarah - the re-editing of Triumph in her old age - maybe Riefenstahl was just working on the "director's cut" or the "Special Edition" version (hmmm, how many versions of Blade Runner have been released?).

    Personally, I'm curious what she saw that she wanted to change, and what she wanted those changes to accomplish.

  45. london bridges8:56 AM

    Keep in mind that the right wing C Street "The Family" was modeled after Hitler, Lenin, and Mao.

    Read about it here:

  46. Anonymous9:07 AM

    @6:07 AM

    Ray Bradbury's title was Fahrenheit 451, not Fahrenheit 9/11. That's hardly stealing.

  47. Anonymous9:14 AM

    6:52 - I find it highly interesting that there are now some "leaks" on the photos of Trig. I smell a rat!

  48. Anonymous9:38 AM



    Nothing like a double-shot of sympathy troll to start the day.

    Whole industries tremble at the thought of a new Michael Moore film.

    Fear of him has created an entire sub economy in the PR field.

  49. Beldar Banana Clip Conehead9:50 AM

    Gryphen, instead of just criticizing the screechy wretch all the time, have you ever considered "reloading with reality" as a more positive response? What do you have to lose?

    I hate to admit she's right, but just yesterday I was really upset about a vexing ignition system problem in my car. When nothing I did seemed to help, I remembered Granny Lulu's suggestion about "reloading with reality" and figured it couldnt hurt to try. Well, I tried it and I'll be damned if the car didnt start right up!

    It got me to thinking if maybe I should spend less time mocking her and more time solving problems using Loopy Lou Sarah's amazing "reloading with reality"(tm) technique.

    So I pulled out my checking account records to see if I could finally balance the damn thing by "reloading with reality". Did it work? YES!!! It was a transposition error, of all things!

    Then I got to wondering if "reloading with reality" would help restore the finish on an old frying pan that had gotten rusty while in storage. After about, say... 5 minutes of "reloading with reality" that pan was shining like new!

    Now, all you Granny Lulu haters, if you'd just set aside your animosity and try this amazing technique in your own lives I think you'll discover that she's providing us an all powerful panacea of astounding efficacy which requires no effort, thought or cost of any kind. Is that unbelievable or what????

    Just try it:

    trillion dollar deficits? RELOAD WITH REALITY!

    High energy costs? RELOAD WITH REALITY!



    Athlete's Foot fungus? RELOAD WITH REALITY!

    Tomato Aphids? RELOAD WITH REALITY!

    For once in her miserable life, the screechy wretch is right! There is NO problem that can't be solved by RELOADING WITH REALITY! TRY IT TODAY!

  50. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:23 AM

    If, by some horrible rift in the universe Sarah™ is "elected" President, couldn't you just see the country plastered with worshipful Chairman Palin posters as mandated by her own twisted ego? Dear Leader Kim Jong Il would have nothing on this broad.

    BTW, Eisenstein's Odessa Steps sequence is absolutely haunting--you'll never forget it. Neither will you forget the imagery in "Triumph of the Will." I'm sure "The Under-Feeted" is imminently forgettable, except to the usual cult members.

  51. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I'm seriously beginning to wonder if the director is a secret plant of Karl Rove trying to sabotage Sarah Palin's presidential ambitions while still pandering to her narcissistic yearnings.

    This film's propaganda is so over the top and childishly produced (based on the few segments I could stomach watching) that I can't believe it is a serious attempt at documentary making. Also, the poster is so over the top with the rays shooting out her rump, the gilded lining around her torso and bumpit-induced bird's nest, her outstretched Jesus arms and the overall similarity to a juvenile sunday school illustration.

    The whole Stalinist-Nazi propaganda meme has been an embarrassing sub-current and a total joke to comedians and Palin's critics. When the director stuck his foot in his mouth with his declaration of Riefenstahl and Eisenstein as inspirations, he brought this whole meme directly to the forefront.

    What is ironic is that only the old people that make up most of her supporters have any real awareness of the whole Soviet-Nazi thing, and they tend to have very strong negative reaction to it. So, the strong propaganda aspect of this film really does nothing to strengthen Palin's standing with her supporters.

  52. Anon 6:52 - The irony! 'Fan of Trig's flickr account also has an interesting snapshot from Bristol's private Facebook page with a comment from a Juneau Douglas HS classmate reminding her that he took a 'social dance' class with her. She remarks that she got a bad grade in the class so I guess she had wiped the memory of the dance lessons from her mind when she frequently mentioned how she never danced before DWTS.

  53. I like Michael Moore and find him quite entertaining. I like that he tackles social issues. What I don't like is that his films aren't factual. They are incredibly biased. While I may agree with the issues he tackles, I prefer a documentary that honestly explores the topic.

  54. Anonymous11:33 AM


    Ah, more sympathy trollage.

    I like Michael Moore - even though he's a liar.


  55. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Whoa, baby: "While I may agree with the issues he tackles, I prefer a documentary that honestly explores the topic."

    You can give people a dry recounting of facts and figures, but it's not going to give them the same level of understanding of an issue as it does when you put a face to those facts, figures and stats.

    For example, you don't really get the injustice of what Wall Street gambling on the housing market has done to this country until you see a scene like the one in Capitalism: A Love Story where cops are busting down the door of a frightened family's home to kick them out. Or the wrenching scene where the family is so down on their luck, they're reduced to cleaning up their (former) home for a little bit of money from the bank who foreclosed on them.

    Yes, those are emotional scenes, clearly sympathetic to the families. They are also an honest reporting of how greedy mortgage lenders have affected these families' lives.

  56. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Bannon can try and rip off Michael Moore all he wants, but it won't make "The Undefeated" a film that spurs populist anger like Moore's films do.

    For one thing, the victims in Moore's films are real victims, really down on their luck. Bannon can try and portray Palin as a sorrowful victim all he wants, but most thinking people realize this woman has had a very fortunate life, and in fact, is set for life. The rich just don't make for compelling victims, and certainly not mean rich people like Sarah Palin.

  57. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Sarah Jones called this out in her article on the undefeated! i think she called it the triumph of the shrill after nazi propaganda films! lol. I didn't get it then.

    "This is what is known as a propaganda film, and Palin isn’t the first politician to use the medium to alter public perception. A propaganda film is one that is produced with the goal of persuading an audience of a point. One of the most infamous examples of propaganda is Leni Riefenstahl’s film Triumph of the Will (1935), which chronicled the 1934 Nazi Party Congress and was commissioned by Adolf Hitler. "

  58. Anonymous11:54 AM

    "6:04 AM"
    You are a lie. You know Michael Moore films are true.



  59. Speaking of the arts, Bristol's "book":
    Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #4,519 in Books

  60. GhostbusterTX12:23 PM

    @10:44 - Yeah, I'm wondering that too. But really in the interview he is pretty up-front about picking the Palin project because it was easy to market and a safe bet financially. He's trying to build his business.

    Right-wing propaganda production has been a growth industry, and with Citizens United, there's going to be a lot of cash rolling around looking to be spent.

  61. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Sarah Palin Paid Almost $14,000 to Decorate Her Tour Bus and More From SarahPAC’s FEC Report

  62. Anonymous2:22 PM

    When Putin invades the US airspace, where do you think that is? Alaska! lmao
    No wonder Sarah loves it! He's stroking her ego for the chance at sniffing her panties. We all know how much Sarah loves those types.

    Propaganda fluff piece copied by the communists, can it get any more crazy?

  63. Anonymous2:23 PM

    WakeUpAmerica said... 6:04 AM

    "As for Michael Moore, he isn't too objective either. His propaganda film on the Canadian (and others) health care system was anything but truthful..."

    Seriously? I am Canadian and watched "Sicko". The part, about the Canadian health care system at least, was truthful. Can you point to which part of the film (regarding the Canadian system), you found untruthful?

  64. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Sarah Palin's life as Leni Riefenstahl might have seen it.

    Lordy Lordy what at hoot.

    I wonder if Sarah knows about "Triumph of the Will," Breath taking cinematography. Despicable subject. (Any WWII or cinematography student should look as Leni's work. It is impressive today and must have been awe inspiring in its day.)

    The more Sarah exposes herself the less popular she gets.

    I doubt even a person with Leni's talent could put all the rotting pieces of Sarah's life back together and make it palatable.

    Thank heavens there are some really talented authors and writers (like some we know) who have taken on Sarah's myths and lies.

    I liked one commenter who compared Sarah to Medusa. A woman who truly seethes with venom and hatered of all others.

  65. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Ah, the truth will set us free. Bannon is a panty sniffing peon, and Sarah is an all too accepting recipient. She thrives on lies; so does he. She has her own reality, which has no room for reason, compassion, or heaven forbid, truth. Since this film will barely recoup his grand donation to the cause, I wonder how he will feel about her then. When the film fails miserably to convert any of us truthseekers, how will she feel about it? From what I've seen, this is merely an attempt to ramp up support for a candidate, and damn the consequences. What makes me truly ill is that Bannon sees her as a role model for young girls...I wouldn't wish Palin's nonreality on any young woman, just as I cannot see anyone aspiring to be like Bachmann. God, these women have set back feminism 50 years at least, and with the help of the male GOP, we may not get that ground back anytime soon. These people do not have anyone's best interests at heart but their own. I am amazed that they continue to attract sheep. What is the draw? They are dumb, not very attractive, and are offering nothing but evil lies to the populace. I pray they are exposed well before the GOP chooses a candidate. Do they have no one sane they can run?

  66. Anonymous5:45 PM

    No problem. The director will get his turn to be thrown under Sarah Palin's bus. Palin destroys people.

  67. Anonymous9:12 PM

    In a villiage in Alaska, with a big honking sports arena, a woman is polishing her Star of David "Bling", readying for her next public appearance.

    You are who you hang around with, Sarah Louise Heath Palin! (rhymes with Stalin)

    Now I'm convinced Bristol's consulting firm is promoting this asshat's "phlem" errr "film"....


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