Thursday, September 08, 2011

God finally gets back to Rick Perry.

Well that's a better response than I usually receive when I pray.

I just get put on hold, which would not be so bad if it was not for those damn Gregorian Chants playing over and over in my ear.


  1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:14 AM

    Gryph, you're a pisser! The sign and your comments are classic.

  2. Andrea2:28 AM

    A lot of damage is done to many people in the name of God and/or Jesus by the self-proclaimed so-called Christian! Mostly many of the of the people in politics are tooting their horns that they are anointed by God to posses political power. The way I see it, they're full of themselves and not full of God or the Holy Spirit!

  3. Anonymous3:13 AM

    OzMud said...

    Found this by mistake today and just knew it had to be shared!

    My fav is "Easter comes once a year how often do you?" hahahahaha!

  4. Anonymous3:39 AM

    This should read:Fox News? instead of Perry. They were the ones bemoaning the fact that an Episcopal leader was the only "Christian" representative in an Episcopal Church on 9-11.
    But love it!!

  5. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Ia this for real? If so, I have new respect for a church marquee. That was great.

  6. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Ok, interesting that a mainstream denomination is calling Perry out on his fake Christianity. That's fine. Might have even been better to address any and all who would support him, too.

    Not real sure about how sensitive it is, coming from a church, when the joke is about mental illness, however. In that regard it is disappointing and ignorant. (Where is this church?)

    And don't tell me to get a sense of humor. I agree with the sentiment that these Tea Party people suffer from a sort of "insanity".

    But, real voices in the head are a hell on earth for the poor people who suffer with chronic mental illness.

    Tossing about the term "meds" is also showing extreme ignorance.

    Let's get it right. This sign does not represent real Christianity either. Sad.

  7. Anonymous8:37 AM


  8. Anonymous8:54 AM


    5:50 AM

    It's a church and it's called free speech. Don't get your white cotton undies in a twist, I've heard much worse from the pulpit than from a sarcastic sign.

    And just an FYI, the net is full of fake signs just like this, and most of it is comedic gold! It's a joke, sarcasm, just for laughs, you know, giggles and squirts.

    Sheesh lighten up!

    As a non-believer, I'm amazed at how quick some people of faith get all gnarley when they take things literally, especially the bible.

    This is exactly why we need seperation of church and state and public education.

    OZ, love the link, some very funny stuff!!!

  9. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Sorry, not real (though I wish some church had the choot-zpah to do it.

    This came from this church sign generator:

  10. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Anonymous 4:28 AM said…
    Ia this for real? If so, I have new respect for a church marquee. That was great.

    It's design 5 here:

  11. Too bad this is just the old church sign maker website that has been around for 10 years, and not a real sign.

  12. ... those Episcopalians and their rapier wit!

  13. MadCityKaren6:19 PM

    Speaking of Gregorian chants ... remember the CD "Chant" (someone tried to make Gregorian chant 'mainstream' in the 90's)? I have a recording of "Grunt" somewhere around here -- Gregorian chants all sung in Pig Latin.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.