Friday, September 23, 2011

He's back baby!

Now THIS is the President that I voted for!

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  1. Me Again has commented at Broomfield again.

    As I watched the Eliz. Warren video I thought, "Now THIS is what it means to have Barack's back."

  2. Anonymous4:39 AM

    President Obama has realized that co-operation is not a word repubs. recognize. They believe it is their way or the highway. The President has been treating them like responsible ADULTS, which they are not. Now, it has been made more than clear that nothing he does will make them any more welcoming to sensible ideas he has. So, to HELL with those childish, temper tantrum throwing loons. He has better things to do with his time than deal with the crazies in the repub. and tp parties.

  3. Anonymous4:44 AM

    My husband and I had a good chuckle over President Obama's recnet appearances. Now there's someone to be jealous of and inspired by. I feel like we're living through a presidency that will go down in history as one of the great ones and am thankful that he's at the helm at this critical time.

  4. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Booing Gays serving in the military at a "so called" GOP presidential debate?! Don't tell me those rightwing fuckers aren't a bunch of bigots. Sickening!

    Thank heavens for President Obama; a man of integrity.



  5. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Yes, he's good. The question is, how do we counter the smears, the rigged elections, the poll tax disguised as voter ID laws, the gerrymandering of districts to make them Republican? There is a lot of horrible stuff going on in the GOP to insure they win, which will mean the end of the United States. Think hard, people. We cannot let the GOP have one iota more power to ruin us. Not one.

  6. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Yes! Finally! So proud of our President. This is the hope we believed in, we've been waiting for, and we want!

    Wow. Both he and the crowd were inspiring!

  7. Pres. Obama speaks on No Child Left Behind reform. Live streaming coming up at 10:15 EDT.

  8. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Here comes 'MeAgainAnon238'...#1

    'I'm sure a few of you are wondering how my meeting went. Despite people like "rubbernecking" who theorized on Laura Novak's blog that I was going to "regretfully" announce that legal constraints precluded me from sharing anything else...(Rubbernecker, here's me giving you Bristol's fave hand gesture) I am happy to say that about 90% of things I felt needed to be disclosed to the public get the legal all clear.

    Apparently when Sarah sent BlackBerry messages to 5-7 recipients at a time with NO privacy disclosure at the bottom...she basically forfeited her "expectation of privacy". Who knew?! The delicious irony here...if Sarah had just used her government email like she was supposed to, there would have been a privacy disclosure! So by trying to keep people from seeing her emails...she basically is throwing away her right to actually HAVE THEM kept from public view.

    The main sticking point as far as legality went was photographs. The one I was most interested in was the one of Trig (or "original Tripp" or whatever the hell it was) in the valentine baby shirt, being propped up in a plastic hospital type baby crib.

    The attorney said if Sarah had sent out this photo to multiple recipients with no privacy disclosure, it'd be one thing. But the photo in question is a cell phone photoograph OF a framed photograph, under glass, on a white shelf. It's a little blurry, you can't see the baby's ears, and even though I am 100% sure it's the same distinctively faced baby we saw in the Palin kitchen, all it would take is Sarah saying "That's not even Trig! That's my sister's baby and that photo is ten years old!" or some other twaddlebunk line...OR someone pointing out that a baby could wear a valentine shirt in April or a Santa shirt in July...and it would make the considerable risk of "stealing" a photo worthless.

    The attorney advised Sarah could find it legally actionable since the photo OF the photo was taken inside her home--where she DID have an expectation of privacy.

    I talked with my source after the meeting with the attorney and we agreed insofar as that photo is concerned, we are going to let Fred's book come out before considering such a risky and possibly fruitless move. We decided the attorney was correct in stating "what does it prove except a baby who resembles the newborn Trig Palin was in a hospital and wore a holiday themed SOME point in time.
    6:54 PM

  9. Anonymous6:11 AM

    #2 'MeAgainAnon238'

    But do not despair, comrades in arms of our war on injustice and big fat Sarah-concocted lies. I have some emails, some firsthand statements which provide verifiable dates, times, and so on. Nothing that will put her in the well deserved canvas panties and orange jumpsuit...but definitely some things she would rather keep under wraps.

    Because some emails and details may make more sense with certain backstory applied, I am going to (from this point forward) be sending my posts directly to Gryphen and allowing him to choose what is most pertinent. I'm going to go ahead and tell you now to please not post over and over ask Gryphen if I have told him this or that...I promise to be as quick and thorough as possible.

    Before I sign off I just want to note a couple of things. I know some people have long theorized there is a "paid" troll here. You are absolutely correct. It is a very close friend of Bristol's and they both post here and at other Palin blogs. (but here more than anywhere else) The friend of Bristol's is paid monthly and is lazy as hell lately. A member of Sarah's team set this friend of Bristol's up with an out of state smart phone and laptop. She posts under multiple names and doesn't care that the posts are obviously from the same person--it's just a job to her.

    Today Sarah said they should "send Barbara Walters flowers". Whatever that means.

    Sarah is getting a little yappy about bits and pieces of the real story about Trig coming out in the comments on various blogs. She and Todd had a massive blowout over the past weekend. He thinks they should secure a massive payoff for telling the truth about ALL the pregnancies. He knows she is done politically and I don't think their marriage is too much longer for this world based on the way they talk to and about each other.

    Sarah is still laboring under the false impression that if she just grinds her heel into the blogs, books, will eventually go away.

    At least that's what she says. I think she knows the end is coming, and soon. She may be able to pay people like Breitbart TODAY...but eventually she will look around and there won't be anyone left who is willing to put their neck on the line for her. She really thought spending a few thousand and getting a couple of reporters to say they daw her "fabric covered bump" would close this chapter. And she thinks getting Breitbart to circulate manufactured ...whatever... and have Hannity ignore all the elephants in the room...will keep her base appeased.

    But even she sees the writing on wall. I think the fall is going to be a big one and even people who hate her won't be able to take much delight in it because it's just going to be so, so ugly.
    6:56 PM

  10. Smirnonn6:14 AM

    Seems Anon 2:38 is back:

  11. I haven't had much time to watch him this week, but heard he spoke at a bridge yesterday that could use repair and create infrastructure jobs.

    Glad Elizabeth is gaining momentum. I can't help it; I LOVE this President; he is so hard working and earnest. His recent speech to Congress should go down in history.

  12. Anonymous6:26 AM

    OMG I love how people who randomly throw out nasty comments to Bristol, when confronted on them, they can't provide substance.

    Keep in hatin morons.

  13. Anonymous6:44 AM

    OT regarding the alternative to Obama, from last night's Repug debate:

    Romney had the better pharmaceuticals (crisp, clear, smooth) vs Perry's sloooow talking, muddled thinking and drooping eyes. Must have misjudged the timing or the dosage of, what, Xanax?

    Once again the audience showed their uglies - booing an Army soldier serving his country in the Iraq because he's gay - with deafening silence from the candidates on the stage.

    And who can forget Perry blurting out, in answer to the question who on the stage would you choose for a running mate, the truly weird (Freudian?) preference that he'd like to see Cain "mate up with" Gingrich.


  14. Anonymous6:53 AM

    4:44am. That's exactly the way I feel. I'm on vacation on the Riviera right now and am doing my best to stay away from the news, especially away from the Republican leadership news - as far as I'm concerned, they are traitors to their country. I am glad to be able to check in with IM each day!

  15. Anonymous7:00 AM

    G O BAMA!

  16. Anonymous7:11 AM

    She must be stopped!

  17. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I just wish the MSM would report the truth -- yea I know, I'm asking too much!! I should learn to use the delete key on the word 'logic'!!!!

    It has not only been the elected baggers blocking Obama since the 2010 election, but to continue to report the huge numbers of filibusters which is a historical high number, since Obama took office. I haven't heard the old saying 'The Party of NO' for quite sometime now. The MSM is treating this administration as if the Rethugs only started these actions since the 2010 election. How quickly the MSM have sanitized the truth for their benefit.

    There have been lists of what Obama has succeeded in passing while being filibustered and blocked at every turn since Day 1. The list is lengthy and far too many people are clueless as to the many issues and policies Obama has passed.

    Hell -- he still does not have full staff/appointments due to the blocking by the Rethugs. Something that 'never ever' happened to a 'white President', no matter whether Rethug or Dem.

  18. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Bristol Palin Attacked By Heckler

    Bristol Palin stood face to face with a very ANGRY Sarah Palin hater at the Saddle Ranch on the Sunset Strip last night ... after he screamed at her, "Your mother's a whore."

    It all went down after Bristol rode the mechanical bull -- when the man shouted, "Did you ride Levi like that?"

    During the confrontation, the man called Sarah "evil" -- and Bristol replied, "Is it because you're a homosexual and that's why you hate her?"

    The man responded, "Pretty much ... and why'd you say I'm a homosexual?"

    Bristol shot back -- "Because I can tell you are."

    Bristol -- with her reality TV crew in tow -- eventually stormed out of the bar with her friends.

  19. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Anon 7:51

    Oh Brutus Brisket runs over to confront the man. She's a fucking whimp as she had a media crew with her. She would have ran crying if she had been on her own. She's a crybaby but like her mother, has to surround herself with people as she truly cannot handle anything on her own. She's a fucking crybaby whimp.

    Will be interesting to see how Brisket survives now in 'Hollywood' as she has been outed as being homophobic by being caught verbally on video. There are so many in LaLaLand -- hair, nails, makeup,........

    Brisket better fly her ass back to AK or AZ as she's cooked her goose.

    She's tried to deny her rant on FB but now she's been outed verbally on video.

    BrisketSlut has been outed. Now she will be watched at every move. You thought the face was 'long' on the pics yesterday -- you've seen nothing yet!!!

    Oh man this is gonna be fun!!

    This reality show is so low budget, they can't afford to surround her with security. This reality show is now tanked.

    Thanks Wasillabilly Slut!! Yea Brisket -- that's you!!

    Game on Slut!

  20. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I bet BristleButt has called People mag or some other RagMag to cry 'victim'.

    3, 2, 1

    The Gays of LA are watching you BristleButt. Every door you walk through - every where you are - every move you make - videos and pics and being taken.

    Don't be surprised to see videos or pics appearing of who BrisketButt's screwing and the stories will be freeflowing.

    What's she gonna do -- Call for protection by RAM!!!!!

  21. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead9:13 AM

    what Anonymous@4:58am said.

    ps: we arent fucked because The Screechy Wretch(tm) might be elected president. We're fucked because we're still treating that shameless know-nothing grifter as a viable possibility for even running for the office while Mittens and former Journey frontman and 80s mega-talent Steve Perry (or is it Cletus Spuckler Perry, the slack-jawed yokel from Texas?) convince frightened low-information voters that somehow returning the country to the unchecked control of rabid conservatives in all three branches of government is a good thing. That is why we're fucked.

  22. Anonymous9:25 AM


    Just like spotting a toupee, huh Bristol??

  23. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Anon @ 4:44
    "I feel like we're living through a presidency that will go down in history as one of the great ones "

    Just imagine what he could accomplish with a Democratic Congress and no worries about reelection!

    Hey...I've got a great idea - why don't we try and make that happen?!

  24. Great job Mr. President!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.