Thursday, September 22, 2011

Some people are born liars. Levi Johnston is not one of those people.

This is why I kept saying in the comments yesterday that Levi was not being truthful. 

Just watch how his eyes are CONSTANTLY shifting over to the right, where I am certain Tank Jones is standing, to make sure that what he is saying is okay. If this book is telling the whole truth then how can what he says NOT be okay?

This same behavior continues as Joy questions him about allegations in Joe's book that Palin might not be Trig's mother. He keeps looking over at Tank and appears to become quite anxious that Joy will not let it go.

I cannot find the clip but Levi also claims that he actually saw Sarah in her hospital bed hours after she would have given birth, and she that still had the IV in her arm.  That would make Levi the ONLY person to have ever claimed they saw Sarah in a bed in that delivery room. Even Bailey did not go that far.

But is it feasible that She would actually have the  doctor insert an IV drip JUST to fool her family, Frank Bailey, and Levi Johnston into believing that she had given birth?

 On page 53 of his book, Levi claims the following:

Sarah had been telling Bristol for the past month that her water was leaking once or twice a day.

WTF?  This was right before Trig's birth, so the logical questions would be, WHO would would risk a flight out of town in that condition? And what kind of a doctor would allow that to happen?

Now we know that Palin was not pregnant so what is the story here?

Did the Palins put on a circus act that fooled the whole family and others, including Bristol, Willow, Piper, Frank Bailey, the Heaths, AND Levi?

Or is Bristol and the family in on it and helping to flesh out the mythology while feeding it to only those outside fo the family?

Or is Levi also part of the cover up and, for reasons that I cannot wrap my head around considering that they will NOT let him see his son, is still willing to play his part?

Actually, as I alluded to earlier, there is another piece that will only make this even more confusing which I will add later when I can finally sit down and write out a comprehensive review of Levi's book.

Trust me when I say that it will not help but it will strongly suggest that Levi IS covering something up.

And I cannot tell you how much I wish that were not true.

P.S. I am still looking for the clip of Joy talking to Levi specifically about babygate. If any of you find it please send it my way and I will include the link.


  1. Anonymous4:30 PM

    theyve all been making it up as they go.
    sp got stuck with the belly and since then theyve all been making shit up.

  2. Just finished the book, and two major things jumped out at me.

  3. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Well, technically, I don't think the Palins are even BORN liars. You can read all of em pretty easily.

    However, ALL of these people are liars: Sarah, Bristol, Levi, Mercede. ALL.

  4. Anonymous4:36 PM

    WAIT! I thought Frank did say Sarah was in the bed? If she wasn't, then what was she doing in the hospital room, standing there randomly? He saw her THE day of.
    How can we get that picture of Todd and Trig?

  5. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I totally believe Levi, Sarah was trying to convince them to give up Tripp to her. And I believe she planned to fake a pregnancy to sell it to save shame her teen got knocked up otherwise why would she just not have let Bristol & Levi get married, supporting them as new parents if she weren't trying to hide the unwed pregnancy.

    Now what is curious is Sarah was prepared to fake a pregnancy so soon after having Trig to cover Tripp's birth why then is her faking being pregnant with Trig for Bristol so hard to believe?

  6. Nancy In New York4:37 PM

    The Palins are WITHOUT A DOUBT holding visitation of his son over his head. These people are MILLIONAIRES, yet Bristol somehow still needs a hundred grand from a sometimes working twenty year old? I've seen grown man pay less than two hundred a month for child support. Levi never struck me as the lying type and he's definitely having trouble lying now. Bristol (just like Mama G) can lie quite easily (birth control for menstrual cramps? Wine cooler blackouts? etc. etc.) All they seem to be able to do is lie.

    IV drip my ass. The only thing that Sarah needed after her 'wild ride' was a stiff drink or two. She needed to get up the nerve to be able to bullshit her way through her fantastic fairy tale birth story.

  7. Anonymous4:40 PM

    So Jesse, ar e you thinking that THIS Trig is a prop baby? It's the one baby that really doesn't look like Trig or any subsequent babies.

    Ruffles looks like Trig and grew steadily. Look at ruffles face. SAME AS PRESENT DAY TRIGS. Thing is, Babies do lose weight within the first weeks so technically this baby could be ruffles. The length looks right. WTH

    All I know is, the Trig who lives in the Palin home today IS not an acquired baby from Sept.

  8. What utter RUBBISH!!


    Levi has become indefensible.

    Levi's lies are just pathetic, I used to feel sorry for him, because of his obvious lack of intellect.

    However, he has demonstrated that knows right from wrong and now he swims in the Palin soup on his own.

    All that this accomplishes is sympathy FOR Palin.

    All this does is allow folks to think that Levi's obvious fairytale of a story ...are like the rest and dismiss all of them.

    Congratulations Levi, for supporting Sarah much DID she pay you?

  9. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Levi needed to be honest about his relationship. He could have still conveyed that he "loved" Bristol without getting so over the top and fictional. She was pretty candid about their breakups. Tripp needs to know all that. Children don't disrespect their parents for those things. They respect struggle.

    Thing is, Levi was probably desperate to tone down his partying etc. The book was just sooo freaking mushy and inaccurate. He portrayed Bristol and her family wit bias so that made all that inaccurate. He acted like when he was with Bristol, it was ONLY them too. That's really not accurate. We know this. Wouldn't she have wanted to enjoy normal school functions with him, go to prom, dances, etc.

    I hate people who glorify shit when the truth is fine and pretty respectable. Neither Bristol nor Levi were bad people. They were normal teens living carefree.

  10. Anonymous4:50 PM

    That is the look of a young man being forced to lie.

    I still think that Trig is his and Bristol's baby. That he was delivered extremely prematurely, and in very bad shape, which entailed many days in an NICU, and a huge bill. I think that once Trig was prematurely born, Sarah announced her 'pregnancy,' and told Bristol she was taking the baby as her own, because there was no way Bristol and Levi would be able to afford this child. Backed into a corner, and unable to financially provide, both Bristol and Levi had no choice but to go along with Sarah's deception. But Bristol was furious, and decided to get pregnant again -- with a child she could keep.

    I think there has been no formal adoption, and that Sarah is blackmailing Levi, because he knows if he speaks up he will be financially responsible for Trig, and he knows he can't provide. For Trig's own good, to keep him in the care that he needs, Levi has to keep his mouth shut. The problem is, he's not a good liar.

    It's amazing, simply amazing, that this deception has gone on as long as it has. It truly has to end soon. If Sarah were smart (she isn't) she'd get ahead of this one.

  11. Anonymous4:52 PM

    My memory of Joy's Levi interview had her asking Levi if Bristol ever mentioned to him about Sarah having an affair.

    To me, it seemed that Levi was about to answer in the affirmative.

    In fact I think he might have said "one time" and I thought he was about to continue. But,Joy interrupted with the name "Brad Hanson".

    At that point the original question never got answered and I think Levi was on the verge of answering.

    It was a missed moment for Joy and us and she never even realized it.

    Today on "The View" she talked of her interview w/ Levi and stated that he saw Sarah Palin in the hospital.

    So, now even though that she does not like Palin, she believes Sarah gave birth to Trig.

    I think it is a difficult leap for people to take because who would set up such a ruse.

    They don't factor in Sarah Palin being mentally ill. So, her normal is our abnormal.

  12. Levi lied about when he saw SP in the hospital. In his book he said he saw SP "minutes" after the birth of Trig and even held him. On Behar's show, he said he first saw SP 4 hours after the birth of Trig.

  13. Several folks have commented that a the IV pole would relate to the 'induced' birth. Pitocin and similar labor inducing drugs are given by IV. Not saying she was induced cause I don't believe she gave birth but she probably had to set one up in case someone not in on the scheme happened by or in Levi's case, to make it look more real.

  14. FEDUP!!!4:54 PM

    Just came back from my Costco, checked on a lark if they had Joe's book (they NEVER have any stuff that is written against any Rethugs - they have a collection of $arah's books and Becks, and Hannity, etc - you get my drift) - but LO and Behold: They had Joe's book, and one copy is all mine! :) Someone is super happy, and will be VERY busy tonight! :D

    As to Levi... Yes, always looking to one side is a sure sign of lying. WHY IS HE STILL WITH TANK/REX???

  15. FEDUP!!!4:56 PM

    Oh, and one more thing: I mentioned this on another post today, but 'daily amniotic fluid leakage'... Methinks someone was very INCONTINENT and could not hold her pee. I NEVER heard of 'daily leakage' - especially not for 'a month or more'!!!

  16. Anonymous5:00 PM

    That pic of Levi supposedly holding Trig does not even look like it was taken in the same year as Levi holding Trig in Sarah's kitchen, Mercede posted on her MySpace account said to be taken only couple weeks later.

    Also, Levi says he & Bristol told Sarah on the day after his birthday May 5th, Bristol was knocked up. Was the happy Johnston / Palin family pics like the one in the link above taken on the day Sarah is reported to have been told her teen was pregnant out of wedlock? They sure do look like a big happy family.

  17. Cricket5:01 PM

    I think Sarah had him sign some kind of confidentiality agreement and she will go after him if he breaks it. He's lying for a reason.

    The leaking fluid story is bizarre. It's got to be made up.

    I know when I was pregnant, my doctor told me that I couldn't fly after 8 months, because the pressurization in the plane on take-offs and landings can break your water. My father died 3 weeks before my due date and my doctor would not give me medical clearance to fly to the funeral.
    He also said that even if he gave me a note, that the airlines would likely physically block me from boarding the plane - that they don't want that liability.

  18. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Did Sarah show up in Florida or is Chuckie still cleansing the black out of her with his Bible and whip?

  19. Back again, you'll need to watch Levi on Lawrence O'Donnell to see a bit more eye shifting and surprise, surprise - Tank !!! I love O'Donnell, he's so canny and disarming when he needs to be. Methinks the Tankmeister was none too happy to be on camera and Levi looked like he might have a trip to the woodshed in his future. lol

  20. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The IV pole is just stupid. Like the pics of Sarah running that marathon at the finish line without any other participants or sweat under her arms. She is always forgetting something in her fakey fakey schemes.

  21. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Levi on the Opie & Anthony Show on Sirius XM (Jim Norton) (length 3:15)

  22. Anonymous5:10 PM

    My daughter had labor induced and sh couldn't even talk to me right afterward, probobly couple hours before she was awake.

    Also, saw the baby as she rolled past me on the little bed thingy, but wasn't able to hold her either until my daughter authorized me to be able to go into the NICU, where Trigg should have been since he was high risk. So, can't comprehend Levi's version of holding the baby within hours of his birth. The hospial's main concern is the safety and health of the baby and they just don't put him out there for everyone to hold, take down the hall, etc.

    By the way my grandaughter was born in Providence Hospital in Anchorage. And, even being the gramma, I didn't have automatic access to the baby.

  23. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Levi on Lawrence O'Donnell tonight

  24. Anonymous5:20 PM


    "Sarah had been telling Bristol for the past month that her water was leaking once or twice a day."

    If this is true then Sarah Palin is a sick unfit mother!

    You are telling me this Special Needs Governor is leaking fluid and still went to Texas to give a speech?

    This is the age of teleprompters and video conferencing! Sarah could of sat in her office or hospital bed and gave her speech.

    Next, I'm sure Sarah had to have told her doctor she is leaking fluid especially with a child that has health problems and still the doctor allowed Sarah to fly?


    How come the Alaska health authorities or the attorney general is not investigating this doctor to prevent this from happening to other idiot self centered retarded special needs mothers? This has to stop!

  25. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I think "delivery" room is not the term you want to use, G.

    That would be where the messy stuff happens, Levi probably meant the hospital room (patient's) where the cleaned up baby and mother are more presentable.

    BTW, this is a preemie baby with a hole in his heart. Yet people are waltzing out for photo ops (the Heath grandparents) and Levi doesn't have even have a mask/gown on. That hospital sure is casual about a 35 week, Down Syndrome baby.

  26. Anonymous5:22 PM

    soalexgoes Alex Alvarez
    Every time a cable news host invites Levi Johnston onto his show, a baby moose in Wasilla dies of an aneurysm.

  27. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I think "delivery" room is not the term you want to use, G.

    That would be where the messy stuff happens, Levi probably meant the hospital room (patient's) where the cleaned up baby and mother are more presentable.

    BTW, this is a preemie baby with a hole in his heart. Yet people are waltzing out for photo ops (the Heath grandparents) and Levi doesn't have even have a mask/gown on. That hospital sure is casual about a 35 week, Down Syndrome baby.

  28. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Did anyone ever see $arah BREASTFEED TriG??

    That is something I have never heard mentioned by anyone, ever. And it is a very important clue to the Babygate story.


  29. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Remember the good old days when Sarah would send out official press releases from the governor's office bashing Levi mercilessly?

    Remember the good old days when Levi said he had stuff on Sarah that would end her career forever?

    Now, it's crickets from both sides.

    Levi knows - but he's not talking.

    There is something strange going on now with the Palins and Johnstons.

  30. Rationalist5:29 PM

    Anon at 4:50 - your theory makes great sense to me. I wonder, though, if there might be something else - Sherry's sentence for example - that keeps him propping up Palin's story. He's dropped so many specifics - dates, times, IVs - that it really seems deliberate.

  31. This baby hoax gets more and more sick as it goes on. Someone needs to come clean. I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope she does run so all of the people who said they are keeping their mouths shut unless/until she declares can come forward and sing like canaries.

    Someone has to put a stop to this madness. I cannot fathom a doctor being willing to put in an IV, fake or real, just to fool Levi. This is outright immoral and I would dare say criminal behavior! If it isn't criminal it damn well should be.

    I can see them accepting the baby of Trig from whoever, at Matsu hospital for whatever reason, and then inviting Levi as a witness knowing that he would likely believe what he was seeing and not question a thing. He's adorable, but certainly not the brightest bulb in the marquee.

    Patrick says he has a verified witness of one of Bristol's inner circle that says for sure she is the mother of Trig. Anything ring true of that with you, Gryph?

    The level of fraud and immorality of this faked pregnancy is more than I can stand. It makes me ill to think people like this exist in our world and can actually PROFIT from it. I'm not a believer in heaven and hell and judgment by god, but if there is one, then I hope Palin burns for eternity for the things she's done on this earth.

  32. I'm convinced that Levi has lied about various things. And it may be that he's glancing at Tank. However, it's also a possibility that he's looking at himself in a monitor. Inexperienced TV guests often do that.

  33. FEDUP!!!5:32 PM

    What we all need to realize here is that Levi was a teenager when the whole stuff hit the fan. He was caught with his pants down, and was bullied by the Palins to let $arah have Trig, because he never would be able to afford him. What he did not realize was that he could have refused to give him up and instead let the baby be adopted out. That way, at least, he would not know how much that little tyke got abused...:/

    Also, too: He is telling things in his book the way he remembers them. He remembers what he was being told - by the Palins. An 18y/o teen guy will NOT know ANYthing about amniotic fluid/contractions,IVs, etc, etc. So... he simply regurgitates what he was told (to say ?), and what he vaguely remembers seeing. Especially after he and Bri$tol were denied their first-born - can you imagine what kind of a trauma that would be for ANYone, let alone someone who fell in love with the little fragile bundle?

  34. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I normally post under another name, but am going to post anon for this because I'm going to give out a bit more personal information.

    Assuming Sarah was pregnant (which we know she was not), if you get a tear vs your water breaking, it isn't like the water just spurts out a couple times a day.

    I know this because when I was pregnant with my first child, many moons ago, I had a tear in the sac a couple weeks before I was due. I was young and it was my first baby and because it wasn't the big gush of water like the birthing class had talked about, I didn't say anything about it to anyone.

    So for a week, I had a slow leak of fluid and that is EXACTLY what it was like...a slow, constant leak.

    Now sorry for this bit of TMI, but people that have been pregnant will know what I am talking about. When you are that far along, you tend to have a lot of discharge anyway, so having a little leaking was not a huge red flag for me (again first pregnancy and I was young).

    When I went for my weekly appt. I mentioned it to my dr. who IMMEDIATELY sent me to the hospital where they did an ultrasound and started freaking the hell out because I essentially had no fluid left and I ended up having an emergency c-section that day.

    This was 20+ years ago, so I am sure that no dr. today is going to let something like that go unattended with someone on their 7th pregnancy with a high risk infant.

    The fact that they would think anyone would believe this is incredible.

    Dr. CBJ looks like the most incompetent dr. ever to practice medicine. It must eat at her soul, that her career has been ruined for Sarah. I've heard since did good works, particularly with abused kids before Sarah got her filthy meat hooks into her.

  35. Anonymous5:35 PM

    IF, and with this gang of liars anything is possible, Sara was leaking and her doctor did not put her on bedrest or even hospitalize her then that doctor should lose her license. IF Sara didn't say anything to her then the doctor should lose her license for not finding the evidence and Sara should be taken to task even more for threatening the life of that child before it was even born. Forget the wild ride, this woman was HOPING and TRYING to kill that baby long before the wild ride. Has anyone ever discovered when it was she actually knew he was DS? If she knew before and then started leaking and did nothing to protect him then she was trying to abort it - er - have a miscarriage. She had two others, wonder if we'll ever know the truth about those mishaps? OR did she deliberately terminate them as well?

  36. Sarah had been telling Bristol for the past month that her water was leaking once or twice a day.

    And no matter how many times she said it, Bristol apparently didn't get the hint to GET THE HELL IN MY BATHROOM AND FIX THE FAUCET!

  37. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Bristol being told by her mother that her water was leaking over a month before she actually gave birth is the tell tale sign for me that they were selling a very specific story to Levi. He was part of the family. Bristol was trying to have a child with him. He would HAVE to tow the line if people started questioning the odd events of Sarah's "pregnancy". And he bought it hook line and sinker. Bristol couldn't have been naive to the fact that Sarah's statement about her water was pure bullshit.She was in on it. More and more I think she actually is the mother of Trig.

    Levi said that part of his motivation for writing the book was for his son. Of course he is going to paint a picture that will not hurt him down the road. I'm not sure that Levi doesn't NOW know the truth of the pregnancy, but has regurgitated what he was SOLD at the time is was happening. Technically, I suppose, that isn't lying. Right?

  38. SmallAxe5:39 PM

    Totally agree G Man, I watched it live last night and I noticed the same thing with him glancing off camera, eyes shifting just like you described and really only around the questions of the pregnancies. All the other answers he looked right at Joy and seemed to be very genuine in his answers. He was definitely uncomfortable during those sections. It would be great to do a side by side of the pregnancy questions vs. how he reacts to the ones about the RNC Trip, it would be obvious to everyone. He is a terrible liar which is good because he seems like a genuine all-american likeable hick. Tell the truth Levi!!! Save this country from any more damage from that family.

  39. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Levi has already told so many versions of the day Trig was born. And he's told enough versions for anyone to latch onto the one that will cement their views of the controversy. Joy believes it because Levi said hours, in the book he said "minutes". Which is it? Did she have the IV in or didn't she? The whole thing stinks to high heaven.

  40. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I am reading Levi's book and I can't figure out this sentence on page 151.

    "Every day I spent time wondering what had happened to Bristal to make her change so much. Sure she was a grump when she was pregnant, BUT ALWAYS AT THE END IT WAS WHEN CAN WE GET MARRIED?" (Capitals are mine)

    That sounds like Levi is saying she was pregnant more than once or he would have worded it differently. Anyone else see it that way????

  41. Anonymous5:52 PM

    No one is BORN a liar just like no one is born a delinquent.

  42. WalterNeff5:54 PM

    Who pays Tank? Levi doesn't have 2 cents to rub together

  43. Anonymous5:54 PM

    BBristol being told by her mother that her water was leaking over a month before she actually gave birth is the tell tale sign for me that they were selling a very specific story to Levi. He was part of the family.


    Except remember,Sarah Piper and Todd were In Juneau in Early April. They rarely saw Bristol.

    There's so much other completely made up stories in that book that I can't believe anything.

  44. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Liars, ALL of them!

    Gryph, I know you told us early on that if this all came out as to what really happened that some would have sympathy for Queen Esther. Her Heinous. I NEVER will.

    These people have lied and grifted people out of millions of dollars. I just got MY book today that I will devour, and THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING. See any court dates yet for libel? Of course not. There were lawyers involved, and "just me 4:28" went to see her own today. It's TRUE.

    So, idiot bots, Palin minions, Bristol, Willow, that come here to spread your crap, you just keep right on doing it. How does it feel, bots, to have your hard earned money squandered from you because you bought into a scheme? How does it feel, Palin minions, Palin family, to look at yourself in the mirror every day knowing what you're doing? You know down DEEP what you're about. It's a wonder you sleep at night.

    Must be bothering YOU, Sarah. MY how you've aged!! Ghastly. Take your ball and go home. For the good of rill America you CLAIM to love.


  45. FEDUP!!!5:59 PM

    5:10 : You hit the nail on the head - also, too: At least in OUR hospital, you would not be able to hold a preemie with special needs w/o being 'gowned-up' - i.e. you have to wear one of those ridiculous gowns over your outdoor clothes, and potentially also a face-mask! (At least everyone not immediately related to the newborn, I believe.)

  46. Anonymous6:00 PM

    The Palins are WITHOUT A DOUBT holding visitation of his son over his head.

    - - - -

    It's more complicated. As of Aug 09, the entire extended family hated Levi and really hasn't stopped. They were ALL pissed he lied about saying calling Trig retarded. That is not a word anyone in that family uses. They were pissed at his immaturity.

    Sarah is not to blame for American's hatred of him. That is stupid. He's an attention whore grifting off people JUST LIKE Sarah does. Except she is trying to get people to open their freaking eyes to the evils of the democrat's goals.

  47. Anonymous6:02 PM

    LOD made him look stupid as hell. I'm convinced he had no clue what was in the book. At all.

  48. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Interesting that the Palins and their crew (bots included) were all about claiming that Sarah barely knew Levi, but now latch on like grim death to his claim that he was in her frickin hospital room just after she gave birth.

    For what it's worth, I had 4 children ("naturally") and every time the IV was taken out shortly after the baby was born. The nurses try to get you up and running - so to speak - asap. Basically, you need to be able to walk to the bathroom and pee on your own before they feel comfortable releasing you to your post-birth room.

  49. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Could not find clip, but here is transcript:

    JOHNSTON: I`ve seen her just like everybody else. She covered it up real well, you know. But like I said, willow found the stick, showed Bristol and that`s how I found out. You know everybody is -

    BEHAR: Willow found what?

    JOHNSTON: The pregnancy stick.

    BEHAR: Willow found the stick. Really?

    JOHNSTON: That`s the story and then -

    BEHAR: And it was Sarah`s not Bristol`s?

    JOHNSTON: Bristol wasn`t pregnant at that time. And the only thing I could say, I actually showed up at the hospital probably four or five hours after she apparently had Trig. When she was in there she had you the outfit on. She was lying in the bed. She had the IV in her arm. On a blackberry, Trig was in there, Todd and all the kids.

  50. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "All this does is allow folks to think that Levi's obvious fairytale of a story"

    And the story is no fairy tale and no one is innocent or a victim, not even Levi.

    That was the most fucked up relationship from the beginning. Levi, you admitted to this in May 2011. Quit acting like your damn relationship was magical. You may love your son now, but he was NOT what you wanted initially. He won't care. He will care that you love him NOW.

  51. jadez6:06 PM

    lol..this kid was told what to say and looks over to his lawyer(?) to make sure he is doing ok...

    if anyone is being paid here it is the lawyer..telling this dim bulb what to say on palins behalf...

    now//as far as the hoax goes..i realize brisdull was young and her sisters too..but it simply is not possible for palin to hide being pregnant around the house/

    come on people!!

    only piper could have been fooled at her age.. so levi absolutely is lying about all this because he was to close to palin and sleeping with the daughter to boot! believe a woman is 7 months pregnant around him and not be able to notice it.

    heres a ONE single reference this kid makes to palin being pregnant out side of this lying hospital story.

    why is he lying??

    my best guess is there is something illegal to all this and he is convinced he is part of it..nothing else makes sense to me.

  52. Anonymous6:07 PM

    It's interesting you mention Hanson because Levi initially said in 09 that Bristol thought the affair rumors regarding Sarah were ridiculous.

  53. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Don't count on Levi for any hard hitting revelations. He's just not cut from that cloth.

  54. Anonymous6:13 PM does if your peeing your pants!

  55. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I don't understand why this matters. Bristol got the story she wanted to tell out. Her fans like it. Levi got the story he wanted to tell out. His fans like it. Bristol has a monthish more of work then it's back to her happy little life in Alaska. Levi is apparentlybecoming more proactive finally about visitation.

    I think it's time to let them be and work it out. Meddling in things we don't know about only harms people.

  56. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Sad part is, Levi is now a hypocrite and a liar. He called Sarah a liar, yet he lies just as much.

  57. Anonymous6:17 PM

    All I know is, Triggybear is Trig and that baby was NOT born months before.

  58. Anonymous6:17 PM

    This one is for the Sarah cult fans who are being duped of their money:

    "Palin: Pay Me and Then Maybe I’ll Make a Decision"

  59. Anonymous6:18 PM

    so why would palin tell bristol that she was leaking every day when palin didn't even want the family to know (a) she was pregnant and (b) she was carrying a Down syndrome child?

    and furthermore - why would bristol tell her boyfriend? in what context would this be a conversation?

    and i agree with the several posts that state leaking amniotic fluid is serious and that just the fact this is part of the story makes palin look worse than ever.

    levi is definitely in the palin "crosshairs" so i guess he at least picked an apropo title for his book.

  60. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I've raised an issue a couple of times, on a couple of blogs, that has never gotten traction, but let me try again:
    In Bailey's book, he describes talking to Palin on the phone in Aug. 2008, her so distraught she could barely speak, telling him Bristol was pregnant. He describes this as part of a "crap storm" that Palin faced at this time. I.e., it isn't just a random event that he describes, but one that is discussed in context of other things going on. And it does. not. square. with the story Levi and Bristol are telling. So what gives? I don't believe Bailey's book is entirely truthful, but it's hard to think of what purpose it would serve to lie about this. Could Palin have been distraught for another reason, and claiming it was because she just learned of the pregnancy? Or was she simply putting on a show? As bat-sh*t crazy as she is, who knows what she does, and why. My sense, though, is that Bailey's story is on the up-and-up. If so, it means there was an established party line, which Levi is toeing along with the rest of 'em. It also majorly calls into question some of the time lines we've been trying to establish.

  61. Anonymous6:20 PM


    May 1: Bristol tells Levi she's pregnant. He runs upstairs to tell his mom
    May 3: Triggybear meeting
    May 4 1am: Mercede writes to Johnny C "He's still angry...he goes hunting everynight"
    May 4: baby shower for Trig
    May4: Bristol, Levi, and Sammy tell Sarah and Todd about the Tripp pregnancy.

  62. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Levi probably has a 10 year contract with the biggest grifters in the world, Tank and Rex

  63. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I don't think Levi is lying or "checking with Tank" in *this* clip.
    Looking to the right when being asked to remember something is normal (for most right-handed people). Looking to the left would indicate *possible* lying (again, for most right-handed people).
    When you watch this clip with the sound off, Levi looks quite comfortable, not really nervous, he's listening and thinking while Joy is speaking/asking a question. I see no signs of lying, discomfort, nervousness, or as if he is making eye-contact with someone off-camera.
    That said, I believe Levi is not telling the truth about what he knows about Trig, but I think he is being dishonest under duress from the Palin family. I can only imagine that they are threatening to keep Tripp from him, or maybe they have dirt on him too, that they say would keep him from his son if the dirt were revealed. I just don't believe he or his family is being "paid off".

  64. Anonymous6:26 PM

    LEVI! Take a TRUE in the mirror at yourself and repeat after me...."I'm a liar." Does that FEEL good? Do you have to look away??

  65. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I am currently under the opinion that Bristol is the biological mother of Trig. And Trig was born prematurely and with unanticipated problems. [Question: would prenatal care have identified his DS? Hole in heart problem? ] How Levi could NOT have known about this would be astonishing if true -I think he is repeating what he was told to say, but for reasons I cannot fathom.

    I simply wish him well. I hope he and his son have many many happy days together.

  66. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Fluid leaking once or twice a day? WTF? The doctor would have had her on bed rest to try to keep her from going into labor prematurely. DUH!!!

    And yes, birth control pills are prescribed for menstrual cramps caused by endometriosis. Been there done that.

  67. Anonymous6:28 PM

    It's plain to see that anyone that had anything to do with the Palin plague ends up having to lie. If they don't, they are probably harrassed, blackmailed, threatened, whatever. A young misfit boy who dabbled with a Palin and is having to suffer because of it should not held to a higher standard.

    Whatever is holding Levi back in telling all the truth is probably more trouble than it's worth. He's young, has a girlfriend, wants to start a new life and doesn't want to deal with the Palin plague which will follow him forever if he doesn't cut the cord.

    I think our expectations of this young man are way too high. Anyone of us remember how mature and reasonable we were at that age? Imagine our sons at that age having to deal with the same circumstances. How would they rate? Any differently?

    He took whatever opportunities that came his way. He's in a circumstance that most men his age have never been in. Mom sick and in house arrest, and he has a child - plus he wants to start over a new leaf. All this complexity creates havoc in his life. I'd give him time to go away from press, and the public eye, and let him enjoy some time away from the Palin curse.

    Sarah P. will ruin her own chances just by way of "being Sarah". It's unraveling, as reports are increasing about the Todd divorce rumor. Maybe if these rumors prove true, Levi might feel safe to come out and tell the whole story.

  68. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Levi has grown up surrounded by Corrupt Bastards publicly displaying their membership in the club. He has watched the zombie rats in operation.

    As a young teen you always think you are invulnerable. So what if your squeeze has some nasty behaviors in her family? Then your mother is thrown in jail.

  69. Anonymous6:29 PM

    "Sarah had been telling Bristol for the past month that her water was leaking once or twice a day."

    She sounds like she was incontinent.

  70. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Did a deceased nurse perhaps tape an IV to Sarah's arm or hand?

  71. Anonymous6:35 PM

    While I definitely think Levi is protecting people, I also think he is moreso guarding himself. Again, he needed a good excuse for not buckling down and making her uphold visitation.

    Levi even said "shes not supposed to take him out of the state."

    Um, Levi? If you don't stop her, she can take him ANYWHERE. DUMBSHIT. Get off your ass, put down the poles and gun, and act like a father. And tell you sister to lay off the body adjustments and go to school.

  72. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Amazing the story of 'two cords around the babys neck'. Yet no mention of a C-section, or even that it was known of in advance of 'delivery'.

    As for the baby aka trig, with all the health issues SP bragged on, it is highly unlikely so many people would be walking in a room for that baby(or its mother) or roaming the hospitals halls with him.
    He would be kept in a nearly sterile environment for some time. At least with oxygen.
    At least.

    One can truly not believe a word any of these people utter.

  73. Anonymous6:38 PM

    SO did anyone EVER see Sarah Palin breast feed any of her children? And I don't mean hearing her talk about the agony of breast feeding or using a breast pump; did anyone EVER witness her in the actual physical act of breast feeding. I would be really surprised. She strikes me as being way to self-centered and vain to ever "do that" to her body.

  74. Anonymous6:40 PM

    The part of this story that doesn't get much traction is that Dr. CBJ has permitted SP to tell the wild birth story Sarah's way and it puts the doctor in a situation where she could be deemed irresponsible and neglectful for not announcing to the press that even though SP chose to travel in her precarious condition, that Dr. CBJ didn't approve of these actions, and would recommend that any 8-month pregnant woman with leaking amniotic fluid should go directly to a hospital or doctor. She should have relayed that to the press that interviewed her and she should have made that statement in SP's medical release letter.

    In short, she should have let all people know that she did not approve or recommend the actions of the Governor of the State of Alaska. What if one pregnant girl heard SP's narrative on the Texas to AK ride, and thought to herself, if the governor could get away with leaking, I could.

  75. Levi had some even more uncomfortable moments in the eonline interview.

    The most telling body language comes after Levi finishes answering the question about why Bristol wanted to get pregnant while the host was asking the next question. Rapid blinking, big sigh, closes eyes.

    It's all very confusing. I don't think Levi is a liar either. I think he may have been given a script and was told that it wasn't technically a lie.

    When Behar asked him if he'd seen Sarah pregnant, he could have easily said 'Yes'. But he didn't. He said something like he saw the same thing everyone else did--she covered it up well.

  76. There was a comment somewhere, maybe here, asking why any man would be present at the delivery of his girlfriend's mother's child, checking out the IV, hanging out in the recovery room? Who does that? Is that standard practice in Wasilla, all the teen sex partners are personally present when their girlfriends' or boyfriends' moms give birth? So weird and creepy.

  77. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Fluid leaking once or twice a day? WTF? The doctor would have had her on bed rest to try to keep her from going into labor prematurely. DUH!!!

    And yes, birth control pills are prescribed for menstrual cramps caused by endometriosis. Been there done that.

  78. Anonymous6:47 PM

    While the focus remains on Bristle as the birth mom with everyone doing lots of math and calendar work, is there anyone else out there who considers that this child may be the child of Todd but not $P? Does it not make a little sense that one of his alleged flings resulted in a little surprise and a deal was made to adopt the child? While most women would likely keep the child and accept some hush money the fact that tests showed the presence of Down syndrome might make it easier for a vulnerable woman to agree to an adoption by the biological father, along with mucho hush money.

    This way they can monitor the pregnancy and cook up a fake pregnancy for $P when it appears the pregnancy will remain viable and produce a live birth. The baby comes early and is kept in a hospital until he is ready for discharge and then they conveniently switch to Plan A with the Texas trip. She couldn't risk announcing the pregnancy too early in case the child did not survive during the pregnancy and then she would be left to announce a stillbirth which would also entail a hospital 'visit' and a subsequent funeral.

    It's so difficult to figure out what is going on with this strange family but there have been too many sightings of Bristle during the end of 2007 and early 2008 to lock down that theory.

  79. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Body language principles say that looking to the left means someone is making something up, to the right shows that he's trying to remember something. Good thing to remember when politicians are talking. lol

  80. Anonymous6:51 PM

    6:33..or was that nurse the "special ed teacher" the Palin's hired when Trig was born???

  81. Anonymous6:53 PM

    WalterNeff reminded me of something on the last thread: if, IF, there had been an IV, it should have been on the back of the hand, NOT the arm. I remember mine...big ol bruise it left on my poor hand. But still, I did not still have the IV FOUR hours after the birth, which is when Levi claims to have seen an IV on Palin's arm. And I was an old mom too.

  82. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "Sarah had been telling Bristol for the past month that her water was leaking once or twice a day."

    Whoa! Red flag! Supposedly Trig was due in May, though born 5 weeks early. That means that Sarah had been leaking since she was at the 30-31 week point - at teh same point in time that she wasn't even "showing"?

    There are actually two "sacs" - the inner sac is the amnion, the outer sac is the chorion. Sometimes in very late pregnancy the chorion will leak - a little or a lot - most likely because of the pressure of the baby.

    This happened to me at the very end of my first pregnancy. It was a "gush" not a drip, and I thought for sure "this is it." Upon exam, however, the doc told me the "forewaters" (old-fashioned term for the chorion, my doc was in her 70s) had leaked but resealed.

    My point in all this is that it is unusual for the chorion to leak at 30 weeks. And I'd think that her doctor would have been concerned about it too. I can't imagine a doctor telling a multipara woman with a leaking chorion to go ahead and get on that plane to even GO to TX in the first place.

    This story just gets weirder and weirder.

  83. Anonymous6:54 PM

    That hospital sure is casual about a 35 week, Down Syndrome baby.

    This is an interesting comment.

    I read the blog of a women that just had twins. They were born at 35 weeks (not usual for twins), but this is what caught my attention when she posted about being admitted to the hospital when she went into labor:

    I was told when we were admitted Monday night that because the babies were to be born five weeks early they would have to spend anywhere from a few days to two weeks in the NICU regardless of birthweight.

    This was with healthy babies with no known problems prior to birth, in a young woman with no history of miscarriages etc.

    So it does seem strange that they (the hospital and the Palins themselves) were so caviler about Trig's welfare/health.

  84. Calli Pygian6:57 PM

    Perhaps they are holding Levi's visitation/ involvement and using his silence as ransom.

    Wouldn't that be as likely as that they have Tank on the payroll & he's in on it too? Hence the need for a PAC moneybomb?

  85. Anonymous6:57 PM

    6;02..I beginning to agree with you about Levi not knowing what is exactly in the book..I'm thinking he recorded his thoughts, the book was drawn up then it was approved with the Palin's and he never read the end product. They gave him the talking points and $$$$ plus the money from the book.

  86. Anonymous6:58 PM

    "In Bailey's book, he describes talking to Palin on the phone in Aug. 2008, her so distraught she could barely speak, telling him Bristol was pregnant. He describes this as part of a "crap storm" that Palin faced at this time. I.e., it isn't just a random event that he describes, but one that is discussed in context of other things going on. And it does. not. square. with the story Levi and Bristol are telling."

    Oh I agree! Ive always figured they made every attempt to quash and confuse dates of 2007.

  87. Call Pygian6:59 PM

    By the way, who in the hell would allow their high risk newborn to be held by her daughter's UNGOWNED boyfriend??? No, that is something that a father could get away with.

  88. Calli Pygian7:01 PM


    Re: leaking amniotic fluid- EXACTLY!!

    This is premature rupture of membranes and it is a medical EMERGENCY for both mother & baby due to risk of sepsis (infection).

    Stupid asses. If you are going to fabricate, at least fact-check.

  89. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I was a childbirth educator for four years, also had three kids of my own.

    This I know: once the amniotic sac has failed, no matter the stage of your pregnancy, the risk of infection is high. If labor is not occurring, the OB will induce, or if that doesn't work, within 24 hours a C-section will be performed. This is standard operating procedure. I have never known any OB to stray from the 24 hour standard. Never. The risk to the baby is too high.

    So the idea of fluid leaking for days is ludicrous...unless there was no communication with the doctor.

  90. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I'm really wondering if Sarah is footing the bill for Tank and Levi is gullible enough to think that Tank is just his friend.

  91. Anonymous7:03 PM

    It is convenient to disregard the tiny and fragile appearing infant with the deformed right ear. We have come to fondly think of this baby as Ruffles.

    Ruffles presents a real confusing puzzle piece. Who are this baby's parents, where has this baby gone?

  92. FEDUP!!!7:04 PM

    6:20 PM:


    May 1: Bristol tells Levi she's pregnant. He runs upstairs to tell his mom
    May 3: Triggybear meeting
    May 4 1am: Mercede writes to Johnny C "He's still angry...he goes hunting everynight"
    May 4: baby shower for Trig
    May4: Bristol, Levi, and Sammy tell Sarah and Todd about the Tripp pregnancy."

    So... where does the earlier one come in from Bailey saying $arah was so distraught in AUGUST after hearing that Bri$tol was preggers? Was it - GASP! - in 2007, not 2008, and was that the pregnancy of Bri$tol with Trig (or Ruffles)?

  93. Anonymous7:05 PM

    The story about Sarah leaking for a month, then choosing to fly in her 8th month of her "pregnancy" is unbelievable. There isn't a doctor in the world who would tell a woman in her 40's, carrying a high risk child, leaking fluid to get on a plane. A doctor would tell the woman to show up at the doctor's office or the hospital to be examined.

    As for Sarah leaking constantly, and still choosing to give her speech and fly home, no way! I cannot imagine her discussing that with Bristol, who is supposed to have told it to Levi, and this isn't the kind of thing that a 17 or 18 year old boy talks about or thinks about.

    It is supposed to make Levi look like he is on the "inside" and that Sarah was really pregnant. It shows that if Sarah was pregnant, she was reckless and irresponsible. Luckily, Sarah wasn't pregnant and the story is fiction. I am sorry to disagree with Gryphen, but Levi is either being misguided, someone wrote the book for him and he just agreed to be called the author or he is lying. He needs the money from the book for child support, and Sarah needs this book to counteract a more fact-based book coming from Joe McGinniss. Sorry, I'm not buying Levi's story.

  94. Martha again7:05 PM

    For a long time I stopped thinking about Whose Baby Was It? because when talking with other people, that question always derailed the whole IT IS A BIG LIE point. But with fruitorigami's very interesting observation about Tripp being Levi's "special little boy" and how Bristol reacted so strongly to her mother's having a baby that should have been Bristol's, and the whole new amazing analysis of potential insurance fraud as being a major motivator, and then seeing the pictures of Levi with that little baby that was when Levi was so much younger, and all the rest of the flood of weird weird memories, it's beginning to feel like a more essential part of the story again. Thanks! (PS, I put this idea also up on fruitorigami's blogspot.)

  95. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I don't rememeber where I read it that Tank/Rex are actually being paid by $arahPAC.
    That would make sense in how they are $crewing Levi...

  96. Poor Abercrombie & Fitch - first the Situation and now Levi, kinda pullin' down the brand there...

  97. DobieTracker7:15 PM

    When an IV is put into an arm, there is tape over where the needle enters the skin in order to keep it in place.

    ANYBODY can put tape over a needle that is NOT entering the skin and NOONE else would know :)

    Nobody is going to question if the needle actually is injected under the skin.


  98. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Anon 6:36 PM : Cord wrapped 2x around a baby's neck? Definitely possible: My daughter came out like that. Cord wrapped twice around her little neck. The doc almost had a heartattack and told me to "STOP PUSHING!!!!" Don't know how the doc was able to unwrap the cord, but she sure enough did. :) Because of the doubly wrapped cord, my baby also had Meconium all over her (i.e she had gone to the bathroom while still inside my womb :(

  99. DobieTracker7:20 PM

    ALSO keep in mind that IF Trigg is Levi's that he could never afford the care Trigg needs and with Sarah as his "official" parent, adopted or just lied about, then he gets covered under her and Todd's insurance. Todd's because Todd's native blood --assuming Todd was the dad---makes Trigg eligible for coverage.

    THIS maybe another reason Levi has to continue to go along with Sarah as Trigg's mom i.e. to keep his special needs baby covered by insurance.

    IF Trigg really is Levi's son, then his welfare if far far more important to Levi than anything else.

    Levi is lying,But not because he wants to.

  100. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Levi on Lawrence O'Donnell tonight

    5:17 PM


    Did anyone else cringe when O'Donnell asked Levi to read? I for one thought that just maybe Levi wouldn't be able to read ANY of the marked passages in the book, but except for stumbling over a few big words he did okay. He is exactly the "deer in headlights" on his book cover, but at least the publisher has gotten him on the circuit and he might just make enough money to pay for his kid and live his dream of flying and being a guide.

    Not everyone is cut out for college but I wish he would get his GED just to prove people wrong. If he wants to be a pilot that requires careful trip planning and triangulation of maps to select a flight route, it also requires a bit of weather knowledge and reading RADAR and complicated weather reports. A little more education certainly wouldn't hurt him.

    Once he learns to fly he should take Tank and Rex and drop them on top of the tallest mountain he can land on and leave them there.

  101. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Come out, come out wherever you are.

    Such an accomplished, award-winning doctor, yet you seem to have disappeared off the face of the Earth.

  102. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Let's remember that Levi was a very young guy at the time he was "one of the family" so no surprise he wasn't very observant, got the details wrong, or believed without question the details he was fed by Bristol, Willow, etc.

  103. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Sorry if everyone has already discussed this to death, but I see a ring on Levi's hand in the baby photo. So he had already lost the ring by the time he got to the RNC, because remember he had the tattoo on his ring finger. So this baby must be Trig. And Levi said SP phoned to offer to adopt the baby -- phoned when they were at the tattoo place. So the "adopt" offer was for Trig, and this is Trig in the photo, no? What am I missing? --Amy1

  104. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Transcript of Levi on Joy Behar's show (middle of page) with the McGinniss transcript following Levi's.

  105. I prefer to put a boundary like plastic bubble on Sarah Palin what she said publicly, did and physically appeared. She did not look pregnant and had an alien not ever seen physical morphing from not pregnant to nine months claiming she was 7 months. She went to TX, said her water had broken, she cose to travel home etc. Palin milked sympathy claiming the baby had a hole in his heart.

    I'll judge her alone as confessed liar, keeping life altering secret from her older children, negligent, unfit, possible intent her baby die, possibly ignorant yet dumber then dirt void of common sense. Her judgment, actions are conclusive she is unfit.

  106. FEDUP!!!7:34 PM

    O/T, but I was touched by the way the narrator told the birth story of her 3rd grandson:
    (compare that to the absolute absence of anything of the birth of ANY of the Palin grandkids (from Bri$tol OR Track [or Willow also, too?]...)

  107. Anonymous7:38 PM

    On the Lawrence O'Donnel interview tonight Levi mixed up his son Tripp with Trig. Now there's a good daddy! Why, you would almost thinkhe was confused over the two children??

  108. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Little 6:14 Anon said:

    "I don't understand why this matters. Bristol got the story she wanted to tell out. Her fans like it. Levi got the story he wanted to tell out. His fans like it. Bristol has a monthish more of work then it's back to her happy little life in Alaska. Levi is apparentlybecoming more proactive finally about visitation."

    "I think it's time to let them be and work it out. Meddling in things we don't know about only harms people."

    I wouldn't count on Bristol having "one more month of work." Her show isn't going to air, and they're bringing the ban hammer down on new episodes.

    But keep drinking your happy Kool-Aid, little troll.

  109. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Wouldn't pay a cent to read Levi's trash or any Palin book!

  110. sunnyskies7:41 PM

    Some very inciteful comments on this thread. The ones from moms with previous birth experiences interest me and I have this to add.

    I was 37 with my first pregnancy under good prenatal care. I had had an amniocentisis and all signs indicated that both me and my son were in good shape.

    That said, my doctor would not let me drive out of town - approzimately 400 mile round trip -for a job interview, after 7 months.

    He told me to have my hospital bag packed and with me because you never know when birth is about to begin. I was glad for the advice as luck would have it, my water broke at a luncheon, creating chaos all around. I went to the hospital immediately, as I was told to do because of the risk of infection to my baby.

    No one was allowed in my room when my baby was present except his father. His grandmother had ato be content to viewing through the window of the nursury until we were sent home.

    THe first pictures of our baby was of his father holding him, and he was dressed in a surgical gown and mask! Our baby was born C-section and I did not get to see him until later. There were plenty of pictures for sure!

    All this precaution and our baby was a helthy full-term baby!

    So what's with Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson and the Mat-Su Regional Medical? This was a high profile woman with a known DS baby with additional complications and they act like it's nothing of concern?

    Something's seriously wrong with this scenario. I think Dr. Baldwin-Johnson and the Mat-Su Regional should be called before the AMA or whatever governing board that oversees medical licensing and be made to account for their behavior.

  111. Anonymous7:42 PM

    @You hit the nail on the head - also, too: At least in OUR hospital, you would not be able to hold a preemie with special needs w/o being...
    Great observation!! Most reputable hospitals would have a person that isn't the mother holding a premie or any baby - gowns to wear!

  112. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Assuming the infant in the first-released pics of Trig is a stand-in, shouldn't the real mother come forward and receive the 10K? At least "ask" Sarah for more hush money.

  113. Anonymous7:45 PM

    By 35 weeks the average pregnant woman is carrying 800-1000 milliliters (mL) of amniotic fluid. 1000 milliliters is just over one quart, 1/2 the liquid volume of a 2-liter soda bottle.

    I have a sink that has a drip; it drips around every 10 seconds. I put a 1 pint/2 cup container under it each day before work to catch the drips so I can use it to water plants. After an 8-hour work day this container is full and overflowing.

    So no, Palin could not have been "dripping fluid" for a month. She would have run out of fluid in a few days at that rate, unless, of course, "Super Palin" was carrying 10 gallons of amniotic fluid in her flat abdomen.

  114. As far as Bristol is concerned, what I have seen and heard from her lips is that she les frequently and is full of s--t like her mother. She can't act and from public appearances got screwed by her parents used as a caretaker and used to make them look good. Bristol would sell her vagina / personal business for money and her own child exploited as a meal ticket.

    I won't forget seeing her the first time oddly draped with a baby blanket to disguise her pregnancy setting her up to look like she was the mother of the baby! Meanwhile declarations made rolling them out as the poster family of purity, paragons of squeaky cleam christian family.

    Hell, first they had to clean them up, give them decent hair cuts, outfit th amd hide the teen pregnancy!

    That was a hoax enough for me, then the Btidge, nonexistant pipeline, lying pit bull, fake wedding....down hill since. The coup de gras winking, flirting shit when Palin could not answer debate questions. Too bad she can't run as President of honest tease hard on club.


  115. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Exclusive: Joe McGinniss Says Andrew Breitbart’s ‘Explosive’ Email Is Really A Dud

    Nearly all of the email discusses a rumor that Todd Palin paid for sex with a prostitute named Shailey Tripp.

  116. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Lawrence O’Donnell Makes Levi Johnston Read A Shower Scene From His Book

    Then, in a moment that made for some terribly awkward television, O’Donnell had a hesitant Johnston read a portion of his book aloud. And not just any portion, but a scene where he sneaks in a shower with Palin’s daughter Bristol. Later, he heads a section of the book wherein Bristol tells him, “Let’s get pregnant.” A post-modern Chaucer, that Johnston.

  117. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Wow, no need to be a body language expert on that one. Levi is clearly lying pretty much the entire time. His story is totally scripted. My only question is how much are the Palins paying Tank Jones to "manage" Levi?

  118. emrysa8:02 PM

    well gryphen, in this clip that you posted, I disagree that he is looking for guidance. he is talking too casually and quickly - if he was checking to see if he was saying the right things, I think that there would be more pauses in his speech. I have not seen the other clips.

    given the new details that we've heard from levi's book, this is what I am thinking.

    levi knew about brisdull's first pregnancy. but the plan was that brisdull was going to have to give the kid up for adoption - the plan coming from the quitter, of course. both of them were underage and had probably accepted that yeah, they couldn't take care of a kid when they had no jobs, no high school diploma's, etc. (and they would ruin her mother's career!) so brisdull was shipped off to anchorage to finish gestating and to have the baby.

    I am guessing that when it was discovered that the kid had downs that cbj didn't tell brisdull, she told the quitter. it wouldn't be unusual to hide this from a 17-year old who was giving a baby up for adoption - especially if the doctor and the teen's mother were old pals.

    it is conceivable that brisdull gives birth very early and knows that there are complications with the kid, but does not know he has downs. she probably didn't even see the kid after his birth. most likely left the hospital the next day without ever seeing him - this would be standard if someone was having a kid and knew it was putting it up for adoption. so at this point, all brisdull and levi know is that she had a kid, he was premature but she was told he will come through it and he will be adopted.

    one month later, the quitter announces she is pregnant. of course brisdull would be pissed, knowing that her mother MADE her put her kid up for adoption all the while her mother was pregnant at the same time. I think it is conceivable that at the point of the march 5th pregnancy announcement, brisdull has no idea that her mother is planning a huge fraud with brisdull's baby.

    I think the "show" at the hospital on April 18 was not so much for levi as it was for brisdull. let the both of them see the quitter laid up in bed so that neither of them suspect a thing. brisdull never saw the kid when he was born - she wouldn't recognize him. surely levi and brisdull suspect something at this point and may have for a while (and maybe brisdull really knows now), but I think it's entirely possible that the quitter took that kid and didn't tell them. name on the birth certificate was tripp, changed to trig, when the quitter adopted him.

    the quitter could not take any chances that this fraud would be found out. this is why I think it is definitely possible that brisdull and levi were kept in the dark.

  119. Anonymous8:06 PM

    if the script provided at 6:04 pm is accurate, then he qualifies both statements: 'that's the story' and 'apparently'. I would guess he has been coached by an attorney, and I hope he has a good one.

    Of all the players in the Palin Drama, this young man has tugged at my heart; hope that in years to come he can be known and loved by his son (s?)


    ps that picture of him, on the sofa holding a newborn: he looks SO young...and is wearing a ring. no tattoo...and that is in a birthing suite, not a labor and delivery room, where one would expect a pre-mature, DS child of an older mother to be delivered, wouldn't one?

  120. scarlet/oregon8:08 PM

    This is the best LOL $arah news all week from Wonkette.....

  121. So, which hospital did Levi supposedly see Sarah sitting in a hospital bed with an IV in her arm?

    Remember, she's listed two at this point...

  122. padoreva8:11 PM

    Haven't read the comments, so apologies if this has already been mentioned:

    On Lawrence O'Donnell's show tonight, Levi stated that after Sarah had Trig, he and Bristol got pregnant.

  123. Anonymous8:12 PM

    In what is clearly a sign of very serious neurosis, Sarah Palin would apparently allow the entire internet to scrutinize her VAGINAL LEAKAGE rather than come clean about who really gave birth to Trig. How messed up is that?

    Seriously, Palins, the truth will set you free. This shit is crazy.

  124. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Fed Up, it makes some sense that Palin would have learned about the Trig pregnancy in Aug '07, but I don't see Bailey taking an event from '07 and interjecting it into '08, described in the context of other things going on at the time. Where's the motivation? I'm more inclined to think that he let slip a nugget of truth that he didn't realize was an important clue. If he is telling the truth, and his portrayal of events can be believed, the more likely explanation for the discrepancy is that Palin, and Bristol, and Levi agreed to a party line, and that Levi has dutifully toed it from the beginning. And if that's the case, then nothing he tells us about babygate can be believed. Other things maybe. The obvious conclusion, again, is that he signed a binding agreement that he can't afford to break.
    Kat (aka anon@618)

  125. Anonymous8:13 PM

    I saw the show and it infuriated me ten ways to Sunday. Joy clearly had not read all of either book, only select passages, so she didn't have a sense of the timeline of events or the entirety of Palin's persona.

    Levi definitely was looking at someone during the interview. It was really clear in the discussion of whether $P had had an affair. First Levi says that Bristol told him about it once, but Joy bungles the question and finally Levi looks at someone (Tank?) and says no she never talked about it, who talks to their kids about their affairs? (That doesn't mean the kid hadn't heard any rumors).

    The Trig portion of the interview was weird, with Levi saying new things that haven't come up before, like the IV. It's really tempting to infer that Levi's book was commissioned by $P to come out and say certain things, and the timing was such to coincide with Joe's book.

    When Joe comes on, Joy questions McGinniss using some of Levi's answers as if they were the gospel truth and Joe needs to corroborate them. Didn't it occur to her that Levi lied? Or didn't know, like about the cocaine which happened when $P and Todd were much younger and Levi wasn't in the picture? It was a disaster and Joe was a trooper not to have walked out.

    I don't think, all in all, that Joe has done very well in the interviews; he's too tentative and doesn't speak with authority. His big thing is: "I'm not saying it, but other people have said it and I thought it should be discussed." (paraphrased). However, in this case, he did hold his own against a cuckoo interviewer.

    A pox on all their houses! I wish all of them ($P, Todd, Levi, Bristol, etc) would STFU and stay home.

  126. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Anon 4:50: I think you summarized very well my thoughts so far.

  127. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Do we really have to see Levi's eyes shifting to know he's a fucking liar? I mean relly folks, he says Palin is the mother of Trig! And like he wouldn't know??? Duhhhhhhh!!!!!

    Can we ever move on?

  128. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Oh man, the incredibly demented fairy tale troll is back!
    You think the Democrats goals are evil, huh? But nit the Republicans who care only about the super rich and everything they want hurts the middle class. Are you a millionaire troll?? Because if not, you are a moron!!!
    You are a jerk either way and stop lecturing everyone here.

    Just fuck off and go to a Palin loving blog.
    If anyone is evil, it's you! Stalking this blog and making ridiculous comments.

    The Palins never use the word retarded. How the fuck do you know?

    You are a sick and twisted person. What are you doing here? You don't convince anyone. You try to pretend you are " one of us" but then you say such uninformed and uneducated comments. People like you who don't see the right ( including Sarah) for the leeches they are are ruining our country!

    You think the Democrats ruined our country moron?
    Are you Bristol or Willow?? Because you are so uneducated you don't even know American history.

    Just fuck off. I'm so sick of the hundreds of comments you make here. You are a sick fuck! Gryphen why do you allow her over and over to continually insult you and/or your readers? Get a different comments section to block these jerks! They are trying to ruin your blog, can't you see it?

  129. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Anon 6:14 is our emotionally disturbed fairy tale troll.
    She is off her medication again apparently.

  130. @Anon 6:18 PM

    The one thing I gleaned from Bailey's book, was the fact that Sarah called him on Aug. 16, 2008 crying, "Bristol is pregnant." That gave me a timeline I'd never been able to find before. According to Steve Schmidt and the McCain camp, they didn't know Bristol was pregnant until after they picked Sarah for the VP slot on Aug. 29, 2008. He went on 60 minutes and emphatically stated this.

    You can't tell me she was telling people like Frank Bailey, two weeks before she was picked, that Bristol was pregnant and the McCain camp didn't know? They had to deal with Troopergate and all the other baggage she came with and with all the controversy over PO's birth certificate, I don't think they wanted to deal with her b/c and babygate. What to do? Put out the word..."Bristol is five-months pregnant."

    Sarah, after faking a pregnancy to protect Bristol, had to parade her pregnant, around the RNC stage, if she wanted the VP slot.

    You say your story hasn't gained any traction? For 2-1/2 years I have been making comments trying to tell people about the Palin/Johnston's dog-and-pony show. I don't think Levi fathered any Palin child. Sarah needed him to play the fiance and she probably promised him a favor in return.

    Levi's only claim to fame is being Tripp's father. If I'm right and he isn't, where does that leave him? Maybe that's why he lies.

    Just wonderin'...

  131. Hmmm, I wonder if this entire book of Levi's is a total set up and SP paid him to do it. The only way the IV story (even though it is a stupidly brand new story) would seem truthful would be if he trashes Sarah throughout the book. Maybe she threw herself under the bus this time. I trust the truth will out but even if it doesn't, she is a dirty joke now and so, she is done.

  132. Anonymous8:37 PM

    ANY ob/gyn would have known in advance of any cord-wrapping.
    They would be prepared for a C-section in case the baby couldnt clear the canal.

    If no one knew of this in advance she was not having ob-gyn prenatal care.

  133. Gasman8:42 PM

    The smartest thing that Levi could do would be to ditch the folks who've been advising him. With the litany of extremely poor choices he/they have made, he seems scarcely any more credible than the Palins.

    Wise up Levi. Your best course is simply to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth.

  134. Thanks to Anon 7:30 for the transcript link. I'm not sure there's a problem with what Levi said. The problem is more Joy's reaction...and mine and others. This could just as easily be interpreted that Sarah faked him out.

    BEHAR: Did you sigh her pregnant when she have, when she was pregnant with Trig?

    JOHNSTON: I'VE SEEN HER JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. SHE COVERED IT UP REAL WELL, you know. But like I said, willow found the stick, showed Bristol and that`s how I found out. You know everybody is -

    BEHAR: Willow found what?

    JOHNSTON: The pregnancy stick.

    BEHAR: Willow found the stick. Really?


    BEHAR: And it was Sarah`s not Bristol`s?

    JOHNSTON: Bristol wasn't pregnant AT THAT TIME. And the only thing I could say, I actually showed up at the hospital probably four or five hours after she APPARENTLY had Trig. When she was in there she had you the outfit on. She was lying in the bed. She had the IV in her arm. On a blackberry, Trig was in there, Todd and all the kids. [copied from website as is, caps added in dialogue]

  135. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Before I had seen enough evidence in the form of pictures and other information, I wasn't convinced Sarah didn't give birth to Trig. At this point I still doubt that she did, however some of this information is confusing me again.

    I keep thinking if she did give birth to him, it seemed she wanted to miscarry because she found out she had a DS child, and obviously would have had an amnio to have that determination made. She did everything to cause a potential miscarriage. She starved herself, took diet pills, and now was leaking amnio fluid for a month?? Did she try the coat hanger thing? I know that's gross but it just makes me wonder. And the pregnancy stick that was saved for months... could she have possibly done a recent one to see if all her adverse actions had done the job???

    After all her previous pregnancies, she would certainly know that once amnio fluid leaks, you need to deliver that baby within 24 hours. I can't imagine she would be that dumb to mention that to anyone. Levi may have not understood.

    Also, why get an amnio if you are pro life. Good news or bad, you will have that baby. An amniocentesis is an invasive procedure with risks associated with it. So why get an amnio then.

  136. Anonymous8:56 PM

    LMAO My water leaks twice a day for weeks.

    I Can't Breathe, I'm laughing so hard.

    Where's Joe the Plumber when you need him?

    Sarah, you do have a knack for absurd stupidity! I think I'll need hip waders if the story changes again.

    Saw Levi on LOD tonight, he had trouble reading from his own book, but he came across more believebaly with LOD than the cnn interview.

  137. Anonymous9:18 PM

    I know most of us have heard this press conference of Sarah & Todd after Trig was born but I thought some might like to listen to it again.

    She is a bad liar in my opinion. She talks too much, which is what people do when they are lying...they are trying to CONVINCE you of their story.

    Here are some words she uses about her delivery:
    -Very easy
    -Meant to be
    -The logistics & everything else worked out perfectly

    She repeats:
    -Perfect situation for us

    Who the hell talks like this after giving birth?! RELAXING?! She talks like she just got back from a spa.

    She did say she was induced, right? Here is some info on inducing labor with potocin.

    There is no way she would have said smooth, relaxing, etc. with potocin...just no way! Potocin makes your labor harder.

  138. Anonymous9:32 PM

    It's more likely that Sarah really was pregnant and trying to have a miscarriage by wrapping her belly flat and taking dangerous trips. Even with all the wishing going on at this site, no actual evidence has ever emerged that Palin was not pregnant. Uninformed opinions don't count for anything.

  139. Anonymous9:33 PM

    @4:52pm Anonymous said...
    My memory of Joy's Levi interview had her asking Levi if Bristol ever mentioned to him about Sarah having an affair.
    To me, it seemed that Levi was about to answer in the affirmative.
    In fact I think he might have said "one time" and I thought he was about to continue. But,Joy interrupted with the name "Brad Hanson".

    I am glad you brought this up, I forgot about this very interesting line of questioning!
    I strongly believe that Levi was going to reveal a *different affair* that he knew about that happened when Bristol and him were dating. Damn Joy, why can't these people learn how to do an interview? When she asked about Brad Hanson he said he didn't know anything about that one. He *definitely* had an another affair in mind!

    Gryphen, have you heard of anybody else that had an affair with Sarah after Brad?


  140. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Levi is wearing a wedding band on his left hand in that photo of him holding Trig. Why would he be there holding the baby (A pre-mature DS baby at that) of his girlfriend's mother shortly after birth? Levi is holding his and Bristol's baby right before turning him over to Sarah.

    You know what I think? I think that sometimes when the Palins and Levi speak about events that supposedly happened with Tripp, they are actually talking about Trig. Remember when Sarah told Barbara Walter's in that interview that she was not aware that Bristol was sexually active? Well probably not when she found out that Bristol was pregnant with Trig or some other first child but she definitely knew when Tripp came along.

    And also remember she told Barbara that she did not even know Levi until he and Bristol told her about the pregnancy. WTF? If she did not know Levi before the pregnancy with Tripp, why the hell was Levi at the hospital holding her supposedly newborn DS baby?

    Why the hell do people not call her on these lies? Or how about ask Levi why his story and her story doesn't jive.


    You need to revisit Sarah's interview with Barbara Walters and do a post on the inconsistencies in her story versus Levi's. Levi and the Palins a full of crap! Levi doesn't want that child support payment for Trig as well. He and Bristol wanted a 'perfect' child.

  141. @Anonymous - 5:29 PM

    Down syndrome babies don't usually do well with breast feeding. They forget how to suck, so bottle feeding is far more successful.

    Sarah made some comment about breast feeding once, I think, but since breasts are dirty (like leaking amniotic fluid, ya know), it wasn't an issue that got any further attention.

    She made a bit of a big deal about needing to pump for a short time, I believe. I don't remember seeing her wearing anything that indicated a special bra, however. That's where leakage would have been most likely during/after a pregnancy...

  142. Anonymous9:47 PM

    According to Bristol, she said that she prayed that Levi wasn't the father. How many other choices were there? And, how does that comment fit with Levi's description that Bristol wanted to get pregnant. (Oh, I get it, but not by Levi???)

  143. Anonymous9:57 PM

    "...Even with all the wishing going on at this site, no actual evidence has ever emerged that Palin was not pregnant. Uninformed opinions don't count for anything.
    9:32 PM"

    Except that she got her fallopian tubes cauterized a few years prior to the "event". How does a woman's egg drop to her uterus if her fallopian tube is closed off? Uninformed opinions count for nothing - science conquers all!

  144. If the MSM ever comes to this blog to read what people have to say and perhaps find some nugget of truth in the Palin saga, they will most likely be turned off by the people that refuse to use proper names for any of the Palins.

    Like them or not, you have to realize that people that could progress this story might actually be reading and your "$arah, Brisdull, Willer, Wiler, Toad and $$P" nomenclature might just be enough to make them turn around quickly and dismiss all of the hard work that the actual owner of this blog has done.

    Other people are looking now. Make a point to not act like illiterate grade schoolers with a grudge.

  145. Anonymous10:04 PM

    How is it that Levi writes a book, goes on a book tour and it's all about Sarah and Bristol, NOT Levi?

    Levi doesn't get to talk about his deep love or nature and of Alaska and the dreams he has, he doesn't get to talk about his family, his growing up, his experience of being thrust into the it's all Sarah, always Sarah with a little Bristol thrown in on the side.

    I hate our current sensationalist media. Hate them.

  146. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    It's more likely that Sarah really was pregnant and trying to have a miscarriage by wrapping her belly flat and taking dangerous trips. Even with all the wishing going on at this site, no actual evidence has ever emerged that Palin was not pregnant. Uninformed opinions don't count for anything.

    9:32 PM


    No woman in her right mind would attempt to orchestrate a "miscarriage" in an advanced state of pregnancy. That could work in the first 4 months of gestation, but really, if Palin was 7-8 months along any expulsion of the fetus would be a "birth event", not a miscarriage. A mother does not choose to "miscarry or spontaneously abort" a fetus at that advanced stage.

    If Palin was willing to poop out this kid on a plane then she had to be prepared to bleed, poop, pee and kick out a kid on the dirty floor of an airliner, even if she was going for a "fundy abortion" at her late stage of pregnancy. I somehow don't see that scenario being part of Palin's reality.

  147. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Look, I've always thought the babygate stuff was a joke. But then by accident we ended up watching Levi on Joy Behar and, no kidding, me and my girl both jumped off the couch and said that guy is lying. It was a totally spontaneous, visceral reaction.

  148. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    According to Bristol, she said that she prayed that Levi wasn't the father. How many other choices were there? And, how does that comment fit with Levi's description that Bristol wanted to get pregnant. (Oh, I get it, but not by Levi???)

    9:47 PM

    Most excellent catch and remembrance of Bristol's previous utterances. I guess unless she was praying to God that he was the father, then there were some other players involved. I wish that someone had the actual link of her saying that but I'm sure that many here remember seeing that and someone soon will have the actual link.

  149. Anonymous @ 2:50AM

    Hi there. It's "me again", as I see I've been dubbed.

    I just wanted to answer your question--no, I have not contacted Gryphen yet. I have an early lunch meeting with an attorney today because I just want to make sure I can't get in trouble for anything I'm planning to share with Gryphen should he choose to publish it. I am reasonably sure based upon my own research that I'm in the clear on MOST of it. But since we all know how vindictive Sarah can be, I just want to make SURE I stay within the bounds of absolute legal propriety.

    Sarah is on the brink these days, if her spastic bam-bam-bam emails are an indication. She's barking orders and obviously has learned NOTHING...she's trying to get people to write fake bad reviews of Joe's book.

    She thinks it's actually a victory that Brad's article was "only" published in an online magazine. She was worried it would be printed in a "real magazine". I think she is trying to make her little circle believe she's not too affected by it...but she is running scared. I know she has made more inquiries about getting a fake birth certificate and she has talked to Parnell about getting in front of the story--releasing the truth on her own terms and having her base perceive her as a martyr.

    BUT...Parnell rightly says "it's those damn speeches" and Going Rogue--once you accept millions of dollars for telling a story that's nothing but fantastical lies...martyrdom is pretty much out of the picture.

    Sarah is still under pressure to produce Trig for a photo op. Even her staunchest supporters are asking why Trig hasn't been seen in SO long...when he USED to be paraded about like he was sponsored by Macy's. I'm interested to see how she will respond to the mounting pressure. I wouldn't be surprised if she fakes or stages a photo op with a different child. Not just because Trig seems to loathe her and won't allow her to hold or hug him, but because he is getting very chubby (NOT the word Sarah used about her "gift from God") and she thinks people will say she must not feed him healthy food or say she's a bad mother. Ship, meet sailed.

    I just wanted to provide that little update. Off to get ready for my meeting with legal eagle.

    9:13 AM

  150. Anonymous11:05 PM

    It's almost as if Levi suffers Stockhold syndrome with his attorney and Mr. Jones rather than enjoying a mature relationship with professionals looking out for his interests.

    I purchased and am looking at all the other books by Frank bailey, Geoffrey Dunn & Joe McGinniss - and I've decided not to add Levi's book to the mix. I can't see it being an honest account of anything. Maybe I'm wrong but it really strikes me more as a personal letter from Levi to Sarah combining a bit of political strategy, personal atonement and hint of threat for what he could've written but didxn't - but could possibly still write in the future.

    I lost all respect for Levi's judgement when he went national with lies to protect the queen - and just feel quite sorry for Levi the kid.

  151. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Wait a minute, this doesn't make sense. The screen caption says: "Levi says Sarah wanted to adopt his son to avoid a scandal."

    And of course that's what he's been quoted as saying for a long time now, ever since the fall 2009 Vanity Fair story, I think. Am I right?

    Okay, which son would that be?

    How could adopting Tripp avoid a scandal when, supposedly, according to the Palin timeline, the same mother couldn't have given birth to both Trig and Tripp.

    If it's Tripp, the only son that is acknowledged as Levi's son, when was she pressuring them to let her adopt him? When they told her they were pregnant?

    If that's supposed to be the case, it that would mean, according to the public story, she was pressuring them to adopt the child right after (or before?) Trig's alleged birth date. But it doesn't make sense at all, according to the Palin version, because the timing of the Tripp pregnancy was supposed to be the very reason why Trig could not have been born to Bristol.

    That's why they announced it: "Nonsense," they said, " Trig is not Bristol's because she's pregnant now and due in December, so she couldn't have given birth to Trig."

    Right? Isn't that the story? So how does it make sense that Sarah would pressure Levi and Bristol to adopt the child that was born, in December 09 or January 10?

    Besides which, Sarah herself made this public, increasing public scrutiny at the GOP Convention.

    What I'm trying to say, and I'm sure it's been said before, is that the only pregnancy scandal that could have been avoided by Sarah's adopting the child is an earlier pregnancy, ie, the Trig pregnancy.

    It seems like Levi is waving a big red flag, intentionally or not, that gives a lie to the story.

  152. Anonymous11:44 PM

    But is it feasible that She would actually have the doctor insert an IV drip JUST to fool her family, Frank Bailey, and Levi Johnston into believing that she had given birth?

    Makin' stuff up can lead to problems. Imagine something like this in the inner circle:

    Ko-Ko. Well, a nice mess you've got us into, with your nodding head and the deference due to a man of pedigree!

    Pooh-Bah. Merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative.

    Pitti-Sing. Corroborative detail indeed! Corroborative fiddlestick!

    Ko-Ko. And you're just as bad as he is with your cock-and-a-bull stories about catching his eye and his whistling an air. But that's so like you! You must put in your oar!

    Pooh-Bah. But how about your big right arm?

    Pitti-Sing. Yes, and your snickersnee!

  153. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I knew Lawrence O'Donnell skipped last nights interview because of McG. He has been screwing up about Sarah the same as the rest of the media and had to send Bashir(who never read the book) to take his place.

    Lawrence is a mother fucking cowardly sack of shit!!!

    I am tired of MSNBC... I want a channel based on Anderson Coopers 'Keeping them honest' Segment. We could call it a "NEWS CHANNEL".

    I want FACTS, not opinion!

  154. Anonymous1:24 AM

    To Ano 10:04

    Because no one cares about Levi. He himself just a laughing stock and complete sideline character.

    He's also now a liar who just wrote the most fictionalized version of his time with Bristol as he could. How do you love someone THAT much who you never seriously dated until summer 07?

  155. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Levi's still kidding himself if he sincerely believes Sarah is at fault for his current predicament. Levi, when you trash someone's mother in an immature reaction to an expected breakup, things WILL NOT be easy for you.

  156. Anonymous1:32 AM

    he had trouble reading from his own book,

    Levi was hardly ever in school, I doubt his reading comprehension is too good. I also doubt he has ever seen the contents of that book until that moment. There are many contrived moments his writers wrote. Bristol's depiction was more accurate of the relationship and that's sad.

  157. Anonymous1:36 AM

    As long as there is no drama between him and Bristol, Levi falls off the planet and has no money. Sadie too. THATS why this book happened, that's why he hasnt upheld visitation.

    Thats why he's a loser.

  158. Anonymous1:43 AM

    I do like how Levi is coming out with the first engagement being a ruse and he didn't really wish to go along with it.

    But he's not honest about the second one. Timeline: Bristol and Levi started talking sometime in May I assume. in early June, Bristol went on a family roadtrip in the states for a week. She hung out with family a lot, and palinbot visitors just after that. June 14th or so she told her parents. The family basically played the tough love card hoping shed come to her senses. I Believe Bristol didn't even love him, that she was doing the best thing for Tripp at the time, trying to put aside her distrust for him.

    I know for a fact that they were on the outs BY July 14th and about 2 week slater, she announced she was single. This gels with the Bristol rendition. Also during this time, she never saw even her sister, as they were filming. The dillingham scenes were shotfrom like July 1 - 8 ish.

    The big summer timeline doesn't paint the picture Levi wants to create, neither does the 2007-08 one.

  159. Anonymous1:49 AM

    I think the phone call to Bailey on Aug 16th (?) sounds accurate and thats what any parent of a pregnant teen would suggest (btw, Bristol now really does see the stupidity in her past, I wish Levi would. Yes Tripp is with her all the time but he does/did have a nanny)

    Levi said previously he got his finger tat in early Aug. So the Bailey call WOULD follow.

    It's also said by numerous people that it was hard on Sarah emotionally to see people immaturely go after Bristol during the campaign. But honestly, if they would have hidden her , it would have come out.

    I think the campaign was the best thing. A baby doesn't better an unstable relationship. Levi is STUPID if he thinks anything is to blame other than the instability. We know Todd didn't like him as of Spring 08, and he acted like his presence was new.

    I wish Levi could have been honest with himself, therefore his readers.

  160. Anonymous2:00 AM

    There's so much he hasn't said about himself. That we know, thanks to Audrey.

    June 07: Levi's typical teen remarks on facebook to friends don't suggest he was in a settled down or mature path yet. And before that he didn't appear to be the one girl type

    June also seems to be when he rekindled (or just kindled) his relationship with Bristol. Ive never heard about Levi getting a job. Bristol had 2 and was social with many friends.

    July Bristol is in Dillingham, Levi is wherever

    Sept Bristol started at Wasilla High, Levi doesnt?
    Photographed with friends in her home for homecoming
    Palin family attends B's football game
    Palin family is photographed in Juneau. Email about Bristol asking to be put on mom's flight home
    Oct NYC trip

    At some point in Oct I believe, or around this time, was K's comment to J J saying "You were gonna fite Bristol for Lanesia?"

    Nov - mention of wedding, Bristol meeting up with Alex in Hawaii, which was discussed between the two friends like 1 month ago

    LAte Dec, whole family vacations at cabin

    Early Jan - Lanesia still shows bitterness over her Bristol problems and possibly losing Levi. Remember Audrey uncovered that it appeared Levi and Lanesia dated in the spring 07

    What's sad is, boy/girlfriends are pretty accepted in the Palin home, though there are strict rules about behavior. (doesnt take into account sneaking around that all teens do at one point) So Levi must have really backstabbed them with his immaturity when Bristol first, smartly, called it quits. You can't fix a relationship that doesn't work. IT will never work. Trust is not bought.

  161. Anonymous2:12 AM

    You really think Bristol was pressured to ditch Levi, that her relationship WOULD have ended happily?

    Timeline for post breakup:
    Jan she and her whole family attended an Aces game

    In Feb, Bristol chose to start discussing things publicly on Greta, since people weren't letting her live in peace

    Feb Bristol joined her family in Fairbanks
    Somepoint in March, she joining her family in Juneau

    April, she attended the Slush Cup with her family

    They were also all seen out to eat in the Valley during this time I believe

    May was her profession venture

    Summer - weddings, picnics, resignation, Dillingham, purchasing that property next door

    Aug extended Palin family expresses hatred and disapproval for Levi.

    Sept families gleefully and lovingly welcomes Track home. Bristol attends baby shower for friend

  162. Anonymous2:20 AM

    @6:00 pm

    " Except she is trying to get people to open their freaking eyes to the evils of the democrat's goals."

    Which democrat would that be, o apostrophically challenged one?

  163. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Leaking fluid on and off? I'm not buying; the stories are getting wilder and less believable with each passing day.

  164. Anonymous3:31 AM

    These Wasilla Palin lies are interesting.

    The 'a few drops of leakage'..why was that lie necessary in the first place? Was Sarah trying to make her pregnancy sound more real, by getting Bristol to tell Levi this whopper?

    It's downright crazy to the rest of the world.

    But a very odd portion of the birth story is the 'cord around the baby's neck' twice story.

    I'd like others to tell us what happens usually in obstetrical units if the cord is around the baby's neck? Is it a reason for C Section?

  165. Anonymous4:02 AM

    9:39: "You know what I think? I think that sometimes when the Palins and Levi speak about events that supposedly happened with Tripp, they are actually talking about Trig. ...
    Why the hell do people not call her on these lies? ...
    You need to ... do a post on the inconsistencies .... "

    I agree with you although that would be a big undertaking. I don't think that the MSM have enough interest, yet, to notice all the inconsistencies. It takes a lot of time and they do have a lot of stories to cover that, actually, are more important. I don't have faith that those stories get covered accurately, either, though.

  166. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Anon 6:14 pm said:

    I don't understand why this matters. Bristol got the story she wanted to tell out. Her fans like it. Levi got the story he wanted to tell out. His fans like it. Bristol has a monthish more of work then it's back to her happy little life in Alaska. Levi is apparentlybecoming more proactive finally about visitation.

    I think it's time to let them be and work it out. Meddling in things we don't know about only harms people.


    Wow. Yes, let bygones be bygones. It's not like the Palins hurt anybody, right? I can think of a very, very long list of people their viciousness has harmed. So, so many. Who would like to make the list and post it here. I'll just start with David Kernell...keep it going!

    But yes, the fans DO like their books and their stories. So that's important.

  167. Anonymous4:13 AM

    10:01 AKPetMom said...
    "If the MSM ever comes to this blog to read what people have to say and perhaps find some nugget of truth in the Palin saga, they will most likely be turned off by the people that refuse to use proper names for any of the Palins."

    I've thought about that, too, and agree, in part. When I read the President and other people I respect get called names, I know that I don't want to listen to anything else that person has to say. However, the MSM most likely would not read the comment section of a blog and this is a place for people to blow off steam and have a discussion, not a publication.

  168. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Anyone who's had a baby knows that as soon as there is a release of amniotic fluid there is risk of infection and danger to the fetus. This is one of the first things you learn about giving birth. It is NOT something to be dealt with casually. You need medical attention immediately.

  169. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Anon 7:05 pm said:

    It is supposed to make Levi look like he is on the "inside" and that Sarah was really pregnant. It shows that if Sarah was pregnant, she was reckless and irresponsible. Luckily, Sarah wasn't pregnant and the story is fiction. I am sorry to disagree with Gryphen, but Levi is either being misguided, someone wrote the book for him and he just agreed to be called the author or he is lying. He needs the money from the book for child support, and Sarah needs this book to counteract a more fact-based book coming from Joe McGinniss. Sorry, I'm not buying Levi's story.


    I am also beginning to believe that Levi's simultaneously timed book release date (same date as Joe McGinnis's book) was not a coincidence. Levi's book (or rather the book someone wrote for him, which he unwisely attached his name to) was deliberately timed to refute anything Joe might say about Trig's birth if Joe did indeed tackle the issue of Babygate. They were using his book to get out ahead of whatever story Joe was writing.

    I think Levi agreed to it to make some money which he would then use for child support payments (a win-win for the Palins!). Basically, I think if you buy Levi's book, you are putting more money into the Palin's hands, if somewhat indirectly.

    Levi is desperate for money. Perhaps he thinks that the end justifies the means and that getting his child support payments up to date will benefit him if he sues for additional custody.

  170. comeonpeople4:27 AM

    Re :IV's, the part actually in the vein is a flexible little straw. The needle part is just used to introduce the catheter into the vein. The little straw would be very easy to fake. I know, I put in about 10 ivs a day in patients. The interesting part to me is did they charge this to Palin? Did the staff take the supplies out of the inventory without charging for it? What's the deal on that??

  171. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Ginger, interesting notion, that Palin did put on a show to get the story out & squash the Trig rumors. No question, she's psycho enough to have pulled that. Bailey does also give us reason to doubt the detail that Bristol was 5 mos pregnant: he says he could notice a baby bump when he saw her, but only because he knew to look. A 5-mos baby bump would be pretty obvious, even to a clueless guy. But I don't see why this leads to doubt that Levi fathered Tripp. I know resemblances don't prove anything, but when they are uncanny I think they are telling, and Tripp is the spitting image of the photos we've seen of Levi as a very young child.
    In any case, though, it starts to seem like an inescapable conclusion, that, at least on the subject of babygate, Levi was bought & paid for. I'm interested to find out what further evidence G has that he is hiding something.

  172. Anonymous5:08 AM

    An IV can be easily faked if there is tape over the place where the cannula would be inserted. You can't tell if the skin has been punctured. Think about IV's you've seen on soap operas or other TV shows or in the movies. I think it would take a world class nut job to think of this, but hell, look who we're talking about here. In real life, It is conceivable that a postpartum woman would have an IV 4 hours after delivery if she had prolonged rupture of membranes and needed prophylactic antibiotics. In that case, the newborn would most likely be getting antibiotics as well and would not be discharged until the course was over. Also, if a mother had excessive post partum bleeding, she might be on IV medication to keep her uterus firm. This is more common in older, multiparous women like Palin. And of course, Levi could be making stuff up.


  173. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Anony@4:50 P.M.

    Now, this is a story that I can believe...thought much the same myself. Still think Levi has been paid off somehow. threatened someway. Even levi has said Bristol, was very lose when she drank, so how can he be sure this child is even his, without a DNA?
    Levi has also said in his book that, he and Bristol dated several years before she got PG. She was 16 then, several years before is what? 10 years old? going with someone at that age? what the he-- is wrong with the family's in Alaska? Who in their right mind would let a child date so young? And, if you do, what do you expect?

  174. o apostrophically challenged one?

    Love this!

  175. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I was a little too quick with that last post, which makes me guilty of muddying the waters (oops). Ginger, if you're right, that Palin put on a show to get the story out in Aug., 2008, then the party line re: how Palin really learned about the Tripp pregnancy could be mostly true. It's pretty clear, from what's been discussed here, the dates are fudged: Trig born in Feb., Bristol angry with Palin's pregnancy announcement in mid-Feb, goes off pill, gets pregnant in April, tells Palin at beginning of May, has baby in Dec. I still think it's an almost inescapable conclusion that Levi is not telling the whole truth, in particular re: the Trig's birth. Maybe, like Bailey, the clues are in the bits of truth that he does reveal, not realizing they are consequential.

  176. The trolls are obviously the Palin family, my impression anyway.In Baileys book, someone here mentioned it, Bailey says Sarah called him in August 08 to complain that Bristol was pregnant, but she knew about the pregnancy in May 08 and knew she was being picked to run as vp in May of 08 and of course before that.
    So if the Tripp pregnancy was known in May of 08 as well as the vp slot, why would she call Bailey to cry about Bristols' pregnancy in Aug. 08.
    Bailey may have slipped with this one. If Palin called him complaining of Bristol being pregnant in Aug. 07, now that makes sense.
    Bristol is seen on video in NY in Oct. 07 at a JLO guest appearance and Bristol looks pregnant.
    If Bristol got pregnant in say August of 07, she would have had a premature baby in Feb. 08 and that baby had to be in preemie care.
    Levi and Bailey are guys, and let's face it, not to insult anybody, guys are just not into the personal stuff that happens with pregnancy.
    I have 3 grown sons and have experience with the opposite sex and how thick they can be when it comes to women.
    The Palins, especially Sarah & Bristol, played Levi.
    Bristol was already pregnant when she called Levi to come over right away and then told him she wanted to get pregnant.
    What did Levi know about when & if Bristol took birth control pills. He didn't.
    Tripp was conceived out of spite for the taling of Trig or because Bristol really wanted to help Mommy with the coverup of Trig pregnancy and to have her own baby at the same time. A win win.
    Levi said a while ago, something about the secret had to do with dates and what wasn't said.
    Was it him who said Trig was Tripp before he was Trig?
    Bristol was away from Levi and could have hidden her Trig pregnancy and we know there was a very tiny baby born in Feb. 08
    This all jives with Palin waiting to find out when Trig would be released from the hospital so she could plan the puppy deliver.
    Now it seems clear to me.
    Again, it's easy to fool men with this stuff, not all men, and I'm not bashing men here, however it's well known that women have it all over the guys in the awareness department.
    My opinion of the babygate only.
    Thanks Gryph

  177. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Well, obviously there never WAS an IV because Sarah was never pregnant with Trig. She may have staged something but I think the new "I saw her with an IV" meme is just another lie added to further obscure the truth. Levi may be trying to repeat what he's been told to say but as you point out, he's not a natural liar.

  178. Anonymous6:14 AM

    "AKPetMom said...

    If the MSM ever comes to this blog to read what people have to say and perhaps find some nugget of truth in the Palin saga, they will most likely be turned off by the people that refuse to use proper names for any of the Palins.

    Like them or not, you have to realize that people that could progress this story might actually be reading and your "$arah, Brisdull, Willer, Wiler, Toad and $$P" nomenclature might just be enough to make them turn around quickly and dismiss all of the hard work that the actual owner of this blog has done.

    Other people are looking now. Make a point to not act like illiterate grade schoolers with a grudge.
    10:02 PM "

    You do realize that the owner of this blog does not always refer to Ms. Palin by her proper name? I guess that makes Gryphen one of the "illiterate grade schoolers with a grudge" you were just chastising.

  179. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Jean @5:40 AM
    I believe you've got it nailed.
    Nice sleuthing work!

  180. To Anonymous 5:45:

    "I am reading Levi's book and I can't figure out this sentence on page 151.

    "Every day I spent time wondering what had happened to Bristal to make her change so much. Sure she was a grump when she was pregnant, BUT ALWAYS AT THE END IT WAS WHEN CAN WE GET MARRIED?" (Capitals are mine)

    That sounds like Levi is saying she was pregnant more than once or he would have worded it differently. Anyone else see it that way????

    I think what he is saying is that every time she had berated him before, she had changed her mind by the end of her tirade and was still in love with him. Does that make sense? She would scream at him when she was full of temper and hormones, but then still want to be with him. That was how I read that section.

  181. Anonymous8:24 AM

    A mix of truth and lies has been flowing from multiple sources for several years now. I think this could be an intentional use of an effective technique for hiding the truth. It's much more effective than lying alone.

    If it were widely understood that SP clearly faked the pregnancy, the first question many would ask is what the McCain team knew and when they knew it. If they knew, that means that at the very least they perpetuated the hoax during the campaign, even if they weren't in on it from the start, which is also possible.

    (As a candidate McCain needed more pro-life credibility, and SP's faked pregnancy with Trig was announced the day after McCain clinched the nomination. May be a coincidence, may not.)

    All of this confusion arising from a thoroughly mixed jumble of lies and truth could be intended not just to protect SP, but ultimately to protect other more powerful people.

  182. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Saw Levi on MSNBC last night, Larry O asked him to read passages from the book & the boy could hardly read. Tank was there, and Levi kept looking at him like he, Levi, was a scared rabbit.

  183. Anonymous8:34 AM

    @9:47 and 10:26pm--
    Bristol sent Levi a text message when she found out she was preggers that read, "Ever since the moment I found out I was pregnant, I prayed to God you weren't the father."

    So how many did bristol have to worry about...did she hope it was Johnny Chandler instead of Levi? Why would she Even be confused or concerned, who the daddy was?

  184. Anonymous9:07 AM

    anon wrote "Except that she got her fallopian tubes cauterized a few years prior to the "event"... - science conquers all!"

    It's not science if you do not have actual evidence that her tubes were cauterized. It's just repeating something you heard.

    Why would you believe SP on the "tubes" story, but not other things?

    Even the interesting list of so-called "iron clad" and "beyond a reasonable doubt" items in Jesse's latest blog are just wishes if they don't have actual verifiable evidence. Opinions about photographs don't count for anything

  185. Anonymous2:09 PM

    @ 4:40

    "Ruffles looks like Trig and grew steadily. Look at ruffles face. SAME AS PRESENT DAY TRIGS. Thing is, Babies do lose weight within the first weeks so technically this baby could be ruffles. The length looks right. WTH"

    take another look at Levi my dear. He is blond, barely 16 and has no tattoos. Just who is this child? Is it Tripp? It would explain why Tripp is so big for a 2 year old. He's really going on 4.

    Yesterday someone mentioned that he is approximately 37" tall - that is average height for a 4 YEAR OLD.

    2 year olds have much shorter legs than Tripp displays.

  186. Anonymous2:12 PM

    the "induced" story never made sense either, because Piper was C-section.

    Therefore IF SP miraculously got pregnant after her tubal ligation with cauterization, she would most likely have had a C-section again.

  187. Anonymous2:16 PM


    Has anyone ever discovered when it was she actually knew he was DS?

    SP said she was told in November 2007 that it was a DS child. She snuck in for amniocentesis under her maiden name.

  188. Anonymous2:20 PM

    to the troll at 6:00:

    They were ALL pissed he lied about saying calling Trig retarded. That is not a word anyone in that family uses.

    STFU - they use that word ALL the time - now he's the FAT retard.

    Piper was the "fucking" baby....

    This is a classless bunch of hillbillies.

  189. Anonymous2:33 PM

    She was 16 then, several years before is what? 10 years old? going with someone at that age?

    both willow and Bristol started dating in the 6th grade.

  190. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I remain surprised that there are not more questions on whether Levi is really Tripp's father. Isn't it unusual for two brunettes to have a blonde haired child whose hair does not appear to be darkening? Were either Bristol or Levi blonde as children or any other of their siblings?

  191. Anonymous4:49 PM

    You wouldn't have to insert the needle to make it look like an IV.

    You remove the needle and tape the Luer Lok part down with the line attached to bottle or pump.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.