Saturday, October 22, 2011

The difference between the Bush doctriine and the so called Obama doctrine, is that the Obama doctrine WORKS!

Getting kind of lonely in the land of despots, don'tcha think?

The George W. Bush solution to terrorism and aggression (or just perceived aggression) toward the United States was to send military troops into a foreign country and lose thousands of American lives and spend trillions of American dollars, while failing to accomplish his goal.

The Barack Obama approach is to think a problem through clearly and then solve it.

Or perhaps to put it more eloquently...

I don't know about everybody else, but I REALLY prefer the "Obama Doctrine" don't you?

(H/T to the Obama Diary)


  1. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Damn straight! Peace in our time, hopefully, if we can get rid of the greedy Rethugliscum.

  2. The Bush doctrine, "In what respect, Charlie?", is one of the half term governor's top ten best lines. There are too many to pick one as the best.

  3. Irishgirl3:16 AM

    Okay...that big stick is called a hurley. And if you are really into the game of hurling or camogie (as it is called for girls), and my fourteen year old daughter plays for a local Dublin team so I know of what I speak - it is referred to as a "hurl."

    That photo was taken when he visited Ireland and I used it for my avatar for a while! So, he speaks softly...and carries a hurl.

    Can you tell that I love your president. :)

  4. Anonymous5:17 AM

    He should be really proud of that peace prize......not!

  5. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Being a thoughtful, measured human being is infinitely preferable to being a shoot-first-ask-questions-later one under all circumstances.
    However, in cases of foreign policy where a leader's approach can mean the difference between life and death for many, it's especially preferable. That's something the Republicans seem terminally incapable of understanding. But then again, they are so filled with hatred of this president that they reflexively go against anything he's for even if they once supported it.

  6. Anonymous6:10 AM

    I don't know about everybody else, but I REALLY prefer the "Obama Doctrine" don't you?

    In what respect Gryphen? < snark/ >

  7. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead7:44 AM

    Point well taken, Gryphen.

    Now, how do get him re-elected?

  8. Anonymous8:08 AM

    osama's missing out of the cartoon , he definitely deserves a place next to the other 3

  9. Anonymous9:05 AM

    It is impossible for the wingnuts to accept classiness,sanity, empathy and intelligence in our present leader.

    What a gift we have with the Obama's and their efforts to better our nation.

    I am amazed at the evolvement of many school gardens in our counties.

    We are so in need of the strategies coming from those caring folks who are now residents of the White House.

    Let's do it again. 2012

  10. Do 'we' even deserve this amazing man? He's suffered so many "slings and arrows" from the Palin/Boehner crowd, and I can't believe the class he has shown in the face of it all. I truly LOVE President Obama, who is the Best. President. Ever! And Mrs. Obama, too! I can't wait to see what she and Dr. Jill Biden do for the families of our returning soldiers in December. And we may never know all she does, because she has a good heart and doesn't need to show up on a Harley at another groups parade, to prove it. Or eat fried butter . . .

    OBAMA Landslide in 2012!!

  11. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Let's examine the two doctrines, shall we?

    Bush doctrine in Afghanistan: Invade, make a mess, transfer troops to Iraq before the job is done, spend untold capital, watch it continue for a decade with minimal success. Thousands of American lives lost or destroyed.

    Bush doctrine in Iraq: Invade, make a mess, spend untold capital, have no plan in place for rebuilding the country after the dictator is removed, watch it continue for a decade after declaring "Mission Accomplished" and still not have a stable, non-violent democracy. Thousands of American lives lost or destroyed.

    Obama doctrine: Send SEAL team in and kill bin Laden with no loss of American life. Use Predator drones to kill Anwar al-Awlaki with no loss of American lives.

    Obama doctrine: Support the Egyptian people in their successful efforts to remove their dictator. Minimal expenditure and no loss of American lives.

    Obama doctrine: Join NATO in supporting the Libyan people in their successful effort to remove their dictator. Minimal expenditure and no loss of American lives.

    Bush doctrine: Inspire millions of Muslims around the world to despise America.

    Obama doctrine: Inspire millions of Muslims to reconsider their hatred of America. Treat Muslims and Islamic nations with respect and support THEIR efforts to seek greater freedom instead of invading and controlling with American lives and American values.

    Hmmmm...I know which one I prefer!


    [Sorry - just had to shout it from the rooftop.]

  13. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I think the majority of intelligent people in American love President Obama as well, Irishgirl. I know we do. He's the complete opposite of the ignorant, arrogant, and inept Bush-Cheney presidency. Glad you love him as well - but you are intelligent, so you would. :) -- ks sunflower

  14. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Interesting that all the Obama assassinations are Aerabs. So were Bush's, of course.

    Some of those brown skinned folk might feel threatened by the US and try to protect themselves or attack us.

    So please explain how this pattern of violence,wars and murders promotes peace and keeps us safer?


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