Monday, October 10, 2011

Rick Santorum goes out of his way to earn the anger that gay Americans feel towards him.

Courtesy of Huffington Post:

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum doubled down on his recent comments opposing allowing gay soldiers to serve in the U.S. military, invoking the image of soldiers showering together to explain his support for reinstating the discriminatory "don't ask, don't tell" policy. 

"The problem is that sexual activity with people who you are in close quarters with who happen to be of the same sex is different than being open about your sexuality," Santorum said on "Fox News Sunday." 

Fox host Chris Wallace pushed back, asking Santorum if he was suggesting gay soldiers would "go after" their colleagues. 

 "They're in close quarters, they live with people, they obviously shower with people," Santorum said, saying the presence of gay soldiers could have an adverse "effect on retention and recruitment."

You know having been the victim of a "Google bomb" myself I would usually cry foul when it is used against others.  But I have to say that Santorum deserves for people to learn that he is "a frothy mixture of lube and fecal mater that is sometimes the result of anal sex."

Oh, did you not have have breakfast yet? Sorry.

By the way I am NOT in the habit of giving compliments to Fox News hosts, but I was king of impressed by how aggressively Chris Wallace went after Santorum on this topic.

Almost sounded like actual journalism.


  1. angela3:15 AM

    It must be sad to be Santorum's brain.

    Rick seems to have some pretty lurid images considering he's a supposedly devoted husband and the father of about one hundred children.

    Got a working key to that closet, Rick?

  2. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Wallace does infrequently ask "uncomfortable" questions & won't let the person interviewed skirt the answers. He once had a very good interview with Sarah. She came off very bad & I don't think she was ever on his show again.

  3. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Methinks Rick doth protest too much!! What is he hiding, like Rev. Ted Haggard used to? Didn't Ricky live at that J Street house with Ensign, Vitter and the other republican "sinners"? They got cheap rent, and had their own built in father confessor who arrangd bribes to keep them in the repub. fold. Coburn of Oklahoma was in charge, keeping the reporters at bay. Just because Ricky has a passle of kids does not make him straight.

  4. Sally in MI3:44 AM

    Rick is a hateful man. What he doesn't see to realize is that those 'non-people' vote, as do those of us who realize that God created all people, and we do not vote for anyone who demeans other people. After all, today it's gays he wants to make into lesser beings, tomorrow it could be women, blacks, or another group not rich white and male. The GOP has become increasing the good old rich white boys' club, and they will find out in 2012 how well that meme is working.

  5. Anonymous3:55 AM

    Here's the thing...I see from Wikipedia that Rick Santorum never served in the military so he knows jackshite about what he speaks. I DID serve in the military and I know of at least three people who were gay. All were fine soldiers whom I trusted and gladly served alongside without hesitation. I'm sure I unknowingly worked with many other gay soldiers. It didn't matter!

    Also, in continuing the fine tradition of conservative Republican hypocrisy, I do see that RS grew up feeding at the government's teet by living his formative years at VA hospital posts where his parents worked. Is this where his misguided information about the evils of homosexuals in the military began?


  6. Google "santorum" right now.

    Every time this asshat spews his hate in the news, I ALWAYS Goggle santorum, just to keep this website at the top of the list. He shuts up, I stop Googling!

  7. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Sexual orientation is born in us. That is fine. What bothers ME is people like Ricky here, who rip off taxpayers. He was claiming taxes and school fees for his passle of kids while living in another city. He ripped of taxpayers and THAT upsets me. He is dishonest. What people do in their private lives is their own business. When crooks rip off working people, then that makes it MY business. It just occured to me that this man uses homesxuality the same way Palin uses Christianity. Just a tool to draw voters with the same attitudes. Ricky's wife really should try to rein him in, he is making a total ass of himself. What he is ranting on about is not putting anyone to work. He is just showing himself to be unfit for office, of any kind. Small minded bigots need not apply.

  8. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Apparently, pRick Santorum thinks that no man is capable of controlling himself when there is a potential sexual target within touching distance. I'm advising all women to steer clear of this lecher -- cow knows when he'll start grabbing and touching.

  9. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Hey Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

    I dont know Brain. What if I dont want to take a shower with Santorum?

    No Pinky. A shower is what you take to wash OFF the Santorum.

  10. Anonymous4:56 AM

    What a douche, like Michele, they are scared of sex despite making as many babies as possible.

    We've got Santorum covered, what can we turn the meaning of Bachmann into? Sperm donors to homophobe breeders?

  11. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Chris Wallace has lingering memories of Journalism 101, not the Sarah Palin version, but the real deal that one can learn sitting in one or even just two colleges in four years.

  12. Beldar E. Coli Conehead5:02 AM

    Damn it, Gryphen!!! You just HAD to spoil the surprise didnt you...

    As Rick "GOOGLE ME!!!" Santorum slowly begins to embrace the whole 'santorum' definition as a guerrilla marketing opportunity it doesnt help when liberal weisenheimers like you reveal the actual meaning of the word.

    All the benefits and costs of changing his name legally to Rick "GOOGLE ME!!!" Santorum and sending tens of millions of Rick "GOOGLE ME!!!" Santorum post cards to family values, real American conservative homes is WASTED because you had to write your snarky blog and tell everyone what 'santorum' really means...

    Since you're so smart, answer this: How is that rancid little douchebag gonna be elected president NOW?? No answer... Yeah, I didnt think so...

    Thanks for nuthin', Gryphen!

    "Vote for Rick Santorum...
    because Fecal Matters!"

  13. First time I ever saw Chris Wallace where I admired him.

  14. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I think a lot of "straight" people are upset with him, too. Is all this ranting about people's sex lives creating any jobs? It is not his place to talk about other people's sexual orientation. It doiesn't affect him in any way, I doubt if any gay people would approach this tight assed prude. Why is he so very concerned, is he hiding something? His wife should get him to shut up, if she can. I forsee an embarrassing episode in the near future of little Ricky. Ala Rev. Haggard.

  15. What a dickwad. And why is he still running? Is he another one of these delusional narcissistic nutballs who can't see the writing on the wall? How dumb to you have to be to keep running for president when nobody likes you?

  16. Anonymous5:30 AM

    You can hear his fear. That seems to be the hallmark of the Tea Party...fear. They're afraid of anyone not like them, any "other". The anger just masks the fear.

    Not about him, but today's HuffPost on Sarah's too good not to share:

  17. Did 'santorum' mean that before Rick's ancestors picked it; or, did it come to mean that after people met Rick?

    (An aside to Beldar: The only reason i didn't spew coffee over your new bumper sticker is because i already swallowed ~ so, i only choked a little.)("Vote for Rick Santorum...
    because Fecal Matters!")(As a salute to you, Beldar, i googled THAT, too.)

  18. Gotta agree with the estimable JayKen Knotstirred -- if you are reading, go google Santorum RIGHT NOW, and click on the top link. Keep it at the top!

  19. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I love how all these republicans think that "the gays" are destroying marriage and are just a bunch of horny crazy people!!

    By Santorum's standards, only men should serve in the military..straight men.

    When will they realize that gay people are people.

    Labeling people by the color of their skin is bad enough...lets not label them by what they do in the bedroom. Or we are in trouble...

  20. Anonymous5:48 AM

    It's not just gay americans that find Mr AssFoam disgusting, a lot of of straight americans do too.

  21. Anonymous5:53 AM

    He will live in infamy:

  22. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Chris Wallace Takes Rick Santorum To Task For His Gays In The Military Comments

    On Fox News Sunday today, Chris Wallace asked presidential candidate Rick Santorum about the now-infamous Fox News debate where a gay soldier was booed by several members of the crowd and questioned Santorum’s response to the soldier’s question about the controversial “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.

    During the debate, Santorum had stated that the military is not a place for sexual activity, and claimed ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was the government “trying to inject social policy into the military. Wallace pointed out that the end goal of doing away with the policy was that gay soldiers would be on an equal footing with their heterosexual peers.

    Santorum argued there was a difference because homosexual soldiers are serving in units with people they are attracted to while heterosexual soldiers are not. Wallace asked if Santorum was implying that gay soldiers would be fixated on the other men in their group as opposed to actually doing the job of a soldier, which Santorum outright denied saying. However, he did express concern that gay soldiers would be showering together with the other men, and the discomfort people might feel at that prospect might dissuade potential military recruits.

    Wallace then read a quote that seemingly was in line with everything Santorum had been arguing previously.

    “The army is not a sociological laboratory. Experimenting with policy, especially in a time of war, would pose a danger to efficiency, discipline and morale and would result in ultimate defeat.”

    Wallace attributed the quote to a World War II general arguing against racial integration of the military. Santorum suggested there is a big difference between race and sexuality, because one involves “activities” of a different nature as opposed to just being different. Wallace went down the line of Santorum’s talking points and said the general’s comments over a half-century ago were exactly in line with them. Santorum insisted on a clear distinction between the social climate then and now, and claimed that unlike race, sexuality is a choice.

    Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:

  23. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Are Gays Even People to Rick Santorum?

    It’s not exactly breaking news to announce that Rick Santorum has made some ridiculous comments about gays, but the way he framed his latest gay diatribe (perhaps it should be called a gayatribe since he does it so often), it makes me wonder if Santorum even realizes that gays are people.

    “They’re in close quarters. They live with people. They obviously shower with people,” Santorum said on Fox News Sunday, with the “they” referring to the homosexual population of the military.

    Notice that in Santorum’s world, gays live and shower with people, not live with other people or live and shower with the rest of the military. In other words, they’re not people themselves!

    Ok–so maybe you have to take too literal of an interpretation of his language to believe that analysis, but he certainly made every attempt to separate the gay population from the rest of the population in his latest discussion.

    Irrational statements are certainly nothing new from this poster child of hatred toward anyone with a sexual orientation that doesn’t happen to match Rick Santorum’s, unless you subscribe to Shakespeare’s famous quote “Methinks the lady dost protest too much.”

    Regardless, this might not even crack the top-1o of the worst things Santorum has said about gays.

    Here are a few of his best:

    “If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual [gay] sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything… In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing.”
    Discussing gay marriage: “This is an issue just like 9-11… We didn’t decide we wanted to fight the war on terrorism because we wanted to. It was brought to us. And if not now, when? When the supreme courts in all the other states have succumbed to the Massachusetts version of the law?”
    “Is anyone saying same-sex couples can’t love each other? I love my children. I love my friends, my brother. Heck, I even love my mother-in-law. Should we call these relationships marriage, too?”

    Hatred aside, maybe you’ve got to love a man who feels passionately about something. Just don’t love him too much; it might make him uncomfortable in the locker room of the local Y.

  24. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Shower together wtf???!!! Like what--the gov't is trying to save hot water????!!

    Has this dipshit ~ever~ been in the military???

    Oh that's right....


  25. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I am so excited by this day. This will be the day we learn the truth about Trig. I know it's still early in Alaska but we're all waiting anxiously for your post today which will take down Sarah for good. I'll be ready to help tweet the article to many different press outlets.

    This will be the day Sarah finally goes down. I've been waiting for this for years! Let's do this!!

  26. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Santorum is the craziest sonofabitch in the GOP candidate field...and that's saying a lot.

    Seriously, I think he's certifiably insane.

  27. Anonymous6:40 AM


    Great post. I hate this guy.

    Any idea when the big post will be up? I have a busy day at work but wanted to make sure I didn't miss it.


  28. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Just another crazy republican.

    What a group of losers.

  29. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I've never been in the military but I suspect that when the bullets and bombs start flying, the sexual orientation of the soldier next to you is the LAST thing on your mind!

  30. Anonymous7:46 AM

    @5:46. it's the spreadingsantorum link. At #2 currently so give it a few more clicks

  31. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Again we see the despicable behavior of a seriously repressed man-child being written off as 'he must be a closeted gay man'. It's a further assault on gay men or women to attribute the atrocious, ill-informed and hateful behavior of guys like Santorum as a symptom of being a closeted gay. It may come as a huge shock to some out there that heterosexual men are perfectly capable of being total asshats willing to disparage, dishonor and destroy their fellow human beings. Maybe he has a mental disorder, maybe he has mommy issues, maybe he's just a self-righteous bully who has been blinded by his misunderstanding of his religious upbringing or maybe he is simply the product of stupid parents who drilled this nonsense into his tiny brain.

    Whatever ails Santorum's psyche and that of others like him, it's reprehensible 'heterosexual" behavior and I am insulted for the gay community that they have to shoulder the blame for the bad behavior of straight people on top of all the other ill-informed, illogical hate speak that comes their way. The gay closet may exist for some but it's not big enough to hold the answer for every instance of insane human behavior.

  32. I just posted a comment but hit the wrong button before adding my name.


  33. Anonymous8:23 AM

    You know, it would not surprise me in the least if Santorum and the rest of his aneuploidic ilk labeled gays, lesbians, and transsexuals as a different race at some point.

    What a fucking loon.

  34. Santorum's problem is...well, he's full of santorum.

  35. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Whenever Santorum's name comes up, I cannot forget that he took a dead not-nearly-full-term baby home so his other children could spend the night with their dead sibling. There is something seriously wrong with this man!

  36. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Santorum? That sounds familiar. I just googled it and clicked on the first link that came up. I guess you have to call it something, but I bet it sucks to have it named after you. Has his attorney written any nasty letters yet? That might fix his problem. It's obvious Rick "Man On Dog" Santorum hasn't figured out how to fix this for himself.

    What is it with 'conservative family values republicans' and all things bathroom and shower? Do they even think of anything else?
    This is kind of disgusting but since your blog is already soiled with Rick Santorum, this might be the time to bring it up.

    Are there any other minor league politicians that need to be made famous on the internet? Just the other day I saw something that might need a name that everyone recognizes, just like Santorum. What are those brown splatters that are sometimes seen after someone takes an explosive dump? They are often seen in public restrooms. Sometimes even on the walls of the stall. How does that happen? Well I know what they are but what are they called? Do they have a name yet? I have a few possibilities in mind from Faux News if anyone else thinks they need a name.

    Also possibly needing a name are those mysteriously escaped pieces of toilet paper which are obviously really dirty. How do they jump out of the bowl and land on the floor? Is it a sudden gust of wind? Or perhaps they have been placed on the floor for some reason I don't understand. There must be something special about how they happen. If they had been in the bowl, they might hve been flushed away. Anyway I have a few naming possibilities in mind for them.

  37. Anonymous3:49 PM

    There are a few WWI,lots of WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Vets who showered with other men, some of whom were gay, and never had a problem.

    Rick spends way too much time thinking about men showering together and sex.

    He is turning himself into a pervert. Assuming he is not one already.

    Or maybe Rick in fact thinks that when two people shower together they always have sex.
    In which case I suggest the guys in the Congressional gym avoid the locker room when Rick has his pants down as he apparently considers that equivalent to loaded,cocked and ready to engage.

    Honestly, I think we are on the cusp of another wide stance moment.

  38. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I always google his name, this speech, I'd give a "1" on the Bristol (don't google me) Stool Chart.

    Go ahead, google it, It's worth it!


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