Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Have you seen Mitt Romney's pro-Obama commercial? It is really quite convincing.

Usually taking somebody's words out of context and editing them into a commercial to make it appear that they are saying the complete opposite of what they are actually saying would be considered underhanded dirty politics.  However this particular brand of politicking has the Mitt Romney seal of approval, so he is totally cool with it.

What you don't believe me?  Well then click here and see for yourself, oh distrustful one.


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    This slime ball has covered himself in it with this message taken out of context. People in NH are PISSED!

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    how many people showed up for THE UNATTENDED in wasilla this week?

  3. This is only the beginning -- wait until see the other candidates' ads. The more desperate they are, the more they will lie. They learned it from Sarah and Fox et al.
    they got/get away with it -- thanks to a less-than-independent journalism. CNN here showed a little ballsiness...will it continue?

    Stay strong, people, there will be a whole year of this crap.

  4. It proves once again how little Romney himself has to offer. I hope it really exposes him...yes, a slime ball.

  5. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Suggested Jimmy Fallon Walk-On Songs for the Rest of the GOP Field

    Michele Bachmann is probably none too pleased that The Roots welcomed her to Late Night With Jimmy Fallon last night with the song "Lyin' Ass Bitch."


    Let's give all the GOP disasters their own little walk on song, here's a few suggestions:

    For Mitt Romney:

    STYX - Mr. Roboto

    For Herman Cain:

    Sam Cooke - Wonderful World

    For Jon Huntsman:

    Who are You

    For Rick Perry:

    Three is a magic number

    For Rick (Google me) Santorum:

    E. U. - Da' Butt

    For Ron Paul:

    Gnarls Barkley - Crazy

    For Newt Gingrich:

    Carly Simon - You're So Vain

    What are your thoughts?

  6. I guess Mitt thinks his magic underwear will protect him from KARMA. Major FAIL, Mittens. You won't get into the "Celestial Kingdom" by lying -- so there goes ruling your own planet with all those wives after you leave Earth. No "Angel Moroni" meet-and-greet when you get there, either. Maybe more tithing will help? You know how that Mormon god loves him some money!

    Peace, All. OBAMA Landslide in 2012!!

  7. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Palinism is contagious...

  8. Anonymous9:18 AM

    O/T but I guess the so called "Undefeated" must have been fully defeated by lack of attendance since no one on the right and in the Sea of Pee is trumpeting otherwise. Even the Twitter account for Bannon has nothing to say. You KNOW how they go all quiet when they don't like when reality hits.

    Yep, she's over.

  9. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Lawrence O'Donnell: Mitt Romney Obama Ad 'Entirely A Lie' (VIDEO)

    Romney Ad Exposes Media's Chronic Inability To Use The Word 'Lie'

  10. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Romney Ad Contains Racial Undertones, Some Democrats Say

    Several Democrats have argued in the past twenty-four hours that there are racial undertones to Romney's "Believe in America" advertisement, which, for all the buzz it has received, is currently running on just one New Hampshire television station. The evidence, they say, is in the crowds. When the ad's focus is President Obama, the audience is either shaded out or predominantly black. When it turns to Romney, the crowd is almost universally white.

    "There are three things about the racial composition of the people in the background: For Obama, whenever they’re shown clearly, they’re a mix of whites and blacks. Whenever they’re either presented in dark light so you can’t see, or presented at a speed that makes them subliminal, they’re all black, for Romney, there isn’t a black person in the background in any of the scenes he’s in. it’s inconceivable that his team didn’t think to make sure there was at least some diversity in the crowds he was speaking to unless the goal was to juxtapose subliminal black people against white people for Romney."

  11. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Mitt Romney's Awkward Exchanges With Humans

  12. Anne In DC9:54 AM

    Willard Romney has once again exposed himself as an empty suit whose desperation to win at any cost has prompted him to have an ad made on his behalf that is blatantly false. All this ad does is attempt to put the president in a bad light, without showing anything of value this unethical shape-shifter has to offer.

  13. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I think that anyone who generates an opinion based on video content from anyone is basically a non-thinking cretin. It's called reading; try it sometime, if you can.

  14. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I don't watch CNN except for Anderson Cooper, because it's become Fox lite. But I must say, Blitz Wolfson did a fine job with his interview.

    Asshat Romney shot himself in the foot with this one. Yeah, he's mormon and has the entire Osman family voting for him, but lieing big time, in his first ad won't play well in New Hampshire. You want to take on The President on Jobs, that's fine and good, but use facts.

    Can't wait for the gloves to come off with the rest of them. Seems they all need endorsements from Bush and Cheyney to wake them up. They conveniently gloss over those eight years for some reason!

    Anonymous 8:35 It's perfect! Would like to see "They're coming to take me away" for Michele Bachmann, with her crazy eyes and penchant for wearing white blazers after Labor Day, but your songs are spot on!

  15. Gasman8:31 PM

    Hey, if Mittens and P.Rick can do it, why not?


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