Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It looks like Herman Cain has groped, propositioned, and screwed his way right out of a GOP nomination.

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I'm just kidding. Herman Cain had about as much chance of being the GOP nominee as Mitt Romney had of being the featured dancer on Soul Train.

Still he certainly did not help himself by getting all jiggy with the ladies. Especially the WHITE ladies.


  1. Does this woman, Ginger White, have any kids who look like Herman Cain?

  2. It was good enough for Clarence Thomas to become a Supreme Court Justice, shy shouldn't it be good enough to become POTUS?

  3. Added to the tale of the half term governor the fact Herb was successful in business and was a leading contender for the presidential nomination of one of our two major political parties is a sure sign of the demise of this once great country.

  4. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Yes, he is a lecherous, dissembling, ignorant dolt. And he is STILL clinging to "I deny any wrongdoing".

    While his affair with Ginger White may have been consentual, doesn't "adultery" count as wrongdoing in his world? I thought he was another so-called "family values" candidate.

  5. Anonymous4:55 AM

    This guy was rich, relatively well-known, had a modicum of power. . .he thought he had it all and wanted more. A devoted wife back home, asked no questions, just 'being,' Herb's rock.

    He coveted, this man covets and just wants more.

    He is a joke and a sham and for his attorney to say his bedroom door is off limits to the public and the media, well, he's as audacious and delusional as Sarah Palin.

  6. Got to say, though, these are all adults; he didn’t go after kids.
    (Damning with faint praise.)

  7. Anonymous5:28 AM

    This is o/t but it's an entertaining thought. Sarah has been living a private life for the last month yet people are still obsessed with her and family. It's like the 100 or so blog readers have no lives or decency. They imagine these bizarre stories,create fictional personas for each family member and twist words so that they always have an enemy.

    Maybe you might consider using all this energy to ACTIVELY do something to help your country. Blogging is pointless and the most inactive way to change the status quo. No one changes their mind because of something they read. Physical experience changes a person. Trial and error.

    I am sorry you all feel so worthless and have little fulfillment that character assassination is the only thing that gives you your jollies.

    It's a pity. This country is a beautiful place. Rags to riches stories happen daily. People have the faith, hope and love to pursue their dreams without fear. Despite communistic threats, people still believe they can make it big and reward their families with a great life through hardwork.

    I hope you realize all this and are, deep down, not as immature as you come across on the internet.

  8. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Herman... try riding Sarah. She likes sex with black men.

  9. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Palin troll @ 5:28 a.m.

    Look in the mirror sugar. Your drivel is so sanctimonious. We're internet atheists - we don't believe YOU.


  10. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Anonymous @ 5:28:

    Nice to know you are still alive, RAM, but I see you are as delusional as ever.

  11. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Anonymous 5:28--is that just a stock rant you had keyed up? The story isn't even about Sarah Palin yet you bring her name up as if it was an attack on her.

    If blogging was so pointless an activity, why are YOU here?

  12. Anonymous5:55 AM

    God's sake Bristol. Go TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS.

    Oh, and I saw your featurette on TMZ today. Another entitled Palin who thinks rules are there for the unwashed masses but not you.

  13. Anonymous6:08 AM

    @ 5:28, why hello! We were wondering if you all were getting time off or had been let go permanently.

    Your posting is entertaining, you are right.

    We are just here minding our own business, doing our own thing - if it bugs you so much don't visit. Pretty easy.

    Your lengthy diatribe just makes us wonder what you're so afraid of. Are you worried we will forget about Sarah, or worried we won't, and will keep digging for the truth about her?

    Your lecture is wasted, however.

    PS I am sure you were busy with the holiday, had company over the weekend, and now you finally get to return to what you love, being Sarah Palin's pit bull. I sure hope she appreciates it!

    PPS Re: Herman Cain, sad for you all another candidate bites the dust. Such a parade of fools you have going there.

  14. Anonymous 5:28

    Two questions:

    When did the half term skank governor ever "do something to help her country"?

    When has the half term skank governor "rewarded her family with a great life through hardwork"? Her family lives a trailer park life and she has never done a hard day's work in her miserable skanky life, unless you consider bonking Glenn Rice work.

  15. Anonymous said...

    This is o/t but it's an entertaining thought. Sarah has been living a private life for the last month yet people are still obsessed with her and family. It's like the 100 or so blog readers have no lives or decency. They imagine these bizarre stories,create fictional personas for each family member and twist words so that they always have an enemy.

    Maybe you might consider using all this energy to ACTIVELY do something to help your country. Blogging is pointless and the most inactive way to change the status quo. No one changes their mind because of something they read. Physical experience changes a person. Trial and error.

    I am sorry you all feel so worthless and have little fulfillment that character assassination is the only thing that gives you your jollies.

    It's a pity. This country is a beautiful place. Rags to riches stories happen daily. People have the faith, hope and love to pursue their dreams without fear. Despite communistic threats, people still believe they can make it big and reward their families with a great life through hardwork.

    I hope you realize all this and are, deep down, not as immature as you come across on the internet.

    5:28 AM

    STFU....Gov Dirty Wig Stalker troll! It's too early in the morning for your stupidity...take a day off fool!

    PS...and don't your dumbass have that crazy stalker BLOG called "commondecency" or some such nonesense? Beat it troll!

  16. Anonymous 5:40

    One problem. Herb probably does not have the horizontal mambo talents that Glenn Rice does. The word is that Herb's favorite technique is pushing the head of his partner towards his crotch.

  17. Anonymous6:29 AM

    TMZ reporting Bristol ran red light in Alaska on Nov 19th and was fined $210.

    Bet the fine will be paid by SarahPAC and listed as "transportation charges"

  18. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Despite communistic threats, people still believe they can make it big and reward their families with a great life through hardwork.

    5:28 AM

    Look everyone! A real live crazy person! WB Sarah, its nice to have you posting here with us on a regular basis again. You must be bored what with the whole failed presidential candidate thingy.

  19. Anonymous said...
    "...No one changes their mind because of something they read..."
    5:28 AM
    This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever seen in print.

    Perhaps illiterate, unread, uneducated, mouth-breathing dolts with a contempt for learning (Palin and her bots) believe this.

    Anyone who has ever read any of the great works of literature that are still read today hundreds or even thousands (the Bible, you idiot?!) of years after they were written knows that the written word can change the very course of history.

  20. Anonymous6:46 AM

    @Anon5:28am: This topic is about HERMAN CAIN and his rapid decline as a candidate for POTUS because of his own lechery for the ladies. Also because he is an uninformed, arrogant jackass.

    I have to laugh at your assertion that "No one changes their mind because of something they read."

    I read and studied my way right out of the Mormon church.

    Off Topic: As for Granny Palin, I think she is in a big funk about the 2012 election. As each candidate falters, she must dream each day of jumping into the race and soaking up that media attention.

    I expect her to make some crazy play for nomination in late 2012. She has already burned Roger Alies twice, why not a third time?

  21. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I'd like to be outside his house with a camera when he attempts to put the key in the door to get in the house. Ooops! Looks like a locksmith has changed the locks!!

  22. Anonymous6:56 AM

    5:28 a.m. - Sounds like someone's been jilted. Did you're 'girl friend' dump you RAM?

  23. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Troll at 5:28---This is so sad for you, creating drama about your idol Palin when this story is about "Herb" Cain. Why don't you just sip some Mogen David whilst viewing "The Undeflated" for the 100th time in your dark little bedroom?

  24. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Anon @ 5:28

    Wow. Your powerful observation and words of wisdom has been so influential, you have saved me from myself and I'm sure countless others who read a blog for entertainment.

    Your character assassination of my worthless life has opened my eyes, and even though "No one changes their mind because of something they read," you have rescued me with your servant's heart.

    Thank you for preaching to us IM'ers.

    Also too, you give yourself away as a Palinbot by makin up a word, 'communistic.' Idiot. Fuck off.

  25. Anonymous7:23 AM

    This liberal truly feels for poor Herb Cain's wife.

  26. Beldar D'oh Conehead7:32 AM

    "Gee, Herb, how many MORE women do you expect to come forward now?"

    "Nine... nine.... nine...."

  27. Anonymous7:44 AM

    5:28 - I see you must have gotten tired posting on another anti-Palin site. Don't you get tired of posting the same crap over & over? It makes you look like you don't have a life. Why spend so much time commenting? Get outside & enjoy your fabulous world.

    By the way, I thought you would be busy praying for us?


  28. Anonymous7:45 AM

    On the View - Whoopi just got told in her earpiece & she said on air that Cain announced 'he is re-assessing if he is going to run'.

    Makes my comment about the locksmith changing the lock at home sound credible & quite possibly real!!!

  29. Anonymous7:50 AM

    My comment about Whoopi saying Cain will re-assess -- Was said and I posted before CNN finally announced it.

    CNN as always -- slow to the game of announcing what happens in real time but CNN is quick at the crap like balloon-boy. CNN = Faux Lite = Stunned & Stupid.

  30. Anonymous7:51 AM

    5:28..CONCERN TROLL ALERT! Bless you little heart.

  31. Anonymous7:53 AM

    In reality - Cain did not get himself on CNN to get ahead of the new 'affair' story -- he was already booked for the appearance. So in Cain fashion, he would have been 'behind' the story but for the fact he had face time booked on air on CNN and the producers were following tweets out of Atlanta and spoke to Cain's people in the green room and asked Cain about it either before the scheduled interview or during a commercial.

  32. Anonymous8:11 AM

    "Gee, Herb, how many MORE women do you expect to come forward now?"

    "Nine... nine.... nine...."

    7:32 AM

    Great observation!

  33. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Hi! "My name is Herb and I'm a rich pizza magnate and I'm here with a delivery & I'm here to help you!"

  34. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Cain's announcement about reassessing his campaign clearly indicates he is a moron in that he's blaming it on the 'clouds' these harrassment charges/affairs have over him and his campaign. He still believes he can speak to issues like Libya and his knowledge of issues have not factored into his declining numbers.

    What a freaking moron. An arrogant freaking moron.

  35. Good ol Herm, a one-man employment agency trying to find 'jobs' for all these women even if it takes 13 years in some cases.

    His next job will be trying to find the appropriate words to convince his poor wife that this has all been a 'snow-job'. Doubtful that he can even face the truth with her. He will lie and connive to the very end. I hope she stops by an STD clinic before she meets with her attorney.

  36. Anonymous8:54 AM

    "Herb, the pizza delivery guy here. I don't know, but I've been told, (by my anemic looking Koch brothers) that if you can deliver to the right address of the 1%, 99% of the time, you could become the President of this land."

  37. Beldar Buh Bye Conehead9:01 AM

    Gryphen, once again you are guilty of being WAY too critical of conservative politicians. I have to admit I admire Herb's... what shall we call it? His "pluck", perhaps? (which the dictionary defines as "The lungs, heart, liver, trachea and often oesophagus removed from slaughtered animals, esp. when used as food")

    I mean, he figured there was a pretty decent chance that none of the women he'd canoodled or attempted to canoodle would come forward. And considering that there are tens if not hundreds of millions of females in this country - and BILLIONS across the globe - who are Herb Canoodle Free-zones, I'd say he had statistically impressive odds of pulling it off.

    Of course, reality knows nothing of statistics and his humiliating downfall will leave him nothing more than a modest cadre of clueless followers and a lifelong source of speaking engagement fees from tea party reunions, campus Young Republican Clubs and state fair chautauquas eager to hear from "The Man Who Almost Were Electated President Of The United States of America"

    I personally want to wish Herb Cain my warmest and sincerest "Good riddance and don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out"

  38. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Breaking news, the man is finally experiencing a sober moment and is 'reassessing' his POTUS run.

  39. I see The Palin Troll showed up @5:28 AM...

    You know, the Palin sycophant that looks like a troll and acts like a troll.


    Such self-hate, Becky, that you have to spew it towards everyone else on a blog that is the antithesis of everything you are.

  40. Anonymous9:13 AM

    If Cain wasn't tanked before, he will be after a speech tonight in Michigan. The speech focus is to be national security and foreign issues. Seriously, I'm not kidding!!

    Has the hamster wheel stopped in his brain yet to retrieve the info on Libya yet!!! ROFL!!!

  41. He never had a ghost of a chance because of the color of his skin. The GOP wanted him out more than anyone else. He was their useful idiot; they were able to hold their feigned support for Cain up as an example of how they "aren't racist."

    The man is an idiot, and he never needed anything more than his own big mouth to bring him down. His was a dead candidacy walking from the day he announced. One just has to see how the establishment Republicans are handing him his hat and coat and holding the door for him to know that.

    Newt is their best home now. I just want to see that serial adulterer tout his family values as he challenges a president who has been the kind of family man the GOP candidates could never be.

  42. Anne In DC9:38 AM

    I think that 5:28 a.m. is projecting her own obsession with the Palins on the rest of us. She must get off on blasting people for slamming Palin, but she came on the wrong forum. FYI, this is about a male GOP candidate who is every bit as ill-informed and stupid as Palin is. His campaign is imploding due to his own stupidity and arrogance, and not a moment too soon.

  43. Anonymous9:48 AM

    7:44 AM ‪Anonymous‬ said... On the View - Whoopi just got told in her earpiece & she said on air that Cain announced 'he is re-assessing if he is going to run'.Makes my comment about the locksmith changing the lock at home sound credible & quite possibly real!!! 7:45 AM ‪Anonymous‬ said... My comment about Whoopi saying Cain will re-assess -- Was said and I posted before CNN finally announced it.CNN as always -- slow to the game of announcing what happens in real time but CNN is quick at the crap like balloon-boy. CNN = Faux Lite = Stunned & Stupid.
    Our corporate media keeps us all stunned and stupid:

    Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish)11/29/11 10:38 PM

    Opinion: American deceptionalism aje.me/tLDohx

    Here's the tweet to the Time Magazine covers:

    Mary Holm (@maryfranholm)11/29/11 9:31 AMFOCUS:

    Why Americans Are Stupid readersupportednews.org/off-site-news-…

    Look at those tweets and see.


  44. Anonymous10:20 AM

    What a creepy guy! Reminds me so much of Sarah Palin in his actions...lies constantly, is never wrong and always blames someone else.

    These Republicans are a piece of work!!

  45. 5:28 AM

    STFU you delusional, ignorant, off topic bitch

  46. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Oh god. 5:28 uses that lecture about Palin on a thread about another stupid candidate?

    I thought she was busy praying for us all.

    I guess we will be seeing her tirades everyplace, even if the threads have nothing to do with her idol.

  47. Marleycat11:00 AM

    I'm sure Mrs. Cain has known all along about Herb's jumping the fence over and over and over! Although it probably bothered her that he prefers the white ladies over her - no doubt, she was just plain relieved SHE didn't have to have sex with him.

    As long as the bennies of being a rich man's wife continued to come her way, like many wives in this situation, she has managed to make the best of this situation!

    I hope she remembers to get tested for HIV/AIDS every 6 months - just in case he brought home something that might kill her, though.

  48. Anonymous12:54 PM


    Welcome back, Sarah!

    How's that quitty, grifty thing workin' out for ya?

  49. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Cain, like Nixon and several other prominent leaders and wanna bees, proves his worth when he sends his family to the media and asks them to lie for him.

    Especially when they can reasonably expect that will not be able to sustain their lies.

  50. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Cain is a wonderful example of how justified the 1% are in feeling they are exceptional.

  51. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Cain has a new buddy, Blitz Wolfer, er Wolfie Blitzer. I'm sure if he considers to drop out of the race (read Gloria's 18 inch cast iron pan and marble rolling pin hit their mark), it'll be on his best white bud's show on fox lite, a.k.a. CNN.

    The funniest quip I heard was

    "The only way for him to get ahead of this story, is to appear on a show with the millions of women he hasn't boinked"

    Gee, I missed the dillusional troll who writes about Sarah on Herbie's post- they have the same aim as Sarah demonstrated on her world famous reality program "Sarah sees Alaska for the First Time", when she finally bags the drugged moose while her dad laid on her back.

  52. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Bow chica wow wow.....

    Cain is just dirrrrty...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.