Sunday, November 27, 2011

Melting the misconceptions about Down Syndrome with a smile.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail:

The camera just loves little Taya Kennedy. Wide-eyed, cheeky, engaged; she brims with the confidence of a natural performer. It is little wonder that she has taken the child-modelling world by storm. 

The fact that 14-month-old Taya also has Down’s Syndrome is quite incidental. She was selected, not to fulfil a quota, tick a box or adhere to the dictums of some politically-correct code of positive discrimination. Taya was picked because, quite simply, she is a star. 

‘Taya is an incredibly photogenic, warm and smiley child, and that shines through in her photographs,’ says Alysia Lewis, owner of Urban Angels, the prestigious UK model agency that has signed her up. 

Retailers, including the Early Learning Centre and Mothercare, are already queuing up to feature the bright-eyed toddler in their advertising campaigns. 

And Taya’s devoted mum, Gemma Andre, couldn’t be more proud. 

‘I always believed my daughter was stunning but I thought, “I’m her mum. I’m biased,”’ she says. 

'When people say "poor you" I find it offensive and irritating,' said Taya's mother Gemma ‘When the agency rang me and said, “We want her on our books. She’s absolutely beautiful”, I was delighted. 

‘I asked them if they were aware she had Down’s Syndrome. They said: “It’s immaterial. We’ve accepted her.” At that moment I burst into tears. I was overjoyed, not so much because Taya was going to be a model. More importantly, she had competed on equal terms with every other child and succeeded. 

‘People can be really negative about children with Down’s. They say they can’t do this and won’t be able to achieve that. It’s incredibly frustrating. Someone said to me the other day: “I suppose she’ll never be able to live an independent life,” and I said, “Why on earth not?” 

‘When people say “poor you” I find it offensive and irritating. The way I see it, some people cannot even have children and God has given me this special child.’ 

Taya's mother shares her introduction to Down syndrome, and how frightening she at first found the challenge of giving birth to a child with such a potentially debilitating condition.

‘A doctor told us, “I think she has Down’ s Syndrome” and then he just walked away. 

‘From that moment I was mourning for the child I hadn’t had. We couldn’t help but selfishly wonder why this had happened to us. We weren’t prepared for it. We couldn’t celebrate. We felt numb and grief-stricken; just devastated.’ 

The contrast between Gemma's very understandable fears and concerns for her daughter's health, are in direct contrast to how Palin describes her own feelings, as described in this e-mail that she composed more than a week BEFORE the birth of her son, and over a month before he was SUPPOSED to have been born. Here is just a portion of that e-mail describing how Palin supposedly thought about Trig's challenges BEFORE he was even born. (Remember this is written as if coming directly from God.)

Then, I let Trig's mom have an exceptionally comfortable pregnancy so she could enjoy every minute of it, and I even seemed to rush it along so she could wait until near the end to surprise you with the news - that way Piper wouldn't have so long to wait and count down so many days - just like Christmastime when you have to wait, impatiently, for that special day to finally open your gift? (Or the way the Palins look forward to birthday celebrations that go on for three, four day.. you all really like cake.) I know you, I knew you'd be better off with just a short time to wait! 

Every child is created special, with awesome purpose and amazing potential. Children are the most precious and promising ingredient in this mixed up world you live in down there on earth. Trig is no different, except he has one extra chromosome.

Does that sound like somebody who is struggling with uncertainty about the birth of her potentially medically fragile child? Or worried about her ability to deal with his special needs?

NO that sounds like somebody who is convinced that her child's delivery will be problem free, and that his health will be of no concern.  What information did Sarah Palin have that was NOT available to Taya's mother?

Just listen to how Gemma came to understand her little girl's challenges and how she determined to overcome them.

Bit by bit, the extent of Taya’s disabilities emerged. 

‘Down’s Syndrome babies are born with very poor muscle tone. Taya was more floppy than a rag doll. It was as if she had no bones,’ recalls Gemma. (Somehow I assume that Gemma would NOT have been willing to take her daughter to the office only days after her birth, or carry her around on the campaign trail only five months later.)

‘She had a single crease in her palm, a gap between her toes and a flat nose that signals sinus problems. She has deficiencies in her sight and hearing, her bowels and heart. 

'Tests showed her heart had two holes in it, but we were told not to worry, that she would be unaffected by the condition. All these things, we knew, were characteristic of Down’s children. 

‘We didn’t know what to expect or hope for. We were literally sent home with a booklet. But from that moment I knew I had to fight Taya’s corner, to research everything I could about her condition and do all I could to ensure she would have every chance in life.’ 

She began by challenging the doctors who insisted she would be unable to breastfeed: ‘They dismissed the idea as soon as Taya was born. They said she could not suckle because Down’s children have over-sized tongues and weak jaw muscles. 

‘But I was determined to prove them wrong. For a month I went to a breast-feeding class. I knew it would boost Taya’s weakened immune system if I fed her. It would also help with her speech because it would strengthen her jaw muscles. I wanted to do all I could to give her the best start. In the end I breastfed her for nine months.’ 

Taya, despite her disabilities, has a sunny disposition. 

‘She wakes up with a smile on her face and goes to sleep smiling. She hardly ever cries,’ says her mum. ‘I was worried at first because she was so peaceful.’ 

And even when, aged two-and-a-half months, Taya was rushed into hospital for an emergency operation to repair the holes in her heart — she spent three days in intensive care, her condition critical — Gemma recalls that she was not only robust and quick to recover, but that her cheerfulness did not falter. (Interestingly enough it was reported by Palin herself that Trig ALSO had a "hole in his heart," though surprisingly it was not  mentioned by CBJ in her famous letter issued the night before the election. Still here is a woman who tells of having to rush her child to the hospital to repair this damaged organ, and from Palin and her doctor there never seemed to be any concern of complications endangering Trig's health whatsoever. Almost magical, don't you think?)

The difference in how this brave and loving mother prepared herself for her child's arrival, and her dedication to meeting Taya's needs since her birth are almost the polar opposite of how Palin has dealt with her OWN special needs child.

Gemma focused on this beautiful little girl's needs, dedicated herself to giving her everything she would need to be happy and healthy, and is now reaping some benefit of her hard work by witnessing her child achieve something that she probably never considered possible.

For Palin on the other hand, Trig was more a prop to burnish her pro-life credibility, than an actual human being requiring love, and attention, and the opportunity rise to his potential and have a happy fulfilling life.

Now that Klondike Kardashian is no longer pretending to desire a political career, Trig is relegated to a fleeting mention in a Facebook post, or perhaps once in a great while, the subject of a sympathy seeking holiday message from Sarah in a desperate attempt to garner some attention.

But what of his life? When was the last time he was seen with his hearing aids and glasses? Does anybody REALLY believe he is receiving anywhere near the level of love and support that little Taya seems to be surrounded by?

And considering the wealth and resources at Palin's disposal doesn't this seem especially despicable?


  1. Anonymous7:19 AM

    She is what I would call a full-blown, honest-to-goodness, genuine Cutie Patootie!

    And her mom's the kind of mom who will change perceptions of kids with DS in a very positive way, making life better for those who come after her daughter. Just imagine how much good Palin could have done if she thought more about her child than her political career.

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I watch a friend's surviving triplets a few days a week and the little girl has Down Syndrome. These darlings are almost 7 months old and due to their prematurity, they are very, very small. One weighed 1 lb 10 oz at birth and the little girl weighed 2lb 4 oz. They are now 11 lbs and 15 lbs. They are considered to be only 4 months old as their age is figured at their due date, not the date they actually arrived.

    When I hear about Palin's "son", I call bullshit on her stories. My friend was frantic that her babies came early and even though she was an early Palin supporter, she now questions her lack of concern for her unborn child by flying to Texas so close to his "due date" and then flying back without checking in with a doctor to make sure her labor had not begun. She said even if that story was true, it definitely called into question Palin's judgment.

    In any case, my friend lost one of her babies two weeks after they were born and the two who survived are adorable and thriving. They are not however, without their medical challenges.

    The little girl with Down Syndrome has therapists coming to the house weekly. She cannot yet hold her own head up and this is very common for a child with DS. She has low muscle tone (again very normal for a DS baby) and will likely be 2 years old before she can walk on her own.

    Either way, she is a joy and quite intelligent. I learned through an organization by the name of Gigi's Playhouse that DS children don't always look like they have DS and they aren't always intellectually challenged.

    If Palin actually cared about her DS child, she would have used that national stage to further understanding of his condition rather than rake in the bucks. She's a national disgrace, not only to rational thinking Americans but to families dealing with children who have disability challenges.

    DS kids seem to be among the sweetest children on the planet and I am grateful I get to spend time with one of them each week.

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    What a beautiful baby. BTW, I think poor little Trig is a handsome little guy.

    Deep-seated liberal, here.

  4. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I see no difference betwen the two tykes. And Trig could totally be a star. He one of the most cuddly, cute, loveable, and smiling little guys ever.

    I also see no difference between the families of the two kiddos. Both adore Trig and act like there's nothing different with their brother/son. Trig is a pretty active and healthy little boy and is part of a nurturing family.

    But I love your biased spin on a great article. Keep hatin!

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    AWWWW That sweet girl and Trig could be twins. They're both so sweet and glowing, as well as fun and happy.

  6. AuntieRuth7:42 AM

    Maybe somebody can help me understand something. According to "Trig's Creator" and Sarah's latest serving of word salad, Trig is "perfect". Are all children "perfect"? Do we all continue to be perfect? Or do some children go bad? Is Piper still as perfect as Trig? Does anyone tell her so? What about Levi? Perhaps Sarah is confident that Trig will remain perfect because she assumes that he will always be totally innocent - incapable of being naughty due to his limitations. Always "taking in" what is around him instead of taking control. Such a contrast to the family in the Daily Mail.

  7. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Families of DS children act like there's nothing different in their kids because there is nothing different. DS kids can do all the same things other kids do. This little girl and Trig are obviously no different. They're both loved, they're both cuddled, they're both prized - hopefully like all kids are.

  8. WakeUpAmerica7:43 AM

    The difference is that one set of comments come from a loving mother with a heart and a soul and the other set comes from an opportunistic grifter with no heart or soul.

  9. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Because I believe Trig's birthday was April 18, Im going to take a guess that he was not born with all those maladies Gemma was. He looked like a preemie yet certainly never actually looked frail or sickly. He did look jaundice and I believe he actually received the Billi light treatment. This is also a reason I think he was born in April.

    I think all that matters is Trig is just a happy boy as ar all DS children I've met or seen. They have their specific issues regarding personality and health but they are just a normal as you and me.

  10. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Here let me help you. The little girl has a mother who adores her, believes in her, AND spends time with her. Trig's fake mother does none of these things; she merely uses him when it is convenient to further her fake agenda. We all care more about Trig more than you do. You're an absolute disgrace because you are enabling the entire disgusting situation with Trig. So go take your fake concern and your hatefullness somewhere else, asshole.

  11. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I don't think Trig's ever needed hearing devices. Remember on SPA when Todd was talking to him through the glass banister thing? Trig obviously heard him and mimicked what he was saying.

    Why are you putting such a negative spin on situations you know nothing about?

  12. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Well, I think Sarah's letter was to help convince people all children, regardless of health, should be treated equally. Even today, there is a percent of the population that STILL freaking believes special needs children shouldn't be born. Sarah is not wrong when she claims this and she isn't referencing bloggers or blog readers. Don't be so vain.

    There have been confrontations in AK even where someone says Sarah shouldve aborted. It made my heart glad to see so many people defend Trig and other children like him.

    These people do exist. While it is understandable, the same way some people still cannot accept gays, it's imperative people realize that DS folk can function in everyday society. Todd's adult cousin does perfectly. People love him.

  13. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Well, the Palins are loving and family-oriented people so I answer YES to your question of "Do you think Trig receives the same level of love?"

    That is despicable that you believe otherwise, especially when you don't know them.

  14. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Thank you (yet again), Gryphen !
    I am home with the flu...but need
    only reload this post to find myself smiling ear to ear.

    What an absolutely beautiful little girl !! Taya and her family simply reaffirm for me that true beauty is something that shines from within...and that love creates a natural light that wants to spread and grow.


  15. Hi Sarah, Wnelcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  16. I know that palin does not have the smarts to be POTUS and should not be in any position of power, but...

    Imagine if she had declined the VP nomination, to stay at home to help her pregnant teenage daughter and give her DS son the best possible start in life. She did not resign as Governor, wrote a book about DS and the challenges to her family, donated and time and money to the issues of children, boned up on foreign policy, took a leadership position with the republican governor association. gave a few intelligent speeches to show she knew what she was talking about.

    Do you think if she had done that, she might be running for POTUS?
    Instead, she got greedy. She got her money, but trashed forever her reputation and her chances.

  17. Anonymous8:15 AM

    This needs to be directed at all the closeminded people who sincerely believe people with special needs will never live fulfilling lives, therefore should be aborted.


    I have a theory as to why Sarah "had" Trig. Oct 07, her sister writes to her emotionally expressing her concerns as a SN parent. Sarah genuinely expressed concern as an effect of this. The family is close and shares the same grievances.
    Sarah researches DS and arranges an adoption probably through a Christian network.

    It all makes sense. Sarah's been pretty blunt about out need as a society to accept everyone equally (we still are lacking in this area)

    And Trig was born, one of the most lovable, cuddly little boys in the world.

  18. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Damn...the trolls are so pitifully obvious these days.
    (apparently, also, lazy...7:39...7:41) we should all believe that the Paylin's actual private life is as loving and giving as the family Gryphen has profiled...and they only dial down the authenticity for their (superficial and self-centered) public persona?? Um. not so much.

  19. Anonymous8:42 AM

    "It all makes sense. Sarah's been pretty blunt about out need as a society to accept everyone equally (we still are lacking in this area)"

    Oh yes, the ever accepting Sarah. The same Sarah who called candidate Obama a terrorist and encouraged her crowds to "kill him." The same accepting Sarah who still has targets over districts even after one of her 'targets' was shot and may never be normal again. The same accepting woman who loves Israel enough to wear a big star of David and have an Israeli flag in her office, but who cannot accept for one second that the Palestinians (some of them Christian) also have a right to their land.The woman who thinks killing perceived enemies is fine,that the death penalty is Christian, but that educating teens about birth control is somehow evil. Either she is confused, or she has been taught that hate is part of her religion.

  20. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I think Sarah uses the term 'perfect' to help people realize people will special needs can live healthy, active lives. There are still a number of people in this country would believe abortions should be mandatory for these angels.

  21. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Anonymous at 7:55 says "There have been confrontations in AK even where someone says Sarah shouldve aborted."

    Citations please? If you personally witnessed it please describe in detail, including date and location. If there are press reports, please cite them.

    Otherwise, you're lying or simply spreading propaganda.

  22. Anonymous8:53 AM

    "Sarah's been pretty blunt about out need as a society to accept everyone equally"

    Actually, Sarah's been pretty blunt about not accepting the duly elected President of the United States, not accepting people who disagree with her politically, and not accepting people whose lifestyles she doesn't approve of.

  23. Anonymous8:53 AM

    k, first of all Diane, your comment actually made zero sense in terms of literacy.

    But because I got your gist, I will rebut:


    She did write a book about her strong, loyal family. Nothing was contrived there.

    She has donated time to organizations regarding special needs. She appeared at the Buddy Walk function last fall for starters.

    She's no "dumber" than the average politician in these matters. I'm going to assume you voted for our current President, a man with zero experience. Hypocrite much? I will say that she could do more, as we all could. But I would say that about everyone.

  24. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Wake up america, how ignorant of you to assume all that. Grow up and be nice.

  25. Anonymous8:56 AM

    "Here let me help you. The little girl has a mother who adores her, believes in her, AND spends time with her. Trig's fake mother does none of these things; she merely uses him when it is convenient to further her fake agenda. We all care more about Trig more than you do. You're an absolute disgrace because you are enabling the entire disgusting situation with Trig. So go take your fake concern and your hatefullness (sic) somewhere else, asshole."

    That is all interesting considering I have firsthand knowledge, something Gryphen has never even had. You are incredibly ignorant and should not be allowed on the internet.

  26. Anonymous8:58 AM

  27. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Oh Gryphen, you've hit a nerve. The trolls are out in force.

  28. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Gryphen, I had no idea you had cameras posted in the Palin house where you can view the inner workings of the household 24/7! But given your stalker tendencies it would not be surprising. You know, you really let us down. You are not the first though. First it was Audrey, who ran away like a little coward that she was. Then it was Bree the Liar who decided to give up for whatever reason. Guess she wasn't committed to finding out the "truth". Then I've recently heard Regina has decided to close shop. Not that anybody had much to do with that fifth-rate blog after the Germans left. Also saw Laura Novak has pretty much given up this wild goose chase, which is what I call the futile pursuit you guys have of proving this inane conspiracy theory true. And what happened to little Joe McGinniss? Did he just drop off the face of the earth? Maybe he is preparing himself for the eventual lawsuit headed his way. I don't think he can back up "babygate" in court. I think it is going to get real ugly.

    So don't give up Grpyhen! You are the last hope for the Trig Truthers! Come on, actually produce something for once! Or maybe you go back to being the coward and liar you always were. I suggest that. Much easier.

  29. Anonymous9:12 AM

    What a contrast. It's revealing by comparing the two that the ex-governor does not exude maternal feelings. Every mention of her children are on what they say, feel, think about........Sarah. Sarah's career choices, Sarah's image.

    Has any of them ever been quoted about their individual thoughts, feelings on matters other than Sarah and her constant circus-like life?

    Little Trig never just was an ordinary baby. His parents allowed him to become a little campaign icon for their selfish political gain. I try to imagine a McCain/Palin campaign without dragging little Trig all around the campaign trail. Would Sarah still maintain the popularity in swelling numbers minus lifting up her human trophy up in the air for her masses to explode into a frenzy of applause?

    Shame on that campaign crew including John McCain. Shame on all of them to exploit that child. Reading Gemma Andre's heartfelt story of the little girl's health challenges and her concern about her daughter's feelings and her determination to become her daughter's protective shield against the world is inspiring.

    I feel bad for the Palins though, really I do. Because they are all forced to follow the cruel edicts of Momma Grizzly in everything including how they should feel about their little brother. With that letter from God, Sarah seemed to be preparing her family and friends how they should feel. She doesn't just let things go along naturally; seems she has to be in control of everything, even how others should "feel" about a future newborn before he's even born. She puts these thoughts into people's heads when they never had those thoughts.

    To think that little Trig who had a hole in his heart, thick tongue, difficulty in feeding, hearing, seeing, floppy and could have had sinus issues, possibly infections was USED at 5 months to board jets and be constantly disrupted is almost child endangerment and child cruelty. It really is.

  30. The saccharine, fairy-tale troll is out today. Read the comments too closely and you may suffer sugar shock. (And lose some brain cells.)

  31. Anonymous9:15 AM

    My friend was frantic that her babies came early and even though she was an early Palin supporter, she now questions her lack of concern for her unborn child by flying to Texas so close to his "due date" and then flying back without checking in with a doctor to make sure her labor had not begun. She said even if that story was true, it definitely called into question Palin's judgment. Judgment on whether to choose a gold plated dildo for your dotter or just a plain brass one. In any case, my friend lost one of her babies two weeks after they were born and the two who survived are adorable and thriving. They are not however, without their medical challenges.
    The little girl with Down Syndrome has therapists coming to the house weekly. She cannot yet hold her own head up and this is very common for a child with DS. She has low muscle tone (again very normal for a DS baby) and will likely be 2 years old before she can walk on her own. Either way, she is a joy and quite intelligent.

  32. Anonymous9:23 AM

    So 8:15...Sarah arranges an "adoption" to get her SN baby. Riddle me this: Why then did she feel compelled to fake a pregnancy?

    Gryph, could the lies finally be unravelling?

  33. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Oh, I should show my American goodness by patting that gorgeous baby on the head.

  34. Anonymous9:33 AM

    This sweet girl looks JUST LIKE LEVI. He MUST be the father.

    sorry, couldn't pass up the chance to mock the stupidity of morons.

  35. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Sarah Palin did not wake up in the middle of the night with a strange sensation deep in her belly.

    She did not love that baby more than anything in the world.

    She did not let these worrisome things go unchecked by a doctor at a medical facility. Phoning it in to a non-OBGYN half the country away does not connote a concerned advanced maternal age expecting woman.

    Because either she wanted the baby to die in child-birth, or she was pulling an adoption ruse to hide the unending shame her family is UNBELIVEABLY lousy with.

  36. I love to read stories like this! When my daughter was born with DS, it was a complete and utter shock. We were DEVASTATED! We were frightened, we were angry with God, we were absolutely wracked to the core with grief over the loss of "what we expected" vs what we were given. As the days went by, we fell deeply in love with our beautiful baby girl and slowly that grief faded - it's not FULLY gone, as there are still fleeting moments where I wish I could wish away her challenges - but those moments are truly overshadowed by the overwhelmingly pure, radiant LOVE that she brings to our lives and to the lives of everyone who has the joy to know her. She's now an 11 yo dynamo - a state champion gymnast (Special Olympics) and cheerleader, a bright student, and is truly socially gifted (and my I add BEAUTIFUL?). Yes, I am bragging. That's my point LOL. There is sooooo much missing from Sarah's presentation of Trig - she lacks ALL of this real pride and joy and love and hope. She's all about herself. Thankfully, she's the ONLY person I've ever known to be so cold and negative about someone they love with Down Syndrome. Shame on her! I've said for years that with the stage/platform opportunities SP has had, it's sinful that she has not used her position and her influence to advocate strongly for families with children who have special needs. That right there is all the proof I need that she did not give birth to him. Nobody would present such a precious, precious child as she has and continues to do.

  37. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I was introduced to Down Syndrome through a cousin, ten years my junior. My aunt and uncle were encouraged to institutionalize him (mid 1960s) but they chose to keep him, educate those ignorant of DS, and advocate. I was very close to him. He died at 19 from complications of diabetes.

    EVERY TIME that harpy $P posts about Trig, I want to bitch slap her. Anyone who has truly experienced a DS child can see right through her drivel. What a crock of shit she is.

    I APPLAUD Gemma.

  38. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Hey, person who keeps scolding us for not knowing the Palins - do YOU know them?

    Come on, now, answer me. Tell me how you know them.

    If you are silent then I will assume you don't know them any more than many of us.

    We know what we know through their public behavior, which is incessantly out there, whether we like it or not.

  39. Anonymous9:48 AM

    To all the morons posting about how loved Tri-G is, please fucking finally answer me THIS:
    Why did she name him Tri-G, aka Trisomy G, aka Trisomy 21 aka Down Syndrome????????????????????????
    Trygve means "brave victory" or some such shit in Old Norse. So, name him Trygve then, since she did hope that acquiring a Tri-G child would assure her a brave VP victory...'cept it didn't lol!!
    She fucking named her kid retarded and there is just no postive way to spin this, morons!! At the VERY LEAST she needs to make a statement to the DS community that she really messed up, big time, 'cause many, many, many, many in the DS community are appalled by her choice, as are many, many, many educated healthcare professionals.
    Please, please, one of the people who posts here saying we don't know the Palin's and whatnot, explain why she named him Tri-G, and now since everyone knows it is a reprehensible choice, why doesn't she address it???
    Still waiting.

  40. Anonymous9:54 AM

    9:37AM JillyG:

    I just posted about my nephew. You keep preaching it, and you are AWESOME.

    Ignore the fairy tale troll. Desperation to keep that money rolling in.

  41. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Why do the troll people drop their g's? Is it supposed to be cute or are they that stupid? I just find it ridiculous that folks would undermine their attempts to make a point by coming off like a bunch of hicks. Not impressive.
    Don't you find stories like these heartwarming in comparison to Sarah using her children as disposable props? I do. Too bad the troll people don't get it - all of Sarah's children are completely fucked up and to pretend she's treated Trig any differently truly is a fairytale. The proof is in the pudding.
    By the way, bloggers aren't the only ones who know the truth about Sarah. It's only a matter of time.

  42. Anonymous9:56 AM

    You obviously no nothing about Trig's hearing problems, dumbass.

  43. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Oh yes we do know them! We know them quite well. You on the other hand, not so much.

  44. What a beautiful, beautiful little girl. Thank you so much for posting this G.

  45. wakeUpAmerica10:00 AM

    "zero experience"
    Ignorant much? Google is your friend.

  46. Yup.
    $arah's Thanksgiving Word Salad all about$arah, and this post about this beautiful, shining, Baby, has definitely hit a nerve.

    $arah is trying to make Joe McGuinness look guilty through the eyes of Public Opinion & $he is making a preemptive strike against Fred's upcoming Book about Babaygate.

    Too many Trolls always give it away. Also too, $arah doesn't do ANY thing without a Motive.

    We know you too well, $arah. We can predict your next move by the way you act/screech/post.

    Your 15 minutes where already stretched way too thin. Just give it up already. You are done in the eyes of the Public. Most people don't even enjoy laughing AT you anymore.

  47. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Now why would anyone, especially in Alaska dare confront Sarah Palin and suggest she should have had an abortion?

    Everyone knows she is Barracuda or Grizzley Mom in Alaska.

    It wouldn't happen in Wasilla. Sorry 7:55, I won't buy it.

    I also don't buy her doing anything for anyone unless they pay through the nose.

    I also don't buy her letter from God. She contemplated an abortion? Now that is not what pro life mommies do. They don't bother with testing at all.

  48. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Now why would anyone, especially in Alaska dare confront Sarah Palin and suggest she should have had an abortion?

    Everyone knows she is Barracuda or Grizzley Mom in Alaska.

    It wouldn't happen in Wasilla. Sorry 7:55, I won't buy it.

    I also don't buy her doing anything for anyone unless they pay through the nose.

    I also don't buy her letter from God. She contemplated an abortion? Now that is not what pro life mommies do. They don't bother with testing at all.

  49. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Now why would anyone, especially in Alaska dare confront Sarah Palin and suggest she should have had an abortion?

    Everyone knows she is Barracuda or Grizzley Mom in Alaska.

    It wouldn't happen in Wasilla. Sorry 7:55, I won't buy it.

    I also don't buy her doing anything for anyone unless they pay through the nose.

    I also don't buy her letter from God. She contemplated an abortion? Now that is not what pro life mommies do. They don't bother with testing at all.

  50. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The fairy tale troll wanders from blog to blog.

    Sarah Palin is perfect. Her family is perfect. Her family is happy.

    WE got the message. Now move on.

  51. Anonymous10:21 AM

    The fairy tale troll wanders from blog to blog.

    Sarah Palin is perfect. Her family is perfect. Her family is happy.

    WE got the message. Now move on.

  52. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Sarah´s Trig Thanksgiving Special tells me one thing: SarahPAC donations are way down.

    In addition, the hapless bots spent money that once went to Sarah on, gasp, an actual political ad. The Sioux City ad must burn Sarah´s anus to no end. How dare they spend her money?

  53. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Some people decide to give birth knowingly to a special needs child and some don't. Not everyone has the patience to deal with a special child. It's a choice, one that we are legally allowed in this country.

  54. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh yes we do know them! We know them quite well. You on the other hand, not so much.

    9:57 AM

    Great, wonderful, awesome!! Now, please read the comment at 0948 and address it.

  55. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Has any of them ever been quoted about their individual thoughts, feelings on matters other than Sarah and her constant circus-like life?

    Little Trig never just was an ordinary baby. His parents allowed him to become a little campaign icon for their selfish political gain. I try to imagine a McCain/Palin campaign without dragging little Trig all around the campaign trail. Would Sarah still maintain the popularity in swelling numbers minus lifting up her human trophy up in the air for her masses to explode into a frenzy of applause?

    Shame on that campaign crew including John McCain. Shame on all of them to exploit that child. Reading Gemma Andre's heartfelt story of the little girl's health challenges and her concern about her daughter's feelings and her determination to become her daughter's protective shield against the world is inspiring.

    I feel bad for the Palins though, really I do. Because they are all forced to follow the cruel edicts of Momma Grizzly in everything including how they should feel about their little brother. With that letter from God, Sarah seemed to be preparing her family and friends how they should feel. She doesn't just let things go along naturally; seems she has to be in control of everything, even how others should "feel" about a future newborn before he's even born. She puts these thoughts into people's heads when they never had those thoughts.

    To think that little Trig who had a hole in his heart, thick tongue, difficulty in feeding, hearing, seeing, floppy and could have had sinus issues, possibly infections was USED at 5 months to board jets and be constantly disrupted is almost child endangerment and child cruelty. It really is.

  56. Anonymous10:47 AM

    JillyG @ 9:37 -

    One of the most telling comments Palin has made recently was when she said she felt "American pride" when she talked about Trig.

    "AMERICAN" pride??

    He's not a car coming off the assembly line...he's a child, for crying out loud!

    Your post, on the other hand, clearly demonstrates a tremendous 'maternal' pride, which is what a mother SHOULD feel for her child. You brag, and rightfully so, about HER accomplishments and how much joy she brings to those around her. It is obvious, in every sentence you wrote, that you deeply love your daughter and are grateful for the happiness she's brought to your family and the lessons she helps teach all of us. She's a lucky little girl to have you as a mother, and you're a lucky woman to have such a wonderful child.

  57. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Sarah's letter from God is really a miracle. Only God could know that Trig was going to arrive a month early so Piper wouldn't have to count so many days.

    Sarah's more recent long Thanksgiving letter about Trig carries the same message as the first one that she ghost wrote for God. Sarah is still taling about people "screaming" that Trig shouldn't have been born. No one blog, not one person has ever suggested that course of action. That conversation must have come from the Palin family.

    Sarah is still defensive about people looking at Trig when she takes him out in public. I don't think that she realizes that she is the one who put him on public parade and show during the 2008 campaign and again during her first book signing tour. She used the boy as a prop. No wonder people stare at him. He is almost as big a celebrity as the woman who carried him around.

    I'm with anon 10:38 who writes that given all of Trig's physical problems (especially that hole in his heart), he should not have been subjected to being dragged around for two months as a political prop in 2008.

    The wonderful thing about the article that Gryphen posted is that the people who hired the little girl based their choice on how cute she looked, not whether or not she had a disability.

    I can tell when Gryphen hits a nerve with the Palins. The trolls come out describing how happy the family is, that we don't know what's going, blah blah blah, usually calling us nasty names. If Sarah cherished privacy for herself and her family, then she did not need to write that sappy Thanksgiving update about Trig. All that anyone has every expressed was concern that Trig, who appears to have been born with some physical problems, is getting enough proper therapy so that he can realize any and all of his potential. We saw a photo of him wearing glasses only once. Were his eyes magically corrected? Gryphen saw evidence that the child did not react to the loud noises in a basketball game. Does he wear hearing aids?

  58. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Anonymous 9:04 said...
    "Gryphen, I had no idea you had cameras posted in the Palin house where you can view the inner workings of the household 24/7!"

    Gyphen didn't have to. Sarah did that herself and then broadcast it on TLC. We got to see wonderful parenting skills, including calling her daughter a name that would get the daughter teased unmercifully on any playground and leaving Trig at home constantly while she roamed around the state. And if one of my kids pushed another kid's face into a cake, the first kid would have been punished. But I guess in Sarah's house it's okay for one kid to bully another.

  59. Anonymous11:10 AM

    The 2009 Special Olympics PSA shows Trig with glasses (which don't seem to fit well). So, Palin fairy trolls who think she is such a devoted and involved mother, why weren't these glasses ever seen on all the Trig photo ops?

  60. Anonymous11:11 AM

    JillyG - your post was perfect. :-)

    To those claiming to "know" the Palin's - How much is she paying you to post on blogs?

    On this Thanksgiving weekend, the thing I'm MOST thankful for is that McCain lost and Obama won.

  61. Anonymous11:17 AM

    @Anon at 8.58.

    Cute picture. However, I'd like to see a photo of Trig with his "mother."

    Malia posted this photo recently. It says it all for me. She can't even hold him properly and the look on her face is completely devoid of love.

    She was using him!! So fuck off back under your bridge.

  62. Anonymous11:44 AM

    McGinnis gives us two versions uttered by Sarah about her strange sensation and water breaking in Texas, with her allusions to the child being born prematurely, and points out the reference to early birth in her, I think I am God, letter.

    Most women these days have been given a pretty exact due date by their physician. So how did Sarah know TriG would be born early 5 weeks prior to the delivery date she had been publicly saying?

    One probability is that the date she was announcing was a date that was whatever was convenient to her schedule.

    Unless, the due date was not her's but some other woman's, who was due, say a week after the scheduled Texas visit?
    Then the 1 pm phone call to CBJ about her water breaking and false labor contractions were actually the real labor of the real mother who was delivering several days early and the phone call was from CBJ not to CBJ. That would make the medically irresponsible advice Sarah says she got from CBJ the total bull shit fiction made up by Sarah and The Dud.

    Saran and the Dud are too ignorant, and too intellectually lazy to do some Google research about early contractions, rupture of the amnionic sac/infection from, multiparous meddle aged women/short period of labor, at risk fetuses etc., to come up with an intelligent set of lies that would sound like they came from caring parents and a responsible physician.

    So Sarah told her lies and is now stuck looking like an irresponsible selfish moron,and she can't back out of those lies, because the truth would be just as bad or worse since the truth would necessitate an admission of the lie.

  63. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Why can't the Palin Fairy Tale Troll be smarter? It is PAINFUL to read her. Seriously, she is so "low information" that it lowers my IQ .25% each time she posts. I don't know how much more IQ I can afford to lose. I wish she would get her own blog instead of rudely taking up space here. Palin Fairy Tale Troll: GO BACK TO SCHOOL.

  64. Cracklin' Charlie11:53 AM

    Taya's a livin' doll!

    Mother and daughter are blessed to have each other, and will make beautiful memories together.

  65. Anonymous11:56 AM

    @9:04 - Why would Gryphen need a camera on the Palins when they starred in a reality series? Do you really think Palin will sue McGinnis? Why is it taking sooooooo long? If she does sue, it will bump his book right back on the bestseller list and the discovery phase of the trial will be fantastic! He could even write another book about that!

  66. Cracklin' Charlie11:58 AM

    Anon 11:44,

    I think you've got it. But I think the whole ruptured waters story happened because Chuckles the Perv shot his mouth off about Sarah's amniotic fluid. Sarah had to go with it, because she couldn't refudiate her daddy.

  67. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Yep, that picture from the RNC shows her trying to avoid wrapping her hand around his cute little belly. She looks like she thinks her hands will get dirty or something. Weird, and very telling.

    It's like she didn't want to touch him any more than she had to.

    He's soooooo cute, sweet little guy.

  68. Anonymous12:05 PM

    1. Loved reading about Taya. Such an adorable, bright-eyed young lady. And such a lucky girl, to have Gemma for a mum.
    2. WOW did this post hit a nerve or what.

  69. Anonymous12:11 PM

    This bears repeating:

    "Anonymous said...

    So 8:15...Sarah arranges an "adoption" to get her SN baby. Riddle me this: Why then did she feel compelled to fake a pregnancy?

    Gryph, could the lies finally be unravelling?
    9:23 AM"


  70. Virginia Voter12:25 PM

    Holy smokes, this one was some mighty tasty troll bait...they are all over it like flies on shit.

    Does Sarah pay by the hour, or by the post?

  71. Anonymous12:37 PM

    What beautiful baby. I bet she is even more beautiful on the inside too.

  72. Anonymous12:47 PM

    And don't forget, people, when she "wanted" a baby in The Munster House, she said, "not the retarded one."

  73. Anonymous said...

    Well, I think Sarah's letter was to help convince people all children, regardless of health, should be treated equally. Even today, there is a percent of the population that STILL freaking believes special needs children shouldn't be born. Sarah is not wrong when she claims this and she isn't referencing bloggers or blog readers. Don't be so vain.

    There have been confrontations in AK even where someone says Sarah shouldve aborted. It made my heart glad to see so many people defend Trig and other children like him.

    These people do exist. While it is understandable, the same way some people still cannot accept gays, it's imperative people realize that DS folk can function in everyday society. Todd's adult cousin does perfectly. People love him.
    7:55 AM

    Hmmmm....all knowing troll you said...

    "There have been confrontations in AK even where someone says Sarah shouldve aborted."

    That must have been when Gov Dirty was in Homer and she was confronted by a teacher with a big banner....I think you may have that one wrong troll!

  74. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Families of DS children act like there's nothing different in their kids because there is nothing different. DS kids can do all the same things other kids do. This little girl and Trig are obviously no different. They're both loved, they're both cuddled, they're both prized - hopefully like all kids are.

    7:42 AM
    What? Fine, if you want to laud that things are much better for individuals with developmental issues and that, with well-funded interventions and the luxury of at least one or two full time caregivers/advocates, their outcome as productive citizens is better . But claiming that Ds individuals can do everything that other children can do is denying reality.

    Most individuals with DS will not be able to get a college degree, live independently, excel at all comer, regular playing field sports, have children and live to average life expectancy.

    If they could, then why would they need all the special programs?

    It also seems that there are degrees of Downs Syndrome? So it is highly illogical to take the highest performers (least affected?) and use them as representative of the entire group affected with Downs.

  75. I think this troll is one of my favorites! I can picture her on her computer with a cigarette dangling out off her dried up lip...frantically posting all these fake ass defenses of Gov Dirty Wig and her equally dirty family.

    The more comments the troll reads from us dogging Dirty the more insane her comments are getting! Soon her comments will be all capital letters with some symbols thrown in there for good measure! LMAO!! Work it troll!

  76. Amy in Juneau1:06 PM

    Sooo, anon @ 8:15, is that going to be Sarah's bullshit attempt at an explanation of how Trig *really* came to her? Tell us, how does she plan to explain to, not only the American people, but the entire world, that she LIED and did not give birth to Trig...??!!

    Sarah Heath Palin is a LYING FRAUD.

    8:58 AM

    Ummm...stalker troll...what's the purpose of posting this picture? So Willow is holding Trig...and this proves what....he can smile? She can smile? Epic fail stalker troll...could you post a picture of Gov Dirty Wig in the hospital bed with baby Trig after she gave "birth" to him..... since you feel it's necessary to post pictures of Trig...thanks in advance stalker troll!

  78. Anonymous1:17 PM

    No one ever said that Trig should have been aborted. I get so sick of that line. Liberals are not PRO abortion. We just believe that the government and churches have no business telling women how to live. I love how they now want to take away birth control. 7 billion people are not enough? My daughter-in-law has two beautiful kids, but she had risky pregnancies. They have decided not to have any more. So the GOP wants to take away her IUD and make her have surgery instead? Or risk her life if she got pregnant again.

    Do these people actually think before they come up with the next mandate against our lives?

  79. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I love that Taya's mother doesn't act as though she deserves a medal because she gave birth to a special needs child. Being her mom seems to be more than enough reward for Gemma.

    I also love the fact that Silly Sarah's self-serving screed got absolutely no play with the mainstream media. Two years ago, that loony rant would have been breaking news. I can only hope that she'll be further marginalized.

    Please let this Dumpster fire of a woman and her odd family be 'happy' and eat at Applebee's/Taco Bell every night 'til the Second Coming!

    I, for one, am certainly glad that Her Doltishness will not ever be in any position to make any decisions regarding the direction of this country. For that I am truly thankful.

  80. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Gryph, I couldn't get to your email address, since I don't have Outlook on my computer. You should go back and delete Anon at 9:15 am which just copies an earlier comment in part and imbeds an insult to you and your daughter. The kooks are out today.

  81. Anonymous1:26 PM

    The total absence of Sarah, the Dud or any member of the Heath/Palin menagerie acting like normal proud loving parents and family and talking about the cute things TriG does, or what he has learned or accomplished just screams neglect, total indifference and probably abuse by neglect.

    How hard is it to weave tails of TriG's life into her endless speeches? All the antidotes that could be tied in as examples and teaching moments.

    How can the menagerie not abuse the bragging rights of all families who are proud of their children?

    Zero, zip. Once the election was over TriG had no value to her, but he would have if 1)she were involved with his rearing and 2)she was literate enough to work him into her speeches.

    Or is it that her public persona is so dependent on her anger and intolerance that there is no room for any expression of mother love?

    She portrays herself as an angry grizzly or pit bull, not as any of the other great apes (which we are) like chimps,gorillas,orangs., who hold and watch over their young, barely ever letting them out of their sight.

    I still recommend Bertolt Brecth's play "Mother Courage" as a study in understanding Sarah's relation to her children.

    Brecht designed his plays to create a "verfremdungseffekt" (alienation effect)in the viewer. He wanted the audience to not sympathize or identify with his characters but to study them intellectually for their flaws and human weaknesses.

    In other words, he had Sarah tagged.

  82. Anonymous1:31 PM


    Who is "we"? You all know each other from troll school?

  83. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Gryph, there's another nasty in the post at 12:03pm (Prior to that at 10:38 am is another copied comment where I didn't spot the insult, but suspect he copied it and wasn't able to add the damaging words.) If you could ban this creature, it would clean up your comments. Good luck.

  84. Anonymous said...

    Gryphen, I had no idea you had cameras posted in the Palin house where you can view the inner workings of the household 24/7! But given your stalker tendencies it would not be surprising. You know, you really let us down. You are not the first though. First it was Audrey, who ran away like a little coward that she was. Then it was Bree the Liar who decided to give up for whatever reason. Guess she wasn't committed to finding out the "truth". Then I've recently heard Regina has decided to close shop. Not that anybody had much to do with that fifth-rate blog after the Germans left. Also saw Laura Novak has pretty much given up this wild goose chase, which is what I call the futile pursuit you guys have of proving this inane conspiracy theory true. And what happened to little Joe McGinniss? Did he just drop off the face of the earth? Maybe he is preparing himself for the eventual lawsuit headed his way. I don't think he can back up "babygate" in court. I think it is going to get real ugly.

    So don't give up Grpyhen! You are the last hope for the Trig Truthers! Come on, actually produce something for once! Or maybe you go back to being the coward and liar you always were. I suggest that. Much easier.

    9:04 AM

    Wow...that was quite a rant! You are a new kind of troll...not like the usual ones we get around these parts....*waving at RAM.

    Hey girl...where you been? Are you okay....we were getting a little worried about you...but I see you've managed to get those tire tracks removed off your mean...body. So you back to earning your keep posting on Gryphen today huh? Dang Gov Dirty Wig must have sent out her moose call to all her bot's to get to Gryphen's STAT! And here you are...earning your paper! Good for you RAM....don't spend it all on food!!

  85. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Didn't MeAgain say the Fairy Tale Troll is Bristol? ("You gave Trig to your mother, knowing what she would do to him"?) That would explain a lot.
    But, yes, those are interesting remarks from anon@8:15. Lacking basic command of the English language, but interesting. Sarah "had" Trig Oct. 07? October? 2007? Do tell.

    PS. Gryph, any update on Fred's book?

  86. Anonymous2:12 PM

    That is one cute baby with a very happy smile :)

  87. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Wow, @ 9:04, you seem to know so much about the various blogs....I bet you've been stalking them from the beginning, being paid or gratis.

    Clearly Gryphen has touched a nerve with this, and you appear to be deeply worried about the future. We know you just wish Gryphen and everyone would drop this topic.

    Thank you for coming around. It tells us we are getting ever warmer!

  88. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Families of DS children act like there's nothing different in their kids because there is nothing different. DS kids can do all the same things other kids do. This little girl and Trig are obviously no different. They're both loved, they're both cuddled, they're both prized - hopefully like all kids are.

    7:42 AM

    "Families of DS children act like there's nothing different in their kids because there is nothing different."

    Here is the answer to why Sarah thinks people think bad of Trig.

    The problem is not Trig, the problem is with Sarah Palin! She has always blown comments about her kids out of portion. It is if she wants attention or is very paranoid.

    I've never heard anybody in my lifetime talk negative about a DS child until Sarah surfaced from Wasilla. It was always about Sarah Palin the DS mom.

    It is very sad.

    Trig is like the flute Sarah played for her Miss Alaska Pageant, just another prop to her to get what she wants.

    Sarah's presidential career is over and all she has left to draw attention to herself is with Trig.

  89. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Go ahead, trolls! Call us truthers, call us ignorant, call us anything you LIKE. An innocent child was used for political purposes.

    No matter how you scream, your queen is DONE. Remember Steve Schmidt is in Romney's camp and he knows EVERYTHING 2008. Your emporess has no clothes, but y'all keep sending her money! FOOLS!

  90. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Some Palin apologists responding to this post really seem to be relishing the opportunity to comment here again. Things have been pretty quiet in Palin world lately haven't they? No one seems to care too much about Sarah Palin anymore and many of the Palin blogs are winding down or shifting their focus. Seems like some of Palin's people are lonely and missing those blogs right now. It's like they are just happy to be back in the game again.

  91. telah3:21 PM

    @1:26, but she did share the one heartwarming story of how sad she was that Steve Jobs had died as he was the one who allowed Trig to communicate with her using an IPad since he isn't able to communicate otherwise. How incredibly sad.

  92. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Anonymous 7:55 am said...
    Well, I think Sarah's letter was to help convince people all children, regardless of health, should be treated equally. Even today, there is a percent of the population that STILL freaking believes special needs children shouldn't be born. Sarah is not wrong when she claims this and she isn't referencing bloggers or blog readers. Don't be so vain.

    There have been confrontations in AK even where someone says Sarah shouldve aborted. It made my heart glad to see so many people defend Trig and other children like him.


    Hahaha this is so funny since Sarah was never pregnant with this child.

  93. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Heads up, folks, the "blunt troll" at 8:15 has a theory about how Sarah will explain her gift of Trig:

    Sarah researches DS and arranges an adoption probably through a Christian network.

    It all makes sense. Sarah's been pretty blunt about out need as a society to accept everyone equally (we still are lacking in this area)

    And Trig was born, one of the most lovable, cuddly little boys in the world.

    8:15 AM

  94. Anonymous4:11 PM

    OK. The fact that a picture with Willow and Trig taken 4 hours ago just happens to have it's link posted here immediately after the photo was taken seems to be pretty much a give-away that the older Palin girls are the authors of the poorly-written troll comments. I doubt that there is much else to do in the compound and the number of people willing to troll and comment on blogs these days is down to bare bones.

  95. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Some people are programmed to find all babies and children to be "cute" regardless of their malformations of mental retardation. I don't find Taya to be cute; I just see her as a compromised human. Darwin's law basically would not allow genetically compromised animals of any kind to live, yet some humans nurture these children. Not everyone finds these kids to be cute in any way.

  96. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Hello? Hello?
    Still waiting for a fairy tale troll to comment on the reprehensible naming gaffe of Tri-G. Still waiting, waiting waiting. There simply is NO WAY OUT for Palin on this one.
    Also, Another commenter mentioned that there has never been discussions before in the media about children with special needs being aborted for sport...this is so true, so true. Only in Palin's uneducated batshit crazy mind is this an issue.
    Her Tri-G did not bring her a brave victory. Now she feels "stuck" with a special needs child for whom she is woefully unable to care for maternally, educationally, socially, etc etc. What a tragic situation for that child. Having Palin for a "mother" has to be the worst.

    Oh! Still waiting. Why did you name him Tri-G Sarah. huh? Huh? HUH???

  97. Two things:
    1. I was an am appalled at Palin's decision to fly to Texas so soon before the birth of her child--any child. My son was "normal" in every way--except when it came time for him to be born his cord was wrapped around his neck. Fortunately I was in a hospital LDRP room, where we had access to the specialized equipment that allowed us to track him, make sure he got the oxygen he needed, and ensure that he was born alive and healthy. My son was also born a month early. I simply can't imagine taking such a risk.

    2. We were fortunate enough to become part of a daycamp/after school program that includes numerous "special needs kids" (including DS kids) as well as "normal" kids. The experience has been incredible not just for my son, who has never learned how to judge based on ability or appearance, and for me. Having such variety in our lives has changed the way that I look at the world. While we obviously have to compensate for various abilities, we have the opportunity to see the world from a broader perspective. This summer I started giving piano lessons to the kids. It's opened up a new world for all of us.

  98. Anonymous5:55 PM

    anon@422p, kick up dust someplace else, 'k? There is no conceivable point to that post, except to deflect/detract attention.

  99. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Sarah Palin said (regarding the death of Steve Jobs):

    “He touched our family with his ingenuity, with his work ethic, in the invention of the iPad,” she said, explaining that her son Trig, who has Down’s Syndrome, interacts with the family through the device. “He’s able to communicate with us through that. It’s just a personal touch.”

    I think she's got her syndromes mixed up.

    Kids with autism are confused by and sometimes unable to relate to others on a social level and the tool of technology is often an enabling tool for them to relate to others.

    Kids with Downs? I think, they may be as clumsy at technology as "normals". And I don't believe that social communication is among their least, not in the same way as autistics (who CAN be helped by technological communications).

    What bull.

  100. Cracklin' Charlie6:06 PM

    Really, 4:22. really?

    You wouldn't post that so that the trolls could prove their disgusting point about people saying that Trig shouldn't have been born, would you?


    That's hateful.

  101. Anonymous said...

    Some people are programmed to find all babies and children to be "cute" regardless of their malformations of mental retardation. I don't find Taya to be cute; I just see her as a compromised human. Darwin's law basically would not allow genetically compromised animals of any kind to live, yet some humans nurture these children. Not everyone finds these kids to be cute in any way.

    4:22 PM

    Well Troll...I guess it's going to be your night in the "hot seat"!

    I have to give you credit for throwing down the gaunlet...and for Gryphen to post your comment is very commendable. It's to bad that people like you walks amongst us...lets hope no one in your family of trolls will be "a compromised human".

  102. Anon at 4:22 said:
    Some people are programmed to find all babies and children to be "cute" regardless of their malformations of mental retardation. I don't find Taya to be cute; I just see her as a compromised human. Darwin's law basically would not allow genetically compromised animals of any kind to live, yet some humans nurture these children. Not everyone finds these kids to be cute in any way."

    The compromised human is YOU! It would be one thing to say that you don't find all babies to be cute - I'll be honest and say that I don't, either! crossed the line of humanity when you said it's because they are "compromised." HA HA HA if you ONLY knew. And ykw? I hope that one day you DO know. First hand, even. And that, asshole, is NOT wishing you ill will. It's wishing you the chance to get a clue. Everyone in the world should have the good fortune of having something life-altering and heart-changing and character-measuring happen to them. Until they do, there is no hope that empathy will ever win out over selfish smugness.
    I couldn't care less whether or not you find MY daughter (or her siblings, for that matter) to be cute/beautiful - but to think that your reasons for not seeing it are so shallow? You are PATHETIC, and that, IMO, is waaaay worse!

  103. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Cracklin' Charlie @6:06:

    You nailed it.

  104. Anonymous troll has planted a post saying she doesn't think Taya is attractive and suggesting children like her should not have been born. This is a pathetic attempt to "prove" that people have said the same about Trig. It is the obvious strategy of Palin and her idiot supporters to keep this myth alive.

    No real person posting his or her actual beliefs think Trig or Tay are unattractive or should not exist. No real person has that oPinion here.

    That anonymous post is proof that Palin USES Trig and his condition to play the victim. I find it utterly disgusting.

  105. Anonymous6:40 PM

    JillyG: please know that incredibly offensive, vile post was planted by our incredibly offensive, vile resident troll.

    Nobody here feels that way about your or anyone elses precious child.

  106. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Umm, inviting censorship and violation of First Amendment rights much?

    That is all interesting considering I have firsthand knowledge, something Gryphen has never even had. You are incredibly ignorant and should not be allowed on the internet.

  107. Anonymous6:54 PM

    THIS Mama Grizzly is suffering from grief over the child that never was... due to teenage pregnancy by a father who will never live to be a man... and I don't have fame or fortune to grant towards a life that will forever be in poverty...

  108. Anonymous6:56 PM

    THIS Mama Grizzly again... FUCK YOU SARAH PALIN you have met your match

  109. Anonymous7:06 PM

    "Well, I think Sarah's letter was to help convince people all children, regardless of health, should be treated equally. Even today, there is a percent of the population that STILL freaking believes special needs children shouldn't be born..."

    @ 7:55

    No children should not be treated equally, They should be treated equitably. HUGE difference.

    Equally would mean no special needs anything, no special ed (for either end of the spectrum) no funding for orphan diseases, etc.

    Equitably means we as a society acknowledge that there are children outside the norm, and that those children will require special services that may well be very expensive. And then we decide to what extent we are willing to fund them, given our finite resources.

    And no one is sayign special needs children shouldn't be born. That's a straw man argument. I believe that the argument is actually it should be the mother's decision whether or not to gestate and birth a special needs child.Just as it was Sarah Palin's decision to birth Trig and Gemma's to birth her daughter. If a woman does not feel she can or wants to do so, she should be the one making that decision. Not everyone has the resources, the support or the luxury of time required to devote to a special needs child. And it is the woman who knows that best trust women.

  110. Anonymous7:27 PM

    fyi to Physics Mom,
    Thanks for your good eye and tipping off Gryphen.

    Such ugliness would suggest that our trolls include actual Paylins (or someone very close) given how quickly they aim to hurt someone personally, rather than counter criticism of Scarah (which, one woudl think, is their actual "job" description).

    Also too...funniest part of it all? - When I read the attempted reference to someone's "dotter," and saw it was something nasty - I just figured it was some reference to Bristle !!


  111. Anonymous7:35 PM

    JillyG, trolls come in different shapes & sizes on the Palin blogs. Some are easy to spot. Others are more subtle. They chime in with BS that is designed to get the community riled up, and/or to reflect poorly on the blogging community, then off the conversation goes onto some heated tangent.
    It's manipulation. Don't bite.

  112. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Hi Anon at 4:22.
    You said that you dont see anything cute about Taya and that she is a "compromised human."

    I would argue that Taya's deficits are simply more visible, while your own appear to be just as limiting - though not apparent until you speak your mind.

    Oh - also? Humans generally exhibit something that takes us beyond simple animal behavior. most of us, at least.

    Anyway - I would think you are just a troll making a point, except that you know some larger words.


  113. Anonymous7:45 PM

    @ 4:22, you can't be for real with that post. You are just trying to provoke people, right?

    First of all, this child is absolutely adorable, Down Syndrome or not. Second of all, the sentiments expressed in your post are Nazi-like, did you realize that?

    If that was what you were going for, I feel sorry for you. Sick and soulless. Coldness beyond anything imaginable.

    If you were trying to frame us or something, you fail.

  114. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Sarah gave an interview after the wild ride stating she was surprised by the news because she had never had any problems with her previous pregnancy.....wouldn't most woman consider two "white out" miscarriages, especially the one in the second trimesters while her husband was away, a problem?

  115. Anonymous8:31 PM

    oh, and Willow,
    It's spelled "daughter."

    (shoulda stayed in school, dumbass.)

  116. Thanks, guys. I've been around on the blogs enough years (well, since the beginning of Audrey's!) that I should know better than to entertain a troll. I think I tend to walk that line of "should I educate or is it not worth it" more than I need to. Sometimes it's just hard to read shit that is so vile. I'll say though, that other than TROLL POSTS, I have not come across that kind of shit in real life. REAL people, HUMAN people, don't have such feelings about innocent human beings. (here I go again, see? LOL I can't help it!) Anyway, thank you to all of you who are supportive of people with special needs (and ok, those without, too - we have to take care of ALL OF US!)

  117. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Sarah Palin is a sick demented self-serving lying hypocrite and so are the stupid trolls. Sarah doesn't give a damn about the disabled in this country. She advocates the elimination/destruction of Medicare. Is she so ignorant that she doesn't know 5 million Americans under 65 have Medicare as their only health insurance? If she cared about the disabled she would know the private sector can't afford to cover these people. It isn't charity or a handout as Sarah and her fellow souless conservatives believe as most of these people worked until they couldn't and paid SS/Medicare taxes in every check. The GOP and cold hearted idiots like Sarah don't give a damn about the disabled.
    Sarahs Thanksgiving post was all about Sarah and typical of a narcissist. Poor Bristol. She posts here to defend someone who has emotionally abused her. Get help Bristol and learn to write. Your posts here prove how fucked up you are as well as poorly educated. Pathetic!

  118. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I got about half way though the comments then had to barf.

    To all those who shared their personal stories of having a child or children with Down Syndrone, I applaud you and support you fully for being REAL parents and putting your child or children's needs before your own. For raising your kids with love and no limitations, for applauding every little milestone they achieve, for bonding fully and giving your kids all the tools they need to achieve their full potential. You are the ones who deserve the credit.

    To the fairy tale trolls: Show me ONE instance of someone, anyone, EVER suggesting Sarah abort Trig because he has Down Syndrone. Show me ONE map with crosshairs on it over her pregnant belly. Show me ONE sign that said "Abort Trig".

    The first five years of every child's development is forever. Show me proof Sarah put Trig before her own interests, gave him the tools he needs to fully develop to his best potential. Other than the letter Gryphen posted from "Your Heavenly Father", all we know is she put a fuel speech in Texas before her unborn child, rode for hours on a plane, reboarded to another plane, then drove for hours to deliver Trig, the gift from God, in a hospital that doesn't have a neonatal intensive care unit, to a doctor who isn't specialized in high risk deliveries. Sarah is no example of a real mother to Trig. Or she'd have not risked traveling with leaking amniotic fluid.
    She took him on a cross country bus/plane tour, during the first h1n1 flu outbreak, bare foot and not dressed properly, without his hearing aides and glasses.
    No one questioned her decision to have a down syndrone child, we just question the timing, the wild ride, and the hoax she used for personal gain.

    Enough of the "perfect family" bullshit - it's a myth -there ARE no perfect families.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for putting out the bait, it attracts the trolls everytime!

  119. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Has anybody heard about the movie Undefeated in Alaska?

    What happened?

  120. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Could it be that Sarah Palin has DS?

  121. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Dude. No one is saying the Palins are perfect. You're delusional.

    I am saying it is a sign of insanity that Gryphen feels he can write about intimate things regarding people he's never met.

    No one is attacking regular commenters here. Calling you all hypocrites is not attacking, it's speaking truth. Nearly everyday you come here with your catty, judgmental remarks all the while calling "trolls", usually people with common sense, ignorant and catty.

    That is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. Gina exemplifies this well, as do many of you.

  122. Anonymous11:15 PM

    "... Get help Bristol and learn to write. Your posts here prove how fucked up you are as well as poorly educated. Pathetic!..."

    That is why that skank is not in college.

    She is better qualified to be on her back or on her knees.

  123. Anonymous11:17 PM


    I have shown proof of people saying trig shouldn't have been born, in a facebook convo I took a screenshot of back in May.

    When I'm on my computer, I will publish again. The people who emotionally lambast the criticizer are mostly teens, some of them sadies former friends so they have some familiarity with the Palins and Sarahs son.

  124. Anonymous11:18 PM

    It's interesting gryphens readers ask "trolls", aka decent human beings, for citations and not Gryphen himself. Um, not to burst your fantasy bubble but Gryphens credibility is a bit lacking.

  125. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Still waiting.
    Sarah or her trolls: Please explain why she named Tri-g after his trisomy 21, trisomy G, Down Syndrome? Why oh why would she label her "precious gift from god" such? Why, once she is made aware of her gaffe, does she not acknowledge that many are offended and deserve an explanation? Because it wasn't a gaffe perhaps? It is an in your face plan perhaps?
    She doesn't because she is a cold, calculating, manipulative bitch, who took possession of a special needs child for potential political gain.
    Tick tock Sarah, tick tock CBJ. We know and soon the whole world will know as well.
    You all had your chance to make this right.
    May you reap what you sow, in spades.

  126. Anonymous3:25 AM

    "" Anonymous said...
    Umm, inviting censorship and violation of First Amendment rights much?""

    You really need to get an education.At least use Google learn about First Amendment Rights.You have no idea what you are talking about.

    Is that you,Sarah?

  127. Anon 8:15 AM --

    Asking again, why fake the pregnancy? For cred with the religious right?


  128. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Good god. The troll believes Sarah adopted Trig (and pretended to birth him in the wild ride) in an altruistic act (the lifelong care of a DS child and adult) to bring out in public the plight of DS and other problems because her sister has an autistic child?

    Are you nutz???????????????????????

    Someone suggested that Trig was born prematurely in Oct. 07? but presented to the world mid April 08?

  129. Anonymous said...

    Dude. No one is saying the Palins are perfect. You're delusional.

    I am saying it is a sign of insanity that Gryphen feels he can write about intimate things regarding people he's never met.

    No one is attacking regular commenters here. Calling you all hypocrites is not attacking, it's speaking truth. Nearly everyday you come here with your catty, judgmental remarks all the while calling "trolls", usually people with common sense, ignorant and catty.

    That is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. Gina exemplifies this well, as do many of you.

    11:12 PM

    Did somebody say my name?'s one of the Gov Dirty Wig's ass suckers....nevermind! I must REALLY get under your skin Gov Dirty Wig ass sucker...huh! You have the nerve to call me a hypocrite when your stank ass is on here every day talking about that family of gargoyles!

    Well all I can say is....I hope you earn your dollar bills Ho...because that's all you are....a whore for Dirty Wig and family. Oh and RAM...remember I told you....DON'T SPEND IT ALL ON FOOD! Leave some for the rest of us....mkay'!

  130. Anonymous said...

    It's interesting gryphens readers ask "trolls", aka decent human beings, for citations and not Gryphen himself. Um, not to burst your fantasy bubble but Gryphens credibility is a bit lacking.

    11:18 PM

    LOL!!! Okay mean "decent human beings"....I tell ya' the trolls on here get more and more amusing. Thanks for the laughs...April/Brisdull/ and my favorite....that crazy gal who stalks Gov Dirty Wig and post their intimate family portraits on a blog that she feels lacks "credibility"....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  131. Anonymous7:49 AM

    @ 6:18, I think it was the same anon referencing Oct. 07. I read it to mean that the "convo" with her sister was in Oct. 07, not that a birth occurred then.
    How this anon knows the timing of specific personal "convos" is another question, but whatever. She apparently knows the happy family intimately and when they are not grinning through frost-covered eyelashes they running, playing and riding and feeling American pride.

  132. Anonymous said...


    I have shown proof of people saying trig shouldn't have been born, in a facebook convo I took a screenshot of back in May.

    When I'm on my computer, I will publish again. The people who emotionally lambast the criticizer are mostly teens, some of them sadies former friends so they have some familiarity with the Palins and Sarahs son.

    11:17 PM

    *speaking softly to the crazy stalker lady..... ya' doing? sound a mite deranged there...but I'm sure it's due to standing in those long lines trying to find the best dills on Black Friday...but listen up....NOBODY HAS SAID THAT TRIG SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BORN! So no need to "publish" your bullshit okay....we still think Gov Dirty Wig DID NOT give birth to Trig and she is the one who "thought that Trig should have been aborted" please go back to your warm comfy cave with your pictures of the gargoyle family and suck your pacifier and leave us grown ups alone...okay crazy stalker lady!

  133. Anonymous said...
    Sarah Palin said (regarding the death of Steve Jobs):

    “He touched our family with his ingenuity, with his work ethic, in the invention of the iPad,” she said, explaining that her son Trig, who has Down’s Syndrome, interacts with the family through the device. “He’s able to communicate with us through that. It’s just a personal touch.”

    I think she's got her syndromes mixed up.

    Kids with autism are confused by and sometimes unable to relate to others on a social level and the tool of technology is often an enabling tool for them to relate to others.

    Kids with Downs? I think, they may be as clumsy at technology as "normals". And I don't believe that social communication is among their least, not in the same way as autistics (who CAN be helped by technological communications).
    What bull.
    6:01 PM
    Something struck me as odd about that statement of hers when I first heard it, but I didn't put two and two together until I saw your post, anonymous.

    She was just blabbering on about something she had seen (or just heard about) her sister's autistic offspring, wasn't she?

    Was she too lazy and/or stupid to bother to distinguish between the very different limitations/challenges in autism vs. Down Syndrome?

  134. I see "dude" and "facebook convo" are back. As well as the sick, twisted, "dotter" speller.

  135. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Ok. If any troll was purposely putting for the idea that Sarah adopted Trig to make the world more tolerant of disabilities...

    Well...that may be one of her other kids...and it is possible that that is what she told them when they started to observe strange things going on.

    Also too...its probably a test of her ready-made storyline for when it all breaks.

    Sorry if that's redundant with other comments.

  136. Gina M, you are my new hero.
    Would you come over to the MA thread and stick up for everyone?


  137. Anonymous said...
    Some people are programmed to find all babies and children to be "cute" regardless of their malformations of mental retardation. I don't find Taya to be cute; I just see her as a compromised human. Darwin's law basically would not allow genetically compromised animals of any kind to live, yet some humans nurture these children. Not everyone finds these kids to be cute in any way.
    4:22 PM
    This oddly soulless drivel sounds to me as though it was written by someone (a troll) trying to sound the way they think "liberals" would sound because "liberals" believe in "Darwin's law" (i.e., evolution).

    Interestingly, it is conservatives who practice social darwinism, not liberals. It is conservatives who believe that if you are out of work or homeless, it is your own fault and you should not be helped, and that the social safety net regarding health and retirement should be destroyed.

    This is why I think it is pointless to argue the writer's supposed point.

  138. Anonymous1:21 PM

    anon@11:12p, that might sound like a ludicrous question, but I'm not sure it is. One of the things I've learned in all of this is that there is such a thing as "mosaic DS," which involves two distinct cell groupings, only some of which have the extra copy of chromosome 21. The severity/expression of DS depends on the fraction of cells with the abnormality. For individuals with relatively minor expression, diagnosis can come later in life. In a family where intellectual achievement is openly sneered at, one suspects it could go undiagnosed altogether. There are indications that Sarah Palin, apart from being dumb as a post, has learning disabilities of some sort. My personal suspicion is that, if there is a MDS in the Palin family, it's Bristol, who by all accounts is a very dim bulb. I also believe, although I'm not an expert, that there's an association between low IQ and lack of normal sexual inhibitions . Which could explain a lot.

  139. telah said...

    Gina M, you are my new hero.
    Would you come over to the MA thread and stick up for everyone?


    11:48 AM

    Telah...I am flattered that you think that I could contribute to that 1300 plus comment post :)

    Not sure about what all the drama is about...I guess we just have to wait and see if Meagain shows back up!

  140. Cracklin' Charlie6:52 PM

    Did Sarah's sister write that Oct 07 letter about being a special needs parent because someone else became the parent of a special needs child at that time? Perhaps it was a way to provide moral support during a difficult time.

    Very interesting...

  141. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I guess this thread is already relegated to obscurity, but anon@815a is interesting to consider. Rereading it, I agree, there is a period after "had Trig" -- Oct 07 is the start of a new sentence, so that's when the letter was written. But Charlie's point is a good one: why would the sister write that particular letter at that particular time? Heather's son was, what, 10 in 2007? Also too, consider the letter more generally: written by a fairy tale troll, with apparently some knowledge of a private family letter, advancing a "benign"/sympathetic theory to try to explain babygate. Did this person simply slip and tell us more than they intended to, including revealing 10/07 as a key date? Could this be a quiet testing of the waters with roll-out of a sympathetic revisionist history? Is an insider troll in danger of going rogue? Not sure what to make of it all but, like I said: interesting.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.