Saturday, November 05, 2011

Rachel Maddow believes she has figured Herman Cain out. And the jokes on all of us.

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You know Rachel just might be on to something here.


  1. If I want to know what Rachel thinks, I'll ask her. Next time try writing something of your own and making reference to the video clip. Otherwise just tweet it.

  2. Anonymous5:15 AM

    And to think this guy got within a few months of becoming the GOP candidate. Of course, the GOP plays games with the lives of Americans all the time, so even this cartoonish behavior, combined with his sexist, horrible treatment of employees, will probably just endear him to the Pokemon watching, SIMCity playing intellectual heavyweights in the GOP. After all, the media is still picking on poor intelligent Sarah and has chased the poor dear right out of the race. I'm telling you, God is talking to us, and She is not happy!

  3. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Ok, this was brilliant.
    We are an idiocracy.
    It's a hopeful piece in that she is laying out the stoopid, yet many Merikin's are still buying it.
    The media needs to do this to Palin as well

  4. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Very Interesting........So he IS an undercover double agent for the Democrats. That makes so much more sense, doesn't it? If this turns out to be the case, WOW, love to see the repugs spin this one. What a fucking mess we have in our country. I say we just abolish the GOP and start over.

  5. Anonymous5:27 AM

    I posted from the onset about the smoking ad - on IM blog, at Maddow's blog, and many others:

    'I'm blowing smoke out my ass' and the smile says 'I'm gonna screw ya as I'm fake as fake can be. Now buy my book'

  6. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Don, what an incredibly rude thing to write. I LIKE when Gryphen posts Rachel Maddow because I'm not "allowed" to watch her on tv. Like many others, I don't tweet. If Gryphen had "tweeted" this, how would people like me know about this wonderful clip? I hope you're not this rude in person.

  7. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Don 4:45 seems pissed that he couldn't go to the Bagger Conference.

  8. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Don 4:45

    No one forced you to come to IM to read. That was your choice. It's also the choice of what IM wants to post.

    You don't like it -- tough. Piss off Bagger.

  9. Don @ 4:45

    Excuse my French, but fuck yourself. If you don't like what is on IM don't read it.

  10. Anonymous6:34 AM

    But...but....China is developing nukular weapons....

    in 1964

  11. jadez6:53 AM

    if you remember i posted weeks ago that this guy was an INTENTIONAL joke.
    like glen beck..he goes and says things so far out because he wants to see how far he can fool the dumb tea bags.

    cain has no staff no support force and the powers know that giving him money is just throwing it away because he cant get the nomination nor anyone in the party to take him serious.

    so yes...what he is doing is being as silly as he can on PORPOISE because its all a big joke to him and the koch brothers who are laughing their asses off at how easy it is to manipulate the tea bags and the stupid media.

    and like palin supporters this is even more disturbing because it makes an OBVIOUS joke about how far we have slid as a country and as an ignorant people.

  12. Grey Lensman6:53 AM

    Hey don! Where's your blog? WTF are you doing here anyway?


  13. Don, if we want to know what you think, we'll ask you. Next time try writing something less stupid and making reference to the video clip. Otherwise just tweet your rudeness.

  14. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Thx for posting this.

    I don't get it. Is this the unlimited-money powers-that-be experimenting with the electorate to see what kind of nutty puppet could win in 2012? Is this the second in a hoax series, the Palin BabyHoax being the first?

    I guess if horsing around with the voting machines is not going to be enough, then is this a trial balloon for what could work when the GOP does not have a legit candidate?

  15. Let Herman be Herman, y'all. It is fantastic that he is not sinking in the polls. I want him to stay in the race as long as is making the GOP establishment livid. Let Herman drain the resources of Perry & Romney , divert attention from serious candidates, and expose the GOP for their insanity. Just last night Herman professed his love for his "brothers from another mother" Charles & David Koch.

    The GOP is the party of ignorant, misogynistic, low intelligence hypocrites, and Herb is their happy poster boy.

    Run, Herb, Run

  16. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Thanks for posting this clip. It is hysterical.

  17. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Poor Don, up before dawn. He's the Blog Police. He's got "Bloggin' Rules" & he's gonna enforce 'em, gosh durnit.

  18. Don, if you don't like what's posted, don't read it. And, certainly don't take the time and effort to post about it. I will give you credit for using a real name instead of anonymous.

  19. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Don is a dick.

    Clearly Don is new around here and doesn't know the proper protocol for behavior on a blog.

    Don, you need to go fuck yourself with your stupid crap comment. Who the hell are you to instruct people how to write their blogs.

    We will be happy to not see you back here in the IM community, am I right?

  20. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Hey "Don", some of us don't frequent or do Twitter. If you think you know so much about how a blog should be run, go run your own.

    Thanks for the post Gryph.

  21. Hey, Don, nobody says it's required viewing. Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

  22. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Thanks for this, Gryphen; I can always count on you to point me to stories or news segments I might otherwise have missed. (So take that, Palin Fairytale Troll at 4:45am. You can go to bed now.)

    This raises the question, though: WHY have the Koch brothers been pouring so much money into this repulsive idiot? Why are they corroding our corrupt, dysfunctional political system even more?

    The segment where Cain was asked his attitude toward the Right of Return reminded me of Sarah's deer-in-the-headlights response to her opinion of the Bush Doctrine. This is obviously what it takes to appeal to a huge swath of Republicans: be an affable, in-your-face idiot.

  23. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Yo Don 4:45
    No one is making you come to this site under duress are they?

  24. comeonpeople7:49 AM

    I wish Rachael had made the connection between Cain's book "This is Herman Cain!" to the mockumentary This is Spinal Tap!! That's another in your face piece of performance art.

  25. Anonymous7:56 AM

    He is a joke! Koch JOKE.

  26. I am only here on the comments for this post because I hoped to find out something about what was in the clip.

    Video clips are rarely if ever, closed captioned, so as a stand alone post, they are useless to me.

    I would have liked to see a witty commentary about the clip by Gryphen so that I would know what the joke was.

    Since there was no information in his post, I came to the comments, which are so very frequently as clever and informative as the original post by Gryphen.

    I didn't find much about what was in the clip, but there are many unnervingly hostile comments directed at Don.

    If Gryphen thought Don was out of line, would he have posted his comment?

    I am a fairly regular poster and not a troll.

  27. Anonymous8:32 AM

    It has been empirically established that conservatives cannot distinguish between what is genuine and what is satire.

  28. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Don is really Sarah

  29. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Wag the dog.

  30. Like some of you, I have been thinking that there is something amiss about Herman Cain. Maybe not performance art per se, but there is some sort of misdirection.

    To answer @7:32, why would the Kock Brothers fund a fake candidacy, perhaps the answer is that they want to make some people more cynical about government and the political process.

    I have also wondered if Glen Beck was performance art. But we should still watch out for these guys. I think that there are a lot of people who believe what guys like this are saying.

  31. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Rachel Maddow should of looked into some of Herman Cains donors, surprisingly Ron Paul owns lots of them. Brilliant way to finally get to top tier for Ron Paul.

  32. Marleycat9:21 AM

    Is Herman Cain trying to tell us Mr. Kochsucker Sr. jumped the fence on the Kochsucker Jr.s mother and had sex with His mother, a black woman, and begat a half-white/half-black bastard Ucle Tom, AKA Herbie Cain?

    Herman - wonder what Mr Cain Sr. thought about that secret being disclosed? Do you think he feels you've shamed him bad - letting the world know his wife was had by a rich white KKK guy? I bet your mom would like to disown you right about now, too, for the same reason.

    I bet Herman's "other brothers by another mother", the Kochsucker boys, are pretty pissed that their black bro is trying to make political book on what must be a long hidden Family Scandal - especially since the Kochsuckers supported the John Birch Society, the KKK, and every other Racist organization.

    NOT a pretty picture you've painted, Herman, you've really "showed your ass", as the saying goes! I gotta tell ya, Herbie - I don't believe you are the Kochsucker Jr.s "brother by another mother" - you don't look biracial to me AT ALL.
    Your envy and desire to be the Kochsucker brothers' "other brother by another mother" is all in your own imagination, Herman - but, cheer up - everybody knows this is just one more stupid thing you've said Herman that NO ONE believes!

  33. Marleycat9:51 AM

    I think the reason the Kochsuckers are promoting Herman Cain and the Conservative Black Republicans is to attract Black voters. They will drop him like the fool deserves to be, and try to marshal these voters towards the White candidate they really want to win the nomination. We are seeing the beginning of that process now - Cain is being run over by that bus right now.

    I wish the Dems would get out in front of the false accusations by the GOP of the Democrats being the real Racists, killers of black fetuses, oppressors of blacks, and other hogwash, etc. The GOP have quite a few slick, paid for Black Republicans attacking the Dem Party and the President.

    Attacking the President's policies with facts is one thing but to parrot the GOP/Teabag name calling and false racist accusations is absolutely sickening.

    These Uncle Toms are so arrogant as to not understand the work of the Democratic Party around civil rights that gives them an opportunity to express their views on National TV, Newspapers, etc. 30-40 years ago, very few Blacks were even allowed on TV, not included in MSM newspapers, Mags, etc. Throw in every other minority ethnic and religious group, as well as women, who were also never represented.

    Thank you Rachel, and thank you, Gryph, for bringing her story to us here at IM! This is important stuff!

  34. Thanks for posting this G. I don't know if I agree with Rachel that Cain's campaign is performance art, I think that it might just be that he is a goof. The fact that he is so high in the polls tells me that the people that are being polled (Repubs) are just incredibly stupid.

  35. Anonymous10:08 AM

    "Here I am......Rock you like a Herman Cain"

  36. We saw the GOP's cynicism in 2008. They thought Palin would take the female vote and now they think the joke who is Cain will seduce African-American votes from Pres. Obama.

    I don't think the media has reported on his health yet -- according to Wikipedia, he had colon cancer that metastasized to his liver and is currently in remission.

    My other beef with the media is failing to ask for facts and look for dots to connect between the harassment settlements and Cain's departure from the NRA. What are the dates of the settlements and when did Cain leave his position? Or do they have the facts but are choosing to keep them from the public?

  37. Anonymous10:51 AM

    When will Rachel decide to look at all the Palin evidence - babygate, etc? I'm hoping.

  38. Anonymous10:52 AM

    OMG, rock you like a Herman Cain. This is Spinal Tap! How many more are there?
    Not that I'm an expert on politics, but I think the poster that said this is about making the public ever more cynical about the political process is dead right. Or is the poster who said Cain is a double agent for the left on to something? Oh damn, this politikin is confusing!

  39. Sgt. Preston11:13 AM

    comeonpeople, you are spot on; this is yet another pop-culture satirical reference by the fun-luvvin Friends of Herb. I wonder if there's a way to communicate this info to Rachel Maddow.

    Don, welcome to IM. I am assuming that your parents were big fans of Sholokhov's epic Russian novel, The Quiet Don, and admiringly named you after that great literary work:

    To honor their intentions, I hope you will remain quiet from now on.

  40. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Nefer @ 8:13 -

    I watched the video last night when I was half-asleep, so I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but the gist of her comments was that we've all missed what Herman Cain's campaign is really about. He doesn't really want to be President - his campaign is just one long, expensive piece of performance art.

    Her theory goes that his statements have been so completely over the top that he could not possibly be serious about actually winning the race. Instead, he continues to push the edge of absurdity with each speech and appearance, just to see how far he can go and still not be called out.

    It was a long segment with comments by guest Eugene Robinson, but I think this is the basic premise.

  41. grammy973:05 PM

    Thanks for including Rachel's video, Gryphen: I don't own a TV, and really appreciate these links.

    Anonymous @7:32 am asked "WHY have the Koch been pouring so much money into this repulsive
    idiot?" Is it really a lot of money? I thought they had spent a lot more getting that Walker creep elected in Wisconsin, and he is genuinely repulsive!

    But honestly, they might be pulling this theater of the absurd just because they CAN. They might honestly believe that their reasonable success with the Palin hoax means that they've already won this war. Yes, they did have 'success'. $arah isn't in jail, Trig is still called her son, and nobody has ever pointed to the Koch family as her enablers. Rachel made me laugh at the obvious flags put up in the Cain campaign: but there are real warnings there, too.

  42. Anonymous3:23 PM

    By the time the gop finishes with the Herb act, will SP look just a little saner to the voters? Hhmmm.

    oh no.

  43. Bizarre that @Don 4:45 am got his panties in a bunch over a 10-word post. How could 10 non-inflammatory words provoke an outrage? Odd.

    I can't figure out why mainstream Republicans aren't abandoning Cain after allegations against him are making front page news coast-to-coast (see Sunday LA Times).

    I guess it's good news for Dems if Cain continues to keep his performance art ball in the air through the first half of next year.

    Nefer @8:13 am:
    Rachel's segment highlighted the fact that Cain's closing statement at an early GOP debate said his inspiration comes from a Pokemon the Movie poem, his 999 tax plan from the Sims video game, and all the other non-sequiturs of his campaign (cigarettes and oldtime Western online ads, "I'm a brother from another mother" of the Koch brothers, Ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stan foreign policy, etc.). Cain's unabashed love for all-things-Koch coupled with the fact he has no campaign support structure led Rachel to the conclusion that he's actually a performance artist, not a POTUS candidate.

  44. Anonymous5:12 PM

    This is what I possted on Madow's blog.

    Contrats on realizing that Cain is part of the Republican Clown show. I, among others, have for several weeks been pointing out that a clown car full of these idiots will be driven into the R Convention and a limo will drive out with Jeb Bush or some one similar as the nominee.
    The R’s aren’t going to give their party over to the Koch’s and they don’t want the Tee Peeers in charge either. They probably like the clowns under the assumption that the country will be so relieved that none of them are nominated that they will be willing to elect another Bush out of sheer relief.

    These clowns are a smoke screen. They are the magician’s distraction. You professionals need to stop wasting your energy on the clowns and their smoke and start looking at who the Republicans are seriously going to try to cheat into the WH.

    Cain is only a straw man put up by the Kochs to try draw out liberal and Democratic racism. Look at how often they try to make it look like we are just that over very innocuous statements. Somebody needs to say that out loud and call them out on their super racist double flip.

    At a guess they want to be able to brand libs and the spineless Dims as racists so that they can be even more racist against Obama during the election and especially if he is reelected.
    Remember they want to impeach him. Their logic might well be that if they cannot damp the appearance of rabid racism and Obama hatred in their own supporters, if they can make everyone appear to feel hatred and racism, they will then have a more open door to attack even more viciously than they have already.

  45. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I love the research she does for the commentary on her show, very wise woman and this clip shows her at her best.

    Curioser's comment struck me, because I drew the same analogy between La Palin and the Women's Vote, and Citizen Cain and the african american vote.

    Just as women didn't buy Palin as an equal swap for Former Lawyer, Former Senator, Former First Lady and Present Defense Secretary (and also too a dynomite wife and mother)
    The African American Voters aren't buying this lame excuse as a viable candidate either. The GOP simply doesn't care what psople think, they're hellbent on gettin President Obama out of office, that they're just letting any clown run for office.
    The only reason they tolerate Cain is because they don't want to be seen as "racist", just like they gave Sarah a pass to not look "sexist".

    Wag the Dog, indeed.

    We all know stupid when we see it, right Don?

  46. Anne In DC2:45 AM

    So many of the comments on this forum are spot on. The Koch brothers are so cynical that I don't put too much past them. Cain is a tool who doesn't seem to mind the fact that they are using his silly behind. As far as not appearing racist is concerned, I just look at Cain as one of their phony and equally futile attempt to convince us thst they are not. Since the GOP establishment seems to have settled on phony Willard Romney as their choice for the nomination, I can imagine that they're not too pleased with Herman Cain's ascendancy. But everything that's going on now is a direct result of what they've been doing for a long time. In their quest to win at any cost, they embraced lunatics and that's a big reason we're seeing a clown show in 2012. They must have thought we African-Americans would be dumb enough to gravitate to Cain just because he's black. He has called himself a "real black man," as if that had any relevance or that his idiotology didn't matter much more. It's the same cynicism and cluelessness that made the GOP think Palin would be an acceptable substitute for Hillary Clinton to women. In both cases, they have insulted the intelligence of key voting blocs, and we need to repay them in 2012 by voting out as many Republicans from Congress as possible along with re-electing the president.

  47. Anonymous4:18 AM

    LOL Don @ 4:45 a.m.

    You want your money back from your valuable time being wasted on a free blog?

    Go soak your head.

  48. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Herman is the Crack Koch Cain for the T-Baggers and they have become addicted.73% have now said they don't care even if the allegations are true.
    Since Herman came, racist T-Baggers aint been the same.

    Herman tells jokes here and sings Hymns there,then tells brainwashed Black folks whites love him everywhere.

    He says he was told by God, to be Black Moses, or at least play the part.

    Herman says In God We Trust,as he chases women and grabs their bust.

    Oh what a intricate tail Herman has weaved, as he jerks himself off on the Tea Par-ty.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.