Monday, November 14, 2011

This could be America's future if the Teabaggers get their way.

Comic courtesy of The Week.
I don't know WHY, but it seems the most conservative wing of the Republican party are driven to put the most ignorant, ill prepared person possible into the White House. Essentially acting as if the Bush administration never happened.

As Paul Begala points out, in order to have a chance at the nomination you must pretend to be dumber than dirt:

This is a populist moment in America, and the GOP has traditionally been the party of elites. So how does a party sell economic elitism to a populist electorate? By wrapping it in populist anti-intellectualism. Let’s teach those Harvard pointy-heads a lesson: cut taxes for billionaires! I know it doesn’t track logically, but this isn’t about logic. It’s about emotion and scapegoating and finger-pointing. 

And so even the smart Republicans—and I do believe most of the candidates in the GOP presidential field are intelligent—have to at least play dumb. Mitt Romney, for example, has to pretend he doesn’t know what’s causing global warming. A few weeks ago he told an audience in Pittsburgh, “My view is that we don’t know what’s causing climate change on this planet.” Hard to believe, because as recently as June of this year he said, “I believe, based on what I read, that the world is getting warmer. And No. 2, I believe that humans contribute to that.” Romney’s new-and-not-improved position is a shameless pander to the know-nothings.

So apparently the fast track to the nomination is denying your intellect and educational background, or perhaps taking the shortcut of receiving a devastating blow to the head.

Or perhaps a third choice is to just be born Rick Perry.

And people wonder why I support this President.


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Herman Cain updates.

    Another statement concerning Herman Cain.

    Coming tonight:

    "Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain’s wife says her husband would have to have a “split personality” if he sexually harassed women the way that recent allegations claim."

    “I look at especially this last lady and the things that she said, and I’m thinking he would have to have split personality to do the things that she said.”

    Well that sounds like an airtight statement of defense doesn't it.

    The interview airs on Fox 10PM Eastern tonight.

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I very much doubt that Perry would answer any phone calls at 3:00 AM given his apparent difficulty with the number...

  3. The depths of depravity and corruption in our government institutions seem to be unfathomable - it's really quite distressing to follow the link from the Penn State Sandusky disgrace, back into time, all the way to the Bush White House, and even earlier, to Iran Contra, the S&L meltdown, secret and illegal CIA activity yikes!

  4. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Gingrich is rising in the polls. I guess even disgaced politicians are A-OK as long as they are gop..

  5. Another reason to support Obama - China and Russia have agreed to oppose efforts by Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.

    There may be more about this story that I don't grasp but it seems that it should be huge. I noticed it on my Google News homepage this morning but now the story seems buried.

  6. Cain Train De-Rails


    He doesn't know anything about anything...

    but he would have done it BETTER than President Obama.

    He is so Palin.

  7. Gryphen:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this important article.

    I love Begala's enthusiasm and wit, and he so clearly states what reasonable Americans need to understand. That the GOP is selling *economic elitism* to a *populist electorate* by dog whistling to ignorant fears.

    McCain selecting Palin played right into this strategy. I think McCain stumbled into his selection, but the country has suffered for 3 years and no doubt many years to come. It's so frustrating because just about anything else is more worthwhile than pandering to ignorant fears just so the GOP can further feather their nest/increase income inequality.

    Mother Jones posted this article on 25 CEOs that were paid more than the companies they work for paid in federal income tax.

    Let me repeat. ONE PERSON earned more than the company paid in taxes. What is wrong with Dems that they can't take this ball and run with it?

  8. Anonymous5:31 PM

    It makes sense... After all, the trailer trash wouldn't pay for a country song about math.

  9. It all is frightening; and for many reasons.

    We already know, because he pretty much admitted it in his book, that at various times, Dick Cheney took the Presidential reigns from George.

    What's frightening is the next Republican president will be a figure-head to our shadow government. I always believed the Powers That May Be (PTMB) initially promoted Sarah Palin to be their front while believing once she's in office, they would controll the decision making policies. Thankfully, Sarah proved to be a non-trustful ticking time-bomb.

    So, the PTMB needed to find another stooge.

    I heard two things while listening to Herman Caine:

    1. Someone who wanted to be critical & put down President Obama.

    2. Someone who wanted to appear that his business experience would make him an excellent leader in foreign affairs.

    He failed miserably.

    Out of all the GOP presidential candidates that might do well in foreign (& domestic) affairs is Huntsman. But he's not polling in the polls.

    The Republicans seemed to always, in the eyes of some voters, as paternal, the daddy who would protect us kids. Of course that was a ruse. Having a strong military quietly kept the Military Industrial Complex busy & rich; and kick ass around the world so our businesses could rape the assets around the world (oil, sugar cane, etc).

    It seems nowadays, the GOP doesn't even pretend anymore. The DC Beltway is owned & operated by big business & global conglomerates.

    All this is why the Herman Cains, Sarah Palins or the Rick Perrys of the world don't have to hide thier stupidity, or their uncaring, or lack of critical thinking. If elected, it will be in name only.

  10. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I tried as hard as I can, and I can't play dumb long enough for my brain not to retalliate. We all know these people are fronts suppoted by unlimited funds by the ones who will be pulling the puppet strings when they try to get their foot in the door.

    o/t Just watched Gabby's interview= absolutely blew me away! She's put in a lot of hard work, and has so much more to go.

    Suck it Sarah, I know you watched, hoping your name would be menioned, but they're too classy. I'm sure you'll get a dishonorable mention in the book, but they're not mentioning you on television.

  11. A. J. Billings3:16 AM

    And speaking of deluded, stupid, and pathetically uninformd, I happened to take a dip in the C4Pee pond.

    The good rill 'Mericuns over there are sayin' that Gabby had better mention that it wasn't $arah's fault
    that she got shot, dontcha know.

    Yeah, you betcha, let's blame Gabby Giffords for pointing out that $tupid $arah was endangering candidates by drawing targets on maps

    Oh, and then her campaign office was vandalized.

    And then she was shot in the head, and many others were killed outright.

    Meanwhile Granny Grifter's Pbots are all mad that Gabby isn't apologizing!!!??

    How's that for Teabbaggery ?


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