Thursday, December 01, 2011

Kind of makes you wish that ALL kids were raised by lesbians. Or is that just me?

Zach Wahls, a 19-year-old University of Iowa student spoke about the strength of his family during a public forum on House Joint Resolution 6 in the Iowa House of Representatives. Wahls has two mothers, and came to oppose House Joint Resolution 6 which would end civil unions in Iowa. 

I believe I posted this video back in February of this year, but somebody sent it to me the other day and I just felt it was something well worth sharing again. I'm sorry to report that the Iowa ban on same sex marriage did pass despite Zach's impassioned plea. However regardless of the outcome, this young man's defense of his parents, and their parenting abilities, is still worth celebrating

And by the way I am only kidding about lesbian parents being preferable. ANY loving combination of genders can raise a great kid like this if they just take parenting seriously.

Take me for instance. According to my mother I was raised by wolves, and look how great I turned out!


  1. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Sorry for posting here O/T. Palin's ad had to be pulled because of copyright infringement of the background music. Here it is with the new score:

    Even stupider than the first one.

  2. Anonymous2:26 AM

    I think wolves make great parents. Palin's kids however were raised by turtles. Mom laid her eggs in the sand, said "Goodbye kids, have a good life", and crept off.

  3. Randall2:30 AM

    Yes; what a well-spoken, well-adjusted young man. Too bad more of our youth aren't.

    It baffles me how so many are so quick to curtail our freedoms, for: to restrict the rights of ANY of us is to diminish the rights of ALL of us.

  4. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Likely the ratio of dysfunctional lesbian couples raising kids is proportionate to the level of dysfunction in hetero couples doing the same. I work with one half of a lesbian couple and those two play wicked fucked up mind games on each other and their kids are used as pawns. Doubt their kids will susrvive unscathed...but then again, what kid does? The rare kid.

  5. Anonymous3:46 AM

    What an outstanding young man!

  6. What a bright, well-spoken young man.

  7. Anonymous5:45 AM

    NB-The ban passed the republican controlled House in Iowa, but has stalled in the Senate. Marriage still *legal* in Iowa. (Has been since 2009.)

  8. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I used to tell people I was raised in the woods by a pack of lesbians.
    If more people really cared about the safety and security of being raised within a same sex household, which is what we called it since we couldn't be a family by marriage...then maybe they would be asking people like me, who are in that first wave of "out" families, what it was like for us.
    I put myself out there. My family was in a documentary that traveled the indy circuit almost ten years ago. From that I did a few speaking things, but none of the people asking questions were any of the people denying my family basic rights back then. They are all people in the same shoes I was in back in first grade, with a legal system designed to rip our families apart.
    Its gotten a little better. More young adults have the love and support of their parents (see Gryphen's love for his daughter). But families are still being denied the right to exist. Its yet another example of a system, along with hateful people devaluing other people.
    Thank you again for posting lgbt issues and fighting for your daughters right to live and love.

  9. Anonymous6:03 AM

    They are definitely better parents than any Palin.

  10. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Speaking from experience here in NH, because Iowa already "approved" same sex marriages, they can't take that away and have a second tier of so called civil marriges. This is the very same court cases that are working their way through the California court system. In Cal it has already past the state court system into the federal court district. It is going to go to the Supreme Court. The only reason Iowa is doing this is the same reason the NH repubs are going to introduce a bill to recognize only hetero couples next year - to satisfy their base and it will be over turned by every court statewise and federally in the US. It is a tremendous waste of time especially since the Defense Department has already moved ahead. And why did the defence depart have to change its way - because they are part of NATO and 80% of the countries in NATO already have same sex or civil unions in their books as being approved and accepted. The tides are changing and the repugs are clinging onto their last scare tactics.

  11. Calli7:19 AM

    That young man is one impressive and cogent orator. I hope he achieves great success in life, whatever that means to him.

    Bigots suck. Bigoted legislators suck more.

  12. Anonymous7:22 AM

    It just goes to show wolves are great parents!

  13. I was raised by an ostrich and a me, Obi Wan....

  14. Chella11:39 AM

    I am happily in the slice of america that right wingers love to hate the most. A progressive, bisexual, small business owning librul atheist who had an abortion. Im the shade of bisexual that doesn't differentiate between genders. I am currently in a wonderful monogamous (hear that right wingers? Bisexuals aren't sleeping with everything that moves, regardless of our statisitically higher sex drives) relationship with a straight man, and while he doesnt fully *understand* where I've come from, he fully supports LGBT rights. He supports me while I participate in gay pride events, he supports me right to choose, and he listens to my sometime never ending rants on how republicans wants the government out of their lives, while trying to push the government so forcibly into mine.

    I don't understand how misconceptions of the LGBT community can still exist in this day in age while we have such a vocal community standing up for our rights. This is AMERICA. It's 2011. No one should be fighting for rights that other Americans are entitled to. Whatever happened to equality?

  15. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Play it again Sam.
    And Again
    and Again

  16. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Way back in the dark ages (1976 to 1980), I was in College and two of my three roommates were a lesbian couple. The other hetero girl blew a fuse, you know, because "The gay" might rub off, they were probably going to make a move on her because hetero gals are so attractive to Lesbians, expecially bigoted hetero gals. Anyway, We three ended up getting an apartment off campus. None of my boyfriends nor friends had any problem whatsoever.
    Fast Forward to facebook, and voila! They're STILL together, married a year after I did, and have two children my kid's age. They face the same challenges all married couples do, all parents do, and in some aspects, do a much better job than my husband and I.

    I remember this clip, how proud must his parents be to have raised such an eloquent, brave son who showed how "normal" a family he comes from.

    Love is Love. Let it be.

    How does their marriage have any effect on anyone elses, and vis a versa?

    I give a lot of credit to the parents who accept their children just as they are. (PFLAG). I'm sure it's a difficult process, but if you put your child first, you love them no matter what.


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