Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell gets to take yet another victory lap at Sarah Palin's expense.

Not to blow my own horn, but I was also one of those who knew for quite some time that Palin would NEVER launch a real campaign for president.

And to be fair some of YOU were making those declarations even before she quit as Governor of Alaska.

Sadly somewhere in the world there are certain Palin-bots with their fingers jammed deeply into their ears, who simply CANNOT allow themselves to hear that Sarah Palin is now, and has always been, a fraud.

Unfortunately for Sarah (But perhaps coming as a huge relief to Mr. Palin) there are not nearly enough of these simple minded fools to support a new reality show starring Sarah's official purse carrying cuckold, part-time pimp, and full time man servant, Toad.

Apparently EVEN the television slums defined by crappy reality shows is just too classy of a place for the likes of Mr. and Mrs. Mama Grizzly.


  1. I enjoyed every second of that commentary. I will toad I mean toast to that.

  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    "The most losing vice-presidential candidate that will never be president."

    She KNOWS it, too! Keep sending those nickels and dines, bots. She's laughing all the way to the bank, fools.

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Decided to dip a toe in the SeaofP and came across this ironical little gem posted by one of Scarah's sycophants...


    juju341 5 minutes ago in reply to ToddPA

    The thing I find most disgusting with Paul and his supporters is they know he can't win...and he knows he can't win. He is a Spoiler..This election is too important to be playing this silly ego game he and his supporters play.

    Kinda makes you wish stupidity was painful huh??

  4. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Sue on Glee tonight, regarding Christmas "I made plans to shoot reindeer from my helicopter with Sarah Palin, but she canceled. Apparently Todd gets fussy when she misses his ballet recitals". Hahahaha. Everyone knows.

  5. Anonymous7:33 PM

    This from the SeaofP --- I have read many of exdodus's posts there and I think this is really QuittiePants herself........

    exodus2011 Today 10:26 PM
    Just called in at HotAir and dropped this wee grenade on Allahpundits 'Ron Paul chasing Newt' post *__*

    nah, I say shake up the Status Quo, VOTE ROGUE IA and NH

    DEFY the GOP,The Ruling Class & Media Manipulators who use *conventional wisdom* as a SWORD against you, The Country Class, the ENGINE of your great and FREE AMERICA

    and as for Newt, tweeted this today:

    #Newt has a faulty rudder #Iowa2012, he can't hold a course - Give me NOT4SALE Leader, #VOTE #ROGUE Conservatives! #caucuses 4 Sarah #Palin !


    Remember IKE back in '52, America went and FETCHED him then, AMERICA should fight for her now, and go and FETCH her too ...

    (whew ... nice to get that off my chest, *__*)


  6. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Personally, I was horrified that she not only ran for Governor, but actually achieved it. Same with Mayor of Wasilla, but I can't complain about that one because I live outside of city limits.

    I just figured that it was some sort of affirmative action that would meet a "stupid woman" quota for both our town and state.

    Then she ran for VP and I just figured that McCain was meeting his affirmative action quota for actual retarded females.

    I still think that affirmative action is behind her somehow. She's special and she's the only one outside of C4P that doesn't seem to notice it.

  7. Anonymous7:40 PM

    More ideas for Palin tv shows

    North Slope Hookers
    Catching Crabs in Wasilla
    Lies and Disorder
    This Old Whorehouse
    The Real MatSu Valley Grifters

  8. Anonymous8:01 PM

    I hate to say this, but it is absolutely wonderful, and about time, that citizens are finally understanding that Sarah and Toad were, and never will be, qualified (in any manner) to hold elected office. Too bad that John McCain never vetted them, individually or as a couple/family, when he initially selected her for his ticket. McCain screwed himself as well as the nation.

    Thank God that President Obama and his wonderful wife (and daughters) represent Americans around the world. He will be re elected again.

  9. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I predict Sarah Palin will go back to the producers with a lower offer for Toddy's reality show.

    1) Sarah needs to save face and give everybody her wrinkly old finger.

    2) SarahPac may not be bringing in anymore money so Sarah is getting desperate.

    3) Sarah knows her shelf life is over so her family is fighting for any table scraps they can get.

    4) We haven't heard that there is a demand for Sarah speeches so I predict she will lower her price as well.

    5) What's left to throw out there a Piper Diaper reality show about her selling lemonade?

  10. Anonymous8:14 PM

    What Quitty Pants can't get through her low IQ brain is she IS "the most losing vice presidential candidate that will never be president."

    She didn't pen that USA Today article, it was done for her and SO hypocritical since that's what she's been doing herself the past three-and-a-half years.

    I'll bring back up the vice-presidential debate with "O'Biden" when she was SO coddled for her out and out stupidity. "You OWE ME," he said to his handlers when he left the stage for not turning her into mincemeat. That was VICE president.

    President? The gloves will be OFF and she will be exposed to the CORE for everything she IS. I personally can't wait to see what dumb@ss move she pulls next. Always worse than the last! She can't help herself.

    I would "almost" feel sorry for her mental inadequacies that brought her to this point except she grifts the dumbest OF the dumb, and there's a special place in hell for people like that. One look at her children shows what that kind of "leadership" produces.

  11. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Real grizzles demand an apology for your continued defamation of equating them with the Palins.

  12. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Toot! Toot! Beep! Beep!

  13. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Thanks anons for posting what they are saying at the pathetic Urinal of Saint Bible Spice.

    Can't stand going over there myself without feeling like I need a shower.

  14. Anonymous8:24 PM

    'I am not a Witch' has climbed out from under her rock and endorsed Mittens.

    “Christine has been a leader in the conservative movement for many years,” Romney said in a statement sent out by his campaign Tuesday night. “Christine recognizes that excessive government threatens us now and threatens future generations, and I am pleased to have her on my team.”

    Mittens has a death wish!! Praising the 'I am not a Witch' doesn't do much for your street cred!!!

    Ya gotta love the DNC for their action:

    The Democratic National Committee, perhaps revealing Democrats' bemusement over the endorsement, took the highly unusual step of forwarding Romney's press release that touted it to reporters. The DNC added a simple message to the release: "ICYMI," which means, "In case you missed it."

    Love it - 'ICYMI'!!!!!!

    I feel I can hear Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chair of the DNC, giggling!!

  15. Anonymous8:24 PM

    O/T Gryph but I hope you blog about Lowe's Home Improvement and their decision to pull their ads from the tv show "American Muslim" all due to pressure from a group called "Florida Family Association". According to their website:

    "Florida Family Association's mission statement in our IRS approved 501C3 application is to: Educate people on what they can do to defend, protect and promote traditional, biblical values."

    They brag about all the TV shows they have forced off the air including "Ellen".

    This is just wrong - I emailed Lowe's and told them so.

  16. In the history of politics, has there ever been a loser on such a grand scale, a failure who has been held in such contempt by so many good people, as Sarah Palin? She garnered lots of unearned political capital and she threw it away with both hands in unprecedented fashion.

    Ex-Governor Dirty Wig, Quitty-Pants, AGIA-failing, "Oh, it's all about health care reform--uh, job creation--in what respect, Charlie? Uh, dead fish go with the flow--Uh, mayor is like a community organizer with responsibilities." It's all preserved for eternity. You will never live it down, Sarah, as long as you pursue your destructive ways.

    So now the community organizer is a beloved and internationally-respected President, and Sarah Palin is an international laughingstock, a homely figure in much of Spanish-speaking Catholic Europe, pooping in their sincere and good-humored Christmas decorations.

    It's not too late, Sarah. Reach for repentance--metanoia, in the words of Jesus--literally, beyond mind, or larger mind. It's Zen. Jesus was like that, but like a lot of fundamentalist Christians, you haven't caught on yet.

  17. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Makes one wonder why she's still "trolling for loot" IF she's rilly a millionaire. I suppose silence can get kinda expensive, eh?

    Btw,who's living in her Arizona asylum?


  18. Sweet anny10:09 PM

    Let's hope that now that the pretense has been dropped, the real investigations will begin, if they already haven't. No reason for the gloves not to come off now. Now she's just another criminal. No one will be embarrassed anymore. Everyone knows.

    Just another lying, amoral criminal.

    All she ever was.

  19. Lawrence has always been great(from the McLauglin group days), his perception has always been great, he is an amazing analyst.

    If he talks, you should listen, because he is probably right.

    @6:53, They are right, they have a guy who is sane on some major points, but probably because of it will never be he nominee...(BTW, he is an idiot, but I like what he has to say about the war)

  20. Anonymous10:25 PM

    And this follows Bristol's (aka The Chin) 'reality' flop about pallin' around with the Massey brothers. A few (staged)scenes were filmed and shopped around to no takers. Ha!

    Does anyone in the Valley ever see any of the Paylin clan skulking about? Do tell!

  21. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Twelve days are left till Christmas and Shailey is busy scheduling massages and babysitting. Todd is showing up daily right before closing, and bragging about his ice fishing and 4 wheeling. He brings Shailey a special gift designed to fizzle her anger at his last public display with Levi at the shop. Todd is fuming that Sarah got endorsements for pink hell haven called the Beehive and was trying to convince Shailey that it was going to be her time. Shailey turns around and smacks Todd across the cheek and says it is my time now and she shows him her printed photo album......go to commercial.....

    new scene, Sarah getting her hair done over at the Beehive, and the ladies are over there chewing gum and talking smack about their husbands who work on the slope. Unbeknownst to Sarah, Shailey's Mom, Kay is sitting right next to her listening. And Sarah says out loud "Just look at all those rumors about Tawd, he's not been hangin' around no hookers in Anchorage" camera pans around the shop and we see smirks and knowing looks on the other women's faces. Sarah goes on to say," There is one specific massage therapist...." Kay (Shailey's mom) taps Sarah on the shoulder and tells her "that's my daughter you are talking about..." camera pans back to Sarah's face......and stay tuned for next episode.


  22. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Were they going to name Todd's show "Iron Pimp"? After her "blood libel" fiasco & the Tucson tragedies, no one will ever buy a TV show from them again.

  23. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Jesus' General has it right. Save everyone from the hidden threat!

    ACTION ALERT: Stop Lowe's from using Arabic Numerals


  24. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Reading those C4P comments, it's damn frightening to realize there are people who not only think she should be President but only she can save the country. Where did these people go to school? Where are their powers of observation? They have absolutely no ability to look at the situation objectively.

    Of course, the fact that Palin is not running enables the PeeZoo to talk about Palin as if only she could beat Obama. They have to be deaf, dumb & blind not to realize that all the polls that showed anywhere from 70 to 75% of the people in this country would never vote for her, including 60% of all Republicans. I almost wish she had run so they would have to shut up about her being able to beat Obama. However, her nasty, divisive rhetoric has already been heard for three years too many so we dodged a bullet when she said she wasn't going to run. Those PeeZoo nuts are so pathetic, thinking that there will be a brokered convention with people "demanding Sarah as their nominee". She's an ex-Gov who quit on her oath of office half way through her term. Stop attributing mythical powers to a woman who deserves nothing but our disdain.

  25. Anonymous12:43 AM

    To 8:24 ... thank you for bringing up the Lowe's issue. I have also emailed their corporate offices to say that my Muslim friends are more important to me than spending my money at Lowe's, ever again. From now on it's Home Depot for me.

  26. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Here is what it looks like in Wisconsin right now.


    "Another major shoe has dropped in the John Doe investigation of Gov. Scott Walker's current and former aides.

    On Tuesday, authorities arrested Andrew P. Jensen Jr., a commercial real estate broker with Boerke Co. and a past president of the Commercial Association of Realtors-Wisconsin."

    No charges on the record yet but

    "Insiders told No Quarter that he was arrested after refusing to cooperate with the long-running John Doe investigation by Milwaukee County prosecutors."

  27. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Couldn't happen to a nicer gal...

  28. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Looks like Todd is trying to prove what a man he is, letting a diesel engine move him instead of manning a real race team, in the Iditarod.

  29. Anonymous4:04 AM

    If Todd had ever bothered to truly promote awareness to energy inefficiencies and the fuel crisis in the villages on his route like he claimed, if he had ever really done anything positive and functional as the Alaska co-Governor for half a second, if he for once acted with dignity and decorum as a Joe-Six-Pack First Dude, he'd be worthy of a show all his own.

    Just an ordinary thug in an extraordinary race isn't enough - Sarah's proved that.

    Hey Todd, when you taunted that man with the video cell phone that we just 'couldn't get enough of her,' after shoving yourselves down our throats for three years - I'll bet you are missing that interest in you guys by now?

  30. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Interesting that there's been no backlash from the Palin camp about the "American Dad" episode that aired this week. I bet Rupert won't even take her calls anymore.

    For those who missed it, the last couple minutes showed a dark-haired baby (earlier in the show was revealed as the Antichrist), who was adopted out to Sarah Palin. Could it be a wink that it's Trig and he's not her baby?

  31. With Kim Kardashian crashing because of the fake wedding, isn't there room for Miss Wasilla?


  32. as some may recognize I WAS THE FIRST to declare and never strayed from it, that palin would never be allowed to run for president.
    and of course it was always obvious.

    but like i also say its no accident that the loons like palin and bachmann and the looniest(?) of them all santorum are given a voice while ALL progressives are blackballed from the MSM.

    people see and hear but they really do not believe.

    its not a joke that we call palin an insane ignorant horror of a woman.
    because that is what she truly is.
    most people believe only the fluff they see from tv and listen to shills for their information.

    palin the crazy has seen her time come and go...she will attempt to stay relevant somehow....but by now even she must realize that what she imagined she would achieve was really a mirage.
    and in the end living with ones own mind is really heaven or hell.

    so i say..long live palin.
    she deserves it.

  33. Anonymous5:16 AM

    If nothing else should prove to her supporters how unserious she was and is in being a leader, this should do it.

    She wants to wield-Oprah-like powers people, she doesn't want to think or work or do anything to be adored and followed and gifted to. She just wants your money and attention for no greater good.

  34. Anonymous5:24 AM

    An oldie but goodie - http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.com/2010/11/does-sarah-palin-have-to-mythologize.html

    She has been trying to mythologize every one in her family so they could package and sell them to maximize the grift and celebrity of each underachiever.

    I wish the rippin cool Iron Dog wasn't being bogged down in being associated with a family that loves the smell of emissions, even if Todd's own people can't afford to do the same.

  35. Uh oh! Don't forget...EVERYTHING Gov Dirty Wig touches turns to SHIT! Say Bye Bye to the Irondog!!

    Karma is truly a bitch and Dirty and family are living it right now! YAY! Couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. LOL!

  36. Anonymous9:00 AM

    It's obvious that Sarah's political career is over.

    It's obvious that she has nothing of substance to offer as a "pundant" (sic).

    It's obvious that she is trying to sell another unreality "show" about her grifting family.

    It's obvious no one wants to see anymore of this ugly family.

    Just go away.

  37. Looks like half of NOTHING is still NOTHING! And now C4Peeee'ers, time to take your monkey brooms and monkey hats, and monkey traveling quarter pots, and all other monkey paraphernalia BACK to your lowly hibernation cage for another century or two until the scientific folks come up with a way to transport ALL of you to another place (hopefully different galaxy) so you can start to re-build your warrior tribe....


  38. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Anonymous said...

    To 8:24 ... thank you for bringing up the Lowe's issue. I have also emailed their corporate offices to say that my Muslim friends are more important to me than spending my money at Lowe's, ever again. From now on it's Home Depot for me.
    12:43 AM
    Home depot is another RW buiness! Better to stick with neighborhood hardware stores.


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