Saturday, January 14, 2012

HBO movie "Game Change" premiere has been moved up to March 10. I can hardly wait!

I am VERY pleased that the premiere is so soon, as I am quite interested in how they will portray the choosing of Palin, as well as how she conducted herself on the campaign trail.

Here is what Julianne Moore, who portrays the Grizzled Mama in the film, has to say about her preparation:

"I did a tremendous amount of research," Moore told an audience of reporters at the Television Critics' Associations gathering on Friday. "The first thing I did was hire a vocal coach. For me, she has an incredibly idiosyncratic way of speaking. We looked at hours and hours of her speaking, I read her book, I read 'Game Change,' [I read] her assistant's book. Absolutely everything I could get my hands on." 

Moore is taking the lead in the March-scheduled TV movie, which is based on the 2008 campaign book "Game Change" by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. Ed Harris plays John McCain, while Woody Harrelson plays adviser Steve Schmidt. 

Moore praised Palin's "adorable" parenting, which she studied while watching the reality show "Sarah Palin's Alaska." She did not, however, rave about her preparedness to be a vice presidential candidate. 

"We have her displaying moments of sheer brilliance – I mean, she was unbelievably charismatic," she said. "Suddenly here was this working class mother who popped out and seemed to be able to command the world, but of course upon further inspection, she was clearly not prepared. She didn't necessarily have the experience necessary to lead our country, and that’s what we were attempting to characterize."

If Moore REALLY believes that Palin's parenting style is "adorable" that must mean she did NOT read "The Rogue" by Joe McGinniss, or have any real heart to heart conversations with the people who worked with her on the campaign.  (I also find it hard to believe she carefully read Frank Bailey's book either.) And if her sole source for making that determination is based on the heavily edited Palin mythology which vomited forth from SPA that is a little troubling.

However all is not lost, according to this review in the New York Daily News, it looks like they may very well have captured the essence of Sister Sarah after all:

At several points in HBO’s new movie “Game Change,” Julianne Moore’s Sarah Palin gets a look in her eye that you see in horror flicks just before the adorable 12-year-old chops her whole family into bite-size pieces. 

Maybe in this case it’s not quite that homicidal. But it very clearly says that what Lola wants, Lola gets. 

Oh yeah, that's the Sarah Palin we all know and loathe. I except I wouldn't be so quick to classify that look as "not quite that homicidal."

And it gets even better.

The McCain team tries to give Palin at least a quick Wikipedia course in politics, geography and government, only to have her pout and sulk like an 8-year-old when she can’t absorb it all. Her inner beauty pageant competitor also becomes convinced she looks fat and goes on a crash no-carb diet that sends into periodic stupors. 

She snaps back for her vice presidential debate with Joe Biden, however, when Schmidt decides that instead of learning the issues, she should just memorize all-purpose answers to 25 questions. 

This works so well that everyone thinks they’ve dodged the bullet — until they realize Palin now thinks she’s bulletproof. 

She starts refusing campaign appearances in situations that could help McCain, but might damage what she’s already seeing as her own political future. 

She tells Schmidt he only “gets in my way” and since these crowds are coming to see her, not John McCain, she will do what she wants. 

Schmidt asks McCain to talk to her. He refuses, saying, “She might turn against me, too.” 

Like I said in the headline, I can hardly wait!


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Romney Got $10 Million Federal Bailout At Bain

    Mitt Romney received a $10 million bailout from the Federal Deposit
    Insurance Corp. in 1991, an event that runs contrary to the
    multimillionaire’s current anti-bailout position.

    Documents obtained by the Boston Globe show that the FDIC negotiated a $10 million forgiveness with Bain & Co. while Romney was chairman
    and CEO in 1993.

    The negotiations were part of a deal designed to reduce the debt load at
    the company, which was near bankruptcy. The FDIC had been forced to
    seize Bank of New England, who was a creditor of Bain’s.

    In 2008, in a New York Times op-ed titled “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt,”
    Romney argued that “Detroit needs a turnaround, not a check.”

    In May of 2011, Chrysler succesfully paid the U.S. Treasury back $5.1
    billion from its federal bailout, while a study found that 1.14 million
    jobs were saved by the bailout of the auto industry.


    Mitt Romney company profited as steel mill it owned closed, government bailed out pension plan

    "What’s more, a federal government insurance agency had to pony up
    $44-million to bail out the company’s underfunded pension plan."

    Not only does Romney NOT pay any taxes... he also costs the government money.

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Please help support the Colbert satire, which will surely help this movie, too.

    I posted again on the latest Colbert video. Oh, please, go there and do something to support "Amy Sedaris for VP," complete with her fake pregnancy:

    I wish we could think of something more to do.


  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I hope one day we'll see a movie of her faking her pregnancy.

  4. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Julianne was just trying to be diplomatic. She knows how it will be played if she just outright bashes Sarah. She's just saying something positive for that reason.

    When she mentions the book by Sarah's assistant, she's talking about Frank Bailey's book, right?

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Good Lord. The world does not need a prima donna in any position of authority. And I fail to see what was 'adorable' about trotting Trig out barefoot in the snow, or calling her daughter "Piper Diaper." Nor is it adorable to allow your eldest to vandalize school buses, a daughter to have sex with her boyfriend when she's 15, or allow the other daughter to blow off school so she can trot around LA and play mamma to the toddlers. "Horrific parenting" describes it better. Sorry, Julianne, but there is not one 'adorable' thing about Sarah Palin.

  6. The interesting thing is the movie might have been destined to get a ho-hum-I-pass from the public with Palin fading into no-longer-relevent oblivion, bad timing, too late.

    But now that she's suddenly "on" again, grabbing the spotlight when she can, interest will thus be newly pumped up for the her! Do you love it?

    The spotlight she loves will shine on her pathology and creepiness.

  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Adorable parenting stye? That is Moore's cryptic way of saying that Palin said one thing while everyone else said she did another. She's going to deliver perky housewife on antidepressants for the film.

  8. hedgewytch12:03 PM

    This movie might just be the bombshell that actually puts the lid down the grifter queen's aspirations forever.

    But of course, you know those who are her die-hard supporters will still support her and believe anything she says, even if she was found standing over Todd with a bloody knife in her hand, as Todd gasps his last breath pointing to Sarah saying "she did it!" and with a security video documenting the whole scene.

  9. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I read Julianne's first comments and I thought that she was encouraging a broad political spectrum to watch "Game Change".

    If she had revealed the plot twist - "OMG Palin is a bad seed" a lot of potential viewers could dismiss it out of hand as a hatchet piece.

    I trust that Julianne did her homework.

    Whatever pluses SP brought to the table, her minuses were much, much greater and part of what makes "Game Change" such a dramatic story is how quickly McCain's campaign turned in to a train wreck, everyone walking on eggshells to pander to her "I'm a superstar, you're not" ego.

  10. Since the "adorable" is in quotes, perhaps she was being facetious?

    I didn't find anything adorable about Sarah Palin as a human being or as a mother, except she was a cute little toddler. Sorta.

    So, how typical of a narcissist; she memorizes the all-purpose answers and thinks she is therefore capable of being VP. What a dolt. No, I mean, what a NUMBSKULL.


    Yes, I'm talkin' about YOU, Sarah.

  11. Schmidt asks McCain to talk to her. He refuses, saying, “She might turn against me, too.”

    At least McCain understood the Frankenstein he unleashed, who like the Mel Brooks version, has Abby Normal's brain. That also squares w/Megan McCain's obvious contempt for her (that she didn't give voice to, but couldn't hide, either) while she refused to talk about Palin after the campaign. I harbor no doubts that McCain's continued defense of having her on the ticket is b/c he knows she found the key to some of his own skeleton closets, and wouldn't hesitate to use it if he crossed her. He has seen those eyes, too.

  12. Do you mean she said Schmidt only gets in her way, or McCain?? Because if she means McCain, then obviously she was putting herself above the good of the country. (Not that McCain would have been good for the country, but youknowwhatimean.)

    She acted like a petulant 8 year old? So, then, when we thought she was acting like a middle-schooler with her mean-girl schtick, we were giving her credit beyond her chronological age.

  13. John McCain's "best decision ever" rears her ugly bewigged head, yet again. Thankfully though, in the capable hands of Ms. Moore. I can't wait for this, either, Gryphen!

    Looking back, Sarah was a huge stain (makes the blue dress look meaningless) on American history. The fact that an old, grizzled, Carrie Prejean wannabe almost made it to being a heartbeat away from the highest position in the land proves John McCain was a traitor of the first order. And he's damned lucky to be alive today. President Obama's win probably saved Grampy's life. Curtis Menard, anyone? Dar Miller? And where is Cathy Baldwin Johnson?

    Why isn't Sarah Palin doing laundry in an orange jumpsuit? Now THAT'S a reality show I'd like to see!

  14. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Let's not forget that after her STUPID interviews, McCain and Co. either hid her or he sat next to her in case he had to translate the idiocy coming out of her mouth.

    Then there's the VP debate with O'Biden. Still on YouTube. LOL. Watch her start her crap and the grin on his face at what an idiot she is, to which when he walked off stage, he told his handlers, "YOU OWE ME!" Grace under pressure on his part while the unhinged thought she stole the show.

  15. Anonymous12:34 PM

    A few comments from some C4P'ers:-


    conservativemama 5 hours ago
    I watched the short trailer and the problem with both Julianne Moore and Tina Fey is that neither one captures the spirit of Palin. Like Reagan with the twinkle in his eye, Palin radiates from within. You see it in Tebow as well. No actor can capture that, especially no jaded, cynical, believe in nothing actors. Palin is so alive that no deadened Hollywood actress measures up. Plus, it's the rare case where the real person is more beautiful than the Hollywood versions. Who wants to be that actress?

    I've thought Julianne Moore was good in other movies, but she's awful in this. It's so not Palin that it's almost comical.

    Another attempt to take down Palin that like all the other attempts will only make her stronger.
    ResearchIsImperative and 13 more liked this

    Audrey_I 3 hours ago in reply to conservativemama
    Julianne Moore brags that she has read all of Sarah Palin's speeches. Julianne Moore has commented that she does not like Sarah Palin. Julianne Moore is typical of the fruits and nuts who live in Hollywood.

    HBO provides a forum for leftists and their movie "Game Changer" will be another Palin hit piece.
    USMAgrandma and 3 more liked this

    blueniner 4 hours ago in reply to conservativemama
    Sarah is animated and passionate and you either have or you dont, and these actors dont.
    sparrow17 and 8 more liked this

  16. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Schmidt had an ingenious scheme for Palin to blow smoke
    during the debate. They saved face but created Frankenstein. Palin has continued to do this.

  17. Anonymous12:42 PM

    So John "I was a POW" McCain was afraid to talk to her in case she turned against him? What a terrific president HE would have made. He talks so tough about invading other countries, but shies away from making an underling get in line? What really irritates me most of all about this entire episode is that people KEPT QUIET instead of exposing the fraud for what she truly is - a dumb, low intelligence, narcissist.

  18. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Its weird that they say she refused appearances because she was literally on a stage or in an interview room EVERYDAY that whole campaign. She was never bot in our view.

    I'm glad Julianne watched SPA because that gives her the most accurate view of Sarah Palin in everday life.

    Next I think what would be interesting is HBO produce the obama/hillary story afterr this with Julianne Moore. I think the two portrayals (hillary and sarah) would be identical.

  19. Anonymous12:49 PM

    What a bitch and fraud! All about Sarah - as most Alaskans already know!

  20. I can not wait to see this!! On my way to the library to pick up the book and re-read it!

    The best description from that review is the fact that the reviewer compared Baldy to a "horror flick"! Yep...she has definitely been a horror! She's the monster that won't die...She's Michael from Halloween 1-however many they made!

    At least Julianne doesn't have to play Baldy now! Dirty wigs, food stained clothes, Herpes infected lip, mannish square jaw, mean beady eye glare, turkey neck, and those claws that she tries to pass off as hands...naw that would require some serious hollywood makeup experts...shoot if they had to transform Julianne into how Baldy looks now...those folks would win an Emmy in the category of "Makeup for a Made-for-TV-Horror Movie"!

    Crazies4Palin are of course upset with this review...a few have shown up at the site bleating and mewing in the comment section!

    And don't forget boys and girls...Baldy will be on Judge "Facedoesn'tMoveEvenWhenITalk" Pirro tonight. Either she'll be trying to put another curse on Tebow or she'll babble the same shit she's been saying for the last few weeks! One thing is for sure the Judge probably won't ask her about "Game Change"...but then again you never know!!!

  21. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Maybe Julianne didn't want to get into the McGinniss' book because she would then loathe the character she's portraying. She probably knew that knowing too much about Sarah would hinder her to portray Sarah convincingly. After all, Sarah loves herself and no one else.

    Maybe Julianne needed to play the role of Sarah as Sarah feels about herself, and not how "Game Change" depicted her. . This way she could present the narcissistic defensive side.

  22. Irishgirl1:01 PM

    Holy fuck! I hope we can see this in Ireland.

  23. And of course I have to post this oldie now goodie....

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah tells people she doesn't read "the blogs" but she is obsessed with this one. Bristol too. They both have google alerts on their names and they (especially Sarah reloads IM on her iPad and blackberry. She even has an icon on her iPad that says "AH" (asshole) which is a shortcut to IM.

    I am friends with one of her nephews and I couldn't believe when I met her how she was with the cell phone. She looks at it all of the time even if she is talking to someone else. It makes her sister mad, you can tell.

    I did not see Bristol on IM, but her cousin told me she even checks it when she gets up to pee in the middle of the night.

    If you get on your own cell, Todd & her both spaz. One of our other friends was just checking email and right away Todd was all DID YOU JUST SEND SOMEONE A PHOTO OF US? LET ME SEE YOUR PHONE. It was insane. They are nuts, and obsessed with this blog

    2:04 PM

    Baldy...I know you have to get ready for your interview with Judge NoMoveFace, but again...I'm asking if you slip in the word "benign"...I win 100 dollars! YIKES...I hope you know how to pronounce it!

  24. Anonymous1:18 PM

    "Gets in my way" is PALIN Alaskan Mafia that we all know exists. DC AMERICAN Mafia said, "FUCK YOU," and meant it. Sucks to be YOU, Sarah!

    Put your wig on straight tonight, would ya? AND, by the way, make sure it's not parted on the right. Your pee pond deems it at a sign you're running and will empty their accounts for you which is what you wanted in the first place, grifting know-nothing bitch.

    I, myself, can't wait for the word salad. On a diet.

  25. Anonymous said...

    Its weird that they say she refused appearances because she was literally on a stage or in an interview room EVERYDAY that whole campaign. She was never bot in our view.

    I'm glad Julianne watched SPA because that gives her the most accurate view of Sarah Palin in everday life.

    Next I think what would be interesting is HBO produce the obama/hillary story afterr this with Julianne Moore. I think the two portrayals (hillary and sarah) would be identical.

    12:47 PM

    Uh Baldy...could you STOP trying to compare yourself to Hillary Clinton! Hillary has a on the other hand have cotton candy for a brain! And as far as that first paragraph of gibberish you wrote...HUH!!

    Anywho...shouldn't you be getting ready for your interview? Get off the IPad dummy and go get your hair "did" and please...make sure the wig sits on your head correctly....I am so tired of seeing how crooked your big ass head looks on TV...isn't there mirrors in that barn you call a house...or are they covered up because you're a vampire and you don't have a reflection! *SNICKER*

  26. maple1:41 PM

    I suspect Ms Moore was careful to say only the things that the film's publicist wanted her to say. They sure don't want "hundreds" (or do I mean "tens") of Palinbots demonstrating outside the movie theatres.

    I'm late to the party but I just finished reading Geoffrey Dunn's book and am now partway through Joe McGinniss' opus. And now I have a much better idea of what you've been talking about here!

  27. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I'm not looking forward to it. More Palin oversaturation. She's not worth the effort to make an HBO production that centers on her. Or maybe just the trailers focus on her? The thought of her sour belches punctuating the election cycle coming up--11 months of it!--is bad enough without an entire movie too. I actually hope it fizzles and dies. If it doesn't, the bots will just see it as another nail in their beloved martyr's cross. Remember that a lot of comments on C of Pee are parodies by infiltrators. Not that it makes any difference. But you have to wonder. Palin got not one single write-in vote in N. Hampshire. Could the entire C of Pee be the work of people like us, and she has no actual supporters???

  28. Anonymous1:49 PM

    "incredibly idiosyncratic way of speaking"


    "word salad"

  29. Olivia1:52 PM

    I prefer to think that Ms Moore's term "adorable parenting" is similar to the genteel southern putdown "aren't you PRECIOUS!"

    I also think that the narcissist in the herpes infected, wonky eyed, badly wigged one needs to draw attention to the movie because it is about HER! Even if it mocks, belittles or exposes her, she has a pathological need to draw attention to herself and this movie.

  30. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Schmidt asks McCain to talk to her. He refuses, saying, “She might turn against me, too.”

    Yet, John McCain continues to claim that picking Palin was the best decision he ever made. What a liar!

  31. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Forget benign, Gina. She'll have her fake water bra on and show off the B-52s. She's ALL for the military, you know...

  32. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "She was never bot in our view.

    12:47 PM"

    Bwahahahahahahaha - talk about a Freudian slip!

  33. Anonymous2:00 PM

    After Palin was picked for the VEEP run, she did NOT give interviews until the campaign staff could find a few gentle interviewers to ease Palin into the routine. Even so, Palin was a hilarious mess in her interviews.

  34. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Does the movie contain the scene where Palin draped only in a towel greets campaign staffers?

    It would be a tough scene to portray without collapsing in laughter at Palin's pathetic attempt to ooze sex.

  35. She who was plopped into the 2008 campaign (as are all VP nominees) has been talking about the importance of the GOP debates and vetting since they started. On Jan 2, she got a bit more specific in her interview with Eric Bolling. It's not too hard to spot how she's been setting the stage for her spin on any uncomplimentary accuracies portrayed in the movie.

    "All these candidates have been strengthened through this process, this...been’s been a tough process. I think all the candidates are at a position now where they will be less likely to be OVERWROUGHT when it comes to dealing with the PRIMARY campaign. I-i-it’s gonna be tough up against Obama and 90% of the media and a billion dollars and everything else that they’ll have thrown up against them. All of these candidates have been strengthened and I’m happy with this filled." (starts at about 5:45)

  36. PalinsHoax2:04 PM

    Wow, Julianne Moore looks absolutely gorgeous.

    Ol' $carah on the other hand looks like the furball that my cat upchucked - disgusting.

  37. Anonymous2:05 PM

    The good thing about Julianne Moore is she's been in Hollywood. She knows such HOW BAD the slandering is. It doesnt appear that she buys into the whole fictional character of Sarah Palin and she sees her as just another woman and mother doing her thing. But she's also not stupid and sees her as not President material.

    Obviously the movie will be dramatized. Campaigns are naturall dramatized. There isn't a cool head among ANYONE'S campaign staff. People become their worst versions of themselves ie Sluts, drunks, anger-ridden backstabbers. Every DC is used to.

    HBO, PLEASE make a Hillary/Obama movie, PLEASE!!!! That was th emost entertaining part of the book.

  38. Anonymous2:08 PM

    ""Next I think what would be interesting is HBO produce the obama/hillary story afterr this with Julianne Moore. I think the two portrayals (hillary and sarah) would be identical""

    Sarah Palin is not qualified,nor does she have the knowledge and ability,to scrub Hillary Clinton's toilet.I'm not a Hillary supporter,just not blind and stupid.

  39. Anonymous2:09 PM

    It is amazing how these ass wipes retarded do nothing shit for brain Palins make asinine comments to stay in the news! I would of thought they would be too embarrass to stick their pie holes out of the house their dumbass followers paid for!

    Then I remembered what no skilled dumb ass untalented "legs in the air" Jay Leno look a like Bristol Palin said

    "People hate them because they are famous"

    And then I tried to figure out what did Brisket do that was famous?

    Famous for ....
    her several pregnancies.
    For missing a lot of school because she had 9 months of mono.
    For scamming DWTS by just dry humping on the floor instead of dancing.
    For having a book signing in the big Minnesota mall sitting next to her mom with several dozens of security guards and police officers and only 20 people showed up.
    For abandoning her son Tri-G.
    For naming her son after her father's prostitute.
    For walking the streets of LA trying to pimp and use her high school dropout skanky sister to get a reality show.
    For putting her name on a piece of shit "get even mean girl" book that failed.
    For her bogus Sarah Palin money laundering LLC.
    For sleeping in beds and tents belonging to Levi, Ben, Gino, Masey brothers and whoever would give her wine coolers or buy her a Big Mac.
    For her underage bar hopping mechanical bull riding and falling on her fat ass.
    For getting paid for putting bendy straws into her mother's water bottles.
    For her illegal free trips paid for by Alaskan tax payers.
    For keeping her pacifier sucking son away from his grandmother, if Grandma Johnston really is Tripp's grandma?
    For her sex moaning sounds.
    For her cancelled reality shows.
    For her and her homophobic sisters rants.
    For giving motivational speeches and she couldn't even motivate herself, her siblings or father into getting an education or jobs.
    For giving abstinence speeches while bed hopping.
    For her ever growing baby bump on DWTS.
    For her giant TO GO Cheesecake Factory late night snacks in Los Angeles.
    For quitting everything she ever started.
    For telling everybody she lost only 5 pounds and realigned her mouth which resulted in her new big ass Jay Leno chin.
    For wearing scarves to hide her new fetus or fat belly.
    For getting a truck from her mother in lieu of building a relationship with her baby's daddy.
    For telling everybody she was going to college in Arizona only to return to Wasilla with dreams of giving $9 haircuts.
    For being the daughter of a sportscaster who got interviews by screwing black athletes in her sister's dorm room while her boyfriend Todd was out cheating on her.
    For being an office manager who is now a receptionist.
    For being the daughter of a pimp...
    For being the auntie of her brother's unmarried pastor's daughter baby.
    For telling the world several years ago that her mom already made up her mind about her POTUS scam...
    For telling the world she got raped by her baby's daddy only to walk that lie back after getting called on it.
    For ransacking the Red Cross room in Los Angeles and taking multiple gifts, earphones, perfumes and everything else not bolted down.
    For moving in with her aunt during her Tri-G pregnancy.
    For going to several high school either for getting kicked out or to hide her pregnancy.
    For being the sex addicted daughter of the quitter governor of the state of Alaska.
    For stealing the GOP campaign clothes paid for by the GOP.
    For living in a house built with the same material used in building the Wasilla hockey rink that put the town in debt for several 100 years.
    For her alcoholic binges.
    For her use, purchase and distribution of meth.
    For disrespecting elderly Alaskan school teachers.
    Famous for ......

    Bristol tell us again what you and your no good Valley Trash Grifting Wasilla Hill Billy inbred family are famous for?

  40. Anonymous2:10 PM

    From The Telegraph:

    "Mrs Palin's debate preparation has been conducted at Mr McCain's ranch in Sedona, Arizona. Several of his most senior aides have left Mr McCain's side to help with practice sessions. A photograph was released of Mrs Palin standing behind a lectern as Randy Scheunemann, Mr McCain's top foreign policy adviser, played Mr Biden.

    Andrew Halcro, one of Mrs Palin's gubernatorial rivals in 2006, warned that she was a tricky opponent.
    "Palin is a master of the non-answer," he wrote in an article in the "Christian Science Monitor". "She can turn a 60-second response to a query about her specific solutions to healthcare challenges into a folksy story about how she's met people on the campaign trail who face healthcare challenges. All without uttering a word about her public-policy solutions to healthcare challenges."
    He concluded: "So what does that mean for Biden? With shorter question-and-answer times and limited interaction between the two, he should simply ignore Palin in a respectful manner on the stage and answer the questions as though he were alone.
    "Any attempt to flex his public-policy knowledge and show Palin is not ready for prime time will inevitably cast him in the role of the bully."

    Interesting fun factoid:
    Twice, Sarah referred to the U.S. commander as "General McClellan." And then criticized Joe Biden for not naming him.

    McClellan was a Civil War general. Gen. David McKiernan was the Afghanistan commander. Pro-Palin news reports later said that she "mispronounced" his name.
    Man, she gets a lotta mileage for mispronouncing.

  41. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Its weird that they say she refused appearances because she was literally on a stage or in an interview room EVERYDAY that whole campaign. She was never bot in our view.

    I'm glad Julianne watched SPA because that gives her the most accurate view of Sarah Palin in everday life.

    Next I think what would be interesting is HBO produce the obama/hillary story afterr this with Julianne Moore. I think the two portrayals (hillary and sarah) would be identical.

    12:47 PM

    Umm, yeah, sure, Hillary and Sarah have soooo much in common, right, I see that for certain, especially the part about Hillary being the commencement speaker at Wellesley College and then whole part about Hillary getting a LAW degree from Yale.

    Yep, Hills and Palin sure have a lot in common, NOT!

    Sorry but Hillary Clinton is light years beyond the uneducated Palin. Not that Palin didn't attend some schools and achieved a Bachelor's degree in 5 years, I'll give her that, but really, their IQ's must be as widely separated as is Trig from his birth mother!

    Nice try though, BOT, I'll give you an E for effort. I have a feeling that your educational experience reflects this as well. Good on you for trying; here's a Gold Star to show your parents. You're dumb but people still appreciate the effort you put forth. I think they call people like you "special" and not in a good way ;-)

    You can compare the two women for yourself with the links below. Just to be fair I put Sarah's wiki first.

  42. Anonymous2:36 PM

    "Let's not forget that after her STUPID interviews, McCain and Co. either hid her or he sat next to her in case he had to translate the idiocy coming out of her mouth."

    See, that's the thing. After the horrific Couric interview, when she went back for seconds but had McCain sitting next to her, it didn't seem like a team of two equals of leadership quality, it seemed like he was talking his teenage daughter to a teacher/parent conference. She looked so pathetic and moronic right then. It was utterly clear that McCain was only there because Palin was an incompetent flake.

    I didn't know anything about her back then, and even I could see how utterly unfit she was for a position of responsibility. I wouldn't have been surprised at all if it had turned out that she only got the VP nod because she was his niece. That's how utterly out of place she was.

  43. Smirnonn2:37 PM

    Julianne Moore deserves the acting equivalent of the Purple Heart for having to do all that research. IMAGINE having to watch all those lame-ass speeches, having to have a vocal coach teach you how to screech salad, having to read all that palin crap and having to watch that gawd-awful "reality" mock up.

    It seems they're going to portray paylump rather negatively. I just wonder HOW negatively. Will they show the real truth or will they sugar coat it?

  44. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Got to buy some popcorn and Ben & Jerry's. Maybe some champagne. Yeah, baby.

  45. Anonymous2:43 PM

    12:47 pm. Sarah Palin was not interviewed "often" during the 2008 campaign. I think you saw the same interview over and over! Also, too, Hillary Clinton is light years above Sarah Palin in intellect and character.

  46. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Adorable parenting?
    Julianne, Julianne, naming "your" Down syndrome child Tri-G is FAR from adorable.
    Guess she didn't do all That much research into her character.

  47. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Its weird that they say she refused appearances because she was literally on a stage or in an interview room EVERYDAY that whole campaign. She was never bot in our view.

    I'm glad Julianne watched SPA because that gives her the most accurate view of Sarah Palin in everday life.

    Next I think what would be interesting is HBO produce the obama/hillary story afterr this with Julianne Moore. I think the two portrayals (hillary and sarah) would be identical.

    @12:47 PM

    That is a lie, and you know it. I remember during the 2008 campaign there was a threat of a media blackout, if the media was not allowed access to $arah Palin. SPA is propaganda. Pure bullshit. $arah Palin couldn’t even hide her bitchiness, and her phoniness on her own propaganda show. She wasn’t even a convincing hunter.

    I guarantee you if HBO ever does make a movie about the 2008 democratic primary campaign, it won’t show Hillary Clinton acting like a fool. Hillary Clinton, and $arah Palin couldn’t be more different. And, Barack Obama wasn’t running against $arah Palin in 2008. In fact, he ignored her ass, and still does, so I don’t see the point you’re trying to make.

  48. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I am trying to figure out what is adorable about:
    1. Covering up your son's misconduct by shipping him out of state to finish high school, I mean, play hockey, and then check into the army.
    2. Announcing your teen age unwed daughter's pregnancy to a national, no, international audience.
    3. Picking out a fiancee for your unwed pregnant teen age daughter, promising that they are going to get married, maybe even in the White House, and then kicking him to the curb when he was no longer useful (best mommy-in-law ever).
    4. Covering up for another teen age daughter's breaking, entering and vandalism charges while letting the guys take the heat.
    5. Dragging your youngest daughter out of school for weeks on end. Education does not appear to be a priority for anyone in that family. Even Sarah has trouble learning a simple lesson that we all learned in school, One if by land, Two if by sea. In Sarah's version, Paul Revere was ringing those bells and firing those warning shots. If she doesn't care enough to learn the simple facts of the American Revolution, she obviously doesn't care about her children's education, either.
    6. I don't know what is adorable about subjecting a special needs child to the loud noises and crowds at the 2008 convention and Sarah's 2009 book tour. The photo of Trig at 11 PM on a cold night, wearing nothing but a shirt and diaper, being shown off to the crowd is not adorable. It is child abuse. We can only hope that Trig is getting therapy and love, someplace. There is nothing adorable about a child who needed hearing aids and glasses being photographed without them.
    7. There is nothing adorable about creating a career for a young woman whose only talent has been to produce a child (children?) outside of marriage: speeches about abstinence, dancing with stars, her own reality show, all of this for a girl who cannot act, cannot dance, cannot speak well.
    8. There is nothing adorable in making your macho husband carry your purse.

  49. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Watch her tonight, people. The MAJOR fuck up, and her minions say it's propaganda we're touting? NOPE, just going on what comes out of her mouth.

    C'mon Queenie....say something intelligent if you've memorized what you're supposed to say. Which I doubt.

  50. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Julianne Moore must be on crack, how she described Palin. Just another person kissing Palins ass.

  51. @2:09 Brilliant.

    You wrote:
    Then I remembered what no skilled dumb ass untalented "legs in the air" Jay Leno look a like Bristol Palin said:

    "People hate them because they are famous."

    What did Romney say in his defense of his Bain vulture capitalism?

    "They are just envious, jealous."

    VOTE!!! We an't let this pathetic man get anywhere near the White House.

  52. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I just lost all respect for Julianne moor, with that BS description of Palin. She is really trying to kiss Palins ass.

  53. Anonymous3:16 PM

    "...command the world?!?" Please: Many of us were on to her idiotic folksy schtick the moment she started screeching like a stuck banshee.

  54. Anon @11:32.....Thank you

  55. Picking Sarah probably was the best decision McCain ever made. He's still alive. The pressure of the presidency would have killed him (if she didn't).

  56. Anonymous3:32 PM

    And that old fuck-sac Walnuts still says she was the best decision he ever made.


  57. Anonymous3:33 PM

    "HBO, PLEASE make a Hillary/Obama movie, PLEASE!!!! That was th emost entertaining part of the book."

    A: I'm certain there'll be a whole slew of Obama movies and documentaries after his stint as President is over. 2016, i'm guessing.

    B: Um... do you think "HBO" reads this blog or something? Why are you even posting this here??

  58. Anonymous3:35 PM

    @2:05 PM

    $arah's a Julianne Moore fan, now.

    “The good thing about Julianne Moore is she's been in Hollywood. She knows such HOW BAD the slandering is. It doesnt appear that she buys into the whole fictional character of Sarah Palin and she sees her as just another woman and mother doing her thing. But she's also not stupid and sees her as not President material.”

    Whine, whine, whine. “Slander” is big part of POLITICS, too. What part of $arah Palin’s character is “fictional?” Julianne Moore still believes in the FACTUAL characterization of $arah Palin being a dumb, unvetted, uncontrollable, narcissistic fraud, who was in over her head. Which according to Julianne Moore, that’s what they are actually trying to portray in the film. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. And, according to part of the film review, we get to see Julianne Moore show us some of Palin’s diva side in the movie. You might want to control your excitement if you think this movie is going to be a pure love-fest about $arah Palin. It isn’t. $arah Palin may be a woman, and a mother, but she is still a bitch.

    “Obviously the movie will be dramatized. Campaigns are naturall dramatized. There isn't a cool head among ANYONE'S campaign staff. People become their worst versions of themselves ie Sluts, drunks, anger-ridden backstabbers. Every DC is used to.”

    “Sluts, drunks, anger-ridden backstabbers.” Sounds like the Palins. Are you trying to tell us something, $arah? I know you’re an anger-ridden backstabber, but were you a drunken slut on the campaign trail, too?!? DC may be used to it, but Palin wanted badly to be apart of DC!

    “HBO, PLEASE make a Hillary/Obama movie, PLEASE!!!! That was th emost entertaining part of the book.”

    Not as entertaining as this.

  59. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Sarah, oh Sarah with the Servant's heart pure and true and plowing those doors for ya, when you realized it wasn't as simple as McCain simply putting you on the ballot? Didn't it scare the shit out of you when you realized you had to learn things and do things that showed you were fit to lead?

    Being a rock star just cause you were a flavor of the month didn't mean you'd be handed the keys to the Naval Observatory without question. We had every right to question you, from your parenting to fiscal record to associations to fitness.

    Watching you frantically look around for someone to pray with wasn't enough to flub your way into Conservative creds, praying worked with your BFF's from church at what should have been your Cabinet meetings, but that was hard.

    All you wanted to do was have people kiss your ass and tell you how wonderful you were.

  60. Anonymous3:54 PM

    There is nothing "adorable" about boasting in one's book about boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby whose mother is high-risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage) and driving past NICU hospitals to birth in a small hospital not even rated to handle twins.

    Calling Sarah Palin's parenting "adorable" exposes a person to the charge of hopelessly ill-informed.

    So much for "researching" the role.

  61. Anonymous4:01 PM

    It seems they're going to portray paylump rather negatively. I just wonder HOW negatively. Will they show the real truth or will they sugar coat it?

    @2:37 PM

    They will definitely suger-coat some of it.

  62. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I hope they show how gentle hearted Sarah felt sorry for Katie Couric's ratings and decided to throw her a bone and talk about mothering and whatnot.

    When Katie started pulling a Charlie Gibson and asking normal questions befitting an intended Commander in Chief. . .the Caribou in the headlights fear in her eyes is priceless.

    You see how she just gave up throughout the series of interviews. She came off from the high of the audience and when she came through the curtains and saw Katie, she visibly stiffened and thought (like she said to Andrea Mitchell, "You're not listening to me!," just report what I say, we don't need Truth Vigilantism) great, I have to put on my big girl panties and pretend I'm gracious and thick-skinned when I just made fun of O'Biden and old man McCain's age yesterday. . .

    The woman was a nightmare selection and the team knew it the moment she came out in her towel to greet the prep squad. You can't polish a moose poop pellet.

  63. Anonymous said...

    The good thing about Julianne Moore is she's been in Hollywood. She knows such HOW BAD the slandering is. It doesnt appear that she buys into the whole fictional character of Sarah Palin and she sees her as just another woman and mother doing her thing. But she's also not stupid and sees her as not President material.

    Obviously the movie will be dramatized. Campaigns are naturall dramatized. There isn't a cool head among ANYONE'S campaign staff. People become their worst versions of themselves ie Sluts, drunks, anger-ridden backstabbers. Every DC is used to.

    HBO, PLEASE make a Hillary/Obama movie, PLEASE!!!! That was th emost entertaining part of the book.

    2:05 PM

    Uh oh Baldy...I see you are "drunk commenting" again! Hiccups included!

    WTF is this gibberish...

    "She knows such HOW BAD the slandering"....

    SIGH... time to dig out my "Breaking the Hillbilly Code" book by "Ima Troll"!

    And thanks for admitting that you are a "fictional character"...emphasis on "character"!

    What I want to know the skinny on Baldy is this..."ie Sluts, drunks, anger-ridden backstabbers"....because strangely enough you sound like you are describing your OWN FAMILY...

    Sluts=Beefalo...drunks=Toad...and of course we all know who the "anger-ridden backstabbers" was...Baldy Palin herself!

    And I don't think you need to worry about Julianne Moore's portrayal of you...she's going to portray you as exactly are you are and I can't wait to see it!

  64. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Now I know why I never cared for Julianne Moore. What a dumb Palin ass-kisser she is.

  65. Uh commenter @ 2:09PM.....DAMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNN!!

    *Standing up and applauding*

    The ball is now in your court Beefy! Let's hear whatcha' got!

  66. Why do I see Sarah in handcuffs when I look at that picture? A sign of things to come?

  67. Anonymous4:40 PM

    "Julianne Moore still believes in the FACTUAL characterization of $arah Palin being a dumb, unvetted, uncontrollable, narcissistic fraud, who was in over her head. "


    Anyone who thinks Paylin isn't a fraud, ask yourself this:
    What possible reason could there be for Ms. don't-retreat-reload/I've-got-that-fire-in-the-belly/I-could-beat-Obama to:

    A: QUIT as gov of Alaska (an oath to the Alaskan people she swore ON A BIBLE)

    B: Wait until the LAST POSSIBLE MINUTE to FINALLY admit she wasn't running (but made sure to get one last $arahPAC donation request out first)

    Seriously, if she has the "belly fire", thinks "not retreating" is an American virtue and believes she could beat Obama, then why did she SURRENDER the governorship in the face of some "frivolous ethics charges" and turn her back on her devoted followers who she knew damn well were expecting her to run for pres?

    Was she lying all along? It seems pretty obvious, doesn't it?


  68. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I'm glad Julianne watched SPA because that gives her the most accurate view of Sarah Palin in everday life.
    12:47 PM
    Fuck off Brooklyn!
    I wanted Katey Segal to play palin she could of got the evil psychobitch down. Hope Juliette makes the grade.
    Your bitch going down soon. Owner a matter of time b/c she won't keep her BIG fucking mouth shut.
    The powers that be will have to muzzel her stinkin' ass and I can't wait!

  69. Julianne is more attractive ... thanks.

  70. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Schmidt asks McCain to talk to her. He refuses, saying, “She might turn against me, too.”

    Yet, John McCain continues to claim that picking Palin was the best decision he ever made. What a liar!
    I wonder what McCain's bad decisions were.

  71. Great comments, all. And, GINAM, you ALWAYS crack me up! Thanks for the laughs!

    Counting the days until Game Change AND the November 6th election! Go President Obama! Let's give him the landslide he deserves after suffering the "slings and arrows" of the Tea Party and their horrid ilk, eh?

  72. Anonymous5:27 PM

    As another commenter has said,
    "adorable" was a polite way to say
    Julianne Moore would be a fool to bad-mouth Palin. As an excellent actress, she'll subtly convey the Palin craziness. She said she's done her research -- Moore's too smart not to show Sarah as being what Sarah is: dumb.

  73. Anonymous5:32 PM

    "Next I think what would be interesting is HBO produce the obama/hillary story afterr this with Julianne Moore. I think the two portrayals (hillary and sarah) would be identical"

    The intellectual power of Obama/Hillary is so beyond anything that Sarah Palin could even imagine. Smart, articulate, informed-- everything that Sarah is not. Let's see what Hillary and Sarah have in common: they are both women involved in the world of politics, that's all. the comparison is a joke. That post is a joke, right?

    Both Hillary and Barack have equally strong, interesting spouses. The better story would be to look at the partnership that Bill and Hillary forged when they met in law school, which followed them from the governor's mansion in Arkansas to the White House, Hillary's career in the Senate and her current position as Secretary of State. After his 8 years as president, Bill Clinton continues public service with his charitable groups. Unlike GWB, Clinton is a tireless supporter of international causes.

    From what we see of the relationship between Michelle and Barack Obama, they have an equally interesting partnership. One of their important goals is trying to keep their kids' lives as normal as possible. Michelle's mother moved into the White House to provide stability for the girls. (We don't see that kind that stability in the Palin house). Michelle has a law degree, and she has chosen important public awareness campaigns about healthy eating and exercise, something that Palin makes fun of (out of ignorance and/or jealousy).

    Yes, collectively, the Obamas and Palins have four law degrees. When Sarah speaks, we can't believe that she actually got a degree in journalism. Todd, her trusted adviser, does not hold any degrees higher than his high school diploma. Yes, they all have so much in common (snark).

  74. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Didn't the Palin Klan spout off about TEBOW earlier this week? Well they put another Hex on him again, PATRIOTS-35 TEBOW-7.

  75. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

    For the trolls- here's Julianne Moore's assesment of President Obama:

    Watch the video and you'll understand why it was so HARD playing a numbskull.

  76. Anonymous6:07 PM

    "...She tells Schmidt he only “gets in my way” and since these crowds are coming to see her, not John
    McCain, she will do what she wants...."

    Funny that's the same Sarah says about Tawd!

  77. Sunny in Albuquerque6:12 PM

    I hope Moore's "adorable parenting" was tongue in cheek, otherwise she will lose all credibility, if she really researched that boorish ignoramus as thorougly as she says, there is no way she could ever utter "adorable" anything, in reference to that thieving thug.

  78. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Barack Obama's strategists find rich pickings as feuding Republicans attack Mitt Romney

  79. Anonymous6:17 PM

    "... She tells Schmidt he only “gets in my way” and since these crowds are coming to see her, not John McCain, she will do what she wants..."

    That's what Sarah Palin thought when she had the co-book signing with Easy Lay Bristol at the Minnesota Mall and nobody showed up!

    Mall security and the police outnumbered the people in line to buy their books about 15 to 1.

    Sarah thought her celebrity status would sell books for Bristol because if you wanted Sarah's signature then you had to buy Bitchol's book too.

    Hey Wonky Eyed Sarah that shit was too funny!

    Your 15 minutes are up... Sarah You Are The Weakest Link!!!!!!

    GOOD BYE....

  80. Anonymous6:20 PM

    McCain was so afraid of Palin opening her mouth and revealing what little she knew that he forbid the news media from talking to that pig. He even put up a curtain in the plane to isolate her from them.

    That's how fucking dumb she is!

  81. Ha...Palin is on with Judge Pirro..blah...blah...blah in that shrill unending screech.

    Yes, she reads the IM, because she's not wearing teenybopper pink luster gloss -- her lipstick matches more or less the red turtleneck she's wearing.

    And her topknot is subdued and just might be her natural hair, for once(it's streaked), even though it looks like the budding hair stylist in the house has been experimenting with curlers and styling gel.

    Funny: Judge Jeanine could barely shut Palin up in order to go to the break just now...

  82. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Oh my......

    Sarah Palin's bad Joo Joo endorsement is real.

    Tebow is loosing 42 to 7 in the 3rd quarter.

    So that makes him 4 for 5 since Sarah endorsed him.

  83. Olivia6:30 PM

    People of no substance, people whose inner depth doesn't even penetrate the first dermal layer have no hint of a clue about the depth and dimension of others who have education and culture and perspective. These clueless shallow people will never fathom that to compare the wonky eyed skank and the Obamas and the Clintons are ridiculous.

  84. Those of you who are criticizing Ms. Moore for making some sympathetic comments are missing a big part of the actor's craft. In order to play a role, the actor needs to find a connection with the subject. Have you ever seen "Last King of Scotland?" Forest Whitaker was completely aware of how horrific Idi Amin was--yet he became somewhat compassionate of him while playing the role. Although Hannibal Lector was fictional, Anthony Hopkins formed a bond with the character. Simply because Ms. Moore, who is a very fine actor, did exactly that does not mean that she has any illusions about Palin or her suitability for public office.

  85. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Its weird that they say she refused appearances because she was literally on a stage or in an interview room EVERYDAY that whole campaign. She was never bot in our view.

    I'm glad Julianne watched SPA because that gives her the most accurate view of Sarah Palin in everday life.

    Next I think what would be interesting is HBO produce the obama/hillary story afterr this with Julianne Moore. I think the two portrayals (hillary and sarah) would be identical.

    12:47 PM


    This is a joke post, right? After Sarah's disastrous interview with Katie Couric, she never sat for another interview. You are right. Sarah was on a stage or working a crowd everyday. She never sat in an interview room. She was protected from having to repeat her mistakes with Couric and Gibson. Those interviews revealed just how ignorant and unprepared Sarah was to have been thrust into that race.

    You do realize that those "reality" shows on TV are not real. They are staged. The bloopers and missteps are edited out. The only moment that looked real was Sarah failing to hit the caribou after Chuck had to load her rifle for her. In the end, we heard a shot and saw an animal on the horizon fall. Sarah looked more surprised than anyone. They had to convince her, "You did it!"

    We do appreciate a good joke, though. It was a funny post.

  86. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "Adorable" is not a compliment when it is describing parenting. Ms. Moore might as well finish her statement with "Bless her heart."

    Sarah Palin is a complete joke. Most people get that. A handful of deluded followers with a tenous grasp of reality do not. They are, in fact, part of the joke. That's right, we're laughing at you (and not just the liberals among us).

  87. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Oh my......

    Sarah Palin's bad Joo Joo endorsement is real.

    Tebow is loosing 42 to 7 in the 3rd quarter.

    So that makes him 4 for 5 since Sarah endorsed him.

    6:23 PM

    Sarah that's 4 losses and only 1 win within the last 5 games.

  88. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Hey Irishgirl, you can definitely see the movie after release on some of the many sites on the internet that use Bit torrent

    Do some easy research

    Best software for this, imho is

  89. Anonymous7:34 PM

    From peeing4paylin:


    She has just been through 3 years of some of the most hateful things being said about her and her family.

    Has she aged?

    The president looks awful.

  90. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Anon 7:14 PM

    Well said.

  91. Anonymous7:41 PM

    New England 45
    Tebow 10

    Fuck you very much Sarah Palin.

    A player, a community, a team, a city, and a state has been eliminated from the playoffs because of your endorsement.

    That means jobs end! No more hot dog soda vendors, ticket takers, ushers, field people, souvenir vendors, parking lot attendants or janitors.

    Sarah you affected hotel rooms and their employees, cabs, restaraunts, and everything else associated with football with your bad endorsement Joo Joo.

  92. AJ Billings7:49 PM

    Here's $ister $arah caught on FOX NEWS giving some of the most incoherent and incomprehensible answers ever seen on TV

    I hope that Ms Moore has watched Granny Grifter destroy her own reputation on youtube

    Give Bill O'Reilly credit for confronting $arah the liar with facts

  93. DetroitSam7:57 PM

    Molly @12:22 PM "Do you mean she said Schmidt only gets in her way, or McCain?"

    I believe Sarah was talking about McInsane. From all that I have read about Palin's actions during the campaign, I'm sure she thought that she was the star.

    Remember how she tried to campaign in Michigan after McCain decided not to?

    And how the McCain campaigh all but had to place her under lock and key because she wanted to give a concession speech.

  94. DetroitSam8:11 PM

    Anonymous @12:47 PM

    "I think the two portrayals (hillary and sarah) would be identical".

    Surely, you cannot be this daft?

    Take a few min of your time to google, for starters, "hillary clinton + education" followed by "sarah palin + education".

    Then go to YouTube and search for clips of the same and listen to how they speak, the content of the speeches and the depth of knowledge of those speeches.

    Then try googling "hillary clinton + accomplishments" followed by "sarah palin + accomplishments".

    Lastly, try googling the accomplishments of "chelsey clinton + accomplishments" followed by "track palin + accomplishments", "bristol palin + accomplishments". I give the other offsprings a pass for now. But look up their accomplishments a year or two from now.

    And just for the fun of it, google "bill clinton + accomplishments" followed "todd palin + accomplishments".

    Get back to on on this, will yah?

  95. Anonymous8:18 PM

    What ever happened to the babygate book by "Fred"? Never hear anything about it anymore. You should at least give an update, since you use to go on and on about it.

  96. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Palin is a horrid woman. Off subject a tad, but remember that her endorsements bring failure to others. Tebow is an example today - think he completed 9 out of 25 - it might have been 6 out of 25. It was a tough game to watch today as Denver and their lead quarterback were slaughtered.

    Have you all noticed that she is not endorsing a Republican primary candidate? She had Toad endorse Newt Marshmellow because I'm sure she hopes he wins and picks her in some capacity (even though she's not qualified to clean toilets). But, she is knocking Mitt even though it appears he is substantially ahead in the polls in South Carolina in spite of Newt and Perry trying to throw everything but the book at him in their ads and speeches.

    I'm sure Mitt would never pick Palin to run with him much less appoint her to an administration level position should he beat President Obama.

    Cannot believe FOX is keeping her on their network...all she does is badmouth and ramble on and on about President Obama. She's been paid to do that since she and McCain lost the election to our wonderful President.

    Sarah, go to the hell AND I hope the movie brings out the inept and evil person you truly are.

  97. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Hey Sarah anybody knocking on your day to pay you for any speeches?

    We only know of the Cable Guy coming to your house and Tawd wouldn't let him in because the house is a mess.

    Then as they were talking there was a Wasilla Wonky Eyed Dipshit Monster spotting.

    This beast ran across the yard and they were able to catch it on film in the background but its face was so hideous it had to be blurred.

  98. DetroitSam8:41 PM

    re: Palin on Judge Pirro's show.

    I don't know who this Judge Pirro's show or what network. Is she another right-winger or teabagger? But why is Palin being asked to appear on this or any show?

    What does she have to say that is of any value?

  99. Just watched Baldy on Judge Whatever! Looks like she got the Alien Head look tonight! Big round top of the head with the beady eyes, sharp ass cheek bones narrowing down to her chin! She had on a red turtle neck...probably because the neck has been looking scrawny...I did see the giant Mann Coulter adams apple visible. As usual she was on a tear...the fool said..."GuaranDarnTeeYah"...WTF is that suppose to mean?

    Her head is just not made for wigs...because they just can't get that "Gosh Darn" hairline right! And as usual she spewed her garbage about President Obama...Blah...machine..Blah..billion dollars...then she must of wanted the interview to end so she started reading off the teleprompter a bunch of numbers and shit and the Judge was trying to interrupt her so she could go to commercial but Dum Dum just kept reading her lines!

    Then when they came back she launched into the rest of whatever the fuck she was saying! Then the Judge asked her about Newt getting booed and this is where it got interesting...I guess Old Newtie took a dig at "Milt" and Hucka"burninglove" admonished him for "violating the forum rules"...the Judge asked Baldy what she thought about that and Baldy with some kind of crazy smirk on her face did one of her word salad shooter was a lot of shifting in her chair...some "And d'ums" thrown in there...then she used a word that I'm sure was not used in the proper context is her exact quote..."I think I am a good kinda "microcosm" as a person" the rest of what she said was indecipherable!

    Then she went back to bashing the President..."Obama wants class warfare" "Obama TOOK power" the idiot said...I guess that was a bone she threw her teeny tiny KKK base that's still left...well at least the ones that didn't leave her after finding out that she boned a brother back in the day! I did notice that where ever you pause the video her face ALWAYS look like a scary monster mask... or her mouth is closed...or she looks drugged...basically she looks CRAZY!

    Now off to read "Game Change" Chapter Twenty titled "Sarahcuda"...I also got the Megan McCain book just for's as long as Beefalo's book of lies...but at least Megan's is probably 75 percent true!

  100. DetroitSam8:58 PM

    Anonymous @12:47 PM

    "I think the two portrayals (hillary and sarah) would be identical".

    Surely, you cannot be this daft?

    Take a few min of your time to google, for starters, "hillary clinton + education" followed by "sarah palin + education".

    Then go to YouTube and search for clips of the same and listen to how they speak, the content of the speeches and the depth of knowledge of those speeches.

    Then try googling "hillary clinton + accomplishments" followed by "sarah palin + accomplishments".

    Lastly, try googling the accomplishments of "chelsey clinton + accomplishments" followed by "track palin + accomplishments", "bristol palin + accomplishments". I give the other offsprings a pass for now. But look up their accomplishments a year or two from now.

    And just for the fun of it, google "bill clinton + accomplishments" followed "todd palin + accomplishments".

    Get back to on on this, will yah?

  101. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Gryphen, I read about the failed search for palin's college diploma so I spent a lot of time going over the years she was supposed to have graduated with a diploma.....I couldn't find it....Now I have a BA and a MA and my name is still listed from my college back in the 70's and early 80's.....why isn't sarah's? and why has she changed what kind of degree she supposedly has 3 times .....I remember what my degrees are in.....everyone I know that graduated from college remember what their degrees not palin? first it was political science, then journalism, but the professors at Idaho said no because there were certain requirements in written articles that she would have had to submit but didn't because she was not in journalism..she did not do that.....then it was communications.....easy to hide in that one.....but no year listed for sarah as a graduate. Also, a far off picture of a girl holding a diploma in front of an empty dorm is the only evidence she has offered......not acceptable. So why does everyone keep saying she has a college diploma.....5 different colleges in 4 or 5 years does not complete a college degree especially when part of that was at small community colleges and credits don't transfer easily for most majors, especially when she stated that she changed majors at least a couple of times.....I do not believe she has completed a college degree.....people need to call her out on this....especially since she has said that Obama should show his grades and some of his college papers so we could see how he writes and what he writes. I have also noticed that she never refers to him as President Obama, Commander in chief, or any respectful title. She is the most classless, petty narcissist I have ever witnessed. Her looks are becoming less attractive because she is starting to look as she speaks , which is full of spite, venom, lies, jealousy, envy, and stupid rhetoric. She often bragged about her political saavy, her gut in politics.....well, most attractive people can do the things she does to get ahead, play the old men, say what the people want to hear, lie, lie, lie, use people, and be isloated so they can't find out anything about you, and make them fear you with your vengeance......Most of us with a stable moral compass wouldn't do that.....but she does it easily, very psycopathic in her ability to use her children without remorse or worry as well as others. This woman has a very dark side, and we need to "help" her by calling her out publicly on everything she says that we know is an absolute lie....and then ask for the background and where she got her information....let's stop letting this twit get away with this. It is absurd that she is where she is....and sarah, if you're reading is not jealousy or envy that we want you brought is because you deserve to be brought simply deserve it. You are a sociopathic, narcissistic pschopath....and yes, no one is all good or all bad.....but the truth is that some people choose to stay closer to their dark side for various reasons, mostly because they think it works for them....well you know that old saying: You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Abraham Lincoln....your time is up. You are an embarassing fraud. Your poor children are dysfunctional because of your behavior. It's sad and I am done here but not with calling you out at every chance I get when you do the same pathetic dysfunctional routine of lies and stupid nonsensical rhetoric.

  102. Anonymous10:14 PM

    DetroitSam said...

    And how the McCain campaigh all but had to place her under lock and key because she wanted to give a concession speech.

    7:57 PM

    That shit was too funny.... All those Wasilla Hill Billies came out for a curtain call and just about the time Palin was going to go rogue and give her concession speech (which is unheard of from the loosing vp pick) McCain had them turn off the lights and microphone to prevent Sarah from talking and McCain said git that wonky eyed crying loosing bitch and her uneducated whores of my stage and take that alto voice purse carrier with you.

    I guess those dumb fucks eventually got the message and finally left.

    Problem is those grifters stoled all the campaign clothes when they left Arizona and the campaign lawyers had to chase them all the way back to Wasilla where the clothes were hidden in the Palin house that was built with stolen hockey rink building materials.

  103. ThanksABunchJohn10:25 PM

    I read the book, and Sarah Palin does not come in until the very end, a verrry entertaining chapter, but just a chapter. For the bots and even others here, I'm expecting "Game Change" to include the stories about the McCains, the Edwards, the Obama team, the Clintons etc.. Or is HBO dealing the book out in a series style? I doubt Mark Halperin would allow a one-sided smear, dealing only with the Palin/McCain angle. This was a collaboration of John Heilemann (center or left-of) and Halperin (right of center), and their coverage of the 2008 Presidential campaign. However, considering that Palin sells, and that exploiting Elizabeth Edwards (she was not depicted at all well in the book) would not be well received, I wouldn't be surprised if the Palin story took the center stage. If so, I say Bravo!!

    I don't have HBO, can you "on demand" a single movie from them?

  104. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Gryphen -- you can do a FOIA request for her degree earned. It's considered directory information, and the school can release it.

  105. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Another scam Palin ran was identifying herself as an energy expert.

    Just because she sat on a board and was governor Alaska does not make her an energy expert! If she was an expert then BP or other oil companies would have Sarah working for them.

    How come the current and past Alaskan governors do not claim to be energy experts?

    What exactly makes Palin an energy expert?

    Palin never mentioned she took courses in college regarding energy?

    Sitting on a board does not make one an expert.

    Palin never worked in the oil fields.

    So what exactly makes Sarah an energy expert besides saying she is one?

  106. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Anon at 9:31, your post was interesting but extremely hard to read with the lack of punctuation and capitalization. It would have been easier to read if you broke it into correctly punctuated paragraphs. I usually never read posts that are "punctuated" just with ellipses, but I plowed through yours. Please consider taking an extra moment to format it better next time.

  107. Anonymous4:25 AM

    It's Alive! It's Alive!

    I think Palin modeled herself after Playboy mag's "Little Annie Fannie." Twins!

    Al least that's what the answereing the door with only a towel episode reminds me of.


  108. Anonymous6:45 AM

    You cannot find a college in this world that issued Sarah Palin a college degree.

  109. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Hey Sarah, ya gotta admit that was some funny shit watching a lipstick wearing dysfunctional pathetic moron pig cry....

    "... McCain had them turn off the lights and microphone to prevent Sarah from talking and McCain said git that wonky eyed crying loosing bitch and her uneducated whores of my stage and take that alto voice purse carrier with you.

    I guess those dumb fucks eventually got the message and finally left...."

  110. Anonymous8:04 AM

    "I don't have HBO, can you "on demand" a single movie from them?"

    No, have to subscribe.

  111. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Julianne Moore is too sweet to play Sarah Palin. Uma Thurmon -- Pulp Fiction -- would have made a much better choice.

  112. Anonymous9:14 AM

    There is nothing "adorable" about Sarah Palin or any of her brood. They are mean-spirited hoodlems and bullies.

    And for those still hoping for Tripp's rescue, it's too late. He is now 3-4 and has been thoroughly indocrinated into the Palin Family Values. He has been "fathered" by Creepy Chuck and Todd. These are his role models. Tripp's going to be a holy terror when he grows up, following in Uncle Track's footsteps.

  113. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Anonymous said...

    You cannot find a college in this world that issued Sarah Palin a college degree.

    6:45 AM

    Did you check with the "College of Sarah Palin Fucks Black Guys For Interviews"?

    Sarah should have a doctorate in that major!

    That's why Palin hates President Obama so much, he won't give her dicktation!

  114. I wanted Katey Segal to play palin she could of got the evil psychobitch down. Hope Juliette makes the grade.
    Oooh, That would have been a Great Choice!

    I agree- there needs to be some serious Psychosis shown in Palin's eyes...

    not just an "Uh-oh, I am in way over my head" thing.

    we shall see.


    Oh, and 2:09?

    AWESOME. My my my.


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