Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rick Perry begs voters not to "quit" him. Jake Gyllenhaal could not be reached for comment.

So this comes to us, all wrapped up in a journalistic bow, from the National Journal:

Perry told a group of about 150 people at a town hall meeting in Aiken. “Don’t quit on our country, don’t quit on my campaign. 

Uh..hey Rick?  Is that really how you want to phrase that?

I mean, seriously?

I am REALLY going to miss Rick Perry when he finally faces facts and drops out.


  1. lostinmn9:33 AM

    See he's still drawing big crowds. I've seen more onlookers at a fatal car accident. Maybe that's the ticket - a public train wreck - too bad nobody's picking up the body.

  2. A. J. Billings9:35 AM

    Maybe he could call a certain Granny in Wasilla to ask her advice about QUITTING!!??

    I think she knows all about the "dead fish", the "lame ducks" and how to best pander and grift, while pretending to be a candidate

    P-Rick, why dont'cha go on up to Wasiller, and have some moose chili with Snookums, and you can get the best advice from the smartest Granny in all politics.

  3. Teutonic139:47 AM

    Another bone-

    Palin slams Michelle Obama

  4. Anonymous9:48 AM

    hahahahahahahahahahahaha I think I could be bffs with Little Ricky. He sounds like fun. I think I could be bffs with Palin, Huntsman, Bachmann, and Paulie boy too. I hear they're easy going and fun people .

    Just because we wouldn't vote for them doesn't make them unworthy as friends.

  5. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Sorry, I can´t contribute to this thread.

    I can´t think of a single amusing thing to write about this post.

    It is perfect!


  6. Anonymous10:11 AM

    At times, Rick makes Sarah look like a Rhodes Scholar

    He will fondly be remembered for one word... OOPS!

  7. Anonymous10:27 AM

    If interested in a comment, please try to contact the deceased Health Ledger who appears in the photo next to Ricky. Jake may be too busy making movies.

  8. He just can't do shit right! Why is he still in the race? Wait...maybe the question is WHEN is he getting out of the race?

    I guess he's hoping SC or FL will save him...but will he last that long? The magic eight ball says....NO!!

  9. Cracklin' Charlie10:48 AM


    I sincerely hope that Ms. Palin has made a fatal mistake with this rant!

    I think we may need a little "Boom goes the Dynamite"!

  10. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Ugh, I hate seeing Rick Perry's asinine face next to Heath Ledger's.

  11. WakeUpAmerica11:08 AM

    Soooooo, if you wear a tan coat with a dark brown collar, you're gay? Is that it?

  12. Sally in MI11:21 AM

    Well, attacking Mitt hasn't worked. How'bout a big ole prayer meetin'? You know, you can call in all your racist preacher friends and hold hands and pray for the Lord to lead you all to victory!
    What's that? You did that already? Oops, guess God didn't really speak to you after all, Ricky. I think those voices in your head belong to someone else.
    And guess what? God is not blessing an America that refuses to accept all people's views, refuses to acknowledge love between adults, and wants to tear down the other side instead of working to build up all of us. Not to mention abandoning the poor, the ill, the elderly and the education of our children in His name. He really, really frowns on those anti-Christian behaviors.

  13. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Gryphen - you owe me a keyboard. I spewed on this one! Too dang funny!

  14. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I'm just amazed he has made it as gov of TX! He reminds me so much of Palin it isn't funny. Only difference is that Alaskans have no regard for Palin. Suspect Perry will end up like that in TX too. Abosolute idiots!

  15. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Poor desperate fool... he had no place in the race from the start. He's a do-nothing governor, a major hypocrite and knows nothing. I for one will be happy when he returns to his villa in Austin.

  16. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Here Is The Ad Rick Perry Is Relying On To Save His Campaign

    Read more:

  17. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Jack Twist from Broke Back Mountain: "I wish I knew how to quit you"
    That movie made me cry.
    Rick Perry makes me him. :)

  18. Just for a thermometer rule check here, I have a friend in Austin that I chat with occasionally and when we can, we'll chat a little about Richy. Now my pal is not A liberal misplaced by uncontrollable circumstances that landed him in the middle of this quagmire but he shares now and the how many people that live in Texas don 't want the can of soured whipped cream spew all over the natives !!

    So now, over the last 6 to 8 weeks Ricky has tried to use his self-perceived 'biggness' in Texas ( or so he thought) to bloviating his way thru the population that wre suppose to be on HIS side , and he has had his ass handed to him and forced to go home... Perry has been told by others ithe country that are not funding his way of life - Ricky - YOU SUCK !!

  19. Anita Winecooler7:58 PM

    I got it - he's holding our for Florida? The fire island and key west votes - man is he in for a rude awakening.

    Thanks, Teutonic for the link
    Sarah holds head in hands, says "Oh Lord, Oh Lord, does he think we're numbskulls here in the heartland?"

    The answer, Sarah, is no, You're just a small gnat turd in the annals of history. A loser.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.