Saturday, January 07, 2012

That cranky old man from Arizona tries to endorse Mitt Romeny, misses, and endorses President Obama instead.

Personally I cannot imagine why anybody would want the endorsement of John McCain?

The guy chose Sarah Palin for his running mate, how does ANYBODY think he has an ounce of credibility left?

By the way, I think this gaffe is due to the fact that McCain really hates Romney's guts and is just doing this becasue he was pressured into it.


  1. There's a back story to this, let's call it, "I ate $45M and swallowed enough of my pride to gag me and all I got was this lousy endorsement?!"$45-Million

    Let me hazard a guess - since the help Romney needs is the support of the Republican base - the same base that doesn't like McLizard either - Romney would rather have his $45M back.

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    McCain needs to be in jail with Sarah. They are both traitors. He is the reason Sarah is around to spew her hate filled venom.

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    He is not looking or sounding well these days. The side of his face, behind the swollen gland, appears to be darkly discolored. Also, it seems he is having difficulty speaking clearly and he is retelling old stories and getting them wrong. It's long past time for Mr. McCain to shuffle off to retirement before he makes a mistake that dominates and redefines the history of his years in the senate.

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    It makes me think of that time in 2008, when John McCain said, "My fellow prisoners!"

    I'm relieved he's not in the White House.

  5. OMG, that was hysterical. Thanks for posting.

    Also hysterical on Andrew Sullivan's site today is this 1:31 minute video, "America, But Better," opening with a deadwood cameo from this blog's fav subject.

  6. I saw this yesterday! And I laughed and laughed and then I laughed some more!

    Did you see Nikki Haley's face when he kept repeating President Obama's name! LOL!!

    What a doddering old fool...I mean McShame of course!

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I think he meant just what he said! Do you think the Dems will use this? "Even John McCain thinks that the President is a great leader!" Love it!!!

  8. Anonymous11:35 AM

    LMAO...first time I agree with the old coot!

    Obama 2012!

  9. I don't care if your a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green Party or completely apolitical , but after watching this video and witnessing the ongoing nightmare that is Sarah Palin, NO ONE can truthfully admit we would be better off with a McPain/Paylin administration.

    Obama 2012

  10. Tyroanee11:37 AM

    In theaters nationwide: The Curious Cases of the Unconscious Mind of John McCain

  11. angela11:39 AM

    You better believe McNasty hates Mitt. But he hates President Obama more so he'll bend over and take one for the team. He deserves it.

    John needs to retire, go home and spend his days in the casinos spending Cindy's money. Its sad when a man is forced to do things he doesn't want to--like pick an ignorant know nothing for his vp and endorse a bloodless, awkward, lying republican without a soul.

  12. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Every time I see McCain these days I think of what he would be like if he and Palin had won. He is so dotty and confused on a good day imagine what he would be like three years older,with all of the pressure, strain, information overload, lack of sleep, need to make quick decisive decisions, etc that come with being President. It's really really frightening to imagine him in the Oval Office.

    And you can be sure that Mrs. Palin, Todd, RAM, Mr. Greta and her high school inner circle would sense McCain's weakness and be moving in for the kill and trying to take over.

    God, what a horrifying mess we'd be in if they had won.

    Stay healthy President Obama!

  13. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Maybe this is a clue that they're all the same and it really doesn't matter who gets elected......

    Or maybe it's a clue that McCain is a doddering old fool. Or both.


  14. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Why is anyone surprised? This doddering old man has never had all his marbles. Can anyone tell me exactly one thing he has contributed to our country? Remember, he was shot down on his first mission, so don't give me that war hero crap.

  15. And Fox News made the same mistake when they posted President Obama's picture over Mitt Romney's name.

    Makes me wonder if it was actually a mistake.

  16. Balzafiar11:45 AM

    My first thought about the endorsement is that McCain is doing it for the reverse psychology effect: McCain knows a huge number of people hate him and won't vote for anything or anyone he endorses.

    Why would Romney want his endorsement in the first place? McCain isn't exactly a well-respected statesman.

    Something else is in the works.

  17. Anonymous11:51 AM

    McCain and Romney: an orgy of charm and charisma.

    I wonder if they can get that plumber twit from the last election to argue for tax cuts for millionaires?

  18. WakeUpAmerica11:51 AM

    I think he is showing signs of dementia. These gaffes are becoming more often.

  19. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Remember the Tucson Tragedy this weekend. If McCain hadn't nominated Palin, would Christina Green still be alive? Something to ponder. We will not forget those who died. We will not forget Gabby Giffords in crosshairs.

  20. lostinmn11:52 AM

    Some day someone will write the real story behind his time in the Hanoi Hilton. Then his shame will almost match that he should feel for loosing the wasilla witch on the USA

  21. Anonymous11:58 AM

    McCain has pulled two gaffs in two days.
    His whole campaign in 2008 was a long series of gaffs.

    If he had pride instead of vanity he would put himself out to pasture.

    The only way he could achieve the greatness and respect he so craves, at this point, would be to run into a burning building to save some one.
    Of course he had just that chance on the US Forrestal and failed totally.

  22. The same day, he criticized candidates who were for earmarks, like Mitt Romney. He is truly losing it. Think about this: Palin truly could have become president (shudder) if their ticket had won.

  23. Anonymous12:02 PM

    We dodged a bullet in '08 and we WILL AGAIN in November!

  24. ibwilliamsi12:10 PM

    Freudian slip. Pure and simple.

  25. "It's long past time for Mr. McCain to shuffle off to retirement before he makes a mistake that dominates and redefines the history of his years in the senate."

    Yeah, he already has f'd up on the national stage a number of times. His obit is already written. What a jacka$$.

  26. Anonymous12:27 PM

    An oldie but goodie...

  27. Anonymous12:40 PM

    McCain's endorsement doesn't amount to a hill of beans. What does HE think HE'LL get out of endorsing ole Mitt?

  28. The Republican candidates' brains must be so tied in knots with all the delusional thinking they are forced to remember & spew by their 1% puppet masters, it is a wonder any of them can remember their own names, much less anybody else's.

    Freudian slip -- nah -- just the truth coming out of a truly crazy man who forgot his orders.

  29. Anon 11:40 - If McCain/Palin won in 2008, McCain would have been impeached within the first two years for not disclosing Palin's mental illness, Palin would have resigned and gone into hiding, and the Speaker of the House would have been sworn in as President.

    Bleegh...except for part where Palin hides.

  30. Anonymous1:07 PM


    OT, but it surely is nice to see someone using the word "loosing" correctly, as in to release.

    The word "losing" means not winning. McCain is a loser, and has lost his mind too.

  31. lwtjb1:10 PM

    This is hilarious. Thanks.

  32. Anne In DC1:23 PM

    I remember back in 2008,when he was showing signs of forgetfulness. On Tuesday, 04-22-08, he went to New Orleans to speak to Katrina survivors and on Thursday, 04-24-08, he swore he had never gone. Then there was the episode where Lieberman had to remind him of something about Iran and Iraq when he made a misstatement. That was 5 months before he picked Palin, and I found these episodes downright scary. Now, this one is just downright funny, because it's what I call a Freudian slip.

  33. Anonymous1:35 PM

    11:40 AM,

    No, they are not all the same. Maybe it doesn't matter to you who gets elected, but it matters to me.

    Obama/Biden 2012!

  34. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    McCain needs to be in jail with Sarah. They are both traitors. He is the reason Sarah is around to spew her hate filled venom.
    11:22 AM
    Him and the alaskans who didn't recall her as mayor...
    THEN turned around and ELECTED her for GOV and started to RECALL/IMPEACH her and then quit b/c she got tapped.
    The Alasskans picked her before McCain did!!!

  35. On his worst, most doddering day he is still more coherent than his little tundra tart. (Not suggesting that he runs at more than 1% brainpower on any given day.) Heck, I wonder if he even remembers the 2008 campaign.

    It's kinda funny that he knew and liked Tina Fey back in 2004 before he knew Palin and their physical resemblance must have sucked him in. Would love to be a fly on the wall around the McCain dinner table when the subject turns to all things Wasilla.

  36. Anonymous2:01 PM

    It just scares the heebeejeebes out of me to think that Sarah and her Valley Trash Family got this close to the WH!!!

  37. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Sarah Palin's handlers would have used that video (or one like it) to force McCain from the presidency and plop mentally unstable Palin into the Oval Office.

    That video scares the heck out of me.

  38. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I blame McShame for stiffing our nation by selecting Sarah Palin for his running mate.

    I will never forgive him for that. Nor should we.

    In fact, I think he should have to wear a picture of her snarling face on his chest for the rest of his life.

  39. Anonymous2:11 PM

    My two senators are McCain and Kyl, neither of whom is seeking another term.

    I write to them about my concerns and all I get back are form letters telling ME what I should believe.

    Isn't this taxation without representation?

  40. Oops, he did it again:

    Mittens probably sent McGrumpy home on the Riderwood Village bus after this.

  41. I thought he was the picture of sincerity! That is...after I got done laughing at the reactions. Priceless!

  42. Anonymous2:33 PM

    America, do you realize that Palin was an old man's heart beat away from being president if this dirt wad was elected?

    He can't even remember the name of the man he was standing next to!

    There is a God!

  43. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    He is not looking or sounding well these days. The side of his face, behind the swollen gland, appears to be darkly discolored. Also, it seems he is having difficulty speaking clearly and he is retelling old stories and getting them wrong. It's long past time for Mr. McCain to shuffle off to retirement before he makes a mistake that dominates and redefines the history of his years in the senate.

    11:27 AM

    Sarah Palin is not looking good either. Just imagine if McCain was our president and sickly aging Sarah and McCain both croaked in office, do ya think uneducated Tawd would consider himself president being that he was co-mayor and co-governor?

  44. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Romney’s A ‘Job Cremator’

    “Mitt Romney, I think, is more of a job cremator than a job creator,” Schultz said. She added: “He was a corporate buyout specialist at Bain Capital. He dismantled companies. He cut jobs. He forced companies into bankruptcy and he outsourced jobs and sent jobs overseas. That’s not a record to write home about, that’s not a record to be proud of, and it’s something voters need to know.”

    Schultz said Romney received the most attention from Democrats in part because he had devoted the most time to going after President Obama in his public remarks.

    “That’s all he does,” she said. “His singular focus really is to attack President Obama.”

  45. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Given the changes in appearance of both McCain and Palin in just the last three years, I'd say the stress of being the first of "us" to lose to an "other" has taken its toll.

  46. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Yeah I totally believe he dislikes Romney.

    Anywho, one of my facebook acquaintances had this as a status and I thought I'd share.

    ‎"When assessing someone for president, don't look for someone who will fix your life - look for someone who will give you the freedom to fix it yourself" - unknown author

  47. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Can you imagine McCain and Palin running our country? Thank God they lost to our now wonderful President Obama. McCain is a mess and Palin has proven to be a liar, unethical and not qualified to serve as dog catcher of a small town like Wasilla, Alaska!

    Palin - the door has been opened to you to the great outdoors of Alaska - take a hike, freeze your ass off and don't let us hear from you ever again!

  48. Anonymous3:57 PM

    O/T but this made me so disgusted. What the hell is wrong with this man?

  49. I just cannot bring myself to listen to the tape, but if that doddering old fool made that kind of mistake after either tongue-in-cheek, or in a senile fashion referring to Romney's "win" in Iowa as a landslide the other day, what in the world will the Republican National Convention be like this year, regardless of the candidate. I mean who will be their keynote speakers? McCain ....? sounds like he won't even know where he is much less who he is talking about. Palin? can only spout talking points in word salad then bash our President. Plus I can see her dressing her whole family to the nines (maybe Willow in her cutoffs again) putting a bow on Gino? this time and trotting all the family up on stage because she CANNOT function alone ... Rick Perry? who by that time will have tanked as a candidate, but will be so full of himself, can he really be a party person. I mean he has never spoken at one of the RNC's before has he? Trump, yeah. Oh yes, he is defecting. It is going to be unbelievably entertaining just to watch that circus unfold.

  50. Anonymous4:15 PM

    No wonder Queen Bitch wept so bitterly at his concession speech. It would have been the easiest sashay into the Oval Office without any work on her part. Right up her alley!

    Well that didn't happen, Queenie, now did it? They turned the lights off on you...and they're STILL off. Don't believe it? Declare and watch the fallout.

  51. Anonymous4:16 PM


  52. Anonymous4:19 PM

    How To Trip Mitt: Rhetorical Pitfalls for the GOP Front Runner

    The second area where Romney gets into trouble is lack of empathy. He’s plenty sympathetic to the woes of those who attend his events. But where he seems acutely aware, even excited, about businesses or market dynamics–no doubt a good thing at a time when Americans are desperate for renewed prosperity–he can seem out of touch with the concerns of middle class Americans. And sometimes the contrast jumps out.

  53. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I just read Roger Ebert's latest FB status post. he says that Mitt Romney's favorite book is "Battlefield Earth". WTF??? The press will have a field day with that.

  54. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Mccain is POISON...

    hope it kills Romney's chances...

    Mccain is the scourge of the earth, unleashing sarah palin on the planet,,, she was an unknown asshole before he made her a known asshole...

    hope they all plunge into the depths of hell never to be heard from again... ditto the entire REPUG party....

    efffff mccain and all his cohorts... they are a detriment to the entire world...

  55. 1) Selling your soul just to get the big CEO job. -$

    2) Ruining whatever hero cred you had left by by putting the U.S. at EXTREME risk through your capricious V.P. choice. (I think that's called "treason.") -$

    3) Pandering to racists and bigots to get the 'big' Teabagger vote. -$

    4) Watching John McCain fall apart and get 'sudden Truth Tourette's' before our very eyes and seeing his Karma unfold while President Obama's "chess game" eviscerates the cracker barrel checker players (recess appointment, job growth), yet again ... Priceless!

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November. OBAMA landslide!!!

  56. Anonymous5:49 PM

    That is why we need term limits in Congress.

    Senility setting in.

    And he's allowed to make decisions that affect hundreds of millions of people.

  57. Anonymous5:55 PM

    MimiC said...
    The same day, he criticized candidates who were for earmarks, like Mitt Romney. He is truly losing it. Think about this: Palin truly could have become president (shudder) if their ticket had won.

    12:01 PM


    Many insiders have said that if McCain won the election, there is no way they would have sworn Palin in as VP.

    They had excuses all lined up to explain why they needed to switch VP's before Jan. 20, 2009.

  58. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Hee Hee!

    Thank God for crazy old men and Freud!

  59. Anita Winecooler7:33 PM

    THIS is a gift to the Obama Camaign!

    This clip will most definately make it in a campaign ad. You have Meghan's daddy standing behind a mic, endorsing Presient Obama TWICE, While Tea Party endorsed, Palin backed Nikki Hailee telling him what he SHOULD say, while RoboRom shifts from foot to foot looking like the asshat that he is.

    Wow, we rilly dodged a (purely hypothetical ((wink))) Bullet. in 2008. McCain has dementia, and Sarah Palin is demented.

    Hysterically funny clip! Thanks for the laugh!

  60. With all due respect,

    You Sir, are a traitor! You are responsible for this Jabberwock known as The Palin!

    First class, express ticket to Hell waiting for your demise!

    Which if you had won the election in 08 would've resulted in a term shorter than William Henry Harrison. Governor Dirty Wig would've pushed you down a flight of stairs before your first State of the Union Address!

    So count your blessings you lucky bastard! You'd be dead by now if you had won...

  61. Anonymous2:56 AM

    "It's long past time for Mr. McCain to shuffle off to retirement before he makes a mistake that dominates and redefines the history of his years in the senate."

    Too late, he already made that mistake in 2008 when he chose dipshit for a running mate.

  62. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead5:48 AM

    Every single day I thank All-Mighty Zeus that Gramps McCain is an irrelevant laughingstock doddering old senator and Barack Obama is president of the United States of America.

    And The Screechy Wretch(tm) is what she is, also, too.

  63. Randall6:20 AM

    Excuse me, Mr. McCain... Dr. Freud on line 1?


  64. Anonymous11:43 AM

    LOL! Talking about a Freudian slip!

  65. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I wonder if that actually was a Freudian slip as I said a couple of minutes ago, or if McInsane is actually in the throes of Alzheimer disease - just like the GOP-revered Bonzo the Clown was...


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