Thursday, February 23, 2012

Palin aide upset that he did not have final approval over "Game Change" script. Update!

Courtesy of the Hollywood Reporter:

Game Change screenwriter Danny Strong reneged on a promise to check the accuracy of his script against the recollection of one of Sarah Palin’s key aides, the aide said Wednesday. 

Jason Recher, the senior adviser and trip director for the McCain-Palin campaign four years ago, said that early on in the writing process Strong asked him if the book Game Change, written by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin, was accurate. 

“I told him absolutely, unequivocally, it was not,” Recher told reporters on Wednesday.

Strong, Recher told the reporters, “Offered to share with me the script at any time if I read something in the media which made me uncomfortable with the direction of the movie." 

He said that after watching the second trailer he contacted Strong to take him up on his offer, but Strong emailed him on Feb. 3 to inform him that HBO wouldn’t allow him to share the script. HBO also didn't supply Recher and other Palin allies a DVD screener of the film.
Jason Recher

Now WHY would the screenwriter bother to give a person, paid by Palin to help support HER version of the truth, final say over the accuracy of his screenplay, when he knows full well this person would find fault with EVERYTHING that did not protect the Grizzled Mama's image?

The answer is that he wouldn't.

Strong, who also co-executive produced Game Change, told The Hollywood Reporter in an email that Recher is mistaken. 

"It is true that I interviewed Jason Recher to get his side of the story. He was one of 25 people involved with the McCain-Palin campaign that were interviewed for the movie," Strong said. "I did not offer to show him the script. I did not offer to show him the film. HBO offered to show Gov. Palin the film several weeks ahead of its debut and she declined the offer."

So this guy is essentially lying through his ass. Which, by the way, is nothing less than we would expect from a Palin-bot. And if Strong interviewed 25 people involved with the McCain/Palin campaign, who all told him very similar versions of events, and this Recher guy told him the exact opposite, who would YOU trust?

By the way if Palin herself was offered the opportunity to  preview this movie several weeks before its release, and refused to do so, that just proves that she KNOWS it is going to tell a truth about her that she does not want to have to face, or to have others see.

Which is why she is freaking out right now and trying to spin this as an attack on her before March 10th, when everybody has the chance to reach their own conclusions.

You know this is yet another indication of how the Palin camp works.

Palin keeps certain family members, acquaintances, and employees on a short leash, refusing to let them cooperate with ANY project which she fears will not support her personal mythology, or show her in the best possible light, and then has these same people complain bitterly that the documentary, film, book, article, or blog post is inaccurate, because they "didn't talk to people who really know Sarah Palin."

(How often have we seen that occur right here in the comments section?)

When Joe McGinniss was up here he used to complain bitterly that people would agree to speak with him, he would set up an appointment to interview them, and then as soon as the Palin's got wind of it they would suddenly stop answering their phones, stop responding to e-mails, or even seem to completely disappear from the damn state. And I have often had those same difficulties myself.

Of course if somebody promises to polish the Palin name, and only tell the most homogenized version of the "facts," well THAT is a different story.

The proof of that is this upcoming book on Sarah Heath's "amazing" sports career with the Wasilla Warriors, called "Sarah Palin and the Wasilla Warriors: The True Story of the Improbable 1982 Alaska State Basketball Championship." (Oh yeah, that certainly sounds like a fair and balanced reporting of the actual events, doesn't it?)

Here is a brief synopsis, from the Palin-bots themselves.

First of all, this report details the fortitude and gutsiness of 17- and 18-year-old Sarah Heath as she played through a severely swollen ankle, and with her teammates, came back from tough losses, including a 40-point blowout, to dig in, play hard, fight tough, and ultimately, win the state championship against all odds. The notion that this woman who, at such a young age could withstand physical and emotional stress, keep it together, and achieve victory would suffer a nervous breakdown during the 2008 campaign is ludicrous. Shropshire also depicts in detail just how rough daily life can be in Alaska even in the 21st century; Alaskans are truly a tough breed, especially those who choose to stay. Such as Sarah Heath Palin. 

Second, the book is full of anecdotes from named coaches, principals, and family members who were eager to talk about Sarah Heath and the girls team of 1982 – in contrast to the complete lack of on-the-record sources to back up HBO’s SuperPAC of lies film. 

At this point I think I will rest my case.

Like I have said before, if the Grizzled Mama is THIS upset about the HBO film, then it is CERTAINLY "must see TV."

Update: According to Politico, it looks like Babyface Recher has some "splainin' to do!"


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, as someone who did play basketball in high school. Sarah Palin is a weenie. She is too short to have ever been any good in competitive basketball, at least at the level we play at "in the lower 48." Did they give her stilts to play?

  2. Anonymous7:30 AM

    with a little lube and obviously with no chin to get hung up, fuk_tard recher's head more 'n likely fits easily up palins skank ass.....wonder if his little ear piece cord adds a little enhancement with its raised bump like texture..?..

  3. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Unless Recher had a contract saying he had approval. NO, there's no way anyone would give him a say in the final product. Ridiculous. He's not even a primary character, is he? Is he even in the film?

    And Palin herself REFUSED to see the final cut? Then she can cry wah wah wah all the way to Wasilla.

  4. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I am going to have to turn hbo back on

  5. Could it also be that HBO could sift the gold from the dross? When you interview 25 people and everyone NOT paid by Palin tell essentially the same story while the Palin-bots tell something entirely different, you decide who to believe.

    It's called....research.

    I'm sure HBO has plenty to back up their film. If Palin wants to attempt to sue them, that's fine. HBO has deeper pockets than SarahPAC. And if she sues them, it could open up a whole can of worms she doesn't want to expose.

  6. PalinsHoax7:41 AM

    ~ Is this the same $arah Palin who faked a hand injury to get out of band practice? Wow, what a warrior - NOT.

    ~ Is this the same $arah Palin who would scratch and claw her opponents on the basketball court in order to get the ball? Wow, what a warrior - NOT.

  7. Anonymous7:41 AM


    Sarah Heath Palin has such a slim record of success that they have to go back to some obscure high school basketball game of which she wasn't good enough to get a scholarship, walk-on team position Olympic or make a professional career of. . .

    President Obama plays more ball than Sarah does, but she could 'beat' him in a run. LOL.

    What a bunch of losers, and Jason looks like a 12 year old boy, no wonder Sarah wasn't 'intimidated' by him.

    In a matter of days visiting with old and new friends here in Anchorage, I've heard a friend detail surviving a logging roadside avalanche accident in the SE, a guy surviving a rabid wolf attack in Western Alaska, and a girl's grandma enraging but outrunning an angry muskox while picking berries. You tell me who is 'tougher' in daily Alaskan life over the weirdo Heaths who collect eyeballs, trophy's and limp through swollen ankles.

    Suuuuurrreee, I'm sure Sarah truly had a swollen ankle and never complained and worked hard and dug deep. Doesn't that make her a leader?

  8. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Anon @ 7:30 - you really need to hang at Alaska WTF, not IM. You really are too crass for this board and we can't trust that you aren't trying to hurt the dialog here.

  9. Anonymous7:44 AM

    LOL These Palin apologists are delusional. Having lived and worked in Hollywood I know Recher to be lying. No script writer/Producer, etc would give final approval for a project to an individual umbilically connected to Palin that may show her in a less than stellar light.

    These Palin serfs just flat out LIE. It's their hallmark: LIE, tell it often and with gusto. Well, keep whining. This truly is a case of She does protest too much. If she wasn't so worried she'd be pegged by this movie she'd keep her trap shut. Instead we get a flurry of insane activity, a ghost from the past floating their umbrage (Megamouth Stapletongue), now this pudgy goon, phone conferences, all for naught. Get out the canned goods, Sarah, this is going to be good!

  10. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Oh, okay, a sniveling little nobody gets to have final say on a major media project for the accuracy of Palin's trainwreck of a devolving performance on a national campaign trail. LOL.

  11. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Don't worry Sarah honey, NO movie can make you look more stupid than you made yourself look with your Faux News reporting and your envy or should I say jealously over the Obama family. Your "blood libel" response to Gabby Giffords shooting was when I realized you needed medication.

  12. Anonymous7:45 AM

    You can betcha she's going to watch it. Over and over and over again the way she can't help but read IM every day.

    Just like she just happened to glance at Tina Fey playing her on SNL with the sound off. . .

  13. Anonymous7:46 AM

    "False Narrative" : Sarah Palin & Co.'s new euphamism for "the media aren't reporting the subject, any subject, the way I want it reported".

  14. imnofred7:47 AM

    Of course, she is going to get out in front of this as much as possible and attempt to discredit the movie. Nothing new. That is how she rolls.

    Maybe she'll do the morning talk show circuit to "set the record straight."

  15. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Interesting that Palin employs numerous people from the campaign. The only people who have negative words are the people who have the most to lose professionally if they don't throw others under the bus.

    In the end, I think the movie will be harshest on the staffers and vindicate Palin. The extremes won't change their minds, sadly. The haters/wannabe stalkers will always believe the lies. The fawners will always draw inspiration from Palin, not unlike any other inspirational figure.

  16. Sally in MI7:52 AM

    Wow. So Sarah, who wasn't even IN the championship game until it was already won, is now the best durn basketball player ever to come from Wasilla, and a real leader to boot! Didn't Chuckie coach this team? I figure that's the only way little Sarah even made the varsity (or was there only one team then at good old Wasilla High? Sorry, 'bots, we will neither read nor believe this drivel. Sarah Palin was no athlete, is no runner, and has always been a liar and a cheat. If that's who you choose to admire, go for it, but don't blame us when her house of cards falls over, and you are left with nice worthless SARAHPAC thank yous from your computer for keeping her in the headlines this long.

  17. Anonymous7:52 AM

    What a bunch of losers, and Jason looks like a 12 year old boy, no wonder Sarah wasn't 'intimidated' by him.


    Isn't he the twit who sat in his basement and blogged about Palin to promote her as the VP candidate in 2008, before anybody else knew her? Main, he's a worse koolaid drinker than Staplegun.

  18. Anonymous7:53 AM

    It's all about controlling the IMAGE of sarah Palin. Doesn't part of "Game Change" touch on the issue of IMAGE and how important it was to the McCain/GOP people? Also, remember Sarah is so concerned about her IMAGE she copyrighted her name! Sarahs Image is key to her personality.

  19. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Anon 7:30, I don't profess to know Sarah as an adolescent, but after speaking to several of her friends, people who actually knew/know her, I find any author who wants to tell it like it really was refreshing. I think this man will do that. It won't appease haters because life back then in Wasilla wasn't ugly as they so desperately wish to believe. It's good people want to talk about the good times without shitty human beings spinning a bunch of crap out of nothing.

  20. angela7:54 AM

    Typical Palin bullshit. That woman and her entourage are a walking freak show.

    She's the type who raises her skirt in front of a shocked audience then screams that there were big fans blowing her skirt up and everyone should email the manufacturer 'cause she was attacked by the fan.

    Plus, lets face it. . . .Palin outrage and victimhood fills the coffers at SarahPAC. Huh, Sarah?

    Palin is a one trick pony. Crazy shit, through and through.

  21. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Recher was the aide actually in charge of Palin. He was the main one who was with her the WHOLE time. Interesting that he's still with her and on great terms with her.

  22. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Why waste your time sitting through greatly exaggerated or fictitious material. BTW - people in catatonic states don't physically do as much as she did everyday for 2 months. They couldn't do what she did. Now, simply showing a stressed candidate at times would be more natural. Everyone's stressful in these campaigns, regardless of party or candidate.

  23. Anonymous8:00 AM

    The book is written by a sports writer. He obviously sees a story there. To be honest, you have no idea how Wasilla operates so to speak or the history there. He could have a compelling story, and that story includes Sarah. I mean, despite being painfully shy, she did show leadership even in high school and she was just your average girl, everyone's friend.

  24. Anonymous8:00 AM

    The book is written by a sports writer. He obviously sees a story there. To be honest, you have no idea how Wasilla operates so to speak or the history there. He could have a compelling story, and that story includes Sarah. I mean, despite being painfully shy, she did show leadership even in high school and she was just your average girl, everyone's friend.

  25. Anonymous8:00 AM

    @7:43 - I assume you mean 7:30 #2?

  26. Anonymous8:01 AM

    ~ Is this the same $arah Palin who would scratch and claw her opponents on the basketball court in order to get the ball? Wow, what a warrior - NOT.
    - - - - - - - -
    HUH? I enjoy fiction but ^ is bizarre.

  27. Anonymous8:01 AM

    omg, trying to (keep) using high school bball as a 'main dish',
    er, so ROFLOL.

  28. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Her group coming out AGAINST the HBO movie is doing nothing more than enhance the interest of folks to actually view it.

    Palin and her attorney were asked to be involved and it is said neither responded. Sarah wanted to play the 'victim' as usual. She is so damned predictable!

    Sarah was never a good basketball or as a runner! People have come out about her lack of physical abilities that know her. So, the counter is also there to review. People just need to vet her in Alaska. She is a liar and fraud!

  29. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Anon @7:41: I know, right? It is downright embarrassing that they are STILL trying to spin a HIGH SCHOOL basketball game and a swollen ankle into some kind of personal mythology for Palin. They can't have much to work with if this is all they can come up with.

  30. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Idiot Sarah isn't going to sue anyone over this HBO movie. Remember, she never sued Joe McGinniss because he had her number. She'd never survive being cross examined in a Court!!!

    The HBO movie group did their homework - the people they interviewed that knew the Palin stories all said the same thing. What more proof is needed than that folks?

    Palin and her attorney had their chance - they didn't respond. Their own fault, but their reasoning, I'm sure, to play the victim! Something new from the Palin camp? Don't think so.

  31. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:17 AM

    More from the Wasilla Warrior book review on another Palin site:

    " contrast to the complete lack of on-the-record sources to back up HBO’s SuperPAC of lies film. Incidentally, there’s also a complete lack of anecdotes from anyone who ever knew Barack Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, through his formative years. Wonder if HBO’s DNC SuperPAC, whose director admitted to doing “extra” research about Palin beyond the book upon which their SuperPAC of lies film is based, has done any research on the President’s schooldays? That’s a rhetorical question, kids..."

    Why the hell bring President Obama (and his stepfather) into this unholy, finger-pointing mess? The truth about Sarah's lack of experience and mental stability for the VP slot seems to be the main highlight of the book and film. Damn, the spoiled, toddler-like resentment just burns.

    The lady (and her circus freak followers) doth protest too much, methinks. Shakespeare, Sarah--remember how you once said you could make up words just like he did?

  32. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Hope "game Change" opens with a steamy sex scene between Sarah and a black man.

  33. The very fact that there's a book (written by a TEXAS sports reporter) called "Sarah Palin and the Wasilla Warriors: The True Story of the Improbable 1982 Alaska State Basketball Championship" is proof Sarah Palin (who no doubt commissioned the writing of the book) and her minions are living their high school days even now...apparently the highlight of their lives.

    Of course, if we were truly loyal Palinbots, we are supposed to treat this book as truthful as "Going Rogue" was, and vilify "Game Change" as being full of lies.

  34. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Gryphen and all.. Isn't it amazing that Palin, relatives and bits simply DO NOT GET when it's time to shut up??
    Everyone in politics and the media are nodding their heads and laughing now! Why? Because they are proving right now through their actions that every word of game change and books by others about Sarah (McGinniss, Dunn, Bailey etc) are 100% true! Are they stupid????

    I work at the same network she does and everyone is laughing about this response. Yes, laughing AND everyone! Because we all could have predicted this. Sarah Palin simply NEVER learns. NEVER! That is why she is such a problem and it proves the narrative about her in Game Change.
    The woman has NO common sense or personal insight and always plays the poor victim. Get out your violin, er flute, Sarah. Keep whining! Are you slow or just out of control again as everyone says?

  35. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I'm thinking Palin is freaked out that the movie goes further than the book about some Palin secret.

    It's either a criminal secret OR babygate.

  36. Ratfish8:30 AM

    Poor wittle Sawah. She has wee-wee'd in her wadded panties.

    Call Mommy.

    ps Like they are going to give Palin and/or one of her spinmeisters control over a movie. Recher- a known dissembler and hypocrite- must have confused "Game Change" with "The Undefeated."

  37. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Damn that's pathetic, trying to spin some obscure basketball game into an inspirational and leadership aspiring story.

    Do we get to fact check and verify the truthiness in a Palin-derived narrative?

  38. Obviously Mr. Recher received his 'email' with his 'script'.

    They probably learned their lesson over the Brad Hanson Statement fiasco.

  39. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Recher says he is too stupid to get any agreement in writing with witnesses.

    Of course, Recher is trying the victim route, not realizing his claim is just making him look stupider than Sarah Palin herself. Who would seriously considering a guy who whines about not having documented an agreement?

    Ha ha. Recher NEVER had an agreement and can't stop looking stupid.

  40. Anonymous8:34 AM

    To anyone that thinks she will sue no no no.She hasn't sued anyone yet despite numerous threats.Full od sound and fury signifying nothing is the palin mantra.Forget about this impotent spectacle.She is merely smoke and mirrors.

  41. Randall8:34 AM

    So, Sarah, how's that snotty, bitchy thing workin' out for ya?

  42. Anonymous8:35 AM

    When I look at Recher, all I see is Porky Pig. Without the kind personality, that is.

    Oh look, here's Jason golfing! That little birdie must've said something mean about Mistress Palin (just jealous, no doubt!):

    Mercifully, however, the real Recher wears pants.

  43. As far as Palin's high school basketball career was concerned, as Anon @ 7:30 AM said, Palin's a short little weenie, as HS girl basketball players go.

    The wife of a baseball player I used to know played on the starting five of her HS team in about the same era as Palin did, in the early '80s. This gal was 5'10", and so were most of her teammates.

    We've all read the story of Palin's "exploits" in Wasilla Warrior basketball before, and it's easy to come to the conclusion that it wasn't talent that got her on the team. Something else, like strongarming by Chuck Heath, like flirting and schmoozing with the coach, like Palin demonstrating a ruthless ankle-biting rabidity in PE intramural games observed by the coach (hey, I need an attack dog on the team, even if she IS a little shrimp!)...

  44. Anonymous8:36 AM

    @7:30 AM


    Spud Webb was one of the shortest NBA players in history, at 5 ft 7.
    Obviously the NBA "in the lower 48"
    thought he was good enough to play competitive basketball, and he didn't need stilts, either.

    I’m not a Palin-bot. But I am short, and short jokes piss me off!

  45. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Anon @ 7:48

    The loudest voices have the least to say.

    So you admit the loud voice of Sarah Palin revils she has the LEAST to say. She's only said the same thing over since her 2008 intro speech at the RNC. That woman doesn't have an original thought or an answer to anything other than making her mundane history larger than life.

  46. See that's the thing about hanging with the Palin' have to LIE about EVERYTHING! Truth is a dirty word to Baldy and company!

    Jason Recher is being PAID to lie on Baldy's behalf. He has no problem doing it either. I hope Strong has the emails to prove that Recher is full of shit! That'll shut his mouth for sure.

    Remember Jessica Beehive getting busted for telling everyone that Baldy is ...uh...going bald! And Ms Beehive was all over Twitter and at "Crazies4Palin" saying that NYT lied about her.

    How funny was it when NYT produced the emails and Jessica had to shut her trap! Baldy's bot's must think we are stupid!

    Baldy is on film with Katie Couric showing the world how stupid she is! Again...I can't say this enough....


  47. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  48. Anonymous8:40 AM

    "Recher was the aide actually in charge of Palin. He was the main one who was with her the WHOLE time. Interesting that he's still with her and on great terms with her." Anon 7:55

    Really? It doesn't sound like things were always rosy between them:

  49. Anonymous said...

    Recher was the aide actually in charge of Palin. He was the main one who was with her the WHOLE time. Interesting that he's still with her and on great terms with her.

    7:55 AM

    Uh oh...what are trying to imply here? Baldy and Jason are an...ITEM??? Does the Toad know?

  50. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Here's a must read updated review of Game Change:

    In a rational world, this film will help guarantee that Sarah Palin will never be elected to any major office again. I think she and her posse know that, which is the reason for the mania in moose country. And what does it say about Fox News that it gives her a national platform for her uninformed views? (By the way, did you see her with Sean Hannity Tuesday night going into high delusional mode at the thought of a brokered convention with "the people" coming to her and begging her to lead them?)

  51. PalinsHoax8:55 AM

    Anonymous @ 7:48am said...
    "The loudest voices have the least to say."


    Thank you for confirming what we already knew about Ol' $cary. Her loud, screechy voice indeed has absolutely nothing to say.

    Knew that as soon as Palin opened her mouth on the national stage during the 2008 convention.

  52. LOL! Oh stop it troll! You are embarrassing yourself to such an extent with your postings starting at 7:48AM... that your check from BaldyPac will probably be short a few dollars!

    Baldy is STILL stuck in high school! And so are her bot's! Personally I love reading your incoherent rants about cracks me up that the trolls think we give a shit about Baldy stumbling around on the basketball court....30 FUCKING YEARS AGO!

    Basketball doesn't have anything to do with her political career....she has NO POLITICAL CAREER troll!

    Baldy is done, finished, The End...the credits are rolling...time to sweep up and leave....just make sure you close the door behind you troll! LOL!!!

  53. Anonymous9:00 AM

    @7:48 AM

    “Yet look at how many lies YOU'VE told, stories you yourself have contradicted and stories that didn't pan out how you said they would.””

    Somebody needs repeat that line to $arah Palin, over, and over, again.

    “The loudest voices have the least to say.”

    This line also applies to $arah Palin.

    Please tell us how these “good,” yet irrelevant people, have allegedly been “burned” by the media, because they don’t have negative stories to tell about $arah Palin. Oh, and fuck people who have known $arah Palin for a long time! Can’t the Wasilla Wuss speak for herself? Not that anyone would believe her.

  54. eclecticsandra9:03 AM

    Recher certainly could have provided information on how the book was wrong. Seeing the movie at such a late date wouldn't have made any difference.

  55. Anonymous9:04 AM

    "It's hard to imagine things you can't imagine"
    7:48 AM
    ROFL...Wow! That's almost as insightful as your "People are people" line. Tell us more wise words of wisdom oh great troll.

  56. Anonymous9:04 AM

    She is going to come out of this stinkin' of Sh*T and I mean Sh*t. Do you think they are stupid enough to show her chewing the carpet in a melt down if they didn't have the goods on her?

    I hope Schmidt and the rest really screw her, they have been low key so far, but they know far, far worse than what is shown.

    If there is a law suit she will be dragged through it all, and have her nose rubbed in it, so the stink will never go away.

    She wants to be proclaimed candidate for the POTUS in a brokered convention at the Republican convention without lifting a finger except bad mouthing the candidates on her Faux propaganda site.

    This stinks like the French man who got away with something a bit off the wall in NYC. Now he is up for questioning in Lille France, a prostitution orgy ring.

  57. Anonymous9:07 AM

    "People are merely using PICTURES to prove paternity, despite the fact that said boy looks just like his father, TP, at each stage of life."
    7:48 AM
    "said boy" "each stage of life"
    This does not make you sound smart. It makes you sound like an idiot who is trying as hard as they can to sound smart. It's NOT. WORKING. Give it up.

  58. Anonymous9:09 AM

    A teenage basketball tale to bolster her image? Are they serious?


    I am actually heartened by the push back about Game Change, as it says to me they are truly afraid. This also likely means they fear someone in the know will speak out, finally, to corroborate all the negative rumors about her...

    All we need is one person to go ROGUE on their asses, one person from that inner circle they so vigilantly control.

    Drip, drip, drip.

    And we thought this was over.

    Not by a mile, not until a more complete version of the truth about this woman is out there. She will survive it, she can go back and live her life privately, but she can stay the hell away from our public discourse.

  59. Anonymous9:09 AM

    "People are merely using PICTURES to prove paternity, despite the fact that said boy looks just like his father, TP, at each stage of life."
    7:48 AM

    So Track Palin is the father of Trig? Ewwwwww... incest much? You Palins are creepy perverts. It makes sense though, just look at Creepypedo Chuck "lil girls sleep naked in my house" Heath.

  60. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Interesting that Palin employs numerous people from the campaign. The only people who have negative words are the people who have the most to lose professionally if they don't throw others under the bus.

    In the end, I think the movie will be harshest on the staffers and vindicate Palin. The extremes won't change their minds, sadly. The haters/wannabe stalkers will always believe the lies. The fawners will always draw inspiration from Palin, not unlike any other inspirational figure.

    7:51 AM
    Hi Sarah! I see you are still posting your delusions here. Thanks for confirming.

  61. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I think Recher spends a lot of time imagining himself and Sarah sitting outdoors in parallel bathtubs and holding hands while looking out over Lake Lucille.

  62. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Kinda sad about the Wasilla Warriors Basketball team back when Sowah was there...

    Did the sports writer mention that in order to play on the team, one had to pray and go to church?

  63. Anonymous9:17 AM

    That sports writer forgot to include the members Heaths family.

    Like her brother.

    By the way, my aunt sent her kids to another school, cause of Chucky and his sexist jokes while coaching...

  64. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Interesting that Palin employs numerous people from the campaign. The only people who have negative words are the people who have the most to lose professionally if they don't throw others under the bus.

    In the end, I think the movie will be harshest on the staffers and vindicate Palin. The extremes won't change their minds, sadly. The haters/wannabe stalkers will always believe the lies. The fawners will always draw inspiration from Palin, not unlike any other inspirational figure.

    7:51 AM,

    Shut the fuck up! Only in your dreams Palin will be “vindicated!” It is SANE people who won’t change their minds about $arah Palin. The small number of “fawners” who draw “inspiration” from Palin are the extremists. The only thing $arah Palin “inspires” in her “fawners” is HATE!

  65. Anonymous9:19 AM

    So sad to think anyone would care about Palin's glory days.

  66. Anonymous9:19 AM

    7:51- you are DELUSIONAL! ROFL

    Sarah Palin is NOT inspirational to anyone with a brain! She is practically illiterate and can't even have an interview that is unscripted.

    Open your eyes. You are so full of it-absolutely nuts. And you post here so much. We just laugh at you because you have no idea how stupid you are.

    And guess what I am not a hater or an extremist...... Or even a DEM, who you hate so much. You are so out of touch with the average American, it is frightening. And you don't know it, which is even more frightening. And you post over and over as some kind of emotional outlet. You accomplish nothing here - it is just venting for you and that SPEAKS VOLUMES (your words). This is a fact. Believe it. You need help.

  67. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Anon 7:30, I don't profess to know Sarah as an adolescent, but after speaking to several of her friends, people who actually knew/know her, I find any author who wants to tell it like it really was refreshing. I think this man will do that. It won't appease haters because life back then in Wasilla wasn't ugly as they so desperately wish to believe. It's good people want to talk about the good times without shitty human beings spinning a bunch of crap out of nothing.

    7:54 AM,

    Nice try, troll. That's exactly what the author is trying to do. Writing a book about a shitty human being (Palin), and spinning a bunch of CRAP out of NOTHING!

  68. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I can't wait for this movie! Especially the fetal position scene. Hahaha. That cracks me up everytime I think of it. Seeing her curled up and sobbing totally broken down will be a true joy and I will watch it over and over!

  69. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Recher was the aide actually in charge of Palin. He was the main one who was with her the WHOLE time. Interesting that he's still with her and on great terms with her.

    7:55 AM,

    Interesting that he was with her THE WHOLE TIME. Did he fuck her, too?

  70. She chose to stay? That's not the way I see it. She had no choice when all her waiting-in-line-to-be-president plans fell apart and seems to get out every chance she can.

  71. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Anon @ 7:30 - you really need to hang at Alaska WTF, not IM. You really are too crass for this board and we can't trust that you aren't trying to hurt the dialog here.
    7:43 AM

    who's "we" ?!? more specifically who are you ? if you're not gryphen, which you're not, you carry no weight with me, especially so if you live on lake lucille

  72. Anonymous9:35 AM

    The fairy tale trolls are on this like a duck on a June Bug, so it is a real irritant for the ignoramus of Wasilla.

  73. Anonymous9:36 AM

    8:53 - was she honestly on Hannity saying she thinks people will beg her to be the candidate ???

    Gryphen, PLEASE play that for us. That is simply hysterical.

    She and the people who write for her, whoever they are, are DELUSIONAL and off their rockers. This is what happens when you live in a little tiny bubble. Someone wrote here that she inspires people. Really ? Maybe a few people yeah, like the 2000 who showed up at CPAC ? But hardly the very large majority of the country who can't stand her. And her behavior around this movie RIGHT NOW, is one of the reasons no one can stand her. She is a pain in the butt! Ask Roger A!

  74. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Why waste your time sitting through greatly exaggerated or fictitious material. BTW - people in catatonic states don't physically do as much as she did everyday for 2 months. They couldn't do what she did. Now, simply showing a stressed candidate at times would be more natural. Everyone's stressful in these campaigns, regardless of party or candidate.

    7:57 AM,

    Fictitious material, my ass! Why would anyone sit through greatly exaggerated, fictitious crap like “The Undefeated?“ $arah Palin campaigned as John McCain’s running mate for TWO months! Big deal! President Obama campaigned for like two YEARS! Nobody said Palin was in a catatonic state for two months! Palin didn’t do all that much. She was running at the bottom of the ticket! $arah Palin is pathetic, if she thinks running as the VP for only two stinking months was hard work! She could have never handled a long primary battle, let alone running for president in the general election.

    Of course people are stressed in campaigns, regardless of party, or candidate. But there's a differnce between being mentally unstable, and being stressed. $arah Palin is mentally unstable.

  75. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Too bad that Wasilla High School is being brought to the forefront again. Sarah was a horrid basketball player and many folks that knew back then, say that.

    Now the high school has a piece of art, in the front of the school, that had a price tag of $100,000 that is now covered up because it looks like a vagina!!! Friggin' amazing! Only in hillbilly Wasilla would this happen.

    Of course, the Palins (Sarah, Bristol and Willow) are being associated w/the vagina!!! As sad as that legacy is for all of them. Can you imagine having their reputations - sad, sad. The only way they will rid themselves of them is when they are dead!!!

  76. Anonymous9:43 AM

    OMG! Is Jason Recher TriGs papa?
    They look alike!

  77. Anonymous9:47 AM

    The book is written by a sports writer. He obviously sees a story there. To be honest, you have no idea how Wasilla operates so to speak or the history there. He could have a compelling story, and that story includes Sarah. I mean, despite being painfully shy, she did show leadership even in high school and she was just your average girl, everyone's friend.
    8:00 AM

    $arah Palin, "painfully shy?" "Everyone's friend?" Yeah, right! Kiss my ass! There is no story. It's funny how you boast about Palin showing "leadership" on a high school basketball team, yet she couldn't show leadership, as a politician. Nobody is going to buy this stupid book.

  78. Anonymous9:49 AM

    There's no way for most of us to know if Sarah was or was not a good basketball player (beyond biting and scratching), but I don't think HEIGHT is a good indicator.

    When my kids were in jr. high and high school the two female "stars" were TINY and very short. They were a pheonom to witness. Unfortunately, their family was also terrible on a Palin-like level, but the point is their abilities were not limited by their lack of physical stature.

  79. Anonymous9:49 AM

    It's so fucking pathetic that the Pro-Palin camp has to jump in the wayyyyy back machine and head all the way to 1982 to find an event that portrays an actual achievement by Sarah Palin, and still, the best they can do is "she played basketball with a swollen ankle".

    That certainly qualifies her to be leader of the free world now doesn't it ;-)

  80. Anonymous9:50 AM

    This is getting better than I thought it would. The more she says she'll ignore "Game Change", the more other people won't.

    She has a knack for making things worse for herself than they should be but maybe she can't help herself and that's a big part of her problem. What she lacks in brains, she makes worse with ego. Love it.

  81. I can here the whining all the way to Chicago !!!

    Get a clue dirtbag.. You and the Monkey Queen are OLD BUSINESS...

  82. I won't be watching this movie - I don't need to! Palin proves every time she's on Fox that she's mentally unstable!

    The last 4 years has been proof of her incompetence!

    Still though - the fact that the Palin camp is all freaked out like this obviously means that the movie struck a nerve.

    But hey, cry me a river, Sarah cuz you had the chance to see the movie weeks ago and declined. Put up or shut up. Don't like it? Then maybe you should see HBO in court? Make them show their research behind the film? Put ALL the questions to rest? =D

  83. Bristol's Real Chin9:54 AM

    It's exhausting keeping up with the bots defending Sarah. I wish their posts came out in different colors O I could just ignore them instead of trying to make sense of their tortured syntax and inconsistent "reasoning."

  84. Anonymous9:55 AM

    After the McCain/Palin campaign was defeated, Jason Recher split from them and signed on with Palin alone as a general dogsbody and Trig wrangler. He's seen in all of the videos and publicity pix during Palin's winter 2009 book tour carrying the half-naked Trig, handing him to Palin for a photo op, then taking him back after 10 seconds or so.

    All of the above named loyalists have been on Palin's SarahPAC payroll for salaries between $5K and $10K a month, which is to say Palin's fans paid for these people's endorsements of Palin, and the expected firewall between Palin and ANOTHER critical movie about her.

    It's typical of Sarah Palin to orchestrate a pro-Palin, anti-criticism campaign with OPM -- Frank Bailey and others have documented her doing this (even to the point of writing fake letters to the editor) as far back as her 1990s mayoral career.

    KarenJ 11 minutes ago (from the article)

  85. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Wasn't aware her staff were all cartoon characters. Wonder what she pppays Ppporky Pppig. But then again we know she hired ole RAM-a-lama-ding dong... *cough* the penguin *cough*.

    Can't have anyone who would take away from the fast fading plastic look she exhibits.

  86. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:02 AM

    Oh, this is just beautiful (from "Z on TV" in the Baltimore Sun, H/T to anon @ 8:53am):

    "As for Palin's hard core stooge cadre living in a land to the right of right, well, they are all "wee-wee'd up," as Palin likes to say, further dumbing down our national political discourse.

    "(And if I spelled that lovely term wrong, I apologize, to the half-term governor who gave up leading the state she says she cares about so much to become a million-dollar-a-year part-time analyst for Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch on Fox News. Oh I'm sorry, her other call to duty that forced her to leave office and meshed so nicely with that "desire to serve and give back" that she's always talking about involved starring in a reality TV show on TLC right alongside Kate Gosselin. You remember, the one that featured her killing an animal for viewer entertainment.)"

  87. Anonymous10:03 AM

    "There are countless others in The Rogue that are so grossly distorted that it is impossible to distinguish between lies and truth."
    As usual no specific examples are given.
    Hey check this out brooky:

    This guy pegs all your asses!

  88. @7:48 This is the WORST thing you have ever written here.

    Chuck Sr didn't DEFEND a pedophile. He didn't condone what that man did. He said he personally didn't think the Principal should lose a job because he didn't want to think the worst.

  89. Anonymous10:07 AM

    What Baldy didn't play basketball in college?
    Why does she only talk about High School?
    Maybe someone should investigate her college days, you know to see if she really DID attend and (ahem) Graduate!

  90. Anonymous10:08 AM

    How's this for perfect timing: Karl Rove has now stated flat out that a brokered convention will not happen - published in his op-ed piece in the WSJ.

    And he goes on the record being very specific that no one outside of the current candidates will be nominated.

    Says life on Pluto has a greater likelihood.

    No doubts that the Rovenator's timing was strategic, and aimed right at at Sarah's delusions as expressed on Hannity... yeah, right, when the people come to her begging her

  91. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Sarah bend over and take it like it like a man because it coming.

    March 10th

  92. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Do you think that HBO paid her to promote the movie? It's really the only thing that makes sense. Not even Sarah is this stupid, surely.

  93. Anonymous10:11 AM

    In order to be a credible source on anything regarding Palin, you can't be on her payroll.

  94. Hey Jason Recher -- Martin Scorsese is on the line and needs your approval before he can begin shooting his next film! And Ron Howard wants to know if you have any ideas to punch-up his latest shooting script? PLEASE get back to them because production is at an absolute standstill without your "approval." I know you're busy with SarahPAC, but the wheels in Hollywood can't turn without your brilliance. James Cameron REALLY needs your OK on what to serve for the AVATAR II wrap party! Buffalo sliders? Quinoa or Risotto? SO many decisions await your approval! Oh, and your mother called. She wants to use the basement for her Bridge Club, so could you please put your clothes away? And should she serve the Velveeta Con Queso Dip or just go with Pork Rinds and Onion Dip? Tea or Mountain Dew? Decisions, decisions...

    Remember, remember, the 10th of March -- AND the sixth of November! Landslide!!

  95. Chenagrrl10:11 AM

    See, this is where total the narcissism kicks in. That Palin or an inspired underling would think that somehow he/she/it would have control over an independent script is sheer hutzpah.

    This sounds like a Red Bull-infused idea that ran out the door, made some circles and died in a little heap.

  96. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Maybe Sarah's so needy that ANY attention is better than no attention - and she's doing all this to add controversy as if she is important.

    Plausible, but sad.

  97. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Painfully shy people don't show "leadership". It's an oxymoron. She can't be everything, Palinbots. Make up your mind what you want her to be and stick with it.

  98. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Recher was the aide actually in charge of Palin. He was the main one who was with her the WHOLE time. Interesting that he's still with her and on great terms with her." Anon 7:55

    Really? It doesn't sound like things were always rosy between them:
    8:40 AM
    Yep, I wondered about that as well as Stapletongue's departure?
    I guess they are all banding together to keep their mealticket going...!

  99. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Who the hell scripted Recher's pathetic little squeek of protest?

    You gotta love all these uneducated amateurs deciding in isolation - and cut loose from reality, apparently - their media strategy.

    Do they just pay each other out the PAC, sit around and self medicate and/or party on some Redbull and come up with this wholly unbelievable BS?

    What a show, and we're still two weeks out.

    Rove will soon be joined by other GOP establishment pro's, who recognize an opportunity when they see one, in piling on.

  100. Anonymous10:24 AM

    She has a knack for making things worse for herself than they should be but maybe she can't help herself and that's a big part of her problem. What she lacks in brains, she makes worse with ego. Love it.

    9:50 AM

    You, my friend, have hit the nail on the head except there's no "maybe" about it!

  101. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Sarah Palin on 60 Minutes Watch This Important Revelation About The 08 Campaign

  102. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Hey as far as her prowress at Basketball. Todd said she wasn't that good. Saw it somewhere. SHE WASN'T all that good. Hear that Sarah?

    She exagerates. EVERYTHING. Going Rogue is one big one.

  103. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I hope the pay check was worth it for Mike Shropshire. His reputation, as a result of this book, will be shot to hell.

    With all of the great sports personalities out there that have a great story to tell he chose to write about some teenaged girl on basketball team (coached by her father?), in small town Alaska? The motivation has to be either money or a crush.

  104. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Sarah won the state championship for her high school basketball team.

    Sarah raised a combat vet.

    Sarah is an energy expert.

    Sarah gave birth to Trig.

    Sarah is running for POTUS.

    Anybody see a pattern here?

  105. Anonymous10:32 AM

    fyi o/t looks like Palin/Davis team is #26.

  106. Anonymous said...
    I’m not a Palin-bot. But I am short, and short jokes piss me off!

    8:36 AM

    Oh, boo hoo. I was 4'10-1/2" at my very tallest (not even that tall any more), and "short jokes" have never bothered me.

    Although I have never forgotten my 5th grade teacher pairing me up with the grade school basketball team center in a class teaching the basics of dancing .. it was funny then, even to me, and it's still funny .. I hope to reunite with the basketball star and his wife at our 50th HS reunion this summer.

    You need to reassess your self-image, kiddo.

  107. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin in embarrassing interview

  108. Anonymous10:38 AM

    The 'old' Bristol and Sarah with the odd hairstyling.

  109. Anonymous10:41 AM

    As I was posting in places yesterday after the story you posted of the tweets from the Palin Clown Car --

    All the stories that have been written, posted, published -- has she sued anyone?? NOPE Not even over Babygate!!

  110. Anonymous10:42 AM

    carrie said...

    @7:48 This is the WORST thing you have ever written here.

    Chuck Sr didn't DEFEND a pedophile. He didn't condone what that man did. He said he personally didn't think the Principal should lose a job because he didn't want to think the worst.
    10:04 AM
    Yep Carrie,
    If she HAD a dictionary she would know condone was exactly what chuckles did!

    Accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.

  111. Anonymous10:44 AM

    So a Basketball story about Sarah Heath? Will it also include her Basketball Glen Rice "INTERVIEW" and DORM ROOM "I FUCKED A BLACK MAN" HAPPY ENDING?

  112. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Sarah Palin: Is the GOP's "Trash Talker" Sexy -- or Sexist?

  113. Anonymous10:48 AM

    One would think that Ms. Palin would not have had to result to a scholarship beauty pageant to earn money for college, being that she was practically the female version of Jeremy Lin.

    One would certainly have to question why U of Hawaii/Hilo, and Palin's other 4 colleges did not come crawling at her feet with full-ride basketball scholarships being that she singlehandedly took the '82 Girl Warriors to the State Finals, and then alone, and without help, won that championship.

    Could there have been a b-ball scholarship that we didn't hear about? I'm sure she would have told us, right? You'd think she would have been scooped up by LSU or Stanford or Tennessee, all schools with a solid history of great women's basketball teams.

    Following an illustrious college career, singlehandedly winning the NCAA women's Championship 4 years in a row, Palin should have been scooped up by the WNBA and found the career path that truly suited her, rather than the path that she chose. She apparently is much more suited for basketball than she is for politics, even though she's only 5'3"....

  114. Anonymous10:54 AM

    She makes me want to vomit.

    Her voice, her dishonesty her general greasyness of character as the snake oil queen.

    She represents everything sleazy in the Republican camp.

    Duke it out boys, Sarah wants everyone to be dead on arrival at the convention.

  115. Anonymous10:54 AM

    The writer Mark Whittington who wrote "Game Change' -- Anatomy of a Smear of Sarah Palin" in Yahoo today is conservative hack & a Palin lapdog. This is not first article he's written in support of the Psychopath from Wasilla.

  116. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Where did 7:48 AM's comment go? If you're deleting troll posts you missed some. (7:51am, 7:57am, 8:00am, etc.)

  117. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Here's a NEW Game Change Trailer:

    "You've got to stop saying things that are blatantly untrue..."

  118. Anonymous11:13 AM

    O/T Earlier today Andrea Mitchell and some guy were talking about Santorum "walking the walk" with his special needs daughter. Andrea volunteered that this was "just like" Sarah Palin and Trig and how it showed so powerfully her choice not to abort.

    I wanted to scream at the TV (actually I think I did). This is why "babygate" still needs to be exposed, some people are still buying the idea that Trig is her natural child and she is so good for the special needs community.


  119. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Everyone that I've talked to about this feels the way that I do. If Sarah Palin is THAT upset over Game has GOT to be true.

  120. Anonymous11:14 AM

    puck falin

  121. Anonymous11:16 AM

    It's like Al Bundy always saying:
    "Hey, I played high school football!"

  122. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Extended conversations with the Game Change actors:

  123. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Recher was "In charge of Palin and with her the whole time"??? LOL. No wonder he is upset about this book. It is going to cause fingers to point at him...he couldn't keep his "charge" from behaving.

  124. Anonymous11:20 AM

    We all know about how Me Me Me Sarah Palin just loves to make movies about herself or get a ghost writer to write books about Sarah.

    Well I wouldn't put it past Sarah if she had already written a movie script about her death and planned her own funeral.

    Opening movie scene:

    The entire town of Wasilla has a walking funeral procession that leads to the old cemetery at the end of the road and the town people are all wearing black and looking very sad and lost.

    Surrounding Sarah Palin's casket is her teammates from her Wasilla High School championship basketball team. They have all aged with grey hair and arthritis.

    Words and praises of Sarah's last minute point in the championship game that already had been won is being shared by her coach played by Denzel Washington.

    Sarah named her movie,

    "Remember The Warriors"

  125. Anonymous11:29 AM

    "So who's weak?" Umm, the Gov who quit before her term was over because she couldnt handle the "press attention" that she desperately sought every waking second.

  126. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Jason Recher likes to kiss Palin asssssss.

  127. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I see that your fairy tale troll is over at the Shailey Tripp blog. She claims to have worked for Vanity Fair for 11 years. Is all over Shailey who doesn't seem to realize what she is dealing with.

    Name of Brooklyn and Avacado and other names in other blogs. She seems to be anonymous here, but is Ambular over at the Tripp blog.

    Doing her usual. I know better than you and why are you daring to writing about people you don't really know, but I that know.

    Glad you posted the picture of the guy who thinks big time producers are waiting for his approval of a multi million dollar film.

  128. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Game Change will be available On Demand from 3/12 until 4/29.

    This will make for a VERY long seven weeks for the Palin camp.

  129. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Too bad that Wasilla High School is being brought to the forefront again. Sarah was a horrid basketball player and many folks that knew back then, say that.

    Now the high school has a piece of art, in the front of the school, that had a price tag of $100,000 that is now covered up because it looks like a vagina!!! Friggin' amazing! Only in hillbilly Wasilla would this happen.

    Of course, the Palins (Sarah, Bristol and Willow) are being associated w/the vagina!!! As sad as that legacy is for all of them. Can you imagine having their reputations - sad, sad. The only way they will rid themselves of them is when they are dead!!!

    9:42 AM

    Simply fucking amazing!

    The town of Wasilla sees art work that resembles a vagina in front of the school and automatically associates it to Sarah, Bristol and Willow.

    In town if there is a hole in the wall in a toilet or shower stall, people are wondering if Todd is peeping at them.

    In Wasilla if there is a mysterious arsonist fire, people are wondering what did the building owner say or do to piss off Sarah.

    In Wasilla, the person busier than the State Farm agent is the wonky eyed lady selling extortion protection.

  130. "I’m not a Palin-bot. But I am short, and short jokes piss me off!

    8:36 AM"

    You are nobody. No one is talking about your midget ass.

    Now if your ass passed laws and regulations or lied about our President day in and day out, like the baggers then your shrimp ass would be taunted. STFU

    Also there is no comparison to a profession athlete and a doofus know nothing clumsy skank.

  131. Anonymous11:46 AM

    More behind the scenes clips:

  132. Anonymous11:47 AM

    This guy truly thinks that they're going to listen to his input AFTER the movie has been made? He doesn't bother to contact them till AFTER the second trailer is out (not even the first, but the second). Yet, he thinks they'll stop everything and edit the film because he doesn't like it. Sure they will.

  133. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Let's see. The short basketball player named Sarah liked to go nekked, because it wasn't healthy to wear clothes? She scratched and bit, very sportsmanlike. She tattled to the coach about the other players a snitch to downgrade others. She cried when she didn't get her way.

    And of course she was shy. And everyone loved her. According to the fairy tale troll.

  134. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Anonymous said...

    O/T Earlier today Andrea Mitchell and some guy were talking about Santorum "walking the walk" with his special needs daughter. Andrea volunteered that this was "just like" Sarah Palin and Trig and how it showed so powerfully her choice not to abort.

    I wanted to scream at the TV (actually I think I did). This is why "babygate" still needs to be exposed, some people are still buying the idea that Trig is her natural child and she is so good for the special needs community.


    11:13 AM

    Physicsmom did you also know that earlier today on Andrea Mitchell's show that Alaska was mentioned?

    They showed a clip of Santorum and Romney debating and earmarks was the subject and Romney told Santorum that he approved the Bridge To Nowhere earmark.

    I wonder if that was Romney's way of striking two turds with one stone.... Palin and Santorum?

  135. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I thought this guy got married and got off the Palin gravy train.

  136. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Did you notice that the book does not even *mention* her brother, Chuck, Jr. I just had to go in there and post and tell them how silly they were.

  137. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I wonder if her head will spin around and she will spew like Linda Blair in "Exorcist" during the show? We all know she will watch it, thought she and her family will deny it vociferously. Wish we could all be there as flies on the wall to watch the meltdown. Gonna need several new refrigerators that day! "Incoming"!!

  138. Anonymous12:03 PM

    "O/T Earlier today Andrea Mitchell and some guy were talking about Santorum "walking the walk" with his special needs daughter. Andrea volunteered that this was "just like" Sarah Palin and Trig and how it showed so powerfully her choice not to abort.

    I wanted to scream at the TV (actually I think I did). This is why "babygate" still needs to be exposed, some people are still buying the idea that Trig is her natural child and she is so good for the special needs community.


    Arrrggghhh. Very damn frustrating.

  139. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Would a writer or a reporter give anyone final say on their product? No. So why would a screenwriter.

    The part that I LOVED the most (I mean, this came from the writer and a man that uses words for a living), is the fact that TWENTY-FIVE (25) people were interviewed so all 25 cannot be wrong. Furthermore, Palin had a chance to preview it and chickened out. She looks more and more like a fraud and a coward every day. She may be hot shit in Alaska, but she is a nobody in Hollywood - and the rest of the nation.

    As for Jason Recher. Wow, he really is unfortunate looking. The public loves Sarah for how she looks. They will equally hate Jason for how he looks. And now that it has been shown that he lied, his looks match his actions. I am sorry that this sounds harsh. But, Palin is all about looks, isn't she?

  140. Anonymous12:05 PM

    "Palin aide upset that he did not have final approval over "Game Change" script."


    Please don't tell me Sarah Palin still wants to add the last scene in the movie Game Change showing boney ass flat chested Sarah standing at the foul line shooting her one foul point with seconds left in a championship game her team is already ahead in?



  141. Anonymous12:06 PM

    30 years later screech is still stuck in High School.... really sad.... I wonder if the other players on the team "vetted" her version of how it happened???

    I sure wish there was a "like" button here!!!! LOL

  142. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Recher must have transplanted his chin to Bristol.

    Sarah wasn´t even a captain on her bb team. She was the laziest and most inconsistent member of the squad. The ¨severely swollen ankle¨ was a lie to get out of practices.

    Her teammates pitied her, bent over backwards to ignore her immature beyond belief drama, and to this day believe she had a learning disability (so did her teachers).

  143. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Choosing sides on Sarah Palin

    ...'Game Change' on HBO portrays her as woefully misinformed and emotional. Her supporters blast the film, but some former John McCain aides say it's accurate.

    "This was a surreal experience for me," Schmidt said of the movie, in which he is played by actor Woody Harrelson. "Ten weeks of the campaign are condensed into a two-hour movie. But it tells the truth of the campaign. That is the story of what happened."

    Since McCain's loss, the longtime Republican strategist has gradually been revealing more of his feelings about the lost election. The film vindicates the view he and many others around McCain had: the "high-risk, high-reward" choice of Palin, which Schmidt pushed for, had been a terrible mistake.

    "My judgment was influenced by an ambition for victory, trying to figure out a way to win the race," Schmidt said from his Lake Tahoe home. "There is no question she helped to energize the campaign and to catapult John McCain into the lead. But the result was the nomination of someone who was fundamentally not qualified to be in the national command authority. That supersedes any short-term or long-term political advantage. Obviously, I have great regret over that.",0,1100388.story

  144. Anonymous12:23 PM

    This guy pegs all your asses!


    Continue keeping it classy, Palins!

  145. Anonymous12:31 PM

    @9:55 am, agree with you totally. I also believe that if one were to check with Joe McGinniss he would confirm that Jason is the one who put the under dressed and barefoot baby down in the parking lot.

    These are all defenders from the ranks of the SarahPAC paid retainers. Crawford didn't even come on board until after the campaign was long over, so he knows nothing. Recher had an unpleasant split with Palin and then couldn't find any other gig; he shows up from time to time.

    I would assume that these paid defenders told Sarah some of these lies to appease her over the months the film was in production and now she has forced them to tell these lies in public. Like the Recher lies. He told this lie to Sarah, you know he did.

  146. Anonymous12:36 PM

    When you testify in a legal proceeding, under oath, one of the first things that is established with consultants and advisors is 'how much were you paid'? It matters and is fair to consider whether the witness may be biased or influenced.

  147. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Sarah's minions trying to use Twitter to create an online army to stop Game Change. Obviously, they are whacked out over this bigtime!!/search/realtime/%23gamechange

  148. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Who cares what ANYONE past the age of 22 did in high school? Geez, I wrote a textbook 19 years ago and don't even mention that any more on a resume. Last 5-10 years is what counts- what has she done in the last 5-10 years? Quit, quit, quit.

  149. Anonymous1:03 PM

    A VISITOR FROM UNITED STATES, A VISITOR FROM WASILLA, A VISITOR FROM LOS ANGELES all Palonbots and Palins are saturating IM frequently over The Game Change. Well CNN has already outed them as whiners. O/T
    Marco Rubio was Baptized as a MORMON as a child. Rubio also attended a Baptist Church regularly as an adult.

  150. Anonymous1:05 PM

    "Palin aide upset that he did not have final approval over "Game Change" script."

    Excuse me I must of missed the part of the trailer where it said


  151. Game of Life said...

    You are nobody. No one is talking about your midget ass.

    11:37 AM


    "your midget ass"!!

    Can't stop laughing!

  152. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Sarah Palin?

    Pay me $500 and I'll tell ya da bitch not only deserves to be POTUS but should be emperor of the world and the 2012 NBA Most Valuable Player.

    I can be bought too.

  153. Anonymous1:19 PM

    A big problem in this country is people like Quitler--all image and no talent.

    Some people don't care about intelligence, hard work, ethics or any of the things we associate with leadership and when we do get someone like President Obama, they try to tear him down.

    Palin lost the battle to be "somebody" a long time ago because she's nothing but an empty shell who tries to keep a mythical narrative going.

  154. Anonymous1:21 PM

    When the ridiculous basketball book comes out, maybe some of the players who know exactly what she
    was like will agree to be interviewed. Would they be considered 'credible' Mr.Puppet- Recher?

  155. Anonymous1:27 PM

    $arah, don't cha just wanna quit your reputation of being an ignorant, vainglorious, opportunistic, kid-exploitin', bitter, c_teasin', hate-spewin', lyin', griftin' whack job? Well, don't cha?

    Oh, so sorry. This is one gig you can't just up and quit. Your rep will be your legacy. You'll become a cautionary tale to warn about the dangers of not vettin' candidates. In the meantime, drink in all that hatred being reflected back at cha. Tasty?

  156. Anonymous1:30 PM

    a diversion to take away from the release of the rest of her redacted tapes.

    Took 3 years. And she expects President Obama to fix the country in 3 years to undo what it took Bush 8 years to mess up.

  157. Anonymous1:30 PM

    a diversion to take away from the release of the rest of her redacted tapes.

    Took 3 years. And she expects President Obama to fix the country in 3 years to undo what it took Bush 8 years to mess up.

  158. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Recher looks like a young Karl Rove, aka Ham Head.

    I have never seen a more ridiculous bunch of retawds.

  159. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Let's see. The short basketball player named Sarah liked to go nekked, because it wasn't healthy to wear clothes? She scratched and bit, very sportsmanlike. She tattled to the coach about the other players a snitch to downgrade others. She cried when she didn't get her way.

    And of course she was shy. And everyone loved her. According to the fairy tale troll.

    11:48 AM


    "She tattled to the coach about the other players a snitch to downgrade others"

    Sarah I don't know what part of Wasilla you are from, but in my part of the Wasilla hood there is a saying

    "Bitches who snitches ends up with stitches"

  160. Anonymous1:46 PM

    "Did you notice that the book does not even *mention* her brother, Chuck, Jr. I just had to go in there and post and tell them how silly they were." - 11:52

    Oh, sorry Chuck. Were your feelings hurt?

    Honestly, in the history of stupid comments on this blog, 11:52 has to be one of the all-time stupidest.

  161. Anonymous1:48 PM

    annoy a palin watch the movie.

  162. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Her teammates pitied her, bent over backwards to ignore her immature beyond belief drama, and to this day believe she had a learning disability (so did her teachers).

    12:15 PM

    she certainly acts like she's ADD or something even worse. I've long suspected she is special needs and has been pampered because of it.

  163. Anonymous1:51 PM

    And of course she was shy. And everyone loved her. According to the fairy tale troll.

    11:48 AM

    she's as shy as Bristol is - Bristol performed a sex act in a tent with an audience sitting feet away and laughing.

  164. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I followed the link provided by 8:53 am to the Baltimore web site.

    Very thorough analysis and review.


  165. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Palin's aide certainly looks like the retarded child!

  166. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Sarah insists that the fetal position scene is wrong and inaccurate!

    When she assumes the fetal position she lies on her OTHER SIDE!

  167. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Okay, in addition to being short, SHE HAD POOR VISION. How good could she have been at basketball with her eye like that, and being 5 feet tall?

  168. AKRNHSNC2:33 PM

    What's with this Alaskans are a tough breed nonsense when it comes to Palin? She lives in an 8k square foot compound with running water, central heat, every appliance known to man including all technological advances and we're supposed to believe she's some type of pioneer woman who chops wood for heat and actually uses an auger to ice fish for their dinner? There's also the lie about her hunting abilities which is in reality their use of meat that is hunted by Todd or her father, and processed at a local plant. On most occasions they shop at Costco for food rather than relying on what they hunt. Pioneer women did not have these luxuries. They also didn't have hair extensions, tanning beds, get manicures and pedicures weekly nor were they addicted to their Blackberries so they could read about themselves on the internet. What a farce! Isn't it time for the real women in Alaska who actually do hunt, fish, chop wood and actually cook for their families to speak out? Sarah is anything but a pioneer woman. Those who stay in Alaska who lives hundreds of miles from civilization and exist mainly off the land are to be admired. Palin does anything but that and is certainly not worthy of admiration for anything she's done.

  169. Anonymous said...
    What a bunch of losers, and Jason looks like a 12 year old boy, no wonder Sarah wasn't 'intimidated' by him.


    Isn't he the twit who sat in his basement and blogged about Palin to promote her as the VP candidate in 2008, before anybody else knew her? Main, he's a worse koolaid drinker than Staplegun.

    7:52 AM

    No, that's Adam Brickley, a.k.a. "Elephantman". He is still a Palinbot, as of late last year and now contributes regularly to The Daily Caller.

  170. AKRNHSNC2:50 PM

    Anonymous @ 7:55 Recher has been with Palin off and on since the campaign. He's dependent on her for his salary now so of course he's not exactly an unbiased source. Dozens of people all say the same thing and you think they are all lying? For what reason? Nobody has ever given a decent reason why anyone would lie about Palin? Nobody is afraid of her, jealous of her or any of the other laughable excuses the Palinbots come up with. If she was truly someone who was an asset to the GOP, they would be standing with her, not speaking out against her. She stabs everyone in the back who has helped her. Sooner or later, it happens to everyone. Her emails showed a woman with a vindictive, nasty attitude towards her current and former employees. She was also extremely paranoid, seeing conspiracies in everything that went wrong and that was BEFORE the campaign.

  171. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Sarah Palin's travel agent complains he wasn't allowed to read the script? Too fecking bad!

  172. ManxMamma3:36 PM

    Anon 10:45 - I love this article. It points out the very basic thing that is wrong with Palin. She is crude rude and socially unacceptable.

  173. Anonymous3:38 PM


    "She tattled to the coach about the other players a snitch to downgrade others"

    Sarah I don't know what part of Wasilla you are from, but in my part of the Wasilla hood there is a saying

    "Bitches who snitches ends up with stitches"

    1:44 PM

    Well BITCH in my part of the Wasilla hood we don't give snitches stitches!

    You cross my pass and we burn down your building, sink your boats, break and enter your houses, cut your kid's school bus brake lines, call your limp wrist out in a bar on camera, put cross hairs on your name and contaminate your airplane fuel with water!

    You know where I'm stayin BITCH come on down and drop me a dime and I'll lay ya out so bad your baby's mama won't recognize you.

    They didn't name my lake DEAD Lake Lucille fo nuthin'!

  174. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Well, yeah, everybody knows that playing in a championship basketball game at the age of 17 or 18 is tough! "Oh the pressure of having to make a free-throw shot when we've already won the game!" But running for VP - not so tough. LOL

    Hey Sarah, how about a book about your struggles in the Miss Alaska pageant? Or the equally fascinating story of how difficult it was to do the $50,000 redecoration of the Wasilla Mayor's office? LOL at the silly people Palin hires.

  175. Anonymous3:47 PM

    AKRNHSNC said...

    What's with this Alaskans are a tough breed nonsense when it comes to Palin? She lives in an 8k square foot compound with running water, central heat, every appliance known to man including all technological advances ...

    What a farce!..... Sarah is anything but a pioneer woman. Those who stay in Alaska who lives hundreds of miles from civilization and exist mainly off the land are to be admired. Palin does anything but that and is certainly not worthy of admiration for anything she's done.

    2:33 PM

    Palin does her huntin' at the Taco Bell Huntin' Lodge and if she feels adventurous Sarah won't use her bendy straws when she drinks her Diet Dr. Pepper.

  176. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I don't get cable. Yet I hope HBO releases this film on DVD.

  177. "He said he personally didn't think the Principal should lose a job because he didn't want to think the worst.

    10:04 AM"

    NO he personally picketed for the pedo to stay. he did some other shit I can't remember (see policialgates) but he did some other things to help the slimeball.

    chuckie took up for his partner in crime.

  178. Anonymous5:26 PM

    First of all, this report details the fortitude and gutsiness of 17- and 18-year-old Sarah Heath as she played through a severely swollen ankle

    She had a severely swollen ankle for two years? She shoulda had that checked out.

  179. Uh Oh.....Jason is in TROUBLE!!

  180. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Sarah Palin aide sought 'confidential' 'Game Change' role

    “Based on our discussion, I believe it key to your project to accurately reflect the nuances of her personality as it was in public and behind the curtain in addition to the at times dramatic scenes and settings we found ourselves in,” he said. “I would be pleased to confidentially consult with you on this and suggest we discuss a formal agreement to do so. I would look forward to meeting with you and Jay and discussing my unique experiences directly from memory and not for spin to assist you on the project.”

  181. Anita Winecooler6:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    'Game Change' -- Anatomy of a Smear of Sarah Palin

    8:50 AM

    Who would click a link that has "Anatomy of a smear of Sarah Palin" as a heading?

    Are you serious????

    Try again, exchanging "Santorum" for "Sarah Palin".

  182. LMAO @ the "Update".....I called it in my comment today....

    "Jason Recher is being PAID to lie on Baldy's behalf. He has no problem doing it either. I hope Strong has the emails to prove that Recher is full of shit! That'll shut his mouth for sure."

    Heading to "Crazies4Palin" to see if they have this hilarious new info!

  183. Anita Winecooler7:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Interesting that Palin employs numerous people from the campaign. The only people who have negative words are the people who have the most to lose professionally if they don't throw others under the bus.

    In the end, I think the movie will be harshest on the staffers and vindicate Palin. The extremes won't change their minds, sadly. The haters/wannabe stalkers will always believe the lies. The fawners will always draw inspiration from Palin, not unlike any other inspirational figure.

    7:51 AM,


    Yeah, Right. A woman who got pranked by two canadian shock jocks NEEDS HBO's movie to "Vidicate" her. The same woman, who believed Wallace that Katie Couric had "poor self esteem" and talking to Sarah would "help"

    The trolls think people don't have eyes and hears and don't know bullshit when they see it.

    The more you push back, the more popular this movie will get.
    Keep it Up!

  184. Anonymous7:13 PM

    There are bright people who have learning disabilities, and then there are dumb people (and then there are dumb lazy arrogant people). I see no evidence for door #1 with Sarah Palin, or (especially) Bristol.

  185. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Looks like Jason Recher had better stay away from the BUS. So Queen Snake was not aware of the VIPER
    on her inside Team attempting to make under the table money for information. How do you say SPY?

  186. Gasman7:28 PM

    How fucking sad is it when you cling to something you did in high school as being the sine non qua of your existence?

    Jesus Christ, I was senior class president but I don't put it on my fucking resume nor would I expect anybody to make a movie about it.

    Only losers whose lives peaked in high school need to engage in such pathetic nostalgic excess.

    I predict this blatantly sycophantic paean to Palin will do about as well as that cinematic pile of shit "The Undefeated." Which means that they'll sell dozens of books nationally.

    Do these assholes not know how fucking stupid they appear as they jam their noses up Palin's cellulite wrinkled old ass?

  187. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Sarah is lucky that the actress portraying her in the movie is so beautiful. Even the silly bangs and granny glasses don't hide how pretty Ms. Moore is. She definitely has more feminine features than quitter does.

  188. Anonymous9:02 PM

    In a Sept. 26, 2007, email to Perry and her husband Todd, titled "Marital Problems," Palin writes: "So speaking of... If we, er, when we get a divorce, does that quell "conflict of interest" accusations about BP?" Her husband was a former BP employee on the North Slope.

  189. check out this comment on the politico article!

    From the new email batch release: This was "accidentally" omitted from the release that covered 2007.
    In a Sept. 26, 2007, email to Perry and her husband Todd, titled “Marital Problems,” Palin writes: “So speaking of... If we, er, when we get a divorce, does that quell “conflict of interest” accusations about BP?” Her husband was a former BP employee on the North Slope.

    Read more:

  190. Anonymous7:15 AM

    To use her language, it sounds like Sarah Palin was all "wee-wee'd up" with her "panties in a wad."

    The story touches on all the ethics complaints that were piling up, but ignores what the Anchorage Daily News reported: she was also upset because of "deteriorating relationships with state lawmakers and their perceived efforts to 'lame duck' her administration." And the ethics complaint that cost her money was the one she filed against herself in Troopergate. In an effort to head off the investigation by a legislative committee, she filed a complaint that could be heard by a board that she appointed.

    The e-mails are just more proof that she can dish it out but can't take it- totally thin skinned.

    That's why Game Change will be a great success- and why Palin is having her current and former aides attack it even though they haven't seen it. They know Game Change will be the final nail in the coffin for Palin's fantasy and their collective delusion that she would be coronated at the "brokered convention" that she has been promoting for transparently self-serving reasons.

    In keeping with the "ethics" of the Palin regime, it's no surprise that Politico is reporting that one of these aides (Jason Recher) who was part of the effort this week to discredit Game Change told the screenwriter in an email last year that he could “confidentially consult” on the movie and suggested a “formal agreement” for his help.

    There was no agreement, and therefore no dough, so the would be "consultant" is now a critic of a movie he has not seen.

    What a pathetic bunch.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.