Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Romney wins Michigan primary by slimmest of margins over Santorum. In reponse Republicans perform synchronized facepalm.

"What you didn't think I could win either?"
Courtesy of MSNBC:

Mitt Romney won the Michigan Republican primary on Tuesday, staving off Rick Santorum in the state where Romney was born and raised and avoiding an embarrassing setback for his campaign. 

NBC News projected that Romney would win the Michigan primary, along with another primary that took place on Tuesday in Arizona.

Of course the news is NOT that Romney won Michigan, a state that he was born in raised in.  The news is that he only won it 41% to 38% against this guy!

Yep, he just BARELY eked out a victory in his own home state against a man who wants to take this country back to the 50's.

And I'm talking about the 1850's!

So what does that say about his chances when it comes time to go up against THIS guy?

Who can blame the Republicans for freaking out a little? If I were them I would be completely losing my shit right about now!


  1. Anonymous7:04 PM


    I read that "...by the slimiest of margins..."

    1. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Hehehe, I know what you mean. The design of the letter O in Santorum reminds me of the packaging for Ortho Tri-Cyclen (the pill)!

  2. Sally in MI7:09 PM

    What I love is that blowhard Newt was last in both states...getting the message, Newt?

  3. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Contraception is "not okay". Why isn't Santorum worried about the other half?

    So, does anybody know what Santorum's position on Viagra? Surely God (and the Catholic church) can't want God's will thwarted. If God doesn't bestow an erection, surely humans should not intervene.

    Contraception is "not okay" (but Viagra is God's will) is just SILLY logic.

    1. Sally in MI1:30 AM

      The GOP doesn't even bother with 'silly' logic..more like Illogical..anything to get press and rile up the supposed base against this President. Both speeches last night were just full of lies...they are getting quite adept at lying about his record, but since the truth will only get Obama a well-earned 2nd term, they are relegated to being Pinocchios until this is over in November.

  4. Anonymous7:38 PM

    OT: This scumbag is a Sarah Palin & Ron Paul supporter.

    Joaquin Serrapio, Miami Man Who Threatened to Kill Obama, Loves Ron Paul, Racism and Journey Covers


    1. Marleycat8:35 PM

      Yeah, doesn't he post on Palin's FB page and the C4P? I think I'm going to share this on Politicusa, Daily Beast, Huffpo, the Atlantic, FUX NEWS . . . . I think everyone needs to know as much about Quitler's rabid followers as they do about the Quitler and the 1st Pimp as possible. Time to break the stranglehold the fairy tale MSM has on the truth. And Ron Paul is every bit as much a racist/sexist POS as Palin, Santorum, et al!

  5. The Santorum Surge fell short. And the Baby Whisperer rocks at the UAW Convention.

    And Mitt Romney is still "uncomfortable and plastic."

    1. Anonymous4:55 AM

      Not just plastic. when ever he speaks, there is a great amount of desperation in his voicethat does nothing to make people listening secure.

  6. Jessey- I can't comment on here anymore since the new format... am I being too blonde, or not blonde enough?

  7. lostinmn7:49 PM

    Now it's Sara's turn to perform her version of oral sex on endorsing him so we can watch him spin out of control into the sea of pee. I'm guessing she's got herself secretly lathered up for Sanitarium and is going to endorse them one after the other until he's the last man standing, then just before the convention she'll endorse him and sweep into the convention convinced she'll win by acclimation. It would be so much easier if she endorsed Obama - he would go down in flames and she could have her choice of corn dogs in the GOP. She really missed an opportunity.

  8. angela7:57 PM

    Poor Mittens. Not that much love in the state with the trees that are just the right height--huh?

  9. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I wish he could have 3 terms.

  10. Anonymous8:09 PM


    Hey Gryphen, check out the above. But isn't RAM STILL getting paid a pretty decent salary for grassroots blogging or some such?

  11. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Listening to Frothy's concession speech made want to throw up. I can't stand how MSNBC talks about him having passion vs. robot Mitt. Romney is just as barfable. I really have a hard time listening to their shit. Just venting...thanks for the forum to do so.


  12. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Uh oh, $arah. Better hike up your skirt in Romney's direction. Toss up some word salad saying ain't it great for Amerkins that he evolved. A few winkiepoos and you'll be golden.

  13. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Gryphen, I love the new ability to post direct replies, but something in this new set up isn't working right: I can't get the second page of comments to load once they go over a certain count.

    1. If you are referring to seeing the comments in the latest Beefalo post....I think you have to scroll past the comment box and underneath you will see "Load more"...then scroll past the comment box again and you will see "Load More" again...just keep doing that until all the comments are loaded. Hope this helps

  14. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Hey Newt, how's that Paliney endorsey thing workin' out for ya?

  15. I haven't got anything brilliant to add......nothing that hasn't been said by many before me......I just love my President, and am so happy that he's going to be here four more years. I agree with the post above regarding three terms.....the only thing that would be better!!!

  16. Anonymous10:10 PM

    I'm voting for President Obama again but would much prefer Romney as his counter vs that asshole Santorum. At least Romney is professional in the way he handles himself and wouldn't show the disrespect to President Obama as does Santorum. He is devisive - same as Palin!

    1. Sally in MI1:34 AM

      I don 't know..I think 5 major lies about the President's record in one speech is pretty rank..not respectful or professional at all on Mittens' part. I want to see a Mitt/Obama debate moderated by Rachel.

  17. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I use to be very pro MSNBC and I'm really getting tired of their banter....think they are becoming much more like FOX and CNN. I'm in President Obama's corner, as I was last time, but the TV channels are moving this election process and it makes me sick to my stomach.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      I enjoy watching any MSNBC panel which includes Steve Schmidt, formerly McCain's campaign strategist and now famously Palin's nemesis.

      Last night it was worthwhile to see the balance that Rachel Maddow brought to the discussion, and be reminded that there is in fact a range of positions - conservative, moderate, progressive and liberal - within the Democratic party

    2. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Every time I see schmidt I have to laugh at palin shitting bricks talking to this steely, educated man who is NOT impressed once he ACTUALLY speaks with her.

      However, he was still willing to DESTROY our country and let McCain Palin take over the White House and he would have had a seriously plum gig.

      I wonder if Schmidt at the helm of the Romney campaign is the one pushing behind the scenes for a full Palin expose?

      There is aLot of stuff coming out now that certainly was around a few years ago...why now?

  18. The moniker Sanitarium is perfect for Rick. Don't know who coined it, but it fits. He lives in a Bizarro-Catholic world.

    No Pope has never issued an ex cathedra proclamation on birth control, i.e., with infallible authority. The U.S. Conference of Bishops has given their view, which differs substantially from the more liberal Canadian Bishops. In any case, their statements are considered authentic, not authoritative, teachings.
    Philip St. Romain, in writings stamped with the Imprimatur, stated that "faithful Catholics give these writings full consideration when forming their consciences on the topics in question."

    Most Catholic women use or have used oral contraceptives in good conscience. Most Catholics also understand and uphold separation of church and state, which makes Sanitarium want to vomit. He's almost as annoying as Palin in his very vocal ignorance.

  19. Smirnonn10:29 PM

    This gop primary is the biggest political "whatever" of my life. The entire gooptardian field is a bunch of deplorable, lying douchebags. IMO it does NOT matter which one of these clowns wins the keys to the tiny gop primary clown car. Obama will win another 4 hands down. What DOES matter is what the gooptardians and their ALEC/koch allies are trying to do in state and federal senate and house seats. That may get sticky.

    Maybe it's just my optimistic nature but it seems that after the massive gop overreach with the help of the fundie xtians and later the bagtards the gop is slipping faster and faster into irrelevance. They're SO out of touch and self-marginalizing.

  20. I love President Obama. He brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes every time I see him with children and babies. I wish he could run for a third term too.

    With the GOP, I think we're being entertained with an elaborate game of Whose Turn Is It To Be Crazy? that will end in Tampa when they'll trot Jeb Bush or Chris Christy out as the nominee. Poor little Sarah will just be an infamous wallflower.

  21. Anonymous10:41 PM

    A tribute to the rubes of the State of Michigan:

    Uhhh, hey, iddinatt Romney guy the one that said Let Detroit go bankrupt? Waaaaal, we better get out and vote for HIM, then, yup, yup, yup!

  22. Anonymous4:43 AM

    I get really annoyed by any reference to Mitt Romney as Michigan's "native son." He abandoned this state many years ago to make his fortune ruining companies and then he wanted to destroy it forever by his obnoxious right-wing strutting with the "let Detroit go bankrupt" and his opposition to the auto bail-out loans (which have been paid back). He is no Michigander.

  23. But Michigan isn't a winner-take-all state. Delegates are won district-by-district. It is my understanding that although Romney received more votes, Santorum might end up with more delegates.

  24. Marleycat5:10 AM

    OT somewhat - but a good article in the Washington Post (I know, I generally avoid them)but this one is actually very good!


  25. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I love President Obama, and FL Michelle. I could not love them more.

    Let's make it FOUR MORE YEARS!

  26. Beldar Spam Conehead7:26 AM

    Oh, Gryphen, life is so simple for you libruls, isnt it? Instead of mocking Rick "GOOGLE ME NOW!!!" Santorum for his courageous fight to ban contraception across the universe you should be supporting him! After all, didnt Jeebus say "Every sperm is sacred"?

    Wait. No, that was Monty Python. Sorry.


  27. Not What You Want to Hear7:41 AM

    And I just read that he didn't even win all delegates. The race was so close, he and Santorum are splitting them. It's not a winner take all state.

  28. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Frankly, I hope Santorum wins the nomination. It'll be FAR more entertaining to watch him get destroyed than Romney.

  29. Anonymous9:35 AM

    That video brought tears to my eyes...


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