Thursday, March 08, 2012

Bristol Palin participates in the "Running of the Reindeer" in Anchorage.

In case you got confused Bristol is the one in the white jacket.

The reindeer are wearing fur.

And so is that big dumbass Bob Lester who was the guy with the microphone.

The guy standing next to Bristol is apparently her still current boy toy Gino Paoletti.

So many jokes here, but I am going to be nice today.


  1. Anonymous3:44 PM

    and this

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Written by someone sitting at a computer wasting their life.

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      This from a person sitting at a computer writing stupid things on a defunct blog.

    3. Olivia4:45 PM

      Idiot, look up "defunct". If it were defunct, you wouldn't be able to drool your drivel here.

    4. Anonymous5:32 PM

      5:26 PM:

      “Written by someone sitting at a computer wasting their life.”

      Written by a troll sitting at a computer, also too wasting their life.

      5:29 PM:

      “This from a person sitting at a computer writing stupid things on a defunct blog.”

      Instead of being a troll writing stupid things on a blog, maybe you should get off the computer, and go get a dictionary, and look up the word “defunct.”

    5. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Written by someone sitting at a computer wasting their life observing others wasting their life?

    6. Anonymous5:55 PM

      LOL! Irony is lost ...

      Anonymous Mar 8, 2012 05:26 PM
      "Written by someone sitting at a computer wasting their life."

    7. Anonymous6:16 PM

      so Brisdol and Wallow were the first to comment....get a life girls! Or at least take care of the kids.

    8. Loose Era6:35 PM

      "also too" = sarah palin her very own self.

      nobody else talks like that.

    9. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Isn't Gino Mercede's ex? And didn't Bristol write about Gino (and Ben) in her book...that he lied and betrayed her by going behind her back and talking to Levi? And that she was "devastated"? So what gives with this on and off relationship with a guy that even disses her mom's show with FB friends (see Gawker post last March). How is he different from the kid who said the show "failed" and Willow and Bristol went nasty on FB?

  2. Anonymous3:44 PM

    This post is kind of illiterate. I believe Willow was there too. I saw Bristol and another girl talking to what looked like aunts aor relatives in the crowd. And yah, that's Gino. And isn't it BOB Lester? Are they related?

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Thanks for the warning at the beginning that your comment would be illiterate. So you "saw" that huh? Okay brillow. It's weird how much gino looks like Levi. Trying to fulfill that need for a replacement Levi?

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      I believe it is Mo Lester.

    3. Anonymous5:07 PM

      So does that mean you were there?? Why don't you tell us who you are--Bristol, April, Willow, an Aunt. Maybe someone here would believe you then. What do you have to lose? Maybe if you calmly tried to tell people your view of the truth, a few would listen. But you don't. You call names, you belittle people and most importantly you write the most ridiculous, false statements about the Palins over and over again. It would be interesting to know why you come here. Are you paid or do you just like them so you defend them.

      All of us aren't liberals or democrats by the way. And we have good reasons for disliking Sarah, that's what you don't get. Not all of us call Bristol names or talk about her weight. You have seen some talk out against it.

      Anyway if your purpose is to intimidate people into going away or to discredit Gryphen, you are a huge failure. And if you are trying to convince us the Palins are great, you are a bigger failure. So maybe you need a new approach???

    4. Anonymous6:21 PM

      The Gino who uses racial slurs and makes fun of Sarah Palin and people with Down Syndrome? The one Bristol called a "good guy" and a "Christian?" Yes, I believe it is that Gino.

    5. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Who the fuck cares who the Pistol is fucking now? Is she keeping a Asprine between her knees?
      Hey maybe The Toad can recruit the Pistol for his Sex Prostitution ring.
      She's experienced enough?

    6. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Bristol, why did you name your second son after your dad's prostitute?

  3. Hi Bristol, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Why did you name Tripp after your Daddy's prostitute?

    (H/T GinaM)

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      I know it's so weird right? I've never heard the name Tripp in my life until her kid. And then its revealed Shailey Tripp was Todd's prostitute. What a messed up family.

    2. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

      Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

      H/T to JayKen....HeHe!

  4. Gum chewing Gino fits right in with the Palins.

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      He was chomping down on that like willow in another video. I guess that how they roll in wasilla. No manners.

  5. Is she practicing abstinence this time?

    1. Neeraj RohillaMar 8, 2012 05:02 PM

      I was thinking the same thing...did you see Gino's hands all over Beefy! Maybe that's part of Beefy's insecurity...she looks like one of those girls that need her man to touch show the other girls that he's her MAN!

      Reminds me of that AXE body spray commercial...

      "Don't you be touching my mannequin"!

      That's Beefy.

      And it looks like Beefy and Friends are going to be working the late shift tonight!

      Gird your loins everyone!

    2. Marleycat5:27 PM

      Of course she is! She always has - that's how she ended up with 3 babies, at least 3! Now, after she heard what that old Bagger said about how they prevented immaculate conception in the old days - she practices abstinence and puts that penny between her legs - Bristol don't need no damn birth control! Heaven help Gino Paoletti - get ready, folks, for another little one and a young single father, barely a man, pounded on by Bristol Palin and her family for not jumping as high as she tells him! HAHA - Gino can't hold a candle next to Levi, who is drop dead gorgeous! When I saw some pics of Gino, maybe a year or more ago - I thought he looked like a neo-nazi skinhead with faux mohawk. He didn't look very "sweet".

  6. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I have a great idea! Every Bristol post, we should leave comments highlighting the achievements of young women her age who are actually doing something to better themselves and the world...young women aged 18-25 who are doing great things in science, arts, academics, sports, and/ or service to their community. Reality teevee doesn't count.

    Let's hear

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      You're on.
      The Girl Scouts in our town pack food for our town's food pantry, and volunteer at a soup kitchen. They're in high school.
      Their leaders are college girls, who instill in them the values of patriotism, community, compassion, action. And show the way toward college, and life beyond that.
      I doubt a Palin puts in as many hours of charity in a year as these girls do every week.

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Or you could highlight people who've learned something from her story, true or not. They exist. Just read. Every girl can learn something from another girl who had to go through relationship hell in public, had to endure spending time with a former cheater boyfirned (self admitted) and the inevitable breakup of said relationship. She's a perfect example of what happens when you date someone who isn't liked by your family and that type of teenage rebellion. But that's all just what I've read from actual teenagers.

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Sorry for my typos in that last post.

    4. Anonymous5:21 PM

      How about we stay away from girls who learned something from another girls dating experience. I mean, seriously. That's Bristol's contribution?

    5. AnonymousMar 8, 2012 05:51 PM

      "Or" can stop repeating over and over again stories about Beefy and her "past" LOVERS!

      Nobody gives a flying squirrel about Beefy's "relationship hell" nor her "teenage rebellion"...Beefy is suppose to be 20 (yep..that's right!) year old single mother who has moved on....but still here you are in the comments of IM....EVERY SINGLE DAY going on about LEVI!

      Pitiful ass family.

    6. Here's one...

      Amanda Johnson is an amazing student athlete at Oregon. She's a fourth year basketball player who earned her bachelor's degree in 2.5 years and is currently working towards her master's degree in counseling. She's a three time academic all American with a 4.16 GPA (while playing ball which takes up a LOT of time).

      From the article:

      "Johnson, who leads the Ducks (14-14) with 19 points and 9.6 rebounds per game...she earned her bachelor's degree from Oregon in 2 ½ years, graduating Summa Cum Laude with a double major in psychology and sociology, and is now completing her master's work in couples and family therapy. When she is not in a classroom or on a basketball court, she can be found at a local nonprofit agency, pursuing clinical work. Johnson is a three-time Academic All-America -- a first for Oregon women's hoops."

      Read more:

    7. Anonymous5:40 PM

      What does "her story, true or not" mean?

      Could her "story" possibly be false?

      What does "just what I've read from actual teenagers" mean?

      "Actual" teenagers: if you haven't met them, how do you know anything about them? Are they mature and happy?

      Where do they write these things that you've read about their problems with cheating boyfriends, etc.?

      How does your post answer the question posed: young women contributing to society?
      Having sex at 15, continuing to associate with a "boyfriend" who isn't that into you, having a child to rope him into fidelity and marriage, then publicly trashing him when he rejects you -- what lessons to "actual teenagers" learn from that?

    8. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Oh, shut up. Bri$tol, did not HAVE to go through “relationship hell in public.” She and Levi chose to make their “relationship hell” public. Most people cannot relate to going though “relationship hell in public,” and never will. Bri$tol also did not HAVE to spend time with a “self-admitted” cheater boyfriend. If Bri$tol’s main accomplishment in life is breaking up with a high school boyfriend, “who isn’t liked by her family,” (there’s nothing unique about that!) which takes ZERO work, of effort, and “teenage rebellion,“ (which a lot of people go through) than she really is a loser.

    9. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Palins only do charity if TeeVee or meedia is there. Gotta get that photo op.

    10. Anonymous7:09 PM

      I was talking about BEFORE 2010 you idiot, before McCain, when she and L STILL fought constantly. You're a idiot.

    11. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Shay Tripp sucked into a evil Alaskan prostitution Ring by the first dude while trying to get her degree in computers.

    12. Marleycat9:12 PM

      Just had a thought - Bristol - since it appears everyone in Wasilla and Anchorage knew about your father's weird strange sex fetishists, cruising gay bars, and his prostitution ring - did that have an impact on other parents allowing their daughters, and sons, for that matter, permission to sleep over at your house, or even visit at your house?

      I know years ago, when I was only 13-14, I was not allowed to go visit at the house where some of my friends lived. Turned out, years later - the suspicions of just about the whole town was confirmed - the drug and alcoholic devout Fundamentalist Catholic Dad had been effing ALL of his seven daughters and his two sons.

      His wife had MS and suffered Domestic Violence from her husband - though that's not an excuse for looking the other way. He impregnated two daughters and accused the sons of it - they went to reform school.

      The truth came out later, but the point is, people had heard a lot of things, back in the days when people kept their mouths shut even worse than now - but NO children were allowed to go to that house - because parents rightly thought that man would sexually molest them.

      Everybody knew, except the children who were friends with those children and the authorities. I can't help but believe a lot of Wasilla parents had heard the rumors and didn't allow their kids to visit the Palin house because of it.

      After all, Dirk Diggler knew - it only takes one person in a small town seeing unusual behavior and the next thing you know, it's all over town, perhaps whispered about, given the thuggish rep your Mom and Dad had!

    13. Anonymous3:23 AM

      My daughter is still preparing herself to contribute to society. She did her undergraduate work in astronomy, then earned a Masters Degree in Physics and another in Nuclear Engineering. She is currently working on her PhD in Nuclear Engineering. Her dissertation is about hydrogen fuel cells and extending their life (or something like that - I don't pretend to understand her work). I'm awfully proud of her and don't get to brag on her often, so your challenge to provide an example of women who chose a different path than Bristol offered me an opportunity to portray a proud

    14. Anonymous11:55 AM

      And so that's why you call yourself "physicsmom". I love it. Congrats to you and your amazing daughter.

      Thanks for sharing your and her story.

  7. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Is this part of her new reality TV with tripp???

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      It must be. Why else would she leave her happy and loving family to stand around with some creepy guy rubbing her shoulders, chomping on his gum?
      I don't see Hollywood snapping up this "reality" show anytime soon.We've already seen enough.

    2. Oh, absolutely! There were 4 cameras surrounding her, including the one that did the video above.

      Her dialogue seemed to consist of "giggle, giggle" and some muffled comments to Gino and her sister. What are they going to do, have her do voice-overs or dub dialogue?

    3. Meanwhile pregnant Snookie will get her own reality show for the next two years. Ya gotta give Snookie some credit here: her show will be far more interesting than Bristol's yawn fest.

      Outdone once again, eh, Bristol? There is a similarity between you two as there is some major concern that Snookie's baby may be an FAS baby because of her hard-partying ways before she knew she was pregnant. Sorta like your first-born, Bristol?

    4. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Remember: Bristol is strong, her family is happy and everybody loves her. Where did she leave Tripp, BTW?

    5. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Were there any mechanical bulls there?

    6. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Wow Anon 6:59, you're quite the happy one aren't you? Jealous are awe?

    7. AnonymousMar 8, 2012 08:10 PM

      Wow Anon 6:59, you're quite the happy one aren't you? Jealous are awe?

      Palin hillbilly gibberish! Only a Palin can understand this comment!

  8. Replies
    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      I like 'staplemouth' better! Cannot imagine being affiliate w/that Palin clan!

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Random. Lol. Is she even in Alaska still? Isn't she a former east coast girl?

  9. Olivia4:07 PM

    Is Gino the father of any of her children?

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Does he look like Tripp? Bristols not one to appear publicly with anyone who's not serious. She's had what, 3 boyfriends in her life? At 21, that's prudish.

    2. Olivia5:09 PM

      Well, Tripp looks very much like Creepy Chuck more than anyone else. What does that say to you? Prudish doesn't have loud sex in a tent, wine coolers or not.

    3. Bristol, you may only have had three "boyfriends" but when you boinked lots of your "friends with benefits", you really can't stand under the umbrella of "prudish".

      And when you moan so loud in your boyfriend's mother's home that people are embarrassed to look you in the eye the next day-

      Yeah, no. Not really "prudish".

      So when are you going to own these comments of yours, Bristol and Sarah?

    4. Prudish? Having one, possibly more babies out of wedlock and you call her a prude because she has had only three boyfriends? Gee some girls actually "hold out" while they pursue an education and some do not "put out" until they find the man they will marry. If she were really "prudish" she would be wearing a scarlet letter, possibly an "F" as in fornicator.

    5. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

      Oh this is our Brooklyn!!, it said "any of her children" (plural). Oh, and not appearing publicly with anyone who's not serious doesn't cut it.

      Who does she hang out with when she's NOT appearing publicly?

    6. AnonymousMar 8, 2012 05:45 PM

      Does he look like Tripp? Bristols not one to appear publicly with anyone who's not serious. She's had what, 3 boyfriends in her life? At 21, that's prudish.

      Oh STOP it! Beefy doesn't "appear with publicly" with guys that haven't signed a "Non-disclosure form"...apparently Levi slipped through that net for a bit...until Beefy set up his mother on drug charges!

      And "prudish"...Beefy probably thinks that means a "dish of prunes"!

    7. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

      It said "any of her children", plural. You see, Brooklyn, it's not who people appear with publicly, it's those sneaky private ones.

      She appeared publicly with "the situation" in a psa for (heeee heeee heee) NOT having sex before marrage.

    8. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Looks don’t matter, DNA matters. If Bri$tol is not one to appear publicly with anyone who’s not “serious,” then why was she seen in public with “self-admitted cheater” Levi all those times.

      Look up the word “prude.” There is nothing “prudish” about Bri$tol.

    9. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Please clarify:

      "Does Gino look like Tripp?" Should he? Please elaborate.

      "Bristols not one to appear publicly with anyone who's not serious." I don't understand. First, I assume you mean Bristol's (unless there's more than one), and serious about what? Appear publicly? Like go to the grocery store? What does "appear publicly" mean, exactly?

      "She's had what, 3 boyfriends in her life?" First, by boyfriend do you mean boys she has slept with, boys she has lived with, or boys she has "appeared publicly" with? And two, it is a real stretch to call call someone who was pregnant at 16 prudish!

    10. Anonymous6:50 PM

      What about Dylan K? Johnny C?

    11. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Whatever you all say presumptuous ones.

    12. I believe Gryphen did a post showing how much Levi looked like Tripp does? I mean, people do change quite a bit; my son, for example, looks like a carbon copy of my husband at at 2. Of course, now my husband has dark brown hair and a longer face, but at the time, he looked just like our little boy.
      I had a nurse tell me he looks nothing like me (work on that tact, lady) and my hubby's shipmates say he does't look like daddy. (for the record, my son is blonde with blue eyes--- I'm part comanche indian with olive skin and greenish-blue eyes, so at least I deserved that comment, lol)

    13. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Actually, baby Levi and baby Tripp look nearly identical in this comparison:

  10. Anonymous4:08 PM

    How ridiculous...we can only hope fat and dopey Brisdull got stampeded.

  11. Oops sorry. I called Lester Mark instead of Bob.

    They are both jerks, and Palin enablers, so there really is not much difference. Though Bob is somewhat more talented.

    1. Anonymous4:24 PM

      SarahPac passed out flyers at the DC premiere of Game Change. Look at the twitter feed of TexMex817 or Maryland4Palin. There are twitpics. A showbill that clearly shows paid for by SarahPac at the bottem. Pathetic. Truly pathetic. (i'd provide the link if I could but can't.) Palin is really showing her angst. Sarahpac can't do something she doesn't approve.

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Well, Bob does in fact know them. His kids have had playdates with Piper. Jealous you have no such connection and therefore tell horrid lies?

    3. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I wouldn't let my 9-year-old daughter play with Piper.

      My sweet, smart girl doesn't need any bad influence from aggressive playmates or their horrible parents.

    4. Anonymous6:52 PM

      How old is Piper?? Play dates?? No one is jealous. You sound so immature every time you say that. And you sound stupid! Sorry but it's true.

    5. AnonymousMar 8, 2012 06:39 PM

      Well, Bob does in fact know them. His kids have had playdates with Piper. Jealous you have no such connection and therefore tell horrid lies?

      Oh Beefy...why are you dragging poor little Piper into your craziness? It's bad enough she has you as a sister and a terrible role model...leave PIPER ALONE!

    6. Anonymous8:38 PM

      Lester's oldest kid is to old to be having playdates with Piper and as chubby as the youngest one is he probably couldn't keep up with her.

    7. Loose Era12:50 AM

      jealous?! Yeah I wish I was a fat loudmouth ass licker so my kids could get to play with the wonderful mature centered Palin kids. Drunk at 14, vandalism at 15, sexually active by 16, out of school by 17, unmarried parent by 18, no hope of college, plastic surgery, lies, slurs, reality teevee and no hope of ever getting a real job, weight and body issues, living with the folks.

      Yeah I am so jealous - I have really blown it with my own kids.

  12. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Who gives a shit that Bristol was there?! Not me!

  13. Anonymous4:26 PM

    There is a reason for the constant gum chewing. Some drugs cause jaw clenching. Some anti-depressants, various drugs people take to lose weight, etc. If you chew gum it cover it up a bit and doesn't look quite so obvious.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Hyperactivity? He can't keep his hands off of her, either. He's a perpetual motion machine.

    2. Anonymous9:09 PM

      gum chewing, Adderal.
      She is on speed like mommy dearest.
      Hey Pistol speed kills.
      Look at your moms shark eyes and Andrew BreitFart.

    3. Amy in Juneau9:33 PM

      I think its called, METH.

  14. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Poor thing, the Kardashians get to party all night in Manhattan. Bristol gets to bundle up and trudge around with an old smelly guy, flirting with her on mic.

  15. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Watch her little white hat bop off across the street and between two buildings. She pulled a $arah- get on tape at the start of the race then duck out ASAP. Oh well, it is kind of hard to run while clinging to some guy.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      You got it! Brisket dodged across the street and into the alley. :)

  16. lostinmn4:38 PM

    The google pop up suggested I could get an MS in Counterterrorism. That because of the AIP connections in the Palin family?

  17. Anonymous4:43 PM

    O/T: I've learned more about drug abuse and its symptoms from this blog than from 40 years of living in cocaine city.

  18. Anonymous4:46 PM

    HowardKurtz ‏ @HowardKurtz
    Take that! Sarah Palin volunteers handing out "Showbill" flyers branding Game Change a "false narrative" outside DC premiere at Newseum.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      That don't realize that all they are doing is providing free marketing for HBO. It's just like that lame protest of Letterman. Remember the bot that yelled, "Keep children safe from David Letterman's mouth! He will rape them with his mouth!"? It gave Dave weeks of material and boosted his ratings. Whenever bots insert themselves all they do in confirm that Paylin's supporters are as cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs as she his.

      Fucking mental midgets this lot.

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      It makes Sarah look like an idiot. I can't believe how stupid these people are. It's like junior high, again proving how mentally imbalanced Sarah is. Can you imagine this mentally stunted woman could have been VP?? Screw John McCain! And Cindy now too

  19. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Palinbots hard at work at Game Change in D.C.!/Maryland4Palin/status/17790000

    1. They are doing everything in their power to publicize this movie. Don't they remember the increased interest in movies that were denounced by religious groups? I'm remembering The Last Temptation of Christ.

      Fools. BTW, Chris Matthews said he would be attending the premier, so he'll probably comment on this in tomorrow's show.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

      Thanks for sharing, so nice to know how desperate they are, and that Sarah's seething over this film! LOVE IT!!!!

    3. Anonymous5:55 PM

      HBO is raping $arah with its mouth!

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Wow! Well, she has seen the film so this flyer is very telling. If Sarah truly believes that the movie is a false narrative she should sue. Handing out Showbill flyers is ridiculous. I would expect that behavior from a young adolescent.

    5. I've worked in commercial printing for 30+ years.

      That brochure was produced by amateurs.

      Seriously, That's the best you can do?

  20. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I predict her show is going to get canned.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Me, too.

      That's why they wanted Levi to be a part of it. For the conflict.

      Otherwise, what exactly is there to see here?

      Bristol goes grocery shopping with Tripp. Bristol takes Tripp to the playground. Bristol reads Tripp a story. Bristol talks about how she has to budget all her reality teevee money so she can buy Tripp some new shoes. Bristol talks about how hard it is to be a working mom and how frustrating it is when she comes home after a hard four hours in the dermatology office to find the nanny only got to one load of laundry and Tripp can't wear his favorite Arizona sweatshirt.

    2. Ditto. what the hell could possibly happen on her show that would tune in listeners?

  21. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Game Change in Thailand...

    (with a pic of Moore on tonight's red carpet)

    1. In wandering around on this bankokpost link, this little item caught my eye...

      Women take 40% of top exec posts
      09/03/2012 : Nearly four out of 10 senior executives in Thailand are women, a participation rate that ranks second highest in the world, according to a study by consultancy Grant Thornton

  22. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Outside the venue, as A-listers gathered inside, Palin supporters handed out flyers that hit the film as a "false narrative" and a "fictionalized" account of the former Alaska governor's role in the campaign.

    "It's a fiction, all out of proportion," said volunteer O.P. Ditch, a member of the "Veterans for Sarah" group, who said Palin supporters were attending the film's premiere to "get the truth out."

    The volunteers handed out DVD copies of rival Palin film "The Undefeated" from conservative filmmaker Stephen Bannon, a more biographic take that seeks to put a positive spin on her involvement in the Republican defeat four years ago.

  23. Watching Baldy on Insannity and it is completely UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!

    The Hag has lost whatever little bit of sense she had! It must be seen to believe ya'll!

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Tell us more!!!' you do it so well!

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      loved the "shark eyes"
      Medical professionals will know that is pupils "blown out" drug use.
      If Sarah drops dead will the cons scream conspiracy too?
      I mean it was obvious from Breitfarts last RANT he was on DRUGS and Baldy's rants and Shark eyes-----> drugs too!

  24. Anonymous5:11 PM

    crazy lady on hannity with oversize jacket new glasses and lace green sleepwear.shebis pisssssssed

    1. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Wasn't that one of the jackets from the "Trail"?
      Just shows how much she has deteriorated since '08. Just look at her pics.
      She is like the pic "All is vanity" google it.

  25. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Ha ha ha

    SARAHPAC pays for flyers that are distributed outside of theaters!

    Oh yes the movie GAME CHANGE is a must see now.

    Good grief these Palinbots are stooooopid.

  26. Anonymous5:17 PM

    You'll like this pic of Moore, Gryphen.

  27. Tessie5:21 PM

    Well that was damn close to interesting. I hope that's part of her "reality" show, because watching her commenting on IM would get pretty old really quick.

  28. Anonymous5:23 PM

    OMG and WTF? Palin on Hannity tonight is hilarious. Says President Obama wants to take us back to before the Civil War with his radical ways......LMAO

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Are you kidding? What a stupid thing to say. She is an idiot.

      God when will we be rid of her???

  29. Anonymous5:25 PM

    OOOh, Bristol, what star quality. She just radiates and glows, exuding personality, charm and charisma. Why is Bristol being restricted to a couple of half hour reality shows on TV when she should be on the Big Screen, starring in her own full length movie. Her co-star should be Gino who proves that he can chew gum and rub Bristol's back at the same time.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Could you imagine how Michelle and Barack would react if a guido like Gino was sniffing around one of their daughters?

    2. Marleycat9:21 PM

      Anyone know if GINO is a HIGH SCHOOL graduate? or EMPLOYED?

    3. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Gino is probably employeed by the Palin's.....heh

  30. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I am literally crying from laughter at the simpleton on Hannity tonight.

  31. It was worth watching just to see those beautiful reindeer. Not too many of those in Juneau, doncha know.

  32. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Granny Grifter spewed her lying Word Salad on Shame Hannity tonight. She was bobbing her Giant Head from side to side, and licking her lips. For a MEMBER of AIP, she sure does accuse PRESIDENT OBAMA of being an Anti- American subversive Activist. Grifting and Lying is her only claim to fame. Her emails show that she was highly irritated with ADN Reporter LISA DEMER for pursuing the Trig story. Why can't you,SARAH PALIN, produce TRIG'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE? Too bad that you are not named as his Birth Mother. When are you going to address TODD'S PROSTITUTION RING on Hannity's show? BP executives must be highly pissed at TODD for their exposure. Remember, "BOYS WILL BE BOYS".

    1. She was spewing about Dirty money, dirty money with those "shark eyes" (H/T GinaM) I thought SURE she would address the Dirty money of Toad???
      Surely she knows of his "dirty money" No?

  33. re: Game Change

    @DavidCornDC some interesting tweets tonight:

    HBO's Game Change is a modern and engaging retelling of Frankenstein, w/ Steve Schmidt as the doctor. Guess who's the monster.
    Another good Game Change bit: Campaign aide Nicolle Wallace (sobbing) tells Schmidt on E Day she couldn't bring herself to vote for McCain

    Tweet URLs:!/DavidCornDC/status/177918320207597569!/DavidCornDC/status/177930820328239104

    1. FrankenSarah!


  34. I think as a non-Palin event, this looks like a lot of fun. Here's a YouTube link from last year's Running of the Reindeer.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Here is the YouTube of this year's. Oh yea, Pamplona for sure. The costumes are awesome though.

  35. Anonymous5:50 PM

    That is such great news that Palinbots are working "for free" for HBO!!!!! Hilarious! HBO must be thrilled that they're trying to drum up controversy! You cannot BUY that type of publicity. Sarah's big fat ego is just unable to take criticism, even as a menopausal granny.

  36. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

    Whew! I watched, I'm so glad they highlighted her photogenic side. Hope the Riegndeer weren't spooked (or gored) by the chin.

  37. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I always thought running with the grizzlies would be a lot more entertaining

  38. Sarah must have left Alaska for the week-end.
    She was on Hannity with a city back ground.
    She is wearing new glasses, her Star of David necklace, a baby poo colored top and a leather coat.
    Go to sarah net to watch the video. Note also she was trying to stop from screeching.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      It was Purim today and she really believes she is the second coming of Queen Esther.

      Yeder eyzl hot lib tsu hern vi er aleyn hirzhet.
      (Every ass likes to hear himself bray)

  39. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Does anyone remember the Tweto gals at last year's Fur Rondy? They were fun. it's not hard to have fun at the running of the reindeer, but I'm sure Bristol was only there to be seen and filmed. And whatshisface can cuddle up all he likes for the cameras, he's about as real as she is.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Jealous much?

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      too bad she didn't get run over by a reindeer like stapletongue, now that would of made good reality TV!

    3. AnonymousMar 8, 2012 08:07 PM

      Jealous much?

      Calm down Beefy...we all know how jealous you are...nobody wants beautiful Sadie's sloppy seconds except for you!

  40. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I expected a young ex basketball athlete who ran up and down a court who also danced numerous hours a day and took 3rd place on DWTS to be able to run a short distance but Bristol ran like an old elderly fragile lady.

    Bristol needed to unhitch that U-Haul trailer she was dragging behind her.

    1. Well, she's prolly pregnant again. It seems to happen to her a LOT.

  41. Baldy had a shot of something before her interview with Insannity! She was a hissing and spitting something awful! She had on her mean librarian lady glasses...the glare coming out those shark eyes was SCARY! The wig was hella high...along with Baldy!

    And it looked like it was almost touching the top frame of my HDTV! And her clothes! She was wearing some wrinkled ass black jacket with some big ass lapels that it looked like a bib! And her top was some kind of lime green jello shade with lace...apparently she didn't "fill" like putting in her water balloon boobs because it would have distracted from the biggest Star of David necklace splayed across her blotchy chest!

    The blush had to have been applied in the dark because when she shook that big head of hers...the blush look like streaks on the side of her face! But the burning question for me was her missing TOP LIP! Where did it go? It just looked like an angry slash across her face! Old Baldy was not happy tonight in the first segment! When they came back from the commercial somebody must have told her to smile...because I swear all that scowling she was doing had to have scared a few small children who may have seen the "angry old lady screaming about the President"!

    Which was all she did in the first few minutes of the show....I guess "radical and radicalism" was Baldy's "Sesame Street word-of-the-day! Oh and according to Baldy...."Obama is trying to take us back to pre-Civil War days"! And then she started saying so much shit that the more she talked the angrier I got...I'm not going to lie...that's the first time I've ever watched Baldy and said..."this bitch is committing treason"!

    Now when Insannity started the interview he brought up Sandra Fluke and President Obama calling her...then that walking, talking shit for brains idiot said...."Why hasn't the President called Baldy Palin after the things Bill Maher said about her"...then he goes to Baldy and she's looking like the cat who caught a it...seasoned...floured the canary and then ate it on national TV! Smug is to nice of a word for her was more like she had a "smirk" "smug" look...maybe call it a "smirg look" because that's the best way to describe that look on that idiots face!

    She was really pole dancing tonight! BaldyPac must be almost EMPTY! She was screeching out that "Obama needs to give back the money that Maher gave him because it's....DIRTY MONEY! She screamed out DIRTY MONEY so many times that she damn near came out of her chair and leaped through my TV! Umm...I wonder if Shailey's book is getting to her!

    And of course Insannity brought up Derrick Bell...and Baldy lost her fucking mind! I can't tell you what she said because a red haze went in front of my face and I think I lost I'll have to look at the transcript...I don't think I can watch that interview again! Yeah, it was that bad! Game Change and Shailey Tripp's book has sent Baldy not around the bend...oh no...Baldy IS the bend! Baldy has snapped ya'll....I've never seen her so fucking crazy acting in my life!

    I'm signing off for the night and going to go read Shailey's book...because I think Baldy never realized it was HER who brought up "prostutution ring"...she's the one who as usual is the cause of her DESTRUCTION! I for ready for her to remove her ugly tranny face off the TV and become a far off distance a nightmare that when you wake go..."Oh thank was only a nightmare"!

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Shark eyes!!!!
      LOL! Maybe she had a shot of what Breitfart had on the night he passed...
      She was ranted and raving.
      Sarah we know about Dirty money Girlfriend?
      How about Toads prostitution ring? Dirty money, No?

    2. Anonymous8:23 PM

      I feel like I just read the ramblings of a mental patient. Anyone?

    3. Tessie8:59 PM

      She had another smirg on her face when she was rattling on about President Obama hoping nothing else comes out about his past. She just doesn't get it, does she?! She's got stuff hidden that makes Rush look like a saint!

      And what was that shit Insanity was saying about the left "going crazy" over the tapes with Professor Bell? The mood was pretty much "Is that all ya got?"

    4. Amy in Juneau9:52 PM

      "The wig was hella high...along with

      Lmao!!!!! Thanks GinaM for that hilarious synopsis of the crazy quitter on hannity.

    5. Anonymous7:39 AM

      09:23 PM...

      You mean in your diary?

  42. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Sean and Sarah March 08, 2012

  43. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I love how Bristol always has men falling all over her. All her life all she's ever had to do is stand there and 10 guys fight over her. LOL

    And yet she's had 3 different boyfriends. Standards.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      She has men falling over her? Well, when you have drunken sex in tents, it gets around.

    2. Anonymous7:30 PM

      yes standards -22 yrs old and three men already,not including stupid 1 night stands-I hope my child has such a good upbringing-and a child also-

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Really I guess she is auditioning for Toad's prostitution ring.
      Men paying for sex.
      Her dad taught her well.

    4. AnonymousMar 8, 2012 08:06 PM

      I love how Bristol always has men falling all over her. All her life all she's ever had to do is stand there and 10 guys fight over her. LOL

      And yet she's had 3 different boyfriends. Standards.


      BEEFY! You are as INSANE as your damn mother! You need to stop the madness..."10 guys fight over her"....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....RIGGHHTT!

      Girl, what have you been smoking? Per your OWN MySpace account you called yourself a "slut"...Get a grip...."Game Change" and Shailey's book must really be doing a number on your crazy ass family!

      Your mama is INSANE and needs to be committed....TODAY!

      And your daddy is a Pimp who broke the pimp code....

      "Always keep your bitches in control"

      Pimp Daddy Toad didn't do that and now he's going to pay the price!

      Get ready's going to be a bumpy ride!

    5. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Out of line. Todd's secret life has nothing to do with his kids. Do you throw Bill Clinton's shenanigans in Chelsea's face?

    6. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Anon 8:30, how ignorant of you.

    7. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Anon 8:30, the day you can personally verify everything you've just said is the day I will vote democrat. (Hint: will never happen)

    8. Anonymous8:44 PM

      What's a "gold rush"?

    9. Anonymous10:16 PM

      Bristol has also had 3 babies, as well as 3 boyfriends. That's quite a record!

    10. Hey anonymous at 09:21.
      We didn't throw President Clinton's activities in Chelsea's face, the REPUBLICANS DID, and they STILL DO. They couldn't stop harassing that poor young lady.
      You know, if you're gonna dish it out, ya better learn to take it.

    11. Anonymous11:41 PM

      "I love how Bristol always has men falling all over her."

      Are you talking about dry humping Bristol on the dance floor while mommy and daddy watches?

      Not to mention Tawd has a creepy smile and a pocket full of used tied up condoms wrapped in facecloths in his pocket.

    12. Don the Bluesman2:59 PM

      I think rush called that" men lined up down the block".

  44. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Does Tawd have to pay Gino to f#ck Brisket or does she still find low lifes to do it for free?

  45. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Do you know how ignorant you all sound when you profess to know things about a person you can't possibly verify?

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      No one here really cares what you have to say. Do you know how ignorant YOU sound with your small town hick attitudes and judgements of everyone who reads here. You don't know any of the people here and I doubt you have ever met any liberals or Democrats in person.
      You are a hypocrite and illiterate. You sound very ignorant yourself my dear. You are an embarrassment to the Palins, by the way. You can't judge people you don't know, remember Brooklyn?

  46. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. I personally don't like girls who cake on the makeup on a daily basis and mock other girls for utilizing cosmetic surgery to fix minor things then turn around and use people's (supporter's) hard earned money to buy gross looking boobs. According to people who know her well, all Sadie is not is boobs and exterior. She's shallow and a liar. Just repeating what is spoken by people who for whatever reason won't call her out publicly on her lies. Probably because no one with self-respect wants to be caught dead associating with Mercede Johnston. That I've heard from numerous people as well.

    And I wouldn't bring MJ up if people didn't nonchalantly bring her into a conversation in which she doesn't belong. Bristol has never been her friend, has never wanted anything to do with her, and ignores her for good reason. Why give lack of substance attention.

  47. Anonymous8:35 PM

    And by the way, I have never seen Bristol write anything on facebook or in mention in person anything having to do with Mercede. A private message expressing concerns (after Mercede told countless lies about more than one person) doesn't count. I and you cannot say the same for Mercede herself concerning Bristol. Who's the obsessed one with no life now? Palin kid =high road in relationships. johnston kid = attention hungry, bitter , eh whatever, mst people dont even know who the Johnstons are, despite Mercede's desperate pleas for attention.

    1. Mercede's desperate attempts to be able to spend time with her nephew, you mean?

    2. Anonymous5:59 AM

      "I and you??" Your grammar is atrocious Bristol, Willow, April or whomever you are. You simply are embarrassing yourself with these ridiculous posts. What does Mercedes have to do with this? It's obvious that you are very jealous of her.
      Go back to school. You need to at least learn the basics of the English language. And throwing in big words from the thesaurus don't help your posts.

  48. Wasilla's imitation of the running of the bulls?

    Are those pet or tame reindeer? Some seem to be led on leashes.

    1. Anonymous10:10 PM

      That event happens in Anchorage and they are reindeer from the Reindeer Farm in Palmer. Many of them are tame enough to eat from the hands of tourists that visit the farm. This event is part of the Fur Rondezvous Festival that leads up to the Iditarod start in Anchorage. They're pretty tame and harmless creatures; not at all like the bulls in Pamplona.

  49. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Gryphen, when is your book review of Shay's book?
    I am about to re-read Shays book again, making notes, and Baldy talking about "dirty money" well hey she is talking about herself and her "Family"
    Today is national Woman's day, and Shays book would be a good book to showcase how we DON'T want to go back to.
    Not to mention these bastards were doing this while she was "Gov" and during the time of her VP!~

  50. Can I ask if Meg Staplegun was there? Maybe she'd have liked to get run over again.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Oh~ the~ Grifter got Run Over By a Reindeer,

      coming home from Sudsy's late last night!

  51. Ratfish2:39 AM

    I wonder how that abstinence thing is treating Bristol?

  52. Anonymous5:26 AM

    If it were former friend Sadie, they would film this either in the summer or in Flordia where they could show her in a swimsuit.

    It's a sure bet that bristol will ALWAYS be shown in something bulky.


  53. Wow, a lot of projecting going on here! Levi and his sister, Mercede, pose nude for Playgirl and Playboy, and yet Bristol is the slut. Their mom was busted for oxycontin, and yet Sarah is the drug addict. Let's face it, folks, the Palin's are living the American dream. And that fact has apparently warped your reality.

    1. KrisMar 9, 2012 07:04 AM

      Wow, a lot of projecting going on here! Levi and his sister, Mercede, pose nude for Playgirl and Playboy, and yet Bristol is the slut. Their mom was busted for oxycontin, and yet Sarah is the drug addict. Let's face it, folks, the Palin's are living the American dream. And that fact has apparently warped your reality.

      Hey Kristy from "Down's it hanging!

      I see you skulking around the Beefalo post...lonnngggg after everyone has moved on!

      Beefy WISHED somebody/anybody would ask her to pose nude...but since the poor dears body has been ravaged by all the babies she's given birth to...NO GO!

      Sadie is beautiful naked and bad Beefy can't say the same! She should have stuck to her original face...FACT!

      Oh and as far as Baldy and her serious drug must be deaf, dumb and blind to not see that Baldy has a substance abuse which one are YOU?

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      I can guarantee they won't film Beefy or Baldy in a swimsuit. Yuck!!

  54. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I think that's cruelty to animals. The poor reindeer - they must be terrified of all the people and noise.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      I agree with you ~~ Those were my very same thoughts when watching that 'animal abuse'.

      Knowing the §cary, §carah P and her 'paint-chip-eating' adorers, they (the reindeer) were probably hunted down right afterwards -- you know for 'fun and sport'. *ARGH*

      Remember, it was a reindeer she supposedly shot (after several tries, and lots of help from her pops) in her §PAK reality(?) show.


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