Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Jon Stewart eviscerates Sarah Palin's ridiculously contrived appearance on the Today Show.

I LOVED that right out of the gate Stewart recognized that Palin's story about meeting a woman who mistook her for Tina Fey was pure bullshit. You know a lot of people who don't live in Alaska think she tells the truth sometimes.

She doesn't.

Stewart goes on to call the Grizzled Mama on almost ALL of her nasty attempts to attack liberals while pretending to be a reasonable human being.

Alaskans aren't fooled by that either.


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    John McCain Jokes About Sarah Palin As A Possible Vice President (VIDEO)

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      We all joke about Palin as a mother, human being and as a piece of shit.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Actually, I take my shit more seriously.

  2. The Daily Show's take on Palin may well eclipse the impact of Game Change. It certainly has a far greater audience. And it was a lot funnier than the "rill dill." Today Bristol had to chime in with a snarky statement, but no one is paying attention; they were too busy laughing their asses off at Jon Stewart and friends. I thought that John Oliver's report was especially hilarious as he interviewed one of the deluded bots = Palin's base.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Today Bristol had to chime

      You mean Nancy French?

      Hows that Life With Tripp going for them?

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      So crass, no class, so desperate to look do.Sarah did not bring ratings and poor bristool thought they are so special people are just chomping for them.No body likes you and Sarah and the more they see the more they do'nt like you media whores.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:43 PM

      How old is Bristol, again? Seems like she hasn't cut the apron strings yet. She needs and depends on the approval of her mom so much, she kisses her ass every chance she gets.
      I have a daughter her age who argues with me, discusses issues and holds her ground. with anyone, but rarely comes to my defense with anyone, because she knows I'm her parent, not her bff. I don't need her help nor approval, and neither does she.

      Grow up, Bristol.

  3. SALLY in MI11:15 AM

    No wonder everyone has been asking for this video. Stewart nails her to the wall! That was great! Sarah's grifting exposed. Sarah's lies (some of them) exposed. Sarah's basic meme...dividing America: exposed. Sarah's idiocy: exposed again. Hey Sarah, Oprah works harder than anyone I know, and she will be around in a year and will be very successful. You, however, are a cooked goose, and if anyone is still mentioning your name, it will be to wonder how many grandchildren you have (he missed that little slip yesterday) and if any child has yet graducated from Wasilla High, and how Todd is doing in prison.

  4. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Breaking news:
    Sarah Palin fails to give 'Today' a ratings jolt

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Yes! Only 23,000 more people turned into see her than the day before. The ratings stunt failed. Hope it was worth it, NBC. You lost a lot of longtime viewers over this. Your advertisers will not be pleased.

  5. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Look at the insecure Palin body language as Ann Curry moves closer to here around the 5:05 mark. Priceless!

    1. I so enjoyed watching old Baldy on the Today Show yesterday! Watching how much she was out of her element...was a thing of beauty!

      She was like that poor halibut in SPAK that her and Beefy took turns beating on! Except Baldy got beat up on by...Matt, Ann, Star, Donnie and even Tori Spelling! Everybody got to take a turn at whacking the Wackadoodle from Wasilla! LOL!!

      She had NO clue how much she was being made fun of! Baldy is Special Needs and she's to low IQ to know it! So I say to the Republican's....Congratulations on Nominating your very FIRST Special Needs VP! LOL!!!

      Her body language was hecka funny too! The hunched shoulders...the tense smile...the constant lip licking...she even threw in a couple of steeple chase hand gestures!

      Poor Baldy looked like she was waiting for the blows! Grizzy Mama my ASS! I'm sure her handlers were just happy that the Today Show took off that pelt on her giant head and washed, styled it and made it look somewhat presentable!

      But the clothes! She just had to go rogue on her outfit! I thought the ugly dangling scarf was dumb...until I saw the snake skin hooker shoes she had on! All I could think of when she was sitting there with Matt and shaking her foot was...some poor snake died and ended up on Baldy's dirty, crusty, stinking feet!

      RIP dear snake...I wanna say you didn't die in vain but I'm afraid your karma must have been terrible in your snake life!

      The woman has no personality! She's just so STIFF and DEFENSIVE! I really feel sorry for the patients at the Insane Asylum aka "Crazies4Palin"! They are still trying to figure out that her showing up on the Today Show was a good move for her!

      Baldy is finished! She's been regulated to the Dollar bin...what's left of her supporters are rooting around in that bin trying to find something new from Baldy but she's a one trick pony!

      And everyone has seen all her tricks and she's just boring now...kinda like the Harlem Globetrotters! LOL!!!

      PS...for those who like the Harlem Globetrotters....I meant no disrespect :)

  6. Anonymous11:27 AM


    words fail me...

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      * A good guy? Bristol Palin's new boyfriend Giacinto 'Gino' Paoletti makes racist remarks and mocks people with Down's Syndrome on his Facebook page *
      (Gino also half baked and illiterate, can't spell and a htr of disabled and race)

      That information is from Facebook. I wonder how accurate and up to date the rest of the article is?

      Something not right about this , 4 April 2012 piece in Daily Mail Online from UK. May have been planted to generate publicity and illusion that Bristol is functioning and will do a Reality Show. Now they can tell the cult the show is still ongoing. They just may be in deep denial that she is done but Lifetime is stringing them along in a state of limbo.

      Months back it was to be Bristol and Gino in Arizona house. The latest in the Nancy French blog showed Bristol with an no name boy. Too vague and crappy public relation work is going on. Every reason to suspect foul play.

      When will lifetime list the show?
      When was The National Enquirer report?

    2. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Shacking up with Gino .... what an exciting reality show!

    3. Anonymous1:01 PM


      "His [Paoletti's] postings on the social networking site, which have since been removed, also refer to people as 'n****' and even ridicule Sarah Palin's reality show, calling it 'Idiot's of Alaska [sic]'."

    4. Anonymous1:29 PM

      I love how the article assumes Bristol has been abstinent! LOL
      Can anyone think of a more BORING television show.

      By the way the show is still on. April 2 nd was a mistake. Other articles say it will be on in the fall,
      Lifetime doesn't think too highly of women if they put this crap on!!

      And living in sin!!!!! What a common sense conservative family!! Does C for P finally get Palin has no interest in being president?? Keep sending your retirement checks to Sarah PAC morANS!

    5. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Opening scene from the new Bristol show.

      Tripp opens bedroom door, walks in and says,

      "Gino, Gino, if you go get me a glass of water, I will push the bed up and down for mommy."

    6. Anonymous2:07 PM

      "His [Paoletti's] postings on the social networking site, which have since been removed, also refer to people as 'n****' and even ridicule Sarah Palin's reality show, calling it 'Idiot's of Alaska [sic]'."

      I tells ya the boy is paid well and basically obeying his elders. It's a business arrangement. Not that his job is not to play house and string Bristol along. It is just not the ril dil. It is for show. Gino is a cad, skirt chaser and everything not to want for any girl to get stuck with for any reason. He can be charming, also, too.

    7. Anita Winecooler8:29 PM

      Dear Bristol, there's a thing called "You Tube", apparently you should learn how to use it! Can you explain THIS to us like a third grader? (I'm being generous- no offense to REAL third graders) It's just that Bristol is kind of, oh, what's the word? A buffoon with a chin that has it's own zip code.

  7. Anonymous11:27 AM

    homespum non-sense unchallenged!!

  8. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Wallstreet = socialist?

    1. Yes, that was the best part in exposing Palin's stupidity -- dissing the President's "failed socialist policies" and then claiming that the Wall St. boys are doing exceptionally well. More proof that she has absolutely no idea what's she's talking about, and certainly no knowledge of the facts! Made me guffaw, it did!!!
      Of course, the sad thing is that she wasn't called on it. But TDS has a wide audience, and growing every day, so at least Stewart made the case!

    2. Boscoe12:48 PM

      I'm STILL waiting to hear exactly what these "felled socialist policies" are. She sounds like the idiot bot with all the "PROVEN lies of Obama" crapola who, when pressed for one single example, disappears.

      Why does NO ONE ask her to be specific?!? Don't they realize that by not questioning her, they are passively validating her empty, baseless spew?

    3. Anonymous12:57 PM

      What an idiot she is.

    4. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Clearly she doesn't understand what socialism means.

      That woman is an idiot.

  9. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Sarah Palin fails to give 'Today' a ratings jolt

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      People love watching trainwrecks.

  10. Anonymous11:29 AM

    How do you know Sarah Palin is lying?

    When she flaps her gums!

  11. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Even John McCain knows how ridiculous it was for him to pick Sarah Palin as his vp:

    Sen. John McCain, who was roundly criticized for putting Sarah Palin on the ticket in 2008, joked Wednesday that Mitt Romney should tap the former Alaska governor as his running mate.

    "I think it should be Sarah Palin," McCain said on CBS as he broke into laughter, when asked about Palin's suggestion Tuesday night that the eventual presidential nominee should "go rogue" in their VP selection.

    Read more here:

  12. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Boys Will Be Boys:

    I have only read the first four chapters. I can only take this book in small doses; it's so brutally honest and disturbing. Shailey Tripp is a woman who has been down a difficult road in life and who by her own admission has made regrettable mistakes. I am not here to judge some of the poor decisions she has made, but I will pass judgement on those despicable men who took advantage of a single mother who was obviously in a financially vulnerable position. Ms. Tripp shares personal details of her sexual encounters with Todd Palin....details that are too explicit not to believe. And she includes copies of the email exchanges with Palin. Todd Palin should be investigated and brought up on charges of sex trafficking. What gives, Alaska? Is there an Alaskan Mafia that controls that state?

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Yes, there is an Alaskan Mafia that controls the state - apparently the Anchorage Police Department and Sarah-appointed politicians and bureaucrats who continue to cover for the Palins.

      Todd has the "goods" on lots of rich and influential men who do not want their names "sullied" in court.

      Even some FBI guys were clients of Shailey's and Todd's.

      That's why Shailey's book has not YET gotten traction in the MSM. I don't know who would spearhead an investigation into Todd's prostitution ring, but it is a travesty of justice that he has been allowed to go free.

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Our resident troll won't touch this story with a ten foot pole. I wonder why that is?

  13. Anonymous11:36 AM

    “Ooh, infiltrating the Today Show, Stewart mocked. “You’re cynically exploiting a manufactured notion of yourself as a crusader against a monolithic, exclusionary activist liberal media, whilst actually enjoying a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship with them, only to the detriment of the rest of the country. Seriously, it’s the Today Show! You really believe co-hosting the Today Show is entering the lions den?”

    Tell us how you really feel, Jon… Then came another telling moment, where Palin chimed in on a question about problems at Oprah’s television network. Palin’s answer? Hire a few more patriots who understand the Constitution.

    “The simplicity and prejudice of your worldview, that the patriotism and goodness of something is in direct proportion only to the amount of conservatism in said thing … and that equation so rules your life that you offered that advice spontaneously to the question of, ‘How do you think Oprah’s doing?’”

    “It must be exhausting to live like that,” Stewart said.

  14. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Do you ever notice the only days Screech doesn't do or say something stupid are the days she is flying to or from alaska? I think that is why she has aged so much, all the long flights she has done the past 3.5 years.

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      If you put her lauer interview and yesterday pics side by side, she looks much better now. There's nothing wrong with cosmetic enhancements. It's no different from makeup, something most women wear to be taken seriously in this man's world.

    2. Anonymous12:18 PM

      12:57 - You need better glasses. You're welcome, Sarah.

    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      12:57 -- Drinking early today?

    4. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Her face was so puffed up and fake looking (though the neck and jowls looked pretty bad) that it is odd. Similar to Joan Rivers, you just know something's not quite right.

    5. Anonymous8:15 PM

      Plastic surgery is no different from makeup? Really?

    6. Anita Winecooler8:37 PM


      Keep repeating it until you believe it, just keep it to yourself. No one here is buying stupid.

  15. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Today HuffPost by Geoffrey Dunn:
    Palin vs. Couric: Recounting the Infamous 2008 Campaign Interview

  16. I like that she had to write VEEP on her hand in this one....

  17. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I saw this and it was great. Leave it to Jon to wipe the lipstick off of that pig

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      LOVED your response. More people in the media need to 'wipe the lipstick off of that pig'! (no offense meant to pigs)

  18. Replies
    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Sarah Palin gave very small bump and failed to jolt 'Today' a ratings

      Sarah Palin knows all about small bumps and how to inflate them into big jolts

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Sarah Palin knows all about small bumps and how to inflate them into big jolts


  19. Anonymous11:43 AM


    You should read the comments here about Palin.

    John McCain Jokes About Sarah Palin As A Possible Vice President

  20. Gryphen, I'm so pleased you posted this!

    I have long been a devotee of the daily show and it got even more love from me once Stewart took over. I LOVE that he's not afraid to call out Palin even though all the "real" journalists seem to be.

    Last night I of course was anxiously awaiting his coverage of The Today Show. When he opened by showing Palin describing a tourist confusing her with Tina Fey and then commented "that. . . NEVER HAPPENED", I hadn't even realized I'd been holding my breath to see what he would say!

    I was just thrilled he gave that idiotic anecdote the reaction it deserved. Maybe, MAYBE if it were four years ago and as with SNL special makeup and clothes were used to make Fey look like her, I could see that happening.

    But seriously, put a plain, candid photo of Palin next to a plain, candid photo of Tina Fey. Both photos from 2012.

    If you see what I see, you'll know there is no possible WAY anyone, even the most "bumpkin" of tourists, could confuse Fey's bright eyed, dewy beauty with Palin's dry, wrinkled, bobble headed, wig askew, bitterness seeping from inside out lackluster looks.

    And it was an obvious Palin set up- since when do tourists approach someone they believe to be one of the biggest stars on television and without introduction or how-do-you-do demand "WHERE YA GOIN???"

    That gem has Sarah Palin wrinkly claw foot prints ALL over it.

    Personally I can't help but feel Today was largely a setup designed to drive Palin to a ratings gold meltdown.

    How to parent teen daughters?

    An "enemies" list?

    Discussion of PREGNANCY WEIGHT?

    Oh, yes. I think they are on our side.

  21. Randall11:48 AM

    I thought Sarah looked really beautiful.

    I know a lot of folks here don't find her attractive, but I don't think they're being honest: she's a darned handsome woman.

    As far as her performance, I think she did fine.
    Ya know... like a showhorse in a parade: she didn't take a shit on the floor - which is pretty much the most you can ask for, really.

    OK, well... her asinine comment about Oprah (the self-made richest woman in the country) needing to get some rill patriotic conservatives on her show... that was pretty close to shitting on the floor, I guess...

    but still - whattaya expect?
    Sarah's a beauty contestant - not a scholar.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Pretty is as pretty does.

    2. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Do you love all women? Or something?

    3. Anonymous12:26 PM

      We can agree the stylists and make up at studio is an improvement. In the back woods, on the dead lake whoever she works with on her appearances could not be a worst choice. Compared to that the NY help is better.

      Unfortunately the ravages of face and body procedures are a cost for the best of them. Even Tori Spelling. So a lot of beauty depends on the quality of HD and studio or outside lighting. The Baldy wig was improvement. She continues to have the anorexic body type with huge head. That is just ugly and no accounting for her taste. Dressing her must be left to the real pros.

    4. Anonymous12:40 PM

      She WAS a beauty contestant and it's OBVIOUS she's not a scholar if anyone's been paying attention. She knows NOTHING, just keeps repeating the same few lines like the cat singing over the phone in "Meow Mix" commercials. The e-trade baby has more smarts.

  22. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Jon cuts straight to the quick with his searing analysis of the FRAUD that is all things Palin. With just two sentences, he rips the cover off her thin skinned, ignorant, demogoguery, slices and dices her hypocritical stances and finally flattens her to the mat with one fell swoop of pure intelligence. LOVE Jon (and John).


    This is COMPLETELY off topic, but I wanted to post it since I think it is really important. I just came across it and I'm thinking that all of us could benefit from knowing more about Mitt and his religious influences. The BBC seems to think it's important enough to focus on, it makes me wonder why the US Media isn't...Maybe Gryphen will make a post for this, since religion is discussed here, as well as presidential politics, and I feel certain that I'm not the only one who wants to know more.

    BBC documentary - 'The Mormon Candidate'

    6 parts

    Mitt Romney Mormon President BBC examines his religion and candidacy

  23. Anonymous11:55 AM

    It's tv. All is scripted.

    Today still captured first place over GMA, despite Palin though. Couric's still a dud. Not that either woman had an affect on anything.

    I still see no attack on liberals. I do see attacks on conservatives from scared liberals.

    Just admit it. Liberal policies have done the country in. It's all about fo history. Sure science is "progressive". That is not what I mean when I say liberal policies and you know it.

    Stop wrongfully using the term hate when you really mean difference or opponent.

    So, Gryphen. Thoughts on Obama major constitutional gaffe?

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      So, 12:55, thoughts on your major logical gaffe, with false equivalencies running rampant through your "post"?

    2. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Palin's entire life is "scripted" and is 100% lies.

    3. MC303112:38 PM

      You are just too cute, aren't you? Awww ... no attacks on liberals, eh? You don't get out much it seems.

      Anyway, thanks for dropping by. Go collect your five pieces of gold from Ms. Palin now. You did your work for the day.

    4. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Just admit it conservative policies have done this country in.

      There I fixed it for you.

    5. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Hi Sarah.

    6. Anonymous1:08 PM

      WTH? English please!

    7. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Huh?? Are you American? Because a) you are difficult to understand and b) you know nothing about the economic history of our country. The TRUTH is that economically this country has always done much better economically under Democrats. This is a historical fact with real data to back it up.
      What conservative policies have been successful in real life economically? Can you name two? I bet you can't come on!!
      I can name two BIG failures: 1. Trickle down economics and 2) Hoover style austerity measures. Both BIG bombs! Tax cuts! ROFL!! Taxes are the lowest they have been in years thanks to GOP policies and do u see a thriving economy or growth of jobs?

      The TRUTH based on FACT is that conservative fiscal policies have historically failed. Since you are such an economic expert, please price me wrong with FACTS not silly sound bytes.

      Can you do it!!

  24. comeonpeople11:57 AM

    OK, with all due respect Charlie,, I think we've all been pretty patient.
    Where are the pictures you were going to post that you received last week? And what about the picture from the spouses luncheon from long long ago?
    This is your blog and I like it and come here of my own free will. However, it is kinda mean to allude to things and then drop them without explanation.

    Can you make a comment?
    Thanks for your time.

  25. Anonymous11:59 AM

    She is devoid of a sense of humor due to the lack of a developed brain. Everything she did was clumsy, unfunny and contrived. Sarah, you were never born to host Today, not even for an hour or so. You are so boring and hateful. Go away!

  26. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Stewart caught her little Jesus fish earrings and, of course, the huge flag pin. He didn't catch the big, gaudy, low slung, crucifix belt buckle (the same one she wore to her movie opening in Pella). Too bad. If he had, the segment would have been that much more awesome I'm sure.

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Oh, I thought it was a chastity belt.

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Crotch cross

  27. David in Baltimore12:08 PM

    That was incredible, and so accurate. Thank you Daily Show! Maybe someone can explain to Sarah what Jon was talking about.
    Also, Gryphen, I appreciate what you are doing. Always valuable information and perspective.

  28. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Saw this comment in yesterday Huffpo.

    When Matt Lauer asked Palin what it was like raising teenage daughters, $P's reply was "It's a crap shoot". Did she really say that?

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      She really did. How pathetic is that!

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM

      "It's a crap shoot"

      The Paoletti influence. Todd is no slouch when it comes to gambling business.

    3. Anonymous12:53 PM

      If you don't think that she said it, I'll punch you in the neck.

    4. Anonymous1:36 PM

      A comment at the pee pond said "she called it a crap chute!! God I love that woman!"

      Crap chute? hmmm (snicker)

  29. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Just watched the clip -- loved it! Jon Stewart did a brilliant job of skewering Palin and her failed appearance on Today.

    My favorite part was when Stewart pointed out the dichotomy between the sequence of Palin trotting out to the oh-so-impartial Matt "I go golfing with the first George Bush" Lauer her usual "failed socialist policies" attack against President Obama, and then of her answering the economic recovery question with "it benefits a few on Wall Street" - it was pathetic how Palin was too damn stupid to realize how she contradicted herself.

    Palin is such a poseur. She doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about. She exudes ignorance, obsession, hate, and self-absorption. A truly ugly and frightening combination. You certainly don't have to know (shout out to the "you don't know her" troll) to be able to see exactly for yourself what motivates her - hate and fear of everyone who doesn't think and act exactly like she does.

    She reaped an additional 23K viewers for the Today Show yesterday over its Monday viewership. Yes, I said 23 THOUSAND. In a county of hundreds of millions of potential viewers.

    And that's assuming every one of those viewers tuned in to see HER and not one of the other guests, or had simply left their television tuned to NBC from watching it the night before. A generous assumption.

    Yup, put a fork in Sarah Palin - she is DONE, as done as a piled of dried out moose droppings. Nobody takes her seriously except her sad deluded 'bots.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Did they consider the "curiosity factor" in people's tuning in?

  30. Anonymous12:18 PM


    1. Anonymous4:32 AM

      I think that John McCain is senile.

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      It's obvious.. John McCain hates America..

  31. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Sarah Palin talks to Sean Hannity April 03, 2012

    God, she's such a raving bitch, isn't she?

  32. Anonymous12:23 PM

    That was spot on! Jon Stewart has definitely got her number. I loved the part about "infiltrate". I mean really how very asinine was that for Palin to say. Best description of Palin EVER!!!

  33. bulieb12:35 PM

    This is one of the BEST "calling her out" EVER. EVER. Please go away...far far far away! Please.

  34. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Watch the men how the men, including Donny Deutsch and Joe Scarborough, respond to Palin's Today appearance vs how Mika acts. These men have no clue whatsoever, but Mika sure gets her!

  35. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Jon is right. Sarah regularly blasts the Lamestream media as being the enemy, being too liberal. She bragged that she was going to "infiltrate" them. Then, she was more than happy to appear on their show instead of using her soap box and format to call them out. The next time she is over there at Fox, insulting the Lamestream media again for makin' stuff up, I hope that Stewart plays video of Pandering Palin on the Today Show.

    jon was right about one of Sarah's stories. No one walked up to her and called her Tina Fey. Jon is right; Sarah was surrounded by a patrol of bodyguards.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Jon so nailed her! She's a lying ass fraud!!! She wouldn't let anyone approach her on a public street - especially in NYC!!! As we know in Alaska - she lies when she doesn't even need to!!!!!

  36. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Are we going to see the 2007 photos of pregnant Bristol??

    I know our little troll said that Bristol wasn't with anyone before Levi, but we know that's not true.

    Re Jon Stewart, he nails Palin-she's a scammer and a hypocrite. It's really hysterical that she thinks the jokes about writing on her hand and newspapers are funny. They aren't. They are boring. Her devoted few are busy on blogs today but not getting anywhere. Sarah is definitely her own worst enemy.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Dylan K.

    2. "It's really hysterical that she thinks the jokes about writing on her hand and newspapers are funny. They aren't. They are boring."
      You are absolutely right. I think it's not so much that she thinks they're funny, it's that she still can't let it go that she was rightfully laughed at for her glaring idiocy.

      She is still fuming and determined to get the last word in. Years later.

      "I always wrote on my hand. I did. I did. I did it on purpose, so there. You didn't catch me. You're the stupid head."

      "I do too read lots of newspapers. I do, I do. I know their names too. My answer wasn't stupid, Katie's question was stupid. But see me play with the newspapers? Hah. Hah. Hah. I am laughing so hard because the joke's on Katie. See? Hah. Hah. I'm laughing because I'm so easy-going and certainly don't hold grudges forever and ever. Hah. Hah."

      "Aren't I adorable and cute and fun-loving with my whoring-for-Christ belt buckle and my five-buck-blowjob hooker shoes?

  37. Anonymous1:17 PM

    "She reaped an additional 23K viewers for the Today Show yesterday over its Monday viewership. Yes, I said 23 THOUSAND. In a county of hundreds of millions of potential viewers. "

    An extra 23 THOUSAND viewers could easily be explained by the fact that it is Easter break week, and all the kids are home from school. You'd have to compare the viewership to other Easter break week numbers to make the assessment, but the difference between yesterday and the average day seems trivial to me as well, and easily explainable for other reasons.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      A lot of people tuned in expecting to see the Duggars.

  38. Was she really wearing her Jesus-on-my-crotch belt buckle? With lizardy green hooker platform shoes?

    That whining harpy is some steaming pile of frigid faux sexpot trash.

  39. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Letterman went after Palin more than once last night!

    He showed National VP candidates of the recent past by providing a photo and negative info regarding each one. (John Edwards, etc.) Over Palin's photo it showed 'proven unethical'!!!! Loved it!

    And, there isn't a damned thing she can do about it either which is even more fun! She is being made the laughing stock on late night TV FINALLY!

  40. Anonymous3:20 PM

    She had her lizard tongue working while talking to Matt Lauer and then the "what do you think it means" in the sexy seductive voice. Sarah Palin: high on Ectasy and always on the make.

  41. Anonymous3:43 PM

    There was something very creepy about Sarah on the Today show - black pantsuit without much style or accessories , makeup waaay too heavy, extreme black platform heels, and a marked absence of being engaged or even particularly interested in what anyone else was saying (looked like she was just busy thinking what she would say, and even then it was a whole lotta word salad when she tossed it in).

    No spring colors, no fresh styling, not even dressed for a morning daylight appearance. She looked like she was dressed for a bar in a bad neighborhood on a Thursday night. Seriously.

    Out of her league and stale to boot. The network pros didn't miss it either: 23,000 is pretty much not moving the needle on the dial at all.

    1. Anonymous4:34 AM

      Maybe it was Sarah's interpretation of chic New York style?

  42. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Jon Stewart = national treasure
    Sarah Palin = national embarrassment

  43. Gryph... I know you and your family have to live up there and that there seems to be a line that no one will cross, even with FACTS to expose the Monkey Queen for the true toad she is...BUT, it's seems to be time...

    She and her Klan seem to be on the grift again and it's getting to the point of becoming nauseating to the majority of the public. IF YOU AND YOUR SPHERE OF FRIENDS HAVE THE PROOF AND THE FACTS TO SINK THIS FAKE, WHY AREN'T YOU DOING IT ?

    It's time... She needs to go down hard... Please.

  44. Anita Winecooler7:29 PM

    Damn, Stewart hit one out of the ballpark. I loved this intro on his show as well, showing the paint chip eaters and how stoooooooooooopid they are.

  45. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I didn't watch her on Today, but I did see the Daily Show segment. The way she manically (or maniacally) rushed in to shout about conservatives when the whole panel was asked about Oprah was pathetic and embarrassing. The looks on the other panelists faces were priceless ("What the hell is she doing? What the hell is she talking about?")

    She is a nightmare.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.