Thursday, April 05, 2012

Now what could be so important that Sarah Palin felt the need to write it on her hand during the taping of the Today Show?

An alert IM visitor noticed something odd about the writing on Palin's hand during her Today Show appearance.

Hmm, still kind of hard to read.  Let's blow it up.

Aha! I knew it!

I was wondering what she wrote on her hand in Matt Lauer's dressing room.

 H/T to Ric.

(P.S. Don't you LOVE photoshop?)


  1. Paul - Minnesota4:14 AM

    Ha. I'm not sure it's photoshopped.

    I could see Sarah going onto the Today show with notes on her hands.

    You betcha.

    Flying monkeys. Go git 'im.


    1. I think the "Flying monkeys" have run out of excuses for old Baldy! I mean what can they defend at this point?

      She's a has been...never was...but still asking for money for....WHAT?

      She's not running...except her big stupid mouth...and the fact that she keeps saying the same shit over and over...even those brain dead zombies must be weary and exhausted defending her.

      The comments at "Crazies4Palin" have dropped to an unprecedented low...even for those goobers the light must finally be shining bright! So I hope Baldy keeps making these kind of crazy just makes her "star" dim even eventually it will wink out completely!

      One thing I noticed in this picture Gryphen posted...Baldy's posture and body language is completely...FUCKED UP!

      Look at the doctor's posture...she's sitting straight up...shoulders back...neck level...then look at Baldy's...hunched in a turtle trying to get back in it's shell...hands a defensive motion...meaning stay away...that's why she uses those claw hands!

      I think eventually Baldy will start wearing gloves because you can't help looking at her hands and knuckles and wonder....what the fuck does she do with those things to make them look so BAD!

  2. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Hey, it's even spelled it right and everything! Thanks for a laugh to start my day

    1. Spelled right? Then, you know she probably didn't write it herself!

  3. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Did her wedding band get photoshopped out?

    I know it's played hide-and-seek, but this was national tv and all. She wasn't doin' any fishin' or surgery where it might have gotten in the way.

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      I noticed that in Daily Show clips. You rarely see her wearing it or with Trigg. Guess those props are no longer needed.

  4. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I watched Sarah for just a few minutes on Tuesday and while doing so pretended that I knew absolutely nothing about her. Nonetheless, the immediate and indelible impression was that I was viewing an ignorant wannabee- someone with no substance or reservoir of knowledge- someone without a modicum of natural humor or natural empathy. FEH!

  5. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Sorry G., I think it's something she cannot forget and doesn't need to write it on her hand !...

  6. Irishgirl5:03 AM


  7. Anonymous5:04 AM

    We once had a small little lapdog who was gentle about 99% of the time but occasionally "showed teeth." When I look at Sarah, I see someone with the most telling facial expressions- most of them hate-based. She has an assortment of negative looks: the snotty eye-roll, the finger-pointing, the fist-clenching--- but none so threatening as the "show teeth." I cannot think of another politician who does that- Fox commentators, yes, but not people who aspire to public office. Very weird.

  8. Anonymous5:18 AM

    That note is probably always on her hand. She wasn't able to cover it up with her blackberry while on the today show. I bet she went into "blackberry withdrawal" during the show.

  9. What is she write on her hand???I'm laughing .Its make me laugh.

  10. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Mr G,

    Sue that idiot for desicrating your name on her scrawny nasty hand.!

  11. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Gryphen ... check your smoke detector batteries each month, never wear your antler hat outside and don't fly in small planes.

    We need you to stay safe.

  12. Cracklin Charlie5:46 AM

    Why does her middle finger have all those knobby places on it? Calluses, blisters?

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      To me, it looks more like advancing arthritis.

  13. ManxMamma5:48 AM


  14. Anonymous5:51 AM

    "Those who feed on rumors are small, suspicious souls." Charles Swindoll.

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Go stick a pin in your voo-doo doll.

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM

      GOD is she AGING FAST! YIKES!

    3. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Those who feed on rumors are those who pays your paychecks, you ditz.

    4. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Planting rumors is the life blood of political celebrities like the Palins. They would die, like their lake, if not for planted rumors. How can you pretend you are a victim if there are not enough rumors saying horrible things about you?

    5. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Poor thing. You are on the wrong blog. Get help now before it's too late!

    6. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

      "I'm so pleased to have been cleared of all wrongdoing" - Sarah Heath Palin

  15. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Sarah Palin has thin skin and can't take criticism, advice or even jokes about herself. In her immature mind, she thinks that if she is surrounded by piles of newspapers that will put an end to an embarrassing question that she couldn't answer. Caught writing on her hand, she writes on her hand, ha ha ha. I'll show them, Hi Mom!

    Both of these examples really say that Sarah is uninformed, unintelligent and she has to bluff her way through an "impromptu" Q&A with some notes written on the palm of her hand. Either Sarah is lazy and doesn't want to learn or she can't learn. Either way, that's the problem.

    When Sarah quit her job as governor, Karl Rove advised Sarah to take some time off, educate herself and write a book. Sarah could not remember the total sum of Karl's good advice. He has been in major league politics much longer than Sarah has. (No one counts mayor of a town of a couple of thousand people as "major" political experience. My kid's high school has more people than Wasilla). Sarah had a sappy biography ghost written for her, but she forgot the more important piece of advice, namely learning stuff.

    Sarah is good for ratings, but people are not tuning in to hear her words of wisdom. Sarah only has nasty insults, belittling people who are smarter than she is. Katie Couric has been in "major" broadcasting since 1979. She asked Sarah perfectly reasonable questions which Sarah couldn't answer. Sarah's other problem is in carrying her grudge for all these years. Katie is being paid $40 million dollars and she will have her own morning talk show this September. Sarah tried out for her own talk show on Fox. What happened to it?

    Sarah's other grudge match is against the guy who beat her in 2008. Sarah was personally running against Barack Obama. She forgets that she was the Vice Presidential candidate, not the Presidential candidate. She wanted to give HER speech, not of concession but something to advance her political standing. Sarah has enough chips on her shoulder to build that roaring fire in her fake homey studio up there is Wasilla. A mature person puts those chips (grudges) to rest, burns them up and moves on. Anger and revenge drive Sarah with a burning passion. When she speaks about President Obama, she turns into that mean girl from high school, yapping and snarling at him. Her voice shakes and she can't hide her emotions. "He considers himself a constitutional scholar." He went to Harvard Law School, was head of Harvard Law Review and he did teach Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago. Sarah's poor use of English makes us wonder if she actually got a degree in Journalism or Communication, since she can't write and she can't speak. (Ghost writing does not count). Sarah does not have an advance degree in anything, nor has she taught at the University level. Rather than learn something, she makes fun of people who are smarter and more talented than she is. Newspapers? Sharpie pens? It's really not funny at all.

    Sarah tries to laugh off the small stuff. See, I am sitting near newspapers. Someone thought I was Tina Fey. I'd punch 'em in the neck. Oh, geez, man, grown ups don't talk or act like that.

    1. Anonymous6:37 AM

      You hit the nail on the head...over and over and over again. Great, great post, Anon 7:09.

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      You've summed it up beautifully.
      She's an amateur in a world of professionals, and she doesn't/can't realize it.
      And most of her behavior, dress, speech, are fresh from Wasilla -- bullying, inappropriate,
      bush-league. She's never noticed how different she is from the people she pretends are her equals.

    3. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Has anyone ever seen her college degree or transcripts?

  16. Anonymous6:11 AM

    So what was the endgame in all of this? She is given the opportunity to go on major network TV and poke fun at herself, her history of gaffes, and just generally try to enhance her favorable ratings. Why did they set this up? Simply because the woman is famous (and notorious)?

    Or was this simply a delusional exercise in imagined "revenge" against Katie Couric by the Today show producers or Sarah herself (and we all know it didn't work, or matter anyway).

    Was this an intentional effort to try to reset her reputation, to make her more likable so they can launch yet another phase of Sarah Palin's career?

    The thing is, how dare these television people give her a platform? How dare they foist her off on us once again? In the sick world of FOX propaganda one sees a reliance on uber-bitchy women, so her spot there makes some level of sense. But regular television???? This is the same network that has Brian Williams, yes an MSM guy with all that implies, but a guy with half a brain who I daresay would only speak to Sarah Palin if a scandal broke out and she had to answer for something - FINALLY.

    Who was behind this appearance? I am truly fearful they are trying to help her reinvent herself. So many odd people on TV nowadays, reality stars and people of varying degrees of celebrity. She fits right in with that freak show.

    She could try to become a TV personality with a talk show. Nightmare, total and complete nightmare.

    Or she's going to end up with her own Talk Radio show or something like that, a new kind of Dr. Laura. Just wait.

    She will froth at the mouth, over the airwaves, on a daily basis.

    Someone needs to bring her down. She needs to be discredited and sent back to where she came from. The truth needs to come out, or this force for evil will continue, unabated.

    1. lostinmn6:41 AM

      It's freak week on Today - Octomom and Sara are the headliners - that should tell you everything about why they invited her on.

  17. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Well, she was on her Blackberry prior to picking up the sharpie to "pretend write on her hand." Speaking of which, she's due to update her lifestyle lift because it's failing, badly. Did you see the rolls of flesh as she tucked her chin while writing on her hand? OMG. I'm surprised that screenshots haven't been all over the net.

  18. Anonymous6:58 AM

    She stated that she was happy that they "beat the perky one", but did they, really? How many viewers did Today lose over this screeching witch? Her 15 minutes were up long ago, but she just won't go away and take her untalented family with her. Now her daughter is wasting Alaskan taxpayers money on another reality show. This will be #3, and probably will not sell, either. None of them are interesting. Who wants to see Bristles shacked up with ANOTHER guy, pretending to be a father figure to her son? Boring, boring, boring, the entire clan.

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      In essence, their numbers stayed the same. 23,000 more viewers is nothing. Plus, as someone pointed out yesterday, who can tell if they tuned in for Tori Spelling or for her? Too bad for you, NBC.

    2. Anonymous11:33 AM

      "beat the perky one" was about all the propaganda Breitbart/Banner (un DEFEATED) could come up with.
      I know they released that faux "Game On" gig as if there actually was a challenge that both Palin and Couric took on. Did Katie Couric ever acknowledge any thing close to knowing about their "Game On" challenge? Or was it just one sided showboating? It is not like Breitbart/Banner gave Katie time to prepare. This big battle was announced last minute.

      They are cowards.

    3. Anonymous11:38 AM

      "In essence, their numbers stayed the same."

      That was not the purpose for NBC to use Sarah Palin. Media number crunchers do not want stay the same or mediocre. They are serious about ratings.

      Palin did not deliver, she failed again.


    4. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

      Actually, even IF the numbers were favorable for Sarah, Katie is hosting for the entire week, so one would have to take one fifth of Katies total ratings, then mark Sarah on a curve because she's so far behind Katie, socially, economically, and looks-wise.
      People don't realize the life experience Katie's had. She was widowed with two children and was the anchor of world news. She's dating a younger man and providing quite well for her family, on her own.

      Sarah - forgetaboutit!

  19. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I clearly read what was on her hand.

    It was Sarah Palin's address and doctor's name in case she went into a catatonic state.

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson will do anything to rescue her pal.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

      or premature labor

  20. Anonymous7:18 AM

    When I began reading about Babygate I was astonished. Would it really be possible for Palin to fake a pregnancy? How could she do that? What was the story with poor old Bristol, and her boyfriend? Were his stories about how she ignored the children true? I could believe it, yes. Could I really believe her story about the Wild Ride? Well, it came from her own mouth, and was utterly horrifying. She waited to finish a speech after her waters broke? Didn’t she know that the moment a woman’s waters break there is no protection surrounding the baby any longer, and that she needs to remain in one place, just so that there is less danger of infection? I had been told this as a basic in antenatal class. Once your waters break, get to hospital. But she waited, then got on a plane? Then took an hour long car journey, whilst in labour? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. What negligence. She wanted to come across as tough and hardy, but these actions were insanely dangerous to her unborn preterm child. She knew the child was a Downs Syndrome baby, and that it was going to be born prematurely, and yet she boarded a plane? She delayed getting to hospital to finish a speech? This is not normal behaviour, by any measure. After four previous children the likelihood is that her fifth would be born very quickly – almost certainly en route in this situation. Why would she risk that? The question must be asked. I believe she does not share the same maternal feelings as most women, and yet I find this ‘Wild Ride’ story really shocking. It’s almost as if she wanted harm to befall that baby.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      I find this ‘Wild Ride’ story really shocking. It’s almost as if she wanted harm to befall that baby.

      I can't believe that Dr. Nancy could sit next to that woman. If she knows the ‘Wild Ride’ story, if not, why not?
      What happened to all the people that once cared for wellbeing of the unborn and disabled? It is acceptable to continue to carry on what a super parent she is and never address that story she told? A story of horrendous abuse and threat of life of a disabled unborn. Dr. Nancy can just shine that on? Doesn't she get letters?

    2. Welcome to the club!

    3. Anonymous10:42 AM

      The explanation is simple. She was never pregnant and told a that tale to enhance her "pioneer woman" street cred.

      There is no lie too big for her.

      And if she really was really pregnant, she showed a completely callous disregard for her baby's life and well being.

    4. Anonymous11:43 AM

      *There is no lie too big for her.

      Yeah, thanks NBC and Dr. Snyderman for helping the BIG LIE stay alive. Thanks for showing how much you love our country.

      They are complicit in this fraud.

    5. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Just for comparison for people who may not be familiar with how it really 26 year old daughter recently gave birth to her typically developed second child at full term. She thought maybe her water started leaking at 4pm. The dr. said come in within the next 2 hrs to be checked. When she got to the hospital at 6 she had started to leak but no contractions. They induced at 1 am and he was born at 7 am. The rule of thumb is the baby needs to be born with 12 hours of the water starting to leak. And this was for a normal baby at 40 weeks!

  21. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Haha! IM is the little annoying thorn in her flesh.

    But, seriously, she's STILL writing on her hand? This raises a question of her having some 'emotional instability, or emotional under-development, or maybe a low spectrum autism or mental disability below the radar. She always seems stuck on the one thing that she's been caught doing. Two years ago, she was caught using marker notes on her hand. Normal people LET it GO. She just can't seem to - what is this compulsion to keep throwing it in other's faces. If she wants to play schoolyard fight with her critics, she should pick a fight with them on their turf.

    But what Palin does, is she picks that juvenile fight on national TV, while she's trying to sell herself as a serious 'journalist', 'pundit', guest co-host, or Republican adviser. Her writing in the hand is BEYOND funny, it's been overcooked. Why can't she see how derailed this makes her look?

  22. Anonymous8:27 AM

    She did it as a joke. She thinks if she makes fun of herself it erases how pathetic it was in the first place.

    I am not amused. I am bone tired of this woman, and I am thoroughly disgusted with these clowns for putting her on their show.

    Talk about feeding the ego of a megalomaniac.

    Remember when some people thought Sarah was "done", that we didn't need to continue our hyper-vigilance? God, they couldn't have been more wrong. This crazy woman, in a crazy world, will just keep doing what she is doing - as long as she gets to pretend she is something that she is not. The potential danger of this is impossible to over-state. I feel she is capable of almost brainwashing people, stupid people that is.

    It's time, people who know things. Well past time.

    It isn't funny anymore. Time to expose Sarah and her family, and then see if anyone gives a damn about her opinions or continues to give her any further airtime, attention, or money.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I so agree. There is nothing funny about this sick demented woman. And shame on NBC and any journalist that ignores how paycho she is.

  23. Anonymous8:47 AM

    The hand writing was an obvious shot at her critics but what wasn't quite as obvious was the big red scarf. It was symbolic of the scarves she wore when she faked the pregnancy and was meant to convey the message: "I have won."

    Perhaps she has won on that one because a motherhood issue is always hard to fight. Or at least, an issue that is a fake but is successfully turned into a motherhood issue.

    On the side of her detractors though, the issue has lost all it's appeal now as it appears to have become accepted. Save for a few persistent souls here on this blog who won't let it go.

    1. Dinty9:24 AM

      All of these subtle hints she employs (if this is indeed the case) to signal certain things must exhaust her. Why does she bother?

      It really is a sign of a monumental level of pettiness.

    2. Anonymous10:58 AM

      She HAS won. The truth is she and Todd have gotten away with every lie and illegal activity.

      Haven't they????

    3. Anonymous11:49 AM

      So far.

      One day a place like NBC may decide not to be complicit with the liars. There may be a responsible media, media person, journalist, medical professional that stops laying down and allowing Todd and Sarah to destroy our country. I really don't see how that is patriotic or American. Hopefully enough people will keep writing and letting the fools know the answers we want.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:55 PM

      But she hasn't won, she's already, in her own words, given two distinctly different birth places. Originally it was the Mat Su, then years later, it became Anchorage.
      I gave birth to three, and I can tell you from rote the exact time, date, and place each was born.

      She can lie and perpetuate the myth all she wants, but the truth will come out, it always does. And it'll come directly from Sarah's mouth or actions. She'll cross the wrong person, and they'll spill the beans. This usually occurs shortly after the money runs out.

    5. Anonymous8:43 AM

      What has she WON exactly? It certainly
      has not been respect, admiration, or legitimacy.

      She has indeed cemented her legacy and that of her family. They will forever be cast as American jokes in the annals of our history. Her kids and grandchildren are the ones that will have to suffer the burden of shame and ridicule, that she and the Pimp have visited upon them. We all will be LAUGHING at this family legacy for years to come. Rest in peace Palins, judgement day is coming.

  24. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I see that Dr. Nancy Snyderman takes her responsibilities serious and she is having that sit down talk with Mrs. Todd Palin about her last pregnancy and the story of her Wild Ride from Texas to Alaska. Putting the safety of an unborn first, of course. Dr. Nancy is a real professional with accolades, right up there with Dr. Cathy Balswin-Johnson. The family practioner that so nobly delivered the at risk baby after a long trip through grave dangerous weather to please macho father's fish picking needs.

    These two professional doctors do so much to educate the public and oversee the health and safety of unborns, old aged pregnant mothers and the disabled at risk population.

    And great parenting skills just don't stop. No risky medical procedures for Palin cubs.

    So young, so much work. How long will the more “generic Disney star” hold up?

  25. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Funny photoshop. But that Dr sucks.

    Paling around with hackers.

  26. I think I've finally seen most of the show in clips. Her worst moment was right at the end, everyone lined up outside, when she mumbled something about being dressed like Johnny Cash. It finally dawned on her how bad she must have looked compared to the other very fashionably dressed women.

    Having seen the event in clips, there is a programming theme that just pops out--"Let's see if we can feature the particular issues which prompt the biggest whoppers from Sarah Palin"; pregnancy, politics, parenting teenage daughters, rude public behavior, acknowledging personal mistakes, entertaining at home. Someone was seriously punked here I think.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      If it is a serious punk it should not be for just a quickie entertainment and a few laughs. Something of value must come from seriously punked.

      "Let's see if we can feature the particular issues which prompt the biggest whoppers from Sarah Palin"

      Good idea. Carry on.

  27. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I love the fact that Katie Couric STILL gets under your skin $arah. Thanks for reiterating that fact for us proving once again that you really do hold grudges and are thin skinned.

  28. Anonymous10:00 AM

    What the heck is wrong with her knuckles? Too many throat punches? She been bypassing the canned goods and wailing on that poor fridge with her fists.

  29. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Wed. GMA bet out the Today show..the Palin effect is at it again!

  30. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Really, she simply can’t get past the reality that she is OLD and getting OLDER. Her 15 minute gig is up and she is obviously casting about for SOMETHING to do. Time for the media to cut bait and let her sink to the bottom with the rest of the bottom feeders. It is so obvious to me she ought to stay home and work on her investments because the party is over.

  31. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Just as I suspected....NBC shot themselves in the you the same stands tomorrow...they lost viewers they would have normally had because they had SP on and gave her airtime to voice her poison.....she got a small bump yesterday ONLY from her Faux different story! Haha!

  32. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Is the handwriting the same style as the ones before?

  33. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I think that she wrote, I hope you can't smell my stinking ass from where you are sitting.

  34. PalinsHoax7:02 PM

    And on her other hand Palin wrote: Stuff bra with Tawdry's washcloths and used condoms.

  35. Anita Winecooler7:18 PM

    I know it's photoshop, but I bet it's closer to the truth than fiction.

    Her all black fashion gaffe being explained away by "I was goin' to wear my pink blazer, but realized I wore it the last time...." then the "Johnny Cash" comment, when she realized how inappropriate black jeans, black blouse, and snake skin high high heels looked in contrast to the "more fashionable" attire the other guests backfired.

    She wore the pink blazer on Sean Hannity, claiming victory in her lame stream debut. Yet months ago, she wore an op art zebra print to a "conservative" speech.

    You'd have to go to a bait shop to find a woman with her fashion sense.

    She didn't wear pink because Katie wore a pink dress in her promos. If you put them side by side, Sarah is clearly the loser.

  36. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Not sure this has already been posted:

  37. Anonymous8:47 AM

    A 48 year old woman, stuck in a 17 year old High School mind.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.